KELLY OSBOURNE ENORME PELEA CON SU NOVIO... Por el apellido de su hijo

la mayor pelea
The Osbournes Podcast

Kelly Osbourne dice que una de las mayores peleas que tuvo con su novio tuvo que ver con el apellido de su hijo.

La famosa hija de Ozzy y Sharon Osbourne se abrió sobre la enorme discusión con su hombre, Sid Wilson, en "The Osbournes Podcast", diciéndole a sus padres que su pareja no quería que su hijo Sidney tuviera sus dos apellidos cuando nació en 2022.

Kelly dice que ella y Sid -con quien ha estado desde principios de 2022- no podían llegar a un acuerdo respecto a darle a su hijo los dos apellidos, y al final, parece que Kelly lo convenció, porque que Sidney es un Osbourne.

Dijo que ella y Sid siguien adelante, pero puede que nunca sea capaz de perdonar a Wilson por haber sido tan cerrado. Así que sí, el asunto dejó sus cicatrices.

Pero hay luz al final del túnel... Osbourne dijo que ella y Wilson han estado hablando mucho y asisten a terapia de pareja, y afirma que él está entendiendo su punto de vista.

Kelly añadió que la pareja planea cambiar el nombre de su hijo para incluir los apellidos de ambos, una decisión inteligente de acuerdo con sus padres, quienes señalaron lo beneficioso que será el apellido Osbourne para el futuro del niño.

Después de todo, un montón de gente en Hollywood utiliza sus conexiones familiares para reservar puestos de trabajo -incluyendo a Kelly, quien recientemente dijo que estaba orgullosa de su apellido".

Kelly le dijo a Rolling Stone en enero que estaba orgullosa de los logros de sus padres, y que no tenía ningún problema en ser asociada con ellos, aunque añadió que no cree que las oportunidades deban caer en su regazo debido a sus lazos familiares.

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En pocas palabras, parece que Kelly está convencida de que la familia es algo importante, especialmente cuando se trata de la familia Osbourne.

Kelly Osbourne Huge Blow-Up Fight w/ Boyfriend ... Hyphenate Son's Name!!!

The Biggest Fight
The Osbournes Podcast

Kelly Osbourne says one of the biggest fights she had with her baby daddy all had to do with their kid's surname ... and it sounds like it's a fight she eventually backed down from.

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne's famous daughter opened up about the huge argument with her man, Sid Wilson, on "The Osbournes Podcast" ... telling her parents her partner didn't want their son Sidney to have both their last names when he was born in 2022.

Kelly says she and Sid -- who she's been with since early 2022 -- couldn't see eye to eye about giving their son two last names, and ultimately it appears Kelly capitulated ... 'cause she says Sidney isn't an Osbourne in name.

Osbourne said she and Sid are moving on ... but that she also may never truly be able to forgive Wilson for seemingly forcing this decision upon her. So yeah, harsh feelings linger.

There is light at the end of the name tunnel though ... Osbourne said she and Wilson have been talking a lot -- and attending couples therapy -- and she says he's seeing her side of things.

Kelly added that the couple plans on changing their son's name to include both of their last names ... a smart move according to her parents who pointed out how beneficial the Osbourne name will be for the kid's future.

After all ... lots of people in Hollywood use their famous family connections to book jobs -- including Kelly, who recently said she was proud to wear the "nepo baby" moniker.

Kelly told Rolling Stone back in January she was proud of her parents' accomplishments, and she had no issue being associated with them -- though she added she doesn't think opportunities should fall in her lap because of her family ties.

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Bottom line ... seems like Kelly's answering the age-old question "What's in a name?" -- and she's convinced it's pretty freakin' significant, especially when you come from the Osbourne family.

Gary Sinise Su hijo Mac muere a los 33 años ... Luego de una batalla contra el cáncer

Gary Sinise está llorando la pérdida de su hijo después de una batalla contra una rara forma de cáncer y el homenaje que ha compartido de su hijo es más que conmovedor.

La estrella de "Forrest Gump", que interpretó al teniente Dan, publicó un mensaje para su hijo Mac, que murió el 5 de enero pasado tras luchar contra un cordoma, un tipo de cáncer que afecta a la columna vertebral.

Gary dice que Mac fue diagnosticado con este cáncer en 2018, el mismo año en que su esposa Moira fue diagnosticada con cáncer de mama en etapa 3. Afortunadamente, ella se ha recuperado desde entonces y está en remisión.

Gary publicó fotos junto a su hijo, incluyendo una toma en la que aparece en una silla de ruedas. También señala que Mac estaba muy involucrado en su fundación y tenía un gran amor por la música, tanto que incluso ayudó a crear un álbum con composiciones originales.

Gary escribió: "Compartiendo nuestra historia, esperamos encender un poco de luz en lo que ha sido un momento difícil para nosotros, Mac fue realmente una luz para todos nosotros".

Gary añade: "Una increíble inspiración para quienes lo conocían y lo querían, afrontó su batalla con gracia, valentía y amor. Incluso con un revés tras otro, nunca dejó de vivir y aprender, crear, dar y amar. Amaba a toda nuestra familia".

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Termina su post diciendo: "Gracias, Mac. Lo hiciste. Resurrection & Revival vivirán. Y tú también. En nuestros corazones para siempre. Tuvimos la bendición de tenerte en nuestras vidas como hijo, hermano y amigo y te echaremos de menos y te querremos por toda la eternidad".

Mac solo tenía 33 años.

Que en paz descanse.


Gabourey Sidibe y su marido Brandon Frankel están felices, ¡porque está embarazada de gemelos!

Así es, la estrella de 40 años de edad de "Precious" dio la feliz noticia en Insta, compartiendo fotos en un vestido rosa, mientras que Brandon acunó su vientre de bebé en un evento Babylist.

Se nota que los futuros padres están muy contentos, como se puede ver en las fotos. Publicaron diferentes fotos en la que parecen vinculados a la promoción de esta empresa de Babylist, ya que mostraron que ya habían elegido un coche doble, portador de bebés y algo de ropa.

Si las fotos no delataban el entusiasmo de Gabby, su pie de foto sin duda lo hizo: "¡Estoy embarazada! Pensamos que era hora de dar a nuestros gatos un poco de responsabilidad, ¡así que les vamos a dar un bebé a cada uno para que lo cuiden! Dos bebés, doble de gatos, doble de diversión!!!".

Ella agregó: "Parto de gemelos muy pronto". Gabby fue duro en sus juegos de palabras, firmando, "Twinty Twinty Cuatro!!" Así que sí, ella va a tener gemelos y estoy el doble de contento, como debe ser.

Gabourey se casó con Brandon en marzo de 2021, pero solo hizo pública la noticia al año siguiente en "Live With Kelly And Mark".

Ella le dijo a los anfitriones que se comprometieron en noviembre de 2020 después de conocerse en una aplicación de citas, pero odiaba las bodas hasta el punto de que ya habían atado el nudo hace más de un año, una confesión que tomó a todos con la guardia baja.

Parece que han estado viviendo la vida felizmente casados desde entonces, y ahora Gabby se está preparando para darle la bienvenida a sus primeros hijos. Ella ha recorrido un largo camino desde que interpretó a Precious en la película, ahora es toda una mujer y está lista para convertirse en madre. ¡El tiempo vuela!

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Brandon ha derramado su corazón sobre su nueva esposa, escribiendo en Insta que no había nadie más con quien prefiriera criar a sus hijos. Su sueño se está haciendo realidad. Brandon y Gabby están ampliando su familia.


Gary Sinise Son Mac Dead at 33 ... After Cancer Battle

Gary Sinise is mourning the loss of his son after a battle with a rare form of cancer -- and his obituary for his boy is beyond moving.

The "Forrest Gump" star -- who played Lieutenant Dan -- posted a tribute Tuesday to his son, Mac, who he revealed died last month. Gary says Mac passed away on Jan. 5 and was laid to rest on Jan. 23 ... this after he succumbed to chordoma, which affects the spine.

Gary says Mac was diagnosed with this cancer in 2018 ... the same year his wife, Moira, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Luckily, she's recovered since and is in remission.

Gary posted photos of himself and Mac together -- including a shot that features his son in a wheelchair. He also notes Mac was heavily involved in his foundation, and had a love for music -- noting he even helped create an album with original compositions.

He writes of his son, "In sharing our story, we hope to shine a little bit of light on what has been a difficult time for us as Mac was truly a light for all of us."

Gary adds, "An incredible inspiration to those who knew and loved him, he faced his battle with grace, courage, and love. Even with one setback after another, he never stopped living and learning, creating, and giving, and loving. He loved all our family."

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He ends his tribute post with this ... "Thank you, Mac. You did it. Resurrection & Revival will live on. And so will you. In our hearts forever. We were blessed to have you in our lives as son, brother, and friend...and we will miss you and love you for eternity."

Mac was only 33.



Gabourey Sidibe and her husband Brandon Frankel are in for a double take in their life ... 'cause she's pregnant with twins!

Yes, that's right ... the 40-year-old "Precious" star broke the happy news on IG ... sharing snaps of herself in a pink dress while Brandon cradled her baby bump at a Babylist baby registry event.

You could tell the parents-to-be are overjoyed -- which you can see in the photos they posted to ring in the momentous occasion. As you can see, they posted different shots of themselves -- which appear tied to plugging this Babylist company, FWIW -- which showed they'd already picked out a double stroller, carrier, and clothes for their new additions.

If the pics didn't give away Gabby's excitement, her caption certainly did ... she wrote: "I'm pregnant! We thought it was time to give our cats some responsibility so we're giving them each a baby to take care of! Double the babies, double the cats, double the fun!!"

She added ... Twin Delivery coming soon!" Gabby went hard on her twin puns, signing off, "Twinty Twinty Four!!" So yeah, she's leaning into the twin stuff -- as she should, we suppose.

For a refresher ... Gabourey married Brandon in March 2021 ... but she only made the news public the following year on "Live With Kelly And Mark."

She told the hosts they got engaged in November 2020 after meeting on a dating app ... but hated weddings to the point they'd already tied the knot over a year ago -- a confession that completely caught everyone off guard.

Looks like they've been living the happily married life ever since ... and now, Gabby's getting ready to welcome her first kids. She's come a long way since playing Precious in the movie -- now, GS is all grown up and all set to become a mom. Boy, time flies!

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Brandon has poured his heart out about his new wife ... writing on IG there was no one else he'd rather be raising kids with. His dream is coming true -- Brandon and Gabby are expanding their family.


Taylor Swift's Dad Scott New Angle on Pap Incident Still Hard to See What Happened

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Bad Blood With Dad

New footage of Taylor Swift's dad coming face to face with paparazzi in Australia has surfaced -- and while it shows more of the incident ... it's still hard to tell what happened.

In the video ... Scott clutches his superstar daughter's hand as she walks along while covering her torso with an umbrella. Chaos quickly ensues ... with Taylor's security detail attempting to create a clear path to an awaiting vehicle for the father and daughter ... who had just left a yacht after arriving from Homebush.

Taylor is seen blindly crawling into the back of the vehicle as paparazzi attempt to get a perfect shot. That's when you can see Scott go around toward the back of the vehicle -- where other paps are -- and some kind of scuffle appears to unfold behind the door.

Again, it's impossible to tell from this shot what went down -- but you do see some activity back there ... and Scott is in the vicinity, as are other security guards.

As we reported ... Scott has been accused of getting physical with one photographer in particular -- identified as Ben McDonald -- in an alleged altercation that the pap has characterized as assault. He went to cops there, and they're investigating this.

A rep for Taylor told us that more than one individual was "aggressively pushing their way towards Taylor" ... and claimed people were grabbing her security team, and threatening to throw a female into the water.


Taylor's camp didn't specifically address the allegation against Scott by the photog.

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The cops in Australia note the alleged victim did not require medical treatment after the encounter with Scott. So ... perhaps the whole drama will be shaken off before it turns into something more serious. McDonald doesn't seem inclined to let this go, though.

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Time will tell if anything more serious comes about.

Stay tuned ...

scott, PADRE DE TAYLOR SWIFT Nuevo ángulo sobre el incidente de agresión Sigue siendo difícil ver lo que pasó

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malas pulgas

Nuevas imágenes del padre de Taylor Swift cara a cara con los paparazzi en Australia han salido a la superficie, y a pesar de que muestran otro ángulo, todavía es difícil decir lo que pasó.

En el video, Scott va agarrando la mano de su hija, quien se está cubriendo el torso con un paraguas. El caos se produce rápidamente cuando la seguridad de Taylor intenta despejarle el camino hacia un vehículo que la espera a ella y a su padre. Acababan de salir de un yate después de llegar de Homebush.

Se ve a Taylor avanzando hacia la parte trasera del vehículo mientras los paparazzi intentan conseguir una toma perfecta. Es entonces cuando se puede ver a Scott dar la vuelta hacia la parte trasera del vehículo -donde están los otros paparazzi- y algún tipo de refriega parece desarrollarse detrás de la puerta.

Una vez más, es imposible decir que pasó, pero algo se puede deducir, y Scott está involucrado al igual que otros guardias de seguridad.

Como informamos, Scott ha sido acusado de ser agresivo con un fotógrafo identificado como Ben McDonald, en un supuesto altercado que el paparazzi ha caracterizado como asalto. La policía está investigando el caso.

Un representante de Taylor nos dijo que más de un individuo estaba "abriéndose agresivamente camino hacia Taylor" y afirmó que la gente estaba amedrentando a su equipo de seguridad y amenazando con lastimar a la estrella.

El equipo de Taylor no se refirió específicamente a la acusación contra Scott por el fotógrafo.

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momentos tensos

Los policías en Australia señalan que la presunta víctima no requirió tratamiento médico después del encuentro con Scott. Así que tal vez todo el drama será sacudido antes de que se convierta en algo más serio. McDonald no parece inclinado a dejar que esto pase desapercibido.

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El tiempo dirá si se trata de algo más serio.

Manténgase en sintonía...

Russell Wilson Sabía que era mi responsabilidad criar al hijo de Ciara...

Lo sabía

Russell Wilson dice que sabía desde el primer día que ayudar a criar al hijo de Ciara con Future sería su nueva responsabilidad en la vida y se comparó con el padre de Jesús.

El QB de los Broncos, cuyo futuro en Denver parece incierto en este momento, apareció esta semana en el podcast "I Am Athlete" donde habló de su matrimonio con Ciara y de su rol de padrastro con su hijo, Future Jr., que comparte con el rapero.

Escuchen esto porque es bastante revelador: Russ literalmente dice que sintió que Dios le hablaba para hacerle saber no solo que Ciara era la persona para él, sino que criar a su hijo también era algo a lo que estaba destinado a hacer.

Russell Wilson dice que lo supo desde el momento en que conoció a Ciara, que al parecer incluyó un encuentro con el entonces bebé Future Jr., así que estamos hablando de años.

Russ también dice que estaba teniendo una conversación con el hombre de arriba y sintió que Dios le hablaba y le decía que este sería su camino, es decir, convertirse en un hombre de familia. Y sí, él invoca el nombre de José, así como el de Jesús.

Si crees que estás aturdido por las palabras de Russell, espera a ver a Brandon Marshall, con quien Russ estaba teniendo esta conversación. Se puede decir que estaba bien sorprendido por lo que estaba escuchando.

Recuerden, Future Jr. es el hijo de Future, quien comparte la custodia de su hijo con Ciara. Aunque parece que lo vemos más con su madre, al menos públicamente.

Teniendo en cuenta la bronca histórica entre Future y Russ, algo nos dice que Future no se va a tomar esto muy bien. En cuanto a Ciara, aún no se ha referido a las palabras de Russ.

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Por supuesto, sabemos que está feliz con Russ y que han formado su propia familia en los últimos años. Por lo que estamos escuchando aquí, sin embargo, Russell considera a Future Jr. su propio hijo también.

Russell Wilson I Knew Raising Ciara's Son Was My Responsibility ... Joseph Did Same for Jesus


Russell Wilson says he knew from day 1 that helping to raise Ciara's son with Future would become his new blessing and responsibility in life -- comparing himself to Jesus' dad.

The Broncos QB -- whose future there in Denver seems uncertain at this point -- appeared this week on the "I Am Athlete" podcast ... where he talked about his marriage with Ciara and the fact that he plays stepdad to her kid, Future Jr., who she shares with the rapper.

Take a listen, 'cause this is pretty eye-opening ... Russ literally says he felt God was talking to him to let him know that not only was Ciara the one for him -- but that raising her boy was also something he was destined to do as well.

RW says he knew this from the moment he met Ciara -- which apparently also included a meet-and-greet with a then-baby Future Jr. ... so we're talking years ago.

Russ also says he was having a conversation with the man upstairs about this -- and he explains that he felt God speaking to him and telling him this would become his path -- namely, becoming a family man. And yes, he does invoke Joseph's name, as well as JC.

If you think you're stunned by Russell's words, wait 'til you see Brandon Marshall -- who Russ is speaking with in this conversation. You can tell ... he's shocked by what he's hearing.

Remember, Future Jr. is Future's son ... and he shares custody of his kid with Ciara -- although, we seem to see him more with his mom, at least publicly and online anyway.


Considering the historical bad blood between Future and Russ -- something tells us Future ain't gonna take this very well. As for Ciara, she hasn't addressed Russ' words yet.

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Of course, we know she's happy with Russ as they've grown their own family over the years. From what we're hearing here though, RW very much considers Future Jr. his own son too.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Man Tried To Break Into My House ... We're Safe, But Shaken Up

Scary moment at home for Jenelle Evans ... cops say was the victim of an attempted break-in at her place in North Carolina this past weekend, and she tells us her family is rattled.

Jenelle, through her manager August Keen, tells TMZ … "With everything going on already this couldn't have happened at a worse time. Me and my children are safe, but a bit shaken up, the local community and police department are doing everything to ensure the capture of this person"

She adds, "I'll soon be exposing the details of what exactly happened that night. For now, we ask for prayers and privacy until me and my family recover from this terrifying experience. Thank you to everyone who is helping us to catch this perpetrator."

The attempted break-in comes only days after Jenelle regained custody of her 14-year-old son, Jace -- who's been at the center of a lot of drama in her family life lately.

At this point, police in North Carolina have confirmed to TMZ there was an attempted breaking and entering at Jenelle's place.

The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office tells us … on Sunday, a deputy responded to Jenelle's home for a call about a breaking and entering, but when they got there the suspect had fled the property.

Cops say an unidentified man attempted to force his way into Jenelle's home from the back of the residence, and when he was unable to get inside he went into her garage and began throwing her personal items into the yard.

The Sheriff's Office says when the deputy arrived, no items appeared to be missing ... though the lock on the back door where the man tried to enter the home was damaged.

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In case it wasn't clear, Jenelle was home during this terrifying incident. We're told an investigation is ongoing.

North West Takes Private Jet Home Back to L.A. After Paris 'Vultures' Gig

North West is living the good life ... jetting back home in a private jet after performing her chart-topping collab with Kanye West in Paris.

Kanye and Kim Kardashian's oldest daughter touched down Monday in Los Angeles aboard a PJ, hustling back home after doing her thing Sunday at a "Vultures" listening event halfway across the world.

North's traveling party included her nanny and at least one bodyguard ... and it looks like she did some shopping in Paris, because they walked off the plane with bags from Chanel and Celine, two French luxury fashion houses.

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The private flight home caps off a big week for North and her pops ... all 16 tracks from Kanye and Ty Dolla Sign's "Vultures 1" album cracked the Billboard Hot 100, including North's feature on the song "Talking."

North's little brother is doing big things too -- the same day North was performing in Paris, Saint West escorted soccer star Lionel Messi to the field at the Inter Miami vs. L.A. Galaxy match.

Inter Miami CF

Time to reboot that ol' TV show ... (rich) kids do the darndest things!!!

TRISTAN THOMPSON Granted Guardianship Over Little Brother

Tristan Thompson is officially taking over as caregiver for his younger brother... because a court signed off on him becoming Amari Thompson's guardian.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the ruling came in Monday, about 5 months after Tristan first filed a petition to become his little bro's guardian.

Remember ... Tristan and Amari lost their mother, Andrea, about a year ago when she died suddenly in Toronto. Tristan's been looking after Amari ever since ... and now he's officially been appointed his brother's legal guardian.

As we reported ... in his original petition, Tristan claimed their father, Trevor, has been absent from Amari's life ... leaving Tristan as the closest family member available to step up and provide the care Amari needs.

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Tristan's got a lot of responsibility here ... Amari is unable to care for himself because he's been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Amari's also getting $103,475 in inheritance from his mother's estate ... and Tristan said in his earlier petition that he would protect the money from loss and provide for Amari's care.

Good on Tristan.

Beyoncé Uncle Butch Dead At 77

Tragedy has hit Beyoncé's family ... the megastar's uncle has passed away.

Bey's mom, Tina Knowles, delivered the news on Instagram just hours ago, revealing her brother, Rowland Martin Buyince, who went by Butch, died over the weekend. No word yet on how what happened.

Tina uploaded a black and white photo of Butch in a United States Air Force uniform with a caption honoring his memory.

She called Butch her "Beautiful big brother" who was now with God in heaven, while expressing she'll miss him "so much."

She described Butch as a handsome "career Airforce man” who had a passion for riding motorcycles and was a black belt in karate.

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Tina noted Butch's "beautiful green eyes," while emphasizing that he was a "great story teller" and was beloved by his incredible wife Jeanette, daughter Dana, and two grandchildren Yvette and Roland.

So far, Bey has not commented on Butch's passing ... but we expect something from her to down the pike.

As you know, Bey's been making headlines lately with her recent pivot to country music, releasing the hit country song, "Texas Hold 'Em."

Butch was 77.


'Once Upon A Time' Actor Chris Gauthier Dead at 48

Chris Gauthier -- known for shows like "Once Upon A Time" and "Smallville" -- has died ... his agency confirmed in a statement.

The actor reportedly passed away suddenly Friday after recently falling ill with TriStar Appearances/Event Horizon Talent lamenting his loss to TVLine.

Tristar's Chad Colvin wrote in a Facebook post that Gauthier was the very definition of a character actor ... not an actor with a name one might know, but one whose sheer presence in a show or movie could pique the interest of any audience.

Gauthier appeared in a number of popular projects over the years including "A Series of Unfortunate Events," "iZombie," "Psych," "Supernatural," "Smallville," "Watchmen," "Agent Cody Banks," "Little Man," "Freddy vs. Jason" -- and a whole lot more.

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He was perhaps best known for his role in the TV show science-fiction show "Eureka" where he played gourmet chef Vincent in 67 episodes, and later as Mr. Smee -- Captain Hook's first mate in the ABC drama "Once Upon A Time."

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In fact, his 'OUAT' costar Colin O'Donoghue, who played Captain Hook in the series, also posted a touching tribute to Chris ... saying he was the real captain all along.

Chris is survived by his wife Erin and their two children.

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He was 48.



Rick Harrison's late son Adam won't be discussed on the new season of "Pawn Stars" ... TMZ has learned.

A Harrison family spokesperson tells us ... with Rick personally addressing Adam's tragic passing last month, there will be no further comment in future episodes. Also, Adam wasn't a cast member of the show.

We're told the Harrison family are keeping themselves busy amid the unfathomable tragedy ... and have started filming new episodes this month.

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Adam -- one of Rick's three boys -- helped out at the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop back in the day, despite not being featured on the show.

TMZ broke the story ... Adam died from a fentanyl overdose last month, with Rick posting an emotional IG tribute saying, "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam. 💔"

Rick attributed his son's death to fentanyl freely flowing across the border, emphasizing to us the urgent need to address this crisis in our country.

The Harrison family has since established an education fund for Adam's son ... after being inundated with pleas from people asking how they can show support.

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As for now, "Pawn Stars" will stick to business as usual, as the Harrison family copes during this difficult time.