Steve Wynn Stern Warning Over New Film Project ... Be Honest or Else!!!

Steve Wynn isn't hedging any bets when it comes to a just-announced film project about his life ... as he's hit producers with a stern message about their potential portrayal of him.

We've seen a copy of a letter issued to producers Scott Jay Kaplan, Emmet McDermott and author Christina Binkley after the industry vets optioned the rights to CB's book, 'Winner Takes All' -- which details Steve's rise and fall as a casino bigwig -- for a dramatic retelling.

The letter was sent from powerhouse attorney Patricia L. Glaser on behalf of Steve ... and it makes clear that the Sin City businessman won't tolerate creative liberties taken in any big or small dramatization of his life -- including what Kaplan and McDermott are working on.

The billionaire's legal team explicitly expressed their concern for the project ... citing what they allege is the author's "history of false statements and mischaracterizations regarding [Steve]" -- referencing the source material that'll serve as the inspiration for this project of theirs.

While Steve didn't threaten to put the kibosh on the movie here in this letter his attorney fired off -- not that he had any real right to stall the project -- he does demand, via Glaser, that Scott and Emmet verify every fact presented in the story and ensure that their sources are fully vetted. Translation ... no stone should be left unturned when it comes to research!

And it's pretty obvious that Steve means business here -- as the letter threatened legal action over any falsehoods that may be presented.

Even though it's clear that Steve has never been a fan of his depiction in 'Winner Takes All' ...  it doesn't appear he ever sued over the book in the 16 years since it's been published.

The book found itself on the NYT Best Seller List after chronicling the meteoric rise of Wynn -- who was forced to step down from Wynn Resorts amid sexual misconduct allegations ... claims he's denied, for which he's never been charged with a crime.

As for how Scott and Emmet feel about the stern letter ... sources tell us that they're already casting -- if that's any indication of how they're approaching the warning shot.

Jonathan Majors Demandado por su ex novia Grace Jabbari... Por agresión y difamación


12:21 PM PT -- El abogado de Jonathan Majors Priya Chaudhry le dice a TMZ: "Esto no es una sorpresa. El Sr. Majors está preparando contrademandas contra la Sra. Jabbari".

Jonathan Majors está siendo llevado nuevamente a los tribunales por su ex novia Grace Jabbari, quien lo está demandando por un caso de agresión en esta oportunidad y otras cuestiones que dice que ocurrieron en el pasado.

Jabbari acaba de presentar una demanda contra Majors y en los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, está entrando en muchos más detalles sobre estos otros casos, los que habrían ocurrido antes de marzo de 2023, cuando sucedió el incidente que lo llevó a la corte criminal y finalmente terminó con una condena en su contra.

En la demanda de Grace Jabbari, ella afirma que el supuesto abuso que sufrió a manos de Majors ocurrió poco tiempo después de que empezaran a salir en 2021, particularmente a fines de ese año, cuando tuvo miedo por primera vez de su temperamento, luego que mencionara una relación anterior que lo hizo enojarse y atacarla verbalmente.

Ella cita otros supuestos casos de abuso, incluyendo una acusación de que Majors la arrojó contra una pared en la ducha después de que se molestara con ella, y supuestamente le lanzara objetos como velas y otros artículos diversos.

Ella continúa afirmando que Majors la agredió en Londres en varias ocasiones mientras estaba filmando "Loki". Jabbari también afirma que cosas tan simples como tener compañía o reírse por teléfono con su madre le enfadaban y le hacían perder los estribos y alega que le rompía los auriculares o a veces incluso su cabeza.

Jabbari cita un supuesto caso en que Majors se enfadó tanto con ella que le golpeó la cabeza contra un suelo de mármol e incluso la habría estrangulado.

Afirma que fue por esas fechas que dio su diatriba sobre Coretta Scott King en Londres.

¡¡¡Sigue su ejemplo!!!

Finalmente, Jabbari menciona el incidente de marzo de 2023, en donde repite las acusaciones de que este la habría golpeado en el carro luego que ella intentara mirar un mensaje de texto en su teléfono que le habría enviado otra mujer.

Continúa afirmando que le torció los dedos en el carro y que cuando salió y ella lo siguió, él la empujó "como una pelota de fútbol".

Todo esto se discutió largamente durante el juicio, y al final el jurado condenó a Majors por las pruebas que vio el jurado fuera del vehículo. Aquí, sin embargo, ella está insistiendo con que hubo una agresión dentro del coche y que fue el punto de ebullición de lo que ella describe como una larga relación llena de abusos.

Como hemos informado, Majors fue declarado culpable de delito menor de agresión y acoso en diciembre, y actualmente está a la espera de su sentencia, a pesar de que su equipo ha presentado una solicitud para revocar la condena.

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Soy responsable por haber estado ahí
ABC News

Jabbari también está demandando a Majors por difamación, pues ella alega que el actor ha empañado su reputación al afirmar que mintió sobre el abuso físico durante las entrevistas que hizo antes y después del juicio.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Majors para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 11:58 AM PT

Jonathan Majors Sued by Ex-GF Grace Jabbari ... Claims Assault, Defamation


12:21 PM PT -- Jonathan Majors' lawyer Priya Chaudhry tells TMZ ... "This is no surprise. Mr. Majors is preparing counterclaims against Ms. Jabbari."

Jonathan Majors is being taken back to court by his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari -- who's now suing him over the assault case ... and some other stuff she claims went down beforehand.

Jabbari just filed suit against Majors ... and in the docs, obtained by TMZ, she's getting into a lot more detail about other alleged instances that she claims occurred before the March 2023 incident that landed him in criminal court, and which ultimately ended with a conviction.

In GJ's lawsuit, she claims the alleged abuse she endured at the hands of Majors started as early as 2021 after they'd started dating -- specifically pointing out a time at the end of that year which she says became the first she started to fear him and his temper ... this after she mentioned a previous relationship, which she says pissed him off and led to a verbal attack.

There are other alleged instances of abuse that she cites -- including a claim that Majors threw her into a shower wall after he got angry with her, while allegedly proceeding to throw objects, like candles and other miscellaneous items.

She goes on to claim Majors assaulted her in London on a number of occasions while he was in town filming "Loki." Jabbari also claims simple things like having company over or laughing on the phone with her mother would anger him and cause him to fly off the handle ... with her alleging he'd smash her headphones, or at times even her head.

Jabbari cites one alleged instance in which she claims that Majors got so angry with her that he slammed her head against a marble floor and even allegedly strangled her.

She claims it was during this time in London that he gave his Coretta Scott King diatribe.


Eventually, Jabbari brings up the incident from March 2023 ... again repeating her claims that he hit her in the car when she tried to look at his phone over a text from another woman.

She goes on to claim that he twisted her fingers in the car, and that when he got out and she followed ... he threw her back in "like a football."

All of this was discussed at length during the trial, and in the end ... the jury convicted Majors over what the jury saw from the evidence outside of the vehicle. Here, however, she's doubling down again in a lawsuit -- insisting he assaulted her in the car and claiming it was the boiling point of what she alleges was a lengthy relationship littered with abuse.

As we reported ... Majors was convicted of misdemeanor assault and harassment in December, and he's currently awaiting sentencing -- even though his team has filed to have the conviction tossed.

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Another thing Jabbari is suing Majors for is defamation -- alleging he tarnished her reputation by claiming she lied about the physical abuse during interviews he did pre- and post-trial.

We've reached out to Majors' camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 11:58 AM PT


Looks like Barbra Streisand's complaints are ringing loud and clear -- Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch will not be adding the RBG Award to their trophy shelves after all.

In fact, the uproar over the pair snagging the prestigious leadership award named for late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so intense, the Dwight D. Opperman Foundation decided to pull the plug on the entire ceremony.

ICYMI ... Barbra, herself a former RBG Award recipient, didn't hold back when she slammed the organization's decision to honor the polarizing billionaire and the FOX Corp. founder.

Barbra took to IG to join forces with the Ginsburg family in denouncing this year's honorees ... saying she had the honor of rubbing elbows with RBG herself on multiple occasions, and she seriously doubts the late justice would give a nod to these particular awardees.

For those who don't know, the Org rolled out the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award back in 2019, originally aimed at honoring accomplished women. But, in a move toward gender equality, they switched gears in 2020 and started including men in the mix.

The pendulum swung pretty far the other way this year with 4 out of the 5 honorees being men -- billionaire philanthropist Michael Milken, actor Sylvester Stallone and Martha Stewart were to be honored along with Murdoch and Musk.

Barbra's denouncement came hot on the heels of RBG's daughter Jane speaking out, saying ... "The justice's family wish to make clear that they do not support using their mother's name to celebrate this year's slate of awardees and that the justice's family has no affiliation with and does not endorse these awards."

The backlash hit its peak when the foundation Chair, Julie Opperman, finally stepped up and announced the April ceremony was canceled... adding that offending RBG's family and friends was the last thing they wanted to do.

Opperman also mentioned the foundation will take a step back to reconsider its mission and figure out how it wants to move forward in the future.

Ariana Grande Oficialmente divorciada de Dalton Gomez

Ariana Grande y Dalton Gomez están oficialmente divorciados, pues un juez acaba de poner su firma sobre el documento, según ha confirmado TMZ.

El martes, el matrimonio de la estrella del pop con Dalton llegó a su fin en los registros, aunque el acuerdo entre ellos había entrado previamente en vigor y los había desvinculado legalmente, poniendo fin a su matrimonio de casi tres años, de acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

No era mucho lo que tenían que hacer desde que habían firmado, sellado y entregado los documentos, solo esperar que la burocracia hiciera su trabajo.

Como informamos, Ariana presentó la solicitud para disolver su matrimonio en septiembre de 2023, después de que la ex pareja se separara ocho meses antes. Alrededor de un mes más tarde, ella y Dalton habían resuelto uno de los divorcios más rápidos de celebridades en el último tiempo. La pareja tenía un acuerdo prenupcial y no tenía hijos.

Fuimos los primeros en contarles la noticia de su acuerdo. Ariana tuvo que desembolsar la suma de $1,250,000 a Dalton y dividir la venta de su casa de Los Ángeles. Ella también le entregará $25.000 por los honorarios de sus abogados.

Se pueden acordar que Ariana se enganchó con Dalton durante la pandemia del COVID en 2020, y al principio todo iba de maravilla. Pero una vez que se levantaron las restricciones, su relación rápidamente se fue cuesta abajo, ya que Dalton, un agente inmobiliario de Los Ángeles, quedó sorprendido con la fama de Ariana y otros cambios en su estilo de vida. Además, ella volvió a estar ocupada como estrella de la lista A.

Después de separarse, Ariana empezó a salir con el actor Ethan Slater en julio de 2023 y parece que siguen viento en popa. El propio Dalton también ha dado vuelta la página... así que ya está.

Ariana Grande Officially Divorced From Dalton Gomez

Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez are officially divorced ... something a judge just signed off on this week, TMZ has confirmed.

On Tuesday, the pop star's marriage to Dalton came to an end in the books -- with their previously agreed-to settlement taking effect ... and making them unattached legally, ending their nearly three-year marriage, according to legal docs obtained by TMZ.

There wasn't much they needed to do other than wait for this one -- it'd already been signed, sealed and delivered for a while ... the wheels of bureaucracy just had to take effect.

As we reported ... Ariana filed to dissolve their marriage in September 2023 after the former couple separated eight months earlier. About a month later, she and Dalton had settled up -- one of the fastest celebrity divorces on record. The pair had a prenup and no kids.

We broke the story -- per their agreement of their settlement, Ariana had to cough up a single lump sum payment of $1,250,000 to Dalton and split the sale of their L.A. home. She will also throw Dalton $25,000 for his lawyers’ fees.

You may recall ... Ariana hooked up with Dalton during COVID in 2020 – and, at first, everything was going swimmingly. But, once the COVID restrictions were lifted, their relationship quickly went downhill as Dalton, an L.A. realtor, was taken aback by Ariana's celebrity and other lifestyle changes. Plus, she got busy again as an A-list star.

After they separated, Ariana started dating actor Ethan Slater in July 2023 and the couple appears to be still going strong. Dalton himself has also moved on ... so that's that.

Daisy de la Hoya Getting Treatment After Mental Health Episode ... Denies Stalking Claims!!!

Daisy de la Hoya is breaking her silence after "90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks accused her of stalking ... denying that she even cares about the couple.

Daisy tells TMZ ... the allegations made by Mariah and Tom are inaccurate -- as she claims that none of what they stated in their police report happened, at least not the way they described it anyway.


DDLH says she's unfamiliar with Mariah and Tom ... and so she definitely didn't declare her love for Tom, as they claimed.

However, she does say she did believe -- amid a mental health episode, as she describes it -- that they worked for her celebrity crush, Tom Cruise. She states that she didn't even know Tom shared the same first name as the A-lister. So, when Daisy was declaring her love for "Tom," it was about the action star ... not the reality TV personality.

We broke the story ... Mariah and Tom hit Daisy with stalking allegations in a recent police report -- in which they stated the fellow reality star had been harassing them since January.

Now, Daisy does admit she climbed into Tom and Mariah's car -- explaining that incident occurred during her episode ... which she is now getting help for at a treatment center.  While Daisy says she feels badly ... she's hurt that her mental health struggles were filmed.

Oh, and for fans wondering what has become of her dog while she's in treatment ... she tells us that the pup is currently staying with a friend.


Donald Trump's legal saga is hitting another hurdle ... this time the ex-Prez says he's having a hard time securing help to pay a massive multi-million-dollar bond in his NY civil case.

DT needs to post a $464 million bond to satisfy the judgment against him -- he needs to do it soon ... by the end of the month, in fact. However, his attorneys say he's struggling to come up with the cash.

In a legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Trump's lawyers signaled Monday that they're hitting a roadblock in their efforts to find an insurance company willing to secure the substantial financial penalty ... describing the task as a "practical impossibility."

Trump's team explains they've unsuccessfully approached 30 underwriters to back the bond ... writing, "The amount of the judgment, with interest, exceeds $464 million, and very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude."

The filing says their efforts include "countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world" ... which they insist shows how obtaining an appeal bond in the full amount isn't feasible.

Trump's lawyers add that potential underwriters typically look for the bond to be backed by cash or cash equivalents ... which makes it practically impossible to use real estate assets to back the bond. His team says Trump would need cash reserves nearing $1 billion for an insurance company to come aboard -- and it sounds like they're saying DT ain't got it.

As a result, Trump's lawyers have petitioned the appeals court to stay the imposition of the massive monetary judgment without requiring the posting of the bond during the appeal ... which would essentially block New York Attorney General Letitia James from trying to enforce collection while the appeal is underway. A decision on his filing has yet to be made.

You'll recall ... Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron's ruling ordered Trump and his co-defendants to pay a substantial $464 million in damages after finding him liable for conspiring to manipulate his net worth. Trump was ordered to pay $454M of that total.


Los fans de Shakira han estado esperando casi una década para un nuevo álbum, y su ex -Gerard Piqué- puede tener la culpa, al menos según la propia Shakira.

La cantante y compositora apareció en el Sunday Times para dar una entrevista que se publicó el sábado, donde reveló que pausó su carrera para apoyar a Gerard en sus días como jugador en Barcelona.

Shakira explicó que hizo un montón de sacrificios en nombre del amor -cosa que sabemos que no duró- decidiendo cuidar de los niños en lugar de centrarse en su música.

Por supuesto, Gerard y Shakira rompieron durante el verano de 2022, con rumores de infidelidad arremolinándose cuando la pareja tomó caminos separados.

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El camino de Shakira la ha llevado fuera de España y hasta Miami, donde se ha hecho amiga de David Beckham, a quien dijo que conocía antes de empezar a salir con Gerard, cuando David jugaba para el rival del Barcelona, el Real Madrid.

La estrella colombiana dijo que está en contacto constante con Victoria Beckham, y espera llevar a su hijo Milan a un partido de fútbol en Miami, dejando al querido papá totalmente fuera de la ecuación.

Shakira se mantuvo por encima de todo conflicto con Piqué durante la entrevista, aunque admitió que parecía justicia divina que uno de sus viejos rivales de fútbol, Sergio Ramos, la presentara para el Grammy Latino.

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shakira en la corte

Shakira también habló de su caso de fraude fiscal, aunque no dijo nada acerca de su falta de material musical. Después de todo es cantante y lo único que ha lanzado los últimos años es "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran", clara referencia a su terminada relación.

En cualquier caso, parece que Shakira finalmente se ha centrado en sí misma de nuevo y Gerard mejor que esté atento a los fans que podrían haber querido un álbum un poco antes.

Shakira Gerard's Career Came First ... Sacrificed For Love

Shakira fans have been waiting almost a decade for a new album ... and her ex Gerard Piqué may be to blame -- at least, according to Shakira herself that is.

The singer-songwriter sat down with the Sunday Times for an interview published Saturday ... where she revealed she actually put her career on pause to support Gerard turning his playing days in Barcelona.

Shakira explained she made a lot of sacrifices in the name of love -- one we know didn't last -- deciding to take care of the kids rather than focusing on her music.

Of course, Gerard and Shakira broke up during the summer of 2022, with rumors of infidelity swirling as the pair went their separate ways.

X / @HelianHdz

Shakira's path has taken her out of Spain and down to Miami where she's made fast friends with David Beckham -- who she said she knew back before she started dating Gerard, when DB played for Barcelona's rival, Real Madrid.

The Colombian star said she's in constant contact with Victoria Beckham ... and she's hoping to take her son Milan to a soccer match down in Miami -- leaving dear old dad totally out of the equation.

Shakira stayed above the whole Piqué fray during the interview BTW -- though she did admit it seemed like cosmic justice that one of his old soccer rivals Sergio Ramos presented her with a Latin Grammy.

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She also skipped over talking about her tax fraud case -- instead choosing to focus on her first studio album in seven years, "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran" which translates to "Women No Longer Cry" ... bit of a wink and a nudge to a certain ex?

In any case, seems Shakira's finally focused on herself again ... and Gerard better be on the lookout for bitter fans who might've wanted an album a bit sooner.

'90 Day Fiancé' Stars Claim 'Rock of Love's Daisy de la Hoya is Stalking Them

"90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks are accusing 'Rock of Love' alum Daisy de la Hoya of stalking them in their Las Vegas neighborhood … according to cops.

In a police report ... obtained by TMZ ... Mariah and Tom allege the first instance of harassment occurred in January. The couple told cops Daisy chased Tom in their neighborhood, got in his space, sniffed him, and declared her love for the TV personality.

Tom claims she would call out his name in the weeks following ... often inviting him inside for dinner. He says he was told by maintenance Daisy learned his name through his appearance on "90 Day Fiancé."

Tom alleges Daisy continued to appear wherever he was in the apartment complex for the next few weeks.


The report says Daisy also followed Mariah and Tom while they were out for a walk and repeatedly asked Tom if she could call him a Lyft or Uber -- an offer he declined.

Things allegedly escalated a few days later ... Tom claims Daisy chased Mariah and him out of their building as they made their way to their car and then got into Tom and Mariah's ride -- as the pair said they had unlocked their car in an attempt to escape the situation quickly.


Tom told officers Daisy rushed by the duo, jumped into the backseat and refused to leave for 20 minutes until officers were called to the scene. No arrests were made.

The couple says they eventually asked management to move them to a different building.

There may even be footage of the whole thing. Tom claims he has multiple videos of his exchanges with Daisy.


Actor and comedian King Bach is the latest celeb to fall victim in a rash of home burglaries in L.A., and this time the crooks scored quite the haul ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us a burglary crew hit up KB's home in January ... and took off with $200K worth of cash and jewelry!

Cops launched an investigation, and ended up busting a burglary crew they believe is responsible for a series of other burglaries around town. Multiple people were charged with felonies, but unfortunately, Bach hasn't gotten back his jewelry.

We're told that police don't believe the actor was the prime target during the crime spree. Detectives are continuing their investigation to see if more hits are linked to this crew.

Luckily, cops say KB -- whose real name is Andrew Byron Bachelor -- wasn't at home at the time of the burglary, otherwise, that could've been a whole different ball game.

These Hollywood heists don't seem to be slowing down ... as we've previously reported, IG model Abigail Ratchford and OnlyFans model Corinna Kopf were also hit by bandits.

Alec Baldwin Reportedly Offered 'Rust' Plea Deal ... Lenient & Equal to Halls

Alec Baldwin could've walked away from the "Rust" shooting with no more than a slap on the wrist ... at least, if a new report is to be believed.

According to Variety, new court documents released Friday claim Baldwin was offered a lenient plea deal. However, according to them, the deal was taken off the table before AB could make up his mind.

The actor was reportedly offered a plea deal that was "identical to the petty misdemeanor deal accepted by Dave Halls."

Halls -- who served as first assistant director at the time of the shooting that resulted in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins -- received six months of unsupervised probation, a $500, 24 hours of community service and a mandatory firearm safety class.

Variety reports Baldwin was offered this deal October 5 and given until October 27 to decide ... but prosecutors allegedly took the deal away on October 17 and informed Baldwin's team they were going forward with a grand jury. Unclear what changed in that short window.


As we reported ... Baldwin and his attorney Alex Spiro filed to get the case dismissed Thursday claiming Santa Fe County D.A.'s office rigged the grand jury against Alec, pointing to biased witnesses and their alleged omission of relevant evidence that undermined the case against Baldwin.

His filing claims the D.A. didn't present the entirety of the testing the FBI did on his firearm ... which he claims would prove it could've been fired without him pulling the trigger.

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Court TV

Baldwin's case is set to go to trial in July, and he could serve up to 18 months in prison if found guilty. He's signaled he's going to fight the charges -- and, obviously is doing what he can to get them thrown out before he has to show up in court and defend himself.

Kanye West $1M of YEEZY GAP Clothing Allegedly Stolen ... Working to Get It Back

Kanye West's team claims more than $1 million worth of clothing has been stolen from his L.A. warehouse ... and now there's a dispute about whether or not he'll ever get it back.

Ye's chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, tells TMZ ... people in the rapper's camp noticed a massive amount of Yeezy GAP clothes in Ye's warehouse went missing a couple days ago -- approximately 60,000 pieces of clothing worth roughly $1.2 mil.

Yiannopoulos said the team had no clue where the clothes went, but then they noticed a Kanye fan account advertising an event Friday in L.A. ... where buyers could purchase a bunch of Yeezy GAP apparel at $20 a pop.

Law enforcement sources tell us they got a call about the alleged stolen property, and sent officers and detectives to the Yeezy sale.

We're told the people in charge of the event told cops they had receipts for the clothing, but cops say they couldn't show ALL the clothing was backed up by receipts.

Nevertheless, we're told cops were unable to seize the merch given the conflicting stories, and because Ye had not filed a police report.

Regardless, Milo insists all of the clothing is, in fact, stolen ... claiming Ye's team has no record of the sale, and would never let someone purchase clothing in bulk. Moving forward, Milo says Ye's camp will do whatever is necessary to retrieve the clothing, including filing a police report ... and they've now fired off a cease and desist letter to the organizer of Friday's sale.

In the document, Ye's team accuses them of forging records to make police believe they legally obtained the Yeezy goods.

What's more ... Milo believes his team has identified one of the thieves involved, and says they'll cooperate with cops to hand over any leads.

Drake Bell Blasts 'Boy Meets World' Guys ... Over Brian Peck Defense

Drake Bell is putting Will Friedle and Rider Strong on blast for their prior defense of sex offender Brian Peck ... slamming them for what he claims is a lack of an apology.

The former Nickelodeon star -- who recently came forward with sexual abuse allegations against his ex-dialogue coach -- called out the "Boy Meets World" alums on Instagram Thursday as fans began suggesting Will and Rider were victims too in all this.

While some defended that Will and Rider were manipulated by Brian into defending him --remember, they'd each written letters on Peck's behalf in his criminal case from 2004 -- Drake wasn't ready to let them off the hook.

As Drake put it ... Will and Rider weren't minors at the time of the case. Apparently, the two TV stars were 27 and 24 when this all happened ... and DB claims Brian even told them what he had done when he was enlisting their help.

Drake also alleged Will never said a word about the letter he wrote for Brian when they worked together on the Disney XD show, "Ultimate Spider-Man," years later.

Drake alleged that Will and Rider's recent comments about the situation on their podcast were just their way of trying to get ahead of the story. He added ... "Everyone thought the letters would be sealed forever and no one would ever see them."

Will and Rider paint a different picture, of course ... previously claiming on a February episode of "Pod Meets World" that they regretted their involvement in the case. They claimed that they didn't know the full extent of the allegations made against Brian -- which included performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

Brian was eventually sentenced to 16 months in prison and ordered to register as a sex offender.

Defense Attorney Mike Cavalluzzi Crumbley Verdicts Might Be Good ... More Watchful Parents


Ethan Crumbley's parents have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the crime committed by their son ... an outcome at least one criminal defense attorney sees as both a troubling sign and a great lesson for parents.

We spoke with attorney Mike Cavalluzzi -- a Los Angeles-based lawyer -- about the verdicts on "TMZ Live" Friday, and, while he said he's concerned about the expanding criminal liability ... he's also seeing it as a wake-up call for parents.

As Mike explains it, school shootings in the United States have become far too commonplace, and he says he views verdicts like this as a way to stop people from buying weapons these shooters end up using to harm others.

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Mike also called the potential changes parents will make from Thursday's verdict opportunities rather than consequences -- as in, giving people the opportunity to make good parenting decisions.

Basically, MC says the verdicts will likely keep parents on high alert ... and, hopefully, that will help parents see the warning signs before it's too late.

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As you know ... Ethan Crumbley -- who killed four students during a 2021 shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan -- received life without the possibility of parole back in December, but his parents were also charged in connection with the crime.

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FOX 2 Detroit

Ethan's parents -- James and Jennifer Cumbley -- were both found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for being criminally negligent in the lead-up to their son's shooting ... with prosecutors even claiming James bought Ethan the gun he used days prior.

Jennifer was found guilty in early February while James got his guilty verdict Thursday ... but both are scheduled to be sentenced April 9.

Bottom line ... these verdicts may make some parents a bit nervous -- and Mike Cavalluzzi thinks that's probably for the best.