Diddy Accuser Started Lawsuit GFM Weeks Ago ... No Mention Of SA Claims 🤔

Instagram / @lilrodmadeit

Diddy's former producer -- and latest accuser -- filed a lawsuit with damning sexual misconduct allegations ... but just a few weeks ago, he fundraised for this same suit, and made no mention of the alleged sexual assault he detailed in his complaint.

Back on February 7 ... Rodney Jones -- aka, Lil Rodmadeit -- posted an IG confessional that flew under the radar before his very public lawsuit hit the press Monday, and the video is an attempt to raise money from his followers to pay for a suit against Diddy.

In the video, Jones lamented over not being able to revel in Diddy's 'LOVE' album's Grammy nominations -- because he claimed he'd been screwed in royalties and publishing ... and alleged that Diddy had refused to pay him what he says was owed.

He goes on to indicate that he plans to launch a legal battle against Puff, and notes that he'll need funds to fight him in court -- and that's where his GoFundMe comes into play.

Two days before this video went up, Rodney had started a GFM campaign -- the title of which reads ... "Help Me Sue Sean 'Diddy' Combs" and it had a $50k goal. In both the description of his GoFundMe and in his clip, he makes no mention of the alleged sexual assault he claims he endured at the hands of Diddy/his associates while working for him.

It's all interesting in hindsight ... ya gotta wonder why he might not have addressed these claims of his a few weeks ago ... when he was literally trying to raise cash for this lawsuit.

As we reported ... Rodney claims Diddy forced him to sleep with sex workers and watch gay porn -- and even floats the possibility that he was drugged at one point ... but the bulk of the complaints online earlier this month were geared towards his business dealings with Diddy.

At the time of this writing, his GFM has only raised $1,500 of his $50,000 goal.

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Unclear how Jones was able to pay for his legal counsel but obviously -- the suit was filed.

Diddy has denied all of Rodney's allegations ... as have some others who were named.

scott, PADRE DE TAYLOR SWIFT Nuevo ángulo sobre el incidente de agresión Sigue siendo difícil ver lo que pasó

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malas pulgas

Nuevas imágenes del padre de Taylor Swift cara a cara con los paparazzi en Australia han salido a la superficie, y a pesar de que muestran otro ángulo, todavía es difícil decir lo que pasó.

En el video, Scott va agarrando la mano de su hija, quien se está cubriendo el torso con un paraguas. El caos se produce rápidamente cuando la seguridad de Taylor intenta despejarle el camino hacia un vehículo que la espera a ella y a su padre. Acababan de salir de un yate después de llegar de Homebush.

Se ve a Taylor avanzando hacia la parte trasera del vehículo mientras los paparazzi intentan conseguir una toma perfecta. Es entonces cuando se puede ver a Scott dar la vuelta hacia la parte trasera del vehículo -donde están los otros paparazzi- y algún tipo de refriega parece desarrollarse detrás de la puerta.

Una vez más, es imposible decir que pasó, pero algo se puede deducir, y Scott está involucrado al igual que otros guardias de seguridad.

Como informamos, Scott ha sido acusado de ser agresivo con un fotógrafo identificado como Ben McDonald, en un supuesto altercado que el paparazzi ha caracterizado como asalto. La policía está investigando el caso.

Un representante de Taylor nos dijo que más de un individuo estaba "abriéndose agresivamente camino hacia Taylor" y afirmó que la gente estaba amedrentando a su equipo de seguridad y amenazando con lastimar a la estrella.

El equipo de Taylor no se refirió específicamente a la acusación contra Scott por el fotógrafo.

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momentos tensos

Los policías en Australia señalan que la presunta víctima no requirió tratamiento médico después del encuentro con Scott. Así que tal vez todo el drama será sacudido antes de que se convierta en algo más serio. McDonald no parece inclinado a dejar que esto pase desapercibido.

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El tiempo dirá si se trata de algo más serio.

Manténgase en sintonía...

Gay Porn Star Knockout That 'Stevie J' Pic in Diddy Suit ... Is Actually Me, Guys!!!

Diddy was accused of sharing a sex tape that allegedly showed Stevie J with another man -- but a gay porn star is coming forward to say it's actually him seen in the now-viral image.

The photos that have been circulating online -- which show a Black man apparently having sex with another guy, and who was purported to be Stevie -- were included in Rodney Jones' lawsuit against Diddy that he filed Monday ... but adult film star Knockout is taking credit.

Knockout hopped on Twitter -- this amid mass sharing of the image and a lot of gossip/speculation about Stevie's name being invoked -- and he cleared the air definitively.

He wrote, "This is not him it's me yall really be trying it." Knockout has also been reposting/retweeting people responding to the images ... all of whom are pointing out this is from a well-known porno he was in from years ago, and which has been around for a while.

Knockout has also clarified that he was NOT at any of Diddy's parties -- as described in the lawsuit -- and he also adds that he doesn't appreciate Rodney using his image to make a salacious claim. He also retweeted someone who claims this image of Knockout has often been used to try and smear Stevie's name ... something Knockout appears to acknowledge.

Remember ... Rodney claimed in his suit that Diddy had shared this video with him and allegedly said it depicted Stevie -- with the whole point of this allegedly being Diddy attempting to "groom" Rodney ... something Diddy has come out and vehemently denied.

Stevie J, for his part, has also denied Rodney's allegations ... calling them false. He also seemed to allude to future legal action against him for roping him into this whole mess.

TMZ Studios

Rodney hasn't addressed the fact that Knockout is saying that photo is of him, not Stevie.

porno gay ESA FOTO DE "STEVIE J" EN TRAJE DE DIDDY... ¡En realidad soy yo!

Diddy fue acusado de compartir un video sexual en el que supuestamente aparecía Stevie J con otro hombre, pero una estrella del porno gay ha salido a la palestra para afirmar que es él quien aparece en la imagen que ahora se ha hecho viral.

Las fotos que han estado circulando en línea -que muestran a un hombre supuestamente teniendo relaciones con Stevie- se incluyeron en la demanda que Rodney Jones presentó el lunes contra Diddy, pero la estrella de cine para adultos -Knockout- está tomando el crédito.

Knockout apareció en Tuiter luego de compartir la imagen y un montón de chismes y especulaciones sobre el nombre de Stevie, e hizo fuertes declaraciones.

Escribió: "Este no es él, soy yo probando de todo". Knockout también ha reposteado y retuiteado y la gente ha respondido a las imágenes. Señalando que se trata de un conocido video porno, bastante viejo por lo demás.

Knockout también ha aclarado que NO estuvo en ninguna de las fiestas de Diddy -como se describe en la demanda- y también añade que no le gusta que Rodney use su imagen para hacer una afirmación de ese calibre. También retuiteó a alguien que afirma que esta imagen de Knockout se ha utilizado a menudo para tratar de manchar el nombre de Stevie, algo que Knockout parece reconocer.

Recordemos que Rodney afirmó en su demanda que Diddy había compartido este video con él y supuestamente dijo que representaba a Stevie. El punto es que supuestamente Diddy trató de "novio" a Rodney, algo que Diddy ha negado con vehemencia.

Stevie J, por su parte, también ha negado las acusaciones de Rodney, llamandolas falsas. También parecía aludir a una futura acción legal en su contra por roping él en todo este lío.

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Rodney no ha abordado el hecho de que Knockout esté diciendo que la foto es de él, y no Stevie.

Reesa Teesa de TikTok Ex estudia acciones legales... Por "Who TF Did I Marry"

El ex de Reesa Teesa está contando su versión de la saga viral que se ha tomado completamente TikTok, y aunque ha sido pintado de una manera, él dice que tiene una historia diferente y que podría terminar en los tribunales.

Jerome McCoy, que se hace llamar "Legion" en la ahora infame serie de videos de Reesa "Who TF Did I Marry", que tiene al menos 50 partes en este momento, le dice a TMZ que todo lo que Teresa Johnson (verdadero nombre de Reesa) declaró sobre él es falso.

Reesa hizo muchas acusaciones contra Legion, incluyendo mentiras acerca de su carrera, su familia y su riqueza, etc., y ahora él está contraatacando con sus propias acusaciones.

Legion afirma que él y Reesa estaban teniendo problemas de confianza en un momento dado y que ella trató de reconciliarse supuestamente con él, amenazando con "exponerlo" si no cumplía. Sugiere que no cedió y es por eso que todo esto está saliendo a la luz.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

No hace falta decir que el ex de Reesa está sintiendo el contragolpe de los videos de TikToks y afirma que está perjudicando su trabajo en el área de las relaciones públicas, que dice que hace para un hospital. En medio de toda esta vorágine, Legion nos dice que se reunió con unos abogados el lunes en el trabajo para discutir la adopción de medidas legales contra Reesa, a primera vista, parece que su empresa cree que podría haber sido dañado por su narración. Legion dice que apoya cualquier movimiento que puedan hacer.

No está claro si está considerando un abogado privado en este momento, pero sin duda está reflexionando sobre sus opciones. En resumen, Legion dice que no es la persona que ha sido retratada por Reesa y siente que ha sido agraviado por la historia que ha dicho.

No se puede negar que los videos de Reesa han sido un gran éxito en Internet. Un video acumula más de 11 millones de visitas en TikTok. La cuenta de Reesa también cuenta con casi 32 millones de "me gusta".

La actriz Danielle Pinnock, de la serie de televisión "Ghosts", ya se ofreció para interpretar a Reesa si la saga viral llega a tener una adaptación para la pantalla chica y algo nos dice que podría convertirse en una película o serie más adelante. De hecho, es así de salvaje.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Conociendo a Hollywood, probablemente alguien ya está trabajando en el guion.

TikTok's Reesa Teesa Ex Weighing Legal Action ... Over 'Who TF Did I Marry'

Reesa Teesa's ex is telling his side of a viral TikTok saga that's taken the internet by storm -- and while he's been painted one way, he's got a different story ... which might end in court.

Jerome McCoy -- who goes by "Legion" on Reesa's now-infamous 'Who TF Did I Marry?' video series, which is at least 50 parts deep at this point -- tells TMZ ... everything Reesa, whose real name is Teresa Johnson, declared about him in her lengthy video series is false.

While Reesa made many allegations against Legion -- including claims that he fibbed about his career, family and wealth, etc. -- he's hitting back with accusations of his own.

Legion claims he and Reesa were having trust issues at one point -- and goes on to claim she attempted to reconcile with him while allegedly threatening to "expose" him if he did not comply ... and he suggests him not budging is why this is all coming out.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

It goes without saying ... Reesa's ex is feeling the backlash of the TikToks going viral and claims it's hurting his job in PR -- which he says he does for a hospital. Amid all this attention, Legion tells us he met with attorneys Monday at work to discuss taking legal action against Reesa -- on its face, it seems his company believes they mighta been damaged by her storytelling. Legion says he's supportive of any moves they might make.

Unclear if he's considering private counsel for himself at this point ... but he's certainly mulling his options right now. Bottom line ... Legion tells us the way he's been portrayed by Reesa is NOT who he is at all -- and he feels he's been wronged by the tale she's told.

There's no denying that Reesa's videos have been a huge hit online ... with one video garnering over 11 million views on TikTok. Reesa's account also boasts nearly 32M likes.

Actress Danielle Pinnock -- from the TV show 'Ghosts' -- has already pitched herself to play Reesa if the viral saga ever gets a small screen adaptation ... and something tells us this thing might just get made into a movie or show down the line. Indeed, it's that wild.

TMZ Studios

Knowing Hollywood ... someone is probably already working on the screenplay.

Diddy Sued for Sexual Assault by Former Male Employee


2/27 -- 8:10 AM PT -- Stevie J tells TMZ ... "These allegations are false and my lawyer will be handling this going forward."

7:23 PM PT -- A rep for Justin Combs tells TMZ ... "Justin Combs categorically denies these absurd allegations. They are all lies! This is a a clear example of a desperate person taking desperate measures in hopes of a pay day. There will be legal consequences for ALL defamatory statements made about the Combs family."

4:40 PM PT -- Diddy's attorney, Shawn Holley, tells TMZ ... "Lil Rod is nothing more than a liar who filed a $30 million lawsuit shamelessly looking for an undeserved payday. His reckless name-dropping about events that are pure fiction and simply did not happen is nothing more than a transparent attempt to garner headlines."

She adds, "We have overwhelming, indisputable proof that his claims are complete lies. Our attempts to share this proof with Mr. Jones’ attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, have been ignored, as Mr. Blackburn refuses to return our calls. We will address these outlandish allegations in court and take all appropriate action against those who make them."

Diddy has just been sued by a man claiming the mogul sexually assaulted him.

In legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Rodney Jones, a former producer and videographer for the mogul, claims he was repeatedly sexually assaulted by Diddy and subjected to unwanted advances by associates of Diddy at his direction.

Jones claims Diddy, among other thing, would grope Jones' genitals and touch his anus. Jones goes on to allege Diddy would parade around naked in front of Jones.

Jones believes Diddy was trying to groom him into having sex. He says Diddy would downplay the alleged assaults as "horseplay." Jones goes on to allege Diddy forced him to watch a video involving Stevie J having sex with another man. Jones included a screen grab of the video.

There are more allegations ... he says a female cousin of Diddy's girlfriend, Yung Miami, also sexually assaulted him, allegedly attempting to have sex with him in front of Diddy and members of his staff.

And there's more ... Jones says Diddy brought prostitutes to his house in Miami and on one occasion, Jones says he was present at the house and was drugged and possibly raped.

He also alleges, at several parties, Diddy intentionally served women bottles of his tequila and vodka brands laced with drugs.

There are more tawdry allegations, including bringing underage girls to Diddy's home and providing them with alcohol.

Jones claims Diddy directed Stevie J and his son Justin Combs to recruit prostitutes -- and in Justin's case, he was instructed to find underaged girls to attend the parties.

Jones claims Diddy introduced him to Cuba Gooding Jr. on Diddy's yacht and Cuba allegedly began "touching, groping, and fondling Mr. Jones's legs, his upper inner thighs near his groin, the small of his back near his buttocks and his shoulders."

There are also allegations of a shooting, where Jones says Diddy and his son Justin got into a heated argument at an L.A. recording studio. Jones says gunfire erupted and a man named G was hit and bleeding profusely from his stomach.

Jones says Diddy told him to lie to cops and say G was shot in a drive-by.

It's worth noting, LAPD investigated the shooting and reportedly found the victim had been shot outside the studio during a robbery, and merely ran into the studio while still bleeding.


In addition to Diddy, Jones is suing Justin, other employees as well as various record execs, and according to the docs ... he's seeking at least $30 million in damages.

TMZ Studios

We reached out to Diddy's rep, as well as reps for Cuba and Stevie J ... so far, no word back. NBC News first reported the lawsuit.

Originally Published -- 2/26 -- 4:36 PM PT

Taylor Swift Dad Scott Under Investigation ... Allegedly Attacked Pap


4:17 PM PT -- A rep for Taylor tells TMZ ... "Two individuals were aggressively pushing their way towards Taylor, grabbing at her security personnel, and threatening to throw a female staff member into the water."

Taylor Swift's father, Scott, has been accused of attacking a paparazzo in Australia -- and now cops are looking into it ... and some of this appears to have been caught on camera.

New South Wales Police Media Unit tells TMZ ... cops there are investigating an alleged assault that was reported to them on Sydney's North Shore very early Tuesday morning local time -- this after a photographer named Ben McDonald filed a complaint claiming just that.

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We're told police there were informed that a 71-year-old man -- believed to be Scott -- allegedly got into a physical confrontation with a 51-year-old man (McDonald) at Neutral Bay Wharf at about 2 AM Tuesday as he was exiting the area.

NSWPMU tells us the alleged victim reported this, and now ... it's on the radar as they probe what exactly happened, and whether a crime was committed. The cops here note ... the alleged victim did not require medical treatment.

Now, in terms of the alleged evidence here ... McDonald actually seems to have captured at least a piece of this altercation -- although, it's a bit unclear what exactly you can see here.

You can see and hear Ben manning the camera as Scott and a bunch of security guards clear the path for him as he makes his way from the dock area, and as Scott gets closer, one of the guards with an umbrella -- who seems to be trying to obscure the view of McDonald -- gets awfully close ... and you can hear what sounds like a scuffle ensue.

From the looks of it, Scott doesn't appear to be directly involved -- but again, it's hard to tell for sure. In any case, McDonald has gone running to cops to accuse him of assault.


McDonald told the Daily Mail that Taylor was with Scott here -- and that they were arriving from Homebush on a yacht when all this went down. Photos of their arrival were captured by paps on the ground -- including McDonald -- and you can actually see Taylor walking through with an umbrella over her entire torso as Scott guides her through the pap crush.

TMZ Studios

Taylor and Scott haven't addressed the incident just yet ... we've reached out to her camp for comment, so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:31 PM PT

JUSSIE SMOLLETT Never Had 'Deal' to Avoid Prosecution ... Special Prosecutor Tells IL Supreme Court

Jussie Smollett doesn't understand the law, and he's barking up the wrong tree with the Illinois Supreme Court ... at least that's how the special prosecutor views the actor's appeal.

Special prosecutor Dan Webb -- who convicted Jussie for lying to cops about the hate crime hoax -- is responding to Jussie's motion to have the IL Supreme Court review his case and overturn the conviction ... and says JS's claim he had an agreement in place to avoid prosecution simply doesn't hold water.

As we reported, Jussie claims he struck a deal with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office -- he would do volunteer community service and forfeit his bond, and in return, prosecutors would drop the charges.

However, Webb says that "agreement" was "imaginary" on Smollett's part, and it did not insulate him from facing charges at a later date. Webb also shoots down Jussie's claim he's a victim of double jeopardy -- pointing out the legal term doesn't apply in this case.

In docs, obtained by TMZ, the special prosecutor says protection from double jeopardy is "triggered only after the accused has been subjected to the hazards of trial and possible conviction."

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Webb says the initial charges were dropped a mere 12 days after Jussie was arraigned ... so, long before there was a jury impaneled, any witnesses sworn in or evidence produced.

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Fox 32 Chicago

Special prosecutor Webb's overall point ... Jussie's case isn't worthy of an IL Supreme Court review. Webb would like to see the high court reject his bid for appeal, opening the door for Jussie to complete his 150-day sentence ... of which he's only served 6, so far.

Kim Kardashian Wrong Pic for Death Row Inmate ... Ivan Cantu, Proj. Mngr.???

Kim Kardashian does great work in criminal justice reform -- but in trying to shed light on one important case ... she mistakenly highlighted a guy who's got nothing to do with this.

The reality star flubbed Monday when she posted the wrong photo of death row inmate Ivan Cantu -- accidentally uploading an image of Ivan A. Cantu ... a project manager from New York.

TMZ spoke with Ivan about the social media mix-up -- and the planner tells us he learned of the error from his family. Understandably, he initially thought they were kidding ... as it's his 60th birthday. We're sure this wasn't the birthday surprise he expected!

In any case ... Ivan says he understands that someone from Kim's team likely shared the incorrect image by mistake ... although, he wouldn't say no to an apology since his photo was sent out to Kim's 364 million followers -- that's what he told us anyway.

The SKIMS founder has since taken down the mistaken post and replaced it with a local newspaper op-ed shedding light on the case. The mother of four has spoken out in support of the imprisoned Ivan -- who is currently incarcerated in Texas -- on more than one occasion.

Back in January ... Kim shed light on Ivan's case -- highlighting that the prisoner has always maintained his innocence in the 2000 murders of his cousin, James Mosqueda, and his cousin's fiancée, Amy Kitchen.

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He is currently set to be executed on Wednesday after a prior execution date in April 2023 was canceled amid an appeal -- so obviously, this is a very serious matter.

Kim is encouraging her followers to sign a petition that will encourage the District Attorney to withdraw Ivan's execution date.

TRISTAN THOMPSON Granted Guardianship Over Little Brother

Tristan Thompson is officially taking over as caregiver for his younger brother... because a court signed off on him becoming Amari Thompson's guardian.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the ruling came in Monday, about 5 months after Tristan first filed a petition to become his little bro's guardian.

Remember ... Tristan and Amari lost their mother, Andrea, about a year ago when she died suddenly in Toronto. Tristan's been looking after Amari ever since ... and now he's officially been appointed his brother's legal guardian.

As we reported ... in his original petition, Tristan claimed their father, Trevor, has been absent from Amari's life ... leaving Tristan as the closest family member available to step up and provide the care Amari needs.

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Tristan's got a lot of responsibility here ... Amari is unable to care for himself because he's been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Amari's also getting $103,475 in inheritance from his mother's estate ... and Tristan said in his earlier petition that he would protect the money from loss and provide for Amari's care.

Good on Tristan.

Ray J's Wife Princess Love Files for Divorce (Again) ... 4th Time's the Charm???

Ray J and Princess Love are on the outs again -- and she's ready to throw in the towel in court ... filing to end their marriage, marking the 4th time they've been down this road.

The 'L&HH' star filed for divorce Monday in L.A. County -- and while the details of what she wants out of it are unclear at this point ... the fact she's calling it quits isn't. The only thing we know for certain is she notes there are minor children involved, and money's gotta be hashed out.

Worth noting ... she's the petitioner this time, and Ray's the respondent -- on their third divorce attempt, RJ was the one who filed ... and that was back in 2021. He also initiated their second divorce filing in late 2020 ... and she kicked it off initially in Spring '20.

So, they've kinda been going back and forth over who files ... this time, it's her doing it.

PL posted a lengthy statement on IG addressing the news, writing ... "It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of our decision to divorce. After much reflection, discussion, and counseling, we have come to the difficult realization that our paths have diverged, and it is in the best interest of both of us to part ways."

She goes on to say they're doing this with both of their well-being in mind, and that they're committed to being great co-parents to their two kids, a young daughter and son they share.

Princess Love asks for privacy over their divorce, finishing by saying ... "Though this chapter of our lives may be closing, we look forward to embracing the opportunities for growth, healing, and new beginnings that lie ahead. We are confident that with time, understanding, and the support of our loved ones, we will navigate this transition with grace and resilience."

TMZ Studios

They've had a number of issues over the years, but until now ... they've been able to make peace and yanked all the divorce filings leading up to this. Now, it seems truly over.


El juicio de Alec Baldwin por el tiroteo de "Rust" ha sido programado, y va a ser antes de lo esperado. Resulta que se ha fijado una fecha para mediados del verano, y se prolongará durante una semana o más.

Los procedimientos judiciales para el juicio por homicidio involuntario del actor están programados para comenzar con la selección del jurado, la cual comenzará el 9 de julio. Después de eso, el juicio comienza al día siguiente -el 10 de julio- y las autoridades de Nuevo México dicen que va a estar en el banquillo durante los siguientes 9 días.

Se espera que el juicio se extienda por lo menos hasta el 19 de julio. Alec va a pasar una buena parte del verano allí en Santa Fe mientras los fiscales tratan de demostrar, más allá de toda duda razonable, que es legalmente responsable de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins. Alec se ha declarado formalmente inocente.

Va a haber un montón de mociones previas al juicio durante los meses previos a la fecha del mismo y mejor creer que Alec y sus abogados están preparando su mejor defensa.

NBC News

A propósito, la armera del set de la película también está actualmente en juicio y está siendo procesada por cargos de homicidio involuntario. Queda por ver cómo va a terminar todo este asunto.

Como hemos informado, esta es la segunda vez que Alec ha sido acusado de homicidio involuntario por el Estado, la primera vez terminaron retirando los cargos, pero los últimos meses se han desenterrado más pruebas que intentan probar que se trata de un crimen.

Un gran jurado dictó otra acusación en su contra a principios de este año, una decisión que muchos esperaban sobre la base de la forma en que los funcionarios estaban hablando sobre el caso en los últimos tiempos.

Alec ha insistido durante mucho tiempo que no tenía ni idea de que había una carga real en el arma que utilizó durante el ensayo y también ha dicho claramente que encargarse de la seguridad no era su responsabilidad.

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Vamos a ver qué pruebas tienen los fiscales para hacer su caso... esto se ha prolongado durante mucho tiempo.


Brandi Glanville is laying into Andy Cohen for his apology over her sexual harassment claims -- saying he hasn't really made it right with the one person who matters ... her!

The ex-'Real Housewives' star hopped on X Monday to slam the Bravo honcho -- who oversees all things 'Housewives -- over his tweet last week that addressed her allegations of once sending her an inappropriate video ... which he characterized as just a joke.

She wrote ... "I have not received a personal apology from anyone. I saw an apology that Andy posted TO HIS FANS for his mistreatment of me and inappropriateness."

You'll recall ... last week we revealed Brandi's lawyers had sent a demand letter to NBC Universal threatening a lawsuit on her behalf after claiming they mistreated her. In the doc, Brandi made some serious claims against Andy ... saying he was straight-up boasting about plans to hook up with another Bravo star in 2022 while inviting her to watch the whole thing via FaceTime.

Andy promptly responded to Brandi's claims ... writing on X it was a joke that she'd blown out of proportion. He even stated Brandi's initial response seemed like she was in on the joke, but he still went on to say sorry for the whole thing being inappropriate.

Meanwhile, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Brandi's attacks against Andy seem to be coming out of the blue -- as she hadn't said anything for 2 whole years. We're told that it was only when she found herself caught up in harassment accusations from Caroline Manzo that she seems to have flipped the script on Andy ... almost out of nowhere.

We're told there are many in the Bravo world who feel like Brandi's whole case against Andy is a personal vendetta ... especially since not too long ago she was singing his praises in public interviews. That's the feeling by some, anyway.

Of course, the drama all goes back to the infamous "Girls Trip: Morocco" debacle ... which was the primary basis of Brandi's demand letter written up by Mark Geragos and Bryan Freedman -- some of Hollywood's biggest hotshot lawyers.

Brandi's lawyers didn't hold back ... spelling out exactly why she was considering taking legal action -- saying she's been nothing but loyal to NBCU, but in return, claiming all she's received in return is mistreatment.

TMZ Studios

Basically, Brandi's ready to fight tooth and nail to set the record straight ... and the escalating tensions between herself and her former network might turn into a very messy legal battle.


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Instagram / @kanyewest

El drama de Kanye West con Adidas está lejos de terminar, a pesar de que recientemente publicó una foto con su CEO Bjorn Gulden haciendo parecer que la "guerra fría" se había acabado, pero no es así, y ahora acusa a la compañía de "violación creativa".

El lunes, en lugar de celebrar que su álbum "Vultures 1" se mantuvo en el número 1 por segunda semana consecutiva, Ye criticó a Adidas por vender colores de sus populares zapatillas Yeezy que él nunca aprobó, y afirmó que estaba usando cláusulas contractuales por haber "violado a un artista... a uno de los artistas favoritos de todos ustedes", refiriéndose claramente a sí mismo.

Adidas está promocionando agresivamente las Yeezy Boosts en un nuevo tono "gris acero" y Ye dice que es tan falso como un billete de 3 dólares.

Ye dice que Adidas está utilizando lagunas legales y un lenguaje confuso para hacer una jugarreta sin su consentimiento, además de demandarle por 250 millones de dólares.

Y Ye le pide a sus verdaderos fans que le den la espalda a la marca.

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El 12 de febrero, Ye y Gulden posaron juntos, y todas las señales apuntaban a una reconciliación... claramente ya no es el caso.

Alec Baldwin 'Rust' Trial Date Set for Summer ... Expected to Last 9 Days

Alec Baldwin's trial for the "Rust" shooting has been calendared -- and it's coming sooner than he might've expected ... a date's been set for mid-summer, and it'll go for a week-plus.

Court proceedings for the actor's manslaughter trial are scheduled to begin with jury selection, which will start on July 9. After that ... the trial kicks off the next day on July 10, and New Mexico officials say he'll be in the hot seat for the following 9 days.

The trial is expected to run through at least July 19 ... and that doesn't seem to factor deliberations afterward. All in all, Alec will be spending a good portion of his summer there in Santa Fe as prosecutors attempt to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was legally responsible for the death of Halyna Hutchins -- which Alec has pled not guilty to, formally.

There's gonna be a bunch of pretrial motions that'll be heard in the months ahead of the trial date -- and best believe Alec and his lawyers will be preparing their best defense.

NBC News

Mind you, the on-set armorer for the doomed film is currently on trial herself -- and she, too, is being prosecuted on manslaughter charges. It remains to be seen how that'll shake out.

As we reported ... this is the 2nd time AB has been accused of manslaughter by the state -- the first time around, they ended up dropping the charges ... but in the months since, they've dug up more evidence that they believe implicates him in a crime and went after him anew.

A grand jury handed down another indictment against him earlier this year ... a decision that many were expecting based on the way officials were talking about the case of late.

Alec has long insisted ... he had no idea there was a live round in the gun he used during a rehearsal, and he's also said clearly -- making sure it was safe wasn't his responsibility.

TMZ Studios

We'll see what evidence prosecutors have to make their case ... this thing's been dragging on for a long while now.