BILLY BALDWIN Mellowed Out on Stone Feud ... Better Things to ✍️ About

feeling 1,000 percent

Billy Baldwin's beef with Sharon Stone sounded fiery online -- but in person, the dude doesn't seem to wanna keep the battle going ... 'cause he's turning down the temperature.

We got the actor out in L.A. Wednesday, where our photog asked him about a number of things -- including what happened to his left eye. If you can't quite see, he's got a little nick there ... and Billy tells us exactly how it happened.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

Eventually, we get to what everyone wants to know ... namely, whether his feud with Sharon -- whom he eviscerated online last week after she name-dropped him -- was alive and well.

Check it out ... Billy seems to have moved on from all that, refusing to further trash Sharon here on camera. Although, when we asked if he was still writing a book -- like he suggested he might do when he was first crapping on Sharon -- BB tells us what he'd put in it.

A would-be book wouldn't include any bad-mouthing or tea -- like he teased on X ... instead, he says it'd include all the positive things in his life, like his family and his career.

Good to see that Billy's not holding a grudge against Sharon ... 'cause like we said, he was fired up when she first invoked his name last week during a podcast interview, in which she alleged that a producer on a film they both worked on tried pushing her into banging him.

All's well that ends well ... Bill's waiving the white flag.

Larsa Pippen, Marcus Jordan We're Dunzo ... For Real!!!

Big win for Michael Jordan -- Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan have officially called it quits after more than a year together ... and we're told all signs are pointing to it being a permanent split this time around.

TMZ Sports has learned ... Scottie Pippen's ex-wife and MJ's son have been broken up for a couple of weeks now ... and unlike the brief "pause" in their relationship back in February, there's no hope of patching things up in the future.

The two had a pretty rocky romance ... and ultimately, they decided it was time to call it a day. With that being said, it's impossible to say for sure we'll never see these two together again ... especially considering their track record of being on and off.

We're told 49-year-old Larsa and Marcus, 33, haven't been on speaking terms since the split ... and they're both focused on doing their own thing.

The signs were there -- Larsa and Marcus unfollowed each other recently ... and the oft-paparazzi'd duo haven't been shot in public together in weeks.

Of course, many considered the coupling to be a bit odd -- Michael and Scottie have had a longstanding feud after winning six NBA championships together with the Chicago Bulls ... and Larsa is a decade and a half older than Marcus.

MJ even voiced his displeasure over the relationship back in July 2023 ... and Marcus insisted his pops was just joking, but a lot of folks didn't believe it.

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Larcus (RIP to that nickname) were first spotted together back in September 2022 -- they initially swore up and down they were just friends ... before ultimately caving in and admitting they were, in fact, a couple.

Things eventually got serious between the two ... and Marcus even teased a wedding date was "in the works."

At least Larsa and Marcus' friends and fam don't have to worry about keeping their calendars cleared now.


Michael Jordan puede estar tranquilo, porque Larsa Pippen y Marcus Jordan han terminado oficialmente luego de más de un año juntos, y nos dicen que todas las señales apuntan a que se trata de una ruptura permanente.

TMZ Sports ha indagado. La ex esposa de Scottie Pippen y el hijo de Michael han roto desde hace un par de semanas, y a diferencia de la breve "pausa" en su relación en febrero, no hay esperanza de arreglar las cosas en el futuro.

Los dos tuvieron un romance bastante polémico, y finalmente decidieron que era hora de ponerle fin. Es imposible asegurar que nunca más volveremos a ver a estos dos juntos de nuevo, especialmente teniendo en cuenta su historial.

Nos dicen que Larsa -de 49 años de edad- y Marcus -de 33- no han hablado sobre la ruptura, y en lugar de eso, han seguido cada uno por su camino.

Las señales estaban ahí... Larsa y Marcus dejaron de seguirse recientemente, y el dúo no ha sido fotografiado en público estas semanas.

Por supuesto, muchos consideraron que la pareja era un tanto extraña. Michael y Scottie han tenido una larga disputa después de ganar seis campeonatos de la NBA juntos con los Chicago Bulls, y Larsa es una década y media mayor que Marcus.

Michael incluso expresó su descontento sobre la relación en julio de 2023 y Marcus insistió en que su padre estaba bromeando, pero muchos no le creyeron.

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La pareja fue vista por primera vez en septiembre de 2022, cuando juraron que solo eran amigos, antes admitir que eran, de hecho, una pareja.

Las cosas finalmente se pusieron serias entre los dos, y Marcus incluso bromeó con que había una boda en camino.

Al menos, los amigos y familiares de Larsa y Marcus ya no tienen que preocuparse por mantener sus calendarios despejados.

Rockets' Jalen Green 42 Pt. Performance Motivated By 'Baby' ... Amid Draya Michele Pregnancy

Space City Home Network

Jalen Green has been playing at a crazy high level, and the Rockets hooper says there's a reason ... he's motivated by his family, just weeks after announcing GF Draya Michele was pregnant!

The Houston star scored 42 points on Tuesday in a 137-114 win against the Washington Wizards, tying his career-high ... and after the game, he was asked what was responsible for the surge in production.

"My family," the 22-year-old shooting guard said. "My baby, so yeah."

The Rockets are in the midst of a six-game winning streak, and Green's exploits on the court (he's averaging nearly 28 points during the stretch) line up almost exactly with Draya announcing she was expecting a baby.

Fans wondered if Jalen, the former 2nd overall pick who's 17 years younger than Michele, was the father. His comments last night would seem to put that question to bed.

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Draya -- creator of the Mint Swim fashion line -- is beyond excited for their bundle of joy, saying, "We are overjoyed to share our love for you, little girl," the 39-year-old said on Instagram.

"I’m am excited to speak words to the daughter I never thought I’d have. We are anxious about your arrival, but take your time — this world can be tough."

"But know you are being brought into a space of love, security, and adornment."

Michele already has two sons ... one child with former Dallas Cowboys CB Orlando Scandrick. This will be Green's first child.

Congrats, on and off the court!!!

RILEY STRAIN LA FAMILIA CREE QUE SIGUE VIVO Quieren que se involucren los federales

La familia de Riley Strain está 100% segura de que el joven sigue vivo y están frustrados con los esfuerzos de búsqueda de la policía, exigiendo que se involucren los federales.

Hablamos con el portavoz de la familia Strain -Chris Dingman- el martes y nos dijo directamente que los padres de Riley simplemente no creen que su hijo esté muerto, esto a pesar de que la mayoría de la gente cree que es así.


A pesar de que ha pasado más de una semana desde que Riley desapareció en Nashville luego de ir de bar en bar con sus amigos, Dingman dice que la familia tiene esperanzas, pero más que eso, están irritados de que gran parte de la investigación de la policía de Nashville se ha centrado principalmente en el río cercano.

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una interacción normal
Metro Nashville PD

Dingman dice que los Strains tienen sus razones, dice que el río no es tan profundo, y no parece haber sido un factor la noche que desapareció. Por lo tanto, que haya sido arrastrado por este no es probable.

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visto en la calle

Dingman también nos dice que desde el punto de vista de la familia, la policía no ha hecho grandes esfuerzos por encontrarlo, alegando que hay empresas a lo largo de la orilla del río con videos de vigilancia sin investigar.

Mientras que los Strains aprecian la ayuda de la policía hasta el momento, nos dicen que piensan que es hora de llamar a la caballería y obtener ayuda adicional para ayudar a encontrar a Riley más temprano que tarde.

La policía de Nashville ya ha dicho que están dispuestos a llamar a los federales si resulta necesario. Dingman dice que piensan que la búsqueda de Riley tiene que ampliarse mucho más allá del río.

Por supuesto, la tarjeta bancaria de Riley fue encontrada allí -probablemente sea la razón por la que este es un punto focal en el esfuerzo- pero Dingman dice que su mamá y papá quieren otras opciones.


No tienen una idea exacta de dónde puede estar o lo que le pasó, pero en base a los relatos de testigos que siguen apareciendo día tras día, suena como que podría haber estado en un lugar muy público antes de desaparecer.

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Otra cosa extraña es que cuando Riley caminó cerca de un oficial de policía, parecía estar todo normal, sin embargo, otros videos de vigilancia lo capturaron ebrio y fuera de sí. Así que la familia tiene muchas dudas.

Lo único que saben es que quieren respuestas y pronto. Los Strains han estado en Nashville desde hace varios días y cuanto más tiempo Riley está desaparecido, más ansiosos se ponen.

Riley fue visto por última vez el 8 de marzo y no ha habido señales de él desde entonces. Los policías están animando a cualquier persona con información útil que llame al 615-742-7463.

Riley Strain Family Thinks He's Still Alive ... Bringing in Cajun Navy


11:57 AM PT -- Riley Strain's family just held a press conference, announcing they've enlisted the help of the United Cajun Navy -- a nonprofit that helps in this sort of effort -- while reiterating the need to get more resources on the case ... and also thanking Nashville PD for their work thus far.

Police went on to say that they've been inundated with tips and leads from various sources, but none have resulted in anything concrete in terms of locating Riley and there is no indication of foul play.

Riley Strain's family is 100% confident that their loved one is still alive somewhere -- and they're frustrated with cops' search efforts ... demanding extra boots on the ground.

We talked to the Strain family spokesperson, Chris Dingman, Tuesday and he told us straight up ... Riley's parents, simply don't believe their son is dead -- this despite most of the public starting to assume that's the case at this point.


Even though it's been well over a week since Riley first vanished in Nashville after bar hopping with his friends -- Dingman says the family is hopeful ... but more than that, they're irked that much of Nashville PD's investigating has been focused mostly on the river nearby.

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Metro Nashville PD

There's a few reasons why Dingman says the Strains feel this way -- for one, he says the river just isn't that deep, and it doesn't appear to have been roaring on the night he disappeared. So, in their eyes, him falling in and being swept away doesn't seem plausible.

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Dingman also tells us that from the family's POV, cops haven't turned over every possible stone in trying to track him down -- claiming there are businesses along the river bank with surveillance video that weren't approached until very recently ... so, slow going at best.

While the Strains appreciate the police's help and diligence thus far -- we're told they think it's time to call in the cavalry and get extra assistance in helping find Riley sooner rather than later.

Nashville PD has already said they're prepared to call in the feds if it proves necessary. Dingman says the Strains think that time has come ... and that the sweep for Riley needs to expand well beyond just the river search that's been going on these past few days.

Of course, Riley's bank card was found there -- which is probably why this is a focal point in the effort -- but Dingman says his mom and dad want other possibilities looked into.


He doesn't have an exact idea of where he may be or what happened to him, but based on eyewitness accounts that continue to crop up day after day ... it sounds like people might've possibly been with him during the last known moments of him being out and about.

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The other odd thing that's not quite tracking for the Strains is that when Riley was walking by the police officer -- he came across as coherent and normal, but other surveillance videos captured him looking inebriated and out of it. So the family doesn't know what's what here.

The one thing they do know ... they want answers, and soon. The Strains have been in Nashville for several days now -- and the longer Riley is missing, the more anxious they get.

Riley was last seen on March 8, and there's been no sign of him since. Cops are encouraging anyone with helpful info to call 615-742-7463.

Originally Published -- 11:00 AM PT

Hermana de Kris Jenner Karen Houghton muere a los 65... Kris rinde homenaje


12:14 PM PT -- El Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de San Diego le dice a TMZ que la llamada pidiendo atención médica llegó alrededor de la 1:30 PM PT del lunes, y que cuando los oficiales llegaron, los bomberos ya estaban proporcionando primeros auxilios para salvar a Karen Houghton, quien lamentablemente falleció.

No está claro qué incidente médico habría precipitado la llamada.

La hermana de Kris Jenner, Karen Houghton, ha muerto, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Karen fue reportada muerta por los funcionarios del Condado de San Diego el lunes en San Marcos, California. Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte no están claras, pero nos dicen que los funcionarios del condado están atribuyendo su muerte a causas naturales por ahora.

Karen era la única hermana de Kris y era tres años menor que ella. Ambas comparten a sus padres MJ y Robert Houghton y crecieron juntas en San Diego, donde vivieron mayormente con MJ después de su divorcio del padre de las niñas.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Kris está muy angustiada por la muerte de su hermana y también preocupada por su madre y su sobrina. Esta es la primera vez que MJ pierde a un hijo, así que obviamente es devastador. Nos dicen que la familia en general se está uniendo unos con otros.

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Kris también se refirió a la muerte de Karen en las redes sociales, con un dulce homenaje sobre su historia y su relación, en el que la recuerda con mucho cariño.

A pesar de la pública vida de las Kardashians, Karen no ha jugado un papel importante, ya que las hermanas han tenido una relación un tanto complicada a lo largo de los años.

Karen hizo públicos sus problemas en 2014, alegando en una entrevista que Kris había cambiado desde que alcanzó el estatus de celebridad de la lista A. También dio su opinión sobre el divorcio de Kris de la deportista olímpica Caitlyn Jenner, en donde aparentemente se puso del lado de su entonces cuñada.

Luego, en 2016, Karen hizo noticia por someterse a un estiramiento facial que duró cinco horas para parecerse más a la matriarca Kardashian-Jenner. Al final, dijo que quedó satisfecha con los resultados en ese momento.

La tregua familiar pareció confirmarse en 2019, cuando Karen y Kris posaron para una foto con su mamá MJ y sus respectivas hijas Natalie Zettel y Kylie Jenner en Navidad.

Sin embargo, Karen no ha sido vista con la familia en los últimos años y se había mantenido fuera de los focos. Trabajó como enfermera a medio tiempo y escritora antes de su muerte.

A Karen le sobreviven su hija -a la que dio la bienvenida con su ex marido Mark Zettel-, su madre, su hermana y varias sobrinas y un sobrino. Tenía 65 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Publicado originalmente -- 10:17 AM PT

Kris Jenner's Sister Karen Houghton Dead at 65 ... Kris Pays Tribute


12:14 PM PT -- The San Diego County Sheriff's Dept. tells TMZ that a call came in for medical aid around 1:30 PM PT Monday -- and that when deputies arrived, fire officials were already providing lifesaving measures for Karen Houghton ... who sadly passed away.

Unclear what medical incident precipitated the call.

Kris Jenner's sister, Karen Houghton, has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us Karen was reported as deceased to San Diego County officials Monday in San Marcos, CA. The exact circumstances of her passing are unclear, but we're told county officials are attributing her death to natural causes for now.

Karen was Kris' only sister -- sharing parents MJ and Robert Houghton -- and was born three years after the famed momager. Karen and Kris grew up in San Diego together, living predominantly with MJ after her divorce from the girls' father.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Kris is very upset over the passing of her sibling -- and is also concerned about Karen's mother and niece. This is MJ's first loss of a child, so obviously it's devastating. We're told the family at large is rallying around each other.

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Kris addressed Karen's death on social media as well, with a sweet tribute that touched on their history and relationship ... remembering Karen fondly.

Despite the Kardashians' very public life, Karen has not played a major role in their reality TV fame ... as the sisters have had a somewhat complicated relationship over the years.

Karen went public with their issues back in 2014, alleging in an interview that Kris had changed since skyrocketing to A-list status. She also infamously weighed in on Kris' high-profile divorce from Olympian Caitlyn Jenner ... seemingly siding with her ex-in-law.

Then, in 2016, Karen made headlines for undergoing a five-hour facelift in order to look more like the Kardashian-Jenner matriarch -- ultimately pleased with the results, at the time.

A family truce seemed to be confirmed in 2019 -- when Karen and Kris posed for a photo with their mom MJ and their respective daughters, Natalie Zettel and Kylie Jenner, at Christmastime.

However, Karen hasn't been spotted with the family in recent years, having kept a low profile out of the limelight. She worked as a part-time nurse and an author before her death.

Karen is survived by her daughter -- who she welcomed with ex-husband Mark Zettel -- mother, sister and several nieces and a nephew. She was 65.


Originally Published -- 10:17 AM PT

'Sister Wives' Star Garrison Brown Sibling Says ... Social Media Hurt His Self-Esteem

Instagram / @madison_rose11

Garrison Brown was negatively affected by social media before his death -- and it impacted his own sense of self-worth ... this according to one of his siblings.

The "Sister Wives" star's actual sister, Madison Brown Brush, hopped online to post an emotional video reflecting on her brother's untimely passing -- and she spoke a lot about his mental health struggles, while also acknowledging pointing to mental health convos at large.

Maddie explains her brother was battling issues internally -- and even says he felt he wasn't doing enough with his life ... using social media as a comparison point.

She also says something pretty poignant ... namely, social media isn't real.

Maddie goes on to explain how she and the rest of the family have been dealing with Garrison's suicide -- describing how difficult it's been finding a new sense of normal.

She urged her followers to remember that social media is just a snapshot into someone's life -- it doesn't show everything. Remember, Garrison's loved ones say he seemed perfectly happy online ... having just adopted a new cat days before he died by suicide.

Maddie goes on to say that she's going to continue putting a spotlight on mental health ... and sends a message to people who might be battling demons -- telling them that if they're not feeling fulfilled with how they're spending their time, they gotta change that ASAP.

We broke the story ... Garrison was found deceased in his Flagstaff, Arizona home earlier in March. Flagstaff PD told us that no foul play is suspected, as Garrison appeared to have suffered from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

He was only 25.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

'Couples Therapy' DR. JENN HURLEY CROSSING BOUNDARIES W/ SON Don't Strip In Front Of Him!

Dr. Jenn Mann has advice for Elizabeth Hurley -- keep your clothes on around your grown son ... 'cause it goes beyond the pale of what she considers a healthy parent-child dynamic.

The "Couples Therapy" doc tells TMZ ... even though the actress' 21-year-old son Damian is a consenting adult, the fact that he's directing his mom's sex scenes is a major boundary breach between parent and child -- at least from her POV, anyway.

With two best-selling parenting books under her belt -- "SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start In the First 3 Years" and "The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy, Confident Kids" -- the renowned psychotherapist is speaking from experience when she advises against simulating sex in front of your kid. In her eyes, it's just not the best way to operate.

Jenn does acknowledge that this is a Hollywood thing -- calling out the biz for its lack of boundaries ... noting that Damian directing his mom's sex scene for her upcoming erotic thriller "Strictly Confidential" really blurs the lines ... presumably between voyeurism and art.

She also tells us she finds it downright bizarre that Hurley felt liberated by her son witnessing her being intimate on-camera ... adding the only reason she'd understand EH's empowerment is if she was merely boosting his directing career. Aside from that ... she doesn't get it.

Jenn's not shy in pointing out that Liz and Damian's relationship seems to push boundaries that might be crossing into taboo territory, violating cultural norms ... and she gets why others, like herself, would have a negative reaction to the whole situation.

JM says she thinks Liz and Damian might be best suited for therapy -- and lucky for them, she's a wiz in that field.

As we reported ... EH told Access Hollywood her son Damian made her comfortable during an intimate scene where she wears some seriously skimpy clothing while getting steamy with another woman.

While most others would recoil at the idea of seeing their parents in such a scene ... Liz says she enjoyed it so much, she'd be totally down for a little more mother-son collaboration in the future.

Jenn's hoping they don't, though.

UFC Legend Mark Coleman 'Healing Up' ... Discharged From Hospital After Saving Parents

Instagram / @markcolemanufc

Mark Coleman has been released from the hospital after nearly dying in a huge house fire last week ... the UFC legend provided an update to his many fans just days after saving his mom and dad.

"God is great 👊❤️🙏," the 59-year-old retired fighter said on Monday via IG video caption, writing, "I am healing up very well."

"My lungs are sore. My eyes are burnt but I’m very much alive and well. I feel so blessed it’s in my higher power's hands. He wants me to move forward today and I am."

Coleman -- who was hospitalized with smoke inhalation after saving his parents from a house fire in Toledo, Ohio, early Tuesday morning -- thanked all his fans for their prayers, especially for his late dog, Hammer, who sadly perished in the blaze.

Mark also said he hopes the incident encourages people to make the most of life ... before it's too late.

"I'm one of the luckiest men in the world," the UFC Hall of Famer said.

"I can't thank you enough. I'm just grateful. I'll continue to motivate people to move forward and be a better version of themselves. You never know when you're gonna need it, so let's go. Let's start today. Tomorrow's not promised. Get moving!"

BTW, his loyal fans stepped up in a big way, including financially, making over 2,600 donations to a GoFundMe to help with medical expenses ... raising over $121k!

Speedy recovery, Mark!

USHER Da un emotivo discurso de aceptación En los NAACP Image Awards

Usher ganó a lo grande la noche del sábado en los NAACP Image Awards, alzándose con las estatuillas de Artista del Año y al Premio del Presidente, pero fue su discurso de pura gratitud hacia su madre lo que dejó a todo el mundo boquiabierto.

El cantante de R&B subió al podio en la 55ª ceremonia anual en el Shrine Auditorium de Los Ángeles después de que el Presidente y CEO de la NAACP, Derrick Johnson, le diera a Usher el codiciado Premio del Presidente.

Durante su discurso de aceptación, Usher dio apasionadas palabras sobre su madre, Jonnetta Patton, atribuyéndole todo el mérito de su exitosa carrera.

Usher le dijo a la audiencia llena de estrellas que su madre le mostró el propósito de ser capaz de hablar con el mundo a través de su música.

También destacó que su madre superó la industria del entretenimiento dominada por hombres y repasó sus habilidades en las reuniones para llegar a los mejores acuerdos para su hijo, poniéndolo en la cima de la industria.

En varios momentos, la emotiva multitud aplaudió a Usher, mostrando su aprobación hacia él. Pero Usher no se detuvo allí, también mencionó que las mujeres en la industria a menudo no reciben el reconocimiento que merecen.

El cantante también se llevó a casa el premio Entertainer of the Year, superando a Colman Domingo, Fantasia Barrino, Halle Bailey y Keke Palmer. Además, Oprah Winfrey, le entregó el premio.

Las victorias de Usher fueron bien merecidas, como ustedes saben, Usher ha arrasado últimamente con su residencia en Las Vegas, la que cerró a finales del año pasado, por no hablar de una memorable actuación en el Super Bowl 2024.

Otros galardonados en los premios de la NAACP, fueron Fantasia -como actriz destacada en una película- y "El color púrpura", como mejor película. Queen Latifah fue la anfitriona.

Usher Brings Down The House With 'Mom' Speech At NAACP Awards

Usher won big at the NAACP Image Awards Saturday night, lassoing statues for Entertainer of the Year and the President's Award -- but it was his speech of sheer gratitude for his mom that took everyone by storm.

The R&B singer stepped up to the podium at the 55th annual ceremony at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles after NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson bestowed Usher the coveted President's Award.

During his acceptance speech, Usher delivered his passionate words about his mom, Jonnetta Patton, giving her full credit for his successful career.

Usher told the star-studded audience that his mom taught him the purpose of being able to speak to the world through his music.

He also highlighted that his mom overcame the male-dominated entertainment industry and brushed up on her boardroom skills to cut the best deals for her son, putting him on top of the industry.

At several points, the emotional crowd clapped for Usher, showing their approval of him. But Usher didn't stop there ... he also mentioned women in the industry often do not get the recognition they deserve.

The singer also took home the Entertainer of the Year award, beating out Colman Domingo, Fantasia Barrino, Halle Bailey and Keke Palmer -- that award was given to him by none other than Oprah Winfrey, too.

The Usher wins were well deserved ... as you know, Usher has been killing it lately with his Las Vegas residency which he closed out at the end of last year -- not to mention a memorable performance at the 2024 Super Bowl.

Other honorees at the NAACP Awards included Fantasia for Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture and "The Color Purple" for Best Motion Picture. Queen Latifah hosted the event.

LINDSAY LOHAN ¡ESTA SOY YO EN 2024! Toda una madre de familia

Bueno, esto sin duda demuestra que los tiempos cambian, ¡Lindsay Lohan está empujando un cochecito de bebé!

LiLo estuvo en Beverly Hills el sábado junto con Luai -de 8 meses de edad-               y su marido, Bader Shammas, y algunos otros miembros de la familia.

Estuvieron en una institución de Los Ángeles -La Scala- para un pequeño almuerzo. El restaurante era muy famoso en su día, y hablando de viejos tiempos, es increíble cómo Lindsay ha enderezado su vida desde los primeros días de TMZ.

Es madre y esposa y parece serena y feliz. También está actuando de nuevo, con cierto éxito.

Más tarde ese mismo día, Lindsay y Bader fueron a Giorgio Baldi -un lugar de celebrudades- para comer algo.

Sin duda fue un buen sábado.

Lindsay Lohan This is Me in 2024!!! ... Pushin' Baby Stroller in Bev Hills

Well, this certainly proves times change ... Lindsay Lohan is pushing a baby stroller!!!

LiLo was out and about in Bev Hills Saturday, along with 8-month-old Luai and hubby Bader Shammas, and a few other family members.

They hit up an L.A. institution -- La Scala -- for a little lunch. The restaurant was super famous back in the day, and speaking of back in the day ... it's amazing how Lindsay has reset her life from the early days of TMZ.

She's a mom and a wife and seems serene and happy. She's also acting again, with some success.

Later that day, Lindsay and Bader hit up another celeb hotspot ... Giorgio Baldi for some grub.

That's a nice Saturday, for sure.

Diddy Apoya a Kanye en Rolling Loud... ¿Se acabó la bronca?

¡Diddy y Kanye West no han estado en buenos términos por un tiempo, pero ahora parece que podrían estar arreglando su relación porque Diddy estuvo entre los asistentes al set de Kanye en Rolling Loud!

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El rapero y productor hizo una rara aparición pública en el show de Kanye el jueves en Los Ángeles, junto a sus hijas gemelas Jessie y D'Lila Combs.

Echa un vistazo al video, Diddy trajo a toda su tripulación al set y parece que llegó cuando Ye y Ty Dolla $ign estaban pinchando "Keys To My Life".

Y Diddy hizo del show un asunto de familia porque también fue visto en la parte lateral del escenario con su hijo Justin mientras observaba la polémica actuación.

El espectáculo sin duda dejó a algunos molestos, porque en lugar de actuar en vivo, Kanye y Ty se pararon en el escenario y solo tocaron grabaciones de sus canciones, dejando a muchos fans decepcionados.

No está claro cómo se sintió Diddy sobre el espectáculo, o si él y Ye se sentaron a conversar, porque tienen asuntos que aclarar desde su viral bronca de 2022.

Recuerden, Puffy conversó con "The Breakfast Club", donde llamó las camisetas de White Lives Matter de Kanye como camisetas de "sordo" en 2022.

Bueno, a Kanye no le gustó ni un poco y compartió algunos mensajes privados entre él y Diddy, que incluían uno donde acusaba a Diddy de ser enviado por personas de la comunidad judía para amenazarlo.

Diddy quería reunirse en persona, pero Kanye lo llamó agente federal y lanzó un gran "f*** you" por si acaso.

Todo fue bastante desquiciado y parecía que no habían hecho las paces, al menos no públicamente. Pero ahora que Puffy está en el show, cabe preguntarse si se habrán dicho algo detrás de escena.

¿Así que los dos están oficialmente enterrando su disputa o los hijos de Diddy solo quieren ver a Ye? ¡Vota abajo!

Diddy en el show de Kanye...