Taylor Swift's ex-BFs usually serve as inspo for her songs ... but one particular track from her upcoming album shouts out a famed silent film actress -- whose family is loving it.

TayTay's song, 'Clara Bow,' is one of the cuts featured on her forthcoming 'Tortured Poets Department' album -- and fans were rife with excitement/speculation over what it could mean ... as there are many ways to interpret this.

Clara was one of the first movie stars of her day back in the 1920s -- and she also got a ton of media attention/scrutiny ... which ended in tragic fashion (more on this later).

Anyway, because of the historical significance ... many have taken this song to be an important on 'TPD' -- but either way ... Clara's real-life descendants are incredibly appreciative of the spotlight T-Swift is shedding on their ancestor.

Clara's great-granddaughter Brittany Grace Bell tells TMZ ... their family is hoping the attention from the pop idol can highlight Clara's many accolades and talents -- rather than the media scrutiny and gossip she was subjected to during her career.

We're told TS's team never got in contact with her family over the song ... but Brittany says she'd love to connect with them to find out exactly what prompted the track's name and get more of the backstory. She's absolutely over the moon about it ... she'd like to link up.

As for her own theory, BGB tells us she thinks TayTay can relate to her legendary great-grandmother 'cause she's a modern-day "IT girl," and Clara was the original "It" girl.

Brittany also addresses fan speculation that Taylor may have dropped a major Easter Egg of the musical tribute with her recent Grammys look.

People noticed TS wore a necklace similar to the one Clara was photographed wearing back in the day -- leaving Brittany fascinated over whether Clara actually inspired the outfit.

As for all the attention she's now receiving, Brittany tells us she thinks Clara would be thrilled to see her family name live on and have a new generation hear her story/learn about her life.

While Brittany says she hopes the reaction is positive, she says we'll just have to wait and see what the song's lyrics are like before she can make any further judgments.

We should mention ... Clara's life was challenging -- with issues ranging from mental health struggles and beyond -- and many look back on her story as a cautionary tale, which is why Taylor invoking her name has piqued curiosity ... as many see it as ominous commentary.

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In any case ... the door's open from the Bow family if Taylor wants to chat.

Patrick Mahomes' Mom My Son Doesn't Actually Wear 'Lucky Undies' In Game!

Turns out Patrick Mahomes hasn't actually worn the same pair of nasty red drawers DURING nearly every NFL game of his career, just before kickoff ... according to his mother, Randi Mahomes.

Randi recently joined the "Got It From My Momma" podcast ... when the conversation turned to the infamous underwear Patrick recently revealed he wore for almost all of his career. Mom straightened the record.

Got It From My Momma Podcast

“I asked Brittany, it’s not that he wears them in the game. He wears them from point A -- like leaves the house, gets to the game. I don’t think he actually wears them in the game,” Randi explained.

Of course, Patrick made the admission to a stunned Peyton and Eli on the Manningcast earlier this season, saying he'd worn the present from his wife Brittany Mahomes since his great rookie season.

"I love a good superstition, but couldn't you just do something like eat the same pregame meal? Did it have to be the red underwear?" Eli asked Patrick at the time.

Randi, like Manning, wasn't a fan of the tradition when she first heard about it, saying, “I was at work, I went into my co-worker's office like I can’t handle this.”

Mahomes and his Chiefs squad are slight underdogs against the 49ers ... we'll see if Patrick breaks tradition and wears them for the game on Super Sunday.

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Take all the help you can get!

Jason Kelce I'd Love To Host 'SNL'!!! ... Amazed After Travis' Gig

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Jason Kelce is ready to follow in his lil' bro Travis' footsteps ... telling TMZ Sports if "Saturday Night Live" wants to make him a host, he's giving an emphatic HELL YEAH!!

The elder Kelce bro is no stranger to Studio 8H -- he famously made a cameo appearance during Travis' debut back in March 2023, even lending his talents during a skit.

So when we caught up with the Philadelphia Eagles great out in Las Vegas during Super Bowl week, we asked if he'd ever want to get his own shot at headlining the sketch comedy show ... and the dude couldn't be more on board.

"Of course, I love 'SNL,'" 36-year-old Jason said. "It's one of the shows I grew up watching, an iconic show of great proportions and hilarity. Yeah, I would obviously do it."

"I was fortunate to watch Travis do it last year and really see what all goes into it. I came away beyond impressed with all the people involved in making that show work and all the talent that was there."

The billing would make a ton of sense -- the Kelces are household names (partially thanks to the Taylor Swift effect and shirtless antics on gameday) and are some of the most charismatic players in the NFL.


We reached out to our 'SNL' sources ... and they couldn't say enough good things about Jason, and would love to have him back in some capacity in the future.

In fact, we're told that could even mean giving him the hosting gig ... which is something he wouldn't take lightly.

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"It would be beyond an honor to participate in something like that, for sure," Jason added.

We also mentioned how Jason is no stranger to acting after his recent cameo on "Abbott Elementary" ... and his response proves he'll have no issue making people laugh if those 'SNL' peeps come calling.

Hija de Don Rickles Quiere que "Toy Story 5" use la voz de su padre ¡¡Pero aléjense de la IA!!

Don Rickles no puede grabar nuevas líneas para "Toy Story 5", pero su hija espera que Disney tenga más audios archivados de su padre que puedan utilizar, pues quiere que este aparezca en la película ... ha averiguado TMZ.

Por si no lo saben, el miércoles se anunció que la quinta entrega de la película animada tiene fecha de lanzamiento para el 2026. Aún no tenemos detalles del elenco, pero Rickles, quien interpretó al Sr. Cara de Papa en las primeras cuatro entregas, falleció en 2017.

Hablamos con Mindy Rickles, la hija del fallecido actor y comediante, quien nos dice que Disney o Pixar aún no se ha comunicado sobre un plan para usar la voz de Don, lo cual es interesante teniendo en cuenta que el Sr. Cara de Papa es un personaje clave en el filme.

De hecho, Mindy tiene tan poca información que ni siquiera sabía que se había anunciado una "Toy Story 5" y no tiene ni idea si planean usar su voz o la refundición de MPH.

Con eso dicho, Mindy nos dice que le da permiso a la franquicia para utilizar la voz de su padre a través de imágenes que podrían haber dejado y escondido en la bóveda durante los años. Pero tiene que ser realmente su padre porque no le parece el uso de la IA.

Este no es un concepto nuevo. "Toy Story 4" se estrenó en 2019, unos dos años después de la muerte de Don y él no había grabado una sola línea para la película en ese momento.

El equipo se puso creativo y seleccionó líneas no utilizadas de las tres primeras películas, parques temáticos, videojuegos asociados e incluso para el espectáculo "Disney On Ice: Toy Story" para reconstruir su parte. Eso es exactamente lo que Mindy quiere que ocurra ahora.

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No está claro exactamente cuánto más diálogo podría tener Disney de Don, pero con la muerte de la actriz que interpretaba a la Sra. Cara de Papa, Estelle Harris, en 2022, los creativos detrás de "Toy Story" podrían solo decir que la pareja se fue con otra familia, como pasó con Wheezy el pingüino y Bo Peep entre la segunda y tercera película. Por supuesto, también podrían conseguir nuevos actores de doblaje.

Veremos qué camino toma Pixar, pero Mindy lo deja claro: la compañía siempre tendrá un amigo en la familia Rickles, y espera que el sentimiento sea mutuo.

Don Rickles' Daughter Wants 'Toy Story 5' to Use Dad's Voice ... But Keep AI Away!!!

Don Rickles can't record new lines for "Toy Story 5" -- but his daughter's hoping Disney has more archived audio to use, 'cause she wants her dad in the flick ... TMZ has learned.

ICYMI ... the fifth installment of the beloved animated franchise got a 2026 release date, announced Wednesday. We don't have cast details yet, but Rickles -- who played Mr. Potato Head in the first four installments of the franchise -- passed away in 2017.

We spoke to Mindy Rickles -- the daughter of the late great actor and comedian -- and she tells us ... Disney or Pixar has not yet reached out about a plan to use Don's voice, which is interesting considering Potato Head is a huge character in the franchise.

In fact -- MR was so in the dark, she says, that she didn't even know "Toy Story 5" was announced ... and doesn't have a clue if they plan on using his voice, or recasting MPH.

With that said ... Mindy tells us she's giving the franchise two thumbs up to use her dad's vocals via footage they might have left over and stashed away in the vault over the years -- but it's gotta really be him ... because she says AI's a no-go for her.

This isn't a new concept ... "Toy Story 4" came out in 2019 -- about two years after Don passed away and he hadn't recorded a single line of dialogue for the movie at the time.

The 'TS4' team got creative and cherry-picked unused lines he recorded for the first three movies, theme parks, associated video games, and even the 'Disney On Ice: Toy Story' show to piece together his part. That's exactly what Mindy tells us she wants to happen now.

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It's unclear exactly how much more dialogue Disney might have from Don ... but with Mrs. Potato Head actress Estelle Harris' death in 2022, the creatives behind 'Toy Story' might just say the couple's moved on to another family -- like Wheezy the singing penguin and Bo Peep between the second and third movies. Of course, they could just get new voice actors too.

We'll see what route Pixar takes, but Mindy's making it clear ... the company will always have a friend in the Rickles fam, and she's hoping the feeling's the same.

Según una demanda un robot quirúrgico le causó un agujero mortal A una mujer de Florida

Un robot quirúrgico hizo un agujero en el intestino delgado de una mujer de Florida durante la cirugía, hiriéndola, y finalmente causándole la muerte. Esto según una nueva demanda presentada por su marido.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Sandra Sultzer, nativa de Boca Ratón, falleció a la edad de 78 años en 2022 después de un procedimiento para tratar su cáncer de colon, el cual se realizó utilizando un robot "da Vinci", una máquina de 4 brazos activada por un médico que opera una cámara y un cirujano que dirige los brazos del robot utilizando un joystick y pedales.

El marido de Sultzer afirma que el robot está diseñado para cortar incisiones tan pequeñas como el tamaño de una moneda de diez centavos. Se supone que estos movimientos precisos minimizan la pérdida de sangre y el trauma del cuerpo en comparación a los cortes más grandes realizados durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos tradicionales.

La demanda alega algunas de las mangas de goma alrededor de los brazos tenían grietas que generaban corrientes eléctricas y la energía perdida esencialmente quemó tejidos del cuerpo de Sandra durante su procedimiento de septiembre de 2021.

Su esposo afirma que la quema de sus órganos internos ocurrió sin que el equipo quirúrgico siquiera supiera completamente lo que estaba sucediendo en ese momento.

La demanda alega que Intuitive Surgical Inc -la compañía que fabrica el robot da Vinci- no advirtió adecuadamente de estos riesgos, alegando que debería haber sabido de los riesgos de "miles de informes de lesiones y defectos" sobre el dispositivo".

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También afirma que el producto no fue diseñado de una manera segura, ni tampoco se sometió a las pruebas necesarias para evitar los riesgos de quemaduras.

El marido de Sultzer reclama daños y perjuicios no especificados.


A surgical robot burned a hole in a Florida woman's small intestine during surgery, injuring her and eventually causing her death -- this according new lawsuit filed by her husband.

According to the legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Boca Raton native Sandra Sultzer passed away at the age of 78 in 2022 following a procedure to treat her colon cancer ... which was performed using a 'da Vinci' robot -- a 4-armed machine activated by a doctor operating a camera and a surgeon steering the robot's arms using a joystick and foot pedals.

Sultzer's husband claims the robot is designed to cut incisions as small as the size of a dime ... and the precise movements are supposed to minimize blood loss and trauma to the body from larger cuts made during traditional surgical procedures.

The suit alleges some of the rubber sleeves around the arms had cracks which allowed electrical currents to escape ... and the stray energy essentially burned Sandra's body tissues during her September 2021 procedure.

Her husband claims the burning of her internal organs happened without the surgical team even fully knowing what was happening at the time.

The lawsuit alleges that Intuitive Surgical Inc. -- the company that makes the da Vinci robot -- failed to adequately warn of these risks ... claiming it should have known of the risks from "thousands of injury and defect reports" about the device.

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He also claims the product was not designed in a safe way or tested enough to avoid the burn risks.

Sultzer's husband is seeking unspecified damages, including punitives.

Tish Cyrus Presioné a Billy para hacer "Hannah Montana" Para mantener la familia unida!!!

"No destruyó nuestra familia"
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Tish Cyrus está contando que animó a su ex, Billy Ray Cyrus, a protagonizar "Hannah Montana" porque pensó que los uniría como familia, una esperanza que ahora sabemos no resultó en el largo plazo.

La mujer de 56 años reflexionó sobre cómo la serie de Disney Channel impactó a su familia en un nuevo episodio de "Call Her Daddy", diciendo que vio el espectáculo como un doble golpe. Primero, fue una oportunidad para impulsar la carrera de Billy, que había sido golpeada tras su éxito de 1992 "Achy Breaky Heart", y también para unirlos como familia.

Tish explicó que una bombilla se encendió en su cabeza cuando los directores del casting de "Hannah" bromearon que "no podían costear" el tener a Billy en el show durante la audición de Miley, lo que la llevó a saltar y decirles que la idea no era demasiado descabellada.

Luego se dirigió a su ex marido y lo instó a audicionar, y aunque sabía que significaría un recorte de sueldo para él, también implicaría que su familia estaría junta de nuevo.

Por aquel entonces, toda la familia Cyrus, incluidos sus 5 hijos, vivía en Toronto, donde Billy estaba rodando otra serie y Tish estaba estresada por la idea de tener que viajar constantemente entre Canadá y Los Ángeles por el nuevo rol protagónico de Miley, así que era una oportunidad de oro que Billy pudiera participar en la serie.

La reflexión de Tish sobre "Hannah Montana" claramente parece estar más en la escala de "lo que podría haber sido", pero Billy Ray lo recuerda de manera muy diferente, diciendo a GQ en 2011 que el espectáculo "destruyó su familia."

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Tish se separó legalmente de Billy en 2022 y se casó con Dominic Purcell en agosto de 2023. Al parecer, este nuevo matrimonio es una fuente de controversia importante entre Miles y su padre.


Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Tish Cyrus says she encouraged her ex, Billy Ray Cyrus, to star in "Hannah Montana" 'cause she thought it would bring them together -- a hope we now know didn't pan out in the long run.

The 56-year-old reflected on how the Disney Channel series impacted their family on a new "Call Her Daddy" episode, saying she saw the show as a double whammy ... a chance to move Billy's career forward -- it had hit a wall after his 1992 hit "Achy Breaky Heart" -- and a chance to make them a strong family unit.

Tish explained that a lightbulb went off in her head when 'Hannah' casting directors joked they "couldn't afford" Billy for the show during Miley's audition ... prompting her to jump in and tell them the idea wasn't too far-fetched.

She then turned to Billy, urging him to audition, and while she knew it would be a pay cut for him, it meant their family would be together again.

At that time, the whole Cyrus family, including their 5 children, had been living in Toronto, where Billy was filming another show -- and Tish was stressing over the thought of constantly traveling back and forth between Canada and L.A. for Miley's new starring role -- so getting Billy on the series was a golden opportunity.

Tish's reflection on "Hannah Montana" clearly appears to be more on the "what could have been" scale, but Billy Ray remembers it much differently ... telling GQ in 2011, the show "destroyed my family."

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Tish legally parted ways from Billy in 2022, and married Dominic Purcell in August 2023 -- and that new marriage is reportedly a source of major contention between Miles and her dad.

Donna Kelce Plays Coy on Super Bowl Seating ... IDK If I'll Be in the Box!!! 🙄


Donna Kelce has apparently forgotten that her son is dating a known billionaire -- 'cause she's out here acting like she might not be in the luxury suite come game time.

Travis Kelce's mom did an interview on the 'Today' show Wednesday, and they were asking her where exactly she'd be sitting in the private luxury suite that Taylor and Co. will be in during the Super Bowl at Allegiant Stadium in Vegas.

Hoda suggested DK oughta sit next to Taylor for good luck -- amounting to a pretty standard and easy softball question ... but instead of knocking it out the park, Donna muddied things up a bit.

Check it out ... she says that the suites referenced are actually quite expensive (indeed, they are) and that as far as he knows, she'll be in the bleachers cheering Travis on around a bunch of normies. You can tell the 'Today' crew wasn't buying it ... and nobody else is either.

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Fact is ... Donna will almost certainly be among the select few in the private box -- just like she has been for several weeks this season -- and it goes without saying ... Taylor and Travis's camps can absolutely afford it, even if it is in the price range of millions.

Even though most everyone assumes this ... Donna is almost making it seem like she's not sure where she'll be sitting -- and on its face, it sorta makes Taylor and Travis look bad, which is bizarre. You'd think this issue would've been cleared up by now ... apparently not!

Your Mom

Remember, Christian McCaffrey's mom also recently suggested she wouldn't be in a private suite because of the astronomical price ... but her son's GF, Olivia Culpo, quickly clarified that her potential future mother-in-law was, in fact, gonna be sitting pretty in a box at the game.


Ya gotta imagine Taylor and Travis will do the same as well at some point. Yes, Mama Bear ... you're gonna have a great freakin' view, and you're 100% getting the VIP treatment.

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No need to pretend it's gonna be anything but that!

Kanye y North West Unión familiar en "Vultures"... Hija de Ty Dolla Sign también hace un cameo

La carrera de North West como rapera se ha lanzado oficialmente pues su verso en una de las canciones de Kanye acaba de ser liberado, así como un video musical donde aparece.

El miércoles, Ye lanzó el video musical de "Talking/Once Again", el tema junto a Ty Dolla Sign de su próximo álbum "Vultures" con la música y las visuales en redes sociales, y con North al frente y al centro de la cámara por no mencionar en el micrófono.

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El video, dirigido por The D'Innocenzo Brothers, no solo destaca por el verso "tu mejor amiga" de North West, sino que también da una mirada de cerca a su rutina de peinado pues la vemos trenzándose el cabello en este clip.

Ella no es la única hija famosa que aparece. Ty Dolla Sign también presenta a su hija Jailynn Crystal en el video mientras canta acerca de protegerla de este loco mundo.

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Por cierto, esta es la misma canción que North interpretó en Miami durante Art Basel, donde sorprendió a la multitud con su rapeo, de la que está definitivamente orgullosa. Su aparición también concuerda con el reciente entusiasmo que ha mostrado como creativa: recordemos que entró en TikTok y expuso sus ideas para un video musical propio.

A primera vista, parece que podría estar siguiendo los pasos de su padre, ¡ya veremos!

De todos modos, la primera entrega de Ye y Ty $ "Vultures" finalmente se espera que aparezca el viernes, aunque está por verse si realmente llegará a los principales servicios de streaming. Ye ha tenido dificultades para encontrar distribución últimamente, por lo que no está claro quiénes van a poder escuchar esto. Tampoco estamos seguros de si el proyecto se dará a conocer en absoluto, él lo ha pospuesto muchísimas veces ya.

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Instagram / @kanyewest

Kanye se quejó recientemente de que se le estaba prohibiendo reservar lugares en su ciudad natal de Chicago y no descartó que podría ser debido a sus comentarios antisemitas en el pasado. Evidentemente, todo esto sigue estando en la mente de muchos, lo que dificulta un poco la publicación de este proyecto.

En cualquier caso, Ye tiene a su pequeña a su lado. North obviamente ama a su padre.

TMZ investiga
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Si bien es genial ver a North West expresarse, probablemente se estén preguntando cómo se siente Mamá Oso con esto. Una situación difícil, sin duda.

Kanye and North West Family Bond For 'Vultures' Vid ... TD$'s Kid Also Makes Cameo

North West's rap career has officially launched ... -- 'cause her verse on one of Kanye's tracks just got released ... along with a music video that features the kid too.

On Wednesday, Ye dropped his and Ty Dolla Sign’s "Talking/Once Again" music video from their forthcoming "Vultures" album -- releasing the music/visuals on social media, and having North front and center on camera ... not to mention on the mic.

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The video -- directed by The D'Innocenzo Brothers -- not only highlights NW's "your bestie" bars ... but it also gives an up-close look at her hair styling routine -- as you can see, she's getting her hair braided in this clip.

She's not the only famous daughter in the mix here -- TD$ also introduces his daughter Jailynn Crystal in the video as he sings about protecting her from the crazy world.

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BTW -- this is the same song North performed in Miami during Art Basel, where she surprised the crowd and rapped these same lyrics ... which she's definitely proud of. Her appearance on the song also tracks with recent enthusiasm she's shown as a creative -- remember, she hopped on TikTok and laid out her ideas for a music video of her own.

On its face, it appears she might be following in her dad's footsteps ... guess we'll see!

Anyway, the first installment of Ye and Ty$'s "Vultures" is finally expected to drop Friday -- although, it remains to be seen whether it'll actually hit mainstream streaming services. Ye's had a hard time finding distribution lately -- so it's unclear who people are gonna listen to this. We're also not sure if the project will release at all ... he's pushed it back a ton already.

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Instagram / @kanyewest

Kanye recently complained he's being barred from booking venues in his hometown of Chicago ... and didn't rule out it might be because of his past antisemitic remarks. Clearly, that's all still top of mind for many -- which makes getting this project out sorta difficult.


In any case, Ye's got his little girl right by his side ... North obviously loves her father.

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While it's cool to see NW express herself ... ya gotta wonder how Mama Bear feels about it herself. Tough situation, no doubt -- and probably something they play by ear.



One of Toby Keith's final concerts before his death was a special one ... with his mom Carolyn making a hilarious appearance on-stage, much to the surprise of delighted fans.

TMZ has obtained footage showing the late country icon in great spirits during a Sin City show on December 12 at the Park MGM Las Vegas ... which sadly ended up being one of his last. His last concert ended up being a couple days later at the same exact venue.

In the video, you can see him bring his mom, Carolyn, onstage -- joking around with her and encouraging her to tell audience members to "go to hell" -- which she did, no questions asked. Everyone got a big laugh out of it, and it certainly served as a sweet moment.

Carolyn was waving and rolling with the punches while sharing the spotlight with her son ... with the bond between them evidently strong. No doubt, it must've been a cherished memory for Toby ... who did, in fact, look a little frail in the clip ... but, for the most part, delivered an epic show with his signature vocals. His fans must have loved this too.

As we've reported ... Toby passed away Monday night while surrounded by his family, according to a statement posted to his Facebook page.

He'd been battling stomach cancer ... which he was diagnosed with in 2021. Toby announced the diagnosis in June 2022 ... adding at the time he was receiving chemo and radiation therapy, and had also undergone surgery.

Toby's passing has been a massive loss for the country music world ... during his 3-decade career, he released 24 studio and compilation albums and 2 Christmas records, generating $40 mil in worldwide music sales.

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Last September, he also won the Country Music Icon Award at the People's Choice Country Awards 2023 -- a major feat for any country artist.

Toby was just 62.


Bhad Babie Roll Out The Pink Carpet, My Own Baby Girl's Almost Here!!!

Danielle Bregoli -- AKA Bhad Bhabie -- got a jump on Valentine's Day for good reason … she and her boyfriend threw a baby shower for their little girl, who'll be here in due time.

On Monday, the rapper and her man, Le Vaughn, shared photos and videos from the lavish party -- which they dubbed "A Kali Love Story," named after their first child together ... and Bhabie's first kid period.

Bhad Bhabie shower

As you can see ... Danielle is just about ready to pop. She's definitely at least in the second trimester now, and based on how big she is -- ya gotta figure she'll give birth very soon.

The platinum-selling MC -- who got her start on Dr. Phil's show way back when -- showed off her baby bump in a silky gown laced with red rose petals and the event space, curated by The Bella Xperience, decorated the scenery with pink and white colors for V-Day.

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Several of their friends and family members were also seen indulging in the fun ... and everyone seemed to be having a ball.

BB and Le Vaugh made their reveal last year in similar grandiose fashion, a trend that’s likely to continue after the baby arrives. The couple -- who've been together since 2021 -- first announced they were expecting back in December.

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If it feels like time has flown by watching this young lady grow up -- well, join the club ... we've covered her since pretty much the beginning, and now -- she's a Mama Bear to be.

In any case, we're sure maternity leave won't slow her empire ... expect her first feature film later this year, and more projects to come too, we're sure. Congrats, Danielle and LV!!!

Bhad Bhabie Desenrolla la alfombra rosa ¡¡Mi bebé está casi con nosotros!!

Danielle Bregoli, alias Bhad Bhabie, se adelantó al Día de San Valentín por una buena razón: ella y su novio organizaron un baby shower para su niña, que llegará muy pronto.

El lunes, la rapera y su hombre Le Vaughn compartieron fotos y videos de la fiesta de lujo, la que apodaron como "Una historia de amor de Kali", llamada así por su primera hija juntos.

Baby showe de Bhad Bhabie

Como se puede ver, Danielle está a punto de dar a luz. Ella es, sin duda, se encuentra en el segundo trimestre ahora, y basándonos en lo grande que está su barriga, se tienen que imaginar que va a dar a tener a su bebé muy pronto.

La cantante de discos de platino, que empezó a trabajar en el programa del Dr. Phil, lució su panza en un vestido de seda adornado con pétalos de rosa roja, y el lugar del evento, comisionado por The Bella Xperience, decoró el escenario con colores rosa y blancos para celebrar el Día de la Victoria.

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Varios de sus amigos y familiares fueron vistos disfrutando de la fiesta, y todo el mundo parecía estar pasando un buen rato.

Bhad Bhabie y Le Vaugh hicieron su revelación el año pasado algo grande, una tendencia que probablemente continúe después de la llegada del bebé. La pareja, quienes han estado juntos desde 2021, anunció que estaban esperando por primera vez en diciembre.

TMZ investiga
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Si te parece que el tiempo ha pasado volando viendo crecer a esta joven, bueno, únete al club. La hemos cubierto casi desde el principio y ahora es una mamá.

En cualquier caso, estamos seguros de que su ausencia por la maternidad no frenará su imperio. Estamos esperando su primer largometraje para finales de este año, y estamos seguros de que vendrán más proyectos. ¡¡¡Enhorabuena, Danielle y Le Vaughn!!!

La madre del autor de un tiroteo es culpable de homicidio involuntario

Es un fallo histórico -el primero en su tipo- la madre del tirador de la escuela secundaria de Michigan -Ethan Crumbley- ha sido declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, y podría ser condenada a 15 años en prisión.

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Jennifer Crumbley fue condenada por negligencia grave al no impedir que su hijo Ethan Crumbley matara a 4 estudiantes en Oxford High School en noviembre de 2021.

El jurado llegó al veredicto unánime en el segundo día de deliberaciones.

Nunca antes se había acusado penalmente a un padre de un niño que cometió un tiroteo masivo. El marido de Jennifer, James, también se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario y será juzgado el mes que viene. Él fue quien compró el arma.

Jennifer testificó en su juicio que James fue el responsable de esconder el arma que su hijo utilizó en el tiroteo.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Jennifer también testificó que sabía que su hijo estaba pasando por un mal momento, pero no tenía idea de que era capaz de cometer un tiroteo masivo. Ella nunca puso a su hijo Ethan en terapia y dijo que si tuviera que hacerlo de nuevo no habría hecho nada diferente.

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cadena perpetua

Ethan, de 17 años, fue condenado a cadena perpetua. En cuanto a Jennifer, será sentenciada en abril, presumiblemente después del juicio de su marido.