Matt Rife Nima Withdraws Oral Sex Story ... It Was Always Satirical!!!


The self-described comedian who accused Matt Rife of performing oral sex to get ahead in Hollywood is walking back his salacious claim -- Nima Yamini says he was just joking.

In a video posted Friday, Nima says he was just doing a parody bit when he alleged Matt performed fellatio on a couple of Hollywood execs who promised fame in exchange.


TMZ broke the story ... Matt's considering legal action over the claim, and, interestingly, Nima didn't clarify the whole casting couch tale until after we posted about Matt's intentions.

However, Nima says that's not why he's walking it back ... instead, he says he's pissed at a conspiracy-pushing social media account that reposted his original video -- without his permission -- and made it seem like a serious allegation.

He insists that was never his intention.

Nima says the whole thing was meant as satire, and he doesn't know Matt personally and has never met him -- let alone ever being in the same room as him with Hollywood honchos.

What's more, Nima says the "joke" should not discredit Matt or how hard he's worked to become a famous comedian.

With Nima doing some serious backpedaling here, it will be interesting to see if Matt follows through with his legal threats.

Stay tuned ...

John Mulaney Not Mentioned in Ex-Wife's Book ... Despite Fan Speculation

John Mulaney's ex-wife is dropping a new memoir in the near future -- and while some think she's gonna torch John over their uncoupling ... those folks are s*** outta luck.

Here's the deal ... Anna Marie Tendler -- who was married to the comedian for 7 years before things fell apart and they divorced in 2021 -- announced this week that she's got a book coming out later this summer, and it's called 'Men Have Called Her Crazy.'

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The title in and of itself seems to suggest she'll go to town on some dudes in her life -- and her caption seemed to further fuel that notion. She wrote, "I have been writing this book for two years. More accurately though I have been writing it for close to four decades."

AMT adds, "I have never been more proud of any work. It is a story about mental health; about being a woman; about family. And finally, about the endless source of my heartbreak and rage -- men."

Of course, people in her comments think she's bull-horning her intentions ... namely, taking John to task over what some characterize as a messy divorce, which Anna has said left her heartbroken. John started dating Olivia Munn shortly thereafter, and had a kid with her too.

John caught some flak over all this at the time -- and now, Anna seems primed to speak about it all. Here's the thing though ... we know for a fact she absolutely won't.

Sources with direct knowledge -- who've already read Anna's memoir -- tell TMZ that John is never mentioned in her forthcoming offering ... either directly or indirectly.

Not only are we told that he isn't named in the book, but there's no alluding to him or their marriage -- in other words, John makes no cameos in this whatsoever ... literally nothing.

In terms of what is in the book ... our sources tell us Anna mostly focuses on her mental health journey -- and she does, in fact, touch on men in her life, both explicitly and implicitly -- but we've been assured ... none of those fellas are John.

That might come as a bit of a shock to some ... and perhaps a letdown for others. We're sure Anna's book is good reading regardless -- but if you're looking for tea in this, you won't find it in her memoir.

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Anna's memoir is due out in August ... so you can read all about it then, FWIW.

MATT RIFE Exploring Legal Action ... After Fellatio Allegation

Matt Rife seems ready to take a "comedian" to court who accused him of performing a sex act to gain success -- as Matt feels his rep's been harmed ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Matt and his team have been reaching out to various litigators to see what his best option might be to deal with the salacious claim made by entrepreneur Nima Yamini this week -- including potentially filing a lawsuit against him.


ICYMI ... Nima -- a self-described comedian -- alleged he and Matt were once both brought into a room with two Hollywood execs and promised fame and fortune if they'd perform fellatio on them ... which Nima said he refused, but alleged Matt stayed behind and did the deed.

Matt's name started to trend as a result of this allegation -- and now, we're hearing he feels he's been defamed ... and appears inclined on taking some form of legal action here.

We're told Matt's sick of people using his name to gain clout -- which is obviously how he feels about Nima here, who appears to have no serious track record in comedy -- and our sources say Matt wants to stand up for himself ... especially against something as outlandish as this. BTW, this isn't the first time someone's name-dropped him to spark controversy.

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Remember, TikToker Bunny Hedaya had her 6-year-old son blast Rife, saying he was "mean to girls" in response to his standup special ... and Rife clapped back with, "your mom buys you presents with the money she makes on OnlyFans."

He caught some flak for that ... and in the end, dropped the back and forth. Here, though, our sources say he wants to regain control of the narrative -- because this claim of Nima's is categorically false ... and he doesn't wanna let this guy get away with floating it unchecked.

Nima, FWIW, did not name the two supposed execs that were allegedly in the mix of the scenario he describes -- which is why a lot of people have been calling BS on his story.

Matt thinks it's horse crap too ... but in this case, he doesn't seem inclined to let it slide.

Alec Baldwin May Call Celeb Witnesses ... For Defense at 'Rust' Trial

Alec Baldwin may look to enlist the help of other celebs when his manslaughter trial over Halyna Hutchins' death gears up this summer -- but there's a catch ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with knowledge of the case tell TMZ ... the actor's team is considering putting together a list of famous people to potentially testify on Alec's behalf during his trial in July -- but we're told these stars would be people who've already spoken out in Alec's defense.

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Specifically, we're told Alec and his team would possibly be eyeing public figures who've weighed into the issue of whether an actor can be held responsible for weapons on set.

Worth noting ... our sources say this potential witness list hasn't come to fruition just yet -- remember, the trial is still months away -- and we're told nothing is set in stone either.

Still ... if this comes to pass, it'd be major news -- especially with the potential names.

So far ... Alec has received public support from a number of stars, all of whom have taken a firm stance -- namely, that it's crazy to go after Alec for something he wasn't tasked with checking in an acting capacity. Some of those names include Debra Messing, Mickey Rourke, DJ Qualls, Frances Fisher (who also starred in "Rust") and others.

Interesting to note ... some of these actors have already committed to being available in court if Alec should come to call on them -- including Mickey ... who tells us he's game to testify.

Mickey tells TMZ ... "Whatever Alec needs I’ll be there 100%. The armorer is 100% responsible for any gun handed to an actor. Especially, to an actor who didn't have experience with guns."

Rourke adds ... nobody from Alec's legal team has reached out to him yet.

As we reported ... Alec pled not guilty to an involuntary manslaughter charge in January ... over two years after he held the prop gun that went off and killed Halyna during a "Rust" rehearsal. Director Joel Souza was also injured at the time.


The armorer on set, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was just convicted of involuntary manslaughter herself -- and while some feel that doesn't bode well for AB ... others disagree, arguing it only cements that the person responsible for weapons on set was found criminally liable.

We reached out to Alec's attorney, Alex Spiro, for comment -- but no word back yet.

Drake Bell Alleged Abuser Seen for First Time Since Documentary Claims

Drake Bell's alleged abuser, Brian Peck, was seen for the first time in public since an explosive documentary trailer suggested he'll be accused of molesting the ex-child star.

Brian -- who worked as Drake's dialogue coach on "Drake & Josh" in the early '00s, and who's worked on countless children's shows through the years -- surfaced this week in L.A. as he tried covering up from the rain, using a blue puffer jacket while exiting a vehicle.

The showbiz veteran kept the jacket over his head as he made his way inside his home. Looks like he wanted to make it inside pretty quickly -- as he carried his keys in his mouth and darted into the house.

This would mark the first sighting of the guy since Drake revealed he'll tell his story on the ID doc 'Quiet on Set' ... in which he's expected to claim he was a victim in Peck's criminal case from 2004, when he was convicted of performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

Unclear if Drake will allege both of these counts pertained to him ... or if someone else was in the mix. In any case -- this will be the first time Drake has spoken about this publicly.

Brian was sentenced to 16 months in prison and had to register as a sex offender. He's continued to work in Hollywood since that whole ordeal ... with a crap ton of credits under his name post-2004, including recognizable shows and movies.

Drake isn't the only former child star to speak out against Brian ... "Boy Meets World" alum Maitland Ward even told TMZ in February that she was always suspicious of him when he worked on her show, which also starred Rider Strong and Will Friedle.

Rider and Will acknowledged their relationship with Brian was odd -- sharing that they previously came to his defense because they believed his story about falling victim to "jail bait." Worth noting, they never alleged he'd done anything inappropriate with them.

It'll be interesting to see who else speaks, and what else might be said about Brian. He hasn't addressed all the buzz himself ... we've tried reaching out to him without any luck.

Andy Cohen Enfurecido con McSweeney por acusarlo de consumir cocacína O te retractas o....

Andy Cohen está contraatacando a las afirmaciones que hizo Leah McSweeney, pero hay una acusación en particular que tiene al ejecutivo de TV y a sus abogados enfurecidos, tanto que están amenazando con una demanda.

El mandamás de Bravo, que fue demandado por McSweeney junto con la red la semana pasada, envió una carta a Leah a través de sus abogados, donde deja claro que creen que su acusación sobre el consumo de cocaína contra Andy es falsa y difamatoria.

Sus abogados van sin rodeos y dicen que prácticamente todo lo que dijo sobre Cohen en la demanda es infundado y falso, pero sobre la afirmación de cocaína dicen: "[E]xigimos que se retracte inmediatamente y retire todas las acusaciones relacionadas con el supuesto 'consumo de cocaína' del señor Cohen". Si no lo hace, dicen que la llevarán a juicio.

El equipo legal de Andy continúa: "Para ser claros: estas acusaciones son categóricamente falsas. El Sr. Cohen nunca consumió cocaína con ningún miembro del elenco de ningún programa de Real Housewives ni con ningún otro empleado de Bravo. La ausencia de cualquier base razonable para hacer tales alegaciones es confirmada por el propio alegato".

Señalan que no hay detalles incluidos respecto a este alegato, lo que sugeriría que no sabe nada concreto porque simplemente no es cierto. Sus abogados creen que esta imprudente demanda de Leah contra Andy solo busca obtener titulares y potencialmente dinero.

Los abogados de Andy terminan diciendo: "La verdad importa. Los litigios no pueden ser utilizados para crear noticias falsas. Y no puede ser utilizado como un vehículo para difundir mentiras falsas y maliciosas, en apoyo de un chantaje. Exigimos que emita una retractación pública inmediata y pida disculpas al Sr. Cohen. Cada día sin hacerlo no hace sino aumentar los daños sufridos por el Sr. Cohen".

En cuanto a cómo Leah está reaccionando a esta carta, una fuente cercana a ella le dice a TMZ que está atónita de que él quiera seguir llamando la atención sobre esto en la prensa, en lugar de simplemente dejar que se desarrolle en los tribunales.

Una fuente cercana a Cohen le dice a TMZ: "Por supuesto, Andy debe defenderse en público con la verdad. ¿Por qué se le debería permitir arrojar mentiras sobre su carácter?".

Andy Cohen Torches McSweeney's Coke Claim ... Take It Back Or Else!!!

Andy Cohen is firing back at Leah McSweeney's claims about him -- but one specific allegation has got him and his lawyers fired up ... and they're threatening a lawsuit.

The Bravo honcho -- who was, along with the network, sued by McSweeney in an explosive lawsuit last week -- fired off a letter to Leah through his attorneys ... and they make it crystal clear that they believe her allegation of cocaine use against Andy is false and defamatory.

His lawyers don't mince words, saying virtually everything she said about Cohen in the lawsuit is baseless and false, but on the cocaine claim specifically they write ... "[W]e demand that you immediately retract and withdraw all allegations relating to Mr. Cohen’s purported 'cocaine use.'" If she doesn't, they say they're taking her to court.

Andy's legal team continues ... "To be clear: these allegations are categorically false. Mr. Cohen never used cocaine with any cast member on any Real Housewives show or with any other Bravo employee. The absence of any reasonable basis to make such allegations is confirmed by your pleading itself."

They point out there are no details included in her allegation here, which they think points to her not knowing anything concrete ... because it's simply not true. Her attorneys say they believe Leah levied this salacious claim against Andy recklessly just to get headlines and potentially a quick payday.

Andy's lawyers end by saying ... "The truth matters. Litigation cannot be used to create fake news. And it cannot be used as a vehicle to spread false and malicious lies, in furtherance of a shakedown. We demand that you issue an immediate public retraction and apologize to Mr. Cohen. Every day you fail to do so only increases the damages suffered by Mr. Cohen."

McSweeney’s attorney, Sarah M. Matz tells TMZ ... "That Andy Cohen had his counsel and PR agents write a threatening letter to give to the press is hardly surprising.  Mr. Cohen is accustomed to using his power in the media to scare and intimidate people like Ms. McSweeney so that they will not speak out. Mr. Cohen’s attempt to discredit and intimidate Ms. McSweeney to deter her from engaging in legally protected activity in Court is exactly the type of retaliation that this lawsuit was brought to address and only is further evidence for Ms. McSweeney. We do not intend to litigate this matter in the press, and if Mr. Cohen wants to address Ms. McSweeney’s claims, we suggest he do so in Court, not in a letter for the press."

A source close to Leah tells TMZ that she's flabbergasted that he wants to keep bringing attention to this in the press, rather than just letting it play out in court.

A source close to Cohen tells TMZ … “Of course, Andy should defend himself in the public with the truth. Why should she be allowed to spew lies about his character?”

Armadora de "Rust" Se libera su foto policial tras la condena... Vistiendo el uniforme

Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed ya está tras las rejas a la espera de su sentencia luego de ser condenada por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins producto de un disparo y su foto ya fue liberada.

La ex armera, que estaba trabajando en el set de "Rust" cuando ocurrió la tragedia en 2021, fue ingresada en el Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility el miércoles e hizo lo que cada preso tiene que hacer cuando es procesado: tomarse una foto para el registro.

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Escuchando el veredicto
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Como se puede ver, Hannah no mostró ninguna sonrisa sosteniendo su pizarra. Es interesante, su foto se ve algo anticuada, hasta la clasificación de color.

Como informamos, Hannah fue puesta en custodia inmediatamente después de que se leyera su veredicto en la corte, donde un jurado emitió una sentencia dividida por dos cargos. Fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario y no culpable de manipulación de pruebas.

Hannah se mantuvo estoica durante todo el proceso, pero su familia la apoyó con emoción.

El caso duró alrededor de 2 semanas y los fiscales interrogaron a múltiples testigos que subieron al estrado y declararon en contra de Hannah, incluyendo los productores que dijeron, bajo juramento, que nunca le pidieron tiempo adicional al armero en el set (como ella había afirmado) y que descartó el sistema de registro para asegurarse de que las armas estaban siendo atendidas adecuadamente durante la filmación.

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Declinó usar el sistema de registro
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El abogado de Hannah argumentó que la producción en sí ya era un ambiente inseguro por su reducido presupuesto y que ella estaba abrumada con sus deberes, aunque el jurado no le creyó.

La familia de Halyna emitió un comunicado tras el veredicto y dicen que están contentos con el resultado, aunque también presagiaron que se podría venir más justicia cuando comience el juicio de Alec Baldwin.

El actor también se ha declarado inocente de los cargos de homicidio involuntario.

'Rust' Armorer Mug Shot Released Post-Conviction ... Already Wearing Jumpsuit

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is already behind bars as she awaits sentencing after being convicted in the shooting death of Halyna Hutchins -- and her mug shot's already out.

The former armorer -- who was working on the set of "Rust" when the tragedy occurred in 2021 -- was booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility Wednesday and did what every inmate has to do when they're processed ... take a photo for the record.

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As you can see, Gutierrez-Reed didn't flash any smiles ... and her info is right there on the slate she's holding up. It's interesting, her mug is kinda old-timey, right down to the color grading.

As we reported, Hannah was remanded to custody immediately after the verdict was read aloud in court, where a jury returned a split verdict on two charges she was facing. She was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and not guilty of evidence tampering.

Hannah remained stoic throughout the proceeding, but her family was emotional behind her.

The trial lasted about 2 weeks, and prosecutors trotted out multiple witnesses who took the stand and testified against Hannah -- including producers who said, under oath, that she never requested additional armorer time on set (as she'd claimed), and she brushed off a logging system to make sure the weapons were being attended to properly during filming.

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Hannah's attorney argued the production itself was already an unsafe environment because of its shoestring budget, and she was overwhelmed with her duties ... but the jury didn't buy it.


Halyna's family released a statement in the aftermath, and they're happy with the result ... while also foreshadowing more justice might be coming when Alec Baldwin's trial begins.

He's pled not guilty to manslaughter charges as well.

'Rust' Armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed Guilty of Manslaughter In Death of Halyna Hutchins

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7:34 PM PT -- Halyna Hutchins' parents and sister just reacted to the news of Hannah's conviction. Their attorneys, Gloria Allred and John Carpenter, say ... "Halyna’s parents and her sister have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna’s death to be held accountable.Today was the first trial and conviction in the criminal justice process."

They add, "We are satisfied that the jury, based on the evidence, found Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty beyond a reasonable doubt for her part in the taking of Halyna’s life.We look forward to the justice system continuing to make sure that everyone else who is responsible for Halyna's death is required to face the legal consequences for their actions."

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- the armorer on "Rust" who was charged in connection to the death of Halyna Hutchins -- just lost her criminal trial ... 'cause a jury says she's guilty of a crime.

A verdict was just read in court Wednesday out in New Mexico, where Gutierrez-Reed has been on trial since the end of last month ... with prosecutors going after her on two different charges -- namely, involuntary manslaughter and evidence tampering.

She was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, but not guilty of the alleged tampering.

A slew of witnesses were trotted out by the prosecution ... including the first assistant director, a producer on the film, and a line producer as well -- all of whom testified against HGR.

The prosecution's case basically amounted to Hannah being careless on the set -- to the point that it amounted to negligence, they claimed -- and it sounds like the jurors agreed after about a 2 week-long trial.

Hannah was remanded to custody ... meaning she was taken to jail right there in the courthouse -- this despite the fact that her attorneys asked she remain free until sentencing. The judge denied that ... noting a death had occurred, and that she'd been found guilty.

Hannah's family was sitting behind her during all this, and once the decision was reached that she'd be going behind bars immediately ... her loved ones started to break down.

Hannah herself remained stoic throughout the proceeding, and she didn't put up a fight as deputies led her away. A sentencing date will be set later down the line. She was facing up to 3 years in prison if convicted on both counts ... now, it'll be a fraction of that -- just up to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine. Unclear how much time she'll end up serving.

As we reported ... some key people testified against Hannah -- with Ryan Winterstern (a producer) going under oath to refute Hannah's claim that she'd asked for more armorer time while they were shooting the flick, specifically as it related to Alec Baldwin's cross draw.

Another producer, Gabrielle Pickle, testified that Hannah had ignored her complaints about weapons being left unattended on the set ... and that she allegedly shot down a logging system to see who was handling the guns and when. That was just some of the evidence.

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Hannah's defense ended up basically boiling down to her being overworked by the production ... with her attorneys insisting Halyna being shot and killed wasn't on her whatsoever.


Clearly, a jury disagreed on that front ... but they didn't see enough evidence to convince them that Hannah had tampered with anything. No word on whether she'll appeal.

Of course, Alec himself still has a looming trial that'll kick off later this summer. He's facing manslaughter charges as well ... which he's pled not guilty to.

Originally Published -- 3:29 PM PT

India Restaurant Guests Vomit Blood In Gnarly Video ... Mistakenly Served Dry Ice

Instagrm/ @nehu_sabharwal

A group of people in India went to dinner and ended up in the hospital -- bleeding from their mouths and barfing after being served dry ice ... and being told it was mouth freshener.

This wild scene was captured on video over the weekend out in the city of Gurugram, and it shows five diners at Laforestta Cafe -- where they were collectively puking and spitting out blood all at the same time ... right in the middle of the restaurant, no less.

Local reports say a waiter came by with what the guests were told was a sugar and ice palate cleanser ... but as it turns out, it was actually dry ice -- which led to instant burning.

The effects seemed to kick in right away ... after they put the dry ice in their mouths, they reportedly started bleeding and vomiting in agonizing pain, rinsing their mouths out with water and spitting all over the floor. One guy was throwing up all of his dinner onto the floor.

The cameraman who documented all this didn't end up taking any of the dry ice himself -- he was spared, but only because he was carrying one of their kids ... so he lucked out. Unfortunately, the rest of the adults in his party did take it ... and they suffered badly.

The group was ultimately rushed to a hospital, where they spent 2 days recovering. It was a costly mistake for the restaurant -- the manager was arrested and cops are still searching for the owner, who is said to be on the run. Police are alleging this was an outright poisoning.

Dry ice ingestion has the potential to be fatal ... but fortunately, these folks are reportedly in stable condition. Unclear what exactly led to the mix-up -- but the manager is being quoted as saying the staff somehow got ice into the mix by mistake, and that it was an accident.

Paula Abdul Fires Back at Nigel ... I Got Receipts of Sexual Harassment

It's an all-out war between Paula Abdul and former "American Idol" executive producer Nigel Lythgoe ... and now she's producing alleged texts from him, which she says show some of the ways he sexually harassed her.

Paula's attorney, Melissa Eubanks, tells TMZ ... Nigel is victim-shaming Paula and is cherry-picking from years of communications between them as he tries to discredit the allegations she brought against him in her sexual assault lawsuit in December.

As we first told you, Nigel's legal response to Paula's suit included alleged emails she sent him ... with Nigel claiming the emails gave off a friendly and loving vibe between them ... after the time Paula alleged he sexually assaulted her

Now, Paula's firing back ... as her attorney says Nigel's response fails to appreciate the power dynamic in their relationship, where Lythgoe was a powerful exec/her boss and Paula worked under him as a judge on the reality competition shows he executive produced.

Abdul's attorney says ... "He held the cards to her career in his hand and he knew it." The lawyer also goes on to call Nigel's tactic classic victim shaming.

What's more, Paula's legal team says those emails Nigel referenced in his docs were just Paula placating his ego with "positive messaging and seeming adoration ... defenses that many women like Ms. Abdul had to adopt to deal with men who abuse their power."

Paula claims to have some receipts from Nigel too ... saying she has text messages from him showing numerous instances of overt sexual harassment.

Abdul's camp claims Nigel texted her on March 8, 2014, writing ... "When you get back to LA will you please make love to me! Slowly and lovingly!" Paula says she didn't respond and Nigel double texted, "I'll take that as a YES then!"

Another alleged text, from April, 10, 2014, is a response to a message Paula sent Nigel about "So You Think You Can Dance" auditions in Las Vegas ... to which Nigel allegedly responded, "I'll come if you promise a big wet kiss! With tongues! Is a small grope of the ass asking too much?"

A few months later, in July 2014, Paula claims Nigel acknowledged he was being inappropriate when he allegedly texted her ... "You love me like a relation I love you like a girlfriend. I could easily be your f****** cousin? Ha Ha."

Remember ... Paula claims Nigel sexually assaulted her twice -- the first time during "one of Idol's initial sessions" in the early 2000s, and again at some point during her 2 seasons on 'SYTYCD' ... a gig she started in 2015.

Paula's attorney also claims Nigel verbally assaulted Adbul on multiple occasions as well ... which she says "are evidence of the frequent abusive behavior that Ms. Abdul was subjected to during her time on American Idol and SYTYCD."


Nigel's team has not responded to our request for comment.

"RUST" HANNAH GUTIERREZ-REED CULPABLE Por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins

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Court TV

Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed -la armera en "Rust" que fue acusada de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins- acaba de perder el juicio.

Un veredicto se acaba de leer en el tribunal el miércoles en Nuevo México, donde Gutiérrez-Reed ha estado en juicio desde finales del mes pasado con los fiscales yendo tras ella en dos cargos diferentes: homicidio involuntario y manipulación de pruebas.

Fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, pero no culpable de la supuesta manipulación.

Un montón de testigos fueron llamados por la fiscalía, incluyendo el primer asistente de dirección, un productor de la película y un productor de línea y todos testificaron en contra de Hannah.

El caso de la fiscalía básicamente acusa a Hannah ser descuidada en el set -hasta el punto de ser negligente- y parece que los miembros del jurado llegaron a un acuerdo después de un juicio de dos semanas de duración.

Hannah fue puesta en prisión preventiva, lo que significa que fue encarcelada en el mismo juzgado, a pesar de que sus abogados pidieron que permaneciera libre hasta la sentencia.

La familia de Hannah estuvo sentada detrás de ella durante todo el proceso, y una vez que se llegó a la decisión de que iba a ir tras las rejas, sus seres queridos comenzaron a romper en llanto.

La propia Hannah se mantuvo estoica durante todo el procedimiento y no opuso resistencia mientras los ayudantes del sheriff se la llevaban. Más adelante se fijará la fecha de la sentencia. Se enfrentaba a hasta 3 años de prisión si era declarada culpable de ambos cargos, ahora será una fracción de eso: tal vez 18 meses de prisión y una multa de 5.000 dólares... la verdad aún no está claro cuánto tiempo va a terminar cumpliendo.

Como informamos, algunas personas clave testificaron en contra de Hannah, con Ryan Winterstern (un productor) bajo juramento para refutar la afirmación de Hannah que había pedido más tiempo en su trabajo, específicamente en lo que respecta a la cruz de Alec Baldwin.

Otra productora, Gabrielle Pickle, testificó que Hannah había ignorado sus quejas sobre las armas que se dejaban sin supervisión en el set y que supuestamente derribó un sistema de registro para ver quién estaba manejando las armas y cuándo. Esas fueron solo algunas de las pruebas.

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negándose al registro
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La defensa de Hannah terminó básicamente reduciéndose a su exceso de trabajo por la producción, con sus abogados insistiendo que no tuvo nada que ver con lo que le ocurrió a Halyna.

Claramente, un jurado no estuvo de acuerdo, pero no vieron pruebas suficientes para convencerlos de que Hannah había manipulado nada. No se sabe si va a apelar.

Por supuesto, el propio Alec todavía tiene un juicio inminente que se iniciará a finales de este verano. Se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario, así que se ha declarado inocente.

Kodak Black Delivery Room Daddy ... Matches 'Fits With Baby Boy!!!

Kodak Black helped deliver his newborn son last week -- and made sure the little guy was freshly dressed for his world debut!!!

TMZ Hip Hop obtained the first photo of Kodak's newborn son, who he and his girlfriend Maranda Johnson named Prince Kapri.

Kodak tells us … "I'm happy to be home with my family and my new son. It was very special to help deliver a new soul into the world. I know he's going to be a special person."

Prince was born on February 27 and the newly minted father/son duo captured a stylish photo-op for the birthday -- Kodak was decked out in a baby blue t-shirt and jeans, and Prince was wrapped in a baby blanket and cap with matching colors.

Prince's arrival makes him Kodak's 4th kid -- his 2nd with Maranda, and the "Super Gremlin" rapper is approaching parenthood with flair.

Just take a look at the blinged-out pacifier he had dangling around his neck ... that's gotta be worth a lifetime supply of diapers!!!

Prince's birth capped off a whirlwind past few weeks for Kodak ... as we reported, he was sprung from jail without mandatory supervision, and now only has to worry about running to that baby monitor!!!

CA Senate Race A-Listers Donate Big Buck$

Hollywood once again is emptying its collective pockets this election season -- donating generously to the campaigns of several Democrats vying for a highly coveted U.S. Senate seat.

TMZ combed through the Federal Election Commission filings and found that most of Tinseltown's elite kicked their financial support toward the campaigns of Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee and Katie Porter ... who are facing off for the chance to fill the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein's seat.

Former MLB star Steve Garvey, who's running as a Republican, seemingly got no donations from people identifying with the FEC as an actor, musician or athlete. With that said, polls have him doing pretty damn well.

This cannot be said for Dems in the primary race. We should note ... this might not be a complete snapshot of donations, and some of the celebs may have donated more than the number listed.

For Schiff:
- Robin Dearden ($6600)
- Herb Alpert (at least $3,300)
- Barbra Streisand ($1500)
- Holland Taylor ($1,000)
- George Takei ($750)
- Lily Tomlin ($350)
- Jackson Browne ($400)
- Joan Jett ($275)
- Diane Lane ($235)

As for Barbara Lee ... Ben Affleck seems pretty passionate about her candidacy, as he dropped thousands on her run -- and even his daughter, Violet, shelled out a pretty penny too.

For Lee:
- Ben Affleck (at least $6,600)
- Violet Affleck ($3,050)
- Jackson Browne (at least $3,300)
- Graham Nash ($2,500)
- Kal Penn ($500)

For Porter:
- Graham Nash ($3,300)
- Bonnie Raitt ($2,000)
- Susan Sarandon ($500)
- George Takei ($500)

Several celebrities double-dipped ... with George Takei donating for both Porter and Schiff. Similarly, Graham Nash dropped some dough for Porter and Lee. Jackson Browne made sure to contribute to both Schiff and Lee's campaigns.

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Some celebs are doing more than donating money ... some are lending support on social media -- like John Legend, who publicly endorsed Lee,

In fact, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is even narrating an ad that's running for Schiff.

Yes, it's Super Tuesday, but there's a long election season to go ... and it's clear entertainers will definitely continue throwing around their weight -- financially and otherwise.


El presentador de "Queer Eye" -Jonathan Van Ness- está siendo destrozado por los colegas de su programa de Netflix, que dicen que es un desastre trabajar con él. Aseguran que es emocionalmente abusivo y propenso a los ataques de ira.

Las duras críticas contra Jonathan se exponen en un nuevo artículo de Rolling Stone sobre la tensión detrás escenas en el set de "Queer Eye", con fuentes anónimas de producción sin pelos en la lengua.

Según el informe, Jonathan es pintado como una diva de dos caras que se muestra como una cálida persona en público, pero es un idiota total con la gente que trabaja con él en el show.

Entre las palabras que la gente del set utiliza para describirlo suenan "monstruo", "pesadilla" y "degradante".

El artículo también cita a tres personas que etiquetan a Jonathan como emocionalmente abusivo, con problemas de ira, y un total de 7 personas afirmaron que es conocido por arremeter contra los miembros del equipo y otras personas que trabajaban con ellos.

El mal comportamiento de Jonathan y su falta de profesionalismo supuestamente contribuyeron a una creciente ruptura y tensión entre los 5 presentadores de "Queer Eye", hasta el punto de que los demás dudaban en filmar escenas con Jonathan.

Algunos afirman que una reunión con los ejecutivos de Netflix hizo poco para cambiar el comportamiento de Jonathan o su trato con el resto del equipo, dejando a la gente en el programa sintiendo que no había responsabilidad.

Uno de los anfitriones, Bobby Berk, ha dejado el programa, aunque no está claro si Jonathan tuvo algo que ver con su decisión.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Jonathan para ver si quería abordar las afirmaciones de sus compañeros de trabajo, pero no hemos recibido respuesta.