'Baby Reindeer' Star Richard Gadd Stop Speculating on Who's Who ... Not the Point of Show!!!

Richard Gadd's asking amateur detectives to put down their magnifying glasses in trying to dissect his new Netflix show ... 'cause people are getting falsely accused and ID'd.

The actor's smash-hit series, "Baby Reindeer," draws from his real-life encounters with a female stalker -- who goes by the name Martha in the show to shield the actual person's identity -- and fans have been doing their own deep dives in trying to dox the real McCoy.

Internet sleuths have gone down the rabbit hole trying to unmask Martha's real identity, as well as other characters -- including one featured in the show who's depicted as grooming/raping Gadd ... which has led to one particular man being falsely implicated.

Harvey Weinstein NY Rape Conviction Overturned ... Got Unfair Shake at Trial


7:28 AM PT -- A rep for the Manhattan D.A.'s Office tells TMZ ... "We will do everything in our power to retry this case, and remain steadfast in our commitment to survivors of sexual assault."

Harvey Weinstein's New York rape conviction just got overturned in the appeals court -- and a new trial has been ordered ... although it remains to be seen if he'll be prosecuted again.

The 4-3 ruling came down Thursday ... with the majority of judges agreeing that the disgraced movie producer's constitutional rights were violated back in 2020 when this case was first going down. According to them, prosecutors allowed other women to testify who weren't pertinent to the charges he was facing.

Harvey Weinstein Condena por violación es anulada en NY ... Recibió un trato injusto en el juicio


7:28 AM PT - Un representante de la Oficina del Fiscal de Manhattan le dice a TMZ: "Haremos todo lo posible para volver a juzgar este caso y permanecer firmes en nuestro compromiso con las sobrevivientes de abuso sexual".

La condena por violación de Harvey Weinstein en Nueva York acaba de ser anulada en el tribunal de apelaciones y se ha ordenado un nuevo juicio, aunque está por verse si va a ser procesado nuevamente o no.

La mayoría de los jueces coincidieron en que los derechos constitucionales del productor de cine fueron violados en 2020, cuando se inició el caso. Según ellos, los fiscales permitieron que declararan otras mujeres que no eran pertinentes a los cargos que enfrentaba.

En última instancia, decidieron que terminó siendo juzgado por otros casos relacionados con su presunto comportamiento en el pasado y no por los delitos específicos de los que había sido acusado. Como resultado, el Tribunal de Apelaciones de Nueva York consideró que Weinstein merece un jurado completamente nuevo para ser juzgado.

Servicio secreto de Trump Listo por si es encerrado... Pero dudan que pase

Donald Trump podría ir a la cárcel por el caso de sobornos, pero incluso antes de eso podría ser encerrado por desacato a una orden que lo obliga a guardar silencio, algo para lo que el Servicio Secreto está listo, pero que no anticipa.

Como ya sabrán, Trump está siendo juzgado en Nueva York. Los fiscales están tratando de convencer a un jurado de que el ex Presidente infringió la ley al supuestamente coordinar unos pagos a Stormy Daniels para mantenerla silenciada antes de las elecciones de 2016, algo de lo que Trump se ha declarado inocente.

Aunque técnicamente se enfrentaría a una sentencia máxima de hasta 4 años en prisión si es declarado culpable, nadie espera que eso realmente suceda, especialmente para alguien como Trump, que no tiene historia criminal previa.

Trump's Secret Service Ready If He's Held in Contempt

Donald Trump may go to jail in his hush money case -- but even before that, he may get locked up over a gag order ... something the Secret Service is ready for, but not anticipating.

As you may know, Trump is currently on trial in New York City ... where prosecutors are trying to convince a jury he broke the law by allegedly coordinating payments to Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet ahead of the 2016 election ... something for which he's pled not guilty.

While he's technically facing a maximum sentence of up to 4 years in prison if convicted -- no one really expects that to happen, especially for a first-time offender like Trump.

Gisele Bündchen ES MULTADA POR LA POLICÍA Parece derramar algunas lágrimas

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llorándole a la policía

El día de Gisele Bündchen comenzó difícil.... un policía la detuvo en Florida y ella parecía bastante molesta, sobre todo cuando le entregaron la multa.

Mira el video; se ve a un oficial de la policía de Surfside deteniendo un Mercedes G-Wagon, y no cualquier G-Wagon, sino el de Gisele, uno que ella ha sido vista conduciendo mucho recientemente. De todos modos, finalmente se puede ver a Gisele en el interior y se ve muy emocional.

Si bien parece una parada de tráfico de rutina, Gisele le entrega al oficial algunos documentos y se dirige de nuevo a su carro patrulla para ejecutar la información... una situación bastante estándar, no es gran cosa.

OWEN WILSON rechazó el papel en la película que presenta a O.J. Simpson como inocente

Owen Wilson no quiso tener nada que ver con una película que se inclina por la idea de que O. J. Simpson era inocente de los infames asesinatos del 94, rechazando una gran cantidad de dinero por el papel principal.

El director de la película parcialmente terminada -Joshua Newton- admite que pensó que Owen era perfecto para el papel del abogado Douglas McCann, pero dice que incluso ofreciéndole un cheque de $12 millones no pudo convencer a Owen a firmar.

Newton le dice a Rambling Reporter que las conversaciones inicialmente fueron bastante profundas con Owen sobre el papel de McCann, un abogado de la vida real que fue vinculado a varias teorías de conspiración durante el juicio penal de Simpson en 1995.

Gisele Bündchen Pulled Over by Cop, Ticketed ... Seems to Shed Some Tears

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Gisele Bündchen's day started out rough -- a cop pulled her over in Florida, and she seemed pretty upset over it all ... especially when he handed her a ticket.

Check out this video ... you see a Surfside PD officer pulling over a Mercedes G-Wagon, and not just any G-Wagon ... but Gisele's, one that she's been spotted driving a lot recently. Anyway, you can eventually see Gisele inside ... and she looks awfully emotional.

While it seems like a routine traffic stop ... Gisele hands the officer some documents and he heads back to his squad car to run the info -- a pretty standard situation, no real big deal.


Owen Wilson wants nothing to do with a movie leaning into the idea O.J. Simpson was innocent of the infamous '94 murders -- turning down a boatload for the lead part.

The partially finished flick's director, Joshua Newton, admits he thought Owen was perfect for the role of attorney Douglas McCann, but he says even dangling a whopping $12 million check couldn't sway Owen to sign on the dotted line.

Newton tells Rambling Reporter talks initially went pretty deep with Owen about playing McCann ... a real-life attorney who got sucked into various conspiracy theories during Simpson's 1995 criminal trial.

TikTok Biden firma un proyecto de ley que prohíbe la app... El CEO promete pelear

El Presidente Biden acaba de firmar un proyecto de ley que prohíbe TikTok en Estados Unidos (a menos que se venda a una empresa con sede en EE.UU.), pero su actual CEO dice que van a luchar como el infierno y promete que van a ir a la corte.

El mandamás de TikTok Shou Zi Chew publicó un video el miércoles, luego de que Joe pusiera su firma a la legislación aprobada por la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado, y que básicamente hace que TikTok sea ilegal en Estados mientras esté bajo control chino.

Vamos a seguir peleando

El empresario dice que él y sus socios van a desafiar esta nueva ley y confía en que TikTok ganará, afirmando que la Constitución está del lado de la empresa. Chew y compañía dicen que van a citar los derechos de la Primera Enmienda para defender su posición.

TikTok Biden Signs Bill Banning App ... CEO Promises to Fight

President Biden just signed a bill banning TikTok in America (unless it's sold to a U.S.-based company) -- but the current CEO says they're gonna fight like hell ... vowing to go to court.

TikTok's head honcho Shou Zi Chew posted a video Wednesday in response to Joe putting his John Hancock on legislation that got passed in the House of Representatives and the Senate ... which basically makes TikTok illegal here in the States under Chinese control.


The businessman says he and his partners are going to challenge this new law -- and is confident TikTok will win before a judge, stating the Constitution is on the company's side. Chew and co. say they're going to cite First Amendment rights in defending their position.

Brendan Paul El ayudante de Diddy es acusado de un delito de drogas

El socio de Diddy, Brendan Paul, acaba de ser acusado de un delito grave por posesión de drogas y podría significar problemas para el magnate del rap.

Paul, que trabajaba como asistente principal de Diddy, fue arrestado en marzo en el Aeropuerto Ejecutivo de Miami-Opa Locka después de que los federales hicieran una redada en el avión y encontraran cocaína y caramelos de marihuana. Fue detenido y puesto bajo custodia, al mismo tiempo que los federales allanaban las mansiones de Diddy en Miami y Los Ángeles.

El joven de 25 años, que era muy amigo de Diddy y estaba al tanto de sus idas y venidas, se declaró inocente. Su abogado, Brian Bieber, le dice a TMZ: "Trataremos este caso en la sala del tribunal, no en el tribunal de la opinión pública".

Brendan Paul Diddy's Assistant Charged with Drug Felony

Diddy's associate, Brendan Paul, has just been charged with one felony count of drug possession, and it could spell trouble for the rap mogul.

Paul, a former Syracuse men's basketball player who worked as Diddy's main assistant, was arrested in March at the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport after feds searched his bag and allegedly found cocaine and marijuana candy. He was arrested and taken into custody, at the same time the feds were raiding Diddy's Miami and L.A. mansions.

The 25-year-old, who was extremely close to Diddy and was privy to Diddy's comings and goings, pled not guilty. His lawyer, Brian Bieber, tells TMZ, "We will be dealing with this case in the courtroom, not the court of public opinion."


Anne Heche's estate is having difficulty paying off its outstanding debts -- this according to court docs filed by the late actress' son.

Homer Laffoon is the administrator of his late mom's estate, and he filed docs with the court saying the probate case isn't ready to close yet because it is still dealing with claims from several creditors.

He says her estate has a "modest bank account, royalty payments, and other residual income from pre-death projects" -- such as money from her posthumous memoir "Call Me Anne" -- but, apparently, it's not enough to cover all the claims.

Jimmie Allen Tearfully Says He Considered Suicide During Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Youtube / Jimmie Allen

Jimmie Allen is breaking down in tears, thinking about the day he contemplated suicide after he was accused of sexual assault.

In a new interview with Kathie Lee Gifford, the country singer got emotional while discussing the toll the sexual assault lawsuit took on his mental health ... revealing he reached a dark place at the time.

After his former manager filed a lawsuit, accusing him of rape -- which was dropped last month -- Jimmy says he was concerned for his family's wellbeing. Not only did his label drop him as the allegations surfaced, but he lost several business deals, too ... and he says he was convinced he wouldn't be able to provide for his kids.

Kyle Richards' Daughter Home Burglarized in Broad Daylight ... Jewelry, Handbags Swiped


Kyle Richards raced to her daughter's side this week after hearing about an emergency at her kid's home -- as the place got broken into by thieves, who busted in in broad daylight.

Sources familiar tell TMZ … Farrah Aldjufrie's L.A.-area home got burglarized Tuesday afternoon, with the crime happening around 1 PM PT. Thankfully, we're told Farrah wasn't home when this happened ... but unfortunately, these crooks made off with quite a lot.

Our sources say the burglars forced open a door on the property and made entry into the home -- and at some point during their stealing spree, we're told they actually cut Farrah's WiFi off completely ... likely in hopes of trying to cut the connection to surveillance cameras.