Danny Masterson Prison Transfer Not Due To Safety Concerns

Danny Masterson is settling into his third prison in two months ... and TMZ has learned why he's been on the move so much.

Despite reports claiming concerns for Danny's "well-being" were behind his recent transfer from one of California's worst prisons to a more humane facility, we're told that's not quite the reason for the move.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... there was no attack on Danny at Corcoran State Prison, nor were there any credible threats against the ex-"That '70s Show" star. There've been a lot of rumors/speculation that something might've happened to him -- but it's all BS.

As we reported ... Danny started the year at North Kern State Prison, a medium security detention facility in Delano, before being transferred at the end of January to the maximum security CSP, the same penitentiary that once housed the late Charles Manson.

After a couple weeks at Corcoran, Danny was transferred to the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo, a medium to minimum-security prison.

Like we said ... all the shuffling around he's been doing between different prisons lately had some folks wondering why Masterson was being moved around ... and now we know.

As it turns out ... we're told North Kern is just a reception center where inmates are processed into the California prison system ... so it's literally a starting point, and wasn't ever going to be his permanent facility.

Our sources tell us Masterson had a primary prison and a secondary prison designating where he would be sent after being processed at North Kern ... the primary prison was California Men's Colony, and the secondary was Corcoran.

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But, when it was time for Masterson to leave North Kern, we're told there was no space for him at CMC ... so he was sent to the backup option -- the infamous CSP. Unclear if these were prisons Masterson himself chose, or if it's just where officials put him down on paper.

His latest move was explained to us this way -- after a couple months at maximum-security Corcoran, we're told there was an opening at California Men's Colony ... so the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation sent Masterson there, since that's where he was supposed to be all along.

So there you have it -- he's been getting moved around because of logistics ... not for any other reason.

Now, Danny's got some cushier digs as he serves his 30-year prison sentence for his 2023 Los Angeles conviction. Safe to say, the Men's Colony is way nicer than Corcoran.

DANNY MASTERSON EL TRASLADO DE PRISIÓN No se debe a motivos de seguridad

Danny Masterson se está instalando en su tercera prisión en dos meses y TMZ ha descubierto por qué ha estado en tanto movimiento.

A pesar de los informes que afirman que las preocupaciones por el "bienestar" de Danny estaban detrás de su reciente traslado de una de las peores prisiones de California a una instalación más humana, nos dicen que no es exactamente la razón de la mudanza.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que no hubo ningún ataque a Danny en Corcoran State Prison, ni hubo amenazas creíbles contra el ex-"That '70s Show". Ha habido un montón de rumores y especulaciones de que algo podría haberle sucedido, pero todo es mentira.

Como informamos, Danny comenzó el año en North Kern State Prison, un centro de detención de seguridad media en Delano, antes de ser trasladado a finales de enero a la prisión de máxima seguridad CSP, la misma penitenciaría que una vez albergó al difunto Charles Manson.

Después de un par de semanas en Corcoran, Danny fue trasladado a la Colonia de Hombres de California en San Luis Obispo, una prisión de mediana a mínima seguridad.

Esto generó mucha especulación.

Nos aclaran que North Kern es solo un centro de recepción donde los reclusos son procesados en el sistema penitenciario de California, por lo que es, literalmente, un punto de partida, y nunca iba a ser su instalación permanente.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen Masterson tenía una prisión primaria y una prisión secundaria a designar donde sería enviado después de ser procesado en el Norte de Kern, la prisión primaria fue la Colonia de Hombres de California y la secundaria fue Corcoran.

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Pero, cuando llego el momento de que Masterson dejara North Kern, no había espacio para él en CMC, por lo que fue enviado a la segunda opción, el infame CSP. No está claro si se trata de prisiones que el mismo Masterson eligió, o si eso está en manos de los funcionarios.

Su último movimiento fue explicado a nosotros de esta manera, después de un par de meses en la prisión de máxima seguridad Corcoran, nos dicen que había un vacante en la Colonia de Hombres de California, por lo que el Departamento de Correcciones y Rehabilitación de California envió a Masterson allí, ya que es donde se suponía que debía estar desde le principio.

Así que ahí lo tienen, ha sido movido por cuestiones de logística simplemente.

Danny cumple su condena de 30 años de prisión por su condena del 2023 Los Ángeles y seguramente la Colonia de Hombres es mucho más agradable que Corcoran, si se lo merece o no... eso es otra historia.

TOP GUN: MAVERICK Wolfman, de la película original, demanda a paramount "¡Que se haga justicia!"

Una de las estrellas de "Top Gun" ha demandado a Paramount, alegando que la compañía cinematográfica ha robado su imagen para la exitosa secuela.

Según los documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, Barry Tubb, que interpretó a Wolfman en el éxito de 1986, dice que el término "secuela" nunca se mencionó o contempló en su contrato original. Por lo tanto, no tenían derecho a utilizar su careto en "Top Gun: Maverick".

La escena en disputa: dos de los protagonistas de la secuela, Hangman (interpretado por Glen Powell) y Coyote (Greg Tarzan Davis) descubren que Rooster Bradshaw (Miles Teller) es el hijo superviviente de Goose.

Rooster señala la fotografía de la clase de Top Gun del 86 que cuelga detrás de él ... y cuando la cámara se acerca, se ve a Wolfman sentado junto a Goose, Iceman y Maverick.

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Tubb dice que no tenían derecho a usar esa foto, que nunca le pidieron permiso y que nunca le pagaron ni un céntimo. Pide una indemnización no especificada, pero teniendo en cuenta que la película ha recaudado casi 1.500 millones de dólares, quiere mucho.

"Top Gun: Maverick" superó en taquilla a "Vengadores: Infinity War" para convertirse en la sexta película más taquillera de todos los tiempos.

STEVEN TYLER desestiman la demanda "No hay nada que temer", dice el juez

Una demanda por agresión sexual contra Steven Tyler ha sido desestimada porque un juez dice que el presunto incidente no presentó un grave riesgo de daño a la demandante, TMZ ha indagado.

El año pasado el cantante y compositor fue demandado por Jeanne Bellino que alegó que Steven la besó, manoseó y comenzó a "frotarse contra ella fingiendo tener relaciones sexuales" dos veces una noche en 1975 cuando ella tenía 17 años.

Bellino interpuso la demanda contra Tyler justo el año pasado a través de la Ley de Protección de Víctimas de Violencia de Género de la ciudad de Nueva York, una ley que amplía el plazo de prescripción para que ciertas supuestas fechorías sexuales, en algunos casos de décadas atrás, sean finalmente juzgadas en los tribunales.

El juez dijo que es necesario cumplir con ciertos criterios, tales como: "presentar un grave riesgo de lesiones físicas", cosa que no pasa en este caso.

Básicamente, lo que el juez dijo en la decisión dictada el miércoles, es que Tyler supuestamente besó a la fuerza y tocó a Jeanne -como ella afirma, y si bien esto podría ser angustiante, no es lo suficientemente grave como para adentrarse en terrenos legales.

Es una decisión bastante digna de mención, y no está claro qué ramificaciones futuras puede tener el precedente establecido hoy por el juez en otros casos presentados en la ciudad de Nueva York.

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Bellino tiene hasta el 13 de marzo para tratar de enmendar su demanda.

'Top Gun: Maverick' Wolfman from OG Film Sues Paramount I Have a Need for Justice!!!

A star in the OG "Top Gun" is suing Paramount, claiming the movie company ripped off his image for the hit sequel.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Barry Tubb, who played Wolfman in the 1986 monster hit, says the term "sequel" was never mentioned or contemplated in his original contract. Therefore, they had no right to use his mug in "Top Gun: Maverick."

The scene in contention -- two of the sequel's main characters Hangman (played by Glen Powell) and Coyote (Greg Tarzan Davis) discover Rooster Bradshaw (Miles Teller) is Goose's surviving son.

Rooster points at the photograph of the Top Gun Class of '86 hanging behind him ... and when the camera zooms in, you see Wolfman sitting beside Goose, Iceman, and Maverick.

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Tubb says they had no right to use that photo, never asked permission and never paid him a cent. He's asking for unspecified damages, but given that the flick has grossed nearly $1.5 billion, he wants a lot.

"Top Gun: Maverick's" massive numbers at the box office in '22 even beat out "Avengers: Infinity War" to become the 6th highest-grossing movie of all time

Steven Tyler SA Suit Tossed ... 'No Serious Risk of Injury,' Judge Says

A sexual assault lawsuit against Steven Tyler has been dismissed because a judge says the alleged incident did not present a serious risk of harm to the plaintiff ... TMZ has learned.

Here's the deal ... last year the singer-songwriter was sued by Jeanne Bellino who alleged Steven kissed, groped and began "humping her pretending to have sex" twice one night in 1975 when she was 17.

Bellino brought the lawsuit against Tyler just last year via New York City's Victim of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Act -- a law extending the statute of limitations for certain alleged sexual misdeeds, in some cases from decades past, to finally be heard in court.

But, to take advantage of the longer statute of limitations, the judge said the alleged act needed to meet certain criteria ... including "presenting a serious risk of physical injury" -- a box the judge in Bellino's case says this alleged incident does not check.

Basically, what the judge said in the decision handed down Wednesday is that Tyler allegedly forcibly kissing and dry-humping Jeanne -- as she claims -- might be distressing, but didn't rise to the level of presenting any risk of serious injury, so he tossed the suit.

It's a pretty noteworthy decision, and unclear what future ramifications the precedent set by the judge today may have on other cases filed in New York City under the same provision.

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Bellino has until March 13 to try and amend her complaint.

Lyndell Mays Alleged Parade Shooter ... Appears In Court In Shackles

Lyndell Mays -- the man who cops say fired the first gunshots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week -- appeared in a Missouri courtroom on Wednesday for the first time since he was hit with a murder charge over the shooting during the K.C. celebration.

Reporters inside of the courtroom say the 23-year-old showed up to the proceedings in an orange jumpsuit ... with shackles around his waist and feet. They added he also had a piece of white gauze taped to his face -- presumably covering wounds he suffered amid the chaos on Feb. 14 at Union Station.

Cameras were not allowed in the courtroom.

According to KHSB 41, Mays walked in front of the judge with his head dropped slightly ... although he did make eye contact with some who were present.

Mays did not enter a plea at the hearing ... and he's now due back in court for a bond review next Thursday. He remains in police custody on $1 million bail.

As we previously reported, Mays is facing one count of murder in the second degree, two counts of armed criminal action, and one count of unlawful use of a weapon ... after police say he admitted to firing his gun multiple times following a dispute with other people at the K.C. party.

Cops say Mays told them his actions were "stupid."

"Just pulled a gun out and started shooting," police said he told them. "I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid."

One other adult, Dominic Miller, and two juveniles have also been hit with criminal charges related to the shooting. It's unclear when their first court appearances will take place.

More than 20 people in total were shot after gunfire erupted at the rally ... and one -- 43-year-old Lisa Lopez-Galvan -- lost her life.

EL YOUTUBER JACK DOHERTY es DEMANDADO POR ASALTO y AGRESIÓN Por el puñetazo de un guardaespaldas

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X / @dohertyjackk

Jack Doherty ha sido demandado por agresión y lesiones por un hombre que afirma que Doherty y otro hombre le dieron una paliza en una fiesta unos días antes de Halloween.

Según nuevos documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, un hombre llamado Chase Gardella está demandando al YouTuber y guardaespaldas Kane Kongg -nombre real Justin Goslee- por un incidente que aparentemente fue capturado en un video que muestra a Kane golpeando a una persona directamente en la cara.

Recordemos que en octubre, Jack publicó un clip de una fiesta de Halloween en Los Ángeles, donde parecía que estaba involucrado en un altercado con varios invitados. En el clip, se puede ver a Kane golpear a alguien de pie junto al YouTuber Corinna Kopf, que luego cae en el camino de ladrillo debajo de él con fuerza.

Gardella afirma que estaba en esta fiesta de Halloween el 29 de octubre y estaba hablando con Jack y Kane alrededor de las 12:30 AM. Según los documentos, Jack dijo "Vamos a pelear. Nosotros dos contra ustedes dos, muy bien" -cosa que se alinea con el clip de YouTube- y momentos más tarde, Chase dice que Kongg le dio un puñetazo.

Chase dicie que no consintió en ser golpeado y sufrió lesiones en la cabeza, el cuello y la cara cuando cayó. Gardella afirma que Jack ha publicado varios videos en su cuenta de YouTube en los que sus guardaespaldas intimidan a las personas que reaccionan mal a sus bromas.

También afirma que Goslee ha tenido problemas legales por agresiones en el pasado - como recordarás, informamos de un supuesto incidente anterior en el que fue acusado de noquear a una mujer mientras trabajaba como seguridad para DaBaby.

El abogado de Chase -Greyson Goody- le dice a TMZ: "Esta fue una agresión repugnante y no provocada contra un hombre joven por un boxeador profesional en la dirección de su empleador influenciador de medios sociales. Chase se ocupaba de sus asuntos, disfrutando de una divertida fiesta de Halloween con amigos cuando fue brutalmente atacado por un hombre varias veces más grande que él. Este tipo de comportamiento por parte de Jack Doherty y sus compinches tiene que terminar. Chase sufrió lesiones graves que podrían arruinar su vida y su carrera".

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Doherty está siendo demandado por asalto, agresión, negligencia y angustia emocional. Gardella está buscando daños y perjuicios no especificados.

Youtuber Jack Doherty Sued For Assault, Battery ... Over Bodyguard Punch

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X / @dohertyjackk

Jack Doherty is being sued for assault and battery by a man who claims Doherty and another man beat him up at a party a few days before Halloween.

According to new court docs, obtained by TMZ, a man named Chase Gardella is suing YouTuber and bodyguard Kane Kongg -- real name Justin Goslee -- for an incident that was apparently caught on video showing Kane punching a person squarely in the face.

Remember ... back in October, Jack posted a clip from David Dobrik's Halloween party in L.A. where it looked like he was involved in an altercation with several partygoers. In the clip, you see Kane punch someone standing by YouTuber Corinna Kopf, who then falls on the brick path underneath him hard.

Gardella claims he was at this Halloween party on October 29 and was talking to Jack and Kane at around 12:30 AM. According to the docs, Jack said "We’re gonna fight. Us two versus you two, alright go" -- which lines up with the YouTube clip — and moments later Chase says Kongg punched him.

Chase is saying he did not consent to being punched and suffered injuries to his head, neck and face when he fell. Gardella claims Jack has posted a number of vids to his YouTube account where his bodyguards intimidate people who react poorly to his pranks.

He also claims Goslee has been in legal trouble for assaults in the past -- you’ll recall, we reported an earlier alleged incident where he was accused of knocking out a woman while working security for DaBaby.

Chase's attorney Greyson Goody tells TMZ... “This was a disgusting, unprovoked assault on a young man by a professional boxer at the direction of his social media influencer employer. Chase was minding his own business, enjoying a fun Halloween Party with friends when he was brutally attacked by a man several times larger than him. This sort of behavior by Jack Doherty and his cronies needs to end. Chase suffered serious injuries that could de-rail his life and career.”

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Doherty is being sued for assault, battery, negligence and emotional distress. Gardella is seeking unspecified damages.

DEVIN RATRAY SE DECLARA CULPABLE de violencia doméstica No hay tiempo de cárcel en el acuerdo

Devin Ratray -que interpretó a Buzz en "Mi Pobre Angelito"- ha llegado a una resolución en su caso de violencia doméstica en Oklahoma y el acuerdo que alcanzó lo mantendrá fuera de la cárcel.

El actor se declaró culpable de dos cargos de violencia doméstica el miércoles, lo que finalmente le puso fin al caso después de estar pendiente durante casi 3 años.

Documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, muestran que después de entrar en su declaración de culpabilidad, fue sentenciado por un juez y solo va a estar en libertad condicional durante los próximos tres años. También se le ordenó completar un programa de intervención para maltratadores y someterse a una evaluación de drogas y alcohol.

Devin, que apareció a través del enlace de video con su abogado, también está obligado a cubrir los costos de la corte y tienen cero contacto con la víctima.

Usted recordará que Devin fue arrestado después de que fue acusado de empujar, golpear y presionar sus manos contra la garganta y la boca de su ex durante un altercado borracho en diciembre de 2021.

Fue fichado por delito grave de asalto doméstico y agresión por estrangulamiento, así como por delito menor de asalto doméstico y agresión. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad con una fianza de $25K.

Devin inicialmente entró en una declaración de no culpabilidad en febrero de 2022 y las cosas se han movido muy lento desde entonces. Ahora, él ha emitido una declaración de culpabilidad que parece haberle evitado el tiempo tras las rejas.

El caso se actualizó el mes pasado cuando los abogados de Devin le informaron recientemente al juez que fue hospitalizado "en estado crítico".

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Todavía no se sabe por qué el hombre de 47 años llegó al hospital de Nueva York en primer lugar, pero parece que se ha recuperado y ahora puede dejar el caso atrás.


Devin Ratray -- who famously played Buzz in "Home Alone" -- has reached a resolution in his domestic violence case in Oklahoma ... and the deal he struck will keep him out of jail.

The actor pleaded guilty to two counts of domestic violence Wednesday ... which finally brought the case to a close after it'd been pending for nearly 3 years.

Court documents, obtained by TMZ, show that after entering his plea, he was sentenced by a judge -- and he'll just be on probation for the next 3 years ... while also being ordered to complete a Batterers Intervention Program and undergo a drug/alcohol assessment.

Devin -- who appeared via video link with his attorney -- is also required to cover court costs and have zero contact with the victim.

You'll remember ... Devin was arrested after he was accused of pushing, punching and pressing his hands against his ex-GF's throat and mouth during a drunk altercation in December 2021.

He was booked for felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation, as well as misdemeanor domestic assault and battery. He was later released on a $25K bond.

Devin initially entered a not-guilty plea back in February 2022 ... and things have moved super slow since. Now, he's copped a plea and it looks like he avoided time behind bars because of it.

The case saw further holdup last month when Devin's lawyers recently informed the judge he was hospitalized "in critical condition."

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Still no word as to what landed the 47-year-old in the NYC hospital in the first place, but it appears he's recovered and can now put the case behind him.

Zachery Ty Bryan Happy Hour Drinks ... Only Days After DUI Bust

Zachery Ty Bryan still seems to be boozing after his recent DUI arrest -- hitting a couple bars this week ... although, it looks like he learned his lesson on getting behind the wheel.

The former "Home Improvement" star was spotted Tuesday for the first time since his Saturday morning bust in La Quinta, CA for allegedly driving under the influence ... and he stopped by two different watering holes in the same desert resort town, back to back.

First, Zachery went to the Amigos bar there around 3 PM yesterday ... plopping down at the bar for happy hour. There aren't any photos that explicitly show him sucking down drinks -- but it's a good bet that he probably might've been.

Now, we're told he stuck around for about an hour at Amigos before moving on to the next joint ... but he didn't drive on over -- he actually caught a rideshare this time.

Luckily, Zach played it safe on Tuesday ... responsibly grabbing an Uber to take him over to a local Applebee's, where he popped in and once again grabbed a chair at their bar.

Zachery again sat down ... and here, he was seen with a cold draft beer in front of him. He got to Applebee's around 4:15 PM, still prime time for happy hour by anyone's clock.

Obviously, him in this kind of setting is somewhat alarming -- especially when we know he was literally behind bars just a few days ago for allegedly drinking and driving. Yes, it's good that he's trying to be responsible by using Uber, but the fact he's in a boozy environment like this at all is troubling. Ya gotta wonder if everything's alright with him these days.

TMZ broke the story ... Bryan was arrested by La Quinta Police early Saturday morning for driving under the influence. He was also booked for misdemeanor contempt of court.

Cops say they conducted a traffic stop just past 2 AM after they saw a vehicle they suspected of being involved in a traffic collision. Police say they spoke with the driver -- later identified as Bryan -- who allegedly showed signs of impairment, leading to his arrest.

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Considering his other legal woes in recent years, here's hoping he can get straightened out.

LAS VEGAS Creepy Crawlers Discovered at Vegas Hotels ... Don't Let the Bed bugs Bite!!!

Las Vegas' most popular tourist resorts need to strip those sheets STAT ... 'cause a massive outbreak of bed bugs has been discovered over the last few months.

The creepy crawly pests have been found at Encore, the Venetian, the Mirage and the Excalibur Hotel and Casino ... after Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) inspectors were called in to check things out -- this according to health records cited by 8 News Now. So, you may wanna reconsider plans if you've got a stay booked at any one of those hotels.

The last bed bug discovery was in December when one of Encore's specifically trained bed bug-sniffing dogs discovered a live bed bug in a room when a guest filed a complaint. Thankfully, the room was taken out of service pronto.

Before that, the teeny-weeny parasites were discovered in rooms at the other three resorts up and down the Strip in September and October.

According to the Nevada Resort Association, the outbreak affected only four rooms across the four hotels, and they described the incidents as "extremely rare and isolated occurrences." They add members are taking swift action in accordance with health and safety requirements.

It's unclear how the blood-sucking bed bugs made their way to the resorts and if there's a link between them all -- but they all lie within a 4-mile stretch of one another ... and one thing about bed bugs is they do love to hitchhike through luggage and clothing, so the spread could've been facilitated that way.

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This ain't the first time Vegas has been under siege by bed bugs ... they were previously discovered at seven other popular hotels between 2022 and 2023. The spots they hit up at the time were Caesars Palace, Planet Hollywood, Circus Circus, Palazzo, Tropicana, MGM Grand, and Sahara.

So yeah, basically, what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas if bed bugs have anything to do with it!!

Tiroteo en Kansas City Lyndell Mays admite haber hecho los primeros disparos ... dice la policía


2/21 5:51 AM -- Lyndell Mays fue dado de alta del hospital el martes por la noche y puesto bajo custodia, donde le tomaron una foto policial. Se puede ver que aún parecía tener un gran vendaje en la cara mientras pasaba por el proceso de registro.

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Los oficiales de Kansas City aseguran que Lyndell Mays admitió haber disparado los primeros tiros en el desfile de los Chiefs tras su victoria en el Super Bowl la semana pasada, antes de supuestamente decir que "no debería haberlo hecho".

Según documentos judiciales, Mays hizo las sorprendentes declaraciones al Departamento de Policía de Kansas City el 16 de febrero, dos días después de que más de 20 personas fueran alcanzadas por los disparos mientras celebraban el último campeonato de Patrick Mahomes y Travis Kelce en Union Station.

En los documentos, un detective de KCPD escribió que Mays fue entrevistado en un hospital local después de sufrir una aparente herida de bala. Los documentos dicen que inicialmente le dijo a la policía que no le había disparado a nadie después de haber discutido con un grupo de individuos en el desfile. Aunque cuando fue confrontado por los oficiales con que tenían "videos de vigilancia del incidente", cambió su historia.

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Caóticas consecuencias
Jeremy Scherle

Según los policías, May les dijo que un grupo con el que estaba discutiendo le habría dicho: "Voy por ti", algo que aparentemente interpretó como: "Voy a matarte".

Mays les dijo entonces que disparó primero: "quizá dos veces". Sin embargo, según los documentos, dijo que inicialmente dudó en apretar el gatillo "porque sabía que había niños allí". Los docs también afirman que Mays no estaba apuntando específicamente a nadie cuando finalmente decidió disparar, porque "todos podrían haber tenido armas".

"Así que simplemente eligió al azar a qué individuo apuntar", escribieron los policías en los documentos. También señalaron que la persona a la que Mays finalmente le terminó disparando estaba huyendo de él.

"Cuando se le preguntó por qué Lyndell Mays avanzó sobre ellos para empezar, respondió: 'Stupid, man", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "'Saqué un arma y empecé a disparar. No debería haberlo hecho. Solo estaba siendo estúpido".

Los fiscales anunciaron el martes que después de las conversaciones con Mays, lo golpearon con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado, acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma.

Cargos presentados

Los fiscales también revelaron que un hombre llamado Dominic Miller había sido acusado con los mismos cargos.

De acuerdo con los documentos judiciales, las autoridades hablaron con Miller sobre su presunto papel en el tiroteo del 16 de febrero, después de que lo identificaran a través de declaraciones de video y declaraciones de testigos presenciales que estuvieron involucrados en la discusión que precedió a los disparos.

Los policías dicen que Miller, que también estaba en un hospital local recuperándose de aparentes heridas de bala, inicialmente les dijo que corrió tras escuchar los disparos y fue golpeado en el abdomen mientras trataba de irse lejos. Sin embargo, los documentos afirman que cuando las autoridades les dijeron que sus acciones habían sido grabadas en video, admitió haber disparado su pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm durante el altercado.

Según los documentos, Miller les dijo que después de escuchar los disparos, "observó a un hombre negro con rastas armado con un arma de fuego negro disparando contra él".

"Miller declaró que devolvió el fuego con su propia arma de fuego", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "Miller estimó que disparó 4-5 tiros y no estaba seguro de si golpeó al individuo al que estaba disparando".

Según los documentos, se recuperó una bala de calibre 38 del cuerpo de Lisa López-Galván, quien murió en medio del tiroteo. Los policías dicen que los detectives descubrieron que la bala fue disparada por la pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm en posesión de Miller.

Tanto Miller como Mays, que tienen 23 años o menos, están actualmente detenidos bajo una fianza de un millón de dólares.

Anteriormente, los fiscales acusaron a dos menores de edad con otros cargos por su conexión con el tiroteo.

Tanto Kelce y Mahomes, por su parte, han ofrecido sus oraciones por las víctimas del incidente. Ambos han donado miles de dólares para ayudar en sus esfuerzos de recuperación.

Super Bowl Parade Shooting Lyndell Mays Admitted To Firing First Shots ... Cops Say


2/21 -- 5:51 AM PT -- Lyndell Mays was released from the hospital Tuesday evening and taken into custody ... where he took a mug shot. You can see he appeared to still have a large bandage on his face as he went through the booking process.

Police officers in Kansas City claim Lyndell Mays admitted he fired the first shots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week ... before he allegedly said he "shouldn't have done that."

According to court documents, Mays made the stunning admissions to the Kansas City Police Department on Feb. 16 -- two days after more than 20 people were struck by gunfire while celebrating Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce's latest championship at Union Station.

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In the docs, a KCPD detective wrote that Mays was interviewed at a local hospital after suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. Initially, the docs state Mays told police he didn't shoot at anyone following a dispute with a group of individuals at the parade -- although when "Mays was confronted that we had surveillance video of the incident, he then changed his story."

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Jeremy Scherle

Mays, according to cops, said a group he was quarreling with had told him, "I'm going to get you" ... something that Mays apparently believed meant, "I'm going to kill you."

Cops say Mays then told them he shot first -- "maybe two times." However, according to the docs, Mays said he initially hesitated to pull the trigger "because he knew there were kids there." The docs also state Mays wasn't specifically targeting anyone when he ultimately decided to fire, because "they all could have had guns."

"So he just randomly picked one of the individuals to target," cops wrote in the documents.

Cops also noted in the docs that the person Mays ended up shooting at was actually running away from him.

"When asked why Lyndell Mays advanced on them to begin with, he replied, 'Stupid, man,'" cops wrote in the documents. "'Just pulled a gun out and started shooting. I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid.'"

Prosecutors announced Tuesday that following officers' talks with Mays, they hit him with charges of murder in the second degree, armed criminal action, and unlawful use of a weapon.


Prosecutors also revealed Tuesday a man named Dominic Miller had been hit with the same charges as well.

According to court documents, authorities spoke with Miller over his alleged role in the shooting on Feb. 16 after they say they identified through video and eyewitness statements that he was involved in the argument that preceded the gunfire.

Cops say Miller -- who was also at a local hospital recovering from apparent gunshot wounds -- initially told them he ran after hearing gunshots, and was struck in the abdomen as he was trying to hightail it away from the area. However, the docs state when authorities told them his actions were filmed on video -- he admitted to firing his Taurus G3 9mm handgun during the altercation.

According to the docs, Miller told them that after he heard gunshots, "he observed a black male with dreads armed with a black handgun shooting at him."

"Miller stated he returned fire with his own firearm," cops wrote in the docs. "Miller estimated he fired 4-5 shots and was uncertain if he struck the individual he was shooting at."

According to the docs, a .38 caliber class bullet was recovered from the body of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, who died amid the shooting. Cops say detectives later discovered the bullet was fired from the Taurus G3 9mm gun that Miller had acknowledged that he possessed and shot.

Both Miller and Mays -- who are 23 years old or younger -- are now currently being held on a $1 million bond.

Previously, prosecutors hit two juveniles with charges over their connection to the shooting as well.

Both Kelce and Mahomes, meanwhile, have offered their prayers for the victims of the shooting ... with each donating thousands to help in recovery efforts.

Originally Published -- 2/20 -- 2:29 PM PT

Compton Pit Bull Attack All Dogs Involved in Mauling Death Euthanized ... By L.A. Animal Control Dept.

The dogs involved in the deadly mauling attack in Compton last week are now dead themselves -- because the county put them down, every last one ... TMZ has confirmed.

A rep for the Los Angeles County Dept. of Animal Care and Control tells us all the pit bulls found at the scene of a home in South L.A. Friday -- where the owner of the dogs had been discovered dead in the backyard after getting mangled -- have now been euthanized.

We're told this decision was not made lightly, but deemed necessary ... as there was evidence linking them to the fatal attack, and due to a potential threat to the community in possibly releasing them after this ... we're told the county chose to have them killed.

In other words ... it was a safety issue, and this result isn't all that surprising big picture -- although, it is certainly sad.

Fox 11 Los Angeles

The DACC also clarified to us ... all thirteen dogs on the premises were euthanized, including several puppies. Remember, there were only 5 fully grown pit bulls found to be in the mix.

County officials say part of the attack last week was caught on surveillance video -- and based on what they saw, they believe the owner was feeding the pooches when things went south. DACC says some of the pitties started fighting each other and then turned on him.

Not much is known about the man who died -- other than he lived alone and appeared to be in the business of breeding and selling pits ... per investigators. His girlfriend is reported to have discovered the next morning and called police.

When first responders arrived, a woman who was at the property and trying to escape the dogs out back needed rescuing -- something filmed by news choppers -- although, unclear what her relationship to the victim was, and whether she was the one who called 911.

TMZ Studios

The man who died was only 35. An investigation is ongoing.