Hay un Umansky saliendo actualmente con una mujer que trabaja para el imperio de bienes raíces de Mauricio, pero él no es quien sale con ella.

Mira esta foto de Mauricio y Leslie Bega, quien además de trabajar para La Agencia, es actriz. Se ve que ella lo rodea con el brazo. Los padres de Mauricio (que están divorciados) también están comiendo en Il Pastaio en Beverly Hills.

La foto fue tomada el pasado martes luego de la actuación en directo en "Dancing With the Stars". No ha sido facil, pero Mauricio todavía sigue en la competición.

Pudimos notar que Leslie fue al show con su cita, el papá de Mauricio (Eduardo Umansky) quien también trabaja para La Agencia. La madre de Mauricio, la Dra. Estella Sneider, también estaba en el show.

Nos dicen que Leslie, Eduardo y Estella fueron a Il Pastaio juntos y Mauricio se unió a ellos a mitad de la comida.

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dejando las cosas claras

TMZ habló con Mauricio hace unas semanas y lo dejó claro, él y Kyle están separados y dice que ella no está saliendo con nadie.

Como ustedes saben, Kyle ha estado pasando el tiempo con la estrella del country Morgan Wade y han estado en la zona de Santa Bárbara en los últimos días. Kyle está produciendo un documental sobre la vida de Morgan.

Mauricio Umansky Not Dating Co-Worker Leslie Bega ... But His Dad Is!!!

There's an Umansky who's now dating a woman who works for Mauricio's real estate empire, but he's not the one going out with her.

Check out this pic, of Mauricio and Leslie Bega, who, in addition to working for The Agency, is an actress. You see she has her arm around him. Mauricio's parents, who are divorced, are also chowing down at Il Pastaio in Bev Hills.

The pic was snapped last Tuesday, after the live performance of "Dancing With the Stars." Mauricio is struggling, but still in the competition.

We have good recon here, folks, and turns out Leslie went to the show with her date -- Mauricio's dad, Eduardo Umansky, who also works for The Agency. Mauricio's mom, Dr. Estella Sneider, was also at the show.

We're told Leslie, Eduardo and Estella went to Il Pastaio together and Mauricio joined them mid-meal.

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TMZ spoke to Mauricio a few weeks ago and he made it clear ... he and Kyle are separated and he says she's not dating anyone.

As you know, Kyle's been spending a ton of time with country star Morgan Wade ... they've been in the Santa Barbara area the last few days. Kyle's producing a documentary on Morgan's life.


Michael Chiarello, un famoso chef, murió repentinamente este fin de semana.

La ex estrella de "Food Network" falleció el sábado mientras recibía tratamiento en el Queen of the Valley Medical Center en Napa, California y, por lo que sabemos, su hospitalización fue el resultado de un ataque de alergia fatal, esto de acuerdo con su propia empresa.

Gruppo Chiarello anunció el domingo lo que llevó a la muerte de su fundador, diciendo que una reacción alérgica aguda dio lugar a un shock anafiláctico. También dicen que estuvo rodeado de amigos y familiares en sus últimos momentos. No está claro si la reacción alérgica estuvo relacionada con la comida.

El equipo añade: "Lamentamos profundamente la pérdida de nuestro querido patriarca Michael", dijo la familia Chiarello en un comunicado. "Su brillantez culinaria, su creatividad sin límites y su inquebrantable compromiso con la familia eran la esencia de su ser. Unía a la gente a través de la alegría de las comidas, fomentando recuerdos duraderos alrededor de la mesa".

El Gruppo Chiarello concluye diciendo: "Mientras afrontamos esta profunda pérdida, guardamos con cariño los momentos que disfrutamos con él, tanto en sus cocinas como en nuestros corazones. Su legado vivirá para siempre en el amor que vertía en cada plato y en la pasión que nos inculcó a todos para saborear los sabores de la vida".

El chef estrella tuvo una larga carrera en televisión, con su programa "Easy Entertaining With Michael Chiarello" emitido durante 10 temporadas en FN. También participó en series de éxito como "Top Chef", "Chopped" y "The Next Iron Chef", entre otras, por no hablar de sus apariciones en otros programas de entrevistas.

Le sobreviven su esposa, Eileen, y sus cuatro hijos. Michael tenía 61 años.


'Food Network' Chef Michael Chiarello Dead at 61 ... Following Allergic Reaction

Michael Chiarello, a celebrity chef, died this weekend ... and it was apparently sudden.

The former "Food Network" star passed away Saturday while being treated at the Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa, CA -- and, as it turns out, his hospitalization is the result of a fatal allergy attack ... this according to his own company.

Gruppo Chiarello announced Sunday what led up to their founder's death, saying an acute allergic reaction resulted in anaphylactic shock. They also say he was surrounded by friends and family in his final moments. It's unclear if the allergic reaction was food-related.

The team adds, "We deeply mourn the loss of our beloved patriarch Michael," the Chiarello family said in a statement. "His culinary brilliance, boundless creativity, and unwavering commitment to family were at the core of his being. He brought people together through the joy of shared meals, fostering lasting memories around the table."

Gruppo Chiarello finishes by saying, "As we navigate this profound loss, we hold dear the moments we cherished with him, both in his kitchens and in our hearts. His legacy will forever live on in the love he poured into every dish and the passion he instilled in all of us to savor life's flavors."

The star chef had a long run on TV, with his show "Easy Entertaining With Michael Chiarello" airing for 10 seasons on FN. He was also featured on hit series like "Top Chef," "Chopped," "The Next Iron Chef" and others ... not to mention appearances on other talk shows.

He's survived by his wife, Eileen, and his four children. Michael was 61.


LINDSAY LOHAN Filma anuncio de 'Mean Girls' Con las co-protagonistas de la película

Lindsay Lohan aparentemente repitió su famoso papel de la película "Mean Girls", pero esta vez fue para un próximo anuncio de Pepsi.

Al parecer, la actriz y nueva madre, rodó el anuncio con Amanda Seyfried y Lacey Chabert, ambas compañeras de Lindsay en la exitosa película de 2004.

Fotos obtenidas por TMZ muestran a las mujeres juntas en el set de Los Ángeles el viernes, y todas estaban relajadas y sonrientes.

Lindsay llevaba una cartera con la etiqueta "Plastic Clubs Member, Est. 2004", que era el nombre del grupo "Mean Girls" en la película. En el bolso también aparecía su notable eslogan: "Los miércoles vestimos de rosa".

Seyfried y Chabert posaron para las fotos en un carro descapotable y en un campo de fútbol.

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Para quienes no sepan, "Mean Girls" fue un éxito masivo de taquilla y estuvo protagonizada por Lindsay como Cady Heron, Amanda como Karen Smith y Lacey como Gretchen Wieners. La película sigue las experiencias de las tres chicas en la escuela.

Hace apenas unos meses Lindsay tuvo a su primer bebé con su marido, Bader Shammas, en julio. La pareja llamó al niño Luai.

Lindsay Lohan Shoots Apparent 'Mean Girls' Ad With Movie's Costars

Lindsay Lohan apparently reprised her famous role from the film, "Mean Girls," but this time it was for an upcoming Pepsi ad.

The actress -- and new mom -- seemingly shot the ad with Amanda Seyfried and Lacey Chabert, both of whom were Lindsay's costars in the 2004 hit movie.

Photos obtained by TMZ show the women together on set in Los Angeles Friday -- and they all were relaxed and smiling.

Lindsay was holding a pocketbook labeled, "Plastic Clubs Member, Est. 2004," which was the name of the "Mean Girls" group in the flick. The bag also featured their notable tagline, “On Wednesdays, we wear pink.”

Seyfried and Chabert were posing for snapshots in a convertible car and on a football field.

For anyone who doesn't know, "Mean Girls" was a massive success at the box office and starred Lindsay as Cady Heron, Amanda as Karen Smith and Lacey as Gretchen Wieners. The plot follows Cady as she moves to suburban Illinois and enrolls in a public high school, where she joins a "Mean Girls" clique.

Meanwhile, Lindsay had her first baby with husband Bader Shammas in July. The couple named the boy, Luai.

Jodie Turner-Smith Shows Off Bod Amid Divorce from Joshua ... Posts 'Separation' Theory

Jodie Turner-Smith is already in post-breakup hotness mode days after filing to divorce Joshua Jackson ... but she's also deep in thought about the "illusion of separation."

The actress and model was glowing at the Balmain fashion show Thursday in Paris, rocking a black bodysuit that showed off her toned legs.

She also shared some photos earlier this week from her time at the Gucci show, looking drop-dead gorgeous -- and folks in the comments certainly agreed.

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Hot shots weren't the only things she posted, however ... because a string of text on Jodie's IG story Thursday seemed to point directly to her recent divorce filing.

She reposted a quote about quantum physics, which talks about "a particle vibrating due to your sound when you speak," saying it can affect a molecule inside a star "at the edge of the Universe instantly."

It says the phenomenon is known as "quantum entanglement" ... and added, "The greatest illusion of this Universe is the illusion of separation."

The timing here is telling ... TMZ broke the story, Jodie pulled the plug on her marriage with the "Dawson's Creek" star earlier this week, citing the usual "irreconcilable differences" in the divorce docs.

She's asking for joint custody of their 3-year-old, Juno, and wants to ditch the idea of spousal support for both sides -- there's also no prenup in place.

BTW, while Jodie was sharing photos of herself having a blast overseas, Joshua was spotted loading his car at a Whole Foods in Los Angeles. While he has yet to speak out, it appears they're living very different lives amid their split.

MLB Playoff Teams Create New Food Concoctions ... Glazed Donut Sandwich & The 'Schwarburger!!!'

MLB playoff teams are making sure their fans are well fed as they watch their favorite squads push for a World Series title this month ... putting out some new food items that include glazed donuts and a whole lotta meat!

The Braves, Orioles, Astros, Dodgers, Brewers, Twins, Phillies and Rangers all each announced they'll have some zany concoctions at their concession stands throughout their postseason runs this fall.

Perhaps the most notable of the bunch is Atlanta's "Chicken ain't nothing but a bird Blue" sandwich -- which includes three glazed donuts, pickled green tomatoes and two fried chicken breasts ... all topped off with some powdered sugar.

Not to be outdone ... Philadelphia also revealed its "SchwarBurger" -- a gargantuan burger they put out to honor designated hitter Kyle Schwarber.

The sandwich contains beef, smoked brisket, cheese, bacon, onion rings and a whole lot more. And, according to the Phils, it'll be sold for a good cause ... with some of the proceeds benefitting Schwarber's Neighborhood Heroes.

Some of the other cool dishes include fried Walleye sliders in Minnesota, a fried chicken sausage in Milwaukee and some loaded mini corn dogs in Houston.

The playoffs officially kicked off on Tuesday ... now who's hungry?!?

DONALD TRUMP logra que le lleven un enorme pedido de McDonald's

Donald Trump parece tener mucho apetito (¿ansiedad?) cuando su juicio por fraude civil por $250 millones se inicia. Una orden masiva de McDonald's se acaba de entregar en la corte.

guardaespaldas big mac
Peter Gerber

El expresidente es famoso por su amor a la comida de la famosa marca y un par de guardias de seguridad fueron vistos el lunes por la tarde trayendo varias bolsas de comida de la franquicia.

Había al menos seis bolsas de entrega de comida de McDonald's que iban hacia la Corte Suprema de Manhattan, donde Trump está apareciendo por primera vez con su imperio de negocios en la línea.

Trump probablemente no es el único que disfruta de las hamburguesas, estuvo en la corte junto a sus abogados; Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, y Christopher Kise por lo que no es de extrañar que Trump necesitara dos guardias de seguridad para llevar todo el pedido.

donald trump en la corte

Como hemos informado, el juicio del lunes se produce un año después de que Trump fue demandado por la Fiscal General de New York Letitia James, quien afirma que el expresidente ha tergiversado su patrimonio neto por miles de millones de dólares.

Los fiscales también tienen a los hijos de Trump, Eric y Donald Jr. y a sus principales ejecutivos en la mira en un supuesto esquema de una década.

Trump se enfrenta a la posibilidad de que le prohíban hacer negocios de nuevo, y se informa de su juicio podría prolongarse durante 3 meses, así que prepárate para un flujo constante de entregas de comida rápida... Trump también es un gran fan de KFC.

Donald Trump Yuge McDonald's Delivery To Court

Donald Trump appears to be working up an appetite as his $250 million civil fraud trial kicks off ... because a massive McDonald's order was just delivered to court.

Peter Gerber

The former president is famous for his love of the Golden Arches ... and a couple security guards were spotted Monday afternoon bringing in several bags of food from the fast food franchise.

There's at least six delivery bags of McDonald's grub going into Manhattan Supreme Court ... where Trump is appearing for the first time with his business empire on the line.


Trump's probably not the only one chowing down on Mickey D's ... he's in court sitting next to his attorneys Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, and Christopher Kise ... so it's no wonder Trump needed two security guards to bring in all the goodies.


As we reported ... Monday's trial comes a year after Trump was sued by NY Attorney General Letitia James, who claims DT misrepresented his net worth by billions of dollars.

Prosecutors also have Trump's sons, Eric and Donald Jr., and his top execs in the crosshairs in an alleged decade-long scheme.

Trump is facing the possibility of being banned from ever doing business again, and it's reported his trial could drag on for 3 months ... so get ready for a steady stream of fast food deliveries ... Trump's also a big KFC guy.

Hailey Bieber & Selena Gomez Did Not Break Bread in Paris ... After Vid Drove Fans Crazy

Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted leaving the same restaurant in France, sending fans into a tizzy ... but those expecting an awkward lunch date should think again, 'cause it didn't happen.

A source close to the situation tells TMZ ... neither of them knew the other was at L'Avenue in Paris earlier this week, and no one ever made them aware of it while they were dining, either.

We're told Hailey and Selena were also seated on different floors during their meals -- so there certainly wasn't any interaction going on between them.


The viral video showed them entering and leaving the Parisian hotspot while they were there for Fashion Week. The potential meeting of Justin Bieber's wife and ex-girlfriend prompted one fan to ask, "What does this mean?" ... while another simply commented, "WOAH."

Folks also noticed they were at the same after-party this week ... but our sources say they haven't bumped into each other at all. It's a big city.

As we reported, a feud went down earlier this year between Selena's fans and Hailey's ... after people thought HB was throwing shade at SG online.

Selena attempted to put an end to the bashing ... saying Hailey reached out to her and "let me know that she has been receiving death threats and such hateful negativity" in response to the speculation -- asking people to cut out the bullying.

Hailey chimed in, saying she had a hard few weeks in the midst of the backlash ... adding, "Things can always be taken out of context."

Alas, there was no peace summit over baguettes in Paris.

Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez No comieron juntas mientras estaban en París... Después de que video volviera loco a los fans

Hailey Bieber y Selena Gomez fueron vistas saliendo del mismo restaurante en Francia, lo que puso a los fans como locos, pero aquellos que esperaban un incómodo almuerzo entre ambas deberían pensarlo dos veces porque eso nunca pasó.

Una fuente cercana a la situación le dice a TMZ, que las celebridades no tenían idea de que la otra iba a estar en L'Avenue en París a principios de esta semana, y tampoco fueron conscientes de ello mientras estaban en el edificio.

Nos dicen que Hailey y Selena también estaban en diferentes pisos mientras cenaban, por lo que ciertamente no había ninguna interacción pasando entre ellas.

¿mejores amigas?

El video viral las mostró entrando y saliendo del lugar francés mientras estaban en la ciudad para la Semana de la Moda de París. El potencial encuentro entre la esposa y exnovia de Justin Bieber, le hizo preguntarse a un fan, "¿qué significa esto?", mientras que otro simplemente replicó, "WOAH".

La gente también se dio cuenta de que estaban en el mismo after-party esta semana, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que no se toparon para nada. Es una ciudad grande.

Como hemos informado, se suscitó una pelea a principios de este año entre los fans de Selena y Hailey, luego que la gente pensara que Hailey estaba queriendo opacar a Selena.

Selena trató de poner fin a la paliza diciendo que Hailey se contactó con ella y "me hizo saber que ha estado recibiendo amenazas de muerte y tal negatividad odiosa" en respuesta a la especulación, y le pidió a la gente que dejara de intimidarla.

Hailey intervino, diciendo que tuvo unas semanas difíciles en medio de la reacción violenta, añadiendo: "Las cosas siempre se pueden tomar fuera de contexto".

Desgraciadamente, no hubo una cumbre de paz entre ricos baguettes en París.

Eminem Lil Wayne's 'Funyuns' Bars Blew My Mind!!! 🤯

Eminem is now among the top 10 artists for all-time sales, but he's not above admiring the work of his peers ... 'cause Lil Wayne completely floored Slim Shady simply by rapping about snack food!!!

Wayne recently celebrated his 41st birthday by lending his lyrical greatness to YG and Tyga's "Brand New" single where he spits, "Brand new money, brand new hundreds/Got a bunch of zeros like a bag of new Funyuns."

Eminem gave the song a listen and Wayne's Funyuns line left him wondering why he hadn't thought of flipping the bar first.

It's been over a decade since the two crossed paths on a track -- may be time for an update, steel sharpens steel after all!!!

Em is clearly hungry for bars these days ... he's actively calling for all capable MCs to submit tracks to a playlist he's spearheading.

Taylor Swift Empire State Building se ilumina de rojo y blanco ... Por la moda del ketchup y aparentemente "rancho"

Incluso el Empire State Building quiere estar tan iluminado como Taylor Swift, por lo que sus icónicas luces fueron sombreadas para rendirle homenaje, no por su música, sino que por su elección de condimentos.

Sí, el famoso rascacielos de Nueva York descaradamente se subió a la moda del "ketchup y aparentemente rancho" el miércoles por la noche e iluminó sus luces en la punta de rojo y blanco, como culminación a un frenesí salvaje que comenzó hace 4 días en Kansas City.

Sigan leyendo porque esto es un poco loco. El domingo en el juego de los Chiefs, Taylor se tomó una foto con una fan junto a un plato que tenía un pollo y dos cucharadas de salsa de tomate y, al parecer "rancho".

Luego que la foto fuera compartida en la cuenta de fans de Taylor, recibió 32 millones de visitas y se creó un nuevo meme que se volvió tan popular que la gente del Empire State Building tuvo que entrar en acción. Por cierto, Heinz también aprovechó el momento.

Eso sí, el rojo y el blanco también son los colores de los Chiefs de Travis Kelce, el mejor amigo de Taylor, que vienen a Nueva York este fin de semana para jugar contra los Jets de Nueva York. Sí, se espera que Taylor también asista, y sin embargo, la ciudad natal de los Jets, y el Empire State Building no pudieron resistirse.

Ese es el poder de Taylor Swift en 2023. Cómete a los Beatles.

Taylor Swift Gets Empire State Building Red, White ... Lit for 'Ketchup & Seemingly Ranch' Craze

Even the Empire State Building wants to be as lit as Taylor Swift, which is why its iconic lights were shaded to honor her -- not for her music, but for her choice in condiments.

Yes, NYC's famed skyscraper shamelessly hopped on the "ketchup and seemingly ranch" craze Wednesday night by turning its crowning lights red and white ... the culmination of a wild frenzy that started 4 days earlier in Kansas City.

Follow along, because this is kinda crazy -- Sunday at the Chiefs game Taylor takes a photo with a fan, next to a plate with a chicken tender and 2 dollops of ketchup and seemingly ranch.

Then that photo gets tweeted on a Taylor fan account, gets 32 million views and births a new meme trend so big the Empire State Building folks had to get in on the action! BTW, Heinz is capitalizing on the moment, too.

Mind you, red and white are also the colors for Taylor's BF Travis Kelce's Chiefs ... who are coming to NY this weekend to play the NY Jets -- yes, Taylor's expected to attend -- and yet the Jets' hometown Empire State Building just couldn't resist.

That's the power of Taylor Swift in 2023. Eat your heart out Beatles.

Taylor Swift Heinz Honors Travis Kelce Date ... New 'Seemingly Ranch' Condiment

Wanna eat like Taylor Swift at Arrowhead Stadium ... now ya can Swifties -- and it's all thanks to Heinz!!

The condiment company revealed on Tuesday it's debuting a new flavor honoring Swift's appearance at Travis Kelce's game on Sunday.

It's called "Ketchup and Seemingly Ranch" ... and it, of course, is a nod to the snack choice Swift made while she was hanging out with Donna Kelce in Travis' suite during Kansas City's blowout win over the Chicago Bears.

The pop star was seen munching on a piece of chicken with some ketchup and what her fans dubbed "seemingly ranch" -- and to capitalize on the moment, Heinz has made it possible for her and Travis' supporters to replicate the mini-meal.

Heinz says 100 bottles of the sauce will be made -- an ode to Taylor's favorite No. 13 and Travis' No. 87 jersey. No word yet, however, on when it'll go on sale or how Swifties can get their hands on it ... as the condiment co. has promised to release more info later this week.


In the meantime, there's plenty that Kelce and Swift fans can do to memorialize the big day -- merch is available all over the internet ... and Kelce's famous game day 'fit was for sale for fans of the couple too (although it is currently sold out).

Traylor-mania is officially here.