Rick Harrison de 'Pawn Stars' Su hijo Adam muere a los 39 años de una sobredosis


6:46 PM PT -- La familia Harrison le dice a TMZ: "Nuestra familia está muy triste por la muerte de Adán. Pedimos privacidad mientras lloramos su pérdida".

El hijo de Rick Harrison, Adam, ha muerto en trágicas circunstancias ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Un representante de la estrella del reality 'Pawn Stars' nos dice que Adam murió recientemente de una sobredosis fatal y que la familia acaba de enterarse hoy. En este momento, no está claro dónde estaba Adam exactamente cuando murió y las circunstancias específicas también son desconocidas por ahora.

Las Vegas Metro PD nos dice que están investigando el caso.

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Adán es uno de los tres hijos de Rick, todos hombres, y ha estado en su mayoría fuera del radar en términos del espectáculo de Rick y su tienda. Se dice que Adam ayudó en el World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop alguna vez, pero desde entonces se había alejado para hacer sus propios proyectos.

No parece haber aparecido en ninguno de los episodios por lo que podemos ver.

Rick tuvo dos hijos con su primera esposa Kim, Corey y Adam, y también tuvo un hijo, Jake, con su segunda esposa Tracy.

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El hijo mayor de Rick, Corey, ha estado muy involucrado en "Pawn Stars". Su primera aparición  en el reality show fue en 2009. Pero Adam se mantuvo siempre fuera de los focos.

Como nunca se involucró realmente involucrarse con el programa, no hay mucha información sobre su vida, aunque algunas personas han afirmado que se ganaba la vida como plomero. Hemos oído que trabajó profesionalmente en algún tipo de comercio, pero no se sabe qué tipo de trabajo en concreto.

Adam solo tenía 39 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Publicado originalmente -- 6:19 PM PT

Prince Harry Remembers Late Mother Princess Diana ... John Travolta Presents Him With Award

Prince Harry gave a shout-out to his late mother Princess Diana Friday night as he accepted an award in LA for his time in the British Army as a copilot and gunner.


The Duke of Sussex strolled out on stage at the "Living Legends of Aviation" event in the Beverly Hills Hilton to receive the honor from actor John Travolta, who draped a medallion necklace around Harry's neck. As you may have heard, Harry spent 10 years in the British military, ascending to the rank of Captain.

During his acceptance speech, Harry traveled back in time to Travolta's 1985 meeting with Diana at a White House dinner attended by then-President Ronald Reagan.

Harry said, “I was just a one-year-old when you danced with my mum at the White House and now look at us,” referring to Travolta.

Recalling the moment, Travolta responded, “Now I see you again under a new circumstance, on a new stage.”

Harry replied, "The only thing left to do is… not dance together but fly together," a clear reference to Travolta also being a pilot.

The two then exited the stage, presumably to make plans to go flying together.

TMZ Studios

Other “Legends of Aviation” award winners include Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Jeff Bezos, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman and Elon Musk.

Príncipe Harry Recuerda a su madre, la princesa Diana... John Travolta le entrega un premio

El príncipe Harry recordó a su difunta madre, la princesa Diana, el viernes por la noche mientras aceptaba un premio en Los Ángeles por su tiempo en el ejército británico como copiloto y artillero.

Recibiendo el premio

El duque de Sussex se subió al escenario del evento "Living Legends of Aviation" en el Beverly Hills Hilton para recibir el premio del actor John Travolta, quien le colgó un medallón alrededor del cuello. Como habrán oído, Harry pasó 10 años en el ejército británico, ascendiendo al rango de capitán.

Durante su discurso de aceptación, Harry viajó en el tiempo y repasó el encuentro de Travolta con Diana en 1985, en una cena en la Casa Blanca a la que asistió el entonces Presidente Ronald Reagan.

Harry dijo: "Yo era solo un niño de un año cuando bailaste con mi madre en la Casa Blanca y ahora míranos", refiriéndose a Travolta.

Recordando el momento, Travolta respondió: "Ahora te vuelvo a ver en una nueva circunstancia, en un nuevo escenario".

Harry replicó: "Lo único que queda por hacer es... no bailar juntos, sino volar juntos", una clara referencia a que Travolta también es piloto.

Ambos salieron luego del escenario, presumiblemente para hacer planes de volar juntos.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Otros galardonados con el premio "Leyendas de la Aviación" incluyen a Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Jeff Bezos, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman y Elon Musk.

Elisabeth Moss Father Ron Dead at 79

Elisabeth Moss' dad, Ron Moss, has died ... TMZ has learned.

The actress's father passed away Thursday night in Clearwater, FL after a brief battle with an infection -- this according to his grandson, Max, the executor of Ron's estate. We're told he was surrounded by family, and that his death was peaceful.

Max writes of his granddad ... "Ron made so many friends throughout his rich life and we want everyone to know that you all meant so much to him. Thank you for everything that any of you did for him throughout his life."

Ron was a professional musician, and was a trained trombone player who played in jazz bands throughout his life ... including gigging with none other than the father of Scientology leader David Miscavige. Yes, Ron was also a Scientologist himself ... as is Elisabeth.

He actually served as a manager for some big stars over the years too -- including Chick Corea, Isaac Hayes and others. Chick is Elisabeth's godfather, interestingly enough.

While he was born and raised across the pond, he and his ex-wife, Linda, raised Elisabeth and her brother Derek here in the States ... Los Angeles specifically. While Elisabeth has posed for some shots with her dad ... it doesn't appear they were that close of late.

Unclear if Elisabeth is aware of her father's death at this point -- we've reached out to her camp for comment ... but so far, no word back. Ron was 79.


Elisabeth Moss Su padre Ron muere a los 79

El padre de Elisabeth Moss, Ron Moss, ha muerto ... TMZ ha averiguado.

El padre de la actriz falleció el jueves por la noche en Clearwater, Florida, después de una breve batalla contra una infección. Esto, de acuerdo a su nieto, Max, el albacea de la herencia de Ron. Nos dicen que estaba rodeado de su familia y que su muerte fue pacífica.

Max escribe de su abuelo: "Ron hizo tantos amigos a lo largo de su rica vida y queremos que todos sepan que significaban mucho para él. Gracias por todo lo que cualquiera de ustedes hizo por él a lo largo de su vida".

Ron era músico profesional y trombonista de formación, y tocó en bandas de jazz durante toda su vida, incluyendo actuaciones con nada menos que el padre del líder de la Cienciología, David Miscavige. Sí, Ron también era un cienciólogo, al igual que Elisabeth.

En realidad sirvió como manager de algunas grandes estrellas en los últimos años también, incluyendo Chick Corea, Isaac Hayes y otros. Chick es el padrino de Elisabeth, curiosamente.

Aunque nació y creció al otro lado del charco, él y su ex mujer Linda criaron a Elisabeth y a su hermano Derek en Estados Unidos, concretamente en Los Ángeles. Aunque Elisabeth ha posado para algunas fotos con su padre no parece que fueran tan cercanos últimamente.

No está claro si Elisabeth es consciente de la muerte de su padre en este momento. Nos pusimos en contacto con su equipo para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta. Ron tenía 79 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Sofia Vergara Sued by Griselda Blanco's Estate ... Stop This Netflix Show!!!

Sofia Vergara is being taken to court by Griselda Blanco's family over her new show where she plays the infamous Colombian queen-pin ... and they want to halt its release.

The actress is named as a defendant in a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, in which her adult kids -- acting as representatives of her estate -- are suing her and Netflix over what they claim is the unauthorized use of their family's image and likeness in this upcoming series.

Of course, the show features Sofia playing the late Griselda in her heyday as one of the most prominent drug lords in the world -- but now, her children are trying to prevent it from coming out next week ... running to court and asking the judge for an injunction to block its release.

The gist of their argument boils down to this ... Griselda's son, Michael, claims he'd been doing interviews for years now with some guys who were trying to get his life story -- and that of his mother -- on paper in the hopes of developing it into a production of some sort. He alleges these interviews he did with them date back to '09 all the way through 2022.

Michael claims that these fellas he was consulting with not only wanted to develop his narrative into a show, but into a book as well -- and he says they told him they'd start shopping it around Hollywood in 2016. He alleges they pitched it to a producer ... ahead of a meeting with Netflix about it. Michael claims he was then told Netflix was interested -- but that they didn't wanna use any of his details or consultations from the interviews he'd done.

Fast-forward to the present, and Michael claims he's learned this new 'Griselda' show does, in fact, lean on a lot of his anecdotes and material ... but he says he never saw a dime.

That's why he and his siblings are suing -- alleging Netflix basically ripped off their family story and weaved it into the plot of their show ... and the kids claim use of their own images and likenesses in the show without their permission violate their rights.

The lawsuit doesn't specifically say that Netflix can't depict their mother -- a public figure -- but it's clear the kids believe their likenesses and interview materials were used to make it -- presumably meaning they're depicted in the actual show in some capacity -- so they want a judge to step in ASAP to stop it.

The show is supposed to come out on Jan. 25 ... but the Blanco children wanna pump the brakes. SV is an EP on this thing BTW -- which seems to explain why she's roped in.

We've reached out to Sofia and Netflix ... so far, no word back.

Sofía Vergara Demandada por los herederos de Griselda Blanco ... Detengan ese show de Netflix!!!

Sofía Vergara está siendo llevada a los tribunales por la familia de Griselda Blanco, por un nuevo show de Netflix donde ella interpreta a la infame criminal colombiana, y los chicos quieren detener su lanzamiento a toda costa.

La actriz aparece como demandada en una nueva demanda obtenida por TMZ, en la que sus hijos adultos -actuando como representantes de su patrimonio- la demandan a ella y a Netflix, por lo que afirman que es un uso no autorizado de la imagen y semejanza de su familia en esta próxima serie.

Por supuesto, la serie presenta a Sofía interpretando a la difunta Griselda en su apogeo como una de las más prominentes capos de la droga en el mundo, pero ahora sus hijos están tratando de evitar que se estrene la próxima semana y por eso están corriendo a los tribunales y pidiendo una orden judicial para bloquear su lanzamiento.

La esencia de su argumento se reduce a esto. El hijo de Griselda, Michael, afirma que lleva años entrevistándose con unos tipos que intentan plasmar en papel la historia de su vida y la de su madre con la esperanza de convertirla en algún tipo de producción. Alega que estas entrevistas que hizo con ellos se remontan del 2009 y hasta el 2022.

Michael afirma que estos chicos no solo querían desarrollar su narrativa en un programa, sino también en un libro y dice que le dijeron que iban a empezar a ofrecerlo en Hollywood por el 2016. Alega que se lo propusieron a un productor, antes de una reunión con Netflix. Michael afirma que luego le dijeron que Netflix estaba interesado, pero que no querían usar ninguno de los detalles o consultas de las entrevistas que había hecho.

Ahora, Michael afirma que se enteró de que la nueva serie "Griselda" se basa en muchas de sus anécdotas y materiales, pero dice que nunca vio ni un céntimo de ello.

Es por eso que él y sus hermanos están demandando. Básicamente, alegan que Netflix está arrancado su historia familiar y la tejió en la trama de su show y aseguran que el uso de sus propias imágenes y semejanzas en el show sin su permiso violan sus derechos.

La demanda no dice específicamente que Netflix no puede representar a su madre, una figura pública, pero está claro que creen que sus imágenes y materiales de la entrevista fueron utilizados, lo que presumiblemente significa que están representados en el programa de alguna forma, por lo que quieren que un juez intervenga lo antes posible para detenerlo.

Se supone que la serie se estrenará el 25 de enero, pero los hijos de Blanco quieren frenarla. Por cierto, Sofía Vergara es productora ejecutiva en la serie también, lo que parece explicar por qué ella está involucrada.

Nos contactamos con Sofía y Netflix, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Kate Beckinsale BAFTA Might Not Honor My Stepdad ... During In Memoriam!!!


7:53 AM PT -- A BAFTA spokesperson tells TMZ ... "We were very sorry to hear of Roy Battersby’s recent passing - he was a renowned and trailblazing director. Roy Battersby was awarded the Alan Clarke Award in 1996, a BAFTA Special Television Award. We confirm he will be honoured in our forthcoming BAFTA Television Awards in May, and on the In Memoriam Section on our website."

Kate Beckinsale says the folks running BAFTA can't make any promises when it comes to honoring her late stepfather -- which she thinks is outrageous ... and she may be right.

The actress tore the British academy a new one Thursday in an IG post -- in which she alleged producers for the annual award show (basically, the UK version of the Oscars/Globes) told her the recently late Roy Battersby might not be recognized in their program.

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KB posted a pic of her stepdad receiving a lifetime achievement BAFTA award years ago for work he'd done in television across the pond, and Kate went on to air her frustration.

She writes, "Today BAFTA told me they ‘could not guarantee’ he would be included in their “in memoriam” tribute , to honour the industry members we have lost. So a man dead less than a week somehow has to audition in front of a committee after a decades long career (in which he has been awarded from said organisation the highest accolade they have) to decide IF his death is worth mentioning."

A Big Loss
Instagram / @katebeckinsale

As if that wasn't scathing enough, Kate adds ... "I am paralysed ,sick and sickened and I will honour him and his work every day of my life." She went on to say her mother, Judy Loe, has been quietly battling cancer behind the scenes too ... making this perceived snub worse.

One last final dig at BAFTA from Kate ... "[T]hanks again , BAFTA for your horribly cold email." Oof, talk about honest -- something tells us Roy will make it in there after all.

Originally Published -- 7:00 AM PT

Mercy Miller Master P's Son Drops 29 Points ... Beats Best Team In Cali!


"Put some respect" on Mercy Miller's name ... Master P's high school hoops star son once again proved he's one of the best basketball players in the country after defeating the top-ranked squad in California!

Mercy's coach Matt Sargeant channeled Birdman after Notre Dame's big win over #1 Harvard-Westlake, glowingly speaking about his senior guard ... “Put some respect on that name!"

“That’s an All-American player. [Mercy's] will to win is an unparallel.”


Miller dropped 29 points and grabbed 11 rebounds in the 59-54 win ... in front of a packed crowd that included Gonzaga HC Mark Few.

“I think this is definitely a statement game for our team just to show how good we are as a team and what we’re all about,” Mercy said after the game.

“We go in the gym and work hard every day so it’s definitely good to go out there and improve against one of the top teams in the country.”

Notre Dame improved to 21-0, and is 4-0 in league play.

Miller has been nearly unguardable this season. Mercy dropped 68 points during a game last month.

Just last weekend, MM scored 38, and grabbed 10 boards at ND's Senior Night at Crypto.com Arena.


Miller is a nominee for the McDonald's All-American team ... and at this rate, it's hard to imagine he won't be part of the illustrious squad.

Donald Trump Somber At Mother-in-Law's Funeral ... Skipped Trial to Attend

Donald Trump's taking a break from his legal issues to support Melania as she lays her mother to rest in Florida.

The former prez stood somber Friday morning next to his wife and their son Barron -- the whole family was dressed in Black as they attended the funeral for Amalija Knavs in Palm Beach.

Melania's dad Viktor remained glued to her side as they followed the casket out of the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, ready to lay Amalija in her final resting place.

As we previously reported ... the former First Lady announced her mother passed away last Tuesday It's not clear exactly how she died, but Trump told a crowd on New Year's Eve his mother-in-law had recently fallen "very ill."

Trump also called the night Amalija passed a very sad one for the family, while adding she "has just gone to a beautiful place in the sky. She was an incredible woman, and will be missed far beyond words!”

The leading Republican presidential candidate is clearly prioritizing his family's mourning -- he's off the campaign trail after dominating the Iowa Caucus, and also skipped the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial in NYC to be at the funeral.

One other takeaway from Thursday's service ... Barron's really grown up in recent years and is the spitting image of his father, when he was young. Check out the pics, especially the one where he's extending a hand to support Dad.

Amalija and Viktor emigrated to the U.S. years ago and became citizens in 2018. Melania and her 78-year-old mother reportedly shared a strong bond, and she'd lived part-time in the White House and recently at Mar-a-Lago.

Jay Briscoe Daughter Walks At AEW Dynamite ... 1 Year After Crash Killed Wrestling Star

Won't Be Stopped
All Elite Wrestling

Jay Briscoe was honored in an amazing way on the anniversary of his death Monday ... his daughter -- who was seriously injured in the crash that took his life 12 months ago -- showed the world she can walk again.

The powerful moment happened at AEW Dynamite -- after Jay's brother and former tag-team partner, Mark, jumped on the microphone to remember his sibling one year after the wrestling star passed away in a wreck in Delaware.

Mark started his speech by hyping up the crowd, before he remembered Jay as his "partner" and "brother." Then, he started talking about Jay's daughters.

"Man, my nieces were in the truck with him," Mark said on the mic in front of the South Carolina crowd. "Tragically, they told my oldest niece -- they were injured severely -- they told my oldest niece, 'You know, you'll never walk again.'"

But, suddenly, Gracie, Jayleigh and their brother, Gannon, walked out behind Mark -- all looking as healthy as can be.

"God is on the throne!" Mark said as his family joined him. "We Dem Boys, dammit. We won't stop, 'cause we can't stop. We ain't going nowhere!"

Mark then hugged Jay's kids -- before AEW revealed a video tribute to the late wrestler.

As we previously reported, Briscoe -- real name Jamin Pugh -- was pronounced dead on Jan. 17, 2023 after a 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 veered into his lane and slammed head-on into his 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 2500.

He was just 38 years old.


LeVar Burton Learns He's Part White w/ DNA Test ... Has Confederate Ancestor


LeVar Burton made a shocking discovery about his bloodline here in America -- namely, that he's actually part-white ... and that one of his ancestors was part of the Confederacy.

The 'Reading Rainbow' vet was featured in a recent episode of PBS's 'Finding Your Roots' -- where host Henry Louis Gates Jr. laid out LeVar's family tree dating back centuries ... and pinpointing a white dude from back in the 1800s as his great-great-grandfather.

Long story short, LB's great-grandma on his mom's side -- a woman named Mary Sills -- had listed her dad as being a Black man named Louis Sills ... but DNA tests show that isn't so.

Instead, the data shows her biological father was a Caucasian farmer from the South named James Henry Dixon -- who had actually fathered children with an unnamed Black woman who was born into slavery. Even more surprising ... Dixon had served in the Confederate Army as a teen during the Civil War, so technically -- he was a defender of slavery at that time.

In response to this news, LeVar said he had conflicting feelings ... explaining, "There’s some conflict roiling inside of me right now. But oddly enough, I feel a pathway opening up."

He added, "Knowing what I know about the history of this nation, I’ve wanted, especially in this current time frame, I believe that as Americans we need to have this conversation about who we are and how we got here."

LeVar also said he'd been looking for an "entry point" to talk to white America, and notes .. "here it is." BTW, it isn't lost on anyone that he famously played a slave in the film 'Roots.'

Doja Cat Brother Allegedly Knocked Out Her Teeth ... So Claims Their Mother

Doja Cat's allegedly being physically and verbally abused by her big brother ... at least that's what their mother is telling a judge.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Doja's mom, Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, filed for a temporary restraining order against her 30-year-old son, Raman Dalithando Dlamini ... and in her filing, she makes some serious accusations.

Doja's mom lists Doja as another person who needs protection from Raman ... reason being, mama claims Doja's had her teeth knocked out by Raman.

That's not all ... Doja's mom also alleges Raman's given Doja cuts and bruises, and destroyed and stolen some of Doja's property.

In the docs, Doja's mother claims Raman is also verbally abusive toward his famous sister "in a very degrading and demeaning manor [sic]” ... and she says Raman has made Doja feel "unsafe and traumatized."

As for her own safety, Doja's mom alleges Raman physically abused her and threatened her multiple times over the past year, claiming the most recent incident happened earlier this month.


The judge granted Doja's mom court-ordered protection from Raman pending a hearing for a permanent restraining order, but did not grant that same protection for Doja Cat -- instead, saying the artist would need to file her own request for a restraining order.

It's worth noting ... Doja's mom says she had a restraining order against her son in the past, but it's since expired.

We reached out to Doja's rep ... so far no word back.

Doja Cat Su hermano supuestamente le golpeó los dientes... Eso afirma su madre

Doja Cat supuestamente está siendo abusada física y verbalmente por su hermano mayor, al menos eso es lo que su madre le está diciendo a un juez.

Según nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ Hip Hop, la madre de Doja, Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, solicitó una orden de restricción temporal contra su hijo de 30 años, Raman Dalithando Dlamini y en su presentación ella hace algunas acusaciones graves.

La madre enumera a Doja como otra de las personas que necesita protección de Raman. ¿La razón? La mamá afirma que la cantante ha recibido golpes en los dientes de su parte.

Eso no es todo. También alega que Raman le ha causado cortes y contusiones a Doja y que ha destruido y robado algunas de sus propiedades.

En los documentos, la madre de Doja afirma que Raman también es verbalmente abusivo con su famosa hermana "de una manera muy degradante y despreciativa [sic]" y ha hecho que Doja se sienta "insegura y traumatizada".

En cuanto a su propia seguridad, la madre de Doja alega que Raman abusó físicamente de ella y la amenazó en múltiples ocasiones durante el año pasado, afirmando que el incidente más reciente ocurrió a principios de este mes.

El juez le concedió a la madre de Doja una orden judicial de protección contra Raman a la espera de una audiencia para obtener una orden de alejamiento permanente, pero no concedió la misma protección para la cantante, en cambio, dijo que la artista tendría que presentar su propia solicitud de alejamiento.

Vale la pena señalar que la madre de Doja dice que había tenido una orden de restricción contra su hijo en el pasado, pero ya ha expirado.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el representante de Doja, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Todd Chrisley Concerned About Potential Prison Transfer

Todd Chrisley's disgusted by his living conditions in prison, but he's still really worried about a potential prison transfer ... TMZ has learned.

The reality star's attorney Jay Surgent tells TMZ ... his client doesn't want to move prisons because he's afraid guards and officials within the new facility will retaliate against him for speaking out against living conditions in his current pad, FPC Pensacola.

Basically, Todd -- who's doing a 12-year bid for a slew of fraud charges -- thinks his well-documented criticism of FPCP will have other prison officials taking aim at him ... and he's keeping his head on a swivel.

Jay says TC's heard through the grapevine he could be on his way out after ripping on Pensacola for disgusting food, possible mold and bad plumbing ... among other issues.

It's all hypothetical currently -- Jay hasn't received formal notice of transfer or anything like that -- but says if Todd is booted out of Florida, he'll most likely stay in the federal system, not a state prison ... as his daughter, Savannah, said he might be.

Family is another reason Todd's lookin' to stay in Pensacola ... Savannah's consistently visiting him and her mom, Julie, who's locked up in Kentucky. Todd's worried they'll move him too far away, and it'll make it harder for Savannah to visit him.

Plus, Surgent says Chrisley's become a mentor to Pensacola's other inmates ... a good thing too since Surgent told us a few months ago Todd believes God sent him to prison to help other inmates.

For its part, a spokesperson for the Federal Bureau of Prisons said it doesn't comment on individual prison transfers, but explained it reassigns prisoners for a variety of reasons including medical needs and or security reasons.

The FBOP spokesperson adds the government agency's top priority is providing safe, secure and humane accommodations for prisoners. The org encourages incarcerated individuals to go through the proper channels when voicing their concerns.

For now, Todd's opting for the devil he knows, as opposed to one he doesn't -- but, unfortunately for him, he won't get to make the final call.

Dana Carvey Sería genial poder reír otra vez... Sanando tras la muerte de su hijo

Sanando la muerte de su hijo
Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade

Dana Carvey todavía está muy afectado por la muerte de su hijo Dex hace un par de meses, pero espera que volver a trabajar con su amigo David Spade acelere su proceso de sanación.

La ex estrella de 'Saturday Night Live' habló por primera vez sobre la dolorosa experiencia que vive su familia luego de la fatal sobredosis de Dex. Dice que sería genial volver a reír con David durante el regreso de su podcast "Fly On the Wall".

Dana dijo el miércoles que volver a trabajar es saludable, porque está en el "tren del dolor", al igual que millones de personas y no sabe cuando va a terminar ese viaje.

Además, dice que sentarse y sumergirse en sus pensamientos durante las vacaciones no le hizo ningún favor, así que básicamente está tratando de mantenerse ocupado, añadiendo que las cosas pasan en la vida, pero tenemos que seguir adelante.

Por su parte, David dice que es duro ver a su mejor amigo pasar por algo semi-imaginable.

TMZ dio la noticia, Dex falleció en noviembre pasado después de que su novia llamara al 911. Los primeros auxilios lo encontraron sin respuesta en el baño de una casa de Los Ángeles. Los paramédicos trataron sin éxito de revivirlo.

Poco después, Dana reveló que este murió de una sobredosis accidental de drogas mientras rendía un emotivo homenaje a su "hermoso" hijo.

Dana fue inundado de buenos deseos y apoyo después de la tragedia y agradeció a todos por sus dulces comentarios y buenos deseos.