Cher Again Denied Conservatorship ... Over Son Elijah Allman

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ready for battle

Cher wants to put her son into a conservatorship, but he says he doesn't need one -- and, for now, a judge is still siding with him ... yet again denying her request to lock him down.

Elijah Blue Allman was stone-faced heading into his temporary appointment hearing Monday -- where a judge will presumably decide if Cher will, in fact, be tapped to head up a conservatorship for her adult son ... this after temporarily denying her earlier this month.

In early Jan., the court blocked Cher's effort to put Elijah into a conservatorship -- siding with Elijah's attorneys when they argued they hadn't been given enough time to make their case against the conservatorship ... plus, not getting docs they needed to combat her request.

Cher cited her son's ongoing battle with addiction as the key reason why she wants the legal apparatus used on him -- claiming he can't be trusted to manage his finances on his own.

She specifically says that regular payments he receives from a trust fund left behind from his late father, Gregg Allman, are likely to be squandered because of issues she claims Elijah continues to experience ... but he's called BS on that, saying he's cleaned up his act.

Welp, the judge heard the arguments anew ... and he once again shot down Cher and her team -- simply saying they hadn't proven Elijah doesn't have the capacity to handle his own affairs ... going on to say that an alleged bipolar disorder diagnosis, in and of itself, doesn't necessarily mean he's incompetent. As the judge said, that doesn't address capacity.

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The court also acknowledged that Elijah has proven in paperwork that he's remained clean and sober of late ... plus, he's also proven that he's handling his money just fine.

The judge set a future date for a trial on this issue -- where it will presumably be decided once and for all -- and went on to suggest Cher and her kid head into mediation, STAT. Cher beamed in remotely BTW ... it was only Elijah, his wife and all the lawyers in court today.

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Our photog got Elijah and his lawyers on the way out as well ... and they had some words.

We would say all's well that ends well ... but something tells us this is far from over.

Jay Leno Wife's By My Side ... After Conservatorship Filing

Jay Leno brought his wife, Mavis, with him to his weekly comedy gig this weekend -- this after revealing in court documents she suffers from dementia ... and it's a brave move.

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The couple went out to enjoy Jay's Sunday evening show at The Comedy & Magic Club in Hermosa Beach, CA ... putting on a united front after Jay took the first step in becoming conservator of his wife's estate just last Friday.

They certainly weren't hiding away from cameras here -- Jay and Mavis held hands as they slowly made their way into the venue ... and on their way out, Mavis was chatting with some friends. The message they seem to be telegraphing ... we're carrying on like normal.

TMZ broke the story ... Jay filed docs Friday to become conservator of Mavis' estate, claiming she may not have the wherewithal to take care of herself because she suffers from dementia. Our sources say Mavis has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

There's no indication Jay and Mavis are at odds over a potential conservatorship ... they've been happily married for going on 44 years, and Sunday's outing is further proof their bond remains strong.

It's interesting that Jay felt comfortable enough to bring Mavis out so publicly in the wake of that -- like we said, it speaks to a number of things ... including breaking down stigmas about Alzheimer's and dementia. That's one way to interpret this anyway.


In any case, ya gotta figure that a little bit of laughter never hurts the situation ... and Jay can provide plenty of those and then some.

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Good to see them standing strong amid some personal adversity.

'Big Brother' Christmas Abbott Baby Daddy Arrested For Revenge Porn

Christmas Abbott's baby daddy was arrested in North Carolina ... for allegedly sharing explicit images of Christmas without her permission.

According to legal documents obtained by TMZ ... Benjamin Bunn, who shares five-year-old son Loyal with Abbott, was arrested back in October and charged with three counts of disclosure of private images. He was later released on a $30,000 bond.

Sources close to the investigation tell us ... Abbot was being harassed by a fake account pretending to be her. Christmas believed Bunn was behind the account and was using it to post photos taken from an account where she publishes adult content from behind a paywall.

We’re told Christmas took this info to the cops ... who investigated, got a warrant, and eventually took Bunn into custody. His next court date is in February.

"Big Brother" fans will remember Christmas from seasons 19 and 22 of the show ... where she finished third and fourth respectively. She's also a CrossFit trainer and former Nascar pit crew member.

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Abbott's had well-documented trouble with Bunn in the past. As we reported ... just a couple months before her son was born, Christmas suspected Benjamin was cheating on her -- and went to a Tampa gym to confront his alleged mistress.

The confrontation got out of hand ... with Christmas ramming into the woman's car. Cops showed up at the scene, but they declined to process her at the time, because she was almost 8 months pregnant. She turned herself in a few months later after she'd given birth.

Ultimately, CA avoided jail time ... pleading to misdemeanor criminal mischief and getting a year of probation and 25 hours of community service ... she was also ordered to pay $1,357.95 in restitution.

Benjamin Bunn es detenido por pornografía vengativa

El padre del bebé de Christmas Abbott fue detenido en Carolina del Norte por presuntamente compartir imágenes explícitas de Christmas sin su permiso.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Benjamin Bunn, que comparte a Loyal -de cinco años- con Abbott, fue detenido en octubre y acusado de tres cargos de divulgación de imágenes privadas. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza de 30.000 dólares.

Fuentes cercanas a la investigación nos dicen que Abbott estaba siendo acosada por una cuenta falsa que se hacía pasar por ella. Christmas creía que Bunn estaba detrás de la cuenta y que la estaba utilizando para publicar fotos tomadas de una cuenta donde publicaba contenido para adultos.

Nos dicen que Christmas llevó esta información a la policía, quienes investigaron, obtuvo una orden judicial y finalmente detuvieron a Bunn. Su próxima cita en la corte es en febrero.

Los fans de "Gran Hermano" recordarán a Christmas de las temporadas 19 y 22 del programa, donde terminó tercera y cuarta respectivamente. Ella es también una entrenadora de CrossFit y ex-miembro del equipo de boxes Nascar.

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Abbott ha tenido problemas bien documentados con Bunn en el pasado. Como hemos informado, solo un par de meses antes de que naciera su hijo, Christmas sospechaba que Benjamin la estuviera engañando y fue a un gimnasio de Tampa para hacerle frente a su supuesta amante.

La confrontación se le fue de las manos, con Christmas embistiendo el carro de la mujer. La policía se presentaron en la escena, pero se negaron a procesarla en ese momento porque estaba embarazada de casi 8 meses. Ella se entregó unos meses más tarde después de haber dado a luz.

En última instancia, evitó el tiempo de cárcel declarándose culpable de un delito menor de daño criminal y obteniendo un año de libertad condicional y 25 horas de servicio comunitario, también se le ordenó pagar $1.357.95 en restitución.

protagonista de "Squid Game" sufre un robo y un saqueo en su casa

Lee Byung-hun está pasando por un momento desagradable, porque su casa fue atacada por ladrones.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que uno de los miembros del personal de Lee se detuvo en su casa de Los Ángeles la semana pasada para encontrar el lugar saqueado. Nos dicen que los ladrones rompieron una puerta corredera de cristal para entrar en la casa.

El incidente se llevó a cabo mientras que la estrella de "Squid Game" estaba fuera de la ciudad y todavía no está clara la magnitud del robo. La policía dice que Lee revisará sus pertenencias cuando llegue a casa para averiguar que es lo que falta.

Nuestras fuentes policiales no creen Lee fuera el objetivo, y señalan que esto parece ser el trabajo de uno de los equipos de robo que han estado robando barrios ricos alrededor de Los Ángeles.

Uno de los recientes robos involucró a Lena Waithe, como te dijimos por primera vez, Lena perdió al rededor de $200.000 en joyas cuando los ladrones irrumpieron en su casa mientras estaba fuera de la ciudad.

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Nos dicen que no ha habido detenciones en ninguno de los casos, ya que la policía de Los Ángeles sigue investigando.

'Squid Game' Star Lee Byung-hun Home Burglarized and Trashed!!!

Lee Byung-hun probably wants to go all "Squid Game" on someone ... because the Netflix star's home got hit by burglars.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... one of Lee's staff members stopped by his Los Angeles area home last week to find the place ransacked. We're told the thieves smashed a sliding glass door to get inside the house.

The incident, we're told, went down while the "Squid Game" star was out of town ... but it's unclear what, if anything, was stolen and how much those items might be worth. Cops say Lee will go through his belongings when he gets home to figure out if anything is missing.

Our law enforcement sources tell us cops don't believe Lee was targeted here ... instead, police say this appears to be the work of one of the burglary crews that have been robbing wealthy neighborhoods around Los Angeles.

One of those recent smash-and-grab burglaries involved Lena Waithe ... as we first told you, Lena was hit for around $200,000 in jewelry when thieves broke into her home while she was out of town.

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We're told there have been no arrests in either case as LAPD continues investigating.

Una mujer se aferra a un carro en movimiento Después de que le robaran su bulldog francés

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rendirse jamás

Una mujer fue víctima de robo, pero se hizo cargo y terminó arriba del capó de un carro que huyó a toda velocidad.

Ali Zacharias estaba disfrutando de un almuerzo en un Whole Foods en el centro de Los Ángeles con su Bulldog Francés Onyx sentado a sus pies debajo de la mesa, cuando una mujer se acercó y comenzó a llamar al perro.

¡Resulta que ella era una secuestradora de perros! Agarró la correa y comenzó a alejarse.

Ali inicialmente pensó que era un simple caso de confusión de identidad y comenzó a gritar: "Disculpe, ese es mi perro".

Cuando la mujer la ignoró y siguió alejándose, Ali empezó a perseguirla, pero la mujer saltó a un carro cercano que estaba ahí para arrancar.

Ali intentó entrar en el carro, pero estaba lleno de personas, quienes empujaron a Ali y cerraron las puertas. Ali se paró frente al vehículo y gritó pidiendo ayuda, pero nadie acudió.

El conductor se fue, golpeando Ali con el capó del vehículo a toda velocidad mientras ella se aferraba para salvar su vida.

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El carro recorrió varias manzanas antes de hacer un giro brusco, arrojando violentamente a Ali desde el capó a la calle.

Ali denunció el secuestro a la policía de Los Ángeles, quienes rastrearon la zona en busca de imágenes de vigilancia de los sospechosos.

El carro fue descrito como un Kia Forte sedán blanco al que le faltaba el tapacubos delantero del lado del conductor.

Onyx es un Merle Frenchie negro con dos ojos de distinto color y un pelaje moteado que sigue desaparecido.

Ali le dijo a KTLA TV que "me robaron a mi hijo".

Ella continuó: "Solo estoy rezando para poder recuperarlo".

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El robo de Bulldogs franceses se ha vuelto bastante común, siendo el robo más famoso el de los perros de Lady Gaga. Sabemos que el paseador les estaba dando un paseo cuando un carro se detuvo y dos hombres salieron a robar los perros.

Finalmente, los perros fueron devueltos y se practicaron detenciones.

Ali ofrece una importante recompensa por la devolución de Onyx y pide a quien tenga información que se ponga en contacto con ella en el 626-264-7923 o llame a la policía de Los Ángeles al 1-877-275-5273.

Harry y Meghan Markle múltiples robos En el barrio de lujo

Es posible que el príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle quieran reforzar la seguridad en torno a su mansión de 15 millones de dólares en Montecito, después de que una serie de robos se llevaran a cabo en las lujosas casas de sus vecinos.

La pareja viajó a Jamaica el pasado miércoles para el estreno de la nueva película biográfica de Bob Marley, una banda de ladrones robó una finca a unos cinco minutos de su complejo real, según DailyMail.

Los delincuentes tenían la intención de robar una caja fuerte que contenía dinero en efectivo y otros objetos de valor. No está claro lo que realmente se llevaron.

Este es el último de una serie de robos que plagan el barrio de lujo, donde viven personalidades como: Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, Oprah, Ellen, Rob Lowe entre otros.

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La portavoz del Sheriff del Condado de Santa Bárbara, Rachel Zick, emitió una alerta a los residentes de la zona, explicando que la policía ha recibido varias quejas recientes de robos "con notables similitudes en las disposiciones de los residentes, los tiempos de ocurrencia y los artículos tomados".

la premiere

Zick dijo que los ladrones están siempre en busca de cajas fuertes en casas desocupadas que estén cerca de espacios abiertos, tales como campos de golf, arroyos o el océano". Por lo general, los robos se han producido entre las 18:00 y las 22:00 horas.

La Asociación Montecito, un grupo de defensa local, le ha ofrecido consejos a la comunidad sobre la protección del hogar.

Harry y Meghan tienen un equipo de guardias de seguridad vigilando su finca, pero tal vez sea hora de que contraten a un ejército. Parece que las cosas se están poniendo muy peligrosas en su barrio.

Violent Dognapping Woman Clings to Speeding Car ... After French Bulldog Stolen

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When a French Bulldog was stolen right from under the owner's feet, she took matters into her own hands ... with the Dog Mom clinging to the hood of the thieves’ speeding getaway car.

Ali Zacharias was enjoying lunch at a Whole Foods in Downtown L.A. with her French Bulldog Onyx sitting by her feet under the table, when a woman walked up and began calling for the dog.

Turns out she was a dognapper, and grabbed the leash and began walking away.

Ali initially thought it was a simple case of mistaken identity, and started calling out, “Excuse me, that’s my dog.”

When the woman ignored her and continued walking away, Ali gave chase, but the woman jumped in a nearby getaway car that was lying in wait.

Ali tried to enter the car, but it was packed with other people ... they shoved Ali out and locked the doors. Ali stood in front of the vehicle and screamed for help ... but no one came.

The driver took off, knocking Ali onto the hood of the speeding vehicle, while she clung on for dear life.

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The car went several blocks before making a sharp turn, violently throwing Ali from the hood of the car into the street.

Ali reported the dognapping to LAPD, which canvassed the area for any surveillance footage of the suspects.

The car was described as a white Kia Forte sedan with a missing front driver’s side hubcap.

Onyx is a black Merle Frenchie with 2 different colored eyes and a spotted coat and is still missing.

Ali told KTLA TV, they “stole my child away from me.”

She continued, “I’m just praying that I can get him back.”

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This has been a significant problem in recent years -- stealing French Bulldogs. The most famous theft, of course, Lady Gaga's dogs who were being walked by her dogwalker when a car rolled by, stopped, and 2 men got out to steal the dogs.

The dogwalker was shot and the dogs were taken. Eventually, the dogs were returned and arrests were made.

Ali’s offering a significant award for Onyx’s return, and is asking anyone with info to contact her at 626-264-7923 or call the LAPD at 1-877-275-5273.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Burglars Invade Their Montecito 'Hood ... Targeting Safes In Lavish Estates

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may want to beef up security around their $15 million Montecito mansion ... after a series of break-ins at their neighbors' lavish homes.

The couple traveled to Jamaica last Wednesday for the opening of the new Bob Marley biopic, an organized band of thieves burglarized an estate about five minutes from their royal compound, according to DailyMail.

The criminals were intent on stealing a safe containing cash and/or other valuables, but it was unclear what, if anything, was taken.

It was the latest in a string of burglaries plaguing the fancy neighborhood, where the likes of Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Oprah, Ellen, Rob Lowe and other celebs live.

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Santa Barbara County Sheriff spokesperson Rachel Zick issued an alert to area residents, explaining that police have received several recent burglary complaints "with notable similarities in the resident layouts, times of occurrence and items taken."


Zick said the crooks are always looking for safes, while targeting unoccupied homes that "back up into open spaces such as golf courses as well as creeks, streams or the ocean." Usually, the break-ins have occurred between 6 PM and 10 PM.

The Monticeto Association, a local advocacy group, has offered tips to the community on home protection.

Harry and Meghan have a team of security guards watching over their estate, but maybe it's time for them to hire an army. Seems like things are getting really dicey in their 'hood

Dominique Dunne KILLER BF TERRORIZED New Girlfriend AFTER Murder TRIAL

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The trial of the boyfriend of actress Dominique Dunne -- one of the stars of "Poltergeist" -- stands out as one of the most appalling miscarriages of justice ... and what unfolded in the aftermath of the 1982 murder is especially unsettling -- all exposed in our new FOX primetime special ... which unearths shocking new evidence.

In the harrowing doc airing Monday night, we confirm Griffin Dunne's lingering suspicion his sister's killer, John Sweeney, had committed more domestic violence after the trial -- one particular case from 2000 ... when a woman filed a restraining order against him, alleging shocking brutality.

Too scared to speak on camera, the woman speaks directly to Harvey Levin ... recalling how he dragged her by her ponytail through a hotel lobby, shoved her head in a bathtub, pushed her against a wall, and put his hands on her collarbone near her throat.

She escaped with their infant child and hasn't seen him since ... and despite getting the police involved, Sweeney wasn't charged with a crime.

Charles Wessler, an Oscar-winning producer and family friend of the Dunnes, says the recent revelations don't come as a surprise ... claiming Sweeney still caries the same volatile rage to this very day. Dominque's devastated pal Gloria echoes the sentiment, saying he was never cured ... calling him a caged animal.

Harold Johnson, the lead detective in the 1982 case, is equally disturbed ... saying it's a travesty a man as violent as Sweeney is still going around choking women.

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"TMZ Investigates: Killing a Movie Star: Grave Injustice" premieres Monday January 29 on FOX at 9/8c and the next day on Hulu.

Paxton Singleton 'Haunting of Hill House' Actor Arrested ... Loitering, Alcohol Possession

Paxton Singleton -- who starred in the hit show "The Haunting of Hill House" on Netflix -- has been arrested in Arkansas ... TMZ has learned.

According to online booking records ... 19-year-old Singleton was arrested Friday in Siloam Springs on charges of loitering and possessing alcohol as a minor.

The loitering charge carried a $430 bond which was paid 'cause docs say PS was released early Saturday morning. He has a court date scheduled for February 29.

Singleton's got a few credits on IMDb ... most notably starring in all 10 episodes of "The Haunting of Hill House" as the young version of Michiel Huisman's Steven Crain.

He's also appeared in "The Rookie," "Supernatural," "The Resident" and "Chicago Med" ... along with a couple of smaller projects.

We've reached out to Paxton ... so far, no word back.

Chris Young Cleared Of All Charges ... In Nashville Criminal Case

Chris Young is off the hook in his Tennessee criminal case ... after prosecutors dropped all charges against him.

The country music singer was booked on three misdemeanors – disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and assault on officer offensive contact – after he got into an alleged physical altercation with an agent from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission at a Nashville bar last Monday night.

But Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk issued a statement Friday, saying he was closing Young's case. Funk wrote, "After a review of all the evidence in this case, the Office of the District Attorney has determined that these charges will be dismissed."

The DA did not specify why he was dismissing the case, but videos surfaced online showing Young doing almost nothing at all during the alleged incident.

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Video.

You may recall ... Nashville PD accused Young of recording the TABC agents who came into the Tin Roof bar to check the IDs of patrons, making sure they were of age to drink alcohol.

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Police said Young then followed the agents to another bar nearby, blocking the door as they tried to leave after again doing an ID check. Young was also accused of pushing one of the agents before getting handcuffed and hauled off to the county jail.

Now Young can put all this behind him – thanks to the DA. His attorney, Bill Ramsey, tells TMZ, “Mr. Young and I are gratified with the DA’s decision clearing him of the charges and any wrong-doing.”

Jay Leno Files For Conservatorship Over Wife ... After Alzheimer's Diagnosis

Jay Leno is taking steps to manage his wife's affairs ... in the form of a conservatorship.

The comedian filed legal docs Friday to become conservator of his wife Mavis Leno's estate ... according to court records.

A source with direct knowledge tells TMZ ... Jay's wife suffers from Alzheimer's disease.

The diagnosis, our source says, is the basis of the conservatorship ... meaning Jay's wife may not have the wherewithal to take care of herself.

We've seen Jay out in public with Mavis as recently as November, when they were photographed together at a comedy event in Los Angeles.

It's unclear when Jay's wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's -- a progressive disease that starts with memory loss and is the most common type of dementia.

Jay and Mavis have been together for decades ... tying the knot way back in 1980 after meeting in the 1970s at the famous Comedy Store in West Hollywood.

The couple does not have any kids, a decision Mavis takes full credit for. At 77, Mavis is 4 years older than Jay.

WWE's Vince McMahon Resigns ... Amid Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Vince McMahon is out at WWE.

The wrestling legend tendered his resignation as the Executive Chairman of TKO, the company that owns WWE ... just a day after an explosive lawsuit was filed by a former WWE staffer, alleging McMahon sexually assaulted her on numerous occasions.

78-year-old McMahon released a statement reiterating his innocence with respect to the disturbing allegations but would step down because it's the best move for the wrestling promotion he built decades ago.

"Out of respect for the WWE Universe, the extraordinary TKO business and its board members and shareholders, partners and constituents, and all of the employees and Superstars who helped make WWE into the global leader it is today, I have decided to resign from my executive chairmanship and the TKO board of directors, effective immediately."

McMahon was not running the day-to-day operations for WWE ... but still had a prominent role within TKO. TKO Group Holdings has owned WWE since its purchase in 2023.

Curent WWE president Nick Khan announced the news to his employees late Friday, sending an email to the staffers.

"[Vince McMahon] has tendered his resignation from his positions as TKO Executive Chairman and on the TKO Board of Directors. He will no longer have a role with TKO Group Holdings or WWE," Khan wrote.

The massive shakeup comes after a federal lawsuit was filed in Connecticut on Thursday by Janel Grant ... where she claimed she was subjected to degrading sexual acts at the hands of Vince.

Amid the allegations, Grant accused McMahon of defecating on her during a threesome in 2020.

She says the situation left her "miserable and enraged," though she didn't leave because "in her years of experience with McMahon, she knew her requests to stop would be ignored at best or used to destroy her career and reputation at worst."

Ultimately, Grant claimed McMahon distanced himself from her in early 2022 after his wife Linda McMahon became aware of their alleged relationship.

Some time after, McMahon, according to Grant, agreed to pay her $3 million in exchange for signing a non-disclosure agreement, but she says he failed to pay the full amount.

McMahon has claimed the allegations contained in the lawsuit are meritless, calling the suit "replete with lies, obscene made-up instances that never occurred, and is a vindictive distortion of the truth."

Former WWE executive John Laurinaitis was also named in the lawsuit.

Story developing ...

Vince McMahon de la WWE Renuncia... En medio de una demanda por agresión sexual

Vince McMahon está fuera de la WWE.

La leyenda de la lucha libre presentó su dimisión como Presidente Ejecutivo de TKO, la empresa propietaria de la WWE, justo un día después de que un ex empleado de la organización presentara una explosiva demanda alegando que McMahon la agredió sexualmente en numerosas ocasiones.

McMahon, de 78 años, emitió un comunicado reiterando su inocencia respecto a las inquietantes acusaciones, pero decidió renunciar porque considera que es la mejor decisión para promover la lucha libre que construyó hace décadas.

"Por respeto al Universo de la WWE, al extraordinario negocio de TKO y a sus miembros del consejo y accionistas, socios y electores, y a todos los empleados y superestrellas que ayudaron a convertir a la WWE en el líder mundial que es hoy, he decidido renunciar a mi presidencia ejecutiva y al consejo de administración de TKO, con efecto inmediato."

McMahon no dirigía las operaciones diarias de la WWE, pero seguía teniendo un papel destacado dentro de TKO. TKO Group Holdings ha sido propietaria de la WWE desde su compra en 2023.

El actual presidente de WWE, Nick Khan, anunció la noticia a sus empleados a última hora del viernes, a través de un correo electrónico.

"[Vince McMahon] ha presentado su dimisión de sus cargos como presidente ejecutivo de TKO y en el Consejo de Administración de TKO. Ya no tendrá ningún papel en TKO Group Holdings ni en WWE", escribió Khan.

La masiva reorganización se produce después de que Janel Grant presentara el jueves una demanda federal en Connecticut en la que afirmaba haber sido sometida a actos sexuales degradantes a manos de Vince.

En medio de las acusaciones, Grant acusó a McMahon de defecar sobre ella durante un trío en 2020.

Ella dice que la situación la dejó "miserable y enfurecida", pero no se fue porque "en sus años de experiencia con McMahon, sabía que sus peticiones de parar serían ignoradas en el mejor de los casos o usadas para destruir su carrera y reputación en el peor".

Finalmente, Grant afirmó que McMahon se distanció de ella a principios de 2022 después de que su esposa Linda McMahon se enterara de su supuesta relación.

Algún tiempo después, McMahon, según Grant, acordó pagarle 3 millones de dólares a cambio de firmar un acuerdo de no divulgación. Sin embargo, ella dice que él no pagó la cantidad total.

McMahon ha afirmado que las acusaciones contenidas en la demanda carecen de fundamento y la ha calificado como "repleta de mentiras, obscenos casos inventados que nunca ocurrieron y una distorsión vengativa de la verdad".

El ex ejecutivo de la WWE John Laurinaitis también fue nombrado en la demanda.

Historia en desarrollo ...