Taylor Swift presunto acosador fue a su casa 30 veces Según dicen las autoridades

El presunto acosador de Taylor Swift acaba de tener su primer día en la corte y los fiscales hicieron un montón de afirmaciones preocupantes sobre él, incluyendo la alegación de que ha ido a su casa docenas de veces.

David Crowe, el hombre que fue esposado por la policía dos veces en el lapso de tres días luego de que numerosas personas dijeron que estaba al acecho alrededor de la casa de Taylor en New York, fue procesado el miércoles por tres cargos separados, incluyendo el acecho en cuarto grado y acoso de primero y segundo grados

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Nos informan que Crowe no entró en una declaración durante esta comparecencia ante el tribunal, pero fue liberado de la custodia, con los fiscales solicitando su libertad supervisada con condiciones estrictas.

Un juez accedió a su petición -por lo que Crowe está técnicamente de vuelta en las calles- pero el juez firmó una orden de protección que le prohíbe tratar de ponerse en contacto con Taylor y los fiscales abordaron algunos detalles inquietantes en la corte.

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atrapado por la policía

Los agentes del orden alegaron en su denuncia que habían sido informados de que Crowe había sido visto en la casa de Tribeca de Taylor más de 30 veces en los últimos dos meses.

Los fiscales afirman que en varias de esas ocasiones, Crowe pidió hablar con Taylor. Al parecer, es por eso que se enfrenta a la acusación de acoso, y por qué el tribunal quiere mantener una estrecha vigilancia sobre él después de la liberación.

Recordemos que Crowe fue esposado por la policía por pasar por la casa de Taylor el sábado, y otra vez el lunes.

Madonna Sued For Late Concert Starts ... Blatant False Advertising!!!


1/24/23 -- Madonna's management and Live Nation tell TMZ ... "Madonna's just completed, sold out 2023 Celebration Tour in Europe received rave reviews. The shows opened in North America at Barclays in Brooklyn as planned, with the exception of a technical issue December 13th during soundcheck. This caused a delay that was well documented in press reports at the time. We intend to defend this case vigorously."

Madonna performed last night in NYC at Madison Square Garden. It was the second night of 3 sold out shows at the venue.

Madonna may have to learn a lesson in punctuality the hard way ... two men just filed a class action against her for starting her concerts late.

According to the docs obtained by TMZ ... Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hadden are leading the charge against the legendary pop star and concert organizer Live Nation claiming they owe big damages after shows scheduled to start at 8:30 PM ET didn't end up starting until 10:30 PM.

According to the lawsuit, the late starts constitute a "wanton exercise in false advertising, negligent misrepresentation, and unfair and deceptive trade practices."

The plaintiffs are suing for unspecified damages and taking aim at all three nights Madonna showed up late to Barclays Center in December -- but they say Madonna has a long-documented history of not starting on time (more on that later).

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Another interesting note ... the plaintiffs acknowledge Madonna had a health issue which caused the concert to be pushed from July to December but don't think that's a sufficient excuse for kicking off the actual shows 2 hours late.

These guys also list their pricey tickets ... listing the dollar-amounts at $155.90 and $292.50, respectively. In their mind, that's money down the drain considering how late Madge was.


Remember... a serious bacterial infection put Madonna in the hospital, and sources told us she was fighting a fever for about a month before she finally collapsed. Obviously the tour was postponed ... finally kicking off in October.

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Tik Tok / @notanotherfangirl_

We knew people were pissed about Madonna's tardiness BTW ... when the NYC shows went down back in December, fans took to social media to voice their displeasure at waiting for the Queen of Pop. (FWIW, a source at the time told us the delay was due to sound issues.)


If you think Madonna's sweating the lawsuit, think again ... cause this ain't the first time she's been sued over her late starts!! She was sued back in 2019 and in 2020 for pulling up late to her shows and -- in the case of the 2019 suit -- Madonna gave a G.O.A.T.ed response you gotta hear to believe.

Originally Published -- 1/18/24 10:42 AM PT

Cher's Son Elijah Look, I Don't Need Conservatorship ... Plenty Reasons Why!!!

Cher's son Elijah Blue Allman is doubling down against the conservatorship his famous mom is seeking to control his estate ... he says he's cleaning up his act.

In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Elijah and his wife, Marieangela King, lay out the reasons why he doesn't need his mom to step in as conservator of his estate ... and he’s taking shots at Cher and leveling some pretty serious accusations in the process.

Elijah claims he's now sober, paying his bills and is committed to managing the quarterly payments he gets from the trust set up by his late father, legendary musician Greg Allman.

As we reported ... Cher claims she's concerned her son has substance abuse and mental health problems and can't manage the money he gets from the trust ... but here he says that's just not true.

Elijah's wife goes a step further in the docs ... alleging Cher essentially orchestrated a kidnapping of Elijah and had him held at a Mexican rehab facility against his will.

In the docs, Marieangela claims Elijah was brought to Mexico in October and told by a doctor Cher hired that he would be doing holistic alternative therapy ... but she claims it was actually a "makeshift prison-type facility known as the 'Baja Rehab' where he was being held against his will."

Marieangela claims she traveled daily from L.A. County to Rosarito "to rescue Elijah from the captivity his mother arranged." She says Elijah "was held captive" there for 2 months until Mexican federal agents escorted him out and dropped him off at the border.

For her part, Cher has vehemently denied the kidnapping allegations.

Elijah's wife also takes some shots at Cher in the docs ... she says she's known Cher for 11 years and says the singer is "categorically unfit to serve" as Elijah's conservator.

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Marieangela claims Cher doesn't drive, doesn't make her own food or dress herself, and has told Marieangela she's "manic depressive."

While Elijah's giving his reasons why he doesn't need a conservatorship, there's a court hearing set for March 6 to determine whether Cher will be appointed conservator anyway.

Stay tuned.

Demandan a Kim Delaney por atropellar a un motorista

Kim Delaney está siendo llevada a tribunales en dos frentes diferentes sobre un accidente que se alega que ha causado hace casi dos años... y está acusada de huir TMZ ha indagado.

La actriz de "NYPD Blue" está siendo demandada por un hombre llamado Dzhamal Badalov, quien acaba de presentar documentos legales -obtenidos por TMZ- alegando que Kim chocó contra su motocicleta mientras estaba parado en un semáforo en rojo en noviembre de 2022, esto después de que él dijera que ella estaba conduciendo erráticamente por Venice Boulevard en Los Ángeles.

Badalov afirma que los testigos vieron a Kim desviarse dentro y fuera de los carriles y manejando de forma errática antes de chocar contra él, lo cual terminó sacándolo de la carretera. Afirma que Kim trató de conducir lejos después del accidente, pero fue detenida por los transeúntes.

Finalmente, Badalov afirma que Kim salió del carro y llamó a alguien con su teléfono. Él alega que ella parecía completamente desorientada, lo que sugiere que estaba intoxicada. Badalov alega que la persona con la que ella estaba hablando al otro lado intentó pagarle para que lo dejara las cosas así y no llamara a la policía... pero Badalov dice que se negó a hacerlo.

En la demanda, se pasa a alegar Kim fue instruida por la persona en el teléfono para huir. Ahora, él la está demandando por el accidente y quiere daños y perjuicios.

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Hicimos algunas investigaciones por nuestra cuenta y encontramos un caso criminal en Los Ángeles, de hecho, se ha abierto contra Kim y ella ha sido acusada de atropello y fuga. Las reclamaciones formuladas contra Kim en un informe de la policía de esa noche -obtenido por TMZ- esencialmente se hacen eco de lo que se alega en la demanda. Ella debe presentarse en la corte la próxima semana.

Hemos llegado a Kim para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Kim Delaney Sued Over Alleged Hit & Run ... Accused of Fleeing Scene

Kim Delaney is being taken to court on two different fronts over an accident she's alleged to have caused almost two years ago -- one she's being accused of fleeing ... TMZ has learned.

The 'NYPD Blue' actress is being sued by a man named Dzhamal Badalov, who just filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- alleging Kim rammed into his motorcycle while he was stopped at a red light back in Nov. 2022 ... this after he says she was driving erratically down Venice Boulevard in L.A.

Badalov claims witnesses saw Kim swerving in and out and lanes and driving erratically before she crashed into him -- which he alleges sent him flying into the road. He claims Kim tried driving away after the accident, but was initially stopped by bystanders.

Eventually, Badalov claims Kim got out of the car and called someone on her phone. He alleges she appeared completely out of and disoriented -- suggesting she was intoxicated. Badalov alleges that the person she was talking to on the other end attempted to pay him off to just let it go and not call the cops ... but Badalov says he refused to do so.

In the suit, he goes on to allege Kim was then instructed by the person on the phone to flee -- which he claims she then did. Now, he's suing her over the accident ... and wants damages.

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Here's the other element to this ... we did some digging and found that a criminal case in L.A. has, in fact, been opened against Kim -- and she's been charged with hit and run. The claims made against Kim in a police report from that night -- obtained by TMZ -- essentially echo what's alleged in the lawsuit. She's due in court next week.

We've reached out to Kim for comment ... so far, no word back.

Chris Young detenido tras un presunto altercado con funcionarios En un bar de Nashville

El cantante de country Chris Young salió a tomar una copa en Nashville y terminó su noche en la cárcel después de ser arrestado tras un presunto incidente con los funcionarios.

Según la declaración jurada de arresto, obtenida por TMZ, Chris estaba bebiendo en el bar Tin Roof el lunes por la noche en el centro de Nashville cuando los agentes de la Comisión de Bebidas Alcohólicas de Tennessee entraron para comprobar las identificaciones y tarjetas de licencia, y fue en ese momento que las cosas se complicaron.

El cantante de "Gettin 'You Home" supuestamente comenzó a interrogar a los agentes después de que comprobaron su identificación y los funcionarios dicen que comenzó a grabarlos y luego los siguió a la Dawg House, un bar de al lado donde el TABC estaba haciendo un control de rutina.

En el siguiente bar, los funcionarios afirman que Chris y un grupo de amigos comenzaron a hablar con la gente en el bar y el camarero, mientras que los agentes fueron a la parte trasera de la barra para comprobar las tarjetas de ABC.

Los agentes dicen que estaban caminando hacia la puerta cuando Chris bloqueó su salida, poniendo sus manos sobre uno de los oficiales para detener el agente de salir y golpear al agente en el hombro.

El agente dice que empujaron a Chris y luego los clientes del bar se apresuraron a interponerse entre Chris y los agentes ... dando lugar a muchos gritos y chillidos. Los agentes dicen que las personas que estaban con Chris les siguieron fuera del bar e hicieron la situación "hostil".

En su informe, los agentes dicen que Chris "tenía los ojos inyectados en sangre y llorosos" y que arrastraba las palabras.

Nos dicen que Chris fue detenido y fichado por 3 cargos, alteración del orden público, resistencia a la autoridad y asalto a un oficial de contacto ofensivo... todos delitos menores.

Chris pagó una fianza de $2.500 y fue puesto en libertad el martes por la mañana y tiene que presentarse en la corte el 16 de febrero.

Country Singer Chris Young Arrested At Nashville Bar ... Alleged Confrontation With Official

Country singer Chris Young went out for a drink in Nashville and ended his night in jail after being arrested following an alleged incident with officials.

According to the arrest affidavit, obtained by TMZ, Chris was drinking at the Tin Roof bar Monday night in midtown Nashville when agents from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission came in to check IDs and license cards ... and things spiraled from there.

The "Gettin' You Home" singer allegedly started questioning the agents after they checked his ID ... and officials say he started recording them and then followed them to the Dawg House, a bar next door where the TABC was doing a routine compliance check.

At the next bar, the officials claim Chris and a group of friends started talking to folks at the bar and the bartender while agents went to the back of the bar to check ABC cards.

The agents say they were walking to the door when Chris blocked their exit, putting his hands on one of the officers to stop the agent from leaving and striking the agent on the shoulder.

The officer says they pushed Chris away and then bar patrons rushed to get between Chris and the agents ... leading to lots of yelling and screaming. The agents say folks who were with Chris followed them out of the bar and made the situation "hostile."

In their report, the officers say Chris' "eyes were bloodshot and watery" and they say he was slurring his speech.

We're told Chris was arrested and booked on 3 charges ... disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and assault on officer offensive contact ... all misdemeanors.

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Chris posted $2,500 bond and was released from custody Tuesday morning and is due back in court Feb. 16.

YFN Lucci Gets ATL Murder Charge Dropped ... Still Facing Prison Time in Plea Deal

YFN Lucci is suddenly in the clear for the felony murder case he's been facing for nearly 3 years -- and, while he will be going to prison, his attorney believes it won't be for long.

On Tuesday morning, prosecutors dropped 12 of the 13 counts the rapper had been facing, including felony murder, for the death of James Adams ... who was killed during a shootout with a rival Atlanta gang back in December 2020.

Cops didn't suspect Lucci of pulling the trigger, but he was the driver of one of the vehicles involved in the shootout, and he eventually surrendered to cops in January 2021.

Lucci, whose real name is Rayshawn Bennett, pleaded guilty to one count of violating the street gang terrorism and prevention act ... and will have to do time for that. As part of the plea deal, he was hit with a 10-year sentence, plus 10 years probation.

He is getting credit for time served -- Lucci's been jailed awaiting his trial since the spring of 2021, when he violated his release on bond by going to a strip club.

However, his attorney Drew Findling believes his client will only be locked up for a few months. He tells TMZ, "As he has maintained for three years now, Mr. Bennett will NOT cooperate in any other case. By entering into this resolution, he will be eligible for parole in as early as four months from now. The prosecution has also agreed that he should be released early on parole and this will allow him to get back to his children, family and career."

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Findling's math breaks down like this -- Lucci got 10 years, but he's eligible for parole after 40 months ... and since he's been locked up for about 36 months (that's the time served), he's predicting Lucci's release in 4 months, as long as he keeps his nose clean.

Lucci's case was about to go to trial -- jury selection had begun a couple of weeks ago -- but now he's gotten a pretty huge break in the 11th hour.

YFN Lucci se libra de la acusación de asesinato, Pero aún enfrenta una pena en prisión

YFN Lucci tiene algo de claridad en su caso de asesinato y delito grave que ha estado enfrentando durante casi tres años, y a pesar de que va a pasar un tiempo en prisión, su abogado cree que no será por mucho tiempo.

El martes por la mañana, los fiscales retiraron 12 de los 13 cargos que el rapero estaba enfrentando, incluido el delito de asesinato por la muerte de James Adams, que fue asesinado durante un tiroteo con una banda rival de Atlanta en diciembre de 2020.

Los policías no sospechaban que Lucci haya apretado el gatillo, pero él era el conductor de uno de los vehículos implicados en el tiroteo, y finalmente se entregó a la policía en enero de 2021.

Lucci, cuyo verdadero nombre es Rayshawn Bennett, se declaró culpable de un cargo relacionado con el terrorismo de pandillas callejeras y la ley de prevención y tendrá que págar con algo de tiempo en prisión por esto. Como parte del acuerdo, se le impuso una condena de 10 años, más 10 años de libertad condicional.

Él está recibiendo crédito por el tiempo servid. Lucci ha sido encarcelado en espera de su juicio desde la primavera de 2021, cuando violó su libertad bajo fianza por ir a un club de striptease.

Sin embargo, su abogado Drew Findling cree que su cliente solo estará encerrado unos meses. Le dice a TMZ: "Como ha mantenido durante tres años, el Sr. Bennett no cooperará en ningún otro caso. Con esta resolución, podrá salir en libertad condicional dentro de cuatro meses. La fiscalía también ha acordado que debe ser puesto en libertad condicional anticipada y esto le permitirá volver a sus hijos, su familia y su carrera".

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Las matemáticas de Findling se descomponen así - Lucci recibió 10 años, pero es elegible para la libertad condicional después de 40 meses, y ya que ha estado encerrado durante unos 36 meses, predice la liberación de Lucci en 4 meses, siempre y cuando mantenga su nariz limpia.

El caso de Lucci estaba a punto de ir a juicio - la selección del jurado había comenzado hace un par de semanas - pero ahora ha conseguido una gran oportunidad en la hora 11.

Taylor Swift Man Busted Near Her NYC Townhouse ... Twice In Three Days!!!


1/23 -- 7:54 AM PT -- The NYPD says the guy who got dragged away in a police car Monday has been arrested and booked on stalking and harassment charges.

The department says, "Officers were approached by multiple complainants who pointed out an emotionally disturbed male acting erratically at the location. Once officers observed the male harassing multiple complainants, they took him to custody without further incidents; no injuries were reported." The dude's name is David Crowe -- and he's apparently from Seattle.

Taylor Swift had the same dude who was busted at her place this weekend show up on her doorstep AGAIN this week -- and best believe ... cops showed up to handle it.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the man who was cuffed and hauled away Saturday while trying to access Taylor's NYC townhouse had the gall to swing by her pad yet again on Monday, something her security team and surrounding neighbors immediately noticed.

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We're told the head of Taylor's security immediately called cops when the dude arrived, and our sources say everyone reported the same thing ... namely, that he was just lurking.

Of course, considering what just happened a couple days ago with this fella ... that's a huge problem. We're told NYPD officers eventually arrived to the scene, but couldn't immediately find the man -- however, it didn't take long to track him down ... he was around the corner.

Our sources say they found less than a block away from Taylor's residence -- and that's where this interaction with the cops went down, with officers once again throwing him in handcuffs and into the back of one of their police cruisers.

No question about it ... we're told this is, in fact, the same dude from Saturday-- but we're not sure at this point what's gonna happen to him, or if charges are being pressed either.

You'll recall ... when he was originally picked up, cops say they found him fiddling with Taylor's front door, in what police perceived as an attempt to enter without authorization.

When they ran him in their system, they found there was an open warrant for his arrest -- this pertaining to a separate case from 2017 when he failed to show up to court.

It goes without saying ... him coming back to the scene so soon after all that is troubling, to say the least -- and ya gotta figure law enforcement will be a little stricter this time around.


Then again, we know celebs have had a hard time achieving successful deterrents from these sorts of people who appear to be obsessed with them ... with the criminal justice system often failing to protect them from potential danger.

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As you know ... Taylor has had a long, documented history with stalkers in her own career ... including one who was previously arrested for trying to get into her Manhattan pad a few years back. Unclear if this guy is that, but already ... he's not setting a good precedent.

Our new documentary, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis," airs Monday at 9/8c on FOX ... and we break down Taylor's stories and more.

Originally Published -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT

Taylor Swift Un hombre es arrestado cerca de su casa en NYC ... Dos veces en 3 días!!!


1/23/24 -- La policía de Nueva York dice que el tipo que fue arrestado en un carro de policía el lunes ha sido detenido y fichado por cargos de acoso y hostigamiento.

El departamento dice: "Los agentes fueron abordados por múltiples denunciantes que señalaron que un hombre emocionalmente perturbado estaba actuando erráticamente en el lugar. Una vez que los agentes observaron al varón acosando a múltiples denunciantes, lo detuvieron sin más incidentes; no se registraron heridos". El nombre del tipo es David Crowe y al parecer es de Seattle.

El mismo tipo que fue arrestado en la casa de Taylor Swift este fin de semana apareció en su puerta de nuevo y por suerte los policías aparecieron para manejarlo.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que el hombre que fue esposado el sábado por tratar de acceder a la casa de Taylor en Nueva York tuvo el descaro de pasar por su casa de nuevo el lunes, algo que su equipo de seguridad y vecinos alrededor advirtieron de inmediato.

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Arrestado por la policía

Nos dicen que el jefe de seguridad de Taylor inmediatamente llamó a la policía cuando el tipo llegó y nuestras fuentes dicen que todo el mundo informó de lo mismo, es decir, que estaba al acecho.

Por supuesto, esto es un gran problema, teniendo en cuenta lo que acababa de pasar hace un par de días con el tipo. Nos dicen que la policía de Nueva York llegó a la escena, pero no pudo encontrarlo inmediatamente. Al poco tiempo, lo localizaron a la vuelta de la esquina.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que se encontraba a menos de una cuadra de distancia de la residencia de Taylor, donde se enfrentó con la policía. Los agentes lo volvieron a esposar en la parte trasera de uno de sus carros de policía.

No hay duda de ello. Nos dicen que este es, de hecho, el mismo tipo del sábado, pero no estamos seguros de lo que va a pasar con él o si se están presentando cargos.

Ustedes recordarán, cuando lo atraparon por primera vez, los policías dijeron que lo encontraron tocando la puerta principal de Taylor, en lo que las autoridades percibieron como un intento de entrar sin autorización.

Cuando chequearon en su sistema, encontraron que había una orden de arresto abierta hacia él por un caso separado de 2017, cuando no se presentó ante el tribunal.

No hace falta decir que su regreso a la escena tan poco tiempo después del primer incidente es preocupante por decir lo menos y se tienen que imaginar que la aplicación de la ley será un poco más estricta esta vez.

Por otra parte, sabemos que las celebridades han tenido dificultades para lograr disuadir con éxito a este tipo de personas que parecen estar obsesionados con ellos. El sistema de justicia penal a menudo falla en protegerlos de un potencial peligro.

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Como ustedes saben, Taylor ha tenido una larga y documentada historia con acosadores en su propia carrera, incluyendo uno que fue arrestado previamente por tratar de entrar en su casa en Manhattan hace unos años. No está claro si es este tipo, pero no está sentando un buen precedente.

Nuestro nuevo documental, "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood's Stalker Crisis", se emite el lunes a las 9/8c en FOX, en donde desglosamos las historias de Taylor y más.

Publicado originalmente -- 1/22/24 5:31 PM PT

Hugh Hefner's Widow Crystal I'm Done with Hefner Name ... Going Back to MY Roots!!!

Miss Understood with Rachel Uchitel Podcast

Hugh Hefner's famous last name isn't doing much good these days for his widow Crystal ... and now that she's written a book about their marriage, she's done with the Hefner name.

Crystal says she doesn't want to be a Hefner anymore... and feels she needs to change her name back to what it was before she met the Playboy founder ... Crystal Harris.

Hugh's 3rd and final wife was on Rachel Uchitel's podcast Miss Understood when Rachel asked Crystal if the Hefner name helped her or hurt her.

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Crystal, who was married to Hugh when he died in 2017, says Hef's secretary quickly changed her last name to his after their 2012 marriage ... telling Rachel it was all done at Hugh's behest. Crystal says she really had no involvement in the process.

It wasn't until Crystal started writing her new memoir, "Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself," that she says she started thinking about how she felt about being a Hefner.

Now that she's shared her story -- taking shots at Hef, the Playboy Mansion and his company in the process -- Crystal says she's ready to legally change her name back to Harris, permanently closing the book on the Hefner chapter of her life.

CU Star Cormani McClain Involved In Car Wreck In Boulder ... Cited By Cops

Colorado Buffaloes cornerback Cormani McClain -- the highest-ranked recruit in Deion Sanders' 2023 CU class -- was issued a citation last week after he was involved in a car crash in Boulder.

TMZ Sports has learned ... the accident happened on Jan. 15 less than a mile away from CU's campus -- after cops say McClain's car "slid into another vehicle when trying to brake for a red light."

Fortunately, a spokesperson for the Boulder Police Department said there were no reported injuries ... and neither car suffered major damage.

We're told, however, McClain was issued a citation for "driving too fast for the weather conditions."

McClain came to Colorado with a ton of fanfare -- he flipped his commitment late in the '23 recruiting cycle from Miami to the Buffs ... and as the No. 1-ranked H.S. cornerback in the entire country, many expected him to thrive under Sanders.

But, his freshman year didn't go quite as planned ... he only totaled 13 tackles in 10 games -- and early in the season, Sanders actually called him out during a press conference.

Coach Prime told reporters he wanted to see McClain "study" and "prepare" more in order to get more playing time.

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"Show up to the darn meetings," the coach added.

McClain is now, though, expected to be a key contributor for the Buffs' 2024 squad ... and CU fans have already noted he's appeared to have put on some size this offseason.

Rams' Demarcus Robinson Sues L.A. Hotel After Robbery ... You Failed To Protect Me!!!

Rams wide receiver Demarcus Robinson is suing an L.A.-area hotel ... after he says the establishment didn't do enough to protect him during a terrifying robbery in its lobby last year.

The 29-year-old claimed in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County last week that the incident happened at the Lexen Hotel in North Hollywood at around midnight on Oct. 20, 2023.

Robinson claims he entered the facility through a side entrance after pulling into the parking garage ... but when he made his way into the lobby, two masked men pulled guns on him and threatened to murder him.

In the suit, Robinson says the men took nearly $150,000 worth of stuff off of his person during the encounter ... including a luxury diamond watch and two diamond chains.

Robinson claims the hotel didn't have security guards outside the hotel or in the lobby -- adding that employees who were working at the front desk at the time didn't call authorities until after the suspects had fled the area.

Robinson's suing the place for negligence and more ... seeking at least $149,500 in damages ... plus punitives.

Robinson played in 16 regular season games for the Rams this year. He also logged snaps in the team's lone playoff game earlier this month against the Lions, recording three catches for 44 yards.

Robinson did it all despite saying in his suit he suffered "an emotional toll" from the October incident at the hotel.

Actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" está hospitalizado y aplazan su juicio Por violencia doméstica

El juicio por violencia doméstica por el que está pasando el actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" —Devin Ratray— se ha retrasado después de que sus abogados le informaron al juez que fue hospitalizado "en estado crítico".

Un miembro de la familia le dice a TMZ que Devin —más conocido por su papel de Buzz McCallister— ha sido dado de alta del hospital de Nueva York y está de vuelta en casa descansando por prescripción médica.

No se sabe la razón por la cual el hombre de 45 años terminó en el hospital, o incluso cuando fue que pasó, pero en los registros judiciales se nota que estaba fuera del estado cuando su emergencia médica fue notificada.

La pesadilla médica del actor provocó un aplazamiento en su caso judicial. La selección del jurado se fijó para comenzar el lunes en un tribunal de Oklahoma, pero ahora, todo el asunto ha sido reajustado para antes del juicio el próximo mes, y todo causa de la hospitalización.

Devin fue detenido tras las acusaciones de que golpeó a su ex novia durante un altercado borracho en diciembre de 2021, con la ex diciendole a la policía que la empujó, le dio un puñetazo en la cara, y presionó sus manos contra la garganta y la boca.

TMZ obtuvo la declaración jurada de causa probable, cuando Lisa le dijo a las autoridades Devin dijo: "Así es como se muere".

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Fue fichado por delito grave asalto doméstico y agresión por estrangulamiento, así como delito menor asalto doméstico. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza de 25.000 dólares.

Devin tuvo su primera comparecencia ante el tribunal en febrero de 2022, entrando en una declaración de no culpabilidad, pero las cosas se han movido lentamente desde entonces.

'AMW' HOST JOHN WALSH Crime Is Worse, So We're Back ... FBI Wanted Us On the Air!!!


"America's Most Wanted" host John Walsh says America's spiraling crime stats, and criminals getting smarter are just 2 reasons why his famous show is returning to FOX.

John and his son, Callahan Walsh, are hosting the 'AMW' reboot, and they joined us Monday on "TMZ Live" to discuss how crime has changed since the show's initial heyday in the '90s and early 2000s.

It was way back in 1988 when 'AMW' premiered on FOX and John tells us crime is so bad these days, honchos at the FBI told him they wanted his show to return, so he could help bust criminals ... particularly in areas the agency considers "lawless."

Another change since the OG 'AMW' ... John says advances in technology are making it easier to find criminals -- but he points out some of that technology also gives the bad guys more tools to break laws, and get away with it.

There are plenty of new criminals for John and Callahan to track down on their reboot ... but they tell us their program will also take a crack at solving some cold cases too.

No one understands the importance of staying on cases like that more than the Walsh family -- John points out he waited 27 years for the police files that eventually helped solve his 6-year-old son Adam's 1981 abduction and murder.

The new 'AMW' premieres tonight at 8 PM ET on FOX, and the Walshes tell us they plan to keep fighting crime in Adam's honor.

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Following the premiere of 'AMW,' be sure to stick around and tune into "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis" -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.