Terrence Howard Ordered to Pay Almost $1 Mil ... To U.S Gov. in Back Taxes

Terrence Howard just got hit with a fat tax bill that he now has to pay back to Uncle Sam -- after ignoring a federal complaint against him ... a judge just ruled he's gotta pay up.

The actor was ordered to pay close to $1 million Friday in a federal tax evasion case out of Pennsylvania that he's been wrapped up in since last year -- when the feds came after him for what they claimed were hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes he owed.

Specifically, they were attempting to recoup a huge tab from him in the amount of $578,000 -- amounting to a huge tax bill they claimed had gone unpaid from 5 tax returns between 2010 and 2019.

And now, all this time later ... they finally got a federal judge to throw down the gavel in their favor. The weird thing ... it looks like Terrence blew all this off.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

According to the legal doc, obtained by TMZ, the court notes Terrence failed to appear or otherwise defend himself at all in this case. That's odd ... 'cause he's somewhat active on social media -- posting promotional stuff for projects he's involved in, etc.

As a result ... he's now technically on the hook for $903,114.72. This whopping amount covers the unpaid federal tax income assessments, penalties and interest accrued.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Terrence ... so far, no word back.


fuera de control

La mujer que afirma que la hermana de Hailey Bieber -Alaia Baldwin Aronow- le arrojó un tampón, dice que está presentando cargos y tenemos un nuevo video para mostrar lo salvaje que realmente fue.

Échale un vistazo a este material de archivo obtenido por TMZ, que muestra Alaia siendo expulsada del bar, y como se puede ver, las cosas estaban agresivas a la salida, por no hablar de lo que supuestamente estaba ocurriendo al interior.

Échale un vistazo, se puede ver a una mujer con ropa oscura -nos dicen que es Alaia- que se está enfrentando a lo que parece ser el personal de seguridad del bar. Hay un montón de gritos y Alaia parece estar en el suelo. Finalmente, se arrastra por las escaleras.

No es nada agradable de ver, eso es seguro, y puede servir como pista para hacerse una idea de lo que pasó en realidad. Por lo que sabemos, Alaia supuestamente se volvió loca y atacó a la gente, y supuestamente le lanzó un tampón a una de las camareras.

realmente feo

Hablando de esa camarera... estuvo invitada en "TMZ Live" el viernes y nos dijo lo que según ella ocurrió.

Alaia ya sumaba un montón de cargos, pero Haliegh Cauley, la camarera, nos dice que tiene la intención presentar cargos indignada por todo el asunto, y criticando a Alaia por arrojar fluidos corporales.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

En otras palabras, esto está lejos de terminar. Alaia no ha respondido a la noticia de la detención todavía.

Alaia Baldwin Aronow Alleged Victim Pressing Charges ... New Video of Bar Crawl 👀



1:54 PM PT -- Alaia Baldwin Aronow's attorney, Drew Findling, tells TMZ … "On February 24, 2024, Ms. Aronow traveled to Savannah, GA to celebrate the upcoming marriage of a close friend. Sadly, what should have been a celebratory girls night out, unfortunately took an unexpected turn."

He adds, "Ms. Aronow is embarrassed and saddened by the events of that night and is proactively taking the necessary steps to ensure that it never happens again."

The woman who claims Hailey Bieber's sister, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, threw a tampon at her says she's pressing charges -- and we got new video to show how wild this really was.

Check out this footage, obtained by TMZ, that shows Alaia getting thrown out of the Savannah, GA bar she's alleged to have attacked people last weekend -- and as you can see ... it was quite the scuffle on the way out, let alone what allegedly happened inside.

Take a look ... you can see a woman in dark clothing -- who we're told is Alaia -- and she's getting into it with what looks to be the bar security staff. There's a lot of yelling going on, and Alaia appears to be on the floor ... and eventually, she crawls away down the stairs.

It's not a pretty sight, that's for sure ... and it kinda tracks with what people told police that night -- namely, that Alaia allegedly went haywire and attacked people ... including allegedly throwing a tampon at one of the female bartenders who checked on her in the bathroom.


Speaking of that bartender, she actually came on "TMZ Live" Friday and gave us the alleged blow-by-blow ... recounting what she says happened, and what she's gonna do next.


Alaia was already booked on a slew of charges over this -- but Haliegh Cauley, the bartender, tells us she intends to see this through and press charges ... outraged over the whole thing, and slamming Alaia for chucking bodily fluids her way ... or so she claims.

TMZ Studios

In other words ... this is far from over. Alaia hasn't responded to the arrest news yet.

Originally Published -- 12:10 PM PT

'Rust' Director Joel Souza Couldn't Believe He'd Been Shot ... X-Ray Confirmed Real Bullet

Court TV

Joel Souza recalled being rushed to the hospital after the "Rust" shooting ... and said he couldn't believe he'd been shot with a real bullet ... that is, until doctors showed him proof.

The director -- who was wounded in the same accidental shooting that killed Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" back in 2021 -- testified Friday during Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's trial that he didn't understand he'd been shot even while standing in the hospital.

Souza explained he did understand something had hit him -- but he couldn't believe it at first when doctors told him a real, live bullet had hit him.

Joel said he told hospital workers repeatedly they didn't understand what happened, repeating often that the incident took place on a movie set -- so there's no way a live bullet could've struck him.


After much protesting, JS says docs showed him an X-ray of his back ... and a real bullet was right there nestled underneath his skin, and he finally accepted the truth.

Of course, all this and much more has come out during Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's involuntary manslaughter trial that kicked off last week.

A number of Hannah's former coworkers have testified on behalf of the prosecution ... with line producer Gabrielle Pickle even claiming she recommended a system to Hannah so she might keep track of the on-set guns better -- which she said Hannah turned down.

It's all part of the prosecution's argument that Hannah's sloppiness with guns and ammo on the set is to blame for the tragic incident.

For her part, Hannah's lawyers are claiming she was under an incredible amount of stress because she served as both armorer and prop assistant for the movie.

TMZ Studios

It looks like the trial will continue into next week.

Stay tuned ...

ELON MUSK Demanda a OpenAI "¡Traicionaron mi idea original!"

Elon Musk está llevando a los tribunales a la empresa matriz de ChatGPT por lo que considera una traición a su acuerdo con el gigante de la IA. Según él, la compañía le ha dado la espalda a la humanidad... y todo en busca de dólares.

El multimillonario gigante de la tecnología acaba de presentar una demanda contra OpenAI, la empresa que ayudó a fundar y financió en 2015, alegando que el consejero delegado Sam Altman y el presidente Greg Brockman han tergiversado la misión humanitaria original de la organización para convertirla en una empresa con ánimo de lucro.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Musk dice que él, Altman, Brockman y otros, establecieron un acuerdo de fundación para OpenAI en su lanzamiento -una especie de constitución, si se quiere- en la cual Elon afirma explícitamente que estaban haciendo todo esto en beneficio de las personas, y no con fines de lucro.

También afirma que otro principio al que llegaron fue tener su código abierto y disponible para el público, para que la gente pudiera entender y colaborar en el desarrollo de la tecnología.

Elon dice en su demanda que este acuerdo de fundación que escribieron fue considerado como el principal impulso de su nueva compañía, pero el año pasado, él afirma que los encargados de OpenAI restantes rompieron su palabra cuando lanzaron su última versión de ChatGPT.

Por supuesto, se refiere a GPT-4. Elon y otros la han llamado la versión más inteligente de la IA hasta el momento, y Elon afirma que Microsoft pagó una tonelada de dinero para un acuerdo de licencia exclusiva con OpenAI para el uso de parte de la tecnología.

El problema, afirma Elon, es que han creado chat GPT-4 en secreto, y afirma que eso rompe el acuerdo de transparencia al público establecid en el acuerdo de fundación de hace casi 10 años.

Elon también señala que todo el episodio de expulsión de Altman de la junta de OpenAI y su reincorporación días después con miembros de la junta favorables a Microsoft, es una prueba más de que OpenAI se ha desviado claramente de su visión original... y ahora solo persigue beneficios.

tmz investiga
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Elon está demandando por incumplimiento de contrato -entre otras reclamaciones- y quiere una orden que le obligue a OpenAI a seguir el acuerdo de fundación original que mantenía la tecnología abierta al público, en lugar de perseguir ganancias financieras.

Tyreek Hill Model's Lawsuit Is BS ... She Got Injured Tripping Over A Dog!!!

Tyreek Hill is fighting back against the model who said he broke her leg during a fit of rage in a football drill ... saying she got injured merely because she tripped over a dog.

In a lawsuit filed in Florida last week, Sophie Hall -- an influencer with over 2 million followers on Instagram -- claimed that after Hill courted her through a series of direct messages last summer ... she showed up at his Southwest Ranches mansion.

She alleged that while there, the two engaged in some football drills -- and when she "held her own" against the Miami Dolphins star, he became embarrassed and enraged. She said he then "charged into her violently and with great force," causing her to sustain a serious leg injury.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

But, Hill's attorney, Julius B. Collins, said in a statement to TMZ Sports on Friday that Hall's lawsuit is complete BS ... and an attempt to shake down the NFL player.

According to Collins, Hall did show up to Hill's home and the two did engage in some "playful" drills ... but she hurt herself when she fell over a dog -- not because Hill turned violent.

Collins called Hall's claims "disgusting and cunning."

"This lawsuit is baseless," Collins said, "and nothing more than an attempt to bring bad publicity to Mr. Hill and force him into paying them and their client monies."

Collins added that Hill has opened up an insurance claim for the injuries Hall suffered while at the wide receiver's residence ... but Hall filed the lawsuit "in an attempt to 'scare tactic' him into personally covering the cost of Ms. Hall’s medical bills."

"Mr. Hill is prepared to defend against this baseless lawsuit head on," Collins said.

For the Dolphins' part, general manager Chris Grier told media members at the NFL Combine this week they were aware of the suit and are still gathering information.

"For us," he said, "Tyreek has been a good addition for us, but in terms of all the off-field stuff, we'll have to get all the information before we can really comment on it."

LA HERMANA DE HAILEY BIEBER es detenida en un bar Supuestamente se peleó y tiró un tampón

La hermana de Hailey Bieber, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, fue arrestada en Georgia a principios de esta semana. La policía afirma que fue parte de una pelea salvaje en un bar donde, entre otras cosas, se lanzaron tampones.

La influencer fue arrestada el sábado por la noche en Savannah, Georgia, después de que el propietario de un bar llamado Club Elan llamara al 911 para informar de un cliente revoltoso que, según él, estaba atacando a su personal y se negaba a abandonar el establecimiento. Resulta que la policía dice que esa persona era Alaia.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía obtenido por TMZ, cuando los oficiales llegaron, se reunieron con dos tipos diferentes y uno de los camareros y todos tenían una historia similar.

Le dijeron al policía que Alaia había entrado en un baño solo para empleados, y cuando le dijeron que no podía estar allí y tuvo que usar el baño público, supuestamente comenzó a dar problemas, y finalmente la han acusadado de agredir a tres empleados.

Un guardia de seguridad afirma que ella le arrancó el pelo de la cabeza cuando trató de forcejear con ella, y otro guardia alega que ella le dio una patada en la ingle cuando trató de hacer lo mismo.

Una camarera le dijo a la policía que ella misma entró en el baño de empleados -tratando de mostrar discreción por Alaia al parecer- y afirma que le dijeron que Alaia necesitaba un minuto para vomitar y cambiarse el tampón. La empleada dice que esperó un rato y cuando volvió a entrar de nuevo, ella afirma que Alaia le lanzó un tampón.

Finalmente, el personal de seguridad dice que fueron capaces de conseguir un asimiento de ella y sacarla del edificio y el oficial que responde dice que cuando le preguntó a Alaia sobre todo esto, ella afirmó que se estaba defendiendo y que todo el asunto fue sacado de proporción.

Al final, fue detenida por varios cargos: agresión simple, agresión simple, agresión y allanamiento de morada. También posó para esta foto en la cárcel.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Hemos contactado a Alaia, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Hailey Bieber's Sister Alaia Arrested at GA Bar Allegedly Fought, Threw Tampon

Hailey Bieber's sister, Alaia Baldwin Aronow, was arrested in Georgia earlier this week over what cops claim was a wild brawl at a bar -- which involved used tampons being hurled.

The influencer was busted Saturday night in Savannah, GA after the owner of a bar called Club Elan called 911 to report an unruly patron whom he claimed was attacking his staff and refusing to leave the establishment. As it turns out ... cops say that person was Alaia.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, when officers arrived ... they met with two different bouncers and one of the bartenders there -- all of whom had a similar story.

They told the cop that Alaia had gone into an employees-only bathroom, and when she was told she couldn't be in there and had to use the public restroom -- she allegedly started becoming belligerent and combative ... and she's accused of assaulting three staffers.

One security guard claims she yanked hair out of his head when he attempted to wrangle her, and another guard alleges she kicked him in the groin when he tried doing the same.

A female bartender told cops she went into the employee bathroom herself at one point -- trying to show discretion for Alaia apparently -- and claims she was told Alaia needed a minute to throw up and change her tampon. The staffer says she waited for a while ... and when she reentered again to check on Alaia, she claims Alaia threw a tampon at her.

Eventually ... the security personnel says they were able to get a hold of her and get her out of the building -- and the responding officer says when he asked Alaia about all this, she claimed she was defending herself ... and that the whole thing was blown out of proportion.


In the end, she was arrested on a number of charges -- getting booked for simple assault, simple battery, battery and trespassing. She also posed for this mug shot at the jail.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Alaia for comment ... so far, no word back.

Elon Musk Sues ChatGPT's Parent Co. You Betrayed Our OG Mission!!!

Elon Musk is taking ChatGPT's parent company to court over what he claims is a betrayal of his deal with the AI giant -- which he claims has turned its back on humanity ... all in search of dollars.

The billionaire tech giant just filed suit against OpenAI -- the company he helped start/finance back in 2015 -- alleging CEO Sam Altman and President Greg Brockman have twisted the org's original mission of humanitarianism into nothing but a profit-seeking venture.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Musk says he, Altman, Brockman, and others established a founding agreement for OpenAI at its launch -- a constitution of sorts, if you will -- which EM claims explicitly stated they were doing all this for the benefit of all people ... not for profit.

He also claims that another principle they came to was having their code open and available to the public ... so people could understand and collaborate on the development of the technology.

Elon says in his suit that this founding agreement they wrote out was actually memorialized as the north star of their new company -- but last year, he claims the remaining OpenAI honchos torched when they rolled out their latest version of ChatGPT.

Of course, he's referring to GPT-4 ... which Elon and others have called the smartest iteration of AI yet -- and Elon claims Microsoft even paid a ton of money for an exclusive licensing agreement with OpenAI for the use of some of the technology.

The problem, Elon claims, is that the guts of how GPT-4 came together were completely hidden ... which he says is a gross departure from the commitment to openness and transparency to the public laid out in the founding agreement almost 10 years ago.

Elon also points to the whole episode of Altman getting booted from the OpenAI board and then brought back in days later with Microsoft-friendly board members as more proof that OpenAI has clearly bucked its original mission ... and is now simply chasing profit.

TMZ Studios

Elon is suing for breach of contract, among other claims -- and he wants an order requiring OpenAI to follow the original founding deal that kept the technology open to the public, rather than chasing financial gains.

Jussie Smollett Completes 5-Month Rehab Program

Here's a milestone for Jussie Smollett -- he's completed a rehab stint for substance abuse.

Sources close to Jussie tell TMZ … earlier this month, the former "Empire" star finished a 5-month outpatient program.

We're told Jussie put in the work, focusing on his health and being consistent with his workouts during his time in rehab.

Remember ... Jussie's substance abuse came up frequently during his criminal trial in Chicago, which is still hanging over his head as he continues to fight his conviction and jail sentence.


On the bright side, our sources say Jussie's new management team is hard at work gearing him up for the upcoming release of his new film and other projects.

TMZ Studios

As we reported, Jussie checked himself into an outpatient treatment facility back in October, and during his rehab stint, we saw him reading Matthew Perry's memoir ... which, of course, detailed the late actor's own struggles with addiction.

Jussie continues trying to push forward through the past several years of adversity. Completing rehab was one hurdle, and the next big one will be his legal battle.

As we reported, he's waiting to see if the Illinois Supreme Court will weigh in on whether his conviction -- and subsequent 150-day sentence -- should stand.


revelando un trauma
Court TV

El ayudante de dirección del rodaje de "Rust" -que le entregó a Alec Baldwin la pistola que finalmente se disparó contra Halyna Hutchins- acaba de subir al estrado en el juicio del armero, y lloró.

David Halls testificó en nombre de la fiscalía el jueves en Nuevo México, donde van tras de Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed por cargos de homicidio, y dio una descripción detallada de su última interacción con Halyna antes de que muriera en el set.

Court TV

Es increíblemente emocional. Él dice que Halyna le dijo que no podía sentir sus piernas antes de morir... y David derramó algunas lágrimas.

La fiscalía también tuvo a un productor de la película, Ryan Winterstern, testificando el jueves. Los fiscales dicen que Hannah afirmó anteriormente que habló con dos productores llamados Ryan y Nathan y les dijo que necesitaba tiempo adicional con Baldwin para realizar el tiro cruzado.

Recordemos que Alec estaba trabajando en el lugar designado cuando su arma se disparó, golpeando a Halyna y en última instancia tomando su vida. Los fiscales dicen que Hannah comparte al menos parte de la culpa porque ella era responsable de las armas en el set.

tirando el gatillo

De todos modos, a Ryan le preguntaron directamente si se acuerda de haber tenido esa conversación con Hannah y testificó que no recordaba ningún momento en que ella intentara llamar su atención, y dijo que probablemente recordaría tal conversación si hubiera ocurrido.

Mientras tanto, en el testimonio del miércoles, los fiscales le preguntaron al productor Gabrielle Pickle si alguna vez expresó su preocupación a Hannah acerca de las armas de fuego en el set.

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sin registrarse
Court TV

Gabrielle testificó que dos veces le planteó la cuestión a Hannah, en persona y también a través de correo electrónico.

Cuando le preguntaron si ella sugirió una manera de arreglar el problema con las armas de fuego desatendidas en el set de "Rust", Gabrielle testificó que le propuso un sistema de registro a Hannah, donde las armas de fuego serían registradas de entrada y salida cada vez que se usen.

Gabrielle testificó que Hannah rechazó la sugerencia, supuestamente diciéndole a Gabrielle que era "demasiado complicado" y que Hannah estaba trabajando con su propio sistema para realizar un seguimiento de las armas.

Como informamos, la declaración de apertura de la fiscalía estuvo enfocada en que Hannah fue la culpable de la ronda que mató a Halyna.

Los fiscales dijeron que Hannah no siguió los protocolos de seguridad de armas adecuadas en el set, alegando que regularmente dejaba armas y municiones tiradas por el set, e incluso permitió que munición real se infiltrara en la producción.

Por su parte, los abogados de Hannah han dicho que ella tenía la tarea de múltiples puestos de trabajo en el set; de armero y asistente de apoyo, y que era mucho trabajo para alguien de solo 24 años de edad.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

El equipo de Hannah afirma que su edad y su relativo anonimato la convierten en un chivo expiatorio perfecto.

DWAYNE JOHNSON Owns 'If You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking' ... 'Candy Ass,' Other Zingers

The Rock is cooking up some serious business moves ... because he's locked up the rights to some of his most famous stage names and catch phrases, all part of his WWE deal.

Dwayne Johnson's recent agreement with the new board, as it turns out, calls for him to own his stage name "The Rock," plus a wide range of other titles and zingers ... which just became public knowledge.

According to an SEC filing, Dwayne legally acquired popular taglines like ... "If you smell what The Rock is cooking" and "Know Your Role and Shut Your Mouth."

DJ also locked up the rights to his various wrestling nicknames and wrestling moves, including ... "The People's Champion," "The People's Elbow," "The Great One," "The Samoan Sensation," "The Brahma Bull" and "The Blue Chipper."

The Rock also owns "Jabroni" and "Candy Ass" ... plus "Roody Poo" ... among other items. Worth noting ... he owns these names/phrases in the context of WWE ... that's it. Everyone else can throw these lines around in public, DJ only has dominion in the wrestling world.


Of course, this is one of the major benefits of Dwayne's deal to become the newest board of directors member for TKO -- which now owns WWE and UFC as a new one-stop shop entity.

As we reported ... The Rock is also getting stock options valued at $30 million and some executive decision-making power. And yes, he's a major shot-caller as a board member now -- so he's got a nice little package of perks to himself ... including things only he can say.

TMZ Studios

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal!!!



Jenelle Evans está compartiendo detalles del intento de robo en su casa de Carolina del Norte, y la historia que cuenta es absolutamente horrible, dejando claro que tiene suerte de estar viva.

La ex estrella de "Teen Mom" apareció en TikTok el jueves para profundizar en lo que experimentó el pasado fin de semana y dice que todo esto se desarrolló durante la noche mientras estaba en casa con su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice que este tipo -al que ella nunca había visto antes- apareció de repente en su propiedad e intento de entrar a la casa.

Procedieron a esconderse y llamar al 911, todo mientras este hombre no identificado trataba de abrir su puerta corrediza de cristal, lo cual fue impedido por un palo de bloqueo desde el suelo.

Jenelle dice que tenía un arma con ella, pero no quería usarla si no era necesario, no quería poner a su hijo en riesgo. Al final, dice que el tipo se detuvo cuando se dio cuenta de que ella estaba con su hijo adolescente y se disculpó.

Ella dice que él le dijo que estaba en la casa equivocada, pero Jenelle dice que es mentira, diciendo que vive en el campo en una propiedad de 10 acres y sospecha que estaba allí para hacerle daño.

Jenelle también dice que tiene este tipo en la cámara, y está trabajando con la policía, ya que investigar. Ella dice que va a publicar este material pronto con la esperanza de que la gente en línea puede ayudar a localizarlo.

La única cosa que no aclaró, ¿dónde estaba su marido, David Eason? No se sabe nada al respecto.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

La policía dice que la llamada entró como un intento de robo y el sospechoso fue descrito como un hombre hispano. Por ahora, no hay nuevas actualizaciones en el caso.

'Rust' Armorer Trial AD Gives Emotional Testimony ... Others Testify Against Her

Court TV

The first assistant director on the set of "Rust" -- who handed Alec Baldwin the gun that was ultimately fired at Halyna Hutchins -- just took the stand in the armorer's trial, and he cried.

David Halls testified on behalf of the prosecution Thursday in New Mexico -- where they're going after Hannah Gutierrez-Reed on manslaughter charges ... and he gave a detailed description of his last interaction with Halyna before she died on set.

Court TV

It's incredibly emotional ... he says Halyna told him she couldn't feel her legs before she passed -- and DH sheds some tears here.

The prosecution also had a producer on the film, Ryan Winterstern, testify Thursday. Prosecutors say Hannah previously claimed she spoke to 2 producers named Ryan and Nathan and told them she needed additional armorer time with Baldwin concerning his cross draw.

Remember ... Alec was working on his cross draw in the scene when his gun went off and shot a live round, hitting Halyna and ultimately taking her life. Prosecutors say Hannah shares at least some of the blame because she was responsible for the guns on set.


Anyway, Ryan was asked straight up if he remembers having that conversation with Hannah ... and he testified he didn't recall her ever bringing that to his attention, and said he probably would remember such a convo if it had occurred.

Meanwhile, in testimony from Wednesday, prosecutors asked line producer Gabrielle Pickle if she ever expressed concerns to Hannah about firearms being left unattended on set.

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Court TV

Gabrielle testified she twice raised the issue with Hannah ... in person and also via email.

Asked if she suggested a way of fixing the issue with unattended firearms on the "Rust" set, Gabrielle testified she proposed a logging system to Hannah, where the firearms would be checked in and checked out with each use.

Gabrielle testified Hannah shot down the suggestion ... allegedly telling Gabrielle it was "too complicated" and that Hannah was working with her own system for keeping track of the guns.

As we reported ... the prosecution's opening statement was all about Hannah being at fault for the live round that killed Halyna.

Prosecutors said Hannah did not follow proper gun safety protocols on set ... claiming she regularly left guns and ammo just lying around the set, and even allowed live ammo to infiltrate the production.

For her part, Hannah's lawyers have said she was tasked with multiple jobs on set -- armorer and prop assistant -- which was a lot to ask of her at just 24 years old.

TMZ Studios

Hannah's camp claims her age and relative anonymity make her a textbook scapegoat here.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Details Attempted Break-In at Home Says She Had Gun with Her


Jenelle Evans is getting into the details of the attempted break-in at her North Carolina home -- and the story she tells is absolutely horrific ... making clear, she's lucky to be alive.

The former "Teen Mom" star hopped on TikTok Thursday to get into what she experienced last weekend -- and she says this all unfolded in the middle of the night while she was at home with her 14-year-old son, Jace.

Jenelle says this random guy -- who she says she's never seen before, and who was not her husband -- was all of a sudden on her property and attempting to get into the house.

She goes on to describe her waking up Jace, huddling together and calling 911 ... all while this unidentified man tried yanking her sliding glass door open, which she says was only prevented by a stick blocking it from the floor.

Jenelle does say she had a gun with her ... but notes, she didn't want to use it if she didn't have to -- not wanting to put her boy through that type of trauma. In the end, she says the guy only stopped once he realized she was with her teenage kid, and he apologized.

She says he told her he was at the wrong house -- but Jenelle calls BS, saying she lives out in the country on a 10-acre property ... and she suspects he was there to do her harm.

Jenelle also says she's got this guy on camera, and is working with cops as they investigate. She says she'll post this footage soon in hopes that people online can help track him down.

The one thing she didn't clarify ... where was her hubby, David Eason? No word on that.

TMZ Studios

Cops have since told TMZ ... the call came in as an attempted break-in, and the suspect was described as a Hispanic male. For now, there are no new updates in the case.

ECU Gunman Exchanges Gunfire w/ Cops on Video ... Allegedly Shot Employee


Police in North Carolina have taken a man into custody after he allegedly shot a college employee ... and their confrontation with the suspect was all caught on video.

Greenville police officers said the alleged gunman -- identified as 38-year-old Savell Hightower -- was taken into custody after they say he shot an East Carolina University employee outside a local elementary school in what they're currently calling an unprovoked attack.

Police say the alleged victim encountered a man on a bike before that man apparently fired at him at least five times. The 27-year-old ECU employee sustained non-life-threatening injuries.

Fast-forward a bit ... and cop cars flying down the street apparently drew the attention of a local citizen who started to film through his windows as a man calmly rode by the house on a bike.

It appears he caught the moment two police cars pulled up with officers hopping out, guns drawn and pointed at the man on the bike. It looks like the cops open fire though it's unclear from the video if the man is firing back -- though police say he did fire at officers.

Somehow, the suspect was reportedly uninjured, and cops say they managed to get him into custody without further incident.

Hightower is reportedly booked on multiple charges, including attempted murder counts, assault with a deadly weapon, and possession of a stolen firearm.

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Seems like everyone's gonna be just fine from this encounter ... but, certainly a scary situation to say the least.