Britney Spears Llega a un acuerdo con su padre, no obtiene nada

Britney Spears ha resuelto su disputa legal con su padre Jamie Spears y en un giro sorprendente de los acontecimientos, Jamie no le va a pagar ni un centavo a Britney, sino que ella va a tener que pagarle las facturas legales a su padre, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que el caso se ha resuelto en silencio y que Britney está furiosa. Nos dicen que su abogado Mathew Rosengart le aseguró que tenía un caso sólido, pero al final, ella será quien pagará las facturas legales de Jamie, las que nos dicen que ascienden a más de $2 millones.

Britney ya le ha pagado millones a Rosengart. Nos dicen que al menos $4 millones, y ahora Britney está realmente en un pozo profundo en lo que se refiere al caso.

Diddy Files Motion to Dismiss ... Some Statutes Didn't Exist in '91

Diddy wants to dismiss some of the claims in one of his sexual assault cases ... claiming he can't be sued under laws that didn’t even exist at the time of the alleged incident.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ ... Diddy's lawyers are firing back at claims made by Joi Dickerson-Neal -- a woman who filed a suit against him in November claiming he drugged and sexually assaulted her back in 1991.

Joi filed six causes of action against Diddy ... and, now his team's claiming she can't sue him for several of those claims because the laws didn't exist when she says he assaulted her.

Drake Complying With Tupac's Estate To Scrub Diss Track From Internet

Drake's making amends with Tupac's estate, complying with the cease and desist demands it made after he used an AI Tupac voice on his diss track, "Taylor Made Freestyle."

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Drake's team and representatives from Tupac's estate have had productive talks after the estate sent its C&D letter on Wednesday -- and it's already led to serious progress.

Drake's taken down the track from his Twitter and Instagram -- the only places he posted it -- and, his team is trying to get it removed from other sites that redistributed it.

DR. PHIL TRUMP'S JURY TROUBLING ... For Prosecution, Defense


Donald Trump's hush money criminal trial in NYC could face an unfair playing field based on the jury -- but in terms of who it benefits, it's a crapshoot ... so says Dr. Phil.

The TV personality spoke to "TMZ Live" Friday about the 12 jurors who'll decide DT's fate -- the bios for whom have been released ... including their work backgrounds and their education. As it turns out ... this jury is full of a bunch of smart cookies.

There are two lawyers on the jury ... and Phil says that could both hurt and help Trump and co., depending on how they feel politically. Take a listen ... his analysis is kinda spot-on.

R. Kelly Chicago Sex Abuse Conviction Upheld 20-Year Sentence Remains


8:47 AM PT -- R. Kelly's lawyer Jennifer Bonjean tells TMZ ... "Our fight is not over. We will see review from the USSC (SCOTUS) on the statute of limitations questions at a minimum. And he has habeas remedies at his disposal. And if we win in NY. He will be entitled to resentencing in Illinois. So this story is far from over."

R. Kelly's crusade to make a dent in his lengthy lockup in prison has crashed and burned ... a federal appellate court just upheld his conviction and sentence to cap off the week.

The "Ignition" singer was sentenced to 20 years in prison in his child porn case out of Chicago, and the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals just affirmed that sentence -- this after Kelly tried having it tossed, citing the statute of limitations had passed as his defense.

Donald Trump Este edificio me da escalofríos... ¡¡¡Esta sala es demasiado fría!!!

Donald Trump
Una fría sala

Donald Trump tiene otro problema con su juicio penal en Nueva York, además del hecho de estar siendo procesado y obligado a asistir todos los días, el ex mandatario piensa que el palacio de justicia es aparentemente muy helado.

El ex Presidente regresó a la Gran Manzana el viernes para otro día de argumentos y testimonios de los testigos, mientras la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan va tras él por sus presuntos pagos para silenciar a Stormy Daniels, y la última queja de Donald Trump es que las temperaturas son demasiado bajas.

Trump habló con la prensa afuera de la sala del tribunal antes de entrar y dejó muy claro que encuentra el espacio jodidamente frío, lo que parece pensar que es a propósito.

Donald Trump Shiver Me Timbers ... This Courthouse is Freaking Cold!!!

Donald Trump

Donald Trump has another problem with his criminal trial in NYC -- aside from the fact he's being prosecuted and forced to attend daily ... the courthouse is apparently freezing!

The ex-Prez was back in the Big Apple Friday for another day of arguments and witness testimony as the Manhattan D.A.'s Office goes after him over his alleged hush money payments to Stormy Daniels ... and DT's latest gripe is all about the low temperature.

He talked to the press outside of the courtroom before heading in, and Don made it very clear he finds the space to be pretty damn cold ... which he seems to think is on purpose.

ROSE MCGOWAN Speaks Out on Weinstein ... They Will Never Overturn Us!!!

Rose McGowan is slamming the fact Harvey Weinstein's NYC rape conviction was overturned ... and she's got an empowering message for all of his alleged victims.

The actress posted a video Thursday in response to the Weinstein news -- with a caption reading, "They will never overturn who we are. Blessings to all who gave their all." The actual clip itself is just robust ... RMG says they might've overturned the conviction, but the survivors can never be erased.


She gives kudos to everyone fighting the good fight -- noting how proud she is of how far they've come ... and what they know to be true in their fight against "evil."

Kim Kardashian Vuelve a la Casa Blanca por la reforma a la justicia penal

Para segundas oportunidades

Kim Kardashian volvió a la Casa Blanca para abogar por la reforma a la justicia penal, solo que esta vez se reunió con el equipo de Biden, demostrando que ella es leal a la causa y no a ningún partido político.

La estrella de los realities, que ha utilizado regularmente su plataforma para abogar por esto, se reunió con la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris el jueves en una mesa redonda. Esto, luego de que el Presidente concediera la clemencia a 16 personas previamente condenadas por delitos de drogas no violentos.

Aquí para ayudar

Al hablar con la vicepresidenta y algunas de las personas indultadas, dejó claro que su única agenda era abogar por una reforma penitenciaria, no importa quién esté en la oficina, y agradeció a los sujetos recientemente liberados por compartir sus historias y poner foco en el tema.

Harvey Weinstein Festejos y lágrimas Tras la anulación de su condena por violación

La condena por violación de Harvey Weinstein en Nueva York ha sido anulada y la decisión lo hizo emocionarse mientras se encuentra cumpliendo su tiempo en prisión.

La representante de Weinstein Juda Engelmayer le dice a TMZ que charló con su cliente dos veces hoy y está muy contento por el fallo de la Corte de Apelaciones el jueves, el que determinó que sus derechos constitucionales fueron violados en 2020 durante su juicio.

Sin embargo, Juda dice que el magnate del cine que actualmente se encuentra en una prisión del norte del estado de Nueva York, solo está cautelosamente optimista por el fallo del tribunal y sabe que tiene un camino difícil por delante, sobre todo porque queda por ver si va a ser procesado nuevamente y cuándo.

Kim Kardashian Back at White House For Criminal Justice Reform

to second chances

Kim Kardashian went back to the White House to advocate for criminal justice reform -- only here, it was with Biden's camp ... proving she's loyal to the cause, and not to any party.

The reality star -- who has regularly used her platform to advocate for this -- met with Vice President Kamala Harris Thursday for a roundtable discussion after POTUS granted clemency to 16 people previously convicted of nonviolent drug offenses.

here to help

As Kim spoke with the Veep and some of the pardoned individuals, she made it clear her only agenda was to advocate for prison reform, no matter who's in office ... and she thanked the recently released subjects for sharing their stories and putting a spotlight on the issue.

HARVEY WEINSTEIN CHEERS & TEARS After Rape Conviction Overturned

Harvey Weinstein's NYC rape conviction getting overturned has him so elated it's reduced him to tears as he sits in prison.

Weinstein's rep Juda Engelmayer tells TMZ he chatted with his client twice today, and Harvey's over the moon about the news of the Court of Appeals ruling Thursday ... which determined his constitutional rights were violated back in 2020 during the trial.

However, Juda says the disgraced movie mogul -- currently incarcerated in an upstate NY State prison -- is only cautiously optimistic about the court's ruling, and knows he has a difficult road ahead of him, especially since it remains to be seen if and when he'll be prosecuted again.

Jeannie Mai Claims Jeezy Was Abusive, Reckless ... He Denies All Of It

Jeannie Mai has fired back at Jeezy in their bitter divorce -- asking a judge to deny him custody of their kid ... because she claims he's been reckless and abusive, but he calls BS.

The talk show host filed new legal docs Thursday, obtained by TMZ, and Jeannie makes some bombshell claims against her ex -- who recently asked a judge to rip up their temporary custody agreement and grant him more substantial parenting time for their young daughter.

Jeezy claimed he'd been getting unfairly denied time with their kid ... but now, Jeannie has a scathing response -- hurling allegations of abuse and dangerous behavior, with purported photo evidence to boot.

Mark Wahlberg POSTEA UN VIDEO SIN CAMISETA Días después de la demanda de Beckham

Mark Wahlberg parece estar enviando un mensaje con su último post, ya que viene en los talones de la demanda de David Beckham contra su empresa de fitness.

El actor lanzó un video el miércoles en su página de IG, y si bien no fue la primera cosa que ha publicado desde que David presentó una demanda contra la marca de entrenamiento F45 de Mark, es la primera en la que está sin camisa y ladrando agresivamente, interesante teniendo en cuenta lo que está pasando.

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El video es bastante simple; Mark aparece de pie al aire libre en las primeras horas de la madrugada -4 AM al parecer- y parece ser el comienzo de una rutina de entrenamiento.

Mark Wahlberg Posts Shirtless Flex Video ... Days After Beckham Suit

Mark Wahlberg seems to be telegraphing a certain message with his latest thirst trap post -- which comes on the heels of David Beckham's lawsuit against his fitness company.

The actor threw up a video Wednesday on his IG page, and while it wasn't the first thing he's posted since David filed suit against Mark's F45 training brand ... it is the first one where he's shirtless and barking aggressively, interesting considering what's going on BTS.

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The video's pretty simple ... it's Mark standing outside in the wee hours of the morning -- 4 AM, apparently -- which seems to be the start of whatever workout routine he's getting into.

Richard Gadd, protagonista de "Baby Reindeer" "Dejen de especular sobre quién es quién..." "¡No es el punto del show!"

Richard Gadd le pide a los detectives aficionados que dejen de intentar descubrir la verdad detrás de su nueva serie de Netflix, porque están acusando e identificando a las personas equivocadas.

La exitosa serie aborda los encuentros de la vida real del actor con una acosadora -llamada Martha en el show para proteger la identidad de la persona real- y los fans han estado haciendo sus propias investigaciones.

Los detectives de Internet están tratando de desenmascarar la verdadera identidad de Martha, así como la de otros personajes, incluyendo a uno que aparece en la serie como el violador de Gadd... esto ha terminado con gente inocente siendo acusada de terribles actos.