Darius Rucker Arrested for Minor Drug Offense in TN


3:36 PM PT -- Darius Rucker's attorney, Mark Puryear, tells TMZ … "Darius Rucker is fully cooperating with authorities related to misdemeanor charges."

Darius Rucker got busted on a minor drug offense in Tennessee -- and from the sound of the charge he was booked on ... it basically amounts to an alleged handoff.

The country singer -- obviously famous from Hootie & the Blowfish -- was taken into custody Thursday in Williamson County, which is where he lives. He posed for this mug shot for the Sheriff's Dept. there ... and was booked on three separate charges, all misdemeanors.

Darius was arrested for two counts of simple possession/casual exchange of a controlled substance and one count of a violation of the state's vehicle registration law.

In terms of what DMV law cops think Darius broke ... they're saying he let his/tags expire on his car.

DR was brought into the jail around 10 AM PT, and he was released about an hour or so later -- we've confirmed Darius bonded out and is no longer in custody.


Unclear what exactly happened that led up to his arrest -- we're trying to get a hold of police now for further clarification.

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We've reached out to Darius' team for comment as well ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:21 PM PT

Blueface Warrant Issued Outta Las Vegas ... Alleged Probation Misstep

More legal trouble for Blueface as he sits in a Los Angeles jail cell ... 'cause a judge in Las Vegas wants him arrested and brought to Nevada for an alleged probation violation.

According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ, a Nevada judge issued a bench warrant for Blueface's arrest for violating the terms of his probation. In case you forgot, Blueface is also on probation in NV as part of a plea deal he cut in his Vegas strip club shooting case.

As we reported ... Blueface received a suspended sentence in that case, getting hit with 3 years of probation and no jail time if he kept his nose clean. He also had a 2-5 year underlying sentence, meaning a probation violation could get him locked up for a few years.

Now, in terms of what exactly he allegedly did to violate his probation in Vegas -- besides getting locked up here in Cali, of course, which will usually do the trick -- his attorney spoke on it to local media outlets and cited something else, specifically, prosecutors are eyeing.

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Blue's lawyer Kristina Wildeveld told 8 News Now the alleged probation violation relates to cell phone video from a Utah performance last December, with the footage appearing to show Blueface bringing a woman on stage and telling his fiancée to "get her" as she attacked her.

It shouldn’t be too hard for law enforcement to track Blueface down ... like we said, he's currently in custody in Men's Central Jail in L.A., where he's been for weeks now ... the result of a separate probation violation for an assault case here in the Golden State.

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Blueface isn't technically scheduled to be released from jail until July, and the warrant out of Vegas could mean he then heads to Nevada to serve some time behind bars there as well.

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His lawyer told the same outlet Blueface is cooperating with law enforcement and plans to turn himself into Nevada authorities after he serves his time in California.

Blueface already got a warning from the Las Vegas judge ... she reportedly told him she wouldn't hesitate to throw him in prison on any kind of probation violation, and now he's being accused of having one.

If things don't shake out in his favor, he might not be home for a while. Sorry, Chrisean.

Tiffany Haddish se declara culpable de conducción temeraria En Los Ángeles

Tiffany Haddish tiene un problema menos de qué preocuparse, porque la situación legal aquí en la Costa Oeste se ha resuelto y fue capaz de llegar a un acuerdo, TMZ lo confirma.

La comediante apareció en la corte el jueves en Los Ángeles, donde ella y los fiscales llegaron a un acuerdo sobre los cargos en su contra. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Tiff tomó un acuerdo que es bastante sólido con los dos cargos de delito menor de conducción en estado de ebriedad en su contra fueron retirados.

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En cambio, ella terminó aceptando una condena por conducción temeraria, declararse no contendiente a la violación de tráfico, ni siquiera cerca de estar en el mismo estadio que lo que ella estaba en contra.

Usted recordará, Tiffany fue arrestado en Beverly Hills en noviembre, cuando la policía afirmó que fue encontrada dormida al volante y estacionada torpemente en una calle, con el carro parcialmente sobresaliendo.

Ellos terminaron esposándola y llevándola a la cárcel. Sin embargo ella estuvo libre en un tiempo récord y volviendo a hacer stand-up poco después, donde bromeó sobre el incidente.

A pesar de que Tiffany se comprometió a cambiar a raíz de esto, ella nunca realmente reconoció de una manera u otra lo que exactamente la llevó a ser arrestada, pero eso no importa ahora, porque ella ha terminado con este asunto por completo.

Esto no quiere decir que ella esté totalmente limpia... su caso de Georgia todavía está en curso y Tiffany ha señalado últimamente que planea luchar en los tribunales.

Tiene sentido que ella quisiera que uno de estos casos se resolviera de la misma manera que el de L.A., porque si terminaba siendo condenada por ambos, habría significado potencialmente algún tiempo en la cárcel. Ahora, sin embargo, no hay ninguna posibilidad de que eso suceda.

Sin embargo, su abogado -Alex Spiro- nos dice que "La Sra. Haddish ha accedido a una simple violación del código de vehículos, no conducir bajo la influencia, cosa de la que ha sido absuelta".

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Tiene que ser agradable para ella dejar esto atrás, ahora solo queda un problema más por resolver.

Tiffany Haddish Cops Plea Deal in L.A. DUI Case ... Settles for Reckless Driving

Tiffany Haddish has one less DUI case to worry about -- 'cause the legal sitch here on the West Coast is resolved, and she was able to work a sweet little deal ... TMZ can confirm.

The comedian popped into court Thursday in L.A., where she and prosecutors came to an agreement on the charges against her. Sources with direct knowledge tell us Tiff took a plea deal that's pretty solid ... the 2 misdemeanor DUI charges against her were dropped.

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Instead, she ended up accepting a conviction of reckless driving ... pleading no contest to the traffic violation, not even close to being in the same ballpark as what she was up against.

You'll recall ... Tiffany got arrested in Beverly Hills in November, when cops claimed at the time that she was found asleep at the wheel and parked awkwardly on a street, with her car partially jutting out.

They ended up throwing her in handcuffs and hauling her to jail -- but she was out in record time and back to doing stand-up shortly thereafter ... where she joked about the incident.

While Tiffany did vow to change in the aftermath of this ... she never really acknowledged one way or another what exactly led to her getting busted -- but it doesn't matter now, 'cause she's done with this matter entirely.

This isn't to say she's totally out of the woods ... her Georgia DUI case is still ongoing -- and Tiffany has signaled of late that she plans to fight it in court.

It makes sense that she'd want one of these DUI cases to be resolved the way the L.A. one was today ... 'cause if she ended up getting convicted for both, it would've potentially meant some jail time. Now, however, there's no chance of that happening.

On the Bev Hills thing, though ... her attorney, Alex Spiro, tell us, "Ms. Haddish has agreed to a simple vehicle code violation – not driving under the influence, which has been dismissed -- and looks forward to this being behind her."

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Gotta be nice to close the book on this one ... now, there's just one more to go.

Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra Mansion Is 'Virtually Unlivable' ... Messy Lawsuit Reveals

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra say they aren't able to live in their luxurious mansion due to a bunch of construction defects and mold ... this according to litigation that's been dragging on since last May.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, the singer-songwriter and actress/model purchased the Encino house through a trust in 2019 ... but now claim the place is riddled with problems that have forced them to get the hell out.

The biggest problems, they claim, are mostly with the waterproofing around the deck and spa area, not to mention alleged mold issues that they say have rendered the crib "virtually unlivable in parts."

The lawsuit -- which was filed by a trustee of Nick and Priyanka's trust -- says the house is not only "dangerous from a health perspective to occupy" ... but will also cost the couple a ton of time and money to fix. We're talking millions of dollars here.

The exact amount of alleged damages is unknown, but they're saying the damages are north of at least $2.5 million ... and the suit includes some photos to back up their claims. We have some of those shots here -- but it's hard to tell what exactly is depicted here.

The photos are in black and white, and seem to be scanned ... so the detail isn't great.

Anyway, as for why the lawsuit's dragging on for so long ... the trustee's lawyer Fred Fenster told Page Six, "It’s like everybody who put a pick or a shovel in the property is going to be involved, and it’s going to be up to the builder to decide and prove who was responsible for the defects." We should note ... other lawsuits have been filed over this situation -- with a lot of different parties involved suing each other, but no one is suing Nick or Priyanka, specifically. In other words ... there's big confusion over who's to blame.

Now, a source with direct knowledge tells us Nick and Priyanka are very disappointed with the building issues, and with the house still currently under repair ... so nobody is living in the house at this time. Obviously, they've made other living arrangements in the meantime.

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We've also reached out to the contractor CW General Construction, Inc., about the suit ... so far no word back.

Nick Jonas y Priyanka Chopra implicados en una demanda Por infestación de moho

Nick Jonas y Priyanka Chopra dicen que no pueden vivir en su lujosa mansión debido a un montón de defectos de construcción y moho. Esto según un litigio que se arrastra desde mayo pasado.

Según la demanda obtenida por TMZ, el cantautor y la actriz y modelo compraron la casa de Encino a través de un fideicomiso en 2019, pero ahora afirman que el lugar está plagado de problemas que los han obligado a salir de ahí.

Afirman que los mayores problemas son en su mayoría con la impermeabilización alrededor de la cubierta y zona de spa, por no hablar de presuntos problemas de moho que dicen que han hecho que la casa sea "prácticamente inhabitable en ciertas partes".

La demanda -que fue presentada por un administrador del fideicomiso de Nick y Priyanka- dice que la casa no solo es "peligrosa desde el punto de vista de la salud" sino que también le costará a la pareja un montón de tiempo y dinero. Estamos hablando de millones de dólares.

La cantidad exacta de los presuntos daños se desconoce, pero rondarían los $2.5 millones y la demanda incluye algunas fotos para respaldar sus afirmaciones. Tenemos algunas de esas fotos aquí, pero es difícil decir qué es exactamente lo que se representa.

Las fotos son en blanco y negro y parecen haber sido escaneadas, por lo que no se puede apreciar en detalle.

De todos modos, en cuanto a por qué la demanda se está prolongando durante tanto tiempo, el abogado del fideicomisario Fred Fenster dijo a Page Six: "Es como si todo el mundo que contribuyó a la construcción de la propiedad fuera a estar involucrado, y va a ser el constructor quien demuestre y decida quién es el responsable de los defectos." Debemos tener en cuenta que otras demandas se han presentado sobre esta situación, con un montón de diferentes partes involucradas demandándose entre ellas, pero nadie está demandando a Nick o Priyanka. En otras palabras, hay una gran confusión sobre quién tiene la culpa.

Una fuente directa nos dice que Nick y Priyanka están muy decepcionados con los problemas de construcción, y están con la casa todavía en reparación, por lo que nadie está viviendo ahí en este momento.

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También nos hemos puesto en contacto con el contratista CW General Construction, Inc. sobre la demanda, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Taylor Swift Wants to Use 'Taylor-Con' ... And Brand It on Er'thing!!!


8:57 AM PT -- Mystery solved ... Taylor-Con is just a regular Swiftie fan convention that's going down in Dallas in March -- one that's being organized by fans, and which Taylor Swift and co. seem to want to jump on by trademarking this phrase, which will undoubtedly be circulating.

Taylor and her team don't appear to have any official affiliation with this -- she'll be touring around this time, so she definitely won't be there -- but Taylor-Con is going down, and it's already sold out.

Taylor Swift is moving into a new business era, it seems -- 'cause she's interested in locking down a certain phrase for what sounds like an event centered all around her.

The pop star just filed for a new trademark through her company, and it looks like she wants to the sole rights to the term "TAYLOR-CON." No word on what exactly that may be at this point -- but we do know what TS and co. have in mind in terms of advertising it.

According to the application, obtained by TMZ, T-Swift appears to wanna brand a wide variety of items with "TAYLOR-CON" ... which means, yes, she wants to sell you crap.

Just a taste of what she's aiming to slap this phrase on ... everything from guitar picks and jewelry to clothing/accessories and coffee cups/journals -- not to mention digital items, like sound recordings and computer media. In other words, the whole nine yards of "stuff."

Again, it's hard to say exactly what this is ... but based on the name alone, it certainly sounds big -- and you can almost guarantee it'll revolve around her almost exclusively.

Also worth noting -- this new trademark application from Taylor basically mirrors her "Midnights" application that her same company filed in 2022, which was also seeking to brand a ton of things with that label at the time. Take a look, they almost match up to a T.

On its face, you could argue this may well be a new album ... but it's too early to say.


In any case, it seems Taylor's not done taking over the world just yet ... her reign continues, and it's looking like she's getting set to make the next move in her career ... nonstop Ws.

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Swifties, rejoice!

Originally Published -- 7:59 AM PT

Taylor Swift quiere poner la marca "Taylor-Con" En un montón de productos


8:57 AM PT -- Misterio resuelto... Taylor-Con no es más que una convención de fans de Swiftie que se celebrará en Dallas en marzo, organizada por fans, y a la que Taylor y compañía parecen querer unirse registrando esta frase.

Taylor y su equipo no parecen tener ninguna afiliación oficial con esto, ella estará de gira por estas fechas, así que definitivamente no estará allí, sin embargo, Taylor-Con se va a celebrar y ya se han agotado las entradas.

Taylor Swift tiene en mente un gran paso en el mundo de los negocios y pretende usar una frase muy personal para vender una variedad de productos.

La estrella del pop acaba de solicitar una nueva marca a través de su empresa y parece que quiere tener los derechos exclusivos del término "TAYLOR-CON". No se sabe exactamente de qué tipo de productos estamos hablando, pero de seguro será algo interesante .

De acuerdo con la solicitud obtenida por TMZ, Swift parece querer una amplia variedad de artículos con "TAYLOR-CON".

Nos referimos a TODO tipo de cosas, tales como púas de guitarra, joyas, ropa, accesorios, tazas de café y revistas, por no hablar de los elementos digitales, como grabaciones de sonido y soportes informáticos. En otras palabras, prepárense para ver a Taylor en una increíble variedad de productos.

No podemos dejar de pensar en qué es este "Taylor-Con", pero basándonos en el nombre, sin duda suena grande.

También vale la pena señalar que esta nueva solicitud de marca de Taylor básicamente refleja su solicitud que su misma empresa presentada en 2022, que también estaba tratando de poner la marca en un montón de cosas.

A primera vista, se podría argumentar que esto podría ser un nuevo álbum, pero es demasiado pronto para decirlo.

En cualquier caso, parece que Taylor no ha terminado de tomarse el mundo, su reinado continúa y parece que se está preparando para hacer el siguiente movimiento.

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¡Disfruten Swifties!

Danny Masterson Es trasladado a la misma prisión de Charles Manson Rodeado de lo peor...

Danny Masterson ahora tiene algo en común con el difunto Charles Manson, ambos fueron encarcelados en la misma penitenciaría de máxima seguridad de California.

El actor caído en desgracia fue trasladado recientemente de la Prisión Estatal de North Kern en Delano a la infame Prisión Estatal de Corcoran (CSP) en Corcoran, donde Manson estuvo encerrado hasta su muerte en 2017.

Manson, quien falleció a los 87 años a causa de un paro cardíaco agudo y un cáncer de colon, fue internado en la Unidad de Alojamiento Protector para presos que, de lo contrario, podrían sufrir algún tipo de daño dentro de la población general.

CSP también alojó alguna vez al asesino del ex senador de Estados Unidos Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan, así como algunos de los más infames asesinos, miembros de pandillas y otros criminales del estado.

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No está claro si Masterson recibirá el mismo nivel de protección que se le dio a Manson, quien fue condenado por los notorios asesinatos de Tate-LaBianca en Los Ángeles en 1969.

Antes de llegar a CSP, Masterson fue procesado en el sistema penitenciario de California a través del centro de recepción de North Kern después de haber sido declarado culpable de 2 cargos de violación forzada. Se le entregó una sentencia de 30 años.

North Kern es un centro de detención de seguridad media. Ahora tendremos que ver cómo le va a Danny en el Corcoran, de mucha mayor seguridad.

Danny Masterson Sent To Charles Manson's Prison ... Surrounded By The Worst Of The Worst

Danny Masterson now has something in common with the late Charles Manson ... they were both incarcerated in the same maximum security California penitentiary.

The disgraced actor was recently transferred from North Kern State Prison in Delano to the infamous Corcoran State Prison (CSP) in Corcoran, where Manson was locked up until his death in 2017.

Manson, who passed away at 87 from acute cardiac arrest and colon cancer, was placed in the Protective Housing Unit for prisoners who might otherwise be harmed in the general population.

CSP also once housed former U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan, as well as some of the state's worst of the worst murderers, gang members and other criminals.

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It's unclear if Masterson will receive the same high level of protection once given to Manson, who was convicted of the notorious 1969 Tate-LaBianca murders in Los Angeles.

Before arriving at CSP, Masterson was processed into the California prison system through the North Kern reception center after he was convicted of 2 counts of forcible rape and handed a 30-year sentence.

North Kern is a medium security detention facility. We'll now have to see how Danny fairs at the much higher security Corcoran.

Alec Baldwin renuncia a comparecer Y se declara inocente

Al parecer, Alec Baldwin no quería pasar por el circo de Zoom en Nuevo México para hacerle frente a los nuevos cargos en su contra, así que está dando una declaración desde una distancia aún mayor.

El actor renunció a su aparición que se fijó para el jueves por la mañana, donde estaba previsto que se presentara en un tribunal en el condado de Santa Fe para decirle a la corte cómo se siente acerca de la acusación de homicidio involuntario que se volvió a presentar en su contra en las últimas semanas.

En su lugar, acaba de presentar una declaración de no culpabilidad a través de sus abogados, optando hacerlo de manera virtual. Tiene sentido, ya que ha señalado a través de sus abogados que quiere que todo esto se haga rápidamente y fuera del centro de atención.

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Recordemos que Alec dejó claro la semana pasada que tiene derecho a un juicio rápido, haciendo hincapié en el hecho de que no quiere alargar esto más de lo necesario. Hay algunas condiciones de liberación que tiene que cumplir, no consumir alcohol, no sustancias ilegales y no armas de fuego y no salir de los EE.UU. sin permiso por escrito... lo de siempre.

tiro de práctica

Ahora que se ha declarado inocente, el caso puede continuar, y finalmente tendrá que venir a la corte para el juicio. Teniendo en cuenta que Alec ha negado cualquier delito desde el principio, todos apunta a que la lucha contra final será frente a un jurado.

Alec ha recibido apoyo últimamente, en concreto, de SAG-AFTRA, que emitió un comunicado diciendo que no es el trabajo de un actor comprobar las armas de fuego en el set.

Recuerde, la oficina del fiscal allí ya intentó procesarlo una vez - pero retiró los cargos ... solo para resucitar de nuevo a través de un gran jurado, presumiblemente en nuevas pruebas que piensan que hace que su caso sólido.

Con la declaración de inocencia de Alec ahora en el expediente, podemos seguir con esto de una vez por todas.

Alec Baldwin Waives Arraignment Appearance ... Pleads Not Guilty

Alec Baldwin apparently didn't want to go through the circus of Zooming into New Mexico to face the renewed charges against him -- so, he's skipping it, and entering a plea from an even further distance.

The actor waived his appearance that was set for Thursday morning, where he was due to beam into a courthouse in Santa Fe County and tell the court how he feels about the involuntary manslaughter charge that was re-filed against him in recent weeks.

Instead, he just submitted a not-guilty plea through his attorneys ... opting to pass on a virtual pop-in. Makes sense -- he's already telegraphed his game plan, signaling through lawyers that he wants this all done quickly and out of the spotlight.

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Remember, Alec made clear last week that he has the right to a speedy trial ... emphasizing the fact he does NOT want to drag this out any longer than it needs to be. There are some conditions of release he has to abide by too -- no consuming booze, no illegal substances and no firearms and no leaving the U.S. without written permission ... the usual.


Now, that he's pled not guilty ... the case can continue, and he'll eventually have to come to court for the trial itself. Considering Alec has been denying any wrongdoing from the start -- all signs point to him fighting this thing to the very end, in front of a jury.

Alec has gotten some support lately on this front -- specifically, from SAG-AFTRA ... which put out a statement saying it's not an actor's job to check firearms on set.

Remember, the D.A.'s office there already tried prosecuting him once -- but dropped the charges ... only to resurrect them again through a grand jury, presumably on newer evidence they think makes their case solid.

With Alec's not-guilty plea now in the record, we can get on with this once and for all.

Elex Michaelson on Trump Taylor 'Holy War' Could Backfire ... Swifties Might Help Biden

Donald Trump should be cautious about poking the bear when it comes to attacking Taylor Swift ... so says a well-seasoned political talk show host and media personality.

FOX11 anchor and politico Elex Michaelson joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday and we asked him about the ramifications of Trump's inner circle vowing to wage a "holy war" on Taylor and any Democrats she may endorse ... which they're reportedly ready to do.

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Given Taylor's massive popularity right now -- coupled with the fact that she's dating a star player on an NFL team, who's about to play in the freaking Super Bowl -- Elex says DT and co. should be careful with how his campaign approaches Swift ... especially if it's to attack.

Elex says he worries Trump may wake up a sleeping giant here, and stir up Swifties en masse to hit the ballot box and vote for his opponent, Joe Biden, who is courting TS' endorsement. That might be a preemptively self-own, especially since she hasn't joined the Biden train yet.

Those same voters are also pretty young, for the most part, and that could hurt Trump too ... Elex explains. Considering Taylor has such influence over the youths in this country -- antagonizing her too early may well backfire if Trump goes in hard right now.

Another layer to this is Trump's potential loss being Biden's gain ... Elex points out Biden's struggled with some key demographics, and TS could help reel those voters back in ... at Trump's expense.

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Of course, Elex says folks shouldn't be quick to dismiss Trump or write him off ... saying DT usually has a handle on how best to drum up his base. Fact is, he's run successful campaigns before and gotten tons of votes.

It's a pretty interesting conversation ... and Elex wonders if there's a scenario where Taylor helps both Trump and Biden. Take a listen to his ration -- he might have a point here.

La "guerra santa" de Trump contra Taylor Swift podría ser contraproducente Según Elex Michaelson

Donald Trump debería ser cauteloso a la hora de atacar a Taylor Swift, así lo dice un presentador político y personalidad de los medios de comunicación.

El presentador de FOX11 y político Elex Michaelson se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el miércoles y le preguntamos acerca de las ramificaciones del círculo íntimo de Trump prometiendo librar una "guerra santa" contra Taylor y cualquier demócrata que pueda apoyar ... que al parecer están dispuestos a llevarle la contra, dice Elex Michaelson

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no te metas con swift

Dada la popularidad masiva de Taylor en este momento, junto con el hecho de que ella está saliendo con un jugador estrella en un equipo de la NFL que está a punto de jugar en el maldito Super Bowl, Elex dice que Trump y compañía deben tener cuidado con la forma en que su campaña se acerca a Swift ... sobre todo si es para atacar.

Elex dice que le preocupa que Trump pueda despertar a un gigante dormido y agitar a los Swifties en masa para que acudan a las urnas y voten a su oponente, Joe Biden, que está cortejando el respaldo de Taylor. Eso podría ser un autoapoyo preventivo, sobre todo porque ella aún no se ha subido al tren de Biden.

Estamos hablando de votantes en su mayoría jóvenes, y eso también podría perjudicar a Trump, explica Elex. Teniendo en cuenta que Taylor tiene tanta influencia sobre los jóvenes de este país, enemistarse con ella demasiado pronto puede resultar contraproducente si Trump entra con fuerza ahora mismo.

Otra capa de esto es la pérdida potencial de Trump ante Biden. Elex señala que Biden ha tenido problemas con algunos grupos demográficos clave, y Taylor podría ayudar a recuperar a esos votantes a expensas de Trump.

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Por supuesto, Elex dice que la gente no debe apresurarse en descartar a Trump, diciendo que Donald por lo general tiene un as bajo la manga. El hecho es que ha corrido campañas exitosas antes y consiguió un montón de votos.

Es una conversación bastante interesante y Elex se pregunta si sería posible un scenario en el que Taylor fuera de ayuda para ambos. Échale un vistazo a la conversación, podría tener un punto aquí.

Ex-Boeing Quality Manager Warns of 737s Being Back in the Air ... Too Soon, Might Not Be Safe

Boeing's 737 planes are being given the green light to get back up into the sky -- but a guy who used to do quality assurance for them says ... it might be too soon, not safe enough.

We talked to former Boeing quality manager John Barnett -- who came on "TMZ Live" Wednesday to discuss the fact that his old company has said their 737 Max 9 aircrafts are ready to hit the runway again ... this just a few weeks after the Alaska Airlines incident.

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The speed at which this has all unfolded has alarmed many, and John here is right there with them in the concerned department ... and his reasoning lies in his personal experience.

Watch what he has to say for yourself -- John explains how things ran when he was in the field and how they've allegedly changed. Based on what he's claiming here, it's troubling, 'cause he suggests cutting corners is something the industry at large has leaned into.

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John claims that inspection operators and experts have been getting slashed from assembly lines in recent years -- an awful trend that he suspects has only continued since he left.

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With this in mind, he questions whether the 737s are, in fact, as good to go as Boeing insists ... because in his mind, he thinks more due diligence is warranted -- just in case, of course.

His concerns appear to be shared by at least some key shareholders ... 'cause a handful of them have just filed suit against the company, alleging prioritized profits over safety, among other claims.

Ex director de calidad de Boeing Tiene reservas con que el modelo 737S vuelva a volar Demasiado pronto...

Los aviones 737 de Boeing tienen luz verde para volver al cielo, pero un tipo que solía estar a cargo de garantizar la calidad de los aviones dice que podría ser demasiado pronto y no lo suficientemente seguro.

Hablamos con el ex gerente de calidad de Boeing John Barnett, quien se unió a "TMZ Live" el miércoles para discutir que su antigua compañía haya informado que los aviones 737 Max 9 están listos para golpear la pista de nuevo. Esto, a solo unas semanas de que ocurriera el incidente de Alaska Airlines.

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Fuerte deterioro de la calidad

La rapidez con la que todo ha ocurrido ha alarmado a muchos, incluido John, y su razonamiento radica en su propia experiencia personal.

Mira lo que nos dijo, primero explica cómo funcionaban las cosas cuando estaba en la empresa y cómo supuestamente han cambiado. Si nos basamos en lo que dice, es preocupante, porque sugiere que tomar atajos es algo que la industria ha estado haciendo.

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Tratando de mantener la calma

John afirma que los operadores y expertos en inspeccionar los aviones han sido recortados de las líneas de montaje en los últimos años, una tendencia horrible que sospecha solo ha continuado desde que se fue.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Con esto en mente, se pregunta si los 737s son realmente tan buenos como para que Boeing insista en ello, porque desde su perspectiva, está justificada una mayor diligencia en este caso, por si acaso, por supuesto.

Sus preocupaciones parecen ser compartidas por al menos algunos accionistas clave. Un puñado de ellos acaba de presentar una demanda contra la empresa, alegando que están priorizando los ingresos por sobre la seguridad, entre otros reclamos.