Rick Harrison de "Pawn Stars" La serie no abordará la muerte de su hijo

La muerte del hijo de Rick Harrison, Adam, no será tratada en la nueva temporada de "Pawn Stars", según ha indagado TMZ.

Un portavoz de la familia Harrison nos dice que luego de que Rick abordara personalmente el trágico fallecimiento de Adam el mes pasado, no habrá más comentarios en futuros episodios. Además, él no era un miembro del elenco de la serie.

Nos dicen que la familia Harrison se mantiene ocupada en medio de la inconmensurable tragedia y ha comenzado a filmar nuevos episodios este mes.

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Adam, uno de los tres hijos de Rick, ayudó en el World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop en su momento, a pesar de que no aparecía en el programa.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia: Adam murió de una sobredosis de fentanilo el mes pasado. Rick publicó un emotivo homenaje en IG diciendo: "¡Siempre estarás en mi corazón! Te quiero Adam. 💔"

Rick atribuyó la muerte de su hijo al libre tránsito del fentanilo en la frontera y enfatizó en la urgente necesidad de abordar esta crisis en nuestro país.

La familia Harrison estableció desde entonces un fondo de educación para el hijo de Adam, después de ser inundado con súplicas de personas que querían demostrar su apoyo.

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Mientras tanto, "Pawn Stars" se mantendrá como de costumbre, en la medida que la familia Harrison hace frente a este difícil momento.

Flavor Flav Miley me dio una cachetada por llamarla Gwen... Todo en buena onda

Flavor Flav fue corregido rápidamente por Miley Cyrus cuando accidentalmente la llamó Gwen Stefani y recibió una bofetada en la cara, pero todo en buena onda, dice.

El rapero de Public Enemy habló sobre el incidente en un reciente episodio de "Just B con Bethenny Frankel", donde reveló que se encontró con Miley hace varios años, cuando ella y Gwen aparentemente tenían cortes de pelo similares.

Flav dijo que estaba muy emocionado de conocer a Gwen y corrió hacia ella, pero en realidad terminó hablando accidentalmente con Miley en su lugar.

Él dice que Miley Cyrus actuó super cool y le siguió la corriente durante la conversación, mientras él alababa todo el trabajo de Gwen Stefani. Fue embarazoso para Flavor Flav cuando su amigo le dijo más tarde que en realidad era Miley.

Flavor Flav dice que fue directamente a disculparse con ella, añadiendo, por supuesto, que la conocía y también a su padre Billy Ray, y ahí fue cuando recibió la bofetada en la cara.

Él dice que el momento no creó ninguna animosidad, en cambio, él y Miley se rieron e incluso se reunieron en el backstage de los Premios Grammy de este año.

Pero, Miley no pudo resistirse a darle a Flav un poco de reproche por el error en su identidad.

Se hizo viral un video de su encuentro donde los dos aparecen abrazándose mientras Miley bromea que solía llamarla siempre Gwen, una señal de que esto aún está en su mente.

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Nos alegramos de ver que las cosas están bien entre Flav y Miley, pero puede que quiera quitarse sus gafas de sol para evitar futuras confusiones

Flavor Flav Miley Slapped Me For Calling Her Gwen ... All in Good Fun!!!

Flavor Flav got corrected quickly by Miley Cyrus when he accidentally called her Gwen Stefani ... getting a swift slap to the face -- but one all in good fun he says.

The Public Enemy rapper talked about the incident on a recent episode of "Just B with Bethenny Frankel" ... where he revealed he ran into her several years ago when she and Gwen apparently had similar haircuts.

Flav said he got super excited to meet Gwen and ran up to her ... only to find himself accidentally speaking to Miley instead.

He says MC played it super cool, just going along with it during the convo as he lauded her for all of GS' work ... an embarrassing moment for FF when his friend later told her it was actually Miley.

Flavor Flav says he went right up to Miley to apologize, adding of course he knew her and her dad Billy Ray ... which is when he got the smack right across his face.

He says the moment didn't create any animosity ... instead, he and Miley laughed off the moment, and the two even met up backstage of the Grammy Awards this year.

But, Miley couldn't resist giving Flav a little bit of guff over the past mistaken identity.

A video went viral from their meetup which showed the two hugging it out while Miley joked he always used to call him Gwen ... so, clearly this is still stuck in her mind.

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Glad to see things are good between Flav and Miley ... but, he may want to take his signature shades off to avoid future mix-ups.

J. Robert Oppenheimer's Grandson Need To Reach Out to Opponents ... Can't Handle AI on Own


Artificial intelligence, climate change and nuclear annihilation are just a few issues facing the human race ... and we've got no chance against them unless we work together -- at least according to J. Robert Oppenheimer's grandson.

Charles Oppenheimer ... founder of The Oppenheimer Project -- a nonprofit working toward creating a safer future as technology rapidly changes -- joined us on TMZ Live Friday to answer some of the biggest questions of our time.

When asked about the grim prospect of rogue AI, global warming and nukes ... Charles said it's easy to feel despair -- but he's choosing to stay hopeful instead, promoting cooperation between people on opposite sides of the issues.

The way Charles sees it ... we don't have to agree on everything, but we gotta come together on the big stuff to avoid massive extinction-level events.

CO says political tensions make everything worse ... so, he hopes people can put their politics aside to confront issues that affect everyone, regardless of political party or nationality.

Oppenheimer says the world totally shifted on its axis when the first atomic bomb went off in July 1945 which Charles said really heralded the beginning of global interdependence -- nations forced to rely on one another whether they wanted to or not.

Charles adds we can't go back to the days of the Cold War ... when a country tried to deter its enemies by building more bombs, essentially becoming the biggest, baddest dude on the block.

He said the only way out of that mindset is to work with those countries that otherwise might become enemies -- like China and Russia, two other global superpowers the U.S. doesn't exactly get along with.

The name Oppenheimer's on everyone's minds these days, mostly in regards to the Oscar-nominated flick -- but, there's another Oppenheimer focused on the world's problems too ... Charles, obviously.

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And, his warning is pretty clear ... put aside frivolous differences or else.

Wendy Williams Lifetime Doc Still Coming Out ... Despite Guardian Suit


12:25 PM PT -- TMZ obtained legal docs spelling out the reasoning behind denying Sabrina's TRO request -- and the court cited unconstitutional prior restraint ... which courts tend to frown on, generally speaking.

A woman claiming to be Wendy Williams' legal guardian is s*** out of luck as it pertains to this Lifetime documentary -- despite her 11th-hour efforts, we've learned it's still coming out.

A rep for the TV network tells TMZ ... "Lifetime appeared in court today (Friday), and the documentary 'Where is Wendy Williams?' will air this weekend as planned." The doc is slated to drop on Saturday, and based on what they're saying here ... it's moving forward.

TMZ also confirmed that there's been some major updates on this case in just the past 24 hours. According to new legal filings, obtained by TMZ, Sabrina Morrissey -- the one who filed suit -- has already filed an appeal ... this after requesting injunctive relief just yesterday.

What this seems to mean -- we don't know for sure since the case is under seal -- is that a decision was reached on granting her request to halt this ... and it appears to be one she didn't like, since she's already appealing and asking for another judge to take a look at her argument. That tracks with Lifetime moving forward ... sounds like the court sided with them.

We broke the story ... Morrisey ran to court Thursday on behalf of Wendy -- claiming to be her temporary guardian -- and said it was urgent she be granted a TRO to prevent the doc from releasing. She also wanted this all under seal, and like we said ... it is at the moment.

No word on whether Morrissey's appeal will be heard before tomorrow -- there's no new movement on the case that we can see ... so for the time being, it's full-steam ahead.

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We've continued to try and reach out to Morrissey ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 11:06 AM PT

ACTRESS COCOA BROWN Tyler Perry Offers $400K For New Pad ... After House Burns Down

Cocoa Brown is the latest person to be overwhelmed by Tyler Perry's generosity -- 'cause he just offered her nearly half a million dollars for a new home after hers burned down.

The actress tells TMZ she's filled with profound gratitude over TP's support and that of everyone else who's donated to her GFM campaign. She has a lot to be grateful for ... 'cause Tyler chipped in a whopping $400k toward her cause.

Cocoa adds that she's been on an emotional roller coaster -- noting the devastation of watching her home go up in flames Sunday while feeling and trying to make sure her young son Phoenix was safe and sound.

But the comedian -- known for "For Better or Worse," alongside a slate of other movies and TV shows -- reiterates she and her son have been deeply moved by the outpouring of support they've received.

It's not just Tyler who's helped, BTW -- she's gotten other donations from Tiffany Haddish, Marlon Wayans, Byron Allen, Sherri Shepherd, "The Breakfast Club" podcast team, and numerous other friends, family and fans. All of them have given fairly generous amounts.

Cocoa has made sure to send a special shout-out to Pastor Mark and the entire congregation of McDonough Rd Baptist Church, who she says have gone above and beyond for her.

Despite the devastation of losing her home, Cocoa tells us "having each other, our fur babies, and seeing and feeling all this love has strengthened our love for each other and humanity."

The support is evident on Cocoa's GoFundMe page kickstarted by her loved ones, which has surpassed the $50,000 goal and then some. She's now on her way to $70,000 in donations.

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TMZ broke the story ... flames overtook Cocoa's entire Fayetteville, GA, property, with sources telling us she believes it was likely kickstarted by a lit candle falling into some clothes in the house. So far, it sounds like she's due to be back on her feet in no time.


El tutor de Wendy Williams acaba de presentar una demanda contra la compañía matriz de Lifetime, y el momento es poco menos que sospechoso, porque hay un documento sobre ella que va a salir a la luz.

Una mujer llamada Sabrina Morrissey, que dice que está actuando como tutora temporal de W.W.H. (presumiblemente Wendy Williams Hunter), acaba de presentar una demanda contra A & E Television Networks, pero lo hizo bajo sello, lo que significa que el público no puede espiar qué es exactamente lo que está pasando en los tribunales.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, hay algunas pistas que podrían indicar sobre qué podría ser todo este asunto y todas las pistas parecen apuntar a alguna conexión con el "¿Dónde está Wendy Williams?", que estará disponible el sábado.

Morrissey también está buscando una orden de restricción temporal, el cual es un mecanismo que se usa a menudo cuando alguien quiere que un juez detenga un lanzamiento de una película o proyecto de televisión. Teniendo en cuenta la fecha de lanzamiento del documento es solo un par de días, es imposible decir con seguridad qué documentos están bajo sello.

Morrissey también está buscando una orden de restricción temporal... es algo que se usa a menudo cuando alguien quiere un juez para intervenir y detener un lanzamiento de una película o proyecto de televisión.

Es interesante que el juez ordenara que todos los documentos permanezcan temporalmente bajo sello, además fijó una fecha de audiencia para la próxima semana para determinar si deben permanecer así mientras el caso se desarrolla.

Por supuesto, Wendy llegará este fin de semana y a pesar de que la audiencia sobre la cuestión del sellado será después de la fecha de lanzamiento, es posible que el tribunal se pronuncie sobre lo que Morrissey está pidiendo, es decir, medidas cautelares contra A & E, los documentos están sellados temporalmente. No hay noticias aún sobre una decisión en ese frente.

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Hemos llegado a Morrissey y A & E para hacer comentarios, pero no hay respuesta de ella todavía y A & E nos dijo que no tenía comentarios.

Wendy Williams Guardian Files Sealed Lawsuit ... Against Lifetime Parent Co.

Wendy Williams' guardian just filed a lawsuit against Lifetime's parent company -- and the timing is nothing short of suspicious, 'cause there's a doc about her from them coming out.

A woman named Sabrina Morrissey -- who says she's acting in her capacity as temporary guardian of W.W.H. (presumably Wendy Williams Hunter) -- just filed suit against A&E Television Networks, but she did it under seal ... meaning the public can't peep what exactly she's running to court for.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, there are a few clues that could indicate what this might be about ... and all signs seem to point to some connection with the 'Where is Wendy Williams' 2-part doc that's dropping Saturday.

Morrissey is also seeking a temporary restraining order in her action -- again, that's often the mechanism used when someone wants a judge to step in and halt the release of a film or television project. Considering the doc's release date is just a couple days away ... that would make sense, although it's impossible to tell for sure with the docs being under seal.

Now, what's interesting in the docs here is that the judge actually ordered all the docs to remain temporarily under seal -- and set a hearing date for next week to determine whether they should stay that way as the case plays out.

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Of course, the Wendy doc drops this weekend ... and while the hearing on the sealing issue falls after the release date -- it's possible the court will rule on the merits of what Morrissey's asking for ... namely, injunctive relief against A&E -- while the docs are temporarily sealed. No word yet on a ruling on that front.

We've reached out to Morrissey and A&E for comment ... no word back from her yet, but A&E told us they had no comment.

Cristiano Ronaldo y su hijo Miren nuestros abdominales ... Igualito al padre!!!

De tal palo tal astilla, suelen decir, y ese es justamente el caso de Cristiano Ronaldo y su hijo de 13 años, CR Jr. pues los dos se parecen, ¡incluso en sus abdominales!

La prueba está en las fotos que Ronaldo, de 39 años, publicó el jueves en Instagram con Cristiano Jr., dándole a sus más de 622 millones de seguidores una probadita de su impresionante físico durante su sesión de ejercicios.

"Hoy con mi compañero ❤️", dijo Ronaldo en el pie de foto.

La foto de la dupla consiguió más de 9 millones de likes en cinco horas y más de 76K comentarios. Uno escribió: "El rey y el heredero del trono🔥"

Por supuesto, este entrenamiento padre e hijo se da un día después de que Ronaldo anotara el gol n° 876 de su carrera en la Liga de Campeones de la AFC, ayudando a llevar al Al-Nassr a los cuartos de final con una victoria sobre el Al Feiha en los octavos de final.

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Al igual que su padre, Cristiano Jr. también juega al fútbol. Pasó dos temporadas en el equipo juvenil de la Juventus antes de fichar por el Al-Nassr U13 el pasado octubre.

Y, como una oda a su padre ... También lleva el número 7.

De tal palo, tal astilla.

Cristiano Ronaldo & Son Check Out Our Shredded Abs ... Like Father, Like Son!!!

The apple ain't fall too far from the tree with Cristiano Ronaldo and his 13-year-old son, CR Jr. ... 'cause the two look just alike -- even down to their shredded abs!

The proof's in the photos that 39-year-old Ronaldo dropped Thursday on Instagram featuring Cristiano Jr. ... giving his 622+ million followers a view of their physique during their workout sesh.

"Today with my partner ❤️," Ronaldo said in the caption.

The father-and-son snap got over 9 million likes within five hours ... and more than 76K comments, with one writing, "The king and heir to the throne🔥"

Of course, this father-and-son training session comes just a day after Ronaldo scored his 876th career goal in the AFC Champions League, helping lead Al-Nassr to the quarter-finals with a win over Al Feiha in the round of 16.

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Like pops, Cristiano Jr. also plays soccer. He spent two seasons with the Juventus youth team before signing with Al-Nassr U13 last October.

And, as an ode to his superstar dad ... he also wears No. 7.

Like father, like son!

George Floyd Daughter's Mother Calls 'Scandoval' Comparison 'Stupid' Tom's Alive, George Isn't!!!

Tom Sandoval's comparison between George Floyd's murder and his cheating scandal's not just drawing ire from fans ... it's also pissing off the mother of George's young daughter.

Roxie Washington, -- who shares 10-year-old Gianna with George -- tells TMZ ... she's not super familiar with "Vanderpump Rules" and doesn't even know who Tom Sandoval is ... she does say he has to be off his rocker to compare his own personal issues to Floyd's death.

ICYMI ... Sandoval sat down for an interview with the New York Times where he said, "I’m not a pop-culture historian really but I witnessed the O.J. Simpson thing and George Floyd and all these big things, which is really weird to compare this to that, I think, but do you think in a weird way it’s a little bit the same?"

Well, Roxie tells us she finds Sandoval's comment flat-out stupid ... adding he and his ex-GF, Ariana Madix, are still alive ... so him trying to compare his situation to George's just isn't reasonable, nor is it even in the same ballpark.

Even though she's not familiar with "Scandoval" ... Roxie says from what she can gather -- Tom's a grown-ass man who's just gone through a breakup ... not a child -- like her daughter, whose dad isn't coming home.

RW didn't just blast TS for comparing his situation to George's death either -- adding Nicole Brown Simpson's dead too, so she finds it just as disrespectful for Sandoval to invoke her name as well.

Roxie says Tom needs to go repeat that "dumb s***" in a mirror ... telling us his comment reflects horrible things Gianna hears from some classmates. She also says this is on the same level of absurdity as comments Kanye West made in the past. So, yeah ... she's kinda comparing Tom to that.

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Remember ... in 2022, Kanye claimed Floyd died from a drug overdose/preexisting conditions, and Roxie threatened to sue KW on behalf of her daughter -- though it's unclear if she ever filed a lawsuit.

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FWIW ... Tom apologized for his remarks, calling the comparison "inappropriate and ignorant" -- but, Roxie says she's not accepting his apology explaining she and her daughter have been affected in a major way by this and people need to watch what they say in the future.

Rudy Gobert, GF Julia Bonilla We Got A Bun In The Oven!!! ... Expecting First Child

Rudy Gobert might've had the best All-Star break in the entire NBA ... 'cause the Minnesota Timberwolves big man's girlfriend just announced they're having a baby!!

The couple shared the exciting news with a number of romantic pregnancy photoshoot pics ... showing him embracing Julia Bonilla's bump during a sunset on the beach.

Rudy also posted a picture palming Julia's growing tummy with his hand ... with his fingers covering the majority of her midriff.

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Gobert had a one-word statement on the reveal ... saying, "Legacy," while Julia added, "The better half of us."

The couple's friends expressed their excitement -- from Jordyn Woods to Joakim Noah, Austin Rivers, Trey Lyles and more.

It's unclear how long Gobert and Bonilla have been official -- he's a pretty private guy -- but the two spent the Christmas holidays together with family in Minnesota ... so we take it they've been serious for a while now.

The baby could grow up to be pretty gifted on the court if it takes after pops, considering he's 7'1", a three-time All-Star and a three-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year.

Gobert didn't get selected to play for the Western Conference this year ... but given the bun in the oven, we take it he's over the moon heading into the second half of the season.

Hitmaka Kanye's 'Vultures' Proves He's The Golden Child... Let's Blow Up Nicki's Sis Next!!!

Workin' With Everybody

Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign's 'Vultures' album still reigns supreme on the charts -- a win Hitmaka says his team can partially take credit for, and he thinks Ye will get stronger from it.

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Hitmaka on Tuesday and the super-producer basked in the 'Vultures' success -- his Makasound Records co-founder Prince Chrishan scored 4 records on the project and Hitmaka tells us he's already hightailed it to Italy to work on part II.

Between joints like "Paid" and "Fuk Summ," Hitmaka believes Kanye won people over with solid music but still thinks he's one of God's faves and will always luck up when the going gets tough ... something Ye would probably agree on wholeheartedly.

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Hitmaka's always looking for his next big record and in light of Nicki Minaj's attempts to recruit Katt Williams for her Pink Friday 2 Tour, we hipped him to the fact that the "Barbie World" rapper's little sister Ming Luanli is following in her footsteps and jumpstarting her own rap career!!!

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Nicki and Hitmaka worked together on her debut album back in 2010 and he tells us he'd love to keep it in the family and get Ming to the top like big sis.

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Only time will tell ... but the track record speaks for itself!!!

La estrella del porno Kagney Linn Karter Muere a los 36 años

Kagney Linn Karter -una famosa estrella porno- ha muerto por suicidio... TMZ ha indagado.

La actriz de cine para adultos -que se inició en la industria de vuelta a mediados de la década de 2000, falleció el jueves en el condado de Cuyahoga, esto de acuerdo a los registros en línea que confirman su cuerpo fue recibido por la oficina del médico forense ese día de Parma, OH.

Un representante del Departamento de Policía de Parma le dice a TMZ que Kagney se quitó la vida, algo confirmado por amigos de ella que ahora han iniciado un GoFundMe en nombre de su madre, Tina.

Los organizadores dicen que el dinero recaudado se destinará a los gastos de Tina para darle un buen entierro a su hija, incluyendo los servicios conmemorativos. El objetivo es recaudar $8.000, y ya ha recaudado poco menos de $6k. Ha dichop que utilizará cualquier dinero sobrante y lo donará a una organización benéfica local de rescate de animales... algo que sus amigos dicen que ella hubiera querido.

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Las dos mujeres detrás del GoFundMe dicen que son propietarias de estudios de fitness que Kagney aparentemente frecuentaba en el área de Cleveland, y dicen que ella había comenzado uno propio también en Akron, señalando que fue el primer estudio de polo de su tipo por allí.

El GoFundMe tiene palabras amables, escribiendo: "Kagney era una mujer que tenía muchas facetas: Era artista, cantante, bailarina, hija y amiga. Llegó por primera vez a nuestro estudio de Cleveland en noviembre de 2019, recién mudada de Los Ángeles y lista para subirse al pole, en una comunidad completamente nueva donde no conocía a nadie y nadie la conocía".

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Las dos mujeres que organizan el GoFundMe continúan afirmando que Kagney también tenía problemas personales, diciendo: "Desafortunadamente, a pesar de todos sus muchos logros y talentos impresionantes, Kagney luchó con problemas de salud mental a medida que pasaban los años".

"Sin embargo, incluso en sus días más oscuros, seguía acudiendo al estudio, siempre dispuesta a aprender, a contribuir y a superarse a sí misma. Por muy sola que se sintiera, sin duda, dentro de los confines de su propia cabeza, seguía esforzándose por atender a sus amigos y a la comunidad que se preocupaba por ella. Luchó en sus propias batallas con la misma tenacidad y empuje que mostró en todas las demás áreas de su vida, con toda la fuerza que pudo".

Kagney protagonizó innumerables películas para adultos y programas a lo largo de su carrera y era un artista condecorada en el negocio del porno. Siendo ganadora de premios AVN y otros elogios por su trabajo. Además del porno, también fue modelo, incluso para Penthouse, y bailó en clubes exóticos.

Uno de sus últimos posts la muestra recientemente de vacaciones en Florida, donde parecía estar de buen humor. Kagney solo tenía 36 años.


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Porn Star Kagney Linn Karter Dead at 36 ... After Suicide

Kagney Linn Karter -- a famous porn star -- has died by suicide ... TMZ has learned.

The adult film actress -- who got her start in the industry way back in the mid-2000s -- passed away Thursday in Cuyahoga County ... this according to online records that confirm her body was received by the Medical Examiner's office that day from Parma, OH.

A rep for the Parma Police Department tells TMZ ... Kagney appears to have taken her own life -- something confirmed by friends of hers who've now started a GoFundMe on behalf of her mom, Tina.

The organizers of the GFM say the cash raised will go toward costs Tina has incurred in properly laying KLK to rest, including memorial services. The GFM -- which has a goal of $8,000, and has raised just less than $6k at this point -- will use any leftover cash and donate it to a local animal rescue charity ... something her friends say she would've wanted.

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The two women behind the GoFundMe say they're fitness studio owners -- ones that Kagney would apparently frequent in the Cleveland, OH area -- and they say she had started one of her own as well in Akron ... noting it was the first pole studio of its kind around there.

The GFM has kind words to share, writing ... "Kagney was a woman who wore many hats; she was a performer, a singer, a dancer, a daughter and a friend. She first came to our Cleveland studio in November of 2019, freshly moved out of L.A., rearing and ready to jump back in to pole, in a brand new community where she knew no one and no one knew her."

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The 2 women organizing the GFM go on to claim Kagney had personal problems too, saying ... "Unfortunately, despite all of her many impressive accomplishments and talents, Kagney struggled with mental health issues as the years passed by."

They continue ... "Even in her darkest days, however, she still showed up to the studio, always ready to learn, contribute, better herself in whatever small way she could manage. As alone as she undoubtedly felt within the confines of her own head, she continued to make an effort to show up for her friends and the community who cared about her. She fought her own battles with the same tenacity and drive she showed in every other area of her life, with as much strength as she could."

Kagney had starred in countless adult films and programs throughout her lengthy career -- and she was a decorated performer in the porn biz ... having won AVN awards and other accolades for her work. In addition to porn, she also modeled a lot -- including for Penthouse -- and danced at exotic clubs as well.

One of her last posts shows her recently vacationing in Florida, where seemed to be in good spirits. Kagney was only 36.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Anthony Rendon Fans Drag MLB Star After He Admits Baseball's Not 'A Top Priority For Me'

Los Angeles Angels star Anthony Rendon is currently being pummeled by fans on social media ... and it's all 'cause he basically admitted on Monday he really can't stand baseball.

The third baseman got candid with reporters during a Q&A out at spring training practice in Arizona ... revealing the game that's made him over $160 million the past 13 years has "never been a top priority for me."

Rendon explained he views the sport as "a job," and not much more than that.

"I do this to make a living," he said. "My faith, my family come first before this job."

Of course, seamheads all over haven't taken lightly to his comments ... firing away on him on X for the remarks.

There were Spiderman memes of people who also claimed to hate their professions ... and others who compared his feelings on baseball to the way his teammate, Mike Trout, absolutely loves it.

But, if you think that's going to sway Rendon's opinion ... it almost certainly won't -- as he's been critical of the sport for a long time now.

In fact, back in January he said he wished the season would be considerably shorter ... saying, "It's too many dang games."

FYI, Rendon -- who signed a seven-year, $245,000,000 contract back in 2019 -- has not played more than 58 games in a season since joining LA ... something his fans have made him plenty aware of in the wake of all his recent comments.