'Queer Eye' Jonathan Van Ness Ripped As 'Monster,' 'Nightmare' ... Demeaning to Work With?!?

"Queer Eye" host Jonathan Van Ness is being ripped by colleagues from their Netflix show, who say he's a disaster to work with, emotionally abusive and prone to rage issues.

The harsh criticism against Jonathan is all laid out in a new Rolling Stone article about behind-the-scenes tension on the set of "Queer Eye" ... with anonymous production sources pulling no punches.

According to the report, Jonathan is painted as a two-faced diva who gives off a warm, rosy persona in public ... but is a total jerk to the people he works with on the show.

Among the words people on the set used to describe him -- "monster," "nightmare" and "demeaning."

The article also cites 3 people who label Jonathan as emotionally abusive with rage issues ... and a total of 7 people claimed he's known to lash out at crew members and others who worked with them.

JVN's supposed poor behavior and unprofessionalism allegedly contributed to a growing rift and tension between the 5 "Queer Eye" hosts ... to the point where the others were hesitant to film scenes with Jonathan.

Some around the show claim a meeting with Netflix execs did little to change Jonathan's behavior or treatment of the crew ... leaving folks on the show feeling like there was no accountability.

One of the hosts, Bobby Berk, has since left the show, though it's unclear if Jonathan had anything to do with his decision.

We've reached out to Jonathan to see if he wanted to address the claims of the coworkers, but we haven't heard back.

TYREEK HILL un largo divorcio... Centrado en el postnupcial

The Pivot Podcast

Tyreek Hill se está abriendo sobre el dramático divorcio de principios de este año, diciendo que todo comenzó debido a problemas sobre un acuerdo postnupcial.

La estrella de los Miami Dolphins le explicó la situación a Fred Taylor, Ryan Clark y Channing Crowder en el último episodio de "The Pivot", diciendo que su relación con Keeta Vaccaro comenzó a agriarse un poco después de que comenzaran las conversaciones sobre cómo dividirían los bienes si alguna vez se separaban.

"Tuvimos conversaciones sobre un acuerdo postnupcial", explicó Hill. "Ahí fue realmente donde todo entró en espiral".

Hill no profundizó en los detalles de sus problemas postnupciales, aunque parecía decir que una vez que la gente fuera de su círculo íntimo se enteró de su disputa, las cosas se torcieron.

"Todo lo que voy a decir es que las cosas se ponen raras cuando se lo cuentas a gente de fuera de tu familia", dijo. "¿Me entiendes?"

Recordemos que menos de tres meses después de que Hill y Vaccaro se casaran en Texas, Hill solicitó el divorcio en Florida. Al principio, el jugador de fútbol lo negó todo, diciendo en un tuit que él y Keeta estaban "felizmente casados". Sin embargo, días después, admitió que algún "f***ing cabeza hueca" presentó los documentos sin su aprobación.

Todo el caso fue desestimado después de Hill presentó a retirar su petición a principios de febrero.

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honores de la nfl
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Las cosas parecen estar mucho mejor entre los dos, ya que han sido vistos poniéndose  muy cariñosos en público recientemente, incluyendo la semana pasada, cuando intercambiaron besos en un yate durante el cumpleaños número 30 de Hill.

"Todavía estamos tranquilos con nuestro matrimonio", dijo, antes de añadir: "Todavía estamos aprendiendo".


Nigel Lythgoe está mostrando una serie de correos electrónicos y mensajes de Paula Abdul que según él demuestran que tenían una relación muy amistosa y cariñosa durante años posteriores a una supuesta agresión sexual.

En los documentos legales presentados el martes, queda claro que Nigel está tomando una postura combativa contra su ex amiga y compañera de trabajo en "American Idol" y "So You Think You Can Dance", llamándola una "fabulista bien documentada, con una larga historia de contar historias salvajes que están desvinculadas de la realidad y están diseñadas principalmente para atraer la atención y hacer que Abdul parezca ser la víctima de una terrible desgracia".

La mordaz respuesta incluye varios correos electrónicos privados que Lythgoe dice que Abdul le envió, llenos de lenguaje florido, amable y "adulador". Por ejemplo, un correo electrónico del 12 de septiembre de 2014 dice: "Hola cariño... gracias por este precioso 'regalo'. Por favor, perdóname por no haberte llamado ayer. ¡Siempre agradecida de tenerte en mi vida! Te quiero, te quiero, ¡TE QUIERO! XO P."

Otro correo del 20 de junio de 2014, dice: "Gracias por las hermosas flores, ¡estaban exquisitas! Pero, tengo que decir que lo mejor fue la tarjeta de cumpleaños de anoche. ¡Todavía estoy aullando! Aprecio de verdad nuestra amistad y estoy deseando lanzar nuestro proyecto".

La presentación de Lythgoe también incluye páginas de los tuits públicos de Paula en su cuenta @dizzyfeet, a partir de 2009 y continuando hasta 2015, cuando ambos estaban trabajando en "SYTYCD". Muchos de ellos incluyen fotos de ellos juntos y mensajes como: "Usted sabe que la tripulación te ama, también!!!! :)) xoxoP", y en un tuit de Acción de Gracias, ella escribió: "¡Yo también estoy agradecida de haberte conocido, Nigel! ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! xoxoP".

TMZ publicó la historia, Abdul presentó una demanda contra Nigel y FremantleMedia North America (productores de "Idol" y "SYTYCD") en diciembre, alegando que la había agredido sexualmente dos veces: la primera vez en "una de las temporadas iniciales de Idol" (que sería a principios de la década de 2000), y la segunda, en algún momento no especificado durante sus dos temporadas como juez de "SYTYCD". Ella comenzó a trabajar ahí en 2015.

Según los nuevos documentos, las páginas de correos electrónicos, mensajes y tuits "muestran cómo Abdul realmente se sentía acerca de Lythgoe durante y después del momento en el que supuestamente ocurrió el abuso".

Lythgoe más intentos de impugnar el carácter de Abdul, alegando que abogó por ella para ser contratado en "Idol" y "SYTYCD", "a pesar de la oposición de otros ejecutivos debido al ya conocido comportamiento errático de Abdul".

También afirma que sus problemas de abuso de sustancias eran un tema frecuente para los ejecutivos de "Idol", afirmando: "En su peor momento, Abdul arrastraba las palabras, era ininteligible, babeaba y se desmayaba en las salas de audición, teniendo que ser sacada en dos ocasiones distintas".

Lythgoe toma otro golpe importante en Paula, diciendo que su "credibilidad se ha puesto en duda en un tema serio" a saber, el accidente de avión que dice que sobrevivió en 1992.

En los documentos, Lythgoe dice: "No hay constancia alguna del supuesto accidente aéreo". En una entrevista, Abdul explicó que pudo mantener la historia en secreto con acuerdos de confidencialidad y porque "no había Internet en aquella época". En otra entrevista, explicó que en el momento del accidente 'no había ordenadores'".

Como informamos, Nigel desestimó sus acusaciones contra él como "falsa y profundamente ofensivo" el día después de que ella presentó su demanda ... y él es, de nuevo, negando rotundamente las acusaciones en los documentos.

Él está pidiendo al tribunal que desestime la demanda de Paula, y él quiere que ella cubra sus honorarios de abogado.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con los representantes de Paula, hasta ahora, no hay respuesta todavía.

Tyreek Hill Divorce Saga With Wife ... Centered Around Postnup

We're Still Learning
The Pivot Podcast

Tyreek Hill is opening up about the divorce drama that plagued him and his wife earlier this year ... saying the saga all started because of a disagreement the two had over a postnup.

The Miami Dolphins star explained the situation to Fred Taylor, Ryan Clark and Channing Crowder on the latest episode of "The Pivot," saying his relationship with Keeta Vaccaro began to sour a bit after they began talks over how they would divide assets if they were ever to split.

"We had conversations about a postnup," Hill explained. "That was really where it all spiraled from."

Hill didn't dive further into the details of their postnup issues ... though he did seem to say that once people outside of their inner circle got word of their dispute, that's when things went sideways.

"All I'm going to say is, s*** gets weird when you tell people outside your family," he said. "You feel me?"

Remember, less than three months after Hill and Vaccaro tied the knot in Texas, Hill filed for divorce in Florida. At first, the football player denied everything ... saying in a tweet that he and Keeta were "happily married." However, days later, he admitted that some "f***ing bonehead" filed the documents without his approval.

In early February, the whole case was dismissed after Hill filed to drop his petition.

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Now, things seem to be a whole lot better between the two -- they've been spotted getting lovey in public a ton recently, including last week, when they swapped kisses on a yacht during Hill's 30th birthday.

"We're still fresh in the marriage thing," he said ... before adding, "We're still learning, man."

NIGEL LYTHGOE Claims Loving Emails Paula Sent Refute Sexual Assault Allegations


3/6 -- 2:45 PM PT -- Paula Abdul responded to Nigel Lythgoe's latest barb, with her attorney telling Deadline ... "Mr. Lythgoe's answer to Ms. Abdul's complaint is classic victim shaming. These are the defenses that many women like Ms. Abdul had to adopt to deal with men who abuse their power."

Nigel Lythgoe is producing a slew of emails and posts from Paula Abdul which he says show they had a very friendly and loving relationship for years after she alleges he sexually assaulted her.

In the legal docs filed Tuesday, it's immediately clear Nigel's taking the gloves off with his former friend and coworker at "American Idol" and "So You Think You Can Dance" ... calling her a "well-documented fabulist, with a long history of telling wild stories that are untethered from reality and are primarily designed to attract attention and make Abdul appear to be the victim of dreadful misfortune."

The scathing response includes several private emails Lythgoe says Abdul sent him, filled with flowery, kind and "adoring" language. For instance, a Sept. 12, 2014 email reads in part, "Hi sweetheart -- thank you for this lovely 'gift.' Please forgive me for not calling yesterday. Forever grateful to have you in my life! Love, love LOVE YOU! XO P."

Another, dated June 20, 2014, says, "Thank you for the beautiful flowers -- they were exquisite! But, I have to say the kicker was the birthday card last night. I am still howling! I truly appreciate our friendship and am looking forward to launching our project."

Lythgoe's filing also includes pages of Paula's public tweets at his @dizzyfeet handle, starting in 2009 and continuing through 2015 when they were both working on 'SYTYCD.' Many of them include photos of them together and captions like, "You know the crew loves you, too!! :)) xoxoP" -- and, in a Thanksgiving tweet, she wrote, "I'm grateful that I met you too, Nigel! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! xoxoP."

TMZ broke the story ... Abdul filed a lawsuit against Nigel and FremantleMedia North America (producers of 'Idol' and 'SYTYCD') in December, alleging he'd sexually assaulted her twice -- the first time in "one of Idol's initial seasons" ... which would be the early 2000s, and the second at some unspecified point during her 2 seasons as a 'SYTYCD' judge. She started that gig in 2015.

According to the new docs, the pages of emails, messages and tweets "show how Abdul really felt about Lythgoe during and after the time she now alleges abuse occurred."

Lythgoe further attempts to impugn Abdul's character, claiming he championed her to be hired on 'Idol' and 'SYTYCD' ... "despite the opposition from other executives due to Abdul's already well-known erratic behavior."

He also claims her substance abuse issues were a frequent topic for 'Idol' execs, claiming ... "At her worst, Abdul was slurring her speech, unintelligible, drooling and passing out in audition rooms, having to be carried out on two separate occasions."

And, Lythgoe takes one other major swipe at Paula, saying her "credibility has been called into question on a serious issue" ... namely, the plane crash she says she survived in 1992.

In the docs, Lythgoe says, "There are no records whatsoever of the supposed plane crash. In one interview Abdul explained that she was able to keep the story under wraps with NDAs and because 'there was no internet at the time.' In another interview, she explained that at the time of the crash, there were 'no computers.'"

As we reported, Nigel dismissed her allegations against him as "false and deeply offensive" the day after she filed her lawsuit ... and he's, again, flatly denying the allegations in the docs.

He's asking the court to dismiss Paula's lawsuit, and he wants her to cover his attorney fees.

We've reached out to Paula's reps ... so far, no word back yet.

Originally Published -- 3/5 -- 9:42 AM PT

Cops: Drew Eubanks Suffered Bloody Gums, Loose Teeth ... In Fight W/ Isaiah Stewart

Sounds like Isaiah Stewart's got a mean right hand ... at least according to Drew Eubanks, who told cops his Valentine's Day fight with the Detroit player left him with bloody gums and loose teeth.

According to a Phoenix Police Department incident report, obtained by TMZ Sports, Eubanks made the complaint roughly five hours after he and Stewart were involved in an altercation at the Footprint Center just prior to the Pistons vs. Suns Feb. 14 matchup.

Eubanks, cops wrote in the report, said Stewart confronted him while he was entering the arena due to interactions the two had previously had while playing in a game three months prior.

"He got off the bus and he started, um, just talking s***," Eubanks told cops. "He said something along the lines of, 'You wanna run it back? We're right here. We can do it right now.'"

Cops say Eubanks told them he tried to walk away from the situation, but Stewart kept advancing toward him ... until they were face-to-face inside of a tunnel in the arena.

Eubanks told cops, according to the report, Isaiah then said, "We can do this s*** right now" ... before he threw "a sucker punch."

Eubanks stated the blow landed in the center of his mouth, causing his gums to bleed. He added, the report states, "My teeth definitely are like looser and they hurt."

When pressed more about why he believed Stewart was so upset, Eubanks stated nothing out of the ordinary happened between the two in their previous matchup.

"Just basketball stuff," the Phoenix center said. "It was, you know, lowering your shoulder. Trying to hit, hit somebody for a box out. Being physical. Talking on the court. That's all it was."

At the time, Eubanks told cops he wished to prosecute ... and Stewart was issued a citation.

However, the report states that on Feb. 17 -- three days after the encounter -- Eubanks called cops and said he no longer wished to press charges.

On Feb. 19, cops say Eubanks told them "he had been thinking about the incident for a couple days and at the time, he was upset, but had time to think about it."

X / @KoryEWoods

Stewart was still suspended by the NBA for three games. After serving the ban, he apologized to his team during a meeting with media members.

Eubanks, meanwhile, has played between six and 25 minutes per game since the fight.

Madeline Soto Case Sheriff Posts Possible Crime Scene Photo On IG ... Apologizes, Cites Accident

The sheriff for the area where 13-year-old Madeline Soto disappeared and died is under fire for seemingly posting a photo from the crime scene, and now the department is apologizing.

This debacle is playing out down in Osceola County, Florida -- where Madeline's body was discovered Friday by officials there in a wooded area after she went missing from her home in neighboring Orange County last week.

On Saturday -- a day after Madeline was found deceased -- a photo of human remains was reportedly posted to the official Instagram account for Osceola County Sheriff Marcos Lopez. The photo, believed to be a confidential image from the crime scene and since deleted, is said to show a body matching Madeline's description lying dead on the ground.

Now, the Osceola County Sheriff's Office is telling local news outlets the photo was accidentally included in a post about a community event for seniors. They add ... "We deeply apologize for any confusion or disturbance this may have caused."

The Sheriff's office is neither confirming nor denying the photo depicted Madeline's body.

Somehow, this all gets worse for the Osceola County Sheriff's Office ... because the same morning the alleged Soto photo was posted on IG, another member of the sheriff's office shared a selfie with Stephan Sterns, the boyfriend of Madeline's mother ... and the prime suspect in her disappearance and death, who has since been taken into custody.

Nirva Rodriguez, the OCSD executive director, shared the image on her personal Facebook page ... showing Sterns being led out of a building in handcuffs. She reportedly captured her post ... "If God’s love has been poured out over your life, don’t allow evil to keep you away from what He has prepared for you." Unclear what her intent behind the post/message was.

In any case ... the selfie was reportedly snapped after Sterns was booked on charges of child pornography and sexually battering a child.

Law enforcement has not specifically tied those charges to Madeline's case just yet ... nor have they officially charged him in her disappearance or death. He has yet to enter a plea.

Rodriguez's FB post with Sterns has also been deleted, FWIW ... and it's worth noting she oversees multiple divisions with OCSD, including media, outreach and community services.

While multiple law enforcement agencies were involved in locating Madeline and bringing Sterns into custody -- the Kissimmee Police Department is now the one in charge of investigating the teen's death and disappearance ... and Florida law broadly prohibits the release of photos depicting the killing of a minor without permission from surviving family.


Jenelle Evans quiere separarse de su marido David Eason, TMZ ha confirmado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que la ex estrella de "Teen Mom" recientemente presentó documentos judiciales en Carolina del Norte, señalando su intención de separarse formalmente. Sin embargo, no es como que el divorcio esté sobre la mesa todavía, pero por lo que parece, bien podría ser el siguiente paso.

La presentación judicial -según lo informado por The Sun- hace varias alegaciones contra David en términos de razones para querer separarse, incluyendo las reclamaciones reportadas de comportamiento errático, abuso de sustancias y la negativa a trabajar, entre otros problema incluso más inquietantes.

The Sun señala que Jenelle lo acusa incluso de lllevarse a su perro en 2019 y más recientemente, ella dice que él está actualmente enfrentando cargos criminales por presuntamente maltratar a su hijo adolescente, Jace.

Publicamos la historia, Jenelle y David eran sospechosos de negligencia infantil después de que su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace se escapó varias veces el verano pasado. Después de la tercera vez que lo había hecho, Jace aparentemente le dijo a la policía que David lo agredió.

Nuestras fuentes nos dijeron que Jace tenía marcas visibles en los brazos y el cuello cuando fue recogido, lo que llevó a la policía local a investigar y finalmente arrestar a David. Eason se enfrenta actualmente a dos cargos: delito menor de abuso infantil y delito grave de asalto por estrangulamiento.

La semana pasada, Jenelle estaba detallando un reciente intento de robo en su casa allí en Carolina del Norte, pero el nombre de David estuvo ausente de su descripción del horrible incidente.

Ahora sabemos por qué, The Sun informa que Jenelle está citando su fecha de separación el 16 de febrero y este documento fue presentado al parecer en algún momento hacia el final del mes pasado, el 23 de febrero.

Jenelle supuestamente va a hacer más acusaciones contra David, incluyendo la afirmación de que no ha comprobado en ella desde que se separaron oficialmente y que él está viviendo en su barco. Ella cita el hecho de que tienen hijos juntos y que supuestamente se ha ido fuera del radar.

Si bien estos no son documentos de divorcio, Jenelle aparentemente está pidiendo la custodia física primaria de su hija, así como la manutención de los hijos. David y Jenelle comparten a Ensley, de 7 años. Ella también señala que quiere el control de la casa de la familia y la mayoría de sus bienes conyugales para sí misma. En otras palabras, se perfila un desacoplamiento desordenado.

Hemos tratado de alcanzar a Jenelle para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Files For Separation From David Eason

Jenelle Evans has filed to separate from her husband David Eason ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the former 'Teen Mom' star recently submitted court docs in North Carolina signaling her intent to formally separate -- although, it doesn't like divorce is on the table just yet ... but, from the sounds of it, that's the next natural step here.

The court filing, as reported by The Sun, makes several allegations against David in terms of reasoning for wanting to split -- including reported claims of erratic behavior, substance abuse and refusal to work ... among other problems Jenelle cites, including other disturbing things.

The Sun notes Jenelle points out DE taking out their pet dog in 2019 ... and more recently, she says he's currently facing criminal charges for allegedly abusing her teenage son, Jace.

We broke the story ... Jenelle and David were suspected of child neglect after her 14-year-old son Jace ran away multiple times last summer. After the third time he'd done so, Jace apparently told cops David assaulted him.

Our sources told us Jace had visible markings on his arms and neck when he was picked up, leading local police to investigate and eventually arrest David. Eason's currently facing two charges -- misdemeanor child abuse and felony assault by strangulation.

Just last week ... Jenelle was detailing a recent attempted break-in at her home there in NC -- but David's name was noticeably absent from her description of the horrifying incident.

Now, we know why ... The Sun reports that Jenelle is citing their separation date as Feb. 16 -- and this document was apparently filed sometime toward the end of last month, Feb. 23.

Jenelle reportedly goes on to make more allegations against David -- including the claim that he hasn't checked in on her since they officially separated ... and that he's living on their boat. She cites the fact they have kids together ... and that he's allegedly gone off the radar.

While these aren't divorce docs, per se, Jenelle is apparently already asking for primary physical custody of their daughter, as well as child support. David and Jenelle share 7-year-old Ensley. She also reportedly signals she wants control of the family home, and a majority of their marital assets for herself. In other words, it's shaping up to a messy uncoupling.

We've reached out to Jenelle for comment ... so far no word back.

Terrell Owens Alleged Attacker Charged With Two Felonies

The man who allegedly hit Terrell Owens with his car following a dispute at a basketball game last year has been hit with two criminal charges, TMZ Sports has learned.

Court records show Wonzur Ratcliff is now facing two counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon ... after authorities say he was the man who rammed his vehicle into Owens' knee on Oct. 16, 2023.

Cops claimed the incident all went down because Ratcliff and Owens had gotten into an argument while shooting hoops on a court in the Calabasas, Calif. area.

Owens, cops said, did not require medical attention.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

T.O. never formally commented on the matter ... although he did allude to it in an Instagram post two days after it happened. The Hall of Famer shared what appeared to be highlights of him playing in the game that led to the incident ... writing in the caption, "ABOUT LAST NIGHT…"

"BUT I DO HAVE A RIGHT TO PROTECT MYSELF. *hope the car is ok!!!"

A court date for Ratcliff, meanwhile, has not yet been set.

L.A. Clippers Teens Break into New Arena, Post Mayhem Vids ... Cops Search for Suspects

TikTok / @shawty_grandmaa

This is not the headline NBA Clippers owner Steve Ballmer envisioned when he sunk $2 billion into building a brand new state-of-the-art arena.

Cops are on the lookout for the 2 male teenagers who broke into the Intuit Dome -- which is still under construction in Inglewood, CA -- and ran around the place like they owned it ... shooting hoops, climbing on scaffolding and spraying fire extinguishers.

They pulled off the brazen caper last week, recording the whole thing ... and proudly posted it on TikTok, which is likely what will get them busted.

The video shows them climbing a construction crew's ladder at night to gain entry, and then strolling around the empty hallways and bleachers. When they found an unfinished basketball court, they decided to take a few shots.

They did all of this while showing their faces, and, as a result, Inglewood Mayor B has since identified the pair and their parents. Butts told ABC 7, "It will be very clear to these young men -- and to people who are TikTok followers -- that you have a moment of TikTok greatness followed by a little bit of misery. And so we don’t play around with these things.”

It's unclear if cops have made contact with the suspects yet, or what their punishment might be.

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The Clippers started work on the dome in September 2021, and it's set to open in August ... and in addition to being the Clippers' new home court, it will be a concert venue. In fact, Usher is slated to be the first performer this summer.

Lisa Vanderpump Defends Andy Cohen Amid Claims ... Trashes Rachel Leviss Suit



3/2 9:58 AM PT -- Rachel Leviss' rep is responding to Lisa's dig ... calling the comments, "A disappointing choice for an executive on the show since victim shaming is a defense mechanism often used by abusers and coming from a person in a position of power can cause even further harm to a person's mental health.”

Lisa Vanderpump is coming to the defense of her old friend Andy Cohen amid some new allegations -- and in the same breath ... she's taking a swipe at Rachel Leviss.

The former 'Housewives' star -- who obviously ended up getting up her spinoff show on Bravo -- was arriving at LAX at landing back in town Friday ... where our photog ran into her and asked her all about the latest drama going on in the reality world, and there's a lot.

For starters, our camera guy asked about Leah McSweeney's claims in a new lawsuit she filed this week against the Bravo honcho ... alleging he'd partaken in cocaine, not to mention claiming Bravo at large was a toxic hell hole that coaxed their stars into boozing/debauchery.

Well, Lisa has some thoughts on all that ... and she goes to bat for AC here, telling us she's never seen him do any hard drugs -- nor does she know him to be how Leah described.

On the notion that Bravo is pressuring 'Housewives' into drinking on set ... Lisa says what a lot of her contemporaries have already been making clear -- the stars are adults, and they don't have to do anything they don't want to. Bottom line ... she calls BS on Leah's suit.

Lastly, Lisa weighs in on the legal battle brewing in her own world ... namely, Rachel suing Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix over revenge porn, among other things.

She doesn't have very nice things to say about that either -- noting Rachel probably should've never compromised herself on camera the way she did if she didn't want it out.

We clarify, though, that Tom's alleged to have recorded her from his phone and circulated it with the cast ... but even then, she doesn't have much sympathy for her ex-employee.

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Bottom line ... Lisa's good with Andy, not so much with Leah and Rachel. That much is clear.

Originally Published -- 3/1 6:13 PM PT

Lakers' Christian Wood Granted Temporary Restraining Order ... Claims Son's Mom Vandalized Car

Los Angeles Lakers big man Christian Wood was just granted a temporary restraining order against his model ex-girlfriend ... after he claimed the mother of his child made his life a living hell following their breakup in December 2022.

The allegations are all laid out in court documents obtained by TMZ Sports ... with the 28-year-old hooper accusing Yasmine Lopez -- who boasts more than a million followers on social media -- of causing not only mental and emotional stress, but also financial damage to his valuable property.

Wood claims on February 23, 2024, Lopez and her friends trespassed at his California residence by climbing a fence ... and she proceeded to scratch the hood and doors of his Mercedes-Benz.

He says Lopez then entered his other vehicle, opened the front gate and began walking in his yard -- and neighbors who witnessed the incident called the police, resulting in her arrest.

Wood -- who has an 8-month-old son, Kobe Sean, with Lopez -- says cops then told him to pick up his son from her friend's house to avoid being processed through child protective services... but she refused to hand him over and began "making allegations against me and misrepresenting facts to the media to gain favor."

Wood also details an August 2023 incident in which he says Lopez broke into his home in Encino ... destroying statues, glass and vases and attempting to hit him. He says friends who were present at the time called the police, who de-escalated the situation.

It doesn't end there -- Wood also accuses Lopez of trespassing at his home in January 2023, when he was a member of the Dallas Mavericks ... claiming she spray-painted his Lamborghini.

Wood believes Lopez is stalking him by using his publicized work schedule to track his location and vandalize his property.

Wood is also accusing Lopez of getting physical with him on numerous occasions and alienating him from their son.

He requested joint legal custody and primary physical custody of their child.

As part of the restraining order, the judge ordered Lopez to steer clear of Wood. She must stay at least 100 yards away from the hooper ... whether he's at home, at work, or even in his car. The one exception is for "brief and peaceful contact" ... which is permitted, but only when it comes to conversations about their child.

The TRO specifically directs Lopez to "not abuse" Wood, including any harassing, attacking, striking, threatening, or stalking of her ex-boyfriend.

There are several other boilerplate restrictions ... Lopez cannot possess a firearm while the order is active.

The temporary restraining order expires on March 20.

Britt Reid Andy Reid's Son ... Prison Sentence Commuted To House Arrest


4:22 PM PT -- Tom Porto, the attorney for Ariel Young and her family, just released a statement on Britt Reid's commutation to TMZ Sports ... saying simply, "What’s different between this criminal defendant and every other criminal defendant in the state of Missouri?"

Ex-Kansas City Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reid -- Andy's son -- just had his three-year prison sentence commuted to house arrest.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson made the surprising decision on Friday ... a little over a year after Reid was thrown behind bars for his role in a DWI crash that left a 5-year-old girl, Ariel Young, with life-altering brain injuries.

A spokesperson for Parson explained the move in a statement to media outlets ... saying, "Reid had completed his alcohol abuse treatment program and has served more prison time than most individuals convicted of similar offenses."

As part of his commutation, Reid will remain on house arrest until October 31, 2025. He'll have to abide by a lengthy list of conditions in order to avoid being thrown back in prison, however -- including working at least 30 hours a week, submitting to random drug screenings, and completing at least 10 hours a month of community service.

Reid is also forbidden from making contact with Young or her family members.

Reid was first hit with criminal charges in the case after authorities said he got drunk days before the Chiefs vs. Buccaneers Super Bowl in 2021 and slammed his pickup truck into the back of a car Young had been riding in.

Authorities alleged Reid was going 83.9 MPH in a 65 MPH zone just before the wreck, and had a BAC of .113 two hours following the accident.


Dash cam footage captured at the scene showed Reid was wearing a Chiefs COVID mask and a Chiefs sweatshirt in the minutes after the crash.

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Reid lost his job with Kansas City's NFL franchise a short time later ... and didn't work in the league again before beginning his sentence in November 2022.

We've reached out to an attorney for the Young family for comment, but so far, we haven't heard back yet.

Originally Published -- 3:45 PM PT

Akademiks Vs. Meek Mill $1M To Settle Their Beef In Celebrity Boxing Match 🥊

DJ Akademiks is accusing Meek Mill of being a snitch after cops allegedly showed up to his house -- and if he wants to fight the rapper ... they now have the opportunity to do so!

There's a lucrative 7-figure offer on the table to sweeten the deal between these 2 foes ... and it comes courtesy of Celebrity Boxing czar Damon Feldman.

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He tells TMZ Hip Hop ... he's got a cool $1 million purse locked and loaded for Ak and Meek -- in addition to other amenities, if they wanna take him up on this. Damon also says he has a venue in Atlanta booked for May 18, adamant he wants both guys to give it their best.

Meek already has a boxing trainer in his corner, but Damon says he's willing to provide Akademiks with one of his top guys -- if he's inclined to train ahead of the fight.


Ak told Adin Ross this week that he considers Meek a straight-up bully -- while going on to call him cowardly, accusing him of hiding behind his goons ... and he seems eager to take him with his fists.

They've had beef for years, of course, but the latest episode spilled into the e-streets over this wild Diddy lawsuit filed this week by his ex-producer ... who floated salacious claims.

Meek took the bait and went down a wild social media rabbit hole ... responding to Ak but all the posts have since run their course with fans.

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Time to duke it out?!?

Ex-NFL OL Chad Wheeler Sentenced To 81 Months In Prison ... For Attack On Girlfriend

Chad Wheeler -- a former New York Giants offensive lineman -- was just sentenced to 81 months in prison ... after he was convicted in November of roughing up his girlfriend during a violent encounter in 2021.

The 30-year-old learned his fate inside a King County, Wash. courtroom on Friday ... in front of some of his family and friends -- as well as the victim in the case, Alleah Taylor.

In addition to the nearly seven-year sentence, the judge also ordered Wheeler to have no contact with Taylor ... and to pay restitution as well. The sentence, according to court documents, is scheduled to begin immediately.

Wheeler was found guilty of one count of first-degree assault domestic violence back on Nov. 9 ... nearly three years after Taylor said he almost killed her during an altercation at their Washington apartment.


Taylor claimed Wheeler attacked her after she refused his orders to bow down to him. She alleged the football player grabbed her, threw her on a bed and choked her until she was unconscious.

Taylor said Wheeler was so violent, she suffered a concussion and an arm injury that required metal hardware to fix.

On Thursday night, just hours before Wheeler's sentencing took place, Taylor wrote on her X page, "Sending Chad to prison tomorrow!"

"I appreciate everyone that has supported me and the legal process to make this happen! It’s been a long road but we are finally here and finally receiving justice!"

Wheeler -- who was a member of the Seattle Seahawks at the time of the incident -- had initially blamed everything on a "manic episode."