CHRISTINE QUINN DETIENEN A SU MARIDO OTRA VEZ La policía llega a casa por la noche

El marido de Christine Quinn fue detenido por segunda vez esta semana, esto después de que la policía dijera que se presentó en su casa a pesar de que le ordenaron mantenerse alejado... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Christian Dumontet fue detenido de nuevo la noche del miércoles después de que la policía informara que llegó a su casa y la de Christine en las colinas de Hollywood, lo que provocó una llamada al 911 y su detención por segunda vez consecutiva.

Nos dicen que fue detenido y llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por un cargo de violación de una orden de protección de emergencia. Fotos de la policía de anoche muestran al menos a un carro patrulla de la policía en la casa de Christine, pero no hay capturas de Christian.

No está claro quién llamó a la policía, pero fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Christine no fue quien lo hizo, y lo más importante, nos dicen que ni siquiera estaba en la propiedad en absoluto.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que no ha vuelto a casa desde que se dirigió al hospital con su hijo, y actualmente se encuentra en un lugar seguro con el niño. A pesar de todo, nos informan que Christian no puede entrar a la propiedad por ley.

Recordemos que Christine tiene una orden de protección vigente por 7 días. Esto luego del supuesto ocurrió entre ella y Christian el martes, y si ella quiere protección adicional, tendrá que solicitar una orden de restricción.

Como informamos, Christian está acusado de tratar de ponerse violento con Christine durante una discusión, luego de supuestamente haberle lanzado una bolsa llena de vidrios, la cual terminó golpeando a su hijo de dos años. Llamaron al 911 y a Christian se lo llevó la policía.

Nos han dicho que Christian fue liberado de la cárcel el jueves por la mañana bajo fianza. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la gente Christine, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Christian Wood's Ex Yasmine Lopez Yeah, I Keyed A Car ... But I'm Getting Therapy

L.A. Lakers big man Christian Wood's ex, Yasmine Lopez, is opening up on the wild allegations made against her in court documents ... owning up to keying a car and hopping his fence -- but claiming she's seeking help following the incidents.

TMZ Sports broke the story -- Wood accused Lopez of wreaking havoc on his personal life ... abusing and stalking him, damaging his property (including two luxury vehicles) on multiple occasions, and keeping their child from him.

Lopez weighed in on the recent events during an Instagram livestream ... and she expressed her regret with how their business has been thrown into the spotlight.

The influencer and model seemingly defended her actions while speaking with her followers on Wednesday ... saying, "I wouldn't be hopping nobody's fence for no f***ing reason, but I don't condone violence. I don't."

She also claimed the car she wrecked did not belong to Wood, but rather his new girl's vehicle -- regardless, she did go to jail over the February incident.

Lopez revealed she is taking the proper measures in hopes of preventing issues in the future ... including therapy.

"I'm working on myself to become a better woman, a better mom, just all around," she added. "I don't have time for the bulls***."

"The s*** I tolerated in the past, I'll never tolerate again."

Wood was granted a temporary restraining order against Lopez earlier this month ... which expired on Wednesday.

Blanket Jackson Pide bloquear a su abuela... No hay dinero de la herencia para la apelación

La familia de Michael Jackson está involucrada en una compleja batalla legal y no todos están en el mismo bando, pues el hijo de Michael, Blanket, está tratando de detener a su propia abuela de usar dinero de la herencia en el marco de la lucha que está en curso.

Esta es la cuestión, Blanket, el hijo menor de Michael Jackson, cuyo verdadero nombre es Bigi Jackson, presentó documentos esta semana que fueron obtenidos por TMZ, que piden al tribunal que no permita que su abuela Katherine utilice el dinero de la herencia de Michael para financiar una apelación de una sentencia anterior.

Básicamente, Blanket y su abuela estuvieron trabajando juntos recientemente para impedir que los albaceas de la herencia de Jackson siguieran adelante con una enorme transacción comercial con la que ellos estaban muy en contra.

Los documentos no dicen exactamente cuál fue la transacción, la que ha estado envuelta en misterio a lo largo de esta saga, pero de acuerdo a la información reciente, parece que puede estar relacionada con el acuerdo que los albaceas hicieron con Sony para vender la mitad del catálogo musical de Michael por $600M.

Blanket explica que él y su abuela presentaron sus argumentos en contra del acuerdo, pero en última instancia, el tribunal falló en contra de ellos y aparentemente habría puesto fin a la cuestión jurídica.

Sin embargo, Katherine ha decidido apelar al fallo, un movimiento del que Blanket no quiere ser parte, y más importante, no quiere que la herencia de su padre pague estas facturas legales. Como saben, él es uno de los herederos, por lo que el dinero es muy importante.

Por la forma en que Blanket lo explica en los documentos, la apelación tiene pocas posibilidades de ganar y dice que no cree que beneficie a los beneficiarios del fideicomiso, por lo que simplemente no quiere pagar por ello, pero Katherine sí.

Blanket también le ha pedido al tribunal que use su mejor juicio para concederle a Katherine unos honorarios razonables por los abogados incurridos en la batalla previa a la apelación, algo a lo que él considera que sí tiene derecho, al menos hasta cierto punto.

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Gran movimiento

No es de extrañar esta petición de Blanket en contra de Katherine. Ayer mismo, los albaceas de la herencia de Michael, según los informes, afirmaron que ella recibió una asignación de siete cifras este año, dinero que Blanket presumiblemente preferiría que utilice para la apelación en lugar de recurrir al efectivo del fideicomiso.

Parece que la familia no está totalmente de acuerdo en esto. Los jueces aún no se han pronunciado.

Demanda contra Apple Autoridades alegan monopolio de los smartphones... Lo están controlando todo

El Tío Sam está llevando a Apple a los tribunales con el alegato de que tiene un monopolio en el negocio de los smartphones y que la naturaleza interconectada de sus productos es un poco demasiado anticompetitiva.

El jueves, el Departamento de Justicia presentó una demanda federal contra la compañía de Tim Cook con un montón de acusaciones contra el gigante de la tecnología, incluyendo que todo su modelo de negocios es inherentemente controlador y que tiene un dominio absoluto de la industria.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, los federales dicen que el ecosistema de todas las cosas de Apple -incluyendo el iPhone, su reloj de Apple y otras aplicaciones y funciones conectadas a la computadora central de Apple- ha creado un "agujero" que está dejando injustamente afuera a sus empresas rivales y a sus propios clientes.

La demanda afirma: "Durante muchos años, Apple ha creado una plataforma y un ecosistema dominante para el iPhone que han impulsado la astronómica valoración de la empresa. Al mismo tiempo, ha comprendido hace tiempo que las tecnologías disruptivas y las aplicaciones, productos y servicios innovadores amenazaban ese dominio, al hacer que los usuarios dependieran menos del iPhone o les facilitaran el cambio a un smartphone que no fuera de Apple".

Los federales añaden: "En lugar de responder a las amenazas de la competencia ofreciendo menores precios de sus teléfonos inteligentes a los consumidores o una mejor monetización para los desarrolladores, Apple habría hecho frente a las amenazas de la competencia imponiendo una serie de normas y restricciones cambiantes en sus directrices de la App Store y en sus acuerdos con desarrolladores lo que le habría permitido a Apple extraer tarifas más altas, frustrar la innovación, ofrecer una experiencia de usuario menos segura o degradada y estrangular las alternativas competitivas. Ha desplegado estas jugadas a través de muchas tecnologías, productos y servicios, incluyendo super apps, mensajería de texto, smartwatches y carteras digitales, entre muchos otros".

Además de sus productos, que los federales alegan que son creados solo para que funcionen dentro del sistema de Apple, la demanda afirma que la empresa ha hecho todo lo posible por cerrar las aplicaciones y/o programas que faciliten la comunicación de la gente entre productos iPhones con productos no iPhone. Esencialmente, están alegando que Apple ha hecho imposible interactuar con otros productos y usuarios si estos no están utilizando también un producto de Apple, y dicen que eso viola la ley federal.

La demanda también dice esto: "Si no se cuestiona, Apple solo seguirá fortaleciendo su monopolio de los smartphones. Este comportamiento anticompetitivo está diseñado para mantener su poder monopólico, mientras obtienen la mayor cantidad de ingresos posible."

Apple tiene una enorme capitalización de mercado, con una valoración de 2,68 billones de dólares, uno de los más grandes en el mapa.

Apple Sued DOJ Alleges Smartphone Monopoly ... You're Gatekeeping It All!!!

Uncle Sam is taking Apple to court -- claiming they have a monopoly on the smartphone business and that the interconnected nature of their products is a little too anti-competitive.

The Dept. of Justice filed a federal lawsuit against Tim Cook's company Thursday, which makes a lot of allegations against the tech giant ... including that their whole business model is inherently gatekeeping, and has a stranglehold on the industry.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, the feds say the ecosystem of all things Apple -- including the iPhone, their Apple Watch and other apps and features connected to Apple's mainframe -- has created a "moat" that's unfairly shutting out rival companies and their own customers.

The lawsuit states, "For many years, Apple has built a dominant iPhone platform and ecosystem that has driven the company’s astronomical valuation. At the same time, it has long understood that disruptive technologies and innovative apps, products, and services threatened that dominance by making users less reliant on the iPhone or making it easier to switch to a non-Apple smartphone."

The feds add ... "Rather than respond to competitive threats by offering lower smartphone prices to consumers or better monetization for developers, Apple would meet competitive threats by imposing a series of shapeshifting rules and restrictions in its App Store guidelines and developer agreements that would allow Apple to extract higher fees, thwart innovation, offer a less secure or degraded user experience, and throttle competitive alternatives. It has deployed this playbook across many technologies, products, and services, including super apps, text messaging, smartwatches, and digital wallets, among many others."

In addition to their products -- which the feds allege are created to work only within Apple's system -- the suit claims Apple has gone out of its way to shut down apps/programs people have attempted to use to make communicating on iPhones easier with non-iPhone products. Essentially, they're alleging Apple has made it impossible to interact with Apple products/users if you're not also using an Apple product ... and they say that violates federal law.

The lawsuit also says this ... "If left unchallenged, Apple will only continue to strengthen its smartphone monopoly ... This anticompetitive behavior is designed to maintain Apple’s monopoly power while extracting as much revenue as possible."

Apple has a massive market cap -- with a valuation of $2.68 trillion, one of the largest on the map.

John Hinckley Jr. 'Cancel Culture' Killing My Music Career!!! Attempted Assassin Grouses

Ya shoot one President, and suddenly ya can't buy a break ... that's John Hinckley Jr.'s gripe, essentially, after his latest folk singing gig got canned.

The man who opened fire on President Ronald Reagan -- and also injured Press Secretary James Brady, a Secret Service agent and cop -- has become a guitar-strumming folk singer, who actually gets booked for concerts, but they tend to get canceled before he gets onstage.

Hinckley's bitching about his latest yanked gig at Hotel Huxley in Naugatuck, CT, where he was supposed to perform on March 30 ... until the venue announced last week it was pulling the plug. He told the NY Post, "I think it's fair to say I'm a victim of cancel culture."

Referring to all of his canceled shows, he added, "It keeps happening over and over again."

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Last week Hotel Huxley posted on its IG page, "You Guessed It: Postponed Until Further Notice (They're killin us here)." That last line seems to be a reference to the massive backlash the venue was getting for booking Hinckley -- but also feels distasteful, considering the concert date would've marked 43 years, to the day, since the attempted assassination of Reagan.


Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and spent nearly 30 years in a mental health hospital before he was released in 2016.

Since then, he's picked up the guitar and actually released songs on his YouTube channel.

His first concert was booked for Brooklyn in 2022, but again, was canceled due to backlash -- and that's subsequently happened for his other planned shows in Georgia, Illinois and Virginia ... where he now lives in Williamsburg.

Karma. It's a thing.

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Shohei Ohtani Dodgers Fire Star's Interpreter ... After 'Massive Theft' Claims


3/21, 7:10 AM -- Ippei Mizuhara told ESPN that Ohtani knew of his gambling debts and agreed to pay them off in exchange for a promise -- the interpreter would never gamble again.

"Obviously, [Ohtani] wasn't happy about it and said he would help me out to make sure I never do this again," Ippei initially said, adding, "He decided to pay it off for me.

But, Mizuhara then seemingly changed his story, saying, "I want everyone to know Shohei had zero involvement in betting. I want people to know I did not know this was illegal. I learned my lesson the hard way. I will never do sports betting ever again."

Ippei Mizuhara -- the Japanese interpreter who's been Shohei Ohtani's righthand man for nearly a decade -- has been fired by the Dodgers ... after Ohtani's attorneys claim he engaged in a "massive theft" of the two-way star's fortune.

The lawyers -- from the LA-based law firm Berk Brettler -- said in a statement to the Los Angeles Times they uncovered the alleged stealing after Ohtani's name had surfaced in a federal investigation of an alleged illegal bookmaker, Mathew Bowyer.

According to The Times, Mizuhara was accused of taking some of Ohtani's funds and using them to place bets with Bowyer. Ohtani's attorneys told the outlet they're now going to cops to have them investigate their findings further.

"In the course of responding to recent media inquiries," the lawyers said, "we discovered that Shohei has been the victim of a massive theft and we are turning the matter over to the authorities."

The Dodgers confirmed Wednesday afternoon they let go of Mizuhara following the claims. No further comment from the team was added.

Mizuhara and Ohtani just joined the Dodgers this season ... after the two-time MVP signed with them in free agency on a 10-year, $700 million deal.

Prior to putting on Dodger Blue, the duo worked together throughout Ohtani's six historic seasons as an L.A. Angel.

Story developing ...

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'RHOP' Star Karen Huger Charged w/ DUI ... In Connection to Crash

Karen Huger has been charged with driving under the influence and hit with several other traffic violations in connection with her car crash this week ... TMZ has learned.

According to online court records, the 'Real Housewives of the Potomac' star is facing one count of DUI over Tuesday night's wreck -- which notes she has to make a mandatory court appearance to answer for it. She's facing an additional DWI charge as well here.

There are several other alleged infractions she's been dinged with too -- per the docket -- that touch on everything from negligent and reckless driving to driving way over the speed limit and driving with a suspended registration. The 6 traffic violations she was cited with don't require court appearances ... and have fines attached ranging from $50 to $510.

We broke the story ... Huger was driving her 2017 Maserati late Tuesday night in Potomac, Maryland in what police described as an aggressive manner.

Cops told us Karen struck a median and crosswalk sign at an intersection before continuing on and colliding with a parking sign off the roadway. The car itself was badly damaged, but Karen told us she was doing fine after the accident ... which she chalked up to driving while in a super emotional state.

Huger said she went to dinner with a friend where she said the two talked about some pretty emotional topics -- including KH's deceased mother -- saying it left her bawling while trying to drive home and she says she swerved to avoid a car coming directly at her.

Huger did note she received citations, one of which she says was not related to the incident ... but, made no mention of being intoxicated or arrested in her statement to us. Cops didn't tell us she'd been arrested either ... and there's no record of her having been booked in their jail.

Montgomery County PD says the reason charges weren't mentioned earlier Wednesday is because all that was available at the time was a preliminary collision report -- and that a police report would have further info. We haven't obtained that police report just yet ... but clearly, cops felt something criminal had happened here -- evidenced in the court update.

We've reached out to Huger for further comment ... so far, no word back.

Ray J Not Tripping Over Stolen Maybachs ... Karma's a Bitch!!!


Ray J's new chapter with his Tronix Network is off to a rocky start, as 2 Maybachs he shipped out to NYC to promote the venture, never made it, and he says they're still in the wind!!!

We caught up with Ray Wednesday in Manhattan, but we could only picture him rollin' in our head ... because his expensive whips are good 3,000 miles or so away. He told us trackers on the missing Maybachs indicate they're still floating around Nevada.

Ray says he and his Tronix biz partner planned to plug the new media platform by stuntin' in the streets in their Maybachs -- but he says he's hit a dead-end with police and can't even get a 911 operator on the line to help with the search.

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He was remarkably calm about losing 2 rides worth around $200k each ... and admitted he's taking it much smoother than his partner, who Ray says is still combing Reno for the luxury vehicles.

Ray says he's gotta press on, making the rounds in NYC to talk Tronix -- but he firmly believes the thieves will get what's coming to them in due time.


It's been quite the year for Ray J -- his estranged wife Princess Love filed for divorce for a 4th time, and all signs point to it being the final time.

Through it all, he's maintaining his sanity ... at least on the outside.

BILLY BALDWIN Mellowed Out on Stone Feud ... Better Things to ✍️ About

feeling 1,000 percent

Billy Baldwin's beef with Sharon Stone sounded fiery online -- but in person, the dude doesn't seem to wanna keep the battle going ... 'cause he's turning down the temperature.

We got the actor out in L.A. Wednesday, where our photog asked him about a number of things -- including what happened to his left eye. If you can't quite see, he's got a little nick there ... and Billy tells us exactly how it happened.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

Eventually, we get to what everyone wants to know ... namely, whether his feud with Sharon -- whom he eviscerated online last week after she name-dropped him -- was alive and well.

Check it out ... Billy seems to have moved on from all that, refusing to further trash Sharon here on camera. Although, when we asked if he was still writing a book -- like he suggested he might do when he was first crapping on Sharon -- BB tells us what he'd put in it.

A would-be book wouldn't include any bad-mouthing or tea -- like he teased on X ... instead, he says it'd include all the positive things in his life, like his family and his career.

Good to see that Billy's not holding a grudge against Sharon ... 'cause like we said, he was fired up when she first invoked his name last week during a podcast interview, in which she alleged that a producer on a film they both worked on tried pushing her into banging him.

All's well that ends well ... Bill's waiving the white flag.

Drake Bell Guys, Josh Has Reached Out to Me ... Please Lay Off!!!

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Go Easy On Josh!

Drake Bell is coming to Josh Peck's defense after fans blasted his former costar for staying mum amid his sexual abuse story ... basically telling everyone to stand down.

The former Nick star hopped online Wednesday to clear the air on where he stands with Josh ... and he confirmed that JP has, in fact, reached out to him after his appearance on 'Quiet on the Set' -- even though just about everybody assumed he hadn't.

Drake -- who opened up about being molested as a teen by former Nickelodeon dialogue coach Brian Peck in the docuseries -- says he noticed the hate comments flooding Josh's social media accounts these past several days ... which he says are unwarranted.

As Drake puts it ... Josh has been supportive in the aftermath of the doc. Josh's reach-out hasn't been made public until now because of the delicate nature of the situation -- so things are clearly going on behind the scenes that not everyone can see.

Drake says that he's been going through an emotional time in processing everything that has happened ... which is why certain things have been kept out of the public eye.

His update comes amid accusations that JP was purposefully ignoring the damning doc about their former network. The comment section of Josh's TikTok account even featured countless fans demanding that he say something in support of DB, instead of making silly uploads.

Of course, Drake and Josh have a rocky relationship of late. The two found themselves publicly beefing after Drake griped about not being invited to Josh's wedding.

ignoring the doc

The two actors eventually hugged it out at the 2017 VMAs -- but even after that ... it didn't seem they were particularly close.

Still, we're happy to hear that Josh has rallied around Drake right now ... and here's hoping people heed Drake's request to lay off his old bud.

Nardo Wick Fan Attacker Forfeits Bond Missed Court Date

The guy seen in video throwing a devastating punch at one of Nardo Wick's fans has a new issue on his hands -- he's lost his bond money by skipping out a court appearance.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained docs confirm 34-year-old Zachary L. Benton's $2,000 cash bond was forfeited after he missed a March 18 court date for the case.

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We broke the story back in December ... Benton and a 15-year-old minor are accused of viciously attacking George Obregon Jr. -- a Nardo fan who was trying to get a selfie with the rapper.

In the video, Benton throws one sucker punch, and then the minor follows up with multiple shots to George's face, knocking him out cold on the pavement and causing a concussion.

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Nardo wasn't with the smoke, and distanced himself from the attack ... while Benton later surrendered to police, and was charged with felony aggravated battery.

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Following the incident, George's mother told us they want justice for her son ... which is, clearly, still an ongoing battle.

Jonathan Majors No le preocupa la demanda de su ex novia... Entrenando por trabajo

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Para nada sorprendido

Jonathan Majors no está preocupado por la nueva demanda de su ex novia Grace Jabbari, en cambio, se está poniendo en forma para lo que parece ser un nuevo rol en una película.

Nos encontramos con el actor el miércoles en Los Ángeles, cuando acababa de salir de una sesión de gimnasio con su entrenador -esto es, fuerza y acondicionamiento con el gurú Jason Best- y Jonathan Majors realmente estaba dispuesto a conversar. Esto, por supuesto, mientras caminaba sin camisa y se paseaba absolutamente tonificado.

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A toda máquina

Por cierto, Best es el mismo tipo que lo puso en plena forma para su papel de culturista en "Magazine Dreams" y evidentemente siguen trabajando juntos porque JM se ve muy bien.

De todos modos, hablamos con Jon sobre todo lo que está pasando en su vida en este momento, incluyendo este posible trabajo del que hemos escuchado en una película, aunque los detalles exactos todavía son un poco oscuros. ¡Jonathan nos confirmó, sin embargo, que se está poniendo en forma para el "trabajo" y cuando le preguntamos si era para este papel, ciertamente no lo negó!

Nuestro fotógrafo también habló con Jon sobre su relación con Meagan Good, que sigue muy en serio con los tortolitos apareciendo en eventos públicos juntos y muy cariñosos.

Le preguntamos a Jon qué tiene Meagan que es diferente de otras novias y su respuesta es muy reveladora, insinuando fuertemente que Meagan capturó su corazón y algo más.

Jonathan dijo que Meagan, quien estuvo a su lado durante todo el juicio, era su corazón y acreditó la conexión que tienen como el motivo de éxito de su relación.

Nuestra conversación con Jonathan llega un día después de que se revelara que su ex, Grace Jabbari, quien testificó en su contra en diciembre durante un juicio penal, lo demandó, alegando que la agredió en el transcurso de su relación y también la difamó.

Recuerden, Jonathan fue condenado por delito menor de agresión y acoso en diciembre y actualmente está a la espera de su sentencia. Su equipo legal ha solicitado que se anule la condena y nos dijo que no estaban sorprendidos por la reciente demanda de Grace.

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Responsable por haber estado ahí
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Jonathan expresó un sentimiento similar sobre esto el miércoles, diciéndonos que está listo para dejar todo en el pasado o, al menos, está tratando.

Jonathan Majors Hittin' the Gym for 'Work' Unbothered by Ex-GF's Lawsuit

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Jonathan Majors isn't sweating Grace Jabbari's lawsuit against him -- but he is working up a sweat ... continuing to train for what sure sounds like a new movie role.

We got the actor out Wednesday in L.A., where he was just leaving a gym session with his trainer -- strength and conditioning guru Jason Best -- and JM was actually willing to chat ... this, of course, while walking out shirtless and looking absolutely ripped.

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BTW -- Best is the same guy who got him in peak condition for his bodybuilding role in "Magazine Dreams" -- and clearly, they're still working together ... 'cause JM looks great here.

Anyway, we chopped it up with Jon about a number of things going on in his life right now -- including this potential gig we've been hearing he has lined up for a film project ... although, the exact details are still a little murky. Jonathan did confirm to us, though, that he's getting in shape for "work" ... and when we asked if it was for the role, he certainly didn't deny it!

Our photog also talked to Jon about his relationship with Meagan Good -- which is going strong ... as the lovebirds continue to hit public events together ... and pack on PDA.

We asked Jon what makes MG different than other girlfriends he's had ... and he's got a pretty telling response, strongly hinting that Meagan's captured his heart and then some.

Jonathan called Meagan, who stood by him during his highly-publicized trial, his heart and credited their connection for their success as a couple.

Our chat with Jonathan here comes a day after it was revealed that his ex, Grace Jabbari -- who testified against him in December during a criminal trial -- sued him, claiming he assaulted her over the course of their relationship and defamed her as well.

Remember, Jonathan was convicted of misdemeanor assault and harassment in December ... and is currently awaiting sentencing. His legal team has filed to have the conviction tossed out -- and told us that they weren't surprised by Grace's recent filing.

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Jonathan expressed a similar sentiment about the sitch on Wednesday too ... telling us he's just ready to put the whole situation behind him, or is trying to anyway.

JOSH PECK RECIBE CIENTOS DE COMENTARIOS Sobre su silencio respecto al abuso de Drake Bell


Josh Peck quiere pasar desapercibido luego del polémico documental "Quiet on Set". Sobre todo con la terrible historia de abuso de Drake Bell, y sus fans están tomando nota.

La ex estrella infantil publicó un nuevo video en las redes sociales esta semana, esto después de que el explosivo documental sobre Nickelodeon salió al aire, y Josh no parece dispuesto a abordar lo evidente de forma seria, ya que se ha limitado a hacer tontos videos de TikTok.

El clip muestra a Josh haciendo sincronización labial con algún audio tonto, relativamente sin sentido, teniendo en cuenta que sus compañeros están haciendo fuertes revelaciones, y la gente está enojada con su aparente falta de empatía.

Échale un vistazo a su sección de comentarios, así como otros TikToks recientes, y verás exactamente lo que queremos decir. Cientos de personas lo están criticando por permanecer en silencio y actuar como si nada estuviera pasando, pidiéndole que diga algo.

Una persona escribió, "tu silencio es ruidoso hermano". Otro agregó: "*sigh* Josh nos decepcionaste". Y otro gritó: "JUSTICIA PARA DRAKEEEE".

Como hemos dicho, ni Josh ni Drake han pronunciado una palabra sobre el documental, pero teniendo en cuenta sus recientes problemas -incluyendo una ruptura- tal vez no es de extrañar que Josh no esté corriendo para apoyar a su antiguo compañero durante estos difíciles momentos.

Si usted no está familiarizado en el tema, Drake y Josh no han sido cercanos en absoluto últimamente, y su aparente disputa surgió cuando Josh se casó hace varios años -una boda a la que Drake no fue invitado- lo que generó su molestia e incluso se quejó públicamente.

Hubo un montón de idas y vueltas y finalmente Josh dejó claro que él y Drake simplemente no tuvieron contacto después del show... en otras palabras, no son amigos.

Tuvieron una dulce reunión en los VMA 2017, pero incluso después de eso, parecía haber mala sangre, así que es comprensible que Josh esté mirando hacia otro lado.

Sin embargo, muchos sienten que debería hablar de esto a pesar de todo, porque los problemas que se están destacando en "Quiet on Set" son obviamente más grandes que cualquier pelea insignificante que puedan tener.

Hemos tratado de llegar a Josh nosotros mismos para hacer comentarios, pero no hemos tenido suerte.

Josh Peck Flooded w/ Comments ... Over Silence on Drake Bell Abuse

ignoring the doc

Josh Peck seems to be taking a head-in-the-sand approach to everything coming out from 'Quiet on Set' -- including Drake Bell's abuse story -- and his fans are taking notice.

The ex-child star posted a new video on social media this week -- this after the explosive doc about Nickelodeon aired -- and JP doesn't seem willing to address the elephant in the room ... 'cause he's just doing silly TikToks without talking about what's on everyone's mind.

The clip features Josh lip-syncing to some goofy audio ... relatively meaningless considering his one-time peers are speaking out, and people are pissed that he's choosing to ignore it.

Check out his comment section in this post -- as well as other recent TikToks of his -- and you'll see exactly what we mean ... hundreds of people are slamming him for remaining silent on the doc and acting like nothing's going on, calling on him to say something.

One person wrote, "your silence is LOUD brother" ... and another added, "*sigh* Josh you disappointed us" ... and yet another digitally shouted, "JUSTICE FOR DRAKEEEE."

Like we said, Josh hasn't uttered one word about the documentary or Drake -- but considering their recently rocky past, including a very clear falling out, perhaps it's not surprising that Josh isn't running to support his old costar during this difficult time.

If you're unfamiliar, Drake and Josh have NOT been close at all of late -- and their apparent feud bubbled up when Josh get married several years ago ... a wedding to which Drake wasn't invited, and which he was very upset about at the time, making gripes quite publicly.

There was a lot of back and forth over this, and in the end -- Josh made clear that him and Drake simply hadn't stayed in touch after their show ... in other words, they're not friends.

They had a sweet reunion at the 2017 VMAs -- but even after that, there seemed to be bad blood ... so on its face, it's somewhat understandable that Josh is looking the other way.

Still, many feel like he should talk about this regardless -- because the issues being spotlighted on 'Quiet on Set' are obviously bigger than any petty beef they might have.

We've tried reaching Josh ourselves for comment ... but haven't had any luck.