"Home Alone" star Devin Ratray's domestic violence trial has been delayed ... after his lawyers informed the judge he was hospitalized "in critical condition."

A family member tells TMZ ... Devin -- best known for his role as Buzz McCallister -- has now been released from the NYC hospital and is back home resting on doctor's orders.

No word as to what landed the 47-year-old in the hospital in the first place, or even when -- but court records do note he was out of state when his medical emergency went down.

The actor's medical nightmare triggered a hold-up in his DV case as jury selection was set to begin Monday in an Oklahoma courtroom ... but now, the whole thing's been reset for pretrial next month, all 'cause of the hospitalization.

A rundown of his legal woes ... Devin was arrested following accusations he beat up his ex-GF during a drunk altercation in December 2021 ... with the ex-GF telling cops he pushed her, punched her in the face, and pressed his hands against her throat and mouth.

TMZ obtained the probable cause affidavit at the time ... in which Lisa told authorities Devin said, "This is how you die."

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He was booked for felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation, as well as misdemeanor domestic assault and battery. He was later released on $25K bond.

Devin had his first court appearance in February 2022, entering a not-guilty plea ... but things have moved slowly since then.

'Cheer' Star Monica Aldama Son Austin Charged with Child Porn ... 10 Counts in Indictment

'Cheer' star Monica Aldama's son, Austin Aldama, has been arrested and charged with possession of child porn in Texas -- and the allegations authorities lay out are disturbing.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Austin was arrested and booked last Thursday in Navarro County on an open warrant for his arrest ... which references a grand jury indictment against him with 10 counts of possession of child pornography.

Specifically, Austin (who's 27) was booked into the county jail, posed for this mug, and was released on bond with certain conditions ... including having to submit to random drug testing and other stipulations, like submitting to voluntary searches of his phone and computer. He's also prohibited from viewing pornographic images by any means.

We should note that in docs -- prosecutors cite evidence they say they have including several videos with file names describing children engaged in sex acts that are under the age of 10.

Austin doesn't appear to have been arraigned yet, so he hasn't entered a plea thus far.

It's obviously shocking news -- made even stunning by the fact that the 'Cheer' community there in Navarro -- prominently featured in the Netflix show -- has already been rocked by a child porn scandal ... namely, from one of the stars in the Netflix series, Jerry Harris.

You'll recall ... Jerry was also hit with child porn charges, and he ended up getting convicted in his case -- now, he was hit with a 12-year sentence back in 2022.

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At the time, Monica said she was "shattered" by the allegations against Jerry -- noting in a statement, "Our children must be protected from abuse and exploitation, and I'm praying hard for the victims and everyone affected."

We've reached out to Monica for comment ... so far, no word back.

el hijo de Mónica Aldama es acusado de pornografía infantil

El hijo de Monica Aldama, Austin Aldama, ha sido arrestado y acusado de posesión de pornografía infantil en Texas, y las acusaciones de las autoridades son inquietantes.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Austin fue detenido el pasado jueves en el Condado de Navarro con una orden de arresto abierta para su detención, que hace referencia a una acusación del gran jurado en su contra con 10 cargos de posesión de pornografía infantil.

En concreto, Austin (de 27 años) fue llevado la cárcel del condado, posó para esta foto y fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza con ciertas condiciones, incluyendo tener que someterse a pruebas de drogas al azar y someterse a búsquedas voluntarias en su teléfono y la computadora. También tiene prohibido ver imágenes pornográficas por cualquier medio.

Debemos señalar que en los documentos los fiscales citan pruebas que dicen que tienen varios videos con nombres de archivos que describen a los niños que participan en actos sexuales que son menores de 10 años.

Austin no parece haber sido procesado todavía, por lo que no ha presentado una declaración hasta el momento.

Obviamente, es una noticia impactante, y es aún más sorprendente el hecho de que la comunidad "Cheer" que está allí en Navarro que aparece en la serie de Netflix, ya ha sido sacudida por un escándalo de pornografía infantil relacionado con una de las estrellas en la serie de Netflix, Jerry Harris.

Como recordarás... Jerry también fue golpeado con cargos de pornografía infantil y terminó siendo condenado a 12 años en 2022.

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En ese momento, Mónica dijo que estaba "destrozada" por las acusaciones contra Jerry, señalando en un comunicado: "Nuestros hijos deben ser protegidos del abuso y la explotación y estoy rezando mucho por las víctimas y todos los afectados".

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Mónica para hacer comentarios, hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Kodak Black Wants Drug Case Tossed Lab Tests Prove It Was Rx Oxy!!!

Kodak Black has been behind bars since last month after cops claimed they found illegal drugs on him -- but now, his legal team says lab tests prove ... it was all kosher.

The rapper's attorney, Bradford Cohen, just filed new legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- asking a judge to dismiss this new drug case against his client ... which alleges Kodak had a controlled substance on him, Oxy, on Dec. 7, and that he was trying to hide it from officers who rolled up on him.

You'll recall ... during the arrest, officers claimed that when they found Kodak that evening -- allegedly asleep at the wheel while parked on a road -- they discovered white powder in his mouth, and went on to allege that KB was trying to hide this from them.

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The cops say they tested the substance on the spot -- and alleged that it came back positive for cocaine, so they cuffed Kodak and hauled him off to jail ... where they booked him for possession, evidence tampering, and a traffic violation.

Of course, the authorities also alleged he was in violation of his current probation -- but now, Cohen says the lab tests have come back on the substance ... and they show Kodak wasn't lying when he said the white powder collected that night was just Percocet.

Cohen argues Kodak has a valid prescription for Oxycodone so prosecutors have no grounds to hit him with the drug possession charge.

He's asking for the court to dismiss the case against Kodak. A judge has yet to rule.

Blueface Doing His Time Ain't So Hard ... Relatively Cushy in Co. Jail

Blueface's life behind bars isn't so bad -- compared to most inmates -- in fact, our sources say it could be a whole heck of a lot worse.

The embattled rapper's back in L.A. County jail after violating his probation in a 2021 assault case, and law enforcement sources tell us he's staying in the administrative segregation area -- meaning he's kept outta gen pop -- and he's got a cell all to himself where he's getting his meals brought to him.

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Blue can leave his cell for up to 7 hours a week to participate in education classes or religious services -- assuming they're being offered -- or head to the rooftop yard to call his family or his lawyers.

There's a TV in the shared unit he can watch, and access to the library. Showers are allowed every other day ... unless he's headed to court in which case he's allowed to wash up on that day too.

Blueface will find some commissary options, too ... including Texas beef and cajun chicken ramen, tuna, sliced pepperoni, hot & spicy pork cracklings, hot cheese crunchies, jalapeño peppers, hot tortilla chips and Club crackers.

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For dessert, he can choose from Oreos, blueberry and chocolate donuts, chocolate chip cookies or bear claws -- and he can wash it all down with cocoa or coffee.

It's a good thing the food options look tasty ... cause Blue's gonna be locked up for a bit. We broke the story -- he's stuck in prison until at least the summer after violating his probation for a 2021 assault.

We don't know exactly what conditions he violated (his mom's blaming his baby mamas), but there was a hearing last Friday, and now he's in custody until July 2. He was supposed to do a full year, but for every day he serves in county, he'll get credit for another.

No one's saying County lockup is summer camp, but it sounds like Blue has it easier than most on the inside.

Sofía Vergara se topa con Lionel Messi en un restaurante Y destroza la pista de baile

Sofía Vergara se está desahogando, bailando en Miami y pasando el rato con el astro del fútbol en lugar de dejar que una nueva demanda la afecte.

La actriz colombianap-estadounidense llegó hasta Papi Steak Miami con Lionel Messi, disfrutando de cocina de alta categoría antes de sacudir sus curvas con algunas de sus amigas.

dándolo todo el miami

Échale un vistazo al video, se puede ver a Sofía aplaudiendo al ritmo de la música y básicamente haciéndose cargo de la discoteca.

Nuestras fuentes en la discoteca nos dicen que Sofía llegó con amigos alrededor de las 9 PM y festejó duro hasta alrededor de 1 AM. Se encontró con Lionel en el restaurante, ya que acababa de pasar por ahí, ¡supimos que se comió un filete de $1.000 según los informes con su esposa!

Messi trajo un par de amigos del fútbol al club: Luis Suárez y Jordi Alba, que no solo son leyendas del fútbol, además son compañeros de equipo con Messi en el Inter de Miami. Hablando de una foto de grupo llena de estrellas.

Es bueno ver que Sofía no se está estresando demasiado por su reciente drama legal. Nos enteramos de la historia, la reina de la droga, Griselda Blanco, está demandando a Vergara y a Netflix sobre su retrato en la nueva serie "Griselda".

Los hijos adultos de Blanco están liderando la demanda, con su hijo Michael alegando que el nuevo show a veces se apoya en las notas y anécdotas que tomó entre 2009 y 2022 y compartió con un productor de Netflix, el cual Michael dice que le aseguró que no iban a utilizar sus notas para hacer la serie.

Todo es bastante turbio, pero la conclusión es que quieren que el show quede en espera. Esto es una petición gigante, ya que está programado para salir el Jueves, dejandole muy poco tiempo al juez para que tome una decisión.

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Sofía claramente no está preocupada por el posible retraso, pero ciertamente estaba sudando la gota gorda al ritmo de la música. Muy bien hecho.

Sofia Vergara 'Griselda' Lawsuit Not Bothering Me ... Out Partying with Messi!!!

Sofia Vergara's blowing off some steam ... hitting the dancefloor in Miami and hanging out with soccer's G.O.A.T. -- instead of letting a new lawsuit get to her.

The Colombian-American actress hit up Papi Steak Miami with Lionel Messi ... chowing down on some costly cuisine before shaking her moneymaker with a few of her girlfriends.


Check out the video ... SV's clapping to the beat, grinding up on the ladies in her group and basically taking over the discotheque -- unsurprisingly looking great while doing it too.

Our sources from the club tell us ... Sofia pulled up with some friends around 9 PM ET and partied hard until around 1 AM -- she ran into Lionel at the restaurant who just happened to be there ... splitting a reportedly $1,000 steak with his wife!!!

Messi brought a couple of football friends to the club too ... Luis Suárez and Jordi Alba -- who are not only soccer legends but teammates with LM on Inter Miami. Talk about a star-studded group pic.

It's good to see Sofia's not stressing her recent legal drama too much. We broke the story ... convicted drug queen-pin Griselda Blanco's estate is suing Vergara and Netflix over her portrayal of GB in the new upcoming series "Griselda."

Blanco's adult children are leading the charge ... with her son Michael alleging the new show at times leans on notes and anecdotes he took down between 2009 and 2022 and shared with a Netflix producer -- who Michael says assured him they weren't gonna use his notes when they made the series.

It's aIl pretty murky, but the bottom line is the estate wants the show put on hold ... a tall order since it's set to come out on the streamer Thursday -- not leaving much time for a judge to rule in their favor.

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Sofia's clearly not sweating a possible delay ... though she was certainly sweating pretty hard to the thumping music. Sweet moves, Sofia!

Ron DeSantis abandona la carrera presidencial Y apoya a Donald Trump

Ron DeSantis está oficialmente fuera de la carrera presidencial, pero no lo va a hacerlo así nada más.

El gobernador de Florida publicó un video de cuatro minutos en X diciéndole a sus seguidores que está suspendiendo su campaña, esto a solo dos días de las primarias de New Hampshire, y en última instancia, le está brindando su apoyo al expresidente Donald Trump.

Ron comenzó su clip repitiendo muchas posturas conservadoras sobre temas de seguridad fronteriza, decadencia social en las ciudades y adoctrinamiento de los niños por la ideología "progre".

DeSantis dijo que su equipo rezó después de la derrota en Iowa -donde Trump lo aplastó en las cabinas de votación, con más del doble de votos que Ron- y su equipo finalmente se dio cuenta de que no hay nada que incline la carrera a su favor.

En cuanto a la aprobación, reconoció que ha estado en desacuerdo con Tump en el pasado, pero se está poniendo de su lado por el bien del partido, básicamente diciendo que cuatro años más de Joe Biden en la Casa Blanca no es aceptable.

Engancharse al carro del favorito no es nada nuevo en política, forma parte del juego. Y Ron se ha mantenido alejado de Trump durante el período previo a las primarias, a diferencia de Nikki Haley, la última gran oposición a la Donald.


Hablando de Nikki, no es de extrañar que ella no esté recibiendo el apoyo de Ron, no solo terminó tercera en Iowa, muy por detrás de Trump en las encuestas, además se enfrentaron en el último debate republicano y se puso intenso.

Ron dijo que Nikki solo está en esto por lo que sus patrocinadores financieros quieren. Nikki directamente llamó a Ron un mentiroso. Sí, se puso bastante intenso.

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Con otro candidato derribado y las encuestas oscilando salvajemente a favor de Trump te tienes que preguntar, ¿cuánto tiempo más va a pasar hasta que las primarias se conviertan simplemente en formalidades?

Ron DeSantis I Will NOT Be Your Next Prez ... But Trump Should Be

Ron DeSantis is officially out of the presidential race ... and he's not exactly going out on a limb with his endorsement.

The Florida governor posted a four-minute vid to X telling his supporters he's suspending his campaign -- this, just two days before the New Hampshire primary -- and ultimately he's putting his support behind former President Donald Trump.

RD started his clip by repeating many conservative stances on issues -- more border security, social decay in cities, indoctrination of children by woke ideology ... basically the boilerplate message.

DeSantis said his team prayed after the loss in Iowa -- where Trump crushed him at the voting booths, with more than double Ron's vote count -- and his team ultimately realized there's nothing that'll swing the race in their favor.

As for the endorsement ... the 45-year-old acknowledged he's disagreed with DT on policy in the past, but he's putting that aside for the good of the party -- basically saying four more years of Joe Biden in the White House isn't acceptable.

Hitching your wagon to the frontrunner ain't anything new in politics -- it's all part of the game. And RD's stayed away from roasting Trump during the run-up to the primaries ... unlike Nikki Haley, the last major opposition to the Donald.


Speaking of NH, it's not surprising she's not getting Ron's support ... not only did she finish third in Iowa and fall way behind Trump in the polls, but they faced off at the last Republican debate -- and it got a little nasty.

Ron said Nikki's only in it for what her financial backers want ... Nikki straight up called Ron a liar -- yeah, it got pretty intense.

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With another candidate down and the polls swung wildly in Trump's favor ya gotta wonder ... how much longer until the primaries simply become formalities?

Bristol Palin Defends Arming Herself Against Stalkers ... The Law Doesn't Help!!!

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Sarah Palin's eldest daughter, Bristol Palin, has been hounded by stalkers for years -- and after little help from the criminal justice system ... she's taken matters into her own hands.

We talked to Bristol for a new documentary airing Monday at 9 PM ET/8 Central on FOX -- delving into the horrors of famous people who've had to battle obsessed fans ... to the point their lives have been put at risk, including BP here -- whose history with this is well-documented.

The incidents for Bristol date back to the mid-2010s ... and they were all harrowing.

In the years since, Bristol hasn't shied away from the fact that she exercises her 2nd Amendment right to bear arms -- something she touches on here in our sit-down with her.

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Check it out ... she describes the anxiety she lives with in the aftermath of everything she's gone through -- and explains why she feels protecting herself, her home and her family is absolutely essential in her daily life going forward.

Part of the reason she feels she needs to go to these extremes is because the law itself is simply too lenient when it comes to stalking -- and doesn't do enough to deter them.

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We get far more into the topic in the doc itself -- titled 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- and cover more stars who've dealt with this.

The show airs Monday evening on FOX at 9/8c. BTW ... this show launches our "TMZ Investigates" series on Fox Monday nights at 9 PM ET/8 Central.

Bristol Palin Defiende ir armada contra los acosadores... La ley no ayuda

Armada y lista
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La hija mayor de Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, ha sido hostigada por los acosadores durante años, y después de recibir poca ayuda del sistema de justicia penal, ella decidió tomar el asunto por sus propias manos.

Hablamos con Bristol para un nuevo documental que se emitirá el lunes a las 9 PM y 8PM Central en FOX, que profundiza en los horrores de los famosos que han tenido que lidiar con fans que se obsesionan con ellos a tal punto que sus vidas han estado en riesgo, incluyendo el caso de Bristol, cuya historia está bien documentada.

Los incidentes de Bristol se remontan a mediados de la década del 2010, y todos ellos fueron desgarradores.

En los años transcurridos desde entonces, ella no ha rehuido el hecho de que ejerce su derecho de la 2ª Enmienda de portar armas, algo que conversó con nosotros.

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Echa un vistazo al video, en este ella describe la ansiedad con la que vive después de lo que pasó y explica por qué siente que protegerse a sí misma, su hogar y su familia es absolutamente esencial en su vida diaria.

Siente que tiene que llegar a estos extremos en parte porque la ley en sí es simplemente demasiado indulgente cuando se trata de acoso, y no hace lo suficiente para disuadirlos.

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En el documental "TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis", cubrimos mucho más sobre las celebridades que han lidiado con esto.

El programa se emite el lunes en la noche en FOX a las 9 PM ET y 8 Central.

Darez Diggs Stefon Diggs' Brother ... Sued Over Elevator Attack

Darez Diggs -- the brother of NFL superstars Stefon Diggs and Trevon Diggs -- has just been sued over his alleged role in a violent elevator attack last year.

Cristopher Griffith filed the lawsuit against the former XFL player on Tuesday ... alleging Darez and several others beat him up as he was getting off an elevator at his Downtown Los Angeles apartment building on May 29.

Griffith said in the suit the attack left him with pain, suffering and emotional distress. He's also suing Darez for $100,000 in jewelry and other property he claims he had on his person during the incident.

Griffith is suing the owner of the apartment complex for unspecified damages as well.

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The alleged altercation, of course, was captured on video obtained by TMZ Sports. The footage appears to show Darez standing by as two other men kick and punch Griffith inside the lift.


The clip also appears to show the men taking Griffith's jewelry, before leaving the area.

A spokesperson for the LAPD told us on Wednesday authorities are still investigating the matter ... and no arrests have been made.

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Instagram / @stefondiggs

For Darez's part, he's never commented publicly on the situation ... though just weeks after it all happened, he was seen in good spirits while working out at Stefon's youth football camp at the Univ. of Maryland.

Darez Diggs Hermano de Stefan Diggs... Demandado por ataque en ascensor

Darez Diggs, el hermano de las superestrellas de la NFL, Stefon Diggs y Trevon Diggs, acaba de ser demandado por su presunta participación en un violento ataque en un ascensor el año pasado.

Cristopher Griffith presentó la demanda contra el ex jugador de la XFL el martes, alegando que Darez y varios otros lo golpearon cuando salía de un ascensor en su edificio en el centro de Los Ángeles el 29 de mayo.

Griffith dijo en la demanda que el ataque lo dejó con dolor, sufrimiento y angustia emocional. También está demandando a Darez por $100,000 en joyas y otros bienes que afirma que tenía consigo durante el incidente.

Griffith también está demandando al propietario del complejo de apartamentos por daños no especificados.

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El supuesto altercado, por supuesto, fue capturado en un video que obtuvo TMZ Sports. La grabación parece mostrar a Darez de pie mientras otros dos hombres patean y golpean a Griffith dentro del ascensor.

Agresión en el ascensor

El clip también muestra a los hombres tomando las joyas de Griffith, antes de que se fueran del lugar.

Un portavoz de la policía de Los Ángeles nos dijo el miércoles que las autoridades siguen investigando el asunto y no se han hecho arrestos.

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Apoyando a Stefon
Instagram / @stefondiggs

Por parte de Darez, nunca ha comentado públicamente la situación, aunque solo unas semanas después de lo sucedido, fue visto de buen humor mientras se entrenaba con el equipo de fútbol juvenil de Stefon en la Universidad de Maryland.

TMZ TV Recap Alec Baldwin Charged Again ... JT Tunes, Gronk's SB Party

Another week has come and gone at TMZ -- and best believe we covered all the big hits in Hollywood on our shows ... which ran the gamut from serious to downright fun(ny).

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Kicking things off with 'TMZ Live,' we dove right in on the newest Alec Baldwin news -- namely, that he's being recharged in the ongoing 'Rust' criminal case ... from which he was absolved for a while -- that is, until Friday ... when he got with new charges again.

Harvey and Charles were asking the obvious question -- what changed between them dropping the initial charges and this new one ... and they think they have an idea.



Over on the 'TMZ on TV' side of things ... the gang talked about these new hints that Justin Timberlake's dropping new music, and seems to be calling his album a certain title.

We did some digging and pieced together what that may be -- but the larger takeaway here is ... JT needs this one to do it big, 'cause he's kinda been slacking in the hits department.

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Last but not least ... we come to 'TMZ Sports,' where Babcock and Mojo chopped it up with none other than Rob Gronkowski -- who says he's ready to rage ahead of the Super Bowl.

Take a listen to see what his plans are ... and how he's throwing down this year. Also, catch TMZ shows daily on TV ... just check your local listings to see when they're on!!!

Logan Paul System Failed My Late Stalker ... After Apparent Suicide

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Logan Paul was once in the crosshairs of a man who seemed obsessed with him -- and who even broke into his home -- but he didn't realize the man took his own life ... until now.

We sat with the YouTuber-turned-boxer for a conversation about this dark chapter in his life -- namely, back in 2018 when a guy named Tahj Deondre Speight allegedly trespassed by making his way into Logan's house without authorization, which led to a confrontation.

LP ended up detaining Speight -- and he was ultimately arrested, charged, prosecuted and eventually jailed ... but at some point, he died -- and it appears it was via suicide.

Harvey actually broke this news to Logan in our interview ... and it's clear he was not aware of this development -- with the update hitting him hard on the spot. We ask the question ... did the system fail Speight by not getting him the help or resources he needed?

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Logan gives an honest answer, and somewhat surprisingly ... he says he has empathy for the man he once wrestled to the ground. It's an emotional response, and a heartfelt one too.

His full chat is part of a new show called 'TMZ Investigates: Obsessed and Dangerous: Hollywood’s Stalker Crisis' -- the start of a weekly series that hits FOX Monday at 9/8c.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Pennsylvania Murder Mans Kills Neighbor Over Snoring ... Charged With Murder

A Pennsylvania man is dead because his loud snoring kept waking up his fed-up neighbor, who stabbed him to death to get him to stop.

The bizarre, real-life tale began last Sunday evening in Upper Moreland Township, where police responded to the home of Christopher Casey after receiving a 911 call from him to report a stabbing.

When they arrived, the cops discovered Casey's neighbor, Robert Wallace, about 50 feet from the house with two knife wounds in his body. Casey also had been stabbed in the right thigh. Police found blood inside and outside the residence.

Both men were rushed to a local hospital, where Wallace died, and Casey was treated for his non-life-threatening injuries.

Investigators were able to piece together that Wallace went over to Casey's home that night and stepped onto his porch to detach a screen from one of the windows.

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Casey, who was eating dinner, was somehow alerted and confronted Wallace, getting into a heated argument.

During the verbal altercation, Casey produced a military-style knife, plunging the blade into Wallace twice. It was not clear how Casey suffered his wound. Police recovered the knife at the crime scene.

Perhaps the most stunning element of the story came when detectives learned the motive behind the attack ... the neighbors had been involved in an ongoing beef over Casey's loud snoring, which could be heard through a wall shared by their connected homes.

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele said Casey was arrested Thursday and charged with Third-Degree Murder, Voluntary Manslaughter and Possessing an Instrument of Crime. Casey is currently in custody, while being held on $1 million cash bail.