Britney Spears "completamente disfuncional" Corre el riesgo de perder todo su dinero

Britney Spears está en "grave peligro", tanto mental como financieramente, y está mucho peor de cuando estaba bajo la tutela... fuentes directas le informan a TMZ.

En cuanto a su salud mental, nuestras fuentes dicen que Britney es "completamente disfuncional". Desde que la tutela terminó que no tiene supervisión, y según las fuentes, tiene cambios de humor radicales que nos dicen que son "impactantes".

Nos dicen que está casi totalmente aislada, y según nos han dicho, peligrosamente inestable.

Suge Knight no celebra la caída del rapero Es un mal momento para el hip hop

TMZ Studios

Suge Knight dice que los problemas legales de Diddy no son nada para alegrarse. Extrañas palabras teniendo en cuenta las décadas de mala sangre entre los dos, y revela sus sentimientos en un nuevo documental "TMZ Presents: The Downfall of Diddy".

El ex ejecutivo de Death Row habló con nosotros desde la cárcel sobre su rival de toda la vida, y aunque muchos esperaban que se regodeara sobre el asalto a las mansiones de Diddy, Suge dice que sintió simpatía por Puff.

Suge dice que sus pensamientos fueron a los niños de Diddy y el impacto negativo de las acusaciones tienen en la cultura hip-hop.

Suge Knight Won't Celebrate Diddy's Downfall ... Bad Day For Hip Hop

TMZ Studios

Diddy's legal troubles aren't anything to cheer about, says Suge Knight ... a shocking sentiment given the decades-long bad blood between the two, and he reveals his sentiments in a brand new documentary "TMZ Presents: The Downfall of Diddy."

The former Death Row exec spoke with us from prison about his longtime rival, and while many expected him to gloat about the raid on Diddy's mansions ... Suge says he felt sympathy for Puff.

Suge says his thoughts went to Diddy's kids and the negative impact the allegations have on hip-hop culture.

Aubrey O'Day Claims Diddy Wanted to Buy Her Silence ... With Publishing Rights

TMZ Studios


10:04 AM PT -- Diddy sources tell TMZ, "Aubrey O'Day got her big break because Diddy and Bad Boy cast her in their show with her group, Danity Kane. Last year, when he reassigned his portion of the publishing to Bad Boy artists, an unprecedented move within the industry and which he did not have to do, not all artists signed an NDA, contrary to what she claims."

Aubrey O'Day claims Diddy was trying to buy her and other ex-Bad Boy artists' silence when he gave back their publishing rights ... which she says weren't worth jack.

Britney Spears ATACA SIN PIEDAD A SU FAMILIA EN REDES SOCIALES "Nunca se va a hacer justicia"

Britney Spears parece estar finalmente abordando la reciente demanda de su familia de frente, arremetiendo contra ellos por el daño que le causaron y diciendo que probablemente nunca obtendrá justicia.

La cantante y compositora entró a Instagram la madrugada del domingo. Publicó una foto en la que solo llevaba una tanga, junto a una leyenda que detallaba los problemas con su familia.

Es un pie de foto largo, pero básicamente dice que su familia la lastimó y afirma que las dos personas que la criaron con lecciones sobre el bien y el mal -implicando su mamá Lynne y su papá Jamie- la lastimaron y no están pagando por ello.

Britney Spears Blasts Family in Social Media Post ... No Justice, May Never Be

Britney Spears seems to be finally addressing the recent lawsuit with her family head-on ... blasting them for the hurt they caused her and saying she probably won't ever get justice.

The singer-songwriter took to Instagram early Sunday morning ... posting a pic of herself only wearing a thong alongside a caption detailing the issues with her fam.

It's a long caption, but basically, she says her family hurt her and claims the two people who brought her up with lessons about right and wrong -- implying her mom Lynne and dad Jamie -- hurt her the worst and aren't paying for it.

Russell Brand Announces Baptism ... Says He's Leaving Past Behind

Russell Brand
Ready For Baptism

Russell Brand's taking a big step in his faith journey ... announcing he's getting baptized -- and saying it's an opportunity to move on from the past.

The controversial actor/podcast host posted a video to his Instagram recently ... telling his nearly four million followers he's scheduled to be baptized today and asking those who'd been through the process to share their experiences.

After waxing poetic on religion for a bit, RB makes a pretty eye-opening statement ... saying he's heard it's an opportunity to be reborn -- and leave the past behind.

Aubrey O'Day Afirma que Diddy quiso comprar su silencio... Con derechos de publicación

Dinero a cambio de quedarme callada
TMZ Studios

Aubrey O'Day afirma que Diddy trató de comprar su silencio y el de otros ex artistas de Bad Boy cuando les devolvió sus derechos de publicación, los que asegura que no valían nada.

Hablamos con la cantante de Danity Kane, quien firmó con Bad Boy Records en la década de los 2000, como parte del nuevo documental de TMZ "The Downfall of Diddy", que estará disponible en Tubie el domingo y que disecciona las secuelas tras las redadas en las casas de Diddy y la investigación federal que siguió.

Aubrey proporcionó detalles fascinantes, incluyendo el hecho de que sabía lo que estaba pasando en septiembre, cuando Puff le dio a todos sus antiguos artistas los derechos sobre su música. El aparentemente generoso movimiento vino con un montón de condiciones, según Aubrey.

Hero Crimefighter Grandma Shoots Robber ... In the Middle of Taylor Swift 'Eras' Flick!!!

Forget anti-heroes ... a grandma in New Mexico is a full-blown hero after shooting an intruder who was on the run from cops -- right in the middle of Taylor Swift's "Eras" flick!

Anissa Tinnin was watching the movie version of Taylor's tour with her granddaughter. They were having a great time, singing, dancing, popping M&M's ... when a guy named Joseph Rivera came charging through her front door. Turns out Rivera had allegedly stolen a car and cops were on to him.

Tinnin says she was manhandled, threatened and ordered to turn over her car keys, which she did. She says, "I told him not to hurt us ... I would do whatever he wanted."

Darez Diggs Stefon Diggs' Brother ... Gets Probation In Elevator Attack Case

Stefon and Trevon Diggs' brother, Darez Diggs, was sentenced to two years of probation for his role in a violent elevator attack last year ... TMZ Sports has learned.

The former XFL player received the punishment in a Los Angeles courtroom on March 27 ... after he cut a deal with prosecutors and agreed to plead no contest to one felony count of grand theft from a person. As part of the pact, officials dropped the other felony robbery charge Darez had been facing.

In addition to the probation, Darez was also ordered to perform 20 hours of community labor.

Harvey Weinstein Hospitalizado tras su regreso a NYC

Harvey Weinstein ha sido hospitalizado en la ciudad de Nueva York y su abogado comenta que tiene un montón de problemas de salud.

Arthur Aidala, abogado de Weinstein, le dice a TMZ que su cliente está en el Hospital Bellevue de Manhattan en este momento después de que los médicos de Rikers Island lo examinaran. Weinstein fue llevado a Rikers desde una prisión del norte del estado en virtud de la sentencia de apelación.

Los médicos lo enviaron a Bellevue para más pruebas, dice Aidala, añadiendo que la salud de Weinstein es un drama.

Harvey Weinstein Hospitalized After NYC Return ... His Health's A 'Train Wreck'

Harvey Weinstein has been hospitalized in New York City ... with his lawyer saying he's got a ton of health issues.

Arthur Aidala -- Weinstein's attorney -- tells TMZ his client's now in Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan after doctors on Rikers Island examined him. Weinstein was turned over to Rikers from an upstate prison pursuant to the appeal ruling.

The doctors sent him to Bellevue for more tests, Aidala says ... adding Weinstein's health is a bit of a "train wreck."

Defiant District Attorney Top NY Prosecutor Verbally Abuses Police Officer


A New York District Attorney put on a jaw-dropping display of arrogance and defiance toward a police officer after she was pulled over for speeding – and the whole confrontation was captured on video.

It all started Monday ... Monroe County's top prosecutor Sandra Doorley was clocked going 55 miles per hour in a 35-mph zone by the officer who then attempted to stop her vehicle with his lights and sirens on.

But Doorley drove back to her home and parked inside her garage as the officer followed her in his patrol car. The cop then confronted her, turning on his body camera.

Desafiante fiscal Importante fiscal de Nueva York abusa verbalmente de un policía

Actuando por sobre la ley

Una fiscal del Distrito de Nueva York desplegó un asombroso número de arrogancia hacia un oficial de la policía después de que fuera detenida por exceso de velocidad, y todo el enfrentamiento fue capturado en video.

Todo empezó el lunes cuando la fiscal superior del Condado de Monroe Sandra Doorley fue cronometrada andando a 55 millas por hora en una zona de 35 mph por un oficial que trató de detener su vehículo con sus luces y sirenas.

Pero Doorley condujo de vuelta a casa y aparcó en su garaje mientras el oficial la seguía en su vehículo. El policía entonces se enfrentó a ella y encendió la cámara.

Gisele Bündchen Florida Mayor Backs Model Over Officer ... In Traffic Stop Dust Up

Gisele Bündchen is getting major support from a Florida mayor who blasted a police officer for his "wholly unacceptable" interaction with the model during a traffic stop this week.

Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett sent a letter to the town's interim Police Chief Henry Doce, detailing his dismay over the way one officer treated Gisele.

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nothing protects me

The cop pulled over Gisele for driving erratically while she tried to elude paparazzi who were following her. During their brief chat, Gisele explained why she was swerving and broke down in tears as the officer let her off with a warning.

Britney Spears Settles with Dad, She Gets Nothing Paying His Attorney's Fees

Britney Spears has settled her legal dispute with her dad, Jamie Spears, and in a stunning turn of events, Jamie isn't paying Britney a cent, but Britney is paying Jamie's legal bills ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the case has quietly settled and Britney is furious. We're told her lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, assured her she had a solid case, but in the end, she's paying Jamie's legal bills which we're told amount to more than $2 million.

Mind you, Britney has paid Rosengart millions -- we've been told north of $4 million -- but now Britney is deep in the hole over the case.