Kim Kardashian Vuelve a la órbita de Bianca... Para apoyar los sueños de North

Kim Kardashian y Bianca Censori volvieron a encontrarse esta semana, ya que ambas fueron al set Rolling Loud de Kanye West, donde participó la joven North.

La familia Kardashian-West se veía muy cercana y relajada el jueves por la noche para la actuación de Ye y compañía en el festival de música de Los Ángeles, y North también estaba lista para hacer lo suyo en la canción "Talking" de "Vultures 1" junto a su padre.

Al igual que hace unos días en San Francisco, Kim estaba allí para apoyar a North. Llegó al evento en un SUV en el que iba de pasajero, similar a la forma en que llegó Bianca.

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Unidas por Kanye
Instagram / @djpharris

Por el momento no hay evidencia visual de que Kim haya estado con Bianca de la forma en que las vimos juntas el martes para la fiesta de escucha en San Francisco, en donde estuvieron prácticamente hombro con hombro, pero no hay duda de que estaban al alcance la una de la otra, ya que obviamente tenían acceso al backstage.

Hablando de North, sabemos que recibió tratamiento de A-Lister toda la noche, estrechando la mano de sus fans (sí, también adultos) con su séquito de amigos apoyándola.

Saludando a los fans

Hay otro video que muestra a North aparentemente haciendo una entrevista con alguien tras bambalinas y mientras ella responde a las preguntas, se puede ver a Kim observándola no muy lejos. Así que sí, Mama Oso está manteniendo un ojo vigilante sobre ella.

Miss Miss Westie

Obviamente, Ye está muy involucrado con North en este momento. Recientemente, ella anunció que está trabajando en su propio álbum ("Elementary School Dropout") y hemos escuchado que está trabajando duro en el estudio con Kanye guiándola. Parece que se lo están tomando muy en serio.

Es interesante que Kim siga apareciendo por su hija. Se pueden imaginar que debe sentir algo de conflicto con todo esto a causa de las muchas controversias de Kanye.

Pero a pesar de eso, está aquí apoyando a North, y al hacerlo, se codea con Bianca, que ahora es la madrastra de todos sus hijos con Ye. No hay ninguna señal de que haya mala sangre entre ellas. Ambas se ven muy civilizadas.

Una cosa que sabemos con certeza, sin embargo, es que Kim definitivamente no es tan audaz para vestirse como Bianca, y estamos seguros de que quiere que siga siendo así. Bianca ha estado luciendo algunos trajes bastante atrevidos últimamente.

En cualquier caso, Kim K y Bianca juntas se está convirtiendo en algo regular y con la aventura de North en la música, esta será probablemente su realidad en el futuro previsible.

¡Jueguen limpio, todo el mundo!

Kim Kardashian Back in Bianca's Orbit at RL ... Supporting North's Dreams

Kim Kardashian and Bianca Censori were once again in the same space -- as they both descended upon Kanye West's Rolling Loud set ... where young North was in the mix.

The Kardashian-West family was looking very blended and kumbaya Thursday evening, where Ye and co. were scheduled to perform at the L.A. music festival ... and where North was also set to do her thing for the 'Vultures' song she's on with her dad, called "Talking."

Just like a few days ago in San Francisco -- Kim was there for North ... rolling into the event in an SUV, where she was riding passenger ... similar to how Bianca arrived in her own car.

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Instagram / @djpharris

There's no visual evidence thus far that Kim was standing next to BC the way she was on Tuesday for the SF listening event -- where they were shoulder-to-shoulder -- but there's no doubt they were within reach of one another ... as they obviously had backstage access.

Speaking of North, she was getting the A-list treatment the whole night -- shaking hands with fans of hers (yes, including adults) with her entourage of friends behind her.


There's another video that shows North seemingly doing an interview with someone behind the scenes -- and as she's answering questions ... you can see Kim looking on not too far away. So yes, Mama Bear is keeping a watchful eye over her and Kanye's daughter.

Miss Miss Westie

Obviously, Ye himself is deeply invested in North right now -- she recently announced she has her own album coming out ("Elementary School Dropout") ... and we've heard she's hard at work in the studio with Kanye guiding her. Sounds like they're all taking it seriously.

It's interesting that Kim continues to show up for her daughter -- ya gotta figure she might feel somewhat conflicted over all this ... on account of Kanye's many controversies.

Despite that, however, she's out here backing up North -- and in doing so, she's rubbing shoulders with Bianca -- who's now the stepmother of all her children with Ye. There's no indication there's any bad blood between Kim and Bianca ... on its face, they're civil.

One thing we know for certain, though ... Kim definitely isn't as bold a dresser as Bianca -- and we're sure she wants to keep it that way. BC's been in some pretty wild outfits lately.

In any case ... KK and Bianca showing up near each other is becoming a regular thing -- and with North diving into music ... that's probably their reality for the foreseeable future.

Play nice, everybody!

Mauricio Umansky Giving Back With Brand New Homes ... Charity Work w/ the Fam!!!


Mauricio Umansky's not just trying to sell homes ... he's also creating them from the ground up for folks who need them most -- and he's putting in the hard work with his own kids.

We caught up with The Agency founder and CEO Thursday at a construction site in South Los Angeles -- where the reality star and his daughters were helping build brand new houses alongside Habitat for Humanity.

Umansky says they're in the middle of one of their many build days -- a partnership with Habitat and Giveback Homes that sees members of The Agency dedicate their own time and money to offer affordable housing for folks in need. Now, there are eligibility qualifications.

In order to live in one of these houses, there's criteria -- like demonstrating a financial need; falling within the average median income between 50%-120%; having good credit; being willing to contribute sweat equity; being able to drop a small down payment, among others.

Anyway, MU made Thursday's work sesh a family affair ... with his daughters helping out at the building site with drills and staple guns in hand. Mauricio couldn't help but give them a hard time -- saying dad's not comin' to the rescue next time they need a lightbulb changed!


In fact, Umansky's daughter Alexia -- whom he shares with Kyle Richards -- even gave us a tour of the soon-to-be-finished house ... including the heartfelt messages she and her dad wrote on one of the kitchen walls

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Ultimately, Mauricio noted how great it is to give back to the community ... almost certainly thinking of his own humble beginnings before The Agency took off. And just so you know, Mauricio and co. have built these types of homes for a wide variety of people ... everything from firefighters and teachers to vets and families with disabilities, etc. It's a good cause.

BTW ... Mauricio didn't mention Kyle during our talk Thursday -- instead choosing to focus on the great work The Agency's doing.

House is lookin' great Umansky fam ... but, careful with that staple gun!!! 👷

RJ Barrett Younger Brother Passes Away ... Will Not Play Friday

The basketball community is rallying around Toronto Raptors player RJ Barrett ... after it was revealed his brother, Nathan, recently passed away.

Nathan's former youth basketball coach, Chris Stewart, confirmed the tragic news on Thursday ... saying the athlete was special to the program.

"Nathan was only with us for a short time in grade 7 before he moved to Florida but whenever he was back in Mississauga the boys connected," Stewart said.

"No parent should ever have to bury a child, hug your kids today a little longer. You will be missed Nathan, RIP ❤️🏀🙏🕊️"

Details surrounding his death have not been revealed at this time.

Nathan -- a 6-foot-1 guard -- played at Montverde Academy, just like RJ. He had dreams of becoming a pilot.

"In my family, we’re very competitive," RJ told SLAM in 2018. "Everyone is always trying to beat each other. Everyone is an athlete, so that’s where I get all my competitive drive."

RJ spent one season at Duke University before going 3rd overall in the 2019 NBA Draft. He played for the Knicks until he was traded to the Raptors in December.

Barrett -- who did not play in Wednesday's game against the Detroit Pistons -- has been ruled out of Friday night's contest against the Orlando Magic ... and understandably, it is unclear when he will return to the court.

The Barrett family released a statement on Nathan's death ... saying he passed away surrounded by his loved ones.

"While our family is devastated by this great loss, we will continue to cherish the memories and time spent together. Nathan was a God-fearing young man of strong character. He was thoughtful, kind, loving, compassionate, creative, admirable and driven."

"Though his time with us was brief, he will live forever in our hearts."



The father of Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley, has been found guilty on all 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter ... just weeks after his wife Jennifer saw the same verdict.

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FOX 2 Detroit

The jury reached the decision for James Crumbley Thursday after 1 day of deliberations. His sentencing is scheduled for April 9, the same date as his wife.

With this verdict, Crumbley was found to be negligent for disregarding warning signs exhibited by his son that could have potentially prevented the devastating event. Prosecutors said he even purchased a gun for his son just days before he used it to open fire at Oxford High School in the Detroit suburb of Oxford Township, MI, in November 2021, killing 4 students.

The verdict comes a few weeks after his wife Jennifer's conviction -- which marked an historic moment, as it's unprecedented for a parent to be criminally charged in connection with their child's involvement in a mass shooting.

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Jennifer's testimony during her trial had shed light on the role she says her husband, James, played in the tragic events ... saying he had purchased the gun their son used in the shooting and was the one responsible for hiding it.

She also testified she was aware her son was struggling but had no inkling he was capable of carrying out a mass shooting ... saying if she had known, she'd done the whole thing differently.

17-year-old Ethan was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole back in December.

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Ethan told the court he was "a really bad person" before he was handed his hefty sentence ... adding, "I have done terrible things that no one should ever do."

Kali Uchis y Don Toliver Nuestro pequeño ya está aquí 💙

Kali Uchis y Don Toliver acaban de darle la bienvenida a su pequeño bebé y ambos están absolutamente extasiados.

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El jueves, Kali y Don publicaron un video que subtitularon con el tierno mensaje: "Eres todo lo que podríamos haber esperado y más".

Añadieron: "Gracias a Dios por nuestro sano y hermoso niño, y gracias a todos por la buena energía a lo largo del camino. Que nuestra casa y sus hogares sean por siempre bendecidos con la paz, la felicidad y la salud".

Nos dicen que el bebé nació en algún momento de febrero y por lo que parece, ya se está arraigando en el mundo de sus padres.

El video está ambientado con el nuevo tema de Don "Deep in the Water" y su hijo ya está modelando el merchandasing para bebés.

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Esfuerzo conjunto

La última vez que hablamos Don nos dijo que él y Kali tenían como objetivo darle a su hijo un nombre que los reflejara a los dos.

¡¡¡Todavía no han revelado cómo se llama el bebé, pero su nivel de emoción nos dicen que será uno creativo!!!

Kali Uchis and Don Toliver Our Baby Boy Is Here!!! 💙

Kali Uchis and Don Toliver just welcomed their baby boy into the world ... and they're both ecstatic with the successful delivery.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

On Thursday, Kali and Don both posted a montage video and captioned the post with an outpour of positivity ... "you are everything we could have hoped for & more."

They add, "Thank you God for our beautiful healthy baby boy, & thank you all for the Good energy along the way. may our home & your homes forever be blessed with peace, happiness & health."

We're told the baby was born sometime in February and by the looks of things, he's already getting ingrained in his parents' world.

The video is set to Don's new "Deep in the Water" tune and his son is already modeling the latest cutting-edge fashion in baby merch.

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Don told us the last time we spoke with him that he and Kali were aiming to give their child a name that reflected both of them.

They haven't revealed their son's name just yet but their excitement levels tell us it's a creative one!!!


buenas noticias

La leyenda de la UFC Mark Coleman está respirando por sí mismo y hablando con su familia, pocos días después de que fue trasladado a un hospital con lesiones potencialmente mortales sufridas mientras rescataba a sus padres de un incendio en su casa.

La hija de Coleman, Kenzie, compartió un emotivo clip en el Instagram de Mark, solo dos días y medio después de que el luchador inhalara humo mientras salvaba a sus padres de un terrible incendio.

"Tuve que tomar una decisión", dijo Coleman, sobre el incendio de la casa desde su cama de hospital. "¡Fue horrible! No podía respirar".

"Soy el hombre más feliz del mundo. ¡Juro por Dios que soy tan afortunado! No puedo creer que mis padres estén vivos".

Por desgracia, su perro, Hammer, falleció, y Coleman -que se retiró de las MMA en 2013- está completamente devastado.

"¡No podía encontrar a Hammer!", dijo Coleman mientras lloraba con su familia.

Se creó un GoFundMe para los seres queridos de Coleman, ya que sus hijas tomarán tiempo libre del trabajo para ayudarlo durante su recuperación. Hasta el jueves, se habían recaudado más de 68.000 dólares.

¡Mejórate, Mark!

UFC's Mark Coleman Conscious, Responsive ... After Saving Parents From House Fire


UFC legend Mark Coleman is breathing on his own and talking to his family ... just days after he was airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries sustained while rescuing his parents from a house fire.

Coleman's daughter, Kenzie, shared an emotional clip on Mark's Instagram ... just 2.5 days after the MMA great suffered smoke inhalation while saving his mom and dad from a giant blaze.

"I had to make a decision," Coleman said about the house fire from his hospital bed, "It was already horrible! I couldn't breathe!"

"I'm the happiest man in the world. I swear to God I'm so lucky! I can't believe my parents are alive!"

Unfortunately, his dog, Hammer, passed away ... and Coleman -- who retired from MMA in 2013 -- is completely devastated.

"I couldn't find Hammer!" Coleman said as he cried with his family.

A GoFundMe was set up for Coleman's loved ones as his daughters will take time off work to help him during his recovery. As of Thursday, over $68K was raised.

Get well, Mark!

NBA's John Wall Contemplated Suicide Twice ... 'Put A Gun To My Head'

troubling times
The OGs

The death of John Wall's mother took a massive toll on him ... to the point the NBA star put a gun to his head twice, contemplating suicide.

The former Wizards guard made the shocking revelation on "The OGs" podcast with ex-NBA stars Udonis Haslem and Mike Miller ... saying he struggled badly when his mom died of breast cancer in 2019.

"My mom was my best friend," the 33-year-old said.

"I put a gun to my head twice and a lot of people that are close to me, friends at the time didn't know."

Wall explains dealing with his mom's death was his "darkest moment," combined with a litany of injuries after signing a $170 million contract extension with the Wizards.

But, Wall chose not to pull the trigger ... 'cause he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his two sons behind.

"If I take myself away from this Earth, I'm failing my kids, like, who gon' be able to raise them," Wall said.

"I know I gotta be there for them."

Instead, the 5x NBA All-Star went to see a therapist -- which he continues to do -- and now he's advising other men who are struggling with mental health to do the same.

"If you ever feel like you in a spot where you not comfortable as a Black man, African American, or any race, no offense to that, go get help. It's okay, there's nothing wrong with that," Wall said.

"I had to figure that out or I wouldn't be here today."

Wall was the first overall pick in the 2010 NBA Draft and has spent time starring for the Wizards, Rockets, and Clippers. He averaged 18.7 points and 8.9 assists during his 11 seasons.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Kathy Hilton Critica a Mauricio por robarles personal... Kyle se retuerce al escucharla

Tensión familiar

Kathy Hilton finalmente está dando a conocer algunas pistas de la disputa familiar con Mauricio Umansky, acusando al marido de Kyle Richards de haber maquinado cosas en secreto cuando dejó el negocio de la familia para lanzar su propia empresa.

La matriarca Hilton contó todo durante la reunión del miércoles de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", donde afirmó que su cuñado salió de Hilton & Hyland -la inmobiliaria de su marido Rick Hilton- con solo un día de aviso y que también les robó personal.

Según Kathy, Rick no tenía ningún problema con que Mauricio se fuera a hacer sus cosas, pero solo le pidió que no se llevara a ningún empleado con él, ¡una petición que, según ella, ignoró!

No todo fue color de rosa después de este movimiento. Kathy incluso admitió que las cosas estuvieron "rancias" entre ella y Kyle por algún tiempo.

Parece que la familia Hilton está mucho más dispuesta a compartir su verdad en medio de la separación de Kyle del fundador de The Agency.

Recordemos que Paris Hilton salió en defensa de su padre después de que Mauricio intentara pintar una imagen diferente de su desencuentro con los Hilton en un clip de la segunda temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills" de Netflix.

En el clip, Mauricio dijo que "fue un poco jodido por Hilton y Hyland", a lo que Paris respondió que su tío estaba usando el nombre de su familia para su carrera de reality show.

Ella lo criticó por hacer público un asunto familiar privado y agregó: "Ya es suficiente".

A pesar de su separación de Mauricio, Kyle todavía parece estar en la esquina de su marido. Durante la reunión, Kyle lo defendió por llevarse a algunos empleados de Hilton & Hyland cuando se fue, antes de cerrar el tema por completo.

Los Hilton pueden perdonar, pero no olvidan cuando se trata de Mauricio.

Kathy Hilton Slams Mauricio for Poaching Staff ... Convo Makes Kyle Squirm


Kathy Hilton's finally giving insight into her family's feud with Mauricio Umansky ... accusing Kyle Richards' estranged husband of shadiness when he left their family biz to launch his own.

The Hilton matriarch spilled it all during Wednesday's 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' reunion ... where she claimed her brother-in-law exited Hilton & Hyland -- her husband Rick Hilton's real estate biz -- with only a day's notice, and poached their staff too.

As Kathy put it, Rick had no problem with Mauricio leaving to do his own thing -- but only asked that he not take any employees with him ... a request she claims he ignored!

All was not hunky dory in the aftermath ... with Kathy even admitting that things were "funky" between herself and Kyle for some time.

It appears the Hilton family is far more willing to share their truth amid Kyle's separation from The Agency founder.

Remember, Paris Hilton came to her dad's defense after Mauricio attempted to paint a different picture about his fallout with the Hiltons in a teaser clip for Netflix's season 2 of "Buying Beverly Hills."

While Mauricio claimed he "got kind of f***ed by Hilton & Hyland" ... Paris hit back on Instagram Tuesday -- accusing her uncle of using her family's name to plug his reality TV career.

She torched him for going public with a private family matter, and added ... "It is enough already."

Despite her separation from Mauricio, Kyle still seems to be in her estranged hubby's corner. During the reunion, Kyle defended Mauricio for taking some Hilton & Hyland staffers when he bolted ... before shutting down the topic altogether.

The Hiltons might forgive, but they're not forgetting when it comes to Mauricio.

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Missouri Teen Suffered Brain Damage After Brawl ... Family Starts GoFundMe

The Missouri teen who got her head slammed into the ground during a fight has suffered severe brain damage -- and now, her family is asking for help.

The 15-year-old's loved ones have started a GoFundMe for her, and they've revealed her name as Kaylee ... with them noting that she's battling for her life as she remains hospitalized in critical condition following last week's incident.

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According to the GFM -- which is aiming to raise $120,000 to help cover her mounting medical costs -- the brawl left Kaylee with major brain bleeding and swelling.

They also say she suffered a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage as well -- noting she's just at the start of what they consider to be an uphill battle of recovery.

Her family doesn't explicitly say it ... but it sounds like she might not be conscious.

Remember, Kaylee was seen alone and convulsing on the ground as the scuffle continued to play out around her -- which included several other teens throwing punches at one another. According to her family ... EMTs eventually arrived on the scene and rushed Kaylee to a local hospital in St. Louis, but it seems like the damage might've already been done by then.

As we reported ... the teen girl who assaulted Kaylee was arrested on a first-degree felony charge -- but the case is currently being handled by the juvenile court system due to the perpetrator's age.

However, we've learned she could be tried as an adult ... depending on how a court hearing plays out in a couple weeks. If Kaylee's condition worsens, it could spell bad news for the culprit in question too.

Stay tuned ...

'Leaving Neverland' Director Michael Jackson Biopic Ain't Honest ... Any Creative Freedom???

Michael Jackson's biopic is already causing controversy ... with the film's creators promising the uncensored truth and the "Leaving Neverland" director calling BS.

Here's the deal ... the new MJ film's reportedly been touted in multiple press releases as an honest portrayal of Michael Jackson's life with a focus on both his talent and his very human struggles.

Variety checked in with producer Graham King and screenwriter John Logan, who do put the abuse allegations into the film -- after all, Michael went through a very public criminal trial over them, so it would be hard not to -- but ultimately portray him through a lens of innocence since he wasn't convicted back then.

In a separate statement, Graham King said he didn't sanitize Michael's life one bit ... instead working hard to present an unbiased picture of the King of Pop.

Well, "Leaving Neverland" director Dan Reed's not buying that ... telling the outlet he's read a copy of the "Michael" screenplay -- and it's basically an ode to MJ.

Remember ... "Leaving Neverland" featured allegations of child sex abuse against Jackson by Wade Robson and James Safechuck -- their court case against Jackson's estate is still awaiting trial.

Reed says the movie goes out of its way to show Michael interacting with kids in a positive way ... and he even goes as far as to say it seems like Michael's former attorney John Branca -- an executive producer on the film -- sat the creative team down and straight up told them what to write.

We've shown you quite a few behind-the-scenes looks at the movie being made over the months -- catching Jaafar Jackson, Colman Domingo, Nia Long and more stars all dressed up and ready for the camera to roll.

Bottom line ... this biopic's already stirring the pot -- and it'll only get bigger when it hits theaters next year.

Adolescente en Missouri Sufre daños cerebrales tras una pelea ... La familia empieza un GoFundMe

La adolescente de Missouri que se golpeó la cabeza contra el suelo durante una pelea ha sufrido graves daños cerebrales y ahora su familia está pidiendo ayuda.

Los seres queridos de la chica de 15 años comenzaron un GoFundMe para ella y han revelado su nombre como el de Kaylee, señalando que está luchando por su vida y que permanece hospitalizada y en estado crítico tras el incidente de la semana pasada.

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El brutal ataque

De acuerdo con el GoFundMe, que tiene como objetivo recaudar $100.000 para ayudar a cubrir sus crecientes gastos médicos, la pelea dejó a Kaylee con una hemorragia cerebral importante e hinchazón.

También dicen que sufrió una fractura de cráneo y daños en el lóbulo frontal, dando a entender que este es solo el comienzo de lo que podría ser una batalla cuesta arriba para su completa recuperación.

Su familia no lo dice explícitamente, pero parece que podría no estar consciente.

Recuerden, Kaylee fue vista sola y convulsionando en el suelo mientras la refriega continuaba a su alrededor, la que incluyó a varios otros adolescentes lanzándose golpes entre sí. Según su familia, los paramédicos finalmente llegaron a la escena y se apresuraron en llevar a Kaylee a un hospital local en St. Louis, pero parece que el daño podría haber estado hecho para entonces.

Como informamos, la adolescente que asaltó a Kaylee fue detenida por un cargo de delito grave en primer grado, pero el caso está siendo manejado por el sistema de tribunales de menores debido a la edad del autor.

Sin embargo, hemos averiguado que ella podría ser juzgada como un adulto, dependiendo de cómo se desarrolle una audiencia en la corte en un par de semanas. Si la condición de Kaylee empeora, podría significar malas noticias para quien resulte culpable.

Manténganse en sintonía ...


el bizarro momento

La estrella de la MLB Aroldis Chapman es aparentemente un niño de mamá, porque el lanzador de los Piratas de Pittsburgh compartió un extraño video agarrando los pechos de una señora mayor esta semana... y muchos creen que es su propia madre.

El dos veces campeón de la Serie Mundial publicó un perturbador clip en su historia de Instagram, que lo muestra acurrucado en un sofá con una mujer que se parece a su madre, María Caridad De La Cruz.

Chapman -sonriendo de oreja a oreja- aparece manoseando y apretando los pechos mientras la mujer le acaricia la espalda.

En un momento dado, la mujer aparentemente intenta que el "misil cubano" mueva su mano, pero la cosa continúa.

Naturalmente, Chapman -que firmó un contrato de un año por $10.5 millones con los Piratas en enero- fue tendencia en X poco después de que el video saliera a la luz... y un montón de gente compartió su horror.

Las imágenes ya no están en la página de Chapman. Todavía tiene que hacerle frente a algunas reacciones, y seguramente tendrá que escuchar comentarios desde las gradas.