Yung Miami I'm Not a Sex Worker!!! Despite Calling Herself One

Diddy's ex-girlfriend Yung Miami is hitting back at claims she's a sex worker for the Bad Boy Records founder ... and says a video of her calling herself one was totally in jest.

The 30-year-old rapper took on the allegation after Diddy's nemesis 50 Cent resurfaced an interview where YM repeatedly referred to herself as a "whore" on "The Jason Lee Show."

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Yung Miami slammed the clip as being taken out of context ... explaining she's previously used the derogatory term during a playful exchange with her gay cousin.

JOHN AMOS NO PROOF OF 'NEGLECT OF CARE' Police Investigation Closed

The investigation into allegations of neglect regarding John Amos' care has been closed ... 'cause cops tell TMZ there was nothing they found that suggested wrongdoing.

Law enforcement sources tell us detectives spoke to the parties involved and determined no crime had been committed -- or at the very least, there wasn't enough evidence.

We're told cops concluded the entire ordeal stemmed from an ongoing family dispute ... and they put the matter to bed, officially.

Diddy Loving Shout-Out from Fans Still the People's Champ???

mad love for puff

Diddy might be in the crosshairs of the feds right now -- and he may even be getting wrecked on social media -- but in real life ... it would appear the people still love him.

The hip-hop mogul has been laying low at his Star Island home in Miami ever since his two properties got raided -- stepping out here and there in public -- but on Sunday, there was yet another sign that folks still hold him in high regard ... at least in the Miami area anyway.

Take a look at this footage ... it was shot Sunday as a group of people were cruising by Diddy's estates there on the private island, and as you can see -- onlookers were starstruck.

Diddy Insta Model Denies She Was His Sex Worker

Instagram model Jade Ramey is squarely saying Diddy accuser Rodney Jones is lying that she was a sex worker for the rap mogul.

Ramey acknowledged to ET she had a relationship with Diddy, but ... "Dating someone doesn’t directly correlate to any of the false allegations made."

She wasn't done ... "How unfortunate we’ve entered a time where caring for someone or falling in love is worthy of scrutiny in the court of public opinion. What may be amusing for you is real life for others, and my feelings have never been for entertainment, nor are they up for discussion."

Ray J Los amigos de Diddy están procesando las acusaciones... Antes de defenderlo

Apela a la quinta enmienda

Ray J no está sorprendido por el silencio colectivo de los amigos más cercanos de Diddy, pues cree que la élite del entretenimiento se está tomando el tiempo para entender las acusaciones y todavía tienen mucho que procesar.

TMZ Hip Hop se encontró con Ray en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles, y le preguntó por qué cree que hay tan poca gente hablando públicamente en defensa de Diddy.

Recuerden, Stevie J publicó recientemente un video en donde le recordaba a todo el mundo, quién ha estado exactamente en algunas de las legendarias fiestas de Diddy a lo largo de los años, y sin embargo, casi nadie le ha cubierto las espaldas en medio de las redadas federales y las demandas civiles en su contra.

Ray J Diddy's Pals Processing Claims Before They Speak Out

Plead The 5th

Ray J is not surprised by the collective silence of Diddy's closest friends -- he believes entertainment's elite are taking time to understand the mounting allegations, and there's a lot to process.

TMZ Hip Hop got Ray out at LAX, and asked why he feels there are so few people speaking out publicly in Diddy's defense.

Remember, Stevie J recently posted a vid reminding everyone exactly who's been at some of Diddy's legendary parties over the years -- and, yet, almost no one's had his back amid the federal raids, and all the civil lawsuit claims.

Alex Jones So Chill in Hawaii ... Still Owes Millions to Sandy Hook Families

Alex Jones is living it up in Hawaii, chillin' by the pool and downing drinks ... even though his massive debt to the families of Sandy Hook victims remains unpaid.

Eyewitnesses on the island of Kaui tell TMZ ... the controversial podcaster was at a ritzy resort earlier this week with his wife Erika, and they didn't appear to have any other family or friends hanging with them.

Jones was dressed pretty relaxed for his tropical vacay ... sticking to t-shirts and shorts while he hung around the hotel pool and bar area.

'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Files for Divorce ... After Arrest, TRO Filings

Christine Quinn's husband is throwing in the towel on their marriage -- capping off weeks of volatility between them that's resulted in him being taken to jail ... and dueling TRO requests.

The "Selling Sunset" star's estranged hubby Christian Dumontet just filed to divorce his wife -- and it looks like he might've gotten ahead of her own filing ... as we know Christine herself has been mulling pulling the plug as well.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Christian is citing irreconcilable differences as the reason he's filing ... and he's also asking for sole legal and physical custody of their son.

Brad Pitt El argumento de Angelina es mentira... Exige documentos para probarlo

Angelina Jolie está haciendo un gran e innecesario alboroto sobre un acuerdo de confidencialidad que Brad Pitt quería que firmara, al menos así lo ve Brad, quien piensa que ella y todas las celebridades firman este tipo de acuerdos todo el tiempo.

Los ex siguen en guerra por Miraval, la bodega francesa de la que son co-propietarios, y Brad acaba de presentar documentos en esa disputa ... refutando la afirmación de Angie de que ella desistió de un acuerdo para vender su parte de la bodega a Brad, porque él insistió en que firmara un estricto acuerdo de confidencialidad.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Brad no niega que haya querido que Angelina firme uno, pero dice que no hay nada oneroso o amplio sobre el acuerdo que le presentó. De hecho, dice que es muy gracioso que Angelina se queje, porque su abogado "propuso una cláusula de no separación mutua aún más amplia" a Brad en relación con su divorcio.

Brad Pitt Angelina's NDA Argument is BS ... Demands Docs to Prove It

Angelina Jolie is unnecessarily making a big fuss over a non-disclosure agreement Brad Pitt wanted her to sign ... at least according to Brad who says she, and all celebs, sign these all the time.

The exes are still warring over Miraval, the French winery they co-own, and Brad just filed docs in that dispute ... refuting Angie's claim she walked away from an agreement to sell her share of the winery to Brad, because he insisted she sign a strict NDA.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Brad doesn't deny wanting her to sign one, but he says there's nothing onerous or broad about the NDA he presented her. In fact, he says it's pretty rich for Angelina to complain, because her lawyer "proposed an even broader, mutual non-disparagement clause" to Brad in connection with their divorce.

Michael Jackson Accusers Fire Back ... We're Entitled to Genitalia Pics!!!

Michael Jackson's production company wants to stop two of his accusers from getting their hands on police photos that may include images of his private parts -- but they say they have every right to obtain the material.

John Carpenter -- the attorney repping Wade Robson and James Safechuck -- tells TMZ ... "The Los Angeles Police Department and Santa Barbara Police Department gave Michael Jackson and their legal team including Thomas Mesereau all of the incriminating evidence showing that Michael Jackson was sexually abusing children and that his corporations knew about it."

John claims Michael Jackson's companies have had this evidence for decades -- and so he believes they're entitled to the same information.

Universal Music Group Sued Over Mary J. Blige ... 'Real Love' Ripped My Sample!!!

Universal Music Group is facing a new lawsuit ... and it all has to do with Mary J. Blige's most famous song -- which someone is now claiming illegally sampled an old jam.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, a company called TufAmerica, Inc. -- which owns Tuff City Records -- is suing the music publishing giant, claiming it sampled their song "Impeach the President" in MJB's "Real Love" without getting permission.

"Real Love" allegedly uses an uncleared sample from "Impeach the President" in both a sound recording and the musical composition. Tuff City claims they've reached out to UMG over the issue, but Universal hasn't addressed their concerns ... so, now they're suing.

Hijo de Diddy, King Combs Demandado por agresión sexual Durante una fiesta en 2022

El hijo de Diddy, Christian "King" Combs, está siendo demandado por agresión sexual y la presunta víctima afirma que tiene grabaciones de él abalanzándose sobre ella durante una fiesta en un yate y otro denunciante, Rodney Jones, está involucrado en esto también.

Grace O'Marcaigh acaba de presentar la demanda contra King en Los Ángeles, alegando que esto ocurrió cuando estaba trabajando como camarera en un yate que el mismo Diddy alquiló unos días antes de la víspera de Año Nuevo en 2022, según dice ella.

En la demanda, O'Marcaigh alega que estaba haciendo su trabajo durante la velada, que según ella se anunciaba como un paseo familiar. King se acercó e inmediatamente después se quedó fijado en ella, de una forma muy incómoda.

Diddy's Son King Combs Sued for Sexual Assault ... During 2022 Yacht Party

Diddy's son, Christian "King" Combs, is being sued for sexual assault, and the alleged victim claims she has audio recordings of him forcing himself on her during a yacht party ... and another accuser, Rodney Jones, is involved in this too.

Grace O'Marcaigh just filed the suit against King in L.A., alleging she was working as a steward on a yacht she claims Diddy himself chartered a few days before New Year's Eve in 2022.

In the suit, O'Marcaigh alleges she was doing her job during the shindig -- which she claims was advertised as a family-friendly excursion -- and King came on, after which she claims he immediately became fixated on her, uncomfortably so.

Angelina Jolie Claims Brad Pitt Abused Her ... Pre-2016 Plane Incident

Angelina Jolie is floating new allegations against Brad Pitt -- claiming he'd roughed her up before the plane incident that ended their marriage ... but we're hearing a different story.

In court docs, obtained by TMZ, Angie's attorneys levied a heavy accusation against her ex -- namely, that he'd allegedly physically abused her before their incident in the sky in September 2016 ... which Angelina has maintained involved Brad putting hands on their kid.

We know Brad's denied that, and that the authorities cleared him of wrongdoing -- but Angelina has continued to insist it happened ... including here, where her attorneys say the abuse AJ claims to have endured via Brad actually pre-dated whatever happened in 2016.

Angelina Jolie Afirma que Brad Pitt abusó de ella... Antes del incidente de 2016

Angelina Jolie está reflotando nuevas acusaciones en contra de Brad Pitt, esta vez alegando que la habría maltratado antes del incidente del avión que puso fin a su matrimonio. Aunque estamos escuchando una historia diferente.

En los documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, los abogados de Angie lanzaron una fuerte acusación en contra de su ex, esto es, que supuestamente habría abusado físicamente de ella antes del incidente aéreo de septiembre de 2016, en el que Angelina ha mantenido que Brad puso las manos sobre su hijo.

Sabemos que Brad lo ha negado, y que las autoridades lo absolvieron de haber hecho algo malo, pero Angelina ha seguido insistiendo en que sucedió, y sus abogados dicen que el abuso que habría soportado de Brad habría ocurrido antes de lo sucedido en 2016.