DiGiorno Pizza Thanksgiving Pie on The Way Turkey, Gravy and Potato!!!

Pizza with all the trimmings? ... that's what DiGiorno is planning this season -- a pie with turkey, gravy and potato -- and it's got a lot of people scratching their heads.

A few months after unveiling their controversial pickle and pineapple frozen pizzas, DiGiorno is back with another unusual limited-time pizza just in time for Thanksgiving.

Named the "DiGiorno Thanksgiving Pizza," the new Detroit-style pizza promises to "deliver all the Thanksgiving favorites in one bite, no matter how you slice it."

Basically, you can find all of your holiday season favorites on the rectangular base, complete with diced sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberries, crispy onions, creamy gravy sauce, and, of course, turkey.

As with any good pizza, this one also comes stuffed with a bunch of mozzarella and cheddar.

The Thanksgiving pizza is priced at $11.23 and will be sold online every Wednesday starting November 1 on a first come, first serve basis.

Thanksgiving Pizza ...

So we gotta ask ... would you?

MAGIC JOHNSON ¡NUEVO MULTIMILLONARIO! Cuarto deportista en conseguirlo

Magic Johnson acaba de unirse al club de las 10 cifras y entró en la prestigiosa lista como uno de los pocos atletas en lograrlo, así informa Forbes.

La célebre revista, que se enorgullece de estar al tanto de la fortuna de las estrellas, dice que su nuevo recuento sobre el grande de los Lakers lo ha convertido oficialmente en multimillonario. Según ellos, el patrimonio neto estimado de Earvin ronda los 1.200 millones de dólares.

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Dicen que su riqueza masiva después del baloncesto es el resultado de una mezcolanza de inversiones que ha hecho a lo largo de los años y si usted sabe algo acerca de Magic, sabrá que es un gran hombre de negocios.

El tipo es propietario parcial de varios equipos deportivos profesionales, como los Dodgers, los Sparks, el LAFC de la MLS y, más recientemente, los Washington Commanders de la NFL. Sin embargo, estas inversiones no son las que lo hacen parte de la lista.

Al parecer, es la participación del 60% de Magic en una compañía de seguros de vida llamada EquiTrust, de la que se apoderó en 2015. La compañía ha estado en auge en lo que respecta a los beneficios desde entonces y ha vuelto a Magic aún más rico como resultado.

Hay más inversiones que Magic ha hecho que lo llevaron al borde del precipicio, tales como cadenas de cines, así como una asociación de Starbucks en la que entró hace un tiempo. También tiene una participación minoritaria adicional en una planta embotelladora de PepsiCo fuera de DC.

Por supuesto, también es un magnate de los medios de comunicación, por no mencioar que es una cara increíblemente reconocible en casi todas partes.

Como ya hemos dicho, el hecho de que Magic haya alcanzado esta cifra le sitúa en un grupo exclusivo de otros tres deportistas en la estratosfera de los multimillonarios: LeBron James, Tiger Woods y Michael Jordan. Ahora Magic está allí también y para ser honesto, fue un largo tiempo de espera.

El tipo ha estado viviendo una vida de lujo desde hace un tiempo y lo tiene bien merecido. ¡Felicidades!

Magic Johnson New Billionaire!!! 4th Athlete to Hit Milestone

Magic Johnson just joined the 10-figure club -- and he's in the prestigious company as only one of a few athletes to reach the achievement ... so says Forbes, anyway.

The famed magazine -- which prides itself on keeping tabs on stars' fortunes -- says their new tally on the Laker great has now made him an official billionaire ... and he's got change to spare with the title. According to them, Earvin's estimated net worth is around $1.2 bil.

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They say his massive wealth post-basketball comes as a result of a hodgepodge of investments he's made over the years -- and if you know anything about Magic, that tracks.

The dude's a partial owner in a number of pro sports teams -- including the Dodgers, the Sparks, MLS' LAFC and more recently ... the NFL's Washington Commanders. Interestingly enough, though, these minority owner stakes aren't what make him rich-rich here.

Apparently, it's Magic's 60% stake in a life insurance company called EquiTrust ... which he snapped up in 2015. The company's been booming in profits since then -- and he's rolling in the dough as a result.

There are more investments Magic's made that tipped him over the edge ... including movie theater chains he's bought into, as well as a Starbucks partnership he entered into a while back. He's also got an extra minority stake in a PepsiCo bottling plant outside of D.C.

Of course, he's also a media mogul ... not to mention an incredibly recognizable face just about everywhere he goes -- which probably helps when he gets booked for appearances.

Like we said, Magic hitting this benchmark puts him in an exclusive group among 3 other athletes in the billionaire stratosphere ... that'd be LeBron James, Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan. Now Magic's there too -- and to be honest, it was probably a long time coming.

The guy's been living a life of luxury for a while now ... well-deserved. Congrats!!!

Matthew Perry Casual Meal with a Friend 1 Week Ago ... Plus, Eerie Final IG Post

Matthew Perry seemed to be enjoying a day out with a friend exactly one week before he died -- leaving a West L.A. eatery in a scene that turns out to be the last time he'd be seen in public.

On October 21, the "Friends" star was walking out of the Apple Pan -- a popular West L.A. spot for burgers, sandwiches and pies. He appeared to be leaving with a male friend who was carrying a takeout bag.

Matthew was growing a little goatee ... a different look from the clean-cut guy millions of "Friends" fans knew and loved, but all in all the guy seemed to be doing well.

Prior to that, MP was seen on October 3, as he left a workout in Los Angeles.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew's assistant found him unresponsive Saturday morning at his home, just a couple hours after he'd completed a 2-hour match of pickleball. Our sources say he was found in a hot tub, and there were no drugs found at the scene.

It certainly seems like Matthew enjoyed soaking in the tub. It's an eerie image now, but just 6 days ago -- in what would be his final IG post -- he posted a nighttime shot from the hot tub, and included the caption, "Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I'm Mattman."

Clearly, that sense of humor his fans loved and came to expect from the beloved 54-year-old actor was still intact.

We discussed Matthew's legacy on the latest episode of Last Days, available on all podcast platforms.

Ras Kass Taking $500K, Already Ate with Jay!!! And Rap's Not Trash, the Promos Are

Ras Kas
I'M TAKING THE $500,000

Ras Kass has made peace with his drunken ball drop with Jay-Z from years ago, but now that he knows what he knows ... he'd opt for the $500K in the Jay dinner debate.

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with the West Coast MC Wednesday night at Projector L.A.'s Halloween bash, where he told us his wounds from ruining his chance to spearhead Jay's label have long healed.

But, he's learned a valuable lesson: All up-and-coming rappers better be ready to lose themselves at ANY given moment.

And, steer clear of all wack hip hop!!!

RK met up with Jay in NYC in the early 2000s in hopes of being the flagship artist for the developing Roc-A-Fella West label division.

When they arrived at their club destination, RK says paranoia crept in as he got the hunch he and Jay could end up fighting -- so he began downing some liquid courage.

No club brawls took place, but when Jay introduced RK on the mic, he was too slizzard to nail his rhymes ... and Jay lost his number!!!

In hindsight, RK tells us he forgot the real reason he was there that night, and fumbled the bag -- but there's no hard feelings.

While he praises Jay for his shrewd business sense, Ras Kass has no shame in his game ... he says he'd definitely take the imaginary $500K over a second chance meeting with the mogul.

Hey, that's exactly what Jay's advising everyone to do!!!

Look at that, RK and Jay finally on the same page.

Russell Wilson Happy Birthday, Ciara ... Waffle House Is Yours For A Night!!!


Forget nightclubs and fancy restaurants ... Russell Wilson took Ciara to a Waffle House for her birthday -- and she loved it!!!

The NFL star rented out the entire eatery on Wednesday night to celebrate his wife's 38th trip around the sun ... dolling up the chain food place with a red carpet, balloons and much more.

The bash was clearly a surprise for Ciara -- who couldn't believe Wilson put in the extra effort to make her cake day that special.

"Oh, my gosh," she said in a highlight video of the evening. "Babe! This is like next level. This is like top, top!"

"My honey knows how much I love Waffle House!"

The two sat down in a booth for CiCi's bday dinner ... and it seems Ciara's order featured hashbrowns, cheese, a sandwich and some pickles. And, of course, later in the night, it was all washed down with a platter of birthday donuts.

Wilson noted in Ciara's video that he knew she'd be a fan of his big plan ... saying he had an inkling her pregnant belly "wanted some waffles and eggs."

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Wilson's perfect birthday for his wife didn't just begin at night, though ... earlier in the day, he penned a mushy note to her on Instagram, writing that she's truly "Heaven sent, the perfect mother to our children, and God’s blessing to me."

Take notes, men!


¡Las estrellas han estado mostrando sus calabazas festivas y disfrutando de sus semillas! ¿Qué mejor manera de rendir homenaje a estas fotos de calabaza en el Día Nacional de la Calabaza?

Dylan Sprouse posó junto a dos calabazas casi idénticas, mostrando lo imponente que puede ser una calabaza grande.

Kourtney Kardashian hizo alarde de su hermosa panza de bebé junto a un paquete de calabazas decorativas.

De todas las formas y tamaños, las calabazas están por toda la ciudad y merecen ser celebradas ¡Échale un vistazo a nuestra galería de fotos de calabazas de famosos!

Pumpkin Party In Hollywood ... Go Big Or Gourd Home!

Orange you pumped pumpkins are at the forefront of your feeds? Stars have been showing off their festive finds and enjoying their seeds! What better way to honor these gourd-geous pics on National Pumpkin Day?!

Dylan Sprouse posed next to two nearly identical pumpkins, showing how 'suite life' can be with some big ole squash!

And harvesting any day now ... Kourtney Kardashian flaunted her beautiful baby bump next to a pack of decorative pumpkins.

All shapes and sizes ... pumpkins are all a-round town, and they deserve to be celebrated ... Check out our gallery of Celebrity Pumpkin Pics!

Dunkin' Donuts WOMAN GETS $3M FOR SPILLED COFFEE ... Franchise Settles Lawsuit

Dunkin' Donuts allegedly dished out a very hot, and very expensive cup of coffee ... a franchise in Georgia just settled a lawsuit over some spilled java for $3 million.

Here's the deal ... an elderly woman in Atlanta sued after claiming she suffered third-degree burns when her Dunkin' Donuts coffee spilled on her lap as she sat in her car in the drive-thru of a DD in Sugar Hill, GA.

The woman, represented by Benjamin Welch at Morgan & Morgan, claimed the lid was not secured on the coffee cup, causing a spill she says burned her body so badly she had to get extensive skin grafts and re-learn how to walk.

The law firm says the incident happened back in February 2021 ... and now there's been a settlement, with the woman set to receive $3 million from the Dunkin' Donuts franchisee.

Morgan & Morgan says the woman racked up more than $200k in medical bills, and still struggles with day-to-day life as a result of the burns, which require her to apply creams and ointments several times a day.

The lawsuit and settlement bring back memories of a famous 1994 lawsuit against McDonald's, when another woman claimed she was burned by hot coffee.

That suit eventually went to trial and triggered a massive push for tort reform in America ... not to mention getting referenced in a "Seinfeld" episode and a Toby Keith song.


Dunkin 'Donuts sirvió una taza de café muy caliente y que también resultó ser muy cara, pues una franquicia en Georgia acaba de resolver una demanda sobre una taza derramada sobre un cliente, por una suma de $3 millones.

Esta es la cuestión, una anciana en Atlanta demandó a la marca después de reclamar que sufrió quemaduras de tercer grado cuando su café Dunkin Donuts se vertió en su regazo mientras estaba sentada en su coche en el autoservicio de Sugar Hill, GA.

La mujer, representada por Benjamin Welch de Morgan & Morgan, acusó que la tapa no estaba asegurada en el vaso, lo que causó el derrame que quemó su cuerpo y que fue tan grave que tuvo que recibir injertos de piel y hasta volver a aprender a caminar.

El bufete de abogados dice que el incidente ocurrió en febrero de 2021 y recién se ha llegado a un acuerdo con la demandante, quien recibirá $3 millones de la franquicia.

Morgan & Morgan dice que la mujer acumuló más de $200k en facturas médicas y todavía está lidiando en el día a día con las consecuencias de las quemaduras, las que requieren la aplicación de cremas y ungüentos varias veces al día.

La demanda y el acuerdo traen a la memoria una famosa demanda de 1994 contra McDonald's, en la que otra mujer afirmó haberse quemado con café caliente.

Aquella demanda llegó a juicio y desencadenó una enorme presión para reformar las responsabilidades civiles en Estados Unidos, por no decir que se hizo referencia a ella en un episodio de "Seinfeld" y en una canción de Toby Keith.

Jay-Z Are You Crazy?! Take $500K Over Dinner with Me

Jay-Z is advising all Twitter philosophers out there to take the proverbial "$500,000" over having dinner with him ... he's saying all the "jewels" they think they'll get are in his old albums!!!

HOV weighed in on the viral social media question Monday with Gayle King on "CBS Mornings," where he finally gave fans the answer key ... well, his, at least.

In case you’re not hip, fans have been having a field day with the topic for YEARS ... debating if having just ONE dinner with Jay is worth more than $500K cash upfront.

Clearly an obvious choice for many, but some have argued that Jay will bless them with the missing link to create their own billion-dollar empire!!!

Jay’s not exactly disagreeing with them, but he’s saying there’s a $499,989.01 discount just for listening to one of his old albums!!!

He touted cash-saving tactics on his last released album “4:44” back in 2017, and way back in 2009, he infamously rapped the lines ... "HOV on that new s**t, n****s like "How come?" N****s want my old s**t, buy my old albums."

Jay says he didn't name a batch of his albums "The Blueprint" just because ... he says the songs contain his life's work and everything he rapped about became true.


With over 100 million records sold, the most Grammy wins for a rapper, and his Roc Nation label still going strong, no one's questioning him either.

Kim Kardashian Goes all Sexy Vamp In Red Dress ... For Celeb-Studded 43rd Bday Bash

Kim Kardashian was the epitome of sex appeal for her 43rd birthday bash in L.A. Friday night, ringing in her big night with Hollywood's elite and her famous fam.

KK cut an amazing figure in her seductive fire-red dress with bikini laces and cool black sunglasses as she sauntered inside posh Funke restaurant in Bev Hills ... aka the hottest restaurant in town.

The Skims mogul made her grand entrance flanked by security and sis Khloe, who also looked incredible in her all-white form-fitting minidress.

The other Kardashians -- Kendall, Kylie and Kris -- didn't look too shabby either. Kendall squeezed into her tight, shiny leopard-skin gown, while Kylie and Kris wore shapely black getups.


Of course, the guest list was chock-full of bold-faced names ... such as Lauren Sanchez, Hailey Bieber, Ivanka Trump, Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen, Sara Foster and Kimora Lee.

KK’s childhood best friends were all there including Allison Statter -- as were Steph Shepherd, Tracy Romulus, Natalie Halcro, Olivia Pierson and Shelly Azoff, and Khloe's BFFs Malika and Khadijah Haqq.

Everybody looked like a million bucks as they piled onto the eatery's stunning Parisian-inspired rooftop, which was rented out for Kim's private celebration.

To satisfy their taste buds, they all got to enjoy a menu fit for a queen. Check out some of the dinner options ... Branzino Alla Brace (Mediterranean Seabass), Gemelli (Ragu Bolognese), Melanzane Alla Parmigiana (Heirloom Eggplant), Pollo Al Mattone (Roasted Heritage Chicken) and Mezza Maniche Cacio E Pepe (Black Pepper & Pecorino Romano Pasta).


And to top it off, there were 2 desserts ... Torta Di Gianduja (Letterpress Chocolate Trufflebert farm Hazelnuts) and Galette Di Fruitta Di Bosco (Farmers Market Fruit Crema Di Mandorle).

As we said, the supper was fit for queen. By the way, kuddos to Khloe and Kim's bestie Allison for hosting the memorable night.

Happy Bday Kim!!!!

KIM KARDASHIAN Va muy sexy en un vestido rojo Para celebrar sus 43 años

Kim Kardashian fue el símbolo del sex appeal en su fiesta de cumpleaños 43, la que contó con la élite de Hollywood y su famosa familia el viernes por la noche en Los Ángeles.

Kim se veía increíble con un seductor vestido rojo con cordones de bikini y gafas negras, mientras se paseaba en el interior del elegante restaurante Funke en Beverly Hills, también conocido como el restaurante más de moda de la ciudad.

La magnate de Skims hizo su gran entrada flanqueada por seguridad y su hermana Khloe, quien también se veía increíble en un mini vestido blanco bien ajustado.

Las otras Kardashians -Kendall, Kylie y Kris -tampoco estaban nada de mal. Kendall lució un ajustado y brillante vestido de piel de leopardo, mientras que Kylie y Kris lucieron torneados atuendos negros.

Por supuesto, la lista de invitados estuvo repleta de nombres famosos, como Sofía Vergara, Lauren Sánchez, Hailey Bieber, Ivanka Trump, Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen, Sarah Foster y Kimora Lee.

Las mejores amigas de la infancia de Kim también estuvieron presentes, como, Allison Slater, Steph Shepherd, Tracy Romulus, Natalie Halcro, Olivia Pierson y Shelly Azoff, así como las mejores amigas de Khloe, Malika y Khadijah Haqq.

Todo el mundo parecía de un millón de dólares mientras se amontonaban en la impresionante azotea del restaurante de inspiración parisina, que fue alquilada para la celebración privada de Kim.

Para satisfacer sus papilas gustativas, todos disfrutaron de un menú digno de una reina. Echa un vistazo a algunas de las opciones de la cena: Branzino Alla Brace (lubina mediterránea), Gemelli (salsa boloñesa), Melanzane Alla Parmigiana (berenjena), Pollo Al Mattone (pollo asado) y Mezza Maniche Cacio E Pepe (pimienta negra y pecorino romano).

Todos abordo

Y para rematar, había 2 postres: Torta Di Gianduja (Letterpress Chocolate Trufflebert granja Avellanas) y Galette Di Fruitta Di Bosco (Farmers Market Fruit Crema Di Mandorle).

Los invitados de honor

Como hemos dicho, la cena fue digna de una reina. Por cierto, felicitaciones a Khole y a Allison, la mejor amiga de Kim, por ser las anfitrionas de esta memorable noche.

¡¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños, Kim!!!!

Notorious Gastro Con Man Faked Heart Attacks In Spanish Restaurants ... To Skip Out On Tabs

An accused con man came up with a bizarre, yet hilarious scheme to get out of paying his restaurant tabs ... he faked heart attacks on TWENTY occasions!!!!

The alleged scam artist, identified as Aidas J., took on a "typical Russian tourist" persona as he hit various eateries in Alicante, Spain, where he moved from his home in Lithuania, according to news reports. He would then go about swindling the establishments.

In his latest grift, Aidas sat down in El Buen Comer and ordered a seafood dish and two whiskies.

After he knocked it all back, he tried to slip out the door without paying. But an eagle-eyed employee blocked him and demanded he pay the $36.80.

Aidas said he needed to get the money from his hotel room, but, when that excuse didn't fly, he pretended to be sick and slumped to the floor.

Of course, the staff was dubious and contacted the police. Responding officers immediately recognized Aidas as the notorious scammer whose been arrested numerous times for the same hijinks.

Aidas was arrested for the unpaid $36 bill and hauled off to the police station. Usually, he spends a few days in jail and then he's back out doing his thing.

Many of the restaurant owners in the port city have posted pictures of him so people will be on the lookout.

TAYLOR SWIFT Noche de sushi con Selena y Zoë ... Lo siento Travis!!!

Taylor Swift y su escuadrón de chicas estuvieron de paseo en la ciudad de Los Ángeles, cogiendo sushi con sus compañeras de la lista A, Selena Gómez y Zoë Kravitz.

Las chicas fueron al muy recomendable Sushi Park en West Hollywood el jueves por la noche, y al parecer, todas lo pasaron muy bien, ya que fueron vistas riéndose y sonriendo a la salida del lugar.

Como saben, Selena y Taylor son amigas desde 2008, cuando Taylor estuvo saliendo con Joe Jonas y Selena con Nick Jonas, así que ya han pasado por todo juntas.

Zoë también ha trabajado con Taylor en el pasado, como una de las compositoras acreditadas en la canción de Tay, "Lavender Haze", parte del álbum "Midnights", de 2022.

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Nunca pasan de moda

Por cierto, pareciera que Taylor dejó pasar la oportunidad de estar con Travis Kelce para pasar en su lugar un tiempo con las chicas, pero él tiene un partido en Kansas City este fin de semana, así que es muy probable que esté encerrado en la práctica los próximos días.

No está claro si Taylor va a volver a Missouri para el juego de este fin de semana, pero si lo hace, pueden estar seguros de que tanto los fans de Taylor como los encargados de la NFL van a estar encantados de tenerla. Ella definitivamente ha traído a la audiencia.

También nos enteramos de que la estrella de los Chiefs compró una nueva mansión en Kansas City por poco menos de $6 millones, con la idea de tener un poco más de privacidad al mismo tiempo que su relación se pone más seria.

No hace falta decir que Travis debe haber sido un tema importante en la cena con las chicas.

Taylor Swift Sushi Date With Selena & Zoë ... Sorry Travis!!!

Taylor Swift and her girl squad were out in force in the City of Angels ... grabbing sushi with her fellow A-list ladies, Selena Gomez and Zoë Kravitz.

The ladies took to the highly recommended Sushi Park in West Hollywood Thursday night, and apparently, a good time was had by all -- as they were seen laughing and smiling as they left the joint.

As you know, Selena and Taylor have been pals since 2008, when Taylor was dating Joe Jonas and Selena was with Nick Jonas -- so ya, they've been through it together.

Zoë has also worked with Taylor in the past, as one of the songwriters credited on Tay's song, "Lavender Haze" ... part of her 2022 album, "Midnights."

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BTW, it looks like Taylor passed up a night with her boo, Travis Kelce, for some time with the girls instead -- but he's got a game coming up in Kansas City this weekend, so there's a good chance he'll be locked in at practice for the next few days.

It's unclear if Taylor will make it back to Missouri for the game this weekend, but if she does, you can be sure both Taylor fans and NFL honchos alike will be happy to have her ... she's definitely brought some new eyes to the game.

We've also learned the Chiefs tight end bought a new pad in Kansas City for just under $6 million -- looking to get a lot more privacy as their relationship really heats up.

Goes without saying Travis must've been a hot topic at the girls' sushi dinner.