Kyle Richards & Mauricio Umansky Step Out Together Amid Separation ... Just for Daughter's Birthday

Here's a rare sight these days ... Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky hitting the town together -- but it's not a sign they've smoothed out their marital issues, it's just that they're great parents.

The separated couple publicly reunited in Bel Air to celebrate their daughter Portia's 16th birthday. The fam left a restaurant together Thursday night -- Mauricio was carrying what seemed like a gift or cake box ... and they even drove home together.

Kyle was behind the wheel of their SUV, and Mauricio rode in the passenger seat. It's the first time we've seen them out together in a long time ... amid what's been a very public separation, which they announced last summer.

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More Effort Needed

Since the new season of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" started airing, we've seen Kyle draw a line in the sand ... hinting on the show that their 27-year marriage might be coming to an end.

In one scene, she told Dorit Kemsley, "If there's no effort, we're not going to end up together."

While Mauricio and Kyle are still living under the same roof, Kyle's been hanging with Morgan Wade, who she insists is just a friend -- and we've seen Mauricio partying hard in Aspen with other women.

The couple went public with their separation in July 2023, but since then they've been on vacay a couple of times together as a family -- including a holiday trip to Aspen ... shortly after Mauricio's wild night out there.

They have 3 daughters together -- Alexia, Sophia and birthday girl Portia -- and, for now, the kids seem to be the glue holding them together.


Tish Cyrus and Dominic Purcell are battening down the hatches -- refusing to respond to man-stealing rumors involving Noah Cyrus -- but they're also not hiding from cameras.

The married couple was out for a stroll Friday in Toluca Lake, CA, keeping the vibe very casual ... Tish wore a grey hoodie, joggers and a trucker cap -- while the former "Prison Break" star opted for a navy tracksuit.

Tish and Dominic took in some fresh air with a pal ... perhaps attempting to clear their heads from the swirling drama that's come after a wild report this week.

If you missed it ... the story claims Tish swooped in and stole Dominic from her 24-year-old daughter Noah, following her split from Billy Ray Cyrus.

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Tish reportedly began connecting with DP in his DMs while he was dating Noah -- and there was also a suggestion of possible overlap ... a period when he was dating both mom and daughter.

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Noah hasn't addressed the whole saga ... and ditto for her mother and, dare we say it, stepdad. In the wake of the report, the rumor is this is why Noah skipped Tish and Dominic's wedding last August.

We've known that Tish is estranged from Noah, but now it also appears her other daughter, Miley Cyrus, is feuding with dad Billy Ray.

Family drama ... no lack of it in the Cyrus fam, these days.

LA HERMANA DE HAILEY BIEBER es detenida en un bar Supuestamente se peleó y tiró un tampón

La hermana de Hailey Bieber, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, fue arrestada en Georgia a principios de esta semana. La policía afirma que fue parte de una pelea salvaje en un bar donde, entre otras cosas, se lanzaron tampones.

La influencer fue arrestada el sábado por la noche en Savannah, Georgia, después de que el propietario de un bar llamado Club Elan llamara al 911 para informar de un cliente revoltoso que, según él, estaba atacando a su personal y se negaba a abandonar el establecimiento. Resulta que la policía dice que esa persona era Alaia.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía obtenido por TMZ, cuando los oficiales llegaron, se reunieron con dos tipos diferentes y uno de los camareros y todos tenían una historia similar.

Le dijeron al policía que Alaia había entrado en un baño solo para empleados, y cuando le dijeron que no podía estar allí y tuvo que usar el baño público, supuestamente comenzó a dar problemas, y finalmente la han acusadado de agredir a tres empleados.

Un guardia de seguridad afirma que ella le arrancó el pelo de la cabeza cuando trató de forcejear con ella, y otro guardia alega que ella le dio una patada en la ingle cuando trató de hacer lo mismo.

Una camarera le dijo a la policía que ella misma entró en el baño de empleados -tratando de mostrar discreción por Alaia al parecer- y afirma que le dijeron que Alaia necesitaba un minuto para vomitar y cambiarse el tampón. La empleada dice que esperó un rato y cuando volvió a entrar de nuevo, ella afirma que Alaia le lanzó un tampón.

Finalmente, el personal de seguridad dice que fueron capaces de conseguir un asimiento de ella y sacarla del edificio y el oficial que responde dice que cuando le preguntó a Alaia sobre todo esto, ella afirmó que se estaba defendiendo y que todo el asunto fue sacado de proporción.

Al final, fue detenida por varios cargos: agresión simple, agresión simple, agresión y allanamiento de morada. También posó para esta foto en la cárcel.

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Hemos contactado a Alaia, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

PADRE DE BIANCA CENSORI VAMOS A ACLARAR LAS COSAS YE Dice que quiere hablar sobre la ropa

Si la ropa de Bianca Censori te ha llamado la atención, imagina ser su padre... quien ha visto todo y parece que está muy enfadado al respecto.

Fuentes cercanas a Bianca le dijeron a Daily Mail que su padre, Leo, quiere sentarse a charlar con Kanye West para discutir los trajes que su hija está usando.

De acuerdo con el informe, Leo quiere preguntarle a Ye a quemarropa cómo es posible que pueda pasear a su esposa con ropa apenas transparente como un "trofeo desnudo de mala calidad", no son exactamente las palabras que cualquiera querría escuchar de su suegro.

Al parecer, Leo también quiere preguntarle a Ye si le parecería bien que sus hijas se pasearan por ahí con ropa igual de transparente cuando crecieran, porque francamente, lo duda.

Como ya hemos dicho, Bianca está sorprendiendo constantemente con su moda y recientemente lo mostró todo usando medias transparentes.

Definitivamente, ha dado de qué hablar, pero no es la primera vez que lleva ropa reveladora, ¿recuerdas cuando estaba totalmente desnuda en un impermeable o los bodys que usó en Italia? Claramente no es de las que se abrigan.

Obviamente, Leo parece pensar que Kanye está forzando a su hija, similar a lo que se comenta en línea.

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abordado en la calle

Leo también tiene muchas ganas de preguntarle a Ye por qué está aparentemente aislándola de su familia, por lo tanto, suena como que el querido papá cree que Ye está controlando a Bianca en múltiples ámbitos de la vida.

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¡Tomaremos incómodas charlas familiares por $800, Alex!

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Hailey Bieber's Sister Alaia Arrested at GA Bar Allegedly Fought, Threw Tampon

Hailey Bieber's sister, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, was arrested in Georgia earlier this week over what cops claim was a wild brawl at a bar -- which involved used tampons being hurled.

The influencer was busted Saturday night in Savannah, GA after the owner of a bar called Club Elan called 911 to report an unruly patron whom he claimed was attacking his staff and refusing to leave the establishment. As it turns out ... cops say that person was Alaia.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, when officers arrived ... they met with two different bouncers and one of the bartenders there -- all of whom had a similar story.

They told the cop that Alaia had gone into an employees-only bathroom, and when she was told she couldn't be in there and had to use the public restroom -- she allegedly started becoming belligerent and combative ... and she's accused of assaulting three staffers.

One security guard claims she yanked hair out of his head when he attempted to wrangle her, and another guard alleges she kicked him in the groin when he tried doing the same.

A female bartender told cops she went into the employee bathroom herself at one point -- trying to show discretion for Alaia apparently -- and claims she was told Alaia needed a minute to throw up and change her tampon. The staffer says she waited for a while ... and when she reentered again to check on Alaia, she claims Alaia threw a tampon at her.

Eventually ... the security personnel says they were able to get a hold of her and get her out of the building -- and the responding officer says when he asked Alaia about all this, she claimed she was defending herself ... and that the whole thing was blown out of proportion.


In the end, she was arrested on a number of charges -- getting booked for simple assault, simple battery, battery and trespassing. She also posed for this mug shot at the jail.

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We've reached out to Alaia for comment ... so far, no word back.

Bianca Censori's Dad Let's Rap, Ye ... Reportedly Wants to Talk Bianca's Clothes

If Bianca Censori's racy, barely-there outfits have your eyes popping, imagine being her father ... who's seen all the worldwide attention, and it sounds like he's pretty enraged about it.

Sources close to Bianca told Daily Mail that her dad, Leo, wants to sit down for a chat with Kanye West to discuss the outfits his daughter's wearing ... and these sources are saying he's outright gonna go on a tirade if he does get face time with him.

According to the report, Leo wants to ask Ye point-blank how he could possibly march his wife around in barely-there clothes like some "trashy naked trophy pony" -- not exactly the words anyone would wanna hear from their father-in-law.

Leo also apparently wants to ask Ye if he'd be cool with his daughters walking around wearing similarly sheer clothing when they grow up -- 'cause quite frankly, he doubts it.

As we've told ya ... Bianca's constantly pushing the envelope with her fashion, recently going as far as straight-up flashing her vagina while wearing sheer tights.


She's definitely going further and further with each new outfit, but it's not like this is the first time she's worn super revealing clothing -- remember her being totally naked in a raincoat or all the nude-colored bodysuits in Italy? She's not the bundling-up type.

Obviously, Leo seems to think Kanye's forcing all of these choices on his daughter ... similar to online buzz that sparked up a few months back about Ye taking away his wife's free will.

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Leo's also reportedly keen on asking Ye why he's seemingly shutting her off from her family ... so, it sounds like dear ol' Dad believes Ye's controlling Bianca in multiple arenas in life.

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We'll take uncomfortable family chats for $800, Alex!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

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Tish Cyrus está siendo acusada de robarle el novio a su hija y luego convertirlo en su marido, y en medio de todo el ruido, el propio hombre se dirige hacia el mar.

Dominic Purcell -la ex estrella de "Prison Break", que ahora está casado con Tish- fue a surfear el jueves en Malibu, donde era solo él y su tabla cogió algunas olas y disfrutó de un poco de tiempo a solas en el océano durante un día sombrío.

Las fotos son bastante geniales, Dom parece saber lo que está haciendo. Luce como un surfista bastante experimentado y no un principiante, al menos eso es lo que podemos deducir.

Lo más notable es el ambiente nublado y las olas agitadas que parecen reflejar la situación en la que él y su esposa se encuentran ahora, es decir, directamente en contra de su hija -Noah- quien se informa ha estado saliendo con Dominic antes de que Mamá lo acapara para ella.

Teniendo en cuenta lo guapo que se ve Dominic aquí, suponemos que podemos entender el atractivo, pero si lo que se está informando acerca de cómo él y la relación de Tish surgió es cierto... bueno, es un poco desagradable por decir lo menos.

Recordemos que la afirmación es que Noah estuvo en realidad con Dominic primero, y que Tish finalmente comenzó a dirigirse a él a través de redes sociales.

La línea de tiempo que se ha informado es un poco borrosa, pero parece que hubo algunos problemas, lo que podría explicar por qué Tish y Noah están distanciados.

Todavía hay un montón de preguntas sin respuesta... pero en cualquier caso, Tish y Dom fueron vistos el miércoles en los talones de esta gran noticia de última hora y ninguno de ellos parecía dispuesto a hablar con los paparazzi al respecto.

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Tisha y Dom iban en vehículos separados para su almuerzo en Los Ángeles, y cuando Tish se alejó, ella mantuvo sus ventanas habiertas haciendo caso omiso de las preguntas de los fotógrafos.

En cuanto a Noah, ella no ha dicho mucho acerca de esto públicamente por el momento, pero el hecho de que ella faltó a la boda de Tish con Dominic el pasado mes de abril es revelador, especialmente a la luz de este presunto desarrollo.

No hace falta decir que la familia Cyrus está seriamente fracturada en este momento, ya que parece que algunos de los niños han tomado partido en todo este asunto, por no mencionar el reciente divorcio entre Tish y Billy Ray. Miley parece ser anti-Bill, y Noah es anti-Tish.

Ya había mala sangre, pero ahora se le agregó leña al fuego y no pareciera que las cosas vayan a calmarse.

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Hemos llegado a Tish y Noé, pero no hay ninguna palabra de vuelta todavía de ninguno de ellos.

Tish Cyrus' Husband Choppy Waters Amid Noah Rumors ... He's Just Riding the Wave

Tish Cyrus is being accused of stealing her daughter's boyfriend and then turning him into her own husband -- and amid all the noise ... the man himself is heading out to sea.

Dominic Purcell -- the former 'Prison Break' star, who's now married to Tish -- went surfing Thursday out in Malibu, CA ... where it was just him and his board as he caught some waves and enjoyed a little solo time out in the ocean during a gloomy day.

The pics are pretty cool ... Dom seems to know what he's doing out there, looking like a fairly seasoned surfer and not a kook (beginner) -- at least that's what we can glean.

More importantly though ... the overcast environment and choppy waves also seem to telegraph the situation he and his wife are now in -- namely, squarely against her daughter, Noah, who is reported to have been dating Dominic before Mama Bear swooped in.

Based on how studly DP looks here, we suppose we can understand the appeal -- but if what's being reported about how his and Tish's relationship came about is in any way true ... well, it's a little unsavory to say the least.

Remember ... the claim that's been floated here is that Noah was actually with Dominic first -- and that Tish eventually came along and started hollering at him over social media DMs.

The timeline that's been reported is a little fuzzy, but it seems like some overlap may have possibly occurred -- which might be able to explain why Tish and Noah are now estranged.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions about this ... but in any case, Tish and Dom were both spotted out Wednesday on the heels of this big news breaking -- and neither of them seemed ready to talk to paps about it.

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stepping out, staying silent

Tisha and Dom were rolling in separate vehicles for their lunch outing in L.A. -- and as Tish pulled away, she kept her windows rolled up ... ignoring questions from the photogs.

As for Noah, she hasn't said much about this publicly just yet -- but the fact she skipped Tish's wedding with Dominic last April is telling ... especially in light of this alleged development.

It goes without saying ... the Cyrus family is seriously fractured at the moment, as it seems some of the kids have taken sides in this whole thing -- not to mention the somewhat fresh divorce between Tish and Billy Ray. Miley appears to be anti-Bill ... Noah's anti-Tish.

There was already bad blood in their brood as it was ... but now, this is yet another divide that's being thrown into the mix -- and it doesn't sound like things are gonna simmer down.

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We've reached out to Tish and Noah ... no word back yet from either of them.

Hailey Bieber Not Happy with Dad 'Prayers' Request ... Very Private Matter

Hailey Bieber's father, Stephen Baldwin, asked the public for prayers for his daughter and her husband, Justin Bieber -- and as it turns out, something's going on ... and Hailey's pissed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Stephen's plea for guidance and well-wishes toward his daughter and son-in-law did not just come out of nowhere ... and was related to something specific that's going on with the young couple.

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While we weren't told what the issue is ... the one thing we know for certain is that it's a private thing that Justin and Hailey are dealing with.

Whatever it is ... Stephen is obviously aware of it, and wanted to pass along good vibes in the form of prayers from others -- and while he probably only meant well with this move, sources tell us Hailey is not pleased with her dad drawing attention to them.

You could tell something was on their minds Wednesday as they were leaving church here in L.A. -- where a bunch of paps snapped them on the way out ... and they were pensive.

Some didn't think there was anything to their somber demeanors, but now ... we're hearing there's something behind it. Considering SB had just reposted this "prayers" clip hours before they went inside ... it's a safe bet to assume they were aware the spotlight was on them.

Again, we're not quite sure what this all pertains to ... and we're not gonna speculate.

There haven't been any open signs of trouble in paradise between Hailey and Justin either -- they've just gone about their business, per usual -- which is why this is all so sudden and confusing. Clearly, with Stephen's sentiment ... he's kicked up some unwanted publicity here.

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We've reached out to their camp ... so far, no word back.



Jenelle Evans está compartiendo detalles del intento de robo en su casa de Carolina del Norte, y la historia que cuenta es absolutamente horrible, dejando claro que tiene suerte de estar viva.

La ex estrella de "Teen Mom" apareció en TikTok el jueves para profundizar en lo que experimentó el pasado fin de semana y dice que todo esto se desarrolló durante la noche mientras estaba en casa con su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice que este tipo -al que ella nunca había visto antes- apareció de repente en su propiedad e intento de entrar a la casa.

Procedieron a esconderse y llamar al 911, todo mientras este hombre no identificado trataba de abrir su puerta corrediza de cristal, lo cual fue impedido por un palo de bloqueo desde el suelo.

Jenelle dice que tenía un arma con ella, pero no quería usarla si no era necesario, no quería poner a su hijo en riesgo. Al final, dice que el tipo se detuvo cuando se dio cuenta de que ella estaba con su hijo adolescente y se disculpó.

Ella dice que él le dijo que estaba en la casa equivocada, pero Jenelle dice que es mentira, diciendo que vive en el campo en una propiedad de 10 acres y sospecha que estaba allí para hacerle daño.

Jenelle también dice que tiene este tipo en la cámara, y está trabajando con la policía, ya que investigar. Ella dice que va a publicar este material pronto con la esperanza de que la gente en línea puede ayudar a localizarlo.

La única cosa que no aclaró, ¿dónde estaba su marido, David Eason? No se sabe nada al respecto.

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La policía dice que la llamada entró como un intento de robo y el sospechoso fue descrito como un hombre hispano. Por ahora, no hay nuevas actualizaciones en el caso.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Details Attempted Break-In at Home Says She Had Gun with Her


Jenelle Evans is getting into the details of the attempted break-in at her North Carolina home -- and the story she tells is absolutely horrific ... making clear, she's lucky to be alive.

The former "Teen Mom" star hopped on TikTok Thursday to get into what she experienced last weekend -- and she says this all unfolded in the middle of the night while she was at home with her 14-year-old son, Jace.

Jenelle says this random guy -- who she says she's never seen before, and who was not her husband -- was all of a sudden on her property and attempting to get into the house.

She goes on to describe her waking up Jace, huddling together and calling 911 ... all while this unidentified man tried yanking her sliding glass door open, which she says was only prevented by a stick blocking it from the floor.

Jenelle does say she had a gun with her ... but notes, she didn't want to use it if she didn't have to -- not wanting to put her boy through that type of trauma. In the end, she says the guy only stopped once he realized she was with her teenage kid, and he apologized.

She says he told her he was at the wrong house -- but Jenelle calls BS, saying she lives out in the country on a 10-acre property ... and she suspects he was there to do her harm.

Jenelle also says she's got this guy on camera, and is working with cops as they investigate. She says she'll post this footage soon in hopes that people online can help track him down.

The one thing she didn't clarify ... where was her hubby, David Eason? No word on that.

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Cops have since told TMZ ... the call came in as an attempted break-in, and the suspect was described as a Hispanic male. For now, there are no new updates in the case.


Adam Sandler's just like the rest of us ... turns out, not even he can keep his cool around Taylor Swift.

Speaking on SiriusXM's "Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend," Adam and host Conan discussed how 21st-century celebs didn't quite leave them fangirling like the ones from back in the day did -- but according to the actor ... one modern star broke that rule -- Tay Tay!!

I Get A Little Jumpy
Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Adam explained that he still gets "a little f***ing jumpy" around the singer cause of what she means to his teen daughters Sadie and Sunny ... and he doesn't want to risk blowing their chance to have an awesome experience by acting all awkward around TS.

In fact, it's like his comedy movie characters come to life when he's trying to get Taylor's attention ... 'cause he says he's super loud and excited!!

Conan totally got where Adam was coming from here, BTW ... adding TS was on a whole other level now with her superstardom reaching crazy heights and her Travis Kelce romance hitting headlines.

Adam went on to compare Swift's success to "Beatlemania" in the '60s ... adding she has so many smash hits, and there's not a word his kids don't know.

He's had plenty of opportunities to sing along with them, too ... last year, he took his daughters to Taylor's "Eras" tour in L.A., and they also hit up the "The Eras Tour: The Movie" premiere. So yeah, AS is a well-anointed Swifite via proxy, thanks to his kids.

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Adam's definitely rocking the ultimate girl dad title, that's for damn sure!

Hailey Bieber No está contenta con que su padre pida oraciones ... Es algo privado

El padre de Hailey Bieber, Stephen Baldwin, pidió públicamente oraciones por su hija y su marido, Justin Bieber, pues resulta que algo está pasando, pero Hailey está enojada.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que la petición de Stephen de enviarle buenos deseos a su hija y a su yerno no salió de la nada y está relacionado con algo específico que está pasando con la joven pareja.

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Aunque no nos dijeron cuál es el problema, lo único que sabemos con certeza es que es algo privado con lo que Justin y Hailey están lidiando.

Sea lo que sea, Stephen obviamente está consciente de ello y quería traspasarles buenas vibraciones en forma de oraciones de los demás. Aunque probablemente solo tenía buenas intenciones, nuestras fuentes dicen que Hailey no está para nada contenta con que su padre haya atraído la atención sobre ellos.

Se puede decir que algo estaba pasando el miércoles cuando salieron de la iglesia en Los Ángeles, donde un montón de paparazzi los fotografiaron a la salida y se veían pensativos.

Algunos pensaban que no había nada detrás de su semblante sombrío, pero ahora sabemos que hay algo detrás. Teniendo en cuenta que Stephen acababa de volver a publicar el clip de las "oraciones" antes de que entraran a la iglesia, es una apuesta segura decir que estaban conscientes de que la atención estaba sobre ellos.

Una vez más, no estamos muy seguros de lo que está pasando y no vamos a especular.

No ha habido ninguna señal de problemas entre Hailey y Justin, quienes solo andaban en lo suyo, como de costumbre. Es por eso que todo esto es muy repentino y confuso. Claramente, con las palabras de Stephen, ha atraído algo de publicidad no deseada aquí.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con su equipo, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.


Adam Sandler es como el resto de nosotros... resulta que ni siquiera él puede mantener la calma alrededor de Taylor Swift.

Hablando en SiriusXM "Conan O'Brien necesita un amigo", Adam y el anfitrión Conan discutieron cómo las celebridades del siglo 21 no los sorprendían como las de antaño, pero según el actor, una estrella moderna rompió esa regla... ¡Tay Tay!

"me puse un poco nervioso"
Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Adam explicó que todavía se pone "un poco jodidamente nervioso" cerca de la cantante, por lo que ella significa para sus hijas adolescentes -Sadie y Sunny- y él no quiere correr el riesgo de arruinar su oportunidad de tener una experiencia impresionante actuando torpemente cerca de Taylor.

De hecho, es como si sus personajes de películas de comedia cobraran vida cuando está tratando de llamar la atención de Taylor, ¡porque dice que se vuelve muy torpe!

Conan entendió lo que Adam quería decir, añadiendo que Taylor estaba en un nivel completamente diferente ahora que su superestrellato a alcanzando alturas impensadas y su romance con Travis Kelce en los titulares.

Adam llegó a comparar el éxito de Swift con la "Beatlemania" en los años 60, añadiendo que tiene muchos éxitos y que no hay una palabra que sus hijos no se sepan.

Él ha tenido un montón de oportunidades para cantar junto a ellas. El año pasado llevó a sus hijas a la gira de Taylor "Eras" en Los Ángeles, y también asistió al "The Eras Tour: The Movie". Así que sí, Adam es todo un Swifite.

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Adam se ha convertido en el mejor padre, ¡eso seguro!

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Son Adam's Cause of Death Confirmed ... Fentanyl Overdose

Rick Harrison's son, Adam Harrison, died from an accidental overdose of fentanyl and methamphetamine ... TMZ has learned.

The Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner tells us that the cause of death has been ruled an accident for the "Pawn Stars" personality's son, who died in Las Vegas last month.

TMZ was the first to report Adam's passing ... after a rep for RH shared that Adam had died from a fatal OD. The Harrison family told TMZ shortly after his passing ... "Our family is extremely saddened by the death of Adam. We ask for privacy as we grieve his loss." At the time -- the Las Vegas Metro PD told us they were investigating the case.

As we reported ... Adam was struggling in the days leading up to his death -- with former roommates telling cops that AH was displaying erratic and strange behavior before allegedly barricading himself inside a guest house where he was staying. He reportedly had just been released from jail after serving 3 months behind bars -- although we don't know the cause for his incarceration.

Adam -- one of Rick's three boys -- kept mostly out of the limelight ... having stepped away from helping out at the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop. Adam is Rick's kid from his first marriage to ex-wife Kim, with whom he also shares son Corey.

The "Pawn Stars" leading man later welcomed son Jake with his second wife, Tracy. Corey and Jake are regulars on his reality show -- but Adam did not appear on camera.

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On losing his son, Rick shared on Instagram, "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam."

Adam was 39.


Justin y Hailey Bieber Lucen sombríos... Después de que el padre Stephen pidiera por ellos

Justin y Hailey Bieber fueron a la iglesia esta semana y salieron con un aspecto estoico, apenas unas horas después de que el suegro de Justin, Stephen Baldwin, pidiera oraciones por la pareja de la lista A.

El cantante y su esposa trataron de pasar bajo perfil al salir de la Iglesia Churchome en Beverly Hills el miércoles por la noche. Los tortolitos, que se casaron en 2018 después de un compromiso relámpago, lucían apagados mientras salían del servicio religioso.

Sombríos al salir de la iglesia

Vamos a ser honestos, Justin se veía un poco deprimido, llevaba una sudadera de gran tamaño oscuro y una bufanda a juego que cubría su cara. Hailey llevaba un suéter amarillo y gris alegre, pero parecía igual de sombría a su lado.

La pareja hizo una rápida escapada a su Tesla Cybertruck de $90,000, esquivando y negándose a responder las preguntas de los paparazzi sobre su matrimonio.

El telón de fondo de esta sombría salida es el padre de Hailey, Stephen -también conocido como el hermano de Alec Baldwin- quien ha provocado cierta preocupación entre los fans cuando volvió a pedir oraciones por su hija y su yerno en un post de redes sociales.

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Sobre un video de Justin cantando, Stephen escribió: "Cristianos, por favor, cuando piensen en Justin & Hailey, tómense un momento para ofrecerles una pequeña oración para que tengan sabiduría, protección y se acerquen al Señor". Esto no fue lo que Stephen publicó originalmente, pero lo volvió a publicar.

Por supuesto, la fe es algo muy importante en la relación de Justin y Hailey, igual que para Stephen, obviamente. No está claro por qué el padre de Hailey podría haber estado pidiendo oraciones por ellos, pero ha preocupado a algunos.

Justin y Hailey suelen salir a menudo por la ciudad, pero no hablan mucho, especialmente Justin, quien está realmente alejado de los focos y de la actuación en medio de sus problemas de salud. También han sido abiertos y honestos acerca de las luchas que han tenido en su matrimonio desde el principio.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Parece que los dos están una vez más en busca de orientación espiritual y papá Stephen quiere enviarles un poco de amor.