Kanye's Pal Justin LaBoy North's in the Weeds on Her Album Has Friends on The Tracks!!!


North West takes after her dad more than we thought -- 'cause one of his best friends says she's knee-deep in production for her album ... and it'll apparently be kid-friendly, literally.

We ran into Justin LaBoy Tuesday at LAX -- and he gave us some insight into how the "Elementary School Dropout" is shaping up after North announced her own project at a recent Kanye West listening event. As it turns out ... Papa Bear is guiding this whole journey.

Justin tells us Kanye is putting all his chips in on his daughter's rap career, and everyone in his camp -- including Justin, who's very much so in Ye's inner circle -- is super excited to see what she can do.

Considering she already has a verse on one of Kanye's latest hits ('Talking/Once Again') ... the feeling is, she can churn out more all by herself. Justin tells us that while Kanye is helping North, she's actually the one steering the ship in terms of creative ... which is wild.

Dropout Saga Continues

He says North is doing beat selection, and is even picking the engineer she wants to work with. Also, she's apparently dropping a ton of freestyles on the regular these days -- so, sounds like she's gonna be doing some real rapping here for whole songs.

Not just that, but Justin goes on to tell us that North has actually had some of her friends in the studio with her already, and there's gonna be some tracks with a bunch of kids on there.

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From what Justin says he's heard so far ... 'ESD' is shaping up to be a classic record.

While some might've rolled their eyes upon hearing that North was dropping her own album -- 'cause, y'know, she's a little kid and everything -- Justin says Ye and co. are very much so taking this seriously ... and based on what we're hearing, they think she can be a legit MC.

As Justin says himself ... she comes from Kanye's bloodline, and if anyone can do it ... it'd be her. Pretty exciting stuff -- guess we'll just have to wait and see what North's got.

Let's hear the bars!

Donald Trump Seems to Ignore Grandson ... In Front of Ivanka, Jared

Donald Trump seemed to snub his own grandson at the UFC event over the weekend -- and the video is pretty brutal ... with the kid being left in the wind next to his mom and dad.

Different videos capturing the awkward moment have been spliced together into one clip -- and it makes for a tough scene for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner ... who were on hand Saturday to watch UFC 299 in Miami, something DT himself also crashed.

As you can see, when Trump was making his entrance ... he was hand-shaking and hobnobbing with a lot of notable people -- including Dave Portnoy -- but when he finally landed at where Ivanka and Jared were standing, things got a little icy.

Check it out ... Donald kisses Ivanka and hugs Jared, but when they try to present their son, Joseph, to his grandfather -- DT appears to turn away without acknowledging him.

The ex-Prez continues on his way without even so much as saying hello -- and Joseph is seen standing still in the immediate aftermath ... looking pretty sad. His mom goes down to seemingly console him before the clip cuts out entirely -- but on its face, it looks harsh.

Unclear if Trump was just in a hurry or what the deal was -- but in any case, he didn't give his 10-year-old grandkid the time of day ... and it seemed to hurt the boy.

We should note ... Don has been fond of and friendly with his grandchildren, in general, in the past -- including with Joseph specifically. He's been photographed holding his hand while walking across the White House lawn on at least a couple of occasions.

Ya gotta figure he loves the kid, but might've been distracted considering everything that was going on in the moment. He was arguably the most important person in the room that night.

BTW, Donald has a massive brood thanks to his five children -- Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and Barron. He has since become a grandfather 10 times over.

Lots of grandkids to keep track of ... and sometimes they might slip through. 🤷🏽‍♂️

UFC Legend Mark Coleman Hospitalized ... After Saving Parents From House Fire

Mark Coleman is retired, but he's not done fighting ... the UFC legend was airlifted to a local hospital after sustaining injuries while rescuing his mom and dad from a raging house fire.

59-year-old Coleman, one of the MMA promotion's earliest stars who beat legends like Stephan Bonnar, Don Frye, and Dan Severn, played hero Tuesday morning in Toledo, OH, when his parents and dog Hammer were trapped in an inferno.

Mark was able to get his mother and father out of the burning house and to a safe area before returning for his pup. Tragically, the dog didn't make it, according to the local fire department chief.

As tragic as it was, it could've been much worse ... the chief told reporters the roof of the structure collapsed shortly after firefighters entered the premises.

Although mom, dad, and Mark got out, the UFC Hall of Famer was in such rough shape that he had to be airlifted to a hospital, according to MC's good buddy, Wes Sims.

Sims added that Coleman was intubated and sedated, but provided no further update on his friend's condition.

The cause of the fire isn't yet known.

It's clear Mark has a close relationship with his mom, Connie. On Mother's Day in 2022, he posted a photo with her, along with a sweet caption.

"You are my favorite thank you for everything u are my inspiration. I love u so much."

Wes ended his health update like this ... "I swear to GOD-he’s one of the toughest individual ever created, been thru so much a Movie at this point could not give his life work Justice! Please 🙏 and Share! Life is Precious!"

Get better soon!

Estrella de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd Ingresó a rehabilitación hace 10 meses ... Por brote sicótico

La estrella infantil de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd ha estado recibiendo tratamiento en un centro de salud mental los últimos 10 meses, según revela su madre.

Lisa Lloyd dice que su hijo, famoso por interpretar al joven Anakin Skywalker en el "Episodio I: La Amenaza Fantasma" de 1999, comenzó su programa de hospitalización en marzo de 2023. Le dijo a Scripps News el lunes que Jake experimentó un brote psicótico mientras conducían a casa después de hacer una parada en McDonald's.

Lisa relató que Jake, ahora de 35 años, quiso apagar el carro en un momento dado e inquietantemente lo hizo mientras estaban en medio de tres carriles de tránsito, lo que dio lugar a un tumultuoso intercambio de gritos y gritos entre Jake y ella.

El incidente provocó un gran atasco, lo que llevó a otros conductores a llamar al 911. Cuando los policías llegaron a la escena le preguntaron un montón de cosas a Jake para obtener detalles del incidente.

Sin embargo, Lisa dice que Jake fue incapaz de responder coherentemente a las preguntas de los oficiales y las describió como una "ensalada de palabras". Escuchar un discurso incoherente a menudo se asocia a condiciones como la esquizofrenia, condición con la que Jake fue diagnosticado en 2008.

Jake fue ingresado en el hospital ese mismo día y más tarde entró al centro de rehabilitación para una estancia prolongada de 18 meses para intentar lidiar con sus demonios.

Afortunadamente, hay buenas noticias respecto a su progreso. Lisa dice que está muy bien y que incluso ha superado sus expectativas en lo relativo a relacionarse con otras personas y ser un poco más sociable.

Se acordarán de que Jake se ha enfrentado a varios desafíos a lo largo de su vida. En junio de 2015, fue arrestado, pasó 10 meses en prisión y más tarde buscó ayuda psiquiátrica después de una persecución a través del condado que terminó con él estrellando un carro.


'Star Wars' child star Jake Lloyd has been receiving treatment at a mental health facility for the past 10 months ... according to his mother.

Lisa Lloyd says her son -- famous for playing young Anakin Skywalker in 1999's "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" -- began his inpatient program in March 2023. She told Scripps News Monday, he'd been experiencing a psychotic break while they were driving home after making a McDonald's run.

Lisa recounted how Jake, now 35, expressed a desire to turn off the car, and unsettlingly, proceeded to carry out the act while they were in the middle of 3 lanes of traffic ... leading to a tumultuous exchange of yelling and screaming between Jake and her.

The incident caused a major traffic jam, prompting other drivers to call 911, and when cops arrived on the scene, they asked Jake a bunch of questions to get deets surrounding the incident.

However, Lisa says Jake was unable to make sense of the officers' questions ... describing them as a "word salad." Hearing a jumble of incoherent speech is often associated with conditions like schizophrenia, which Jake was diagnosed with back in 2008.

Jake was admitted to the hospital that day ... and later entered the rehab facility for an extended 18-month stay to battle his demons.

Thankfully, there's good news regarding his progress -- Lisa says he's doing great, even exceeding her expectations by relating to people better and becoming a bit more social.

You'll remember ... Jake's faced his fair share of challenges over the years. In June 2015, he was arrested, spent 10 months in prison, and later sought psychiatric help following a cross-county chase that ended with him crashing the car.

Donald Trump Parece ignorar a su nieto... En frente de Ivanka y Jared

Donald Trump pareció desairar a su propio nieto en el evento de la UFC el fin de semana y el video es bastante brutal, pues muestra cómo el niño es pasado por alto mientras está de pie junto a sus padres.

Diferentes videos que captaron el incómodo momento se han montado en un solo clip y parece ser una escena difícil para Ivanka Trump y Jared Kushner, quienes estaban de la mano el sábado para ver UFC 299 en Miami, al igual que Donald Trump.

Como se puede ver, Trump le estaba dando la mano a un montón de gente notable cuando entró al lugar, incluyendo a Dave Portnoy, pero cuando finalmente llegó a donde estaban Ivanka y Jared, las cosas se pusieron un poco frías.

Echa un vistazo, Donald besa a Ivanka y abraza a Jared, pero cuando tratan de señalarle a su hijo José, el ex presidente parece alejarse sin reconocerlo.

Donald Trump continúa su camino sin siquiera decir hola y Joseph se queda ahí parado mirando bastante triste. Su madre baja a consolarlo aparentemente antes de que el clip se corte por completo, pero a primera vista, parece duro.

No está claro si Trump estaba en un apuro o cómo era la cuestión, pero en cualquier caso, no le dio a su nieto de 10 años lo que esperaba y pareció herir al pequeño.

Hay que señalar que Don suele ser cariñoso y amable con sus nietos en general, al menos en el pasado, incluyendo con José. Ha sido fotografiado cogiéndole la mano mientras caminaban por el césped de la Casa Blanca en al menos un par de ocasiones.

Hay que suponer que lo quiere, pero puede que estuviera distraído por todo lo que estaba pasando. Probablemente, era la persona más importante en la sala esa noche.

Por cierto, Donald tiene una enorme prole gracias a sus cinco hijos: Donald Jr, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany y Barron. Desde entonces ya ha sido abuelo 10 veces.

Un montón de nietos a los que seguirle la pista y a veces pueden colarse. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Flau'jae Johnson's Brother Arrested After Injuring SEC Staff ... During LSU-SC Fight

The brother of LSU hoops star Flau'jae Johnson has been arrested after cops say he injured an SEC employee when he jumped onto the basketball court as a scuffle broke out on the hardwood during the Tigers-Gamecocks game.

Greenville Police tell TMZ Sports that Johnson's brother, Trayron Milton, was taken into custody Monday and was charged with assault, battery in the 3rd degree and disorderly conduct.

The arrest comes following his involvement in the altercation during the women's SEC title game on Sunday at Bon Secours Wellness Arena ... which was started when Gamecocks guard MiLaysia Fulwiley shoved Johnson to the floor.

Milton, who was sitting courtside, hopped over the scorer's table, apparently trying to defend his sister, but also injuring an SEC employee in the process.

"While Milton was jumping over the barrier, the victim was sitting at the scorer's table at the edge of the court," a GPD spokesperson said.

"To get over the table, Milton came from behind the table, pushed down on the victim’s head, and stepped on her shoulders to jump over."

Milton was eventually placed in handcuffs and escorted out of the arena while being booed by fans.

Johnson has not commented about the incident or her brother's arrest ... but South Carolina head coach Dawn Staley said the LSU guard approached her after the game and apologized.

As of Monday morning, Milton has not posted bond.

Anthony Davis Parents Surprise Him W/ Bday Cake ... After Historic Game!!!

Happy Birthday AD!!!
X /@Lakers

Anthony Davis' parents had several reasons to celebrate after the Lakers' massive win on Sunday ... their son's historic performance and 31st birthday -- mom and dad even surprised him with a massive cake right in the locker room!

The Lakers center put on a show at the Crypto.com Arena against the Minnesota Timberwolves (who were without Rudy Gobert and Karl-Anthony Towns) ... finishing the game with 27 points, 25 rebounds, seven steals, five assists, and three blocks.

AD's folks, Anthony Sr. and Erainer, were in attendance to watch their son ... and he was incredible. The 'rents then got to surprise him with a big cake for another trip around the sun.

The Lakers helped out, too ... as mom and dad walked in, players, including LeBron James, began singing "Happy Birthday!"

AD was all smiles ... and rightfully so. His stat line from Sunday's game was a first for an NBA hooper.

"We just want to come out as a team effort knowing that where we are in the standings and how important this game was," Davis said during post-game interviews, "You know, trying to close the gap in the standings."

The Lakers are currently the 9th seed in the West, moving just one game behind the Dallas Mavericks.

Happy birthday, AD!


Maluma ya es todo un papi... el cantante y su novia celebran el nacimiento de su hija.

La superestrella colombiana de 30 años publicó fotos acariciando a la recién nacida. Maluma dice que ella nació el sábado a las 8:23 AM, y agradeció a su novia Susana Gómez "por cumplir mi mayor sueño de ser padre".

Los fans habían anticipado el nombre del bebé después de ver a Susana luciendo un collar de diamantes que deletreaba París, y Maluma confirmó que es de hecho su nombre.

También dice que el bebé París tendrá los apellidos de ambos padres, París Londono Gómez. El nombre legal de Maluma es Juan Luis Londono Arias.

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El viernes, él había publicado un montón de fotos con Susana -varios de ellos en la guardería que han construido para la llegada del bebé- y su título, "Días para conocerte" fue un claro indicio de que su paquete de alegría estaba cerca.

Maluma anunció en octubre que estaban esperando un bebé con el videoclip de su tema "Procura", que se centra en su romance con Susana y en cuyo último minuto dio la noticia.

¡Felicidades a los orgullosos padres!

Maluma I'm a Girl Dad!!!

Maluma really is a papi now ... the singer and his girlfriend are celebrating the birth of their baby girl.

The 30-year-old Colombian superstar posted pics of himself nuzzling the newborn, apparently in the hospital nursery. Maluma says she was born Saturday at 8:23 AM, and he thanked his GF Susana Gomez "for fulfilling my biggest dream of being a Father."

Fans had anticipated the baby's name after seeing Susana rocking a diamond necklace spelling out Paris -- and Maluma confirmed that is indeed her name.

He also says baby Paris will have both parents' last names ... Paris Londono Gomez. Maluma's government name is Juan Luis Londono Arias.

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On Friday, he'd posted a bunch of pics with Susana -- several of them in the nursery they've built for the baby's arrival -- and his caption, "Days to meet you" was a dead giveaway that their bundle of joy was close.

Maluma announced back in October that they were expecting by releasing his music video for "Procura" --  the video focuses on his romance with Susana, and in the final minute of it, he dropped the baby news.

Congrats to the proud parents!

Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle Hacen una visita sorpresa a familia de Uvalde

El Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle están teniendo un momento íntimo en el corazón de Texas, tras hacer una parada no anunciada a la familia de Irma García, la maestra que fue asesinada durante el tiroteo en la escuela de Uvalde.

Los Sussexes se dirigieron a Uvalde el sábado para pasar un tiempo con la familia de Irma. Se recordarán que la historia de Irma fue aún más trágica, pues su marido Joe murió 2 días después del tiroteo de un ataque al corazón.

Los García estaban encantados con la visita sorpresa. Su sobrino John Martínez escribió en X: "¡Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry vinieron a mi casa! Son una pareja tan hermosa y soy tan afortunado, ¡qué bueno que vinieron a ver cómo está la familia!".

Feliz cumpleaños
TikTok/ @fuhknjo

Martínez también habló de lo cariñoso y solidario que fueron Harry y Meghan con sus primos y compartió un clip de la pareja cantando "feliz cumpleaños" a su mamá.

Como se puede ver, Harry y Meghan también posaron para unas fotos y conversaron con los García, convirtiéndose prácticamente en parte de la familia por un día.

Meghan conectó por primera vez con los García unos días después del trágico tiroteo en 2022, mientras estuvo en Uvalde para honrar a los profesores y estudiantes asesinados.

Meghan fue fotografiada afuera del Uvalde County Courthouse en su momento, dejando un ramo de rosas blancas en un improvisado monumento.

Palabras cariñosas
X/ @fuhknjo

Semanas más tarde, se puso en contacto con la hermana de Irma para saber cómo estaba la familia, especialmente los 4 niños que perdieron a su madre y a su padre en circunstancias desgarradoras.

Irma fue una de las dos profesoras y 19 niños asesinados a tiros el 24 de mayo en la escuela primaria Robb, en Uvalde, Texas.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are having a moment deep in the heart of Texas -- they made an unannounced stop to see the family of Irma Garcia ... a teacher killed during the Uvalde school shooting.

The Sussexes headed to Uvalde Saturday to spend some QT with Irma's family. You might recall, her story was even more tragic, because her husband Joe died 2 days after the mass shooting from a heart attack.

The Garcias were delighted by the surprise visit, with her nephew John Martinez writing on X: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry came to my house! They're such a beautiful couple and I'm so blessed - so glad they came to check up on the family!"

TikTok/ @fuhknjo

Martinez also gushed about how loving and supportive H&M were to his cousins ... and also shared a clip of the pair singing "Happy Birthday" to his mom.

As you can see, Harry and Meghan also posed for snaps and chatted with the Garcias ... virtually becoming part of the family for the day.

Meghan first connected with the Garcias a few days after the tragic 2022 shooting ... while she was in Uvalde to honor the slain teachers and students.

MM was pictured visiting outside the nearby Uvalde County Courthouse at the time ... leaving a bouquet of white roses at a makeshift memorial.

X/ @fuhknjo

Weeks later, she reached out to Irma's sister to check on the family's wellbeing, especially the 4 children who lost both their mom and dad under heart-wrenching circumstances.

Irma was one of 2 teachers and 19 children gunned down on May 24 at Robb Elementary, in Uvalde, Texas.

Deion Sanders Daughter Pregnant With Jacquees' Baby ... Grandpa Prime Time Incoming!!!

Deion Sanders is on his way to being a grandpa ... his eldest daughter, Deiondra, just revealed she's pregnant with R&B singer Jacquees' baby!

The 31-year-old called the pregnancy "a miracle" when she announced the news on Friday morning ... explaining that doctors had told her for years it would be difficult to have a baby due to a myriad of health issues she's undergone throughout her life.

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"I never thought I'd be here but here we are," Deiondra wrote on her Instagram page. "I'm having this baby to give hope to all the other women that may be in my situation. No matter what Doctor’s say, GOD HAS THE FINAL SAY!"

"The miracle growing in me is not just a coincidence but a divine blessing."

Jacquees, too, was thrilled to announce their bundle of joy had been conceived ... writing on his IG page that all of this is "My definition of real LOVE."

Coach Prime weighed in as well ... saying he's excited to be a granddad, even if he believes he's still a bit too young for the title.

"I Love u baby," the Colorado Buffaloes head coach said, "and I'm glad u said u ain't having a baby to keep a man."

"You've always had a MAN in your life that u call DADDY & ain't gon ever ever let u DOWN especially when I'm UP."

Deiondra is Deion's oldest child who he had with his first wife, Carolyn Chambers. The NFL legend has four other kids, two of whom he currently coaches in Boulder.

Make way for Grandpa Prime in Colorado!!

Patrick Mahomes Sheds Shirt On Mexico Vacation ... It's Dad Bod Time, Baby!!!

Patrick Mahomes is leaning into his dad bod era ... going shirtless by the pool during his vacation down in Mexico -- with a couple bebidas in hand, no less.

The Super Bowl LVIII champ and in-game MVP kicked back and relaxed Thursday, lounging around a lavish Los Cabos beach resort in standard gringo attire ... board shorts and a straw hat. The Chiefs QB looked like he was enjoying himself -- with Brittany right by his side.

It's pretty obvious ... Patrick's enjoying some R&R, fully embracing the offseason after a grueling season that culminated in a second straight Super Bowl title. What better to unwind than double-fisting a couple canned beverages ... which is exactly what he did here.

Hard to tell if these are beers or seltzers, but they do look refreshing.

As you know ... Pat's on a Mexican getaway this week with family and friends, and we've already gotten a look at his wife Brittany's bikini bod.

Remember ... BM's nursing a back injury, but she's powering through ... which is a lot easier to do from a resort in Cabo. Patrick and Brittany have their kids in tow ... and they look to be joined by another couple.

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The CW / Inside The NFL

Now, Pat's clearly letting it all hang out here ... no shame to his game, nor should there be. The three-time Super Bowl champ also showed off his dad bod during the NFL playoffs, when he went shirtless during the locker room celebration, which went viral at the time.

Patrick defended his physique in the aftermath ... and he's clearly not shy about it here either.

Viva Mexico ... y viva los Papas!!!

'Sister Wives' Janelle Brown Shares Last Family Photo Taken ... Before Son Garrison's Death

Janelle Brown is remembering happier times in the wake of her son, Garrison Brown's death -- posting a photo of the last time her whole brood was together.

Just a couple days after reflecting on Garrison's passing -- which occurred earlier this week -- the "Sister Wives" star shared a sweet family memory ... throwing up a pic on her social media that featured all six of her kids, whom she shares with her ex, Kody Brown,

The picture, Janelle says, was from Christmas ... and she wrote, "I had all my children together last Christmas. It was amazing as it's hard with everyone's busy lives to coordinate time like this. I am extremely grateful now that we had pictures taken."

The holiday allowed for Janelle to snap a pic of herself with her kids and grandkids -- the image marking the last full family photo for the reality star ... and obviously more poignant now in the wake of Garrison's passing.

The new upload marks Janelle's return to social media after announcing Garrison's death, who died by suicide on Tuesday -- this after she confirmed that her son had passed away.

We broke the story ... Garrison -- who appeared alongside Janelle and Kody on "Sisters Wives" -- took his own life at his home in Flagstaff, AZ. Flagstaff PD told us that Garrison's brother Gabriel was the first to discover him.

While we're told that Garrison died by a self-inflicted gunshot wound ... an investigation is still reportedly underway. Cops spoke with Janelle the day he died -- and she alerted them to alarming texts he'd sent to people they'd worked with before, and that raised red flags.

Garrison is survived by several family members -- as the Browns were famous polygamists before Kody's respective splits from wives Meri, Christine and Janelle over the last couple years. He was only 25.


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Chloe Bailey Keeping Halle's Preggo Secret Was Easy!!!

I Feel Great

Chloe and Halle Bailey have a bond that can't be broken -- which is probably why the older sibling here says it was no issue keeping her little sister's pregnancy a secret.

We caught up with sister duo at Essence mag's pre-Oscar gala on Thursday -- and Halle couldn't help but blush and gush about her newborn baby boy Halo, whom she shares with boyfriend DDG ... who was enjoying fatherhood as we spoke with Mama Bear.

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Just check out the video DDG threw up recently ... showing him goofing around with the kid.

Anyway, back to Halle -- our photog asked if Halle's musical talents have transferred over to the baby just yet ... and based on her reaction, it sounds like it might be too early to tell.

So, instead ... we lobbed her a softball, asking how motherhood was going -- and HB told us it was great. Chloe, however, gave us a little more insight into her sister's pregnancy ... which sorta flew under the radar (although, not really).

Nonetheless, we asked Chloe if was difficult keeping everything under wraps for Halle -- and she told us it was actually a breeze. Halle herself addressed this as well during her remarks at the event ... and said she had no obligation to share her pregnancy with the world.

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DDG echoed her sentiments to us recently -- saying he didn't cave to social media pressure nor did he feel the need to. Good on them.