'Angry Reactions' Oneya Johnson Arrested For Alleged Domestic Violence

Oneya Johnson -- better known as the influencer behind the "Angry Reactions" social media account -- has been arrested for an alleged domestic violence incident ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the 25-year-old viral star -- famous for his "angry reactions" -- was arrested on the evening of Monday, February 12 in Burbank, California after a woman called from a hotel to report an altercation.

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Cops say Johnson and the woman got into a verbal argument that turned physical at one point. It's unclear exactly what may have happened between them -- but it was enough to land him in jail.

We're told the woman did not need medical attention, but Oneya was still booked on a felony domestic violence charge. He posted $50,000 bail and was released.

Oneya's risen to fame on social media in the past few years because of clips where he reacts angrily to other videos.

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For example, Johnson will film himself watching people cook or perform other weird trends on social media -- for instance, in one clip a man eats a whole corn cob -- and he'll launch into intense rants or simply stare ahead with an angry expression.

It's all in good fun -- in these videos anyway -- and he's incredibly popular ... with Johnson having amassed more than 27 million followers on TikTok since first posting back in 2020.

TMZ Studios

Johnson's next court date is set for March 5.

Kansas City Shooting Moments Before Shots Fired Teens Facing Off in Heated Exchange

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a heated moment

New video from the Kansas City shooting appears to show the exact moments before shots started to ring out -- and as the cops have indicated, there are teenagers in the mix here.

TMZ has obtained footage that depicts the KC rally Wednesday at 1:48 PM CT -- right around the time the first reports of a shooting came in -- and eyewitnesses tell us that the young guys you see in the background got into a heated exchange with someone off camera.

There are a few key players to focus on -- a teen in red, who you can see get angry and throw his bag down as he argues with someone who's not in clear view. There's also another teen in all black with a satchel-like bag hanging from his side, who walks toward the action.

These 2, in particular, were recorded walking away from the shooting just moments later -- also seen in the footage we got -- and the young man in black looks to have been shot.

We're told by eyewitnesses who saw this that he appeared to have been shot in the face. If you look closely, his buddy in red is trailing close behind him as they beelined it outta there.

Going back to the main video ... there are a couple other dudes who were pointed out to us who also seem to have been involved -- one young guy in a brown jacket (who looks to be the same guy who got tackled in that now-viral video) and another guy in a black jacket and red beanie ... whom we're told appeared to be reaching for something in his coat.

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Our sources tell us all the young guys you can see on camera here all looked to be rolling together as a group -- and that they were bickering with a much taller and possibly older man off camera ... who our eyewitnesses say definitely fired the first shots at them.

It's not entirely clear if the young guys fired back, but we're told people there believe they might have ... although, you don't see them pull out or use a gun at all in these videos.

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Of course, in the aftermath of this ... cops have only charged 2 individuals -- juveniles as they've been described -- with gun-related offenses, although more charges are likely to come.


The pieces of the puzzle are still falling into place ... and there are more questions than answers right now. From the looks of it -- this may have been an argument gone wrong.

Of course, it's a tragedy regardless ... as the shooting left one person dead, and almost two dozen others injured with gunshot wounds -- many of whom were young children.

George Santos Sues Jimmy Kimmel For Cameo Videos ... Alleges Copyright Infringement, Fraud

George Santos is suing Jimmy Kimmel for using personalized Cameo videos on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" ... TMZ has learned.

According to court documents filed Saturday ... the former member of the House of Representatives is suing Kimmel, ABC, and The Walt Disney Company -- alleging they violated copyright law by broadcasting his Cameo videos on Jimmy's show.

Here's the deal ... back in December, Kimmel aired several segments on his show where he shared videos he solicited from Santos. One showed Santos congratulating someone on winning a beef-eating contest, and another congratulating someone on cloning their dog.

Santos is claiming broadcasting these violated Cameo's terms of service ... alleging the types of licenses users receive when purchasing a cameo does not allow a user to broadcast them nationally.

They're also claiming Cameo's terms of service clearly state that all videos are "wholly owned" by the creator ... in this case, Santos.

Santos alleges that Kimmel violated copyright law by using five Cameo videos on his show. He's also suing for fraudulent inducement ... claiming Jimmy used fake profiles and personas to trick Santos into making the videos.

He's suing Kimmel, ABC, and Disney for damages and attorneys' fees.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Kimmel's team ... so far no word back.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Momentos antes ... Adolescentes se enfrentan en un acalorado intercambio

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Momento de la disputa

Un nuevo video del tiroteo en Kansas City parece mostrar el momento exacto antes de los disparos, y como los policías han indicado, hay adolescentes involucrados.

TMZ ha obtenido imágenes que muestran la celebración del miércoles a las 1:48 PM CT, hora en que empezaron a llegar los primeros reportes de los disparos, y testigos presenciales nos dicen que los jóvenes que se ven al fondo se metieron en un acalorado intercambio con alguien fuera de cámara.

Hay unos pocos jugadores en los que concentrarse: primero, un adolescente de rojo, que se molesta y tira su bolsa al suelo mientras discute con alguien que no está a la vista. También hay otro adolescente vestido de negro con un bolso que camina hacia ellos.

Estos 2 en particular fueron grabados alejándose del tiroteo momentos después, cuestión que también se ve en las imágenes que conseguimos. El joven de negro, en tanto, parece haber recibido un disparo.

Testigos que vieron esto nos dicen que parece que le dispararon en la cara. Si se fijan bien, su amigo de rojo lo sigue de cerca mientras sale de allí.

Volviendo al video principal, hay un par de otros tipos que también fueron señalados y que parecen haber estado involucrados: un chico joven con una chaqueta marrón (que parece ser el mismo tipo que fue abordado en ese video ahora viral) y otro chico con una chaqueta negra y gorro rojo, de quien se nos dice que parecía estar alcanzando algo en su abrigo.

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Heroica contención

Nuestras fuentes dicen que todos los chicos en cámara andaban en grupo y estaban discutiendo con un hombre mucho más alto y posiblemente mayor fuera de cámara. Nuestros testigos dicen que este definitivamente habría disparado los primeros tiros contra ellos.

No está del todo claro si los jóvenes le devolvieron los disparos, pero nos han dicho que la gente del lugar cree que podrían haberlo hecho. Aunque no se los ve sacando o usando un arma en absoluto en estos videos.

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La terrible escena

Los policías solo han acusado a 2 individuos menores de edad por delitos relacionados con armas de fuego, aunque es probable que se vengan más cargos.

Las piezas del rompecabezas recién están cayendo en su lugar y siguen habiendo más preguntas que respuestas en este momento. Por lo que parece, esta podría haber sido una discusión que salió mal.

Por supuesto, es una tragedia. El tiroteo cobró la vida de una persona y dejó casi dos docenas de heridos, muchos de los cuales eran niños pequeños.

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD Cameo Gypsy Isn't Me ... Imposter Account Appears Deactivated


2/17 11:22 AM PT -- It seems this account's a fake ... Gypsy Rose Blanchard tells TMZ this isn't actually her, and she's saddened someone would do this in her name.

We've also checked Cameo ... it appears the account's been deactivated.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard's post-prison media tour may be winding down ... but she's undeterred, turning to Cameo to continue cashing in on her life story.

The recently-released ex-con joined the personalized video message platform site this week to engage with fans further and shed new light on her experiences -- but it comes at a high cost ... $20 for a message and $100 a pop for a video.

BTW, she's also going by her married name now -- Gypsy Rose Anderson -- on Cameo, listing her occupation as "influencer." Her bio reads: "Survivor & Advocate, Overcoming Challenges, Finding My Own Path, Advocate for Mental Health Awareness, #SurvivorStrong."

She has amassed a huge following post-prison -- so yeah, that title technically applies.

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Gypsy fans will be thrilled to know there are various video types to choose from. Whether it's a personalized birthday message, a pep talk or advice session, or simply a response to a general question, there's something available for everyone on her menu here.

Safe to say, GRB's hoping to foster a positive online community ... especially since TMZ revealed last month she was getting a lot of hate for her ex-BF, Nick Godejohn, still being behind bars -- despite him being the mastermind behind her mother Dee Dee's slaying.

With that in mind, while Gypsy has said she feels a lot of guilt over the situation to this very day ... she also finds it strange that Nick's receiving sympathy from folks who want him freed.

Remember ... Nick got life in prison without the possibility of parole after his conviction for first-degree murder. Gypsy got a 10-year sentence but was released on parole in Dec, after more than 8 years of incarceration.

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Now that she's on the outside again ... she's looking for new modes of revenue -- and for now, Cameo is just the ticket.

Originally Published -- 2:50 PM PT

Donald Trump Condenado a pagar $355 millones Y fuera del negocio en NYC

Enorme pérdida para Donald Trump en los tribunales: el juez a cargo del juicio civil del expresidente por fraude empresarial en Nueva York acaba de ordenar que este debe pagar alrededor de $355 millones en multas.

El juez Arthur Engoron encontró responsable a Trump de conspirar para manipular su patrimonio neto en un fallo del viernes.

Además de la dura sanción económica, el juez también prohibió a Trump ocupar altos cargos en cualquier empresa de Nueva York durante 3 años y eso incluye la Organización Trump.

Los fiscales estaban buscando una multa de $370 millones para Trump y lo acusaban a él y a sus hijos Donald Trump Jr. y Eric Trump, de falsificar sus estados financieros y registros de negocios como parte de un fraude repetido y persistente.

Trump sin duda apelará la multa, la que aparentemente podría ascender a 400 millones de dólares con los intereses.

Como informamos, el mes pasado un jurado de Nueva York decidió que debía pagarle 83,3 millones de dólares a E. Jean Carroll por difamarla, mientras al mismo tiempo este negaba la acusación que ella hizo de agresión sexual.

TMZ investiga
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Es de esperar que Trump critique el fallo en las redes sociales.

Donald Trump Ordered to Pay $355 Million ... Barred From NY Biz

Huge loss in court for Donald Trump ... the judge in Trump's civil business fraud trial in New York just ordered the former president to pay about $355 million in fines.

Judge Arthur Engoron found Trump liable for conspiring to manipulate his net worth in a Friday ruling.

In addition to the stiff financial penalty, the judge also barred Trump from serving in top roles at any New York company for 3 years, and that includes the Trump Organization.

Prosecutors were seeking a $370 million fine for Trump ... accusing him and his sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, of falsifying financial statements and business records as part of repeated and persistent fraud.

Trump will no doubt appeal the fine, which reportedly could balloon to $400 million with interest.

As we reported, just last month a New York jury decided he should pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million for defaming her while denying her sexual assault allegation.

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Standby for Trump to blast the ruling on social media.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Cobrando en cameo, baby... ¡¡¡$100 por un video!!!

La gira de Gypsy Rose Blanchard por los medios de comunicación tras su salida de la cárcel puede estar terminando, pero ella es imparable y ha recurrido a Cameo para seguir cobrando por la historia de su vida.

La recientemente liberada convicta se unió a la plataforma de mensajes de video personalizados esta semana para comprometerse con los fans y arrojar nueva luz sobre sus experiencias. Pero tiene un alto costo, $20 por un mensaje y $100 por un video.

Por cierto, también está usando su nombre de casada en Cameo, Gypsy Rose Anderson, y está definiendo su ocupación como "influencer". Su biografía dice: "Superviviente y defensora, superando retos, encontrando mi propio camino, defensora de la concienciación sobre la salud mental, #SupervivienteFuerte".

Gypsy ha acumulado un gran número de seguidores después de su salida de la cárcel, así que sí, ese título es técnicamente aplicable.

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Los fans de Gypsy estarán encantados de saber que hay varios tipos de video para elegir. Ya sea un mensaje de cumpleaños personalizado, una charla de ánimo, un consejo o simplemente una respuesta a una pregunta general. Hay algo para todos los gustos.

Es seguro decir que Gypsy Rose Blanchard espera fomentar una comunidad positiva en línea, especialmente desde que TMZ reveló que estaba recibiendo mucho odio por su ex-novio Nick Godejohn, quien todavía está tras las rejas. Esto, a pesar de que él fue el cerebro detrás del asesinato de su madre Dee Dee.

Con eso en mente, aunque Gypsy ha dicho que se siente muy culpable por la situación hasta el día de hoy, también encuentra extraño que Nick esté recibiendo la simpatía de la gente que lo quiere en libertad.

Recuerden, Nick fue condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional por asesinato en primer grado. Gypsy obtuvo una sentencia de 10 años, pero fue puesta en libertad condicional en diciembre, después de más de 8 años de encarcelamiento.

TMZ investiga
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Ahora que está libre nuevamente está buscando nuevas formas de obtener ingresos, y por ahora, Cameo es la opción.

Kansas City Suspects in Shooting Criminally Charged ... Two Juveniles Only

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Jeremy Scherle

Criminal charges are being handed down in the mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs rally -- and we're now learning that, for now, two juveniles stand accused of being responsible.

Prosecutors hit two individuals -- described as minors -- with gun-related charges and for resisting arrest ... but nothing yet pertaining to any actual deaths. Officials in Kansas City say more charges are likely coming.

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Because they're minors, court hearings and criminal proceedings related to this case will not be open to the public. Both suspects are being held in a juvenile detention center.

As we reported ... 22 people were shot and one person died in Wednesday's shooting, which broke out after the Chiefs wrapped up their championship parade. The shooting caused a mass panic, and ended up with multiple people being hospitalized, including children.

Cops detained 3 people at the scene ... however, only 2 people now are facing criminal prosecution -- unclear what might've happened with the third person who was detained.

Witnesses and gunshot victims have described the chaotic scene that erupted after shots rang out in K.C. ... one survivor said the gunman spun around in a circle as he fired multiple shots into the large crowd that was gathered.

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Another Chiefs fan was among the people who subdued an armed person in the crowd ... tackling the guy to the ground before police got to him. It's unclear if the person who got tackled is one of the people who's now charged. The identities of the suspects are unknown.

Police aren't calling the shooting an act of terrorism ... instead, they claim it was a dispute between multiple parties that escalated to gun violence.

New images are surfacing daily that show the carnage from the scene -- including these new pictures and videos from photographer Jeremy Scherle who was there in K.C. Wednesday.


Take a look at these photos showing the immediate aftermath ... including a gun that may have been used in the shooting ... not to mention pools of blood around it. Clearly, officers wanted to secure this scene right after it happened -- and that's what you're seeing here.

Of the 22 people who were shot and injured, at least half are under 16 years old. There have been a lot of unanswered questions about what happened here -- and even now with two people being held responsible ... we still don't know very much.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Story developing ...

Kansas City Sospechosos del tiroteo son acusados penalmente ... Solo dos menores

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Las caóticas secuelas
Jeremy Scherle

Dos personas están siendo acusadas con cargos criminales por el tiroteo masivo en Kansas City en medio de las celebraciones por el Super Bowl, y ahora nos estamos enterando de que, por ahora, solo hay dos menores de edad acusados como responsables.

Los fiscales imputaron a dos individuos, descritos como menores de edad, con cargos relacionados con el uso de armas y resistencia a la autoridad, aunque aún no hay nada relacionado con las muertes. Funcionarios de Kansas City dicen que es probable que se vengan más cargos.

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Caos total

Debido a que son menores de edad, las audiencias judiciales y los procedimientos penales relacionados con el caso no estarán abiertos al público. Ambos sospechosos están detenidos en un centro de detención de menores.

Como informamos, 22 personas fueron heridas de bala y una persona murió en el tiroteo del miércoles, que estalló después de que los Chiefs terminaran su desfile por el campeonato. El tiroteo causó pánico y terminó con varias personas hospitalizadas, incluidos niños.

Los policías detuvieron a tres personas en la escena. Sin embargo, solo 2 personas se enfrentan a un proceso penal. No está claro lo que puede haber pasado con la tercera persona que había sido detenida.

Los testigos y las víctimas de los disparos han descrito la caótica escena: un sobreviviente dijo que el pistolero giró en círculos mientras disparaba tiros hacia la gran multitud.

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Estallan los disparos

Otro fan de los Chiefs contuvo a una persona armada en la multitud, abordando al tipo en el suelo antes de que la policía llegara por él. No está claro si la persona que fue abordada es uno de los acusados. Se desconoce la identidad de los sospechosos.

La policía ha dicho que los disparos no corresponden a un acto terrorista, en cambio, dicen que fue una disputa entre varias partes que se intensificó con la violencia armada.

Han surgido nuevas imágenes que muestran la tragedia en la escena, incluyendo estas nuevas fotos y videos del fotógrafo Jeremy Scherle que estaba allí el miércoles.

Echa un vistazo a estas fotos que muestran las consecuencias del fatal incidente. Se ve un arma que puede ser la que se utilizó en el tiroteo, por no hablar de los charcos de sangre a su alrededor. Claramente, los oficiales querían resguardar esta escena justo después de que ocurrió y eso es lo que se ve aquí.

De las 22 personas que fueron baleadas y heridas, al menos la mitad son menores de 16 años. Ha habido un montón de preguntas sin respuesta sobre lo que pasó aquí e incluso ahora que hay dos personas consideradas responsables. Todavía no sabemos mucho.

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Comenzó como una disputa...
Fox 49 Ozarks

Historia en desarrollo ...

Brian Wilson Family Asking For Conservatorship ... They Say He Has Dementia

Brian Wilson's family has filed for a conservatorship after the death of his wife, Melinda -- and they say it's because his cognitive ability has seriously regressed ... TMZ has confirmed.

According to legal docs ... the legendary Beach Boys frontman is suffering from a "major neurocognitive disorder" and taking medication for dementia -- so says his family. The docs say Wilson can't properly care for his basic personal needs such as food, clothing or shelter.

The Wilson family confirmed the news of the court filing to People, telling the outlet the family came together after Melinda's death and -- in consultation with Wilson's kids, longtime staff members and doctors -- decided to appoint two family representatives as his conservators.

The family went on to add that the decision was made to try and minimize changes to Brian's life and the lives of his children who still live at home.

Despite the conservatorship filing, the family says Wilson can still spend time with loved ones and even work on projects if he so chooses.

As we reported ... Melinda Kae Ledbetter Wilson passed away at the end of last month at the couple's home surrounded by her family.

Brian wrote on Instagram, "Melinda was more than my wife. She was my savior. She gave me the emotional security I needed to have a career."

A court hearing is scheduled for the end of April ... though it's not clear whether Wilson will attend in person.

TMZ Studios

In the docs, his doctor says he "has very short attention span and while unintentionally disruptive, is frequently unable to maintain decorum appropriate to the situation."

Ataque en tribunal de Las Vegas Jueza relata el brutal incidente "Me quería acabar"

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Revuelta en la sala

La jueza de Las Vegas que fue brutalmente atacada por un delincuente que se abalanzó contra ella dice que estaba totalmente horrorizada y que habría muerto si el personal de la corte no se hubiera apresurado en ayudarla.

El 7 de febrero, la jueza del Tribunal de Distrito del Condado de Clark, Mary Kay Holthus prestó declaración ante el gran jurado en el caso de intento de asesinato por parte de Deobra Redden, según una transcripción obtenida por Fox 5 Las Vegas. Redden fue acusado recientemente de un delito grave por agredir a Holthus en la sala del tribunal.

En enero, Redden fue grabado por un equipo de televisión saltando por encima del banquillo y abalanzándose sobre Holthus mientras el personal lo contenía y sacaba de la sala. Las imágenes se hicieron virales de inmediato.

En su testimonio, Holthus dijo que empezó la audiencia correspondiente a la sentencia escuchando a Redden hablar de sus planes para conseguir un trabajo y hacer un cambio positivo en su vida, señalando que estaba "super tranquilo". El abogado de Redden entonces pidió al tribunal que dejara a su cliente en libertad condicional.

Pero Holthus hizo caso omiso a su petición y decidió revocar su libertad condicional después de su condena por intento de agresión no relacionada con lesiones corporales sustanciales.

La jueza destacó que Redden era un delincuente reincidente y que necesitaba "probar otra cosa porque no podía con ese historial".

Según la transcripción del gran jurado, Holthus recordó: "Lo siguiente que sé es que, literalmente, saltó la mesa de la defensa y voló antes de que yo pudiera siquiera, y me estampó contra la pared. No sé qué me golpeó dónde".

Dijo que el feroz ataque fue totalmente inesperado e "increíblemente rápido". Redden le golpeó la cabeza contra la pared de mármol.

En un momento dado, Holthus recordó que Redden la agarró por el pelo y "la tiró hacia atrás", mientras ella se acurrucaba en posición fetal, tumbada "absolutamente aterrorizada". Dijo que sufrió heridas por todo el cuerpo, que ahora estaba "abultado y magullado".

A pesar de la paliza, Holthus le dio créditos a Redden por sus habilidades atléticas para saltar fácilmente sobre el banquillo, de cuatro pies de altura.

Caos en la corte

También compartió su gratitud por el personal de la corte diciendo: "Si no hubieran estado allí, yo no estaría aquí. Yo no era rival. Me estaba derribando absolutamente".

Holthus añadió: "Si hubiera sido solo yo, no habría sobrevivido a múltiples golpes en la cabeza, que es claramente a donde íbamos con él. Así que estoy muy agradecida".

TMZ investiga
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En cuanto a Redden, actualmente se encuentra en la prisión estatal cumpliendo una condena de cuatro años por su sentencia de intento de agresión. Él será procesado por el cargo de intento de asesinato a finales de este mes.

Las Vegas Courtroom Attack Judge Recalls Bunny-Hopping Brute ... 'He Was Gonna Take Me Out'

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The Las Vegas judge brutally attacked by an acrobatic felon who leaped over her court bench says she was totally horrified and would have been killed if court staff had not rushed to her aid.

On February 7, Clark County District Court Judge Mary Kay Holthus provided grand jury testimony in the attempted murder case of Deobra Redden, according to a transcript obtained by Fox 5 Las Vegas. Redden was recently indicted on the felony charge for his courtroom assault on Holthus.

In January, Redden was recorded by a TV news crew jumping over the bench and pummeling Holthus as the staff pulled him off and restrained him. When the footage hit the airwaves, it immediately went viral.

In her testimony, Holthus said she started off the sentencing hearing that day by listening to Redden talk about his plans to get a job to make a positive change in his life, pointing out that he was "super calm." Redden's attorney then asked the court to release his client on parole.

But, Holthus ignored the request and decided to revoke Redden's parole after his conviction for an unrelated attempted battery with substantial bodily harm.

The judge highlighted that Redden was a repeat offender who needed to get a "taste of something else because I just can’t with that history."

Per the grand jury transcript, Holthus recalled, “The next thing I know, he literally jumped that defense table and flew before I could even, and just slammed me into the wall. I don’t know what hit me where.”

She said the ferocious attack was totally unexpected and "incredibly fast," as Redden slammed her head against the marble wall.

At one point, Holthus remembered Redden gripping her by the hair and "throwing her down backwards," while she curled up in a fetal position, laying there "absolutely terrified." She said she suffered injuries all over her body, which were now "lumpy and bruised."

Despite the vicious beating, Holthus gave Redden props for his athletic abilities to easily jump over her elevated four-foot-high bench.


She also shared her gratitude for court personnel, stating, “If they hadn’t been there, I would not be here. I was no match. He was absolutely taking me out.”

Holthus added, “If it was just me, I wouldn’t have survived multiple blows to the head which is clearly where we were going with it. So I’m very thankful.”

TMZ Studios

As for Redden, he's currently in state prison serving a four-year sentence on his attempted battery conviction. He will be arraigned on the attempted murder charge later this month.

Austin North es detenido y presuntamente agredido Por el personal de urgencias

Austin North se volvió loco en un hospital en Las Vegas esta semana, atacando a varios empleados de urgencias y hubo que calmarlo... al menos eso dijo la policía.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía, obtenido por TMZ, los oficiales fueron enviados al Hospital el martes por la noche debido a los informes de agresión que se habían producido en la sala de emergencias, y cuando llegaron, los policías dicen que entrevistaron a las presuntas víctimas.

Según un par de enfermeras y un enfermero, afirman haber sido golpeados por Austin de la nada. El actor estaba lanzando puños y empujando a los tres sin razón aparente.

Se alega que golpeó a una enfermera en la cabeza, empujó la cara de otra enfermera y empujó al enfermero contra una mesa, solo que esta última presunta víctima utilizó una bandeja cercana para golpearlo en la cabeza en defensa propia.

En este punto, los policías dicen que Austin fue contenido por los agentes de seguridad, pero se alega que atacó a una última persona, aunque no está claro en el informe cuál era su trabajo.

En cualquier caso, finalmente lo esposaron a una camilla. Los policías que llegaron para encargarse de esto dicen que le leyeron a Austin sus derechos cuando le dijeron que lo estaban arrestando por agresión y cuando le preguntaron si lo había entendido... afirman que dijo "sí".

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Fue llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por delito grave de agresión y posó para esta foto. Desde entonces, Austin está en libertad bajo fianza. La única cosa que no se aborda en toda esta narrativa es, ¿qué diablos estaba haciendo en la sala de emergencias en primer lugar?

Eso está por verse, pero es un agujero muy extraño en la historia. Curiosamente, Austin estaba un poco documentando su fin de semana en Las Vegas - el tipo tiene toda una compilación en sus redes sociales que muestra todo lo que estaba haciendo, y parece que mucho.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con su equipo para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

'Outer Banks' Star Austin North Arrested in Vegas ... Allegedly Attacked ER Hospital Staff


6:26 PM PT -- Austin North just addressed the situation online, and he says he was having a very severe panic attack where he thought he might die ... adding he doesn't remember much of the incident at all.

AN posted a lengthy description of what he says happened that day -- noting he's been dealing with this condition for a long time, and that the attack he endured Tuesday was by far the worst he's ever experienced. He apologizes to the hospital staff, and says he hopes to shed more light on his condition as time goes on.

Austin North went haywire at a hospital in Vegas this week -- attacking several emergency room staffers and needing to be restrained ... so claim cops, anyway.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, officers were dispatched to UMC Hospital Tuesday night for reports of an assault and battery that had occurred in the ER ... and when they arrived, cops say they interviewed the alleged victims.

According to a couple nurses and a phlebotomist -- who claim to have been struck by Austin in a bum-rush they say came out of nowhere -- the actor was throwing fists and shoving all three of them in succession ... for no apparent reason whatsoever.

He's alleged to have punched a nurse in the head, shoved the face of another nurse and pushed the phlebotomist into a table -- only for the latter alleged victim to use a tray nearby to smack him in the head in self-defense.

At this point, cops say Austin was restrained by security officers ... but he's alleged to have attacked one last person -- although it's not clear from the report what her job was.

In any case, they finally cuffed him to a gurney there in the hospital. The cops who arrived to deal with this say they read Austin his Miranda rights when they told him they were arresting him for battery, and when asked if he understood ... they claim he said "yes."

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He was hauled off to jail, where he was booked for gross misdemeanor battery ... and posed for this mug shot. Austin has since bonded out. The one thing that isn't addressed in this whole narrative is ... what the hell was he doing in the ER in the first place???

That remains to be seen ... but it's a very bizarre hole in the story. Interestingly enough, Austin was kinda documenting his weekend in Vegas -- the dude has a whole compilation up on his social media page that shows off everything he was up to ... and it looks like a lot.

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We've reached out to his team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:40 PM PT

LSU RB Trey Holly Arrested ... Booked On Attempted Murder Charge

LSU running back Trey Holly -- who played in three games for the Tigers last season -- was arrested on Thursday in Louisiana and booked on several felony charges ... including attempted second-degree murder, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

Union Parish Sheriff Dusty Gates tells us ... Holly turned himself in to authorities with his attorney at around noon -- and in addition to the attempted murder charge, he was also booked for felony aggravated criminal damage to property and felony illegal use of a weapon.

Gates said the arrest was related to a shooting that Holly was allegedly involved in back on Feb. 9. The sheriff said the incident took place at an apartment complex following "a disturbance" at a previous location ... and left two people -- one male and one female -- hospitalized.

Gates said investigators identified Holly and three others as the shooting suspects after interviewing eyewitnesses. We're told Holly is now being held on a $512,000 bond.

LSU said in a statement shortly after Holly was thrown behind bars that it was "aware that a student-athlete has been arrested in relation to a shooting in Union Parish. This student-athlete has been suspended indefinitely from all team activities, in accordance with departmental policies. Out of respect for the judicial process, we will have no further comment.”

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Holly -- regarded as one of the best high school running backs in the nation -- was used sparingly in his true freshman season with the Tigers in '23 ... although he did record 11 carries for 110 yards and a touchdown in his limited snaps.