Jessie James Decker and Eric Decker are now a party of six ... they've officially welcomed their new bundle of joy into the world!

Jessie made the announcement on IG Sunday, writing ... "Our beautiful boy is here 💙 Denver Calloway Decker," ... attaching a snap of her cradling her newborn with Eric looking over him in pure awe and wonder.

JJD gave us another snap of the sleeping younger ... who tipped the scales at a healthy 8.7 pounds upon his arrival.

The happy couple -- who are already mom & dad of daughter Vivianne and sons Eric Jr. and Forrest -- kept their news under wraps for a solid 10 days before sharing it with the world ... listing his official birth date as February 9.

Heidi Montag, Kim Zolciak-Biermann and Jennifer Love Hewitt were just a few of the couple's celeb pals who dropped congratulatory comments ... along with the rest of their fans who gave a big thumbs up to the lil one's name choice. Denver's a massive hit!

Jessie's pregnancy was announced in August ... and caught everyone by surprise, including Eric, who'd been considering getting a vasectomy after their third -- but he never went through with it.

Jessie spilled the tea in an IG Q&A shortly after the big reveal ... sharing that Eric was so shocked he thought she was pulling a prank on him. In fact, he was convinced her then-pregnant sister had peed on the stick to fake her own results.

No jokes or gags here ... this kid's the real McCoy. Just don't ask Eric about baby no. 5!

John Wayne Gacy HERMANA DE LA VÍCTIMA CRITICA LA NUEVA SERIE ¿Por qué desenterrar un pasado doloroso?

John Wayne Gacy, el famoso "Payaso asesino", será el protagonista de una nueva serie limitada de Peacock, una noticia que fue anunciada esta semana y que ha consternado a uno de los miembros de la familia de sus víctimas.

Lorie Sisterman, hermana de James Haakenson, quien fue identificado como la víctima número 24 de Gacy en 2017, 40 años después de su desaparición, le dice a TMZ que no apoya el proyecto de ninguna manera, forma o modo y no entiende la necesidad de revivir viejas heridas y desenterrar un pasado doloroso.

Para colmo, nos dice que nadie se puso en contacto con ella sobre la serie, que se basa en una docuserie de Peacock "John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Disguise" de 2021.

Lorie reitera que la serie no debería permitirse porque aún hay personas vivas que están de duelo por las acciones de Gacy. Como recordarán, este fue ejecutado en 1994 tras ser condenado por el asesinato de 33 jóvenes y niños durante los años 70. El hombre enterró la mayoría de los cuerpos bajo su casa en Chicago.

Dentro de las víctimas también hay miembros de la familia de Gacy, y Lorie señala que la nueva serie no es justa con ellos tampoco, especialmente con sus hijos, quienes cambiaron sus nombres para comenzar una nueva vida.

Lorie también aborda el tratamiento que Hollywood da a las historias de crímenes reales, señalando que la serie de Netflix protagonizada por Evan Peters "Dahmer - Monster: La historia de Jeffrey Dahmer" debe haber sido igual de horrible para las familias de las víctimas.

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Ella no vio el show de 2022, pero está preocupada de que la serie de John Wayne Gacy lo coloque en un pedestal como a Dahmer.

Con todo, Lorie dice que aunque han pasado varias décadas, Chicago todavía está tratando de superar la tragedia y esta nueva serie es un gran revés para ellos.


John Wayne Gacy, the notorious "Killer Clown," is set to be the subject of a new Peacock limited series -- news announced this week that's appalled one of his victims' family members.

Lorie Sisterman, sister of James Haakenson, who was identified as Gacy's 24th victim in 2017, 40 years after he went missing, tells TMZ she's not supportive of the project in any way, shape, or form ... and doesn't understand the need to rehash old wounds and drudge up a hurtful past.

To add insult to injury, she tells us no one reached out to her about the scripted series ... which is based on Peacock's 2021 docuseries "John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Disguise."

Lorie reiterates the series should be off-limits 'cause there are people alive who are still grieving over Gacy's actions. You'll remember ... he was executed in '94 after being convicted of murdering 33 young men and boys during the '70s, burying most bodies under his Chicago-area home.

Among those grieving are members of Gacy's family ... and Lorie notes the new series isn't fair to them either -- especially for his children, who changed their names to start a new life.

Lorie also addresses the Hollywood treatment given to true crime stories, noting that the Evan Peters-starring Netflix series "Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" would've been equally as horrible for the victims' families.

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She didn't watch the 2022 show ... but she's worried JWG will be put up on a pedestal like Dahmer.

All in all, Lorie says that even decades later, Chicago's trying to move on from the evil tragedy ... but this new series is a massive setback for them.

Victoria Beckham Smacked With Granny Question ... Gives Blown-Away Response

Grandma Who??

Victoria Beckham had a very spicy reaction when she was confronted with the prospect of becoming a grandmother during a recent Vogue interview.

The former "Spice Girls" pop star sat down Friday with 'The Run Through' co-host Chloe Malle and was totally gob-smacked when she was hit with the "Gramma" question from the Vogue contributing editor.

Here's how it unfolded ... Halfway through their chat, Malle brought up Victoria's son, Brooklyn, and his 2022 marriage to wife Nicola Peltz.

Malle asked Victoria if she had any relationship advice for the young couple who has no children ... yet. Victoria replied that she'll always offer them support, but she's not down with giving advice.

Then Malle smacked Victoria -- AKA "Posh Spice" -- right across the face with the geriatric stuff, asking, "Are you excited to be a grandmother?"

Check out the video ... Victoria was absolutely floored by the suggestion Brooklyn was having a baby with Nicola -- and she delivered an extremely animated response, "Oh. Jesus. What? Woo. Hang on."

The fashion designer even used her hand to fan her face before turning to the audience and insisting, "I don't think it's happening just yet unless you guys know something I don't."

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Victoria finally regained her composure and, on a more serious note, stated, "If I am blessed, then that would be wonderful."

Then she returned to her funny routine, fanning her face again and reiterating that "we are not there yet."

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True, but Brooklyn has made no secret of the fact that he wants to start a family with Nicola, posting about it on Instagram.

Just sayin', Victoria.

Etterlene DeBarge Family Matriarch ... Dead at 88

Etterlene DeBarge -- gospel singer and matriarch of the legendary DeBarge family -- has died ... TMZ has confirmed.

The mother-of-ten passed away peacefully in her sleep at Berkley Post-Acute in Woodland Hills Friday morning -- this according to her daughter Etterlene "Bunny" DeBarge. A cause of death has not yet been announced, but sources tell us EDB was ill and battling dementia.

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Bunny broke the news online -- posting a short message to social media, simply announcing her mother's death to fans of the group ... noting she was in a better place now.

Etterlene met Robert DeBarge -- her future husband -- back in 1952 and married him the following year. They built a huge family, complete with 10 different children  ... seven of whom went on to play in the Motown super group DeBarge.

The Grammy-nominated group was active from 1979 to 1989 before the lure of solo contracts for Bunny and El DeBarge helped lead to the group splitting up. There were other factors that ultimately ended the family band.

Etterlene and Robert divorced in 1974, and Etterlene chronicled their marriage and her children's rise to fame in the book "Other Side of the Pain." She married George Rodriguez in 1980 -- a pairing that lasted the rest of her life.

Etterlene is survived by George, eight of her children, and numerous grandchildren. One of her sons, Robert DeBarge Jr., passed away in 1995 while Tommy DeBarge passed away in 2021. Obviously, her legacy and impact in music lives on through her children.

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Etterlene was 88.


Snoop Dogg Su hermano Bing Worthington muere a los 44 años

El hermano de Snoop Dogg Bing Worthington ha fallecido y su famoso hermano lo está conmemorando en sus redes sociales.

Snoop compartió un par de post en Instagram para honrar el fallecimiento de su hermano menor: en uno de ellos aparecen en un camerino juntos y el otro es un video donde ambos están pasando el rato con su otro hermano Jerry en un cementerio.

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Snoop Dogg escribió: "Siempre nos hizo reír 💙🙏🏾😢 u bac with moms" (vuelve con mamá).

Bing, que era medio hermano de Snoop Dogg por parte de madre, trabajó años con Snoop, primero como roadie en sus giras y luego como tour manager.

Bing también lanzó música con su propia banda Lifestyle. Hicieron un par de álbumes juntos e incluso una de sus canciones apareció en la banda sonora de "Van Wilder 2". A pesar de ello, Bing se dio cuenta de que disfrutaba más el trabajo de negocios tras bambalinas y renunció a sus sueños como rapero.

Hace unos años, decidió emprender su propio camino y se trasladó a Canadá para abrir un estudio de música y una productora, una fusión entre su propio Dogg Records y el sello canadiense de hip hop Urban Heat Legends.

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Bing tenía 44 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Snoop Dogg Brother Bing Worthington ... Dead at 44

Snoop Dogg's brother Bing Worthington has died ... with his famous sibling commemorating him on social media.

Snoop posted a couple times on Instagram to honor his younger brother's passing ... sharing a pic of them in a dressing room and also posting a clip of him and Bing hanging out with their other brother, Jerry, in a cemetery.

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SD wrote in the caption for the clip, "always made us laugh 💙🙏🏾😢 u bac with moms."

Bing -- who was Snoop Dogg's half-brother on his mother's side -- worked with Snoop over the years, starting as a roadie on Snoop's tour before taking over as tour manager.

Bing also released music with his own group, Lifestyle ... they made a couple albums together and even had a song appear on the 'Van Wilder 2' soundtrack -- but Bing said he realized he enjoyed the behind-the-scenes business work more and gave up his rapper dreams.

A few years ago, Bing decided to strike out on his own and moved to Canada to open up a music studio and production company -- a merger between his own Dogg Records and Canadian hip hop label Urban Heat Legends.

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Bing was 44.


Brian Wilson Family Asking For Conservatorship ... They Say He Has Dementia

Brian Wilson's family has filed for a conservatorship after the death of his wife, Melinda -- and they say it's because his cognitive ability has seriously regressed ... TMZ has confirmed.

According to legal docs ... the legendary Beach Boys frontman is suffering from a "major neurocognitive disorder" and taking medication for dementia -- so says his family. The docs say Wilson can't properly care for his basic personal needs such as food, clothing or shelter.

The Wilson family confirmed the news of the court filing to People, telling the outlet the family came together after Melinda's death and -- in consultation with Wilson's kids, longtime staff members and doctors -- decided to appoint two family representatives as his conservators.

The family went on to add that the decision was made to try and minimize changes to Brian's life and the lives of his children who still live at home.

Despite the conservatorship filing, the family says Wilson can still spend time with loved ones and even work on projects if he so chooses.

As we reported ... Melinda Kae Ledbetter Wilson passed away at the end of last month at the couple's home surrounded by her family.

Brian wrote on Instagram, "Melinda was more than my wife. She was my savior. She gave me the emotional security I needed to have a career."

A court hearing is scheduled for the end of April ... though it's not clear whether Wilson will attend in person.

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In the docs, his doctor says he "has very short attention span and while unintentionally disruptive, is frequently unable to maintain decorum appropriate to the situation."

Príncipe Harry Da cautelosas respuestas sobre el diagnóstico del rey Carlos

LA familia es primero

El Príncipe Harry fue consultado por su padre el Rey Carlos y su reciente diagnóstico de cáncer, y aunque dejó claro que ama a su familia, se puede decir que estaba en guardia.

El duque de Sussex habló con "GMA" para una entrevista que se emitió el jueves. La conversación fue filmada en Whistler, Canadá, donde se realizarán los próximos Invictus, Games, no mucho después de que volara de Londres para visitar a su padre, y Harry dio una idea de la relación que tiene con su padre.

Dijo que estaba contento de haber podido visitar al Rey, que era importante hacerlo para él después de enterarse de su cáncer, algo que el Príncipe Harry escuchó de primera mano.

También dijo explícitamente que ama a su familia, pero cuando lo presionaron un poco más sobre las perspectivas de salud de su padre se quedó callado y le dijo al periodista que no era asunto suyo.

Sobre la posibilidad de arreglar las cosas con el rey Carlos ahora que sabe que tiene cáncer, Harry dice que está absolutamente en las estrellas. Pero por la forma en que responde, se puede decir que estaba un poco ofendido por la pregunta. En su mente, es casi como si estuviera pensando, por supuesto que estamos bien.

No hace falta decirlo, la relación de Harry con la realeza se ha visto fracturada, por no decir completamente desgarrada en los últimos años, pero aquí está sugiriendo que la familia es primero y no importa lo que haya pasado entre ellos. Él los amará pase lo que pase.

También habla de cómo está procesando que estén pasando tantas cosas al otro lado del charco y aquí en California, a lo que Harry respondió que tiene su propia familia ahora.

Esencialmente, su punto es que ama a su familia en Reino Unido, va a verlos cuando puede, pero no va a dejar a su familia por los problemas que estén ocurriendo allá.

Dándole una oportunidad

Ahora, aunque esta charla sobre el rey Carlos sin duda era seria, y Harry tuvo una actitud algo fría, su tiempo en Canadá no fue del todo pesimista. De hecho, lo pasó súper bien en la nieve con nada menos que Meghan Markle.

Por ejemplo, montó un trineo por una pista de hielo como un profesional, demostrando que dominaba el trineo y todo. Honestamente es bastante surrealista.

Incluso viendo esto, se entiende lo que Harry quiere decir cuando dice que va a vivir su vida y que no se va a paralizar por una noticia tan pesada de la familia real.

En conclusión, es capaz de separar las cosas y hasta ahora lo está haciendo bastante bien.

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Carlos, por su parte, parece estar tomando su diagnóstico de cáncer con calma. Ha sido fotografiado en público desde que lanzó la bomba. De quien no hay rastro es de Kate Middleton, quien sigue recuperándose de sus propios problemas de salud.

Prince Harry Cagey Answers on Charles' Diagnosis 'Stays Between Me & Him'


Prince Harry was asked about his father, King Charles, and his recent cancer diagnosis -- and while he made clear he loves his family ... you can tell his guard is still up.

The Duke of Sussex spoke with 'GMA' in an interview that aired Thursday -- a convo that was filmed in Whistler, BC at the site of his upcoming Invictus Games, not long after he flew back from London upon visiting his dad -- and Harry gave some insight into the relationship.

He says he was happy he was able to go see the King, and also noted it was important for him to do so after learning about his cancer ... something PH says he heard first-hand.

Harry also says explicitly here that he loves his family -- but when he's pressed further on how the outlook of his father's health ... he clams up, telling the journo it's none of his business.

On the prospect of mending fences with Charles now that he knows he has cancer -- Harry says that's absolutely in the stars ... but from the way he responds, you can tell he's a little offended by the question. In his mind, it's almost as if he's thinking ... of course we're good.

It goes without saying ... Harry's relationship with the Royals has appeared fractured -- if not completely torn apart in recent years -- but here ... he's suggesting family comes first, no matter what's gone on between them, and that he'll have love for them no matter what.

He also talks about how he's processing the fact there's so much going on across the pond as he's here in California ... and Harry has a bristly reaction, saying he has his own family now.

Essentially, his point is ... I love my UK family, I'll see them when I can, but I'm not gonna shut down my life over problems they're going through -- that's sorta the takeaway.


Now, while this chat about Charles was most certainly serious -- and, admittedly, a little icy on Harry's part -- his time in Canada wasn't all doom and gloom ... in fact, there was a lot of fun he was having out there in the snow, alongside none other than Meghan Markle.

Take this bobsled run he went on, for example, where PH shot down an icy runway ... and he looked a bit like a pro, good form on the sled and all. Honestly, it's pretty surreal.

Even from this alone, you can see what Harry means when he says he's going to live his life -- and not necessarily be paralyzed by such heavy news coming from the Royal family.


Long story short ... he's able to compartmentalize, and so far -- he's doing it quite well.

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Charles, meanwhile, seems to be taking his cancer diagnosis in stride -- he's been pictured out in public since the bombshell dropped. Still no sign of Kate Middleton, though, as she continues to recover from her own health issues.

El sobrino de Michael Jackson se caracteriza del Rey del Pop en el rodaje de su biopic

Aquí está el sobrino de Michael Jackson -Jaafar Jackson- listo para retratar al Rey del Pop en el set de la próxima película biográfica de MJ y tenemos que decir que es la viva imagen de su difunto tío.

Jaafar estaba completamente peinado, maquillado y disfrazado el jueves en la zona de Encino de Los Ángeles, donde las cámaras estaban rodando "Michael" ... la primera película oficial que aborda la vida de MJ en la gran pantalla.

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Jafaar es el hijo de Jermaine Jackson, y se parece inquietantemente a su famoso pariente aquí.

Lionsgate, el estudio detrás de la próxima película biográfica, dejó caer el primer vistazo de Jackson como MJ a principios de esta semana; una foto que reproduce el tour de "Dangerous" de 1992-1993. En esa foto promocional, se puede ver a Jaafar canalizando seriamente a MJ, pasando como un doble del artista.

Ahora, estamos recibiendo una visión ligeramente diferente de Jaafar como Michael, esta vez se ve un poco más formal con una camisa blanca de botones y una corbata y realmente llama la atención.

Nia Long se unió a Jaafar en el set jueves, recuerde que ella está interpretando a la madre de Michael, Katherine Jackson y también está totalmente transformada y bastante irreconocible.

Al igual que Jaafar, Nia también es una doble de su personaje, no muy diferente a lo que vimos la semana pasada, cuando Colman Domingo (interpretando a Joe Jackson) y otros actores estaban retratando a los Jackson 5 más jóvenes. Todos ellos estaban totalmente inmersos en sus papeles y se veían muy bien.

Por supuesto, Jaafar es la estrella, y por lo que parece se ha transformado en Michael Jackson.

La esperada película biográfica no llegará a los cines hasta abril de 2025 y todo lo que hemos visto hasta ahora parece estar dando en el blanco, al menos visualmente.

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Veremos cómo se desarrolla todo este asunto, muchos fans de MJ estarán atentos y francamente nosotros también.

Michael Jackson Nephew Jaafar In Full Costume On Biopic Set ... Looking Like King of Pop

Here's Michael Jackson's nephew Jaafar Jackson all set to portray the King of Pop on the set of the upcoming MJ biopic -- and we gotta say, he's the spitting image of his late uncle.

Jaafar was in full hair, makeup and costume Thursday on location in the Encino area of Los Angeles, where cameras were rolling for "Michael" ... the first official film to tackle the MJ's life on the big screen.

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JJ is Jermaine Jackson's son, BTW, and he looks eerily similar to his famous relative here.

Lionsgate, the studio behind the upcoming biopic, dropped the first look at Jackson as MJ earlier this week ... a photo replicating Michael's 1992-1993 Dangerous Tour. In that promo pic, too, Jaafar was seriously channeling MJ ... passing as a dead ringer for the entertainer.

Now, we're getting a slightly different view of Jaafar as Michael ... this time, he's a bit more formal with a white button-down shirt and a tie -- and we can really see how he looks.

Nia Long joined Jaafar on set here on Thursday ... remember, she's playing Michael's mother, Katherine Jackson. She's also fully transformed -- and pretty unrecognizable.

Like Jaafar, Nia's also a doppelganger for her character ... not very different than what we saw last week when she, Colman Domingo (playing Joe Jackson) and other actors portraying the younger Jackson 5. All of them were fully immersed in their roles, and looked great.

Jaafar, of course, is the star ... and from the looks of it, he has become Michael Jackson.

The highly-anticipated biopic won't hit theaters until April 2025 ... and everything we've seen so far seems to be hitting the mark, at least visually.

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We'll see how it all plays out when it finally gets released -- lord knows MJ's many fans will be watching, and frankly ... so will we.

Bill Skarsgård es detenido por posesión de marihuana en Suecia En Suecia

Bill Skarsgård fue detenido en Suecia por posesión de marihuana... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que el actor de 33 años, fue detenido en octubre por posesión de 2.43 gramos de cannabis en el aeropuerto de Arlanda en Estocolmo y fue condenado el miércoles.

Se nos dice que Bill fue condenado a pagar una multa de 40.000 coronas suecas, aproximadamente $3.825 USD y no se enfrentará a tiempo en la cárcel, libertad condicional o libertad condicional, lo que significa que todo el asunto quedará saldado una vez que desembolse el dinero en efectivo.

Nos dicen que Skarsgård se declaró culpable del delito y le presentó la documentación a la corte. Finalmente el juez sentenció Bill bándose en esos papeles.

Bill -que ha protagonizado "It" de Stephen King y "Atomic Blonde", junto con otras conocidas películas y programas de televisión- es la realeza de la actuación en Suecia con su padre Stellan y hermanos Alexander, Gustaf, Valter, Ossian y Kolbjörn también miembros de la profesión.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Bill para hacer comentariosn pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Bill Skarsgård Arrested For Drug Possession ... Fined $4,000 in Sweden

Bill Skarsgård was arrested in Sweden for marijuana possession ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... the 33-year-old actor was arrested in October for possessing 2.43 grams of cannabis at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm and was sentenced Wednesday.

We're told Bill was ordered to pay a fine of 40,000 Swedish krona -- approximately $3,825 USD and will not face jail time, probation or parole -- meaning it’ll all be behind him once he forks over the cash.

We’re told Skarsgård pled guilty to the crime and submitted paperwork to the court … and a judge sentenced BS based on that paperwork.

Bill -- who's starred in Stephen King's "It" and "Atomic Blonde" along with other well-known movies and TV shows -- is acting royalty in Sweden with his father Stellan and brothers Alexander, Gustaf, Valter, Ossian and Kolbjörn also members of the trade.

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We've reached out to Bill for comment ... so far no word back.


Bruce Willis' wife, Emma Heming, paid a heartwarming Valentine's tribute to him ... letting the actor, who is battling dementia, know that he'll always have her by his side.

"Love is a beautiful thing ❤️ Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day 🫶🏽," Emma wrote in an IG post Wednesday, which shows the 68-year-old "Die Hard" actor's face pressed up to her while posing at Niagara Falls.

She revealed in the comments it was an old school photo from March 2010, which was two years after they went public with their romance.

Emma's love for Bruce is clearly stronger than her ... proving she'll never leave his side, especially amid his grueling dementia battle. His family announced his aphasia diagnosis two years ago, and his retirement from acting.

Bruce's condition worsened exactly one year ago when he was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia.

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Emma's spoken candidly of his health ... telling 'Today' that it's "hard to know" how aware he is and he'd lost the ability to make decisions for himself -- and it looks to be taking a toll on her, too, as she's become his caretaker.

Of course, Bruce has a huge family ... and the rest of his nearest and dearest, including his ex, Demi Moore, and all of his adult children, have stepped in to help, too.

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Family always has a way of pulling through, especially when times get tough.

Emma Heming publica un emotivo post de San Valentín

La esposa de Bruce Willis -Emma Heming- hizo un conmovedor homenaje de San Valentín, haciéndole saber al actor que siempre la tendrá a su lado.

"El amor es algo hermoso ❤️ les deseo a todos un Feliz Día de San Valentín 🫶🏽", escribió Emma en un post de Insta el miércoles, que muestra la cara del actor de 68 años de "Duro De Matar" apretada contra ella mientras posaba en las cataratas del Niágara.

Ella reveló en los comentarios que se trataba de una vieja foto escolar de marzo de 2010, es decir, dos años después de que hicieran público su romance.

El amor de Emma por Bruce es claramente muy fuerte, demostrando que nunca se separará de su lado, especialmente en medio de su agotadora batalla contra la demencia. Su familia anunció su diagnóstico de afasia hace dos años y su retiro de la actuación.

La condición de Bruce empeoró hace exactamente un año, cuando se le diagnosticó demencia frontotemporal.

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Emma ha hablado con franqueza de su salud, diciendo en "Today" que es "difícil saber" lo consciente que es y que había perdido la capacidad de tomar decisiones por sí mismo  ahora es ella quien tomó las riendas de su cuidado.

Por supuesto, Bruce tiene una gran familia, y el resto de sus seres más cercanos y queridos, incluyendo a su ex -Demi Moore- y todos sus hijos adultos han intervenido para ayudar.

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La familia siempre sabe salir adelante, sobre todo cuando los tiempos se ponen difíciles.