Los perros implicados en el ataque mortal en Compton de la semana pasada han sido sacrificados... TMZ ha confirmado.

Un representante de Los Angeles County Dept. of Animal Care and Control, nos dice que todos los pitbulls encontrados en la escena de una casa en el sur de L.A. el viernes -donde el dueño de los perros había sido descubierto muerto en el patio trasero después de ser destrozado- ahora han sido sometidos a eutanasia.

Se nos dice que esta decisión no fue tomada a la ligera, pero se consideró necesario ya que había pruebas que los vinculan con el ataque fatal y debido a una amenaza potencial para la comunidad en la posible liberación de ellos después de esto, se nos dice que el condado optó por matarlos.

En otras palabras, se trataba de una cuestión de seguridad, y este resultado no es tan sorprendente, aunque ciertamente es bastante triste.

un terrible ataque
Fox 11 Los Angeles

El DACC también nos aclaró que los trece perros en las instalaciones fueron sometidos a eutanasia, incluyendo varios cachorros. Recuerde, solo había cinco pitbulls adultos encontrados en el lugar.

Los funcionarios del condado dicen que parte del ataque de la semana pasada fue capturado en video de vigilancia, y en base a lo que vieron, creen que el propietario estaba alimentando a los perros cuando las cosas se salieron de control. DACC dice que algunos de los perros comenzaron a pelear entre sí y luego se volvieron contra él.

No se sabe mucho sobre el hombre que murió, aparte de que vivía solo y parecía estar en el negocio de la cría y venta de pits. Al parecer, su novia lo descubrió a la mañana siguiente y llamó a la policía.

Cuando los socorristas llegaron, una mujer que estaba en la propiedad y tratando de escapar de los perros en la parte trasera necesitaba rescate. Algo de esto fue filmado por helicópteros de noticias, aunque no está claro cuál era su relación con la víctima y si ella era la que llamó al 911.

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TMZ Studios

El hombre que murió tenía solo 35 años. Hay una investigación en curso.


The college student who got a cease and desist from Taylor Swift for tracking her private jet ain't sweating a legal battle with her, 'cause he thinks she'll balk ... so says his attorney.

James Slater, the lawyer for Jack Sweeney, tells TMZ ... he and his partners don't see any realistic legal path for T-Swift and her attorneys to take if they wanna press this jet issue.

Now, Slater does say if there was any movement from Taylor's side -- namely, a lawsuit of some sort -- Sweeney's team would immediately respond with an anti-SLAPP motion ... a law that provides defendants a way to dismiss meritless lawsuits quickly.

JS adds to us the letter from Tay Tay's attorney, Kate Wright Morrone, had little legal substance, from his POV, and her assertation Jack committed stalking and harassing behavior by showing TS's flight path to the world was totally unfounded in the eyes of the law.

He basically blasts the whole thing as a big scare tactic ... asserting everything that needed to be addressed was written in the letter he sent to Swift's team -- and that nothing else really needs to be mentioned to make their point. Bottom line ... Sweeney ain't scared!

Quick recap ... things took off when TS' attorneys issued a legal threat to Sweeney in December, warning him that if he didn't stop putting their famous client's safety in imminent danger, he'd be subject to further legal action.

But Slater retaliated last month ... saying Taylor's camp cited no law supporting the cease and desist -- while also rebuffing the stalking claims ... saying it doesn't apply to his client whatsoever since Sweeney has never made a "credible threat" against Taylor through his words or actions.

He also pointed out the obvious ... Sweeney simply uploaded publicly available data from the Federal Aviation Administration to track Taylor's plane movements -- a point backed by aviation attorney Tim Loranger of Wisner Baum, who tells us this has been a longtime hobby for aviation buffs ... insisting there's no there-there to threaten a lawsuit or any legal action.

Loranger tells TMZ that whether aircraft owners like it or not ... their planes and jets have to be registered with the FAA and their registration numbers are displayed on their aircraft's side ...  making it pretty easy to be followed on flight tracking services.

TMZ Studios

We spoke to some more legal experts who weighed in on Swift vs. Sweeney -- and not everyone thinks he's in the clear. Civil attorney Tre Lovell of The Lovell Firm tells us that unless Sweeney can clearly describe the purpose for his actions ... he'd suggest Sweeney treads very carefully moving forward.

In contrast, Camron Dowlatshahi of Mills Sadat Dowlat LLP says TS has no legal standing in this matter -- but the one thing she's got is a whole lotta $$$ to bury JS in legal fees -- so, bottom line, he should probably watch his back.

Bottom line ... more people seem to think Jack's A-OK to keep tracking ... ball's in his court.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Los fiscales presentan cargos por asesinato... Contra dos nuevos adultos

Presentan cargos

Dos adultos que han sido vinculados al tiroteo de Kansas City ahora se enfrentan a cargos de asesinato y otros delitos graves, algo que acaban de anunciar los fiscales de la ciudad.

Lyndell Mays y Dominic Miller fueron golpeados con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado el martes y también se enfrentan a otros de acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma. Estos chicos son diferentes de los dos adolescentes que fueron acusados la semana pasada.

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La terrible escena

Es un desarrollo sorprendente, ya que recién nos estamos enterando de que los policías incluso tenían a estos dos hombres bajo custodia. Lo último que habíamos escuchado es que solo tenían 3 personas detenidas, entre ellas dos menores de edad.

Ahora, sin embargo, sabemos que hay al menos 4 personas en total implicadas en el crimen. Los fiscales dicen que todavía no están liberando fotos de los acusados porque estos 2 hombres todavía se están recuperando en el hospital.

Los fiscales llegaron a decir que podría haber otras personas detenidas y acusadas en el caso, pero por ahora están empezando aquí. Señalaron que los dos menores están siendo procesados por un tribunal diferente y sus identidades no se darán a conocer, ya que son justamente menores de edad.

No está claro cuántos años tienen los dos hombres adultos ni cuándo entraron en el radar de la policía. Pero algo interesante que mencionaron es que estas dos facciones en duelo - recuerden, habían dicho todo comenzó por una discusión- no se conocían entre ellos.

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El momento de la discusión

Los fiscales señalan que las pruebas sugieren que este acalorado intercambio llevó a que Mays desenfundara su arma de fuego, lo que motivó a que los demás hicieran lo mismo casi inmediatamente después, incluyendo Miller. Después de que estallaron los disparos, los fiscales dicen que el arma de Miller fue la que terminó golpeando a Lisa López-Galván, a pesar de que están atribuyendo su asesinato a ambos chicos.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia, un registro audiovisual demostraba que había adolescentes capturados en la escena del miércoles, justo antes de que sonaran los disparos y testigos presenciales nos habían dicho que creían que estaban involucrados.

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Estallan disparos

Aunque nuestros testigos no vieron a los adolescentes abriendo fuego, afirman que la persona o personas con las que estaban discutiendo fuera de cámara, fueron los que hicieron los primeros disparos.

Las autoridades de Kansas City dicen que la investigación sigue en curso y que tienen la intención de exigir responsabilidades a todos los que participaron en la tragedia. De momento, esto es lo que tienen.

Además de la muerte de Lisa, al menos otras 22 personas sufrieron heridas de bala.

Kansas City Shooting Prosecutors File Murder Charges ... Against Two New Adults

new charges announced

Two adults who've been linked to the Kansas City mass shooting are now facing murder charges and other serious counts ... something just announced by KC prosecutors.

Lyndell Mays and Dominic Miller were both hit with 2nd-degree murder charges Tuesday ... and they're also up against armed criminal action and unlawful use of a weapon charges on top of that. These guys are different than the two teens who were charged last week.

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It's a stunning development, as we're just now learning about the fact that cops even had these two men in their custody. Last we heard ... they only had 3 people detained, including two juveniles.

Now, however ... we know there are at least 4 people total at this point being implicated in this crime. Prosecutors say they're not releasing mug shots yet 'cause these 2 men are still recovering in the hospital.

Prosecutors went on to say that there might be other people arrested and charged in the case -- but for now, they're starting here. They note that the 2 juveniles are being prosecuted by a different court ... and their identities will not be released since they're underage.

It's unclear how old the two adult men are -- and it's also unclear when these two guys came onto the cops' radar. But something interesting officials noted is that these two dueling factions -- remember, they say this all started with an argument -- did not know each other.

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Prosecutors note evidence suggests this heated exchange led to a firearm being drawn by Mays ... which then led to others pulling their firearms almost immediately afterward, including one by Miller. After the shots rang out -- prosecutors say Miller's weapon ended up being the one that hit Lisa Lopez-Galvan ... although they're pinning her murder on both guys.

TMZ broke the story ... there were teenagers caught on camera on the scene Wednesday just before shots rang out -- and eyewitnesses tell us they believe they were involved.

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While our eyewitnesses say they never saw any of the teens open fire ... they claim the person or persons they were facing off with, off-camera, did unload the first shots.

Kansas City officials say the investigation is still ongoing, and that they intend to hold everyone who participated in the tragedy responsible. At the moment, this is where they're at.

In addition to Lisa's death ... at least 22 others suffered gunshot wounds that day.

Memphis Mom Busted for Child Neglect Pics of Daughter Waxing Adults?!?

A woman in Memphis was reportedly arrested after allegedly having her young daughter wax the vaginas of adult women -- something she appears to have posted online.

30-year-old Jasmine Moss was booked last week on child neglect charges after cops say they received complaints about her posting graphic images on social media that allegedly depicted her 5-year-old daughter working at her waxing business.

Screengrabs of posts that Moss allegedly threw up on her business account, @jasminedemiracle, quickly started to circulate last week ... and they caused quite a stir.

In two different photos ... you see a little girl standing in front of what appears to be two different women with their pants/underwear off ... and their legs spread wide open. One picture, which is incredibly graphic, shows the girl wearing gloves and applying wax to a lady's crotch area.

The purported posts have captions that seem to reflect she's proud of her little girl, saying "When I say I'm passing down Deed & LLCs to my creations I mean that!"

If they are indeed authentic, it's stunning because the mom appears to say she had the kid do this for a total of 24 different clients starting at 7:25 AM, and had her going for 8 hours.

TMZ Studios

Now, it looks like mama bear is in jail ... and she's set to appear in court Wednesday.

MADRE DE MEMPHIS es Detenida por negligencia infantil Hay fotos de la hija depilando adultos

Una mujer de Memphis ha sido detenida después de que se supiera que su hija depilaba las vaginas de mujeres adultas, algo que parece haber publicado en Internet.

Jasmine Moss -De 30 años de edad- fue detenida la semana pasada por cargos de negligencia infantil después de que la policía dijera que recibieron quejas sobre su publicación de imágenes gráficas en las redes sociales que supuestamente mostraban a su hija de 5 años de edad, que trabaja en su negocio de depilación.

Pantallazos de mensajes de Moss que circulaban supuestamente en su cuenta de negocios, @jasminedemiracle, rápidamente causaron un gran revuelo.

En dos fotos diferentes, se ve a una niña de pie delante de lo que parecen ser dos mujeres diferentes sin pantalones ni ropa interior y con sus piernas abiertas de par en par. Una foto, que es increíblemente gráfica, muestra a la niña usando guantes y aplicando cera en el área de la entrepierna de una dama.

Las supuestas publicaciones tienen pies de foto que parecen reflejar que está orgullosa de su pequeña, diciendo "¡Cuando digo que le estoy poniendo todo el empeño a mi negocio, lo digo en serio!".

Si todo esto es verdad, es impresionante porque la madre haya tenido a la niña haciendo esto para un total de 24 clientes diferentes a partir de las 7:25 AM... la tuvo durante 8 horas.

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Ahora, parece que mamá está en la cárcel y va a comparecer ante el tribunal el miércoles.

NBA's Haywood Highsmith Sued By 21-Year-Old ... Your Unsafe Driving Cost Me My Leg

The 21-year-old who lost his leg during a car accident involving Haywood Highsmith earlier this month is now suing the NBA player ... claiming the hooper's careless driving caused the entire tragedy.

Alekxei Pino filed the lawsuit on Friday in Florida ... alleging he was helping assist a stranded motorist on Feb. 6 in Miami when Highsmith barreled into him in his 2021 Audi A5 at a high rate of speed.

Pino claims in the suit Highsmith was going over the roadway's legal speed limit before he hit him ... causing an above-the-knee amputation.

Pino also claims he suffered other significant injuries in the crash ... and has since undergone numerous medical procedures to address the damage.

Pino's attorney, Manuel Dobrinsky, said in a statement this week his client is actually still in the hospital recovering ... "with a very long road of rehabilitation ahead of him."

Pino and his lawyer are asking for unspecified damages but estimate it will be in excess of $50,000.

Pino's family, meanwhile, has also set up a GoFundMe, hoping to raise $100,000 to help him with the recovery process.

As we previously reported, cops said in a police report Highsmith was traveling 45 MPH in a 40 MPH zone before the accident a short time after the Heat beat the Orlando Magic at the nearby Kesaya Center.

Cops stated in the docs they believed drugs and alcohol were not involved ... though they did say Highsmith may have been distracted by unknown circumstances. They ultimately cited him for careless driving.

The Heat said in a statement following the crash that their "hearts go out to those who were injured."

Highsmith sat out of the Heat game the night following the wreck ... although he returned to the floor on Feb. 11 against the Celtics, and played 23 minutes.

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He logged time in the Heat's two other contests prior to the NBA's All-Star break -- scoring 16 points on Feb. 14.

Taylor Swift Universitario que rastrea sus vuelos... Envía una molesta carta legal a la estrella del pop

Taylor Swift recibió una respuesta del estudiante universitario al que envió una carta formal para que desistiera de seguir su avión privado en Instagram y sus palabras definitivamente no fueron muy comprensivas.

Jack Sweeney publicó en sus redes sociales el lunes la carta de dos páginas que envió a la superestrella del pop, alegando que no hizo absolutamente nada malo al compartir su ruta de vuelo con el mundo.

En el pie de foto junto a la misiva del 25 de enero, Sweeney citó la letra de la exitosa canción de Taylor de 2017, "Reputation", escribiendo: "Look What You Made Me Do".

Eso realmente debe haber ido bien con Taylor después de que su abogada, Kate Wright Morrone, disparara una amenaza legal a Sweeney en diciembre.

En su carta formal (cease and desist), Morrone afirmó que Sweeney estaba incurriendo en un comportamiento de "acecho y acoso" al revelar la información en tiempo real de los vuelos de Taylor en las redes sociales. Morrone le advirtió que si no dejaba de poner la seguridad de su famoso cliente en peligro inminente, estaría sujeto a más acciones legales.

Pero Sweeney y su abogado James Slater no se amedrentaron, redactaron su propia carta y la enviaron por correo a Morrone.

Slater escribió que Morrone no citó ninguna ley que apoye su cese y desistimiento, excepto el acoso, que a su juicio no se aplica, ya que Sweeney nunca ha hecho una "amenaza creíble" contra Taylor.

El abogado señaló que Sweeney se limitó a cargar los datos a disposición del público de la Administración Federal de Aviación para rastrear los movimientos del avión de Taylor.

En pocas palabras, Slater le dijo a Sweeney, un estudiante de tercer año en la Universidad de Florida Central, que ejerció su derecho a la libertad de expresión protegida y no ha hecho nada ilegal. También señaló que Sweeney ha publicado información similar en Internet sobre vuelos de Elon Musk y algunos oligarcas rusos.

Taylor Swift Her Flight Tracker Lawyers Up ... Sends Pop Star Annoying Legal Letter

Taylor Swift got a response from the college student to whom she sent a cease and desist letter for tracking her private jet on Instagram – and his words definitely don't fly with her.

On Monday, Jack Sweeney took to the social media app, X, and posted a two-page letter he sent to the pop superstar, claiming he did absolutely nothing wrong by showing her flight path to the world.

In the caption next to the January 25 missive, Sweeney quoted lyrics from Taylor's 2017 hit song, "Reputation," writing, "Look What You Made Me Do."

That must have really gone over well with Taylor after her attorney, Kate Wright Morrone, fired off a legal threat to Sweeney in December.

In her cease and desist ... Morrone claimed Sweeney was engaging in "stalking and harassing behavior" by revealing Taylor's flight information in real-time on social media. Morrone warned that if Sweeney did not stop putting her famous client's safety in imminent danger, he would be subject to further legal action.

But Sweeney and his attorney, James Slater, weren't scared off, composing their own letter and mailing it to Morrone.


Slater wrote that Morrone cited no law that supports her cease and desist, except for stalking, which does not apply since Sweeney has never made a "credible threat" against Taylor.

TMZ Studios

The attorney pointed out Sweeney merely uploaded publicly available data from the Federal Aviation Administration to track Taylor's plane movements.

In a nutshell, Slater said Sweeney -- a junior at the University of Central Florida – exercised his right to protected speech and has done nothing unlawful. He also noted Sweeney has posted online similar flight information for Elon Musk and some Russian oligarchs.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Los protagonistas de "Boy Meets World" acusan a la ex estrella invitada De tergiversar las acusaciones de abuso de menores

Pod Meets World

Dos actores de "Boy Meets World" dicen que ahora tienen una imagen distorsionada de una estrella invitada a su programa, después de que el hombre fuera condenado por un cargo de abuso sexual infantil.

Rider Strong y Will Friedle abordaron este tema de frente junto a su compañera de reparto Danielle Fishel en su pódcast "Pod Meets World" el lunes, donde hablaron de Brian Peck, un actor que fue condenado por cargos de abuso sexual infantil en la década de 2000.

En ese momento, fue acusado de abusar de un actor infantil no identificado de Nickelodeon y terminó aceptando un acuerdo con la fiscalía y cumpliendo más de un año tras las rejas. Ahora aparecerá en un nuevo documental sobre el lado oscuro de Nick que se emitirá en marzo.

Bueno, resulta que Rider y Will dicen que también conocían a este tipo, ya que actuó en su propio programa un par de veces, y aunque, literalmente solo fue invitado en dos episodios de con papeles muy menores, los actores dicen que estaba profundamente arraigado en sus vidas y los ha dejado sintiéndose realmente incómodos todos estos años después.

Ahora que miran hacia atrás, Will y Rider dicen que su afán por ser buenos amigos con ellos en ese entonces y salir con ellos muchas veces después del trabajo, al parecer era inapropiado y extraño, pero en ese momento no sospechaban nada.

Cuando las acusaciones en su contra surgieron por primera vez - cosa que en última instancia lo llevó a los tribunales- Will y Rider dicen que compraron la historia de Peck de ser víctima de "cebo cárcel" e incluso fue a hablar a favor del chico cuando se presentó ante un juez, porque le creían.

Dicen que ahora se dan cuenta de lo retorcida que era su relación con este tipo y ambos expresan vergüenza y arrepentimiento por haberse afiliado con él, incluso cuando eran adultos jóvenes.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Peck para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

'Boy Meets World' Will & Rider Claim Ex-Guest Star ... Twisted Child Molestation Claims

harrowing tale
Pod Meets World

Two actors from 'Boy Meets World' say they now have a warped view of a guest star from their show ... after the guy was later convicted on a child molestation charge.

Rider Strong and Will Friedle tackled this issue head-on alongside fellow costar Danielle Fishel on their 'Pod Meets World' podcast Monday -- where they discussed Brian Peck, an actor who was convicted on child sexual abuse charges back in the early 2000s.

At the time, he was accused of molesting an unidentified Nickelodeon child actor and ended up taking a plea deal and serving over a year behind bars. He's now set to be featured in this new documentary about the ugly underbelly of Nick that's airing in March.

Welp, as it turns out ... Rider and Will say they also knew this guy back in the day since he acted on their own show a couple times -- and even though he literally only guest-starred on two 'BMW' episodes with very minor roles, the actors now say he was deeply embedded into their lives ... and it's left them feeling creeped out and uneasy all these years later.

As they look back now, Will and Rider say his eagerness to be good pals with 'em back then -- hanging out with them a lot after work, apparently -- was wildly inappropriate and weird ... but at the time, they say they didn't suspect anything.

When allegations against him first surfaced in the early aughts -- which ultimately landed him in court -- Will and Rider say they bought Peck's story of falling victim to "jail bait" ... and even went to bat for the guy as he appeared before a judge, 'cause they believed him.

They say they now realize how twisted their relationship with this guy was ... and both express shame and regret for ever affiliating themselves with him, even as young adults.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Peck for comment ... so far, no word back.

Antonio Brown Owes Celeb Jeweler $1 Million ... After Failing To Fight Diamond Heist Case

Antonio Brown has been ordered to cut a high-profile jeweler a check for over $1 million ... this after he failed to fight a lawsuit that the diamond expert slapped him with last year.

TMZ Sports broke the story ... Shuki International -- a world-renowned businessman who's been the jewelry guy for high-profile celebs like Floyd Mayweather for years -- sued AB back in April 2023 after he claimed the former NFL star borrowed a bunch of his prized items in 2022 but never returned them or paid for them.

In his lawsuit, Shuki said he gave AB a pair of his "Shuki International" diamond fingers -- which the jeweler said cost $500K apiece -- under the premise that Brown would eventually give them back ... or simply cough up the dough for them.

Shuki said he also handed over a rose gold black diamond version of the finger piece, a white gold chain, and a ring -- all with the same expectation.

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Yet the jeweler claimed Brown failed to ever return the pieces or hand over the money ... so he asked a judge to force AB to fork over $1,095,000 for it all.

And, after Brown never responded to the suit, a judge issued a default judgment for Shuki last week.

Shuki told us he attempted to reach out to Brown over the decision on Sunday ... but the ex-Buccaneers wideout never returned his call. He added that he's disappointed over the whole matter -- considering the two used to be close.

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Brown, meanwhile, was just seen out in LA with one of Shuki's diamond fingers earlier this month ... showing it off to our photog on Rodeo Drive.

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We've reached out to a rep for Brown for comment, but so far, we've yet to hear back.

Abraham Lincoln indultó al tatarabuelo De Joe Biden

Joe Biden ha indultado a un montón de gente durante su presidencia, y resulta que a uno de sus antepasados le concedió clemencia nada menos que Abraham Lincoln.

WaPo desenterró viejos documentos en los Archivos Nacionales que muestran que el tatarabuelo de Biden -Moses J. Robinette- recibió un perdón a mediados de 1860, esto después de que él se metiera en una pelea con un compañero de trabajo del Ejército de la Unión que lo llevó a la cárcel.

Esto es lo que pasó: Moisés estaba trabajando como veterinario civil para el Ejército de EE.UU. durante la Guerra Civil, y mientras estuvo en el Ejército del campamento de invierno del Potomac en la primavera de 1864, se metió en una pelea con otro compañero.

Resumiendo, John J. Alexander -un jefe de brigada de carros- al parecer oyó al abuelo de Joe hablándole mal de él a la cocinera en una de las tiendas y se enfrentaron en el acto, lo que llevó a una discusión y finalmente una pelea.

Durante la pelea, Moses fue acusado de sacar su navaja y apuñalar a John, ya que quedó con heridas sangrantes. Pronto llegaron las autoridades para comprobarlo.

Moses terminó siendo acusado de intento de asesinato, pero durante el juicio, ese cargo terminó siendo retirado. De todas formas fue condenado por otros cargos, incluyendo asalto, "incitar a una pelea peligrosa" y "violar el buen orden y la disciplina militar".

Una transcripción de su juicio cita a Moses diciendo: "Todo lo que he hecho fue en defensa propia, no tenía malicia hacia el Sr. Alexander antes o después. Me agarró y posiblemente podría haberme herido gravemente si no hubiera recurrido a los medios que recurrí".

Acabó siendo declarado culpable de todos los cargos -menos el de intento de asesinato- y fue condenado a dos años de prisión con trabajos forzados. Una vez que finalmente averiguaron dónde enviarlo, Moses fue enviado a las islas Dry Tortugas cerca de Key West, Florida.

Una vez allí, otros oficiales del ejército que conocían a Moses escribieron una carta en su defensa que se abrió camino y finalmente aterrizó en el escritorio de Lincoln. Este revisó el caso y decidió que el castigo impuesto a Moses era demasiado severo... y lo indultó.

Moses solo estuvo en la cárcel un mes más o menos antes de ser liberado y llevado a casa.

Abraham Lincoln Pardoned Joe's Ancestor Great-Great-Grandpa Knifed Guy

Joe Biden's pardoned a bunch of folks during his presidency, and as it turns out -- one of his own ancestors was granted mercy by none other than Abraham Lincoln way back when.

WaPo dug up old documents in the National Archives which show that POTUS's great-great-grandfather, Moses J. Robinette, received a pardon by Honest Abe back in the mid-1860s ... this after he got into a fight with a fellow Union Army worker that landed him in jail.

Here's what happened, per ancient history ... Moses was working as a civilian veterinary surgeon for the U.S. Army during the Civil War -- and while he was stationed at the Army of the Potomac's winter camp in Spring 1864, he got into a brawl with another fella.

Long story short ... John J. Alexander -- a brigade wagon master -- apparently overheard Joe's grandad talking s*** about him to the female cook in one of the tents, and he confronted him on the spot -- which led to an argument and eventually a scuffle.

During the fight, Moses was accused of pulling his pocketknife and stabbing John -- as he was left bleeding from several cuts in the aftermath. Soon, authorities arrived to check in.

Moses ended up getting charged with attempted murder -- but during the trial ... that charge ended up being dropped --- although he was convicted on other charges, including assault, "inciting a dangerous quarrel" and "violating good order and military discipline."

A transcript of his trial quotes Moses as saying ... "[W]hatever I have done was done in self defence, that I had no malice towards Mr. Alexander before or since. He grabbed me and possibly might have injured me seriously had I not resorted to the means that I did."

He ended up getting convicted on all counts -- minus the attempted murder -- and he was sentenced to two years incarceration at hard labor. Once they finally figured out where to send him, Moses was shipped to the Dry Tortugas islands near Key West, FL.

Once he was there, other army officers who knew Moses wrote a letter in his defense -- and that worked its way up the channels and eventually landed on Lincoln's desk. He reviewed the case and decided Moses' punishment was way too harsh ... and pardoned him.

Moses was only at the prison for a month or so before he was freed and brought home.

Zachery Ty Bryan Arrested For Alleged DUI

Zachery Ty Bryan has been arrested for a suspected DUI ... TMZ has confirmed.

Online records show Bryan, 42, was booked by La Quinta Police early Saturday morning for driving under the influence with three or more priors. He was also booked for contempt of court, a misdemeanor.

A spokesperson for the La Quinta Sheriff's Department tells TMZ ... cops conducted a traffic stop just after 2 AM after they saw a vehicle they suspected of being involved in a traffic collision.

The officers say they spoke to the driver -- later identified as Bryan -- who allegedly showed signs of impairment leading to his arrest. Bryan's next court date is set for April 23.

This marks just the latest in a long string of legal issues Bryan's faced over the last few years. ZTB was arrested back in 2020 for allegedly strangling his then-girlfriend ... he pled guilty the following year to menacing and assault in the fourth degree.

And, just last year, Zachery was arrested last summer after police got a call about a dispute between a male and female.

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Bryan had left the scene of the alleged incident but was later tracked down and arrested for felony assault, in violation of the Abuse Prevention Act. He reportedly pled guilty to felony assault in the fourth degree in October and was sentenced to seven days in jail.

We've reached out to Bryan ... so far, no word back.

Chrisean Rock Responds to Alleged Assault Lawsuit ... With Expletive-Laden Tweet

Chrisean Rock seems to be responding to a lawsuit on social media ... penning an angry tweet calling out an unnamed person for wasting money on a lawyer.

The rapper took to X to vent her frustration in an expletive-laden tweet calling out a "big back bitch n****" for going after her money -- and saying this person's not getting a cent.

Now, Chrisean didn't say exactly to whom she was referring ... but we do know she's involved in one major lawsuit right now over an alleged assault at Tamar Braxton's show back in November.

As we reported ... TV personality James Wright is suing Chrisean for allegedly assaulting him backstage at Braxton's concert. He claims she left him with multiple face lacerations and two broken teeth.

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Wright was reportedly hospitalized after the show in Downtown Los Angeles ... and Tamar later opened up about the alleged incident during an emotional Instagram Live.

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We also got video of Chrisean breaking up a prayer circle before the concert ... but sources told us this had no bearing on the alleged incident -- and everyone laughed off the moment.

Despite the lawsuit, Chrisean seems pretty committed to keeping her money where it is ... at least if her tweet is any indication.

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Only time will tell if she's gonna stick to her guns.