Diddy Investigation Feds Haven't Talked to Rodney Jones But He's Ready & Willing

Diddy's ex-employee Rodney Jones is on the short list of accusers whose lawsuits might have sparked the federal investigation -- but he's not one of the witnesses the feds are interviewing ... not yet, anyway.

Sources with knowledge tell TMZ ... Rodney, AKA Lil Rod, is not one of the people federal prosecutors have called upon to provide sworn testimony for their investigation into the Bad Boy Records founder.

As TMZ previously reported ... Diddy's ex Cassie has been in touch with the authorities -- and is cooperating, alongside others who've made claims against the mogul.


El ex-empleado de Diddy -Rodney Jones- está en la corta lista de acusadores cuyas demandas podrían haber provocado la investigación federal, pero no es uno de los testigos que los federales están entrevistando... al menos no todavía.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que Rodney, alias Lil Rod, no es una de las personas que los fiscales federales han llamado a prestar declaración jurada para su investigación sobre el fundador de Bad Boy Records.

Como TMZ informó anteriormente, Cassie, la ex de Diddy, ha estado en contacto con las autoridades y está cooperando, junto con otros que han hecho denuncias contra el magnate.

Angie Harmon's Deceased Dog Instacart Worker Insists He Was Bitten ... So Say Cops


9:49 AM PT -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD is clarifying the deliveryman only told them he had bite marks from the dog. As for whether officers actually saw those bite marks, the cops won't say -- they'll only reiterate they didn't have enough evidence to charge the deliveryman.

Angie Harmon's deceased dog was not as innocent as she claims ... at least according to the cops.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD tells TMZ … they are standing by their decision to not press charges against the Instacart shopper who shot and killed Angie's dog Oliver over Easter weekend.

While the cops will not say how they determined the shopper acted in self-defense, they insist the deliveryman, Christopher, did have bite marks on him from the dog.


de vacaciones

Diddy puede estar atrapado en aguas turbulentas, pero sus hijas estaban de lo mejor disfrutando de sus vacaciones de primavera con el hijo adolescente de LeBron James.

Bryce James -de 16 años de edad- fue presentado en un video que está circulando en línea en el que se lo ve a él y a un amigo suyo -Boogie Johnson- disfrutando del océano en Turcas y Caicos, y en la pequeña compilación de baile que se publicó (y que desde entonces ha sido eliminada), se puede ver a Jessie y D'Lila Combs también.

Las chicas y sus trajes de baño a juego son inconfundibles, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que Bryce y los gemelos son bastante cercanos. Él y Boogie los llevaron a la fiesta de bienvenida el año pasado. De hecho, Boogie tiene fotos con uno de los gemelos en su página de redes sociales, así que sí, es un grupo de amigos muy unido y parece que están de vacaciones juntos en este momento.

Diddy Daughters Vacay with LeBron's Son ... Amid Investigation

James On Vacation

Diddy might be in hot water at the moment, but his daughters were in much calmer waters a world away this week -- enjoying their Spring Break with LeBron James' teenage son.

16-year-old Bryce James was featured in a video that's making the rounds online -- which shows him and a pal of his, Boogie Johnson, enjoying the ocean in Turks and Caicos ... and in the little dance compilation that got posted (and which has since been deleted), you can see Jessie and D'Lila Combs in the mix as well.

The girls and their matching bathing suits are unmistakable -- especially when you consider Bryce and the twins are quite close ... he and Boogie took them to homecoming last year. In fact, Boogie's got photos up with one of the twins on his social media page ... so yeah, it's a tight-knit friend group -- and it appears they're vacationing together right now.

Trippie Redd DNA Test Downer ... You Are NOT the Father!!!

Trippie Redd's journey through fatherhood was a short-lived one -- the Diamond-selling rapper is now admitting the baby he introduced to the world last year isn't his!!!

DDG just welcomed his first-born son with GF Halle Bailey, and was eager to discuss the joys of parenting in a recent blog ... and that's when Trippie came clean that he's not in the new daddy club.

Not My Kid

He says his mother urged him to get a DNA test, and turns out her instincts were spot-on. Trippie says he actually took 2 tests -- just to be sure -- but neither was a match.

He was a proud papa for a hot minute ... posting the baby on social media and carrying on the family's legacy by naming him Saint Michael White, which is also the name of the EP he released around the time of the birth.

life be lifing

Trippie even canceled his tour to tend to his fatherly duties, and admitted to DDG the short time he spent kissing and holding the lil tyke broke his heart once he learned the truth.

Tough break. At least he knows his parental instincts are intact, if and when the time comes for him to use 'em!!!

Diddy Andando en bicicleta por todo Miami...

Diddy sigue mostrando su cara por Miami, solo que ahora está sobre ruedas.

El magnate del hip hop fue visto paseando por la ciudad el jueves, al parecer con ganas de estirar las piernas y hacer un poco de ejercicio mientras andaba en bicicleta y pedaleaba a lo largo de lo que parece ser algún tipo de autopista.

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Diddy es visto en Miami
Instagram / @watson_fit

Nos dicen que Diddy terminó pedaleando hasta South Beach, no muy lejos de donde están sus casas en Star Island, y sí, andaba solo... Solo él y sus pensamientos.

Diddy I Need a Bike to Ride, Ride, Ride ... Cruising Around Miami

Diddy is continuing to show his face in and around Miami -- only now ... he's riding high.

The hip hop mogul was spotted cruising around town Thursday in the Magic City -- apparently wanting to stretch his legs and get a little exercise ... because he was on a bicycle and pedaling away along what appears to be an expressway of some sort.

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Diddy Spotted
Instagram / @watson_fit

We're told Diddy ended up pedaling his way on down to South Beach -- not far from his Star Island homes -- and yes ... he was all by his lonesome, just a man and his thoughts.

Rashee Rice Admite que estaba conduciendo el Lamborghini... En accidente vehicular

Rashee Rice admitió que estaba al volante del Lamborghini que estuvo involucrado en un gran accidente vehicular en Texas el fin de semana pasado.

El abogado de la estrella de los Chiefs, Royce West, acaba de decirle a los medios de comunicación en una conferencia de prensa el jueves por la tarde, que Rice admitió el hecho mientras hablaba con la policía del Departamento de Policía de Dallas esta semana.

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Conductor confirmado
Fox 4

West dijo que Rice está asumiendo plena responsabilidad por sus acciones y promete compensar a quienquiera haya resultado herido en el accidente o con algún daño en su propiedad.


un disfraz peculiar

Un ladrón robó un paquete de la entrada de una casa disfrazándose de basura, un plan descabellado que a pesar de todo funcionó.

Las imágenes fueron capturadas por la cámara que tenía Omar Gabriel Muñoz en su puerta de entrada. Se puede ver a un ladrón disfrazado de bolsa de basura... aunque con pies.

Compruébelo usted mismo, se puede ver al culpable arrastrándose hasta la puerta -donde había un paquete- el cual agarró para luego alejarse. Incluso hizo un par de pausas estratégicas en el camino.

De hecho, es algo sacado de un episodio de "Looney Tunes" y sin embargo, el ladrón se salió con la suya.

Muñoz dice que al principio no podía creer lo que veían sus ojos, pensando que alguien le estaba gastando una broma, diciéndole a ABC 10: "Al principio estaba un poco enojado, pero al final, fue divertido". No está claro si él vio esto después de los hechos o mientras ocurría el extraño delito.

Y añade: "Todo me lo tomo por el lado bueno porque forma parte de la vida. Si ves el lado malo de las cosas no vas a ningún lado".

Muñoz mencionó que el paquete no era valioso ni caro, por lo que no sufrió ninguna pérdida real.

Rashee Rice Admits To Driving Lambo In Car Crash

Rashee Rice has admitted to being behind the wheel of the Lamborghini that was involved in the massive car crash in Texas last weekend.

The Chiefs star's attorney, Royce West, just told media members at a news conference on Thursday afternoon that Rice made the admission while talking with Dallas Police Dept. investigators this week.

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Fox 4

West said Rice is taking full responsibility for his actions ... vowing to make whole anyone who was injured in the accident or had property damaged in the wreck.

Front Porch Thief Steals Package Disguised as Trash ... Caught On Cam!!!


A person jacked a package off of someone's front porch by dressing up as trash -- a harebrained scheme that would make Wile E. Coyote blush ... even though it worked.

Footage from Sacramento's Omar Gabriel Munoz's doorbell cam is starting to make the rounds -- because it captures a thief who disguised themself as a trash bag ... albeit, one on the move.

Check it out ... you can see the culprit shuffle their way over to the door -- where a package lay -- and swoop it before waddling away. They made strategic pauses along the way too.

Michael Jackson's Production Co. Wants to Block Accusers ... From Getting Genitalia Pics

Michael Jackson's production company wants to block Wade Robson and James Safechuck from getting to his criminal file, 'cause they believe they're fishing for shots of his junk.

In new court docs obtained by TMZ ... the King of Pop's companies asked for Wade and James' requests to access the police records on MJ be thrown out -- as they believe the two men are clearly aiming at getting pics of the late star's genitalia.

As we’ve reported, Wade and James -- both of whom have accused MJ of sexually molesting them as children -- are suing Michael's corporations, alleging the singer's staffers are responsible for essentially allowing his alleged abuse of them.

Compañía de Michael Jackson Quiere bloquear el acceso de los denunciantes a fotos íntimas

La compañía de producción de Michael Jackson quiere bloquear el acceso de Wade Robson y James Safechuck a su expediente penal, ya que creen que estos están buscando fotos íntimas del fallecido cantante.

En los nuevos documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, las empresas del Rey del Pop pidieron que las solicitudes de acceso de Wade y James a los registros policiales de Michael Jackson sean rechazadas, ya que creen que los hombres claramente tienen el objetivo de obtener fotos de los genitales de la estrella del pop.

Como hemos informado, Wade y James acusaron a Michael Jackson de abusar sexualmente de ellos cuando eran niños y están demandando a sus empresas, alegando que el personal del cantante es responsable por permitir el presunto abuso hacia ellos.


La ex de Diddy -Cassie- ha estado en contacto con las autoridades en la investigación federal, y no solo eso, nos dicen que está cooperando y que otros han hecho lo mismo.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que Cassie está entre los testigos con los que los federales han estado en contacto en relación con la investigación de Diddy. Nos dicen que ha estado trabajando con los investigadores durante varias semanas, presumiblemente incluso antes de que las casas de Diddy fueran allanadas.

Parece que Cassie puede haber ayudado a los federales a establecer una causa probable para lograr que un juez firme las órdenes de registro. Otras mujeres, se nos dice, también han estado en contacto con los investigadores federales.

Diddy Cassie Cooperating with Feds in Probe ... Others talking as Well

Diddy's ex, Cassie, has been in touch with the authorities in the federal investigation -- not just that, we're told she's cooperating  ... as are others who've sued him.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us ... Cassie is among the witnesses the feds have been in contact with in connection with the Diddy investigation ... we're told she's been working with investigators for several weeks ... presumably even before Diddy's homes were raided.

Given the timing, it seems Cassie may have helped the feds establish probable cause to get a judge to sign off on the search warrants. Other women, we're told, have also been in contact with federal investigators.