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OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney's explosive tirades against her BF escalated significantly when she was under the influence of drugs -- though it was Christian Obumseli himself who'd provide her with an easy supply.

OF star Patrycia "Paty K" Kratiuk witnessed it firsthand ... telling us on "TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story," airing on FOX Monday night at 9/8 Central, how she saw Christian offer up drugs to CC on a platter, urging her to do a line of coke.

Though, it wasn't a shock to Patrycia -- her manager warned her of Courtney's wild ways ahead of their first meet-up in Palm Springs for an OF content shoot ... telling her she was heavily into drugs/alcohol, and advising her to leave as soon as they finished filming together.

Fellow OF model Kristina Santa backs Patrycia's claims ... saying Christian would appear to get a kick out of Courtney being a "little f***ed up" -- this info shedding chilling new light into their violent relationship, and indicating the toxicity between them may have been a two-way street.

Kristina adds, on the surface, they gave the illusion of being a perfect couple ... but things went from 0 to 100 real quick when drugs and alcohol were involved.

But, it was Courtney's drug-fueled rages that always reached boiling point ... with Christian solely being the target of her temper. As you know ... she stabbed him to death in the Miami condo they shared on April 3, 2022, after getting wind he was flirting with other girls during an OnlyFans content trip in Aspen.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" premieres Monday, 9/8c on FOX.

OnlyFans Model Courtney Clenney Called Christian Obumseli N-Word ... Parents Say She Said it So He'd Leave Her

a desperate attempt
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OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney hurled a racial slur at her boyfriend mid-argument ... and her parents say she did it to get now-deceased boyfriend Christian Obumseli to leave.

We spoke to Courtney's parents, Deborah and Kim Clenney, for a new 'TMZ Investigates' airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX ... when the question of a slur Courtney used during an argument with Christian came up.

Miami Herald

As we previously reported ... Christian secretly recorded Courtney calling him the n-word repeatedly during a fight months before she killed him in the Miami condo where they lived together.

The audio's brutal to hear ... and also explainable according to CC's parents -- who are now facing criminal charges for allegedly illegally accessing Christian's computer after he was killed.

We spoke to them before the arrest -- they have never spoken publicly before -- and they told us Courtney said she needed to use such a horrible slur because she was trying to get Christian to leave, with her mom Deborah claiming Courtney said no "self-respecting Black man would stick around after being called that name."

Deborah went on to say Courtney liked Christian partly because he was Black ... and she doesn't think their daughter would have been prosecuted if she were Black or if Christian were white.

Clenney pled not guilty to second-degree murder after stabbing her boyfriend in the chest ... her parents tell us she will plead self-defense.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killer OnlyFans Model: Deadly Love Story" airs Monday 9/8c on FOX.

Sharon Osbourne Kanye 'F***ed with the Wrong Jew' ... For Using Ozzy's Sample

Ozzy Osbourne slammed Kanye West for using a Black Sabbath sample on his new album without permission -- but the rocker's wife is even more furious ... tearing him a new one.

Here's the deal ... OO hopped on X Friday and absolutely torched Ye for featuring a sample of an old BS song on one of his own tracks for 'Vultures.' Ozzy seemed to think it was 'War Pigs,' even though it really sounded like 'Iron Man.' Either way, he was fuming.




Sharon herself echoed Ozzy's sentiment to TMZ -- telling us ... "Kanye f***ed with the wrong Jew this time" ... going on to say that she and Ozzy have fired off a cease and desist to Ye.

She goes on to say that somebody from Kanye's camp reached out to them 3 weeks ago for permission to use a Black Sabbath song -- something we're told SO and OO said "absolutely not" to. In fact, it sounds like their rebuffing of Ye is personal.

Sharon says Ozzy rarely refuses people who wanna do this ... but in this instance, he had a "special f***ing occasion to say no." We should note -- Sharon herself was raised Jewish.

Kanye's antisemitism is a nonstarter for Sharon and Ozzy -- and we're told they both feel the way he's conducted himself of late is unacceptable. Sharon, specifically, tells us Ye these days "represents hate," and that he's a "disrespectful antisemite."

She also calls Kanye dangerous ... and adds for good measure, "the motherf***er's a pig."

Sharon finishes by saying she and the Osbourne family want no association with Kanye -- and they don't even care if the Black Sabbath sample is just a second or two. They don't want him using Ozzy's music, period -- and if he keeps pushing it, he might have a legal battle on his hands.

One other thing ... you can tell Sharon and Ozzy have had disdain for Kanye for a while now -- just this past Halloween, the two of them dressed and Ye and Bianca ... and were on point.

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Ball's in Ye's court!

Sharon Osbourne Kanye "se metió con el judío equivocado" Por usar sample de Ozzy

Ozzy Osbourne criticó a Kanye West por usar un sample de Black Sabbath en su nuevo álbum sin permiso, pero la esposa del rockero está aún más furiosa ...

Este es el asunto: Ozzy corrió a X el viernes para atacar a Ye por incluir un sample de una vieja canción de Black Sabbath en uno de sus temas para "Vultures". Ozzy creía que era "War Pigs", pero sonaba más como "Iron Man". En cualquier caso, estaba que echaba humo.



Polémicas letras

La propia Sharon hizo eco del sentimiento de Ozzy con TMZ. Nos dijo: "Kanye se metió con el judío equivocado esta vez", diciendo que ella y Ozzy han disparado una advertencia formal a Ye (su nombre en inglés es cease and desist).

Ella continúa diciendo que alguien del equipo de Kanye se puso en contacto con ellos hace 3 semanas para pedirles permiso para utilizar una canción de Black Sabbath, a lo que Sharon y Ozy dijeron "absolutamente no". De hecho, parece que su rechazo a Ye es personal.

Sharon dice que Ozzy rara vez le niega este tipo de peticiones, pero en esta vez tenía una "ocasión especial para decir que no". Hay que señalar que Sharon fue criada como judía.

Nos dicen que ambos sienten que la forma en que se ha comportado últimamente es inaceptable. Sharon, en concreto, nos dice que Ye por estos días "representa el odio", y que es un "antisemita irrespetuoso".

También lo llama peligroso y añade que por si fuera poco, "el hijo de puta es un cerdo".

Sharon termina diciendo que ella y la familia Osbourne no quieren ningún tipo de asociación con Kanye, y ni siquiera les importa si el sample de Black Sabbath es solo un segundo o dos. No quieren que utilice la música de Ozzy, y punto, y si sigue insistiendo, podría tener una batalla legal en sus manos.

Otra cosa ... Se nota que Sharon y Ozzy tienen desdén por Kanye desde hace un tiempo. Justo este pasado Halloween, los dos se disfrazaron de Ye y Bianca y dieron con el outfit.

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¡La pelota está en el tejado de Ye!

Taylor Swift Presunto acosador no es apto para ser juzgado

El presunto acosador de Taylor Swift no se enfrentará a un juicio penal después de haber sido arrestado varias veces fuera de su casa porque los fiscales dicen que simplemente no es apto para ello, legalmente.

Según la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, David Crowe, el hombre que los fiscales dicen que ha estado al alrededor de la casa de Taylor en Nueva York, ha sido considerado no apto para el juicio sobre la base de los resultados de su examen psicológico.

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Reaparece el acosador de Taylor

Nos dicen que el caso criminal contra Crowe ha sido desestimado y que será confiado a la custodia de la Oficina de Salud Mental, donde recibirá el tratamiento necesario.

Como ya informamos, David fue procesado el mes pasado por cargos de acoso y hostigamiento, pero luego fue puesto en libertad. Dos horas después fue detenido nuevamente tras regresar al barrio de Taylor.

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Crowe en el tribunal
John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

Los abogados de Crowe pidieron un examen psicológico antes de enfrentar un posible juicio, y el juez accedió. Ahora los resultados están disponibles y él está siendo enviado a un centro de salud mental en vez de enfrentar un proceso penal.

Taylor estaba en la Gran Manzana durante las detenciones de Crowe, pero ahora está al otro lado del mundo en Japón y pronto estará en Las Vegas para el Super Bowl.

Teniendo en cuenta que ahora el hombre va a ser confinado en un centro de salud mental, se pueden imaginar que la estrella del pop estará más tranquila cuando regrese a su casa en Nueva York. Aunque este tipo era solo una de las múltiples personas que han estado obsesionadas con ella y que ha llegado a su casa sin invitación.

Además, los aviones de Taylor han sido rastreados en los últimos meses. Otro dolor de cabeza para ella y una gran preocupación para su equipo, quien dijo que el seguimiento equivalía a llevar una hoja de ruta de su paradero, información que, obviamente, puede conducir al peligro cuando está en las manos equivocadas.

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En este frente, sin embargo, no hay que preocuparse más de Crowe, que se va por un largo tiempo.

Judge Mathis on 'Club Shay Shay' Black Entertainment Beef's Embarrassing ... H'wood Laughingstock!!!

Instagram /@judgegregmathis

Katt Williams and Mo'Nique's sharing their "truth" on "Club Shay Shay" was the worst possible move for the Black community ... at least in Judge Mathis' eyes.

The man has been paid to have an honest gauge on uneasy situations -- legal, ethical and otherwise -- and according to Hizzoner, he rules that all this mud-slinging stinks. On Friday, Mathis held court on his IG page and called for an end to the recent missiles launched in the public eye amongst Black entertainers.

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Club Shay Shay

He didn't single out Katt and Mo by name but the social media space has been in shambles since Katt's interview aired on January 3 ... and Mo followed suit this week -- even joining KW's nationwide tour with other comics who seem to have bones to pick.

Judge Mathis didn't bite his tongue -- he called the feeding frenzy an embarrassment to Black culture and feels it his gut that big H'wood execs and studios are silently laughing on the sidelines.

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He also pointed out he doesn't see other cultures tearing each other down in public ... just Black people being the sideshow spectacle -- that's how's he framing his argument here.

The 63-year-old justice admitted he doesn't always keep his cool in his own courtroom but notes those outbursts are spun into entertainment for his TV shows.

Judge Mathis concluded by stressing that these stars' issues should be hashed out in private settings ... instead of setting bad examples.

We'll see if Shannon Sharpe takes a breather with these interviews -- or if he keeps on bringing celebs with more grievances to air. On its face, he seems inclined toward the latter.

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To be continued ...


Taylor Swift's alleged stalker will not be facing a criminal trial after being arrested multiple times outside her pad ... because prosecutors say he's just not up for it, legally.

According to the Manhattan District Attorney's Office ... David Crowe -- the man who prosecutors say has been lurking around Taylor's NYC home for a while now -- has been deemed unfit for trial based on the results of his psychological exam.

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We're told the criminal case against Crowe has been dismissed and he will be committed to the custody of the Office of Mental Health, where he will receive necessary treatment.

As we reported ... David was arraigned last month on stalking and harassment charges but was then set free, only to be arrested again 2 hours later after going back to Taylor's block.

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John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

Crowe's lawyers asked for a psych exam before a potential trial, and a judge agreed ... and now the results are in and he's being sent off to a mental health facility instead of facing criminal prosecution.

Taylor was in the Big Apple during Crowe's multiple arrests ... but now she's a world away on tour in Japan -- and soon, she'll be in Vegas for the Super Bowl ... distanced from this.

Considering this man is now going to be confined to a facility going forward ... ya gotta imagine she'll be breathing easier when she's at home in NYC -- although, this guy was just the latest person who's been obsessed with her and who came to her home uninvited.

Also ... Taylor's jets have been getting tracked in recent months -- another headache for her, and a major concern for her team -- who said the tracking amounted to a roadmap to her whereabouts, information that can obviously lead to danger when in the wrong hands.

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On this front, though ... no more worries about Crowe -- he's going away for a long time.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie Su divorcio podría estar terminando Dan un paso importante

El contencioso divorcio entre Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie podría estar cerca de terminar, con cada una de las estrellas realizando uno de los últimos pasos para alcanzar un acuerdo.

De acuerdo con documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, tanto Pitt como Jolie le están entregando sus declaraciones financieras finales a la otra parte, que es digno de mencionar teniendo en cuenta que no ha habido mucho movimiento en su caso de divorcio por lo menos en un par de años.

Los términos finales de cualquier acuerdo de divorcio aún no se han presentado, pero los archivos del jueves indican que uno de los matrimonios y divorcios más legendarios y enconados en la historia reciente de Hollywood finalmente está llegando a su fin.

Cada vez que las partes en disputa presentan sus documentos financieros significa que el final está cerca.

Recuerden, Brad y Angelina se conocieron por primera vez en el set de "Sr. y la Sra. Smith" en 2004, cuando Brad todavía estaba casado con Jennifer Aniston. La pareja en pantalla se mantuvo como amigos durante todo el rodaje, aunque Brad se separó de Jennifer más o menos un año después.

Brad y Angelina rápidamente se involucraron después de que se anunciara su separación y construyeron una gran familia durante los siguientes años, con seis hijos en su prole.

Brangelina se comprometió en 2012 y se casó en 2014, pero Angelina pidió el divorcio solo dos años más tarde, en 2016, citando diferencias irreconciliables.

Ese mismo año, Pitt fue acusado de abusar físicamente de al menos uno de sus hijos, a pesar de que fue absuelto por las autoridades después de una investigación y negó las afirmaciones.

Los procedimientos de divorcio continuaron alargándose mucho después de eso y un juez finalmente dictaminó que Brad y Angelina eran legalmente solteros en 2019. Otros elementos del divorcio han estado ocurriendo detrás de cámaras desde entonces y ahora, en 2024, por fin se están acercando a la línea de meta.

Los asuntos se han vuelto más complicados entre Brand y Angie. Recuerden que en 2021, Angelina vendió su parte de una bodega que poseía con Pitt a un oligarca ruso, un movimiento que eventualmente llevó al actor a demandarla por supuestamente no obtener su firma antes de vender. Esa demanda sigue en curso y va por un carril separado al divorcio.

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Aunque otras batallas legales podrían todavía persistir, parece que el divorcio es casi un hecho, y ahora, es solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que se haga oficial.

Manténgase en sintonía ...

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Divorce May Be Wrapping Up ... Major Step Takes Place

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's contentious divorce could be close to coming to an end ... with each star taking one of the last key final steps on the path to a divorce settlement.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ, both Pitt and Jolie are serving their final financial disclosures on the other party ... which is noteworthy considering there hasn't been much movement on their divorce case for at least a couple years now.

The final terms of any overall settlement of the divorce haven't been filed yet ... but Thursday's filings indicate that one of the most legendary marriages and acrimonious divorces in recent Hollywood history is finally coming to an end.

Whenever dueling parties in a divorce submit financial docs ... it means the end is near.

Remember ... Brad and Angelina first met on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" back in 2004 while BP was still married to Jennifer Aniston. The onscreen couple remained just friends through shooting though Brad separated from Jennifer about a year later.

Brad and Angelina quickly shacked up together after his separation was announced, and they built a big family over the next few years -- with six children in their brood.

Brangelina got engaged in 2012 and married in 2014 ... but Angelina filed for divorce just two years later in 2016, citing irreconcilable differences.

In the same year, Pitt was accused of physically abusing at least one of his children -- even though he was cleared by authorities after an investigation ... and he denied the claims too.

The divorce proceedings continued to stretch out well after that ... and a judge eventually ruled Brad and Angelina were legally single back in 2019. Other elements of the divorce have been playing out behind the scenes since then ... and now, in '24, the finish line approaches.

Matters have gotten more complicated between Brand and Angie -- remember, in 2021, Angelina sold her portion of a winery she owned with Pitt ... a move that eventually led to Pitt suing her for allegedly not getting his signoff before selling to a Russian oligarch's company. That lawsuit is still ongoing ... and separate from their divorce case.

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While other legal battles may still be lingering ... it seems like the divorce is nearly a done deal -- and now, it's just a matter of time before it becomes official.

Stay tuned ...

Transgender Woman Sued Ex-BF Over Tossed-Out Balls ... But Judge Says, No Case!!!

A transgender woman who sued her ex-boyfriend for throwing out her balls apparently didn't have a case worth litigating ... 'cause a judge tossed her suit, not to mention the BF's.

Brianna Kingsley had recently filed a lawsuit against William Wojciechowski in Detroit -- whom she was dating a couple years ago as she was transitioning ... and who she claims discarded her surgically-removed testicles in the wake of their breakup.

TikTok / @rhinowitchsanctuary

At first, Kingsley was suing Bill for allegedly not returning her balls to her -- claiming in her small claims suit that he was holding them hostage, and keeping them in a mason jar in his fridge next to a carton of eggs. However, after she sued him ... her ex countersued her, claiming she'd humiliated him and also noting that he'd already thrown the testicles away.

It was a lot of back and forth for a while ... and the absurd case was highlighted by a quote Kinglsey had said in court at one point -- saying, "We’re talking about my nuts … I wanted them in my fridge -- not his. The damages were the loss of these nuts."

Kingsley was seeking the return of her testes -- even though they'd already been thrown out -- plus an extra $6,500 in damages. The boyfriend was also seeking damages for his claim.

In the end ... hizzoner said the whole thing was ridiculous and not worth taking under further consideration -- in fact, he called their competing lawsuits against each other a "wash," and added that it would've been too difficult to put a dollar amount on balls.

The judge tossed both lawsuits and basically closed the book on this matter. He also noted his decision could not be appealed -- so no chance of either of them continuing to fight it.

BTW, Kingsley seemed proud to show off her balls a couple years ago after she underwent gender-reassignment surgery -- so we suppose it's understandable they were of value to her.

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Unfortunately, this case ended up being a little too nuts for small claims court. Dismissed!


A major sigh of relief for Prince Harry ... the remaining parts of his landmark civil suit against the Mirror Group Newspapers has finally been settled.

In a hearing that took place at the High Court in London Friday, the Daily Mirror's publisher has been ordered to pay substantial damages and legal costs to the Duke of Sussex over the lawsuit he filed against the MGN-owned newspapers for unlawfully gathering personal details about his life and publishing them for the world to read.

Judge Timothy Fancourt announced MGN should pay the "generic" costs to those involved in the legal action ... adding, "In this unusual case, justice is only done by awarding the claimants their costs of the generic issues."

PH's lawyer, David Sherborne, confirmed the settlement between the royal and MGN, revealing that the publisher has made an interim payment of $505,500. The final total cost has yet to be assessed.

An MGN spokesperson said in a statement: "We are pleased to have reached this agreement, which gives our business further clarity to move forward from events that took place many years ago and for which we have apologized."

You'll recall ... Judge Fancourt's ruling in December determined the company had hacked Harry's phone to a "modest extent", awarding him about $180,000 in damages.

Fancourt found that 15 of the 33 articles published by The Sunday Mirror and another paper contained information illegally gathered by hacking into Harry's personal phone between 2004 and 2009. Harry's attorney entered 147 newspaper stories into evidence -- and many of them were forensically analyzed.

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During the trial, Harry testified for seven hours, making him the first senior royal to take the witness stand in centuries in a court of law.

In his 2019 lawsuit, Harry claimed the intrusions went on for years and also targeted his wife, Meghan Markle, causing them "considerable distress."

Jonathan Majors & Megan Good Living Together in the Big Apple ... After Cross-Country Trip

Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good are still going strong after his assault trial conviction ... and they've even bonded further while living in NYC, and taking a cross-country road trip together.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... they're easy to spot around lower Manhattan's Greenwich Village, where they're constantly walking their dog.

Not only that, but our sources say the couple's been, basically, inseparable -- although we're told Meagan's going back to work on the TV show "Harlem" next week ... so, they'll probably be spending a bit more time apart.

MG and JM haven't been spotted out together in a while, BTW ... photogs last snapping them in public way back in December, but there seems to be a good reason for that -- they were recently out on the open road, driving coast-to-coast.

We're told the pair drove all the way from L.A. to NYC, with a quick pit stop in Dallas to see Majors' mother, Terri ... to whom Meagan got close during Jonathan's trial.

The couple just got back to New York within the last week.

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It's not surprising they've kept a low profile over the past couple months ... all eyes were on Meagan and Jonathan during the trial which ended with the jury finding him guilty on one count of reckless assault in the third degree and one count of harassment. He was acquitted on 2 other charges.

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As Majors himself told us, he's relying a lot on God and faith in the aftermath of his conviction and leading up to his sentencing in April.

Seems he's relying a lot on Meagan, too.

Jonathan Majors y Meagan Good "inseparables"

Jonathan Majors y Meagan Good siguen juntos después de su condena de juicio por asalto, y a pesar de que viven en Nueva York, están en medio de un viaje por la carretera a través del país juntos.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que son fáciles de detectar en torno a Greenwich Village del Bajo Manhattan, donde están constantemente paseando a su perro.

No solo eso, nuestras fuentes nos informan que la pareja ha sido inseparable, aunque nos dicen que Meagan va a volver a trabajar en el programa de televisión "Harlem" la próxima semana, por lo que probablemente, van a pasar un poco más de tiempo separados.

Meagan y Jonathan no han sido vistos juntos por un tiempo. fotógrafos última instantánea de ellos en público camino de vuelta en diciembre, pero parece que hay una buena razón para que - que fueron recientemente en la carretera, la conducción de costa a costa.

Nos dicen que la pareja condujo todo el camino desde Los Ángeles a Nueva York, con una parada rápida en Dallas para ver a la madre de Majors -Terri- a quien Meagan se le acercó durante el juicio de Jonathan.

La pareja acaba de regresar a Nueva York durante la última semana.

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No es de extrañar que han mantenido un perfil bajo los últimos meses, todos los ojos estaban puestos en Meagan y Jonathan durante el juicio que terminó con el jurado declarándolo culpable de un cargo de asalto imprudente en tercer grado y un cargo de acoso. Fue absuelto de otros dos cargos.

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manteniendo la fe

Como el propio Majors nos dijo, está confiando mucho en Dios... Recordemos que debe asistir a su condena en abril.

Parece que también confía mucho en Meagan.

Bobbi Althoff Drake Not Responsible for Divorce ... Rising Fame to Blame

Bobbi Althoff getting divorced is now being picked apart by fans who think Drake might've had something to do with it -- but we got the real story ... and it's far from that at all.

Here's the deal ... Bobbi's now-estranged husband, Cory, cited July 4, '23 as the day he and BA separated -- and the reason folks are hyper-focusing on this is because it just so happens to be around the time she aired her viral interview with Drake, where they're both in bed.

Of course, the speculation has been peaking -- with many suggesting Bobbi and Drake were, perhaps, closer than we saw ... and that they maybe had something going on BTS.

Welp, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Drake was actually NOT a big fan of Bobbi toward the end of summer last year -- and that they had a major falling out post-interview, although they were friendly in the immediate aftermath.

Long story short ... we're told Drake and Bobbi continued texting after they had their famous lay-down chat -- and our sources say Drizzy even invited Bobbi to his L.A. concert on Aug. 12 ... which she attended. Unfortunately for her, only general admission was offered.

Our sources tell us Bobbi was genuinely angry about this -- apparently feeling she deserved to be in the VIP area with Drake's other celeb friends -- and she made her indignation known in a since-deleted video where she's standing around on the arena floor pouting about.

Not long after that went up ... Bobbi took the clip down, and within the same weekend -- she also took down the original nearly hour-long interview ... no explanation for either.

At the time, people were trying to figure out if they'd had a falling out -- and as it turns out, they absolutely did. Our sources tell us that when Bobbi was at the show ... her little video was reflecting how she actually felt -- namely, furious she'd ended up in GA.

We're told Bobbi blew Drake up about it that same night -- while he was onstage -- and that she even tried going backstage at one point ... but got rebuffed by security.

Not long after this ... we're told Drake's camp hit her team to demand she take down both the clip and the interview ... which she then did. At that point, we're told their friendship fizzled.

Now, in terms of whether they've patched things up since -- something Bobbi herself recently implied on Keke Palmer's podcast ... we're told they haven't. Bobbi told Keke they'd spoken in recent weeks ... but our sources tell us they have not. We're told they don't talk anymore.

On the issue of why Cory actually filed to divorce Bobbi -- it's a very simple explanation ... our sources tell us her skyrocketing fame and his desire to remain a normie was the main catalyst, and that it had nothing to do with allegations of cheating. Although, we're sure he probably didn't appreciate how cozy she was acting with Champagne Papi on tape.

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In any case, now you got the real tea ... sip with caution, 'cause this is pipin' hot!

Biden on Special Counsel Report My Memory Is So Bad I Let You Speak ... Feisty With WH Reporters


President Biden is showing serious signs of life and energy ... getting testy with reporters who tried grilling him on his memory loss and a damning special counsel report.

The highlight ... Biden telling Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, "My memory is so bad I let you speak."

Biden's zinger came as POTUS took the podium in the White House press room Thursday for some rare remarks, fielding questions from journalists in the wake of a special prosecutor calling out his "faulty memory."

Biden had the old noodle working on this occasion, firing off zingers aimed at the media ... and verbally sparring with reporters from multiple outlets.

When Doocy started asking questions about the special counsel report, Biden got testy ... and, if we're being honest, channeled a bit of Donald Trump.

Biden mocked the special counsel, who in his report said JB won't be charged for his handling of classified information while out of office because 46 is a "well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory."

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The Prez jokingly agreed, adding ... "I know what the hell I'm doing. I'm President and I put this country back on it's feet."

Asked directly how bad his memory is and if he can continue as President, Biden shot back at Doocy with his "memory so bad I let you speak" one-liner ... which has some serious meme potential.


Another reporter followed up by asking Biden if his memory has gotten worse ... with POTUS saying his memory is "fine" before listing off his legislative accomplishments.

The commander-in-chief also wasn't happy with the special counsel saying Biden couldn't remember when his son Beau died.

Biden's response ... "How in the hell dare he raise that. Frankly, when I was asked the question I thought to myself it wasn't any of their damn business."

Biden groused further ... "I don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away."

The special counsel says there's evidence Biden mishandled classified docs, but the prosecutor decided against charging Biden because he wasn't confident in a guilty verdict due to Biden's faulty memory and ability to make jurors sympathetic.

Seems he woke something up in JB.

Caitlyn Jenner no tiene planes de demandar a Disney Con el apoyo de Elon Musk

Caitlyn Jenner parecía suplicar el apoyo legal de Elon Musk para luchar contra Disney después de ser despedida de "The Kardashians", aunque no es algo que realmente está persiguiendo, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Caitlyn no tiene planes de demandar a la Casa del Ratón y que simplemente estaba haciendo visible su experiencia con el estudio al comentar bajo el post original de Elon, donde dijo explícitamente que proporcionaría apoyo legal (es decir, financiación) a aquellos que se sintieran discriminados por Disney o sus filiales.

El comentario de Caitlyn decía: "Hulu (filial de Disney) nunca me puso en el programa de mi familia. Yo estuve desde el día 1 cuando se cambió de E!". A primera vista, parecía que hablaba en serio... sobre todo porque Elon parecía estar atento.

Ahora, mientras que nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Caitlyn no tiene planes recibir ayuda de Elon en este momento, si existe algún tipo de ataque de parte de las Kardashians en contra Caitlyn, nos dicen que posiblemente volvería a considerar la idea.

Protagonizó casi las 20 temporadas de "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" de E!, junto a su exesposa Kris Jenner, sus hijastras Kourtney, Kim y Khloé, y sus hijas biológicas Kendall y Kylie. Caitlyn nunca apareció en la serie renovada -"The Kardashians"- cuando se trasladó a Hulu en 2022.

El mes pasado, Caitlyn expresó una frustración similar por su despido de Disney al responder a una publicación en X del consultor político Richard Grenell, quien arremetió contra la cadena por su postura "partidista".

La estrella del reality comentó en su momento: "Me pregunto si es por eso que me despidieron del reality show de mi familia cuando se cambió a Hulu (@Disney), de E!. No debo estar lo suficientemente progre (woke)".

Cailyn añadió: "Qué pena... Recuerdo cuando Bob Iger era un joven y trabajador aparcacoches que me llevaba las maletas justo después de ganar las Olimpiadas".

Por si no lo sabías, Elon está financiando la demanda de la ex actriz de "Mandalorian" Gina Carano, en la que afirma que Disney + y LucasFilm la despidieron injustamente de su trabajo después de que publicara sus opiniones políticas en redes sociales.

Es por eso que esta conversación sobre Caitlyn está sucediendo, porque Elon está legítimamente poniendo su dinero en medio de este asunto contra Disney.

Volviendo a Caitlyn -las cosas pueden no haber funcionado con "The Kardashians", pero ella se ha cambiado de la telerrealidad a FOX, trabajando para la cadena como colaboradora de Fox News, lo que realmente está disfrutando.

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Así que tiene eso a su favor... y no hay ninguna futura cita judicial contra Disney, al menos por ahora.