Taylor Swift Stalker To Take Psych Exam ... Is He Fit To Stand Trial???

Taylor Swift's stalker is going to get his head checked ... because a judge wants to see if he's mentally able to stand trial.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the guy who has been arrested multiple times outside Taylor's NYC townhouse this month is being sent for a psychological exam.

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John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

As we reported ... David Crowe -- the man who prosecutors say has been lurking around Taylor's NYC home for a while now -- was arraigned Wednesday on stalking and harassment charges. He was set free and then was arrested again 2 hours later after going back to Taylor's block.

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Now, David's facing a new charge of contempt in the second degree for intentionally violating an order of protection. His defense wants him to get a psych exam before a potential trial, and a judge agreed.

Taylor's actually been in the Big Apple while all of this has been going down ... though it's unclear if she was ever home when David was getting busted outside.

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Sounds like Taylor might not have to worry about him coming by again anytime soon ... he's been ordered to remain in custody.


The investigation into Michael B. Jordan's violent Ferrari crash is closed, and he won't face any criminal repercussions ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement tells us there's just not enough evidence to prove what happened during the December crash in Hollywood ... despite a video showing Michael racing another driver -- also in a Ferrari -- moments before Michael careened into a parked KIA.

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Cops say the video is part of the puzzle of what happened during the accident, but it's not enough to complete it -- especially as it doesn't capture whether MBJ was behind the wheel.

If a crime had been committed, we're told it would be street racing, and because that's a misdemeanor ... an officer would need to witness Jordan driving. That didn't happen as cops only responded after the fact.

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Ditto for speeding -- we're told it isn't clear from the vid just how fast Michael's car was going as he apparently raced the other down Sunset Blvd.

So, when you put it all together ... just too many question marks to prosecute.

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TMZ broke the story ... LAPD opened its investigation after video surfaced showing the Dec. 3 crash. There were no injuries, but a lot of property damage, as Jordan's Ferrari and the KIA were mangled.

Vince McMahon es demandado por una ex empleada de la WWE Por tráfico sexual

Una ex empleada de la WWE está demandando a Vince McMahon, alegando que en repetidas ocasiones la asaltó sexualmente, la traficó sexualmente y luego le pagó para que guardara silencio.

Las inquietantes acusaciones fueron hechas por Janel Grant en una demanda presentada el jueves en un tribunal federal de Connecticut.

En la demanda, Grant dice que conoció a McMahon en 2019 en un momento en que estaba tocando fondo. Ella dice que sus padres acababan de morir y ella estaba luchando por encontrar trabajo.

Sin embargo, dice que después de ser presentada a McMahon a través de un amigo en común, él prometió conseguirle un trabajo en la WWE.

Según la demanda, mientras McMahon le estaba encontrando trabajo en su empresa, poco a poco comenzó a utilizar sus "promesas" para obligarla a actos sexuales.

Grant dice que justo después de que le dijeran que tenía un trabajo de "administradora-coordinadora legal" con un salario de 75.000 dólares dentro de la organización de lucha libre de McMahon, él la "atrapó". Ella alega que "temía una carrera adversa y consecuencias personales y represalias legales si declinaba sus avances sexuales" y comenzó a participar en lo que ella llamó actividad sexual no consentida con él.

Grant dijo en la demanda que el trabajo que le habían dado requería poco trabajo. De hecho, según la demanda, se le asignó un papel adicional en la XFL de McMahon para ayudar a llenar su tiempo.

Grant, sin embargo, afirma en su demandado —McMahon— de repente dejó de referirse a ella como una amiga y "en gran medida dejó de hablar con ella, limitándose al sexting y hablar de fantasías." Ella alega que la obligó a enviarle fotos explícitas, algunas de las cuales ella dice que él compartiría con otros miembros de la WWE. Poco tiempo después, ella dice que él reclutó a otros hombres y comenzó a traficarla sexualmente.

También dice que en mayo de 2020, McMahon organizó un trío con ella y su fisioterapeuta, diciéndole que "perdería una amistad si no seguía adelante". Ella afirma en la demanda que durante el encuentro, él defecó en su cabeza, pero la obligó a continuar realizando actos sexuales con los dos mientras estaba cubierta de heces. Alega que los días siguientes, él le envió un mensaje de texto: "Soy tu único dueño y controlo a quién quiero follarme".

Varios meses después, afirma que McMahon reclutó a John Laurinaitis —una ex superestrella de la WWE que era en ese momento un ejecutivo de alto rango en la empresa— "para unirse a ellos".

Grant afirma que McMahon la presionó para que le enviara fotos explícitas a Laurinaitis. En diciembre de 2020, ella dice que McMahon arregló para que ella también tuviera un trío con Laurinaitis.

Ella dice que los meses posteriores fue trasladada al departamento de relaciones de talentos de la WWE, donde le informaron a Laurinaitis. Una vez que se produjo ese traslado, declaró en su demanda que tanto McMahon como Laurinaitis esperaban "que se comprometiera sexualmente con Laurinaitis, tanto físicamente como con contenido explícito".

En su demanda, Grant afirma que le ordenaron "servirse a sí misma como desayuno para Laurinaitis", en un hotel cercano antes del comienzo de su jornada laboral. Ella también afirma que McMahon le envió mensajes de texto, "Los días en que él esté en la ciudad, quiero que te lo folles cada mañana y más tarde en su oficina también".

Ella dice que los acuerdos la dejaron "miserable y enfurecida", pero "en sus años de experiencia con McMahon, sabía que sus peticiones de parar serían ignoradas en el mejor de los casos o utilizadas para destruir su carrera y reputación en el peor."

Grant declaró en su demanda que en junio de 2021, McMahon y Laurinaitis la violaron en la oficina de Laurinaitis. Ella dice que al comienzo del encuentro, les dijo "No, no, no" y "Por favor, detente", pero afirma que McMahon le dijo: "Tómalo, perra".

Grant dice que una semana más tarde, McMahon la forzó de nuevo sobre una mesa de masaje en la sede de la WWE ... antes de darle 15.000 dólares en tarjetas de regalo de Bloomingdales.

Grant también alegó en su demanda que McMahon la utilizó para ayudarle a fichar a una superestrella de la WWE. La demanda describe el talento como "un atleta de fama mundial y ex campeón de peso pesado de la UFC". El Wall Street Journal informó el jueves que se trataba de Brock Lesnar.

En la demanda, Grant afirma que McMahon le ordenó crear "contenido sexual personalizado" para la superestrella de la WWE. También afirma que él anunció "un encuentro sexual con ella" al luchador mientras intentaba negociar un nuevo contrato.

En última instancia, Grant afirma en su demanda que McMahon se distanció de ella en enero de 2022, alegando que su esposa, Linda McMahon, se había enterado de su relación. Grant dice que todo llevó a McMahon a pedirle que firmara un acuerdo de no divulgación.

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En la demanda, Grant dice que aceptó que le pagaran $3 millones para firmar el NDA, pero afirma que después de recibir $1 millón, McMahon no hizo más pagos.

Grant dice que ha quedado traumatizada por todo el calvario y ahora está buscando daños y perjuicios no especificados, así como para que un juez invalide su NDA.

Mientras tanto, McMahon, la WWE y Laurinaitis aún no han hecho comentarios sobre la demanda.

Vince McMahon Sued Ex-WWE Employee Claims He Sex Trafficked Her


2:22 PM PT -- TKO released a statement on the matter ... saying, "Mr. McMahon does not control TKO nor does he oversee the day-to-day operations of WWE."

"While this matter predates our TKO executive team’s tenure at the company, we take Ms. Grant’s horrific allegations very seriously and are addressing this matter internally."

A former WWE employee is suing Vince McMahon ... claiming he repeatedly sexually assaulted her, sex trafficked her -- and then paid her off to stay quiet about it all.

The disturbing allegations were made by Janel Grant in a lawsuit filed on Thursday in a federal court in Connecticut.

In the suit, Grant says she met McMahon back in 2019 ... at a time when she was at rock bottom. She says her parents had just died ... and she was struggling to find work.

However, she says after being introduced to McMahon through a mutual friend, he promised to get her a gig in the WWE.

But, according to the suit, as McMahon was finding her an entry-level role in his company ... he slowly began to use his "life-changing promises" to coerce her into sexual acts.

Grant says just after she was told she had a "legal administrator-coordinator" job with a salary of $75,000 inside McMahon's wrestling org. ... he "trapped her in an impossible situation." She alleges she "feared adverse career and personal consequences and legal retaliation if she declined his advances" -- and began to engage in what she called nonconsensual sexual activity with him.

Grant said in the suit the job she had been given required little work. In fact, according to the lawsuit, she was assigned an additional role in McMahon's XFL to help fill her time.

Grant, though, claims in her suit McMahon suddenly stopped referring to her as a friend ... and "largely stopped talking to [her] outside of sexting and fantasy talk." She alleges he forced her to send him explicit pictures, some of which she says he would share with others in the WWE. A short time later, she says he recruited other men and began sex trafficking her.

She says in May 2020, McMahon organized a threesome with her and her physical therapist ... telling her "he would lose a friendship if she did not go through with it." She claims in the suit that during the encounter, he defecated on her head but made her continue to perform sex acts with the two while she was covered in feces. She alleges in the days following, he texted her "i'm the only one who owns U and controls who I want to f*** U."

Several months later, the suit states, McMahon recruited John Laurinaitis -- a former WWE superstar who was at the time a high-ranking exec in the company -- "to join them."

Grant claims McMahon pressed her to send explicit pictures to Laurinaitis. In December 2020, she says McMahon arranged for her to have a threesome with Laurinaitis as well.

She says in the months afterward, she was moved to the WWE's talent relations department, where she reported to Laurinaitis. Once that move happened, she stated in her suit that there was an expectation from both McMahon and Laurinaitis "that she engage with Laurinaitis sexually, both physically and with explicit content."

In her suit, Grant says she was directed to "serve herself to [Laurinaitis] as 'breakfast'" at a nearby hotel before the start of their work day. She also claims McMahon texted her, "On days when he's in town, I want him to f*** U every morning and later In the office too."

She says the arrangements left her "miserable and enraged," but "in her years of experience with McMahon, she knew her requests to stop would be ignored at best or used to destroy her career and reputation at worst."

Grant stated in her suit that in June 2021, McMahon and Laurinaitis raped her in Laurinaitis' office. She says at the outset of the encounter, she told them "No, no, no" and "Please stop," but claims McMahon told her, "Take it, bitch."

Grant says a week later, McMahon forced himself on her again over a massage table at WWE's headquarters ... before giving her $15,000 in Bloomingdale's gift cards.

Grant also alleged in her suit that McMahon used her to help him sign a WWE Superstar. The suit describes the talent as "a world-famous athlete and former UFC Heavyweight Champion." The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday this was Brock Lesnar.

In the suit, Grant claims McMahon ordered her to create "personalized sexual content" for the WWE Superstar. She also says he advertised "a sexual encounter with her" to the wrestler while trying to negotiate a new booking contract.

Ultimately, Grant claims in her suit McMahon distanced himself from her in January 2022 ... claiming his wife, Linda McMahon, had found out about their relationship. Grant says it all led to McMahon's request that she sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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In the lawsuit, Grant says she agreed to be paid $3 million to sign the NDA ... but she claims that after receiving $1 million, McMahon didn't make further payments.

Grant says she's been traumatized from the whole ordeal and is now seeking unspecified damages ... as well as for a judge to invalidate her NDA.

Meanwhile, McMahon, the WWE and Laurinaitis have not yet publicly commented on the suit.

Teen Accused Of Killing Bicyclist Facing New Attempted Murder Charge ... Prosecutors Want It Added

The Las Vegas teen accused of fatally mowing down a retired police chief is now facing an attempted murder charge in a totally separate case ... and prosecutors wanna lump this into his already-existing murder case.

18-year-old Jesus Ayala was charged for attempted murder earlier this month, with prosecutors in Nevada claiming he stabbed somebody in the Vegas area -- which they say went down two months before he allegedly ran over Andreas Probst.

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The authorities say the alleged victim told them Ayala and another person approached him on the street and started to use brass knuckles and knives on him -- with the man claiming he sustained multiple lacerations to his torso as well as near his head.

Now, in light of this new info -- the state wants to add the attempted murder charge to Ayala's original case in a new indictment ... according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.


Remember ... in the OG case, prosecutors claimed Jesus was behind the wheel of a stolen car when he ran over a bicyclist on the road back in August ... killing the guy on the bike, who turned out to be retired police chief Andreas Probst. There was another teen in the car who is accused of recording the incident. Video of the alleged incident surfaced as well.

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Like we said ... prosecutors are now seeking to amend Ayala's original charges to add the attempted murder charge from the stabbing incident -- and their argument is ... it's related.

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It's not a done deal yet ... Ayala's legal team is pushing back against the amended charges -- claiming the prosecution's original case against their client is thin, which is why they're trying to add something completely different in the 11th hour. A judge has yet to rule.

Un adolescente de Las Vegas acusado de matar a un ciclista se enfrenta a un nuevo cargo De intento de asesinato

El adolescente de Las Vegas acusado de atropellar mortalmente a un jefe de policía retirado se enfrenta ahora a un cargo de intento de asesinato en un caso totalmente distinto, y los fiscales quieren mezclarlo con su caso de asesinato ya existente.

Jesús Ayala— de 18 años— fue acusado de intento de asesinato a principios de este mes, con los fiscales en Nevada alegando que apuñaló a alguien en el área de Las Vegas dos meses antes de que supuestamente atropellara a Andreas Probst.

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el horrible momento

Las autoridades dicen que la presunta víctima les dijo que Ayala y otra persona se acercaron a él en la calle y comenzaron a golpearlo incluso utilizando cuchillos. El hombre afirma que sufrió múltiples laceraciones en el torso, así como cerca de su cabeza.

Ahora, a la luz de esta nueva información, el estado quiere añadir el cargo de intento de asesinato al caso original de Ayala en una nueva acusación, de acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

audio del 911

Recordemos que en el caso original, los fiscales afirmaron que Jesús estaba al volante de un carro robado cuando atropelló a un ciclista en la carretera en agosto, matando al ciclista que resultó un jefe de policía retirado llamado Andreas Probst. Había otro adolescente en el carro al que se le acusa de grabar el incidente.

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golpeando y corriendo

Como dijimos, los fiscales están tratando de modificar los cargos originales de Ayala para añadir el cargo de intento de asesinato por el incidente de apuñalamiento y su argumento es que todo está relacionado.

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TMZ Studios

El equipo legal de Ayala está presionando en contra de los cargos enmendados, alegando que el caso original de la fiscalía contra su cliente es débil, por lo que están tratando de añadir algo completamente diferente en la 11 ª hora. El juez aún no se ha pronunciado.

Drake Calls Out Judge After Young Thug Leaked Phone Call... Meek Mill Says Sue!!!

Drake and Meek Mill are angrily demanding justice for Young Thug  ... after an intimate video recording of him and his girlfriend speaking sweet nothings leaked from jail.

Social media began circulating the video of YT and Mariah The Scientist this week ... the two spend over a minute long telling one another how much they miss each other and admiring the Cuban necklaces Thug bought her.

On Thursday, Drake thrust the spotlight on Chief Judge Ural Glanville -- the judge presiding over YT's much publicized RICO trial -- and quite frankly asked him just what kinda circus he was running as ringmaster!!!

"This gotta be some form of jail misconduct," Drake wrote on IG. "You gonna drag this talented man then not be able to control your employees using his personal business for their own gain?

Drake continued ... "Somebody benefitted from this video even existing and that's shameful whole case is a wsh just 3 the guy and let him come home and continue bringing light to Atlanta ... Shit is disgraceful... is this a criminal case or atlanta social media promo Ural Glanville?"

Drake and Thug are tight but that doesn't mean his opinions of the case are biased -- the case has been subjected to several hijinks along the way.

Meek also supported Thug, demanding he sue for having his rights violated.

The trial abruptly postponed proceedings until next Monday after the breach ... maybe an investigation is underway.

Alec Baldwin Defended by SAG-AFTRA ... Amid New 'Rust' Charges

Alec Baldwin is getting major support from his union -- with SAG-AFTRA coming out swinging against prosecutors in New Mexico who are gunning for him yet again with new charges.

The actor wasn't named by SAG specifically, but he was most certainly alluded to in this new statement they put out slamming the decision to prosecute him twice in this case. The union made clear ... knowing how to handle firearms is NOT an actor's job, from their POV.


They write, "To the extent that the charges filed on January 19 are based on an accusation of negligent use of a firearm predicated on this or any actor having a duty to inspect a firearm as part of its use, that is an incorrect assessment of the actual duties of an actor on set."

Then comes a haymaker, with SAG adding ... "An actor’s job is not to be a firearms or weapons expert. Firearms are provided for use on set under the guidance of multiple expert professionals directly responsible for the safe and accurate operation of that firearm."

SAG goes on to say that the procedure for safe use of firearms on set is clearly laid out in their rules and guidelines ... but they explicitly point out that a performer is not and should not be tasked with making sure the weapons used are dangerous or live.

TMZ Studios

Basically, there are experts for that type of thing on set ... and SAG is making that clear in no uncertain terms. It's a huge win for Alec as far as optics are concerned -- he's been making this point all along, and now ... SAG-AFTRA is confirming he is, indeed, correct.

You'll recall ... Alec was hit with a new involuntary manslaughter charge in the 'Rust' case -- and he's supposed to answer for it in court on Feb. 1 during an arraignment. Alec and his attorneys already responded to that, noting he has a right to speedy trial ... and wants to exercise that in this case, not wanting to drag it out further.

Meanwhile, the armorer from that movie -- Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- is facing her own criminal charges in the matter ... although she too has pleaded innocence/ignorance over what led to Halyna Hutchins' death.


Alec Baldwin Es defendido por SAG-AFTRA... En medio de nuevos cargos en el caso "Rust"

Alec Baldwin está recibiendo un gran apoyo de su sindicato, pues SAG-AFTA se está yendo en contra de los fiscales de Nuevo México que están apuntando una vez más al actor con nuevos cargos.

El actor no fue nombrado específicamente por SAG, pero sin duda fue aludido en la nueva declaración que publicaron criticando la decisión de procesarlo dos veces en este caso. El sindicato ha dejado claro que, desde su punto de vista, no es el trabajo de un actor el saber cómo manejar armas de fuego.

Práctica de tiros

Ellos dicen: "En la medida en que los cargos presentados el 19 de enero se basan en una acusación de uso negligente de un arma de fuego, basada en que este o cualquier actor tenía el deber de inspeccionar un arma de fuego como parte de su uso, se trata de una evaluación incorrecta de los deberes reales de un actor en el set".

Y luego viene un hachazo, con SAG añadiendo: "El trabajo de un actor no es ser un experto en armas o armas de fuego. Las armas de fuego se proporcionan para su uso en el set bajo la guía de múltiples expertos profesionales que son directamente responsables de la operación segura y precisa de esa arma de fuego".

SAG continúa diciendo que el procedimiento para usar seguramente armas de fuego en el set está claramente establecido en sus normas y directrices, pero señalan explícitamente que no es tarea de un artista y no debiese serla el asegurarse de que las armas utilizadas sean peligrosas o no.

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Básicamente, hay expertos para ese tipo de cosas en el set. Es una gran victoria para Alec en lo que se refiere a la defensa de su caso, ya que el actor ha estado haciendo este punto todo el tiempo y ahora SAG-AFTRA está confirmando que es, de hecho, correcto.

Usted se acordarán, Alec fue golpeado con un nuevo cargo de homicidio involuntario en el caso "Rust" y se supone que debe responder por ello ante el tribunal el 1 de febrero durante una lectura de cargos. Alec y sus abogados ya respondieron, señalando que tiene derecho a un juicio rápido y que quiere ejercer en este caso, para no alargarlo aún más.

Mientras tanto, el armero de esa película, Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed se enfrenta a sus propios cargos criminales en la materia, aunque ella también ha declarado su inocencia e ignorancia sobre lo que llevó a la muerte de Halyna Hutchins.

Alec Baldwin insiste en su derecho a un juicio rápido Por los nuevos cargos de "Rust"

Alec Baldwin acaba de presentar su primera respuesta oficial a los nuevos cargos presentados contra él en el caso "Rust" en Nuevo México y lo primero que sale de su boca es... ¡Date prisa!

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, el actor ha sido ordenado a comparecer ante un juez para responder a la acusación de homicidio involuntario que se presenta en su contra (de nuevo) y él tiene que hacerlo el 1 de febrero a las 11 AM a través de una declaración oficial.

El papeleo señala que Alec puede aparecer en la corte a través de teléfono o videoconferencia, pero tiene que responderle al juez de una manera u otra si es culpable o inocente. Basado en la última vez que esto sucedió, algo nos dice que Alec va a ir con este último.

De hecho, sus abogados presentaron una respuesta casi de inmediato y dejan claro que quiere terminar con esto de una vez por todas, haciendo hincapié en su derecho constitucional a un juicio rápido.


Una de las razones que su equipo legal cita como motivo principal, es porque va a "minimizar el vilipendio público y la sospecha." Además, quiere "evitar los peligros de probar su inocencia que a menudo surgen después de un largo retraso en el enjuiciamiento".

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Recordemos Alec está enfrentando cargos otra vez la semana pasada. Cargos de homicidio involuntario por negligencia en el uso de un arma de fuego, o en la alternativa, homicidio involuntario sin la debida precaución o circunspección. Antes de que los cargos fueran retirados la primera vez, se enfrentaba a algo muy similar, y todo el tiempo negó vehementemente cualquier delito.

Por supuesto, todo esto tiene que ver con el hecho de que Alec estaba usando la pistola de utilería en el set, que de alguna manera disparó y envió una bala a través de la fallecida Halyna Hutchins.

Alec lo había atribuido a un terrible accidente, pero los fiscales de Nuevo México han alegado que se trataba de un delito y llevan tiempo persiguiendo a Baldwin. Su primera reacción oficial a que vayan a por él de nuevo se reduce básicamente a... ¡Vamos, vamos!

Alec Baldwin on 'Rust' Case Let's Get This Damn Thing Over With ... I Want A Speedy Trial!!!

Alec Baldwin just filed his first official response to the new charges being brought against him in the "Rust" case in New Mexico -- and the first thing out of his mouth is ... hurry up!

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the actor has been ordered to appear before a judge in NM to answer to the involuntary manslaughter charge being filed against him (again) ... and he's gotta do so on Feb. 1 at 11 AM through an official plea.

The paperwork notes that AB can show up to court via phone or video conference -- but he's gotta let the judge know one way or the other ... guilty or not guilty. Based on the last time this happened, something tells us Alec's gonna go with the latter.

In fact, his attorneys filed a response to this almost immediately -- submitting documents that make clear ... he wants to get this over and done with, stressing his constitutional right to a speedy trial.


One of the reasons his legal team cites as wanting to get the show on the road here is because it'll "minimize public vilification and suspicion." Plus, he wants to "avoid the hazards of proving his innocence that often arise after a lengthy delay in prosecution."

TMZ Studios

Remember, Alec was slapped with new charges last week -- namely, involuntary manslaughter through negligent use of a firearm, or in the alternative ... involuntary manslaughter without due caution or circumspection. Before the charges were dropped the first time, he was facing something very similar ... and the entire time, he vehemently denied any wrongdoing.

Of course, this all has to do with the fact that Alec was using the prop gun on set -- which somehow fired and sent a live bullet through the late Halyna Hutchins, who was the DP.

Alec had chalked it up to a horrific accident -- but prosecutors there in New Mexico have alleged criminality was afoot, and they've been gunning for Baldwin for a while now. His first official reaction to them going after him again basically boils down to ... c'mon, let's go!

Taylor Swift Acosador regresa a su casa en NYC ¡Por tercera vez!

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Reaparece el acosador de Taylor Swift

El acosador de Taylor Swift no está entendiendo el mensaje. Solo dos horas después de estar en la corte por merodear alrededor de su casa, apareció nuevamente en el barrio de la cantante, y fue arrestado de nuevo.

Este video muestra a David Crowe fumando un cigarrillo el miércoles alrededor de las 2 PM fuera de un McDonald's, a solo 2 cuadras de su casa de Nueva York. Sin embargo, los testigos dicen que finalmente apareció en la casa de Taylor y alguien en el barrio encendió las alarmas y llamó al 911 para reportarlo.

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Detenido por la policía

La policía llegó y detuvo a Crowe en un cargo de desacato penal, debido a que una orden de protección acababa de ser emitida durante su comparecencia del miércoles por la mañana en 2 cargos de acoso y 2 cargos de acecho.

Esta es la tercera vez que Crowe es arrestado en o cerca de la casa de Taylor. La primera vez fue el sábado, seguido de un arresto el lunes por la noche.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que durante la redada de hoy, Crowe le dijo a la policía que era de Seattle, lo cual es cierto, y que iba a tomar un vuelo a casa. Pero la policía no encontró ninguna evidencia de ese viaje.

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Lo que es más alarmante sobre esta detención es que sabemos que Taylor está de vuelta en Nueva York. El martes por la noche anduvo por la ciudad con Brittany Mahomes y Cara Delevingne. No está claro si Taylor estaba al interior de su casa cuando Crowe fue detenido hoy. Durante las detenciones anteriores había estado fuera de la ciudad.

Una fuente relacionada con quienes hacen cumplir la ley nos dice que Crowe es "consciente de lo que está haciendo y es elocuente. Está obsesionado con ella y no puede mantenerse alejado de donde vive. Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para protegerla".

Taylor Swift Stalker Heads Back to Her NYC Pad ... Busted for Third Time!!!

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Taylor Swift's stalker isn't getting the message -- 2 hours after he was in court over his last arrest for creeping around her home ... he was back on Taylor's block and getting busted again.

This video shows David Crowe smoking a cigarette Wednesday around 2 PM outside a McDonald's just 2 blocks from her NYC townhouse. However, witnesses say he eventually made his way back to Taylor's place ... and someone in the neighborhood sounded the alarm, calling 911 to report him.

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John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

Police arrived and arrested Crowe on a criminal contempt charge ... due to the fact an order of protection had just been issued during his arraignment Wednesday morning on 2 counts of harassment and 1 count of stalking.

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This is now the third time Crowe's been arrested at or near Taylor's home -- the first time was Saturday, followed by a Monday evening bust.

Law enforcement sources tell us that during today's bust, Crowe told cops he was from Seattle -- which is true -- and he was going to take a flight home ... but police found no evidence of that trip.

TMZ Studios

What's more alarming about this arrest is we know Taylor is back in NYC -- she was out on the town Tuesday night with Brittany Mahomes and Cara Delevingne. It's unclear if Taylor was actually inside when Crowe was taken into custody today, but she had been out of town during the previous arrests.

One law enforcement source tells us ... Crowe is "aware of what he's doing and he's articulate. He is fixated on her and cannot keep away from where she lives. We are doing all we can to protect her."


Kevin Spacey Heading To Horror Con After Acquittal ... Social Media Users Object

Kevin Spacey's getting back into the public eye after his acquittal in London last summer ... and a lot of people are none too happy about it -- which they're making quite clear.

Here's the deal ... the controversial actor's scheduled to appear at Mad Monster Party 2024 in North Carolina next month -- a three-day convention dedicated to all things horror/pop culture. Other stars like Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Taryn Manning, Jason Patric and more are attending the event as well.

Clearly, organizers are jazzed at KS' inclusion ... touting his accolades and selling pro photo-ops for big money -- no selfies allowed at the autograph table. If you want a pic, you'll have to shell out $225.

The photo opportunities are themed too ... Friday, Feb 16 they'll set one up for "The Usual Suspects"-type pic, Saturday's for "Se7en" and Sunday, Feb. 18 will see Kevin take "House of Cards" pics -- basically, Spacey's greatest hits.

Now, it didn't take long for people to voice their outrage ... with a good handful of folks saying in unequivocal terms they find the organizers reprehensible for giving Spacey a platform after all of the allegations leveled against him. Just check their comments.

In essence, a lot of fans don't seem to care Kevin was acquitted last year on a host of charges -- as we previously reported, Spacey was found not guilty of nine total counts based on a host of sexual assault allegations in a London court last year after a lengthy trial.

He's also been sued in New York for a different alleged sexual assault ... a massage therapist is claiming the 64-year-old made unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances toward him during three 90-minute sessions back in 2016.

TMZ Studios

The two-time Academy Award winner's never been convicted of a crime for any of the allegations brought against him ... and he's denied any and all wrongdoing, FWIW.

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Sky News

It'll be interesting to see how many fans want to take a pic with Spacey next month ... or if any protests will spring up in NC.

Stay tuned ...

Kevin Spacey Se dirige a una convención de horror tras ser absuelto... La gente de redes se opone

Kevin Spacey está volviendo al ojo público después de su absolución en Londres el verano pasado y un montón de gente no está demasiado contenta, y lo están dejando muy claro.

Esta es la cuestión, el controvertido actor tiene previsto aparecer en la fiesta Mad Monster Party 2024 en Carolina del Norte el próximo mes, una convención de tres días dedicada a todo lo relacionado con la cultura pop y el terror. Otras estrellas como Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Taryn Manning, Jason Patric y más asistirán al evento.

Claramente, los organizadores están entusiasmados con la inclusión de Kevin Spacey, promocionando sus elogios y vendiendo sus fotos por mucho dinero. No se permiten selfies en la mesa de autógrafos. Si quieres una foto, tendrás que desembolsar 225 dólares.

Las oportunidades fotográficas también son temáticas. El viernes 16 de febrero será inspirada en "The Usual Suspects", el sábado en "Se7en" y el domingo 18 de febrero, con Kevin para "House of Cards". Básicamente, todos los grandes éxitos de Spacey.

Ahora, no pasó mucho tiempo para que la gente expresara su indignación, con un buen puñado de personas diciendo que encuentran censurables a los organizadores por darle una plataforma a Spacey después de todas las acusaciones formuladas en su contra. No hay más que ver sus comentarios.

En esencia, a muchos fans no parece importarles que Kevin fuera absuelto el año pasado de una serie de cargos. Como informamos anteriormente, el año pasado Spacey fue declarado inocente en un tribunal de Londres, después de un largo juicio, de un total de nueve cargos basados en una serie de acusaciones de agresión sexual.

También ha sido demandado en Nueva York por un supuesto asalto sexual diferente. Un terapeuta de masajes está alegando que el hombre de 64 años hizo insinuaciones sexuales no deseadas e inapropiadas hacia él durante tres sesiones de 90 minutos en 2016.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

El dos veces ganador del Oscar nunca ha sido condenado por un delito por cualquiera de las acusaciones presentadas en su contra y ha negado cualquiera y todos los delitos.

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El resultado correcto
Sky News

Será interesante ver cuántos fans quieren tomarse una foto con Spacey el próximo mes o si surgirá alguna protesta en North Carolina.

Manténganse en sintonía ...

Taylor Swift Alleged Stalker Hit Her House 30 Times ... So Claim Prosecutors

Taylor Swift's alleged stalker just had his first day in court -- and prosecutors made a lot of troubling claims about him ... including the allegation he's gone to her pad dozens of times.

David Crowe -- the man who was cuffed and hauled away by cops twice in three days after numerous people said he was lurking around Taylor's NYC home -- was arraigned Wednesday on three separate charges ... including stalking in the 4th-degree and harassment in the 1st and 2nd-degrees.

TMZ Studios

We're told Crowe did not enter a plea during this court appearance -- but he was cut loose from custody ... with prosecutors requesting supervised release with strict conditions.

A judge granted their request -- so Crowe is technically back on the streets -- but the judge signed off on a protective order prohibiting him from trying to contact Taylor ... and prosecutors ran through some other disturbing details in court.

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Law enforcement officials alleged in their complaint that they'd been informed Crowe had been spotted at Taylor's Tribeca home upwards of 30 times in the past 2 months.

Prosecutors claim that on a number of these drop-ins, Crowe asked to speak to Taylor. That's apparently why he's facing the stalking charge ... and why the court wants to keep a close eye on him upon release.

Remember ... Crowe was cuffed by cops for swinging by Taylor's home on Saturday, and again on Monday.