Halle Berry "Grita ¡Tengo la menopausia!"

"¡solo dilo!"

Halle Berry es una apasionada de la menopausia, y habla de ello en público nada menos que en las escaleras del Capitolio de EE.UU., donde aboga por una mayor concientización al respecto.

La actriz subió a un podio el jueves en Washington, donde estuvo rodeada de varios senadores de EE.UU. que acababan de presentar un proyecto de ley que busca sustancialmente más fondos y recursos para la menopausia... algo por lo que todas las mujeres tienen pasar.

Ahí es donde Halle entra en acción. Ella se levantó y habló de su propia experiencia con la menopausia y gritó desde la cima de la montaña, dejando que todos sepan que está pasando por ese momento en su vida.

Halle Berry Screams Out 'I Have Menopause'!!! On Steps of the U.S. Capitol


Halle Berry is passionate about her menopause -- and she's talking about it in public ... on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, no less, where she's advocating for more awareness on this.

The actress stepped up to a podium Thursday in D.C., where she was surrounded by multiple U.S. senators who'd just unveiled a bill seeking substantially more funding and resources to be thrown at menopause ... something all women go through in life.

That's where Halle enters the chat. She got up there and talked about her own experience with menopause, and shouted from the mountaintop -- letting everyone know she has it.

O.J. Simpson Executor Invites Goldmans, Browns to Meeting ... No Payment Guarantees

O.J. Simpson's executor is ready to talk money with the people to whom Simpson died owing tens of millions of dollars -- but he's not making any promises about what the estate will pay them ... TMZ has learned.

Malcolm LaVergne -- O.J.'s longtime lawyer and now executor of his estate -- sent a letter, dated April 25, to lawyers for the Brown and Goldman families regarding their civil judgments against O.J. ... and inviting them to a meeting this month to discuss their probate claims against the estate.

Among the topics LaVergne says he wants to share with Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman's families -- O.J.'s living revocable trust, his last 2 years of federal tax returns, federal tax liens, cash and jewelry LaVergne took from O.J.'s house after he died and videos he shot of Simpson's residence.

'The View' Host Sunny Hostin Rips Trump for Farting in Court ... Voters Paying Attention!!!

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Sunny Hostin thinks Donald Trump's antics in court could cost him during the general election later this year -- because she seems to think folks will remember him as Gassy Don.

"The View" cohost launched into a diatribe on the hit talk show Wednesday ... sharing her thoughts on 45's criminal trial and candidacy, beginning by expressing her shock at how DT's caught up to President Joe Biden in the polls.

Check out the clip ... SH says she thinks the ex-Prez is slowly starting to lose it -- mentioning how he violated a gag order, leading to a $9k fine, before mentioning his alleged flatulence.

Jonathan Majors & Meagan Good Show Off Hot Bods at the Beach ... Legal Woes Behind Them!!!

Jonathan Majors looked lighter than air at the beach with Meagan Good -- and it seems they both know the criminal saga is over ... 'cause they're kissing like there's no tomorrow.

The couple hit up Malibu Tuesday ... putting their love on display by locking lips and cuddling up on the sand. Jonathan -- who has been training hard at the gym recently, which shows -- beamed as he effortlessly carried Meagan on his back and into the ocean at one point.

The duo even braved the Pacific Ocean ... screaming out with laughter when they were hit by one brisk wave. As you can see ... the lovebirds were fully wrapped up in each other.

Jonathan Majors y Meagan Good Muestran sus cuerpazos en la playa... Atrás quedaron los problemas legales

Jonathan Majors se veía más ligero que el aire en la playa junto a Meagan Good y parece que ambos saben que la saga criminal ha quedado en el pasado porque ambos se estaban besando como si no existiese un mañana.

La pareja llegó a Malibú el martes y no pudieron evitar besarse y acurrucarse en la arena. Jonathan, que ha estado entrenando duro en el gimnasio recientemente, se veía muy sonriente mientras cargaba sin esfuerzo a Meagan en su espalda en el mar.

El dúo incluso desafió al océano y gritó de la risa cuando fueron alcanzados por una ola. Como se puede ver, los tortolitos estaban completamente envueltos el uno en el otro.

Dan Schneider Demanda a "Quiet on Set" por difamación... Me pintaron como un abusador de menores

Dan Schneider está llevando a los productores de "Quiet on Set" a los tribunales, alegando que lo difamaron al retratarlo falsamente como un abusador sexual de niños mientras estaba en Nickelodeon, arruinando su reputación.

El famoso productor de televisión acaba de presentar una demanda por difamación obtenida por TMZ, que arremete contra la docuserie y sus creadores, incluyendo Warner Bros. Discovery, Maxine Productions, Sony Pictures Television y otros, por insinuar falsamente que abusó sexualmente de los niños que trabajaron en sus programas en el pasado.

Los abogados de Dan no se andan con rodeos y están criticando a "Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV", como un "ataque deliberado". Como ustedes saben, Dan creó "The Amanda Show", "Drake & Josh", "Zoey 101", "iCarly" y "Victorious" durante su mandato en Nickelodeon, y en "Quiet On Set", fue el foco principal.

Harvey Weinstein volverá a ser juzgado penalmente tras anularse su condena


12:29 PM PT -- El abogado de Harvey Weinstein, Juda Engelmayer, le dice a TMZ que su equipo legal tiene curiosidad por ver si los fiscales pueden conseguir a los testigos adecuados para hacer que esto pase de nuevo. Cree que uno de los denunciantes originales  ya perjurio a sí misma, por lo que no cree que tengan un caso realmente.

Engelmayer dice que Weinstein está listo para el desafío a pesar de sus problemas de salud, y dice que Weinstein tiene un renovado rayo de esperanza y el vigor restaurado

Harvey Weinstein se va a enfrentar de nuevo al tribunal penal de Nueva York, porque los fiscales dicen que van a volver a juzgarlo a finales de este año.

Dan Schneider Sues for Defamation Over 'Quiet on Set' ... Painted Me As a Child Predator

Dan Schneider is taking producers of 'Quiet on Set' to court -- claiming they defamed him by falsely portraying him as a child sexual abuser at Nickelodeon, and ruining his reputation.

The famed TV producer just filed a defamation lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, slamming the docuseries and its creators -- including Warner Bros. Discovery, Maxine Productions, Sony Pictures Television and others -- for falsely implying he sexually abused the child actors who worked on his shows back in the day.

Dan's lawyers don't mince words ... blasting "Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV" as a "hit job." As you know, Dan created "The Amanda Show," "Drake & Josh," "Zoey 101," "iCarly" and "Victorious" during his tenure at Nickelodeon ... and in 'QOS,' he was the main focus.

Harvey Weinstein Set to Be Retried Criminally in NYC ... After Tossed Conviction


12:29 PM PT -- Harvey Weinstein's rep, Juda Engelmayer, tells TMZ ... their legal team is curious to see if prosecutors can whip up the right witnesses to do this again. He says he believes one of the original complainants perjured herself already ... so they don't think the D.A. has a case.

If they do wanna run it back, though, Engelmayer says Weinstein is up for the challenge ... despite his health issues. He says HW has a renewed glimmer of hope and restored vigor.

Harvey Weinstein is going to be put through the wringer again in criminal court out in New York -- because prosecutors say they're retrying him ... which will happen later this year.

Donald Trump Acusado de desacato en caso sobornos... Juez amenaza con la cárcel

Un tribunal acaba de declarar a Donald Trump en desacato por violar una orden que le prohíbe hablar del caso penal de dineros para sobornos, y aunque solo tiene que pagar multas por ahora, el juez lo está amenazando con la cárcel.

El ex Presidente sufrió una bofetada el martes, tras recibir algunas sanciones de parte de un tribunal de Nueva York, que le impuso una multa de $9.000 mil por cada violación de la orden de silencio emitida en este caso y que exige que todos cierren la boca y no hagan declaraciones públicas al respecto, incluyendo Donald Trump.

Si bien puede parecer poca cosa, y ciertamente lo es para un tipo como Trump, su señoría mantuvo la posibilidad de encerrarlo temporalmente si sigue hablando.

Donald Trump Held in Contempt in Hush Money Case ... Judge Threatens Jail!!!

Donald Trump just got held in contempt of court for violating a gag order in his criminal hush money case -- and while he only has to pay fines for now ... the judge is threatening jail.

The ex-Prez got slapped with some sanctions Tuesday in NYC, where a court imposed a $9,000 fine -- a thousand for each violation of the gag order that's been issued in this case, which demands everyone shut their yap and not make public statements ... including DT.

While it might seem like small potatoes -- and it certainly is for a guy like Trump -- hizzoner held the prospect of temporary incarceration over Trump's head if he kept running his mouth.

Britney Spears un famoso psiquiatra da su opinión... "Necesita tutela y medicamentos ¡Ahora!"

Britney Spears necesita mucha ayuda en este momento, y la solución podría ser una nueva tutela y una tonelada de medicamentos... al menos eso cree el Dr. Charles Sophy.

"está fuera de control"

Tuvimos al famoso psiquiatra de Hollywood el lunes en "TMZ Live", donde ofreció su opinión profesional respecto a la situación de Britney. Recordemos que últimamente la cantante se ha mostrado errática, gastando millones de dólares y haciendo que su estabilidad económica comience a peligrar.

Escucha lo que el Dr. Sophy piensa que necesita Britney en este punto... Él cree que un intento por una segunda tutela podría ser la solución.

Britney Spears Psychiatrist Weighs In ... Needs New Conservatorship, Medication ASAP!!!

Britney Spears needs a lot of help right now -- and the answer may lie in a new conservatorship and a ton of medication ... so says Dr. Charles Sophy.


We got the famed Hollywood psychiatrist Monday on "TMZ Live," where he offered up his professional opinion on Britney's situation -- this as she appears to be unraveling at the seams ... with her finances in shambles as she continues to spend excessively.

Take a listen to what Dr. Sophy says he thinks Britney requires at this point ... from his POV, he believes a second round of a court-ordered conservatorship might be what's best.

Britney Spears 'Completely Dysfunctional' in Danger of Going Broke

Britney Spears is in "serious danger" on both the mental and financial front and is doing way worse than she was under the conservatorship ... sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ.

As for her mental health, our sources say Britney is "completely dysfunctional." Since the conservatorship ended, she has no supervision and, according to sources, has radical mood swings that we're told are "shocking."

We're told she's almost totally isolated and, as it was put to us, dangerously unstable.

'General Hospital' Haley Pullos Thrown Into Jail for Next 90 Days ... Pled No Contest in DUI Case

Haley Pullos got thrown into jail this week over her DUI case -- and from the way she looked going into court ... it's almost as if she knew what was coming.

The "General Hospital" star was photographed walking into court Monday -- and she definitely didn't look too happy with what she was about to face. As it turns out, Haley ended up pleading no contest to one of the charges against her ... driving under the influence with .08 BAC causing bodily injury.

Officers at the time claimed they found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila in her car -- and that she showed clear signs of intoxication. Even before this nasty wreck -- which landed the other driver in the hospital -- police alleged she'd been involved in an earlier hit-and-run incident.