Detienen a Arnold Schwarzenegger en Múnich

Arnold Schwarzenegger es conocido por sus queridos personajes... pero un reloj le causó problemas en un aeropuerto el miércoles y derivó en malos entendidos.

El actor convertido en político fue detenido en el aeropuerto de Munich el miércoles por portar un reloj de lujo "no registrado". El querido actor no puso resistencia y se mostró amable al intentar resolver el asunto.

Fuentes directas dicen que Arnold fue detenido durante tres horas por viajar con un reloj que podría subastar mañana en Austria.

Dicen que a Arnold nunca le pidieron que llenara un formulario de declaración, pero una vez que llegó a la aduana lo abordaron para hacer ciertas preguntas.

El ex campeón de culturismo no hizo un escándalo, estuvo de acuerdo en pagar por adelantado los impuestos potenciales del reloj  —un reloj que ya posee— con el fin de seguir adelante con su día.

Las autoridades trataron de Arnold pagara con tarjeta de crédito, pero el fracaso tras fracaso obligó a los agentes de aduanas para llevar Schwarzenegger a un banco para que pudiera retirar dinero de un cajero automático.

Eso debería haber sido el final de la historia... ¡Excepto que el cajero automático tenía un límite demasiado bajo! Los impuestos terminaron costando $10.613 y el banco estaba cerrado también. El grupo regresó al aeropuerto y otro agente trajo un nuevo cajero automático que funcionaba.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que el reloj todavía es probable que sea subastado mañana para la Iniciativa Climática Schwarzenegger, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a apoyar los esfuerzos de energía limpia en todo el mundo.

Un portavoz de la Oficina Principal de Aduanas de Munich dice que es simple, diciendole a un medio de comunicación local alemán que han iniciado procedimientos penales porque el reloj es una importación que debe permanecer en UE y que tiene que ser declarado.

En cuanto a por qué tardaron tanto, el portavoz explicó que había que revisar el resto del equipaje de Arnie... y eso lleva su tiempo.

Un día agotador en el aeropuerto para Arnold... ¡Casi tanto como cuando intentó conseguir un Turbo Man el día de navidad!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Detained in Munich for 'Unregistered' Watch Hauled Off to ATM to Pay Taxes

Arnold Schwarzenegger's known for his gun-toting characters ... but it was actually a benign watch that caused him problems at an airport Wednesday -- and the aftermath was a freaking mess.

The actor-turned-politician was held at the Munich Airport on Wednesday after trying to take an "unregistered" luxury watch through customs ... the Terminator didn't try to fight his way out of this one ... instead being spotted calmly hanging with customs agents.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... customs detained AS for three hours for traveling with a watch he owns -- one he might auction tomorrow in Austria.

They say Arnold was never asked to fill out a declaration form, but once he got to customs he was hit with what they describe as an "incompetent shakedown."

But, the former bodybuilding champ didn't make a fuss ... agreeing to prepay potential taxes on the watch -- again, a watch he already owns -- in order to get on with his day.

Authorities tried to have Arnold use a credit card machine for an hour ... but failure after failure forced the customs agents to take Schwarzenegger to a bank so he could withdraw cash from an ATM.

That should've been the end of the story ... except the ATM had too low a limit -- the taxes ended up costing AS $10,613 -- and the bank was closed too! The group headed back to the airport, and another officer brought a new, working credit card machine.

Our sources say the watch will still likely be auctioned off tomorrow for the Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative -- a nonprofit dedicated to supporting clean energy efforts worldwide.

A spokesperson for the Munich Main Customs Office says it's simple, telling a local German outlet they've initiated criminal proceedings because the watch is an import staying in the EU -- it has to be declared.


As for why it took so long, the spokesperson explained the rest of Arnie's luggage had to be checked ... and that takes time.

An exhausting day at the airport for Arnold ... filled with more stress than trying to get a Turbo Man action figure!

Pierce Brosnan No tomé las rutas menos transitadas... Se declara inocente de los cargos de senderismo

Pierce Brosnan no está cediendo ante el gobierno federal, pues sigue luchando contra dos cargos por haber caminado en una zona restringida del Parque Nacional de Yellowstone.

El actor ingresó una declaración de no culpabilidad por los dos cargos de senderismo ilegal el 4 de enero, después de que fuera citado por supuestamente deambular en una "delicada" zona de aguas termales en el parque en Wyoming.

El juez accedió a la solicitud de Pierce Brosnan de cancelar su comparecencia inicial ante el tribunal y sostener una conferencia virtual el 20 de febrero.

Como informamos anteriormente, las autoridades citaron a 007 el mes pasado por supuestamente caminar fuera de los senderos cerca de Mammoth Hot Springs el 1 de noviembre, violando varios cierres.

La prueba parece estar en las fotos aquí también. Brosnan parece haber olvidado sus lecciones de espía secreto, pues él mismo posteó fotos donde parece estar fuera de la zona limitada. Él estuvo en Wyoming filmando su nuevo Western "The Unholy Trinity".

Las aguas termales están fuera de los límites de los turistas por una razón. Estas son muy frágiles y pueden tardar años en corregirse si se dañan, por no hablar de las personas que han fallecido por caer en los manantiales hirviendo y llenos de ácido

Colin Nathaniel Scott es solo un ejemplo. Las autoridades creen que se disolvió en las aguas de la piscina, solo ligeramente superiores al pH del ácido del estómago, después de aventurarse fuera del sendero en 2015.

Si es declarado culpable, Pierce podría obtener una multa de 5.000 dólares o incluso, seis meses de tiempo duro.

James Bond puede tener licencia para matar, ¡pero incluso él tiene que cumplir con los senderos designados!

Pierce Brosnan I Didn't Take The Road Less Traveled ... Pleads Not Guilty To Hiking Charges

Pierce Brosnan's not caving to the federal government ... fighting two charges he hiked into a restricted area at Yellowstone National Park.

The actor entered a not guilty plea for two illegal hiking charges on January 4 after he was cited for allegedly wandering into a "delicate" hot springs at the park in Wyoming.

The judge granted PB's request to cancel his initial court appearance and set up a virtual conference for February 20.

As we previously reported ... authorities cited 007 last month for allegedly going off-trail near Mammoth Hot Springs on November 1 -- violating several closures.

The proof seems to be in the pics here too ... Brosnan appears to have forgotten his lessons in spy secrecy, posting photos that look like they're from the off-limits area. He was up in Wyoming filming his new Western "The Unholy Trinity."

The hot springs are off-limits to tourists for a reason ... they're super fragile and can take years to correct if damaged -- not to mention the people who have died from falling into the boiling/acidic springs


Colin Nathaniel Scott is just one example ... authorities think he dissolved in the pool waters -- only slightly higher on the pH scale than stomach acid -- after venturing off-trail in 2015.

If found guilty, Pierce might see a $5,000 fine ... or even six months of hard time.

James Bond might have a license to kill, but even he's gotta stay on the designated trails!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Colts Owner Jim Irsay Found Blue, Unresponsive in December ... OD Suspected, Cops Say


The Colts released a statement on Jim Irsay's health ... saying he is still recovering from his "respiratory illness."

"We will have no further comment on his personal health, and we continue to ask that Jim and his family's privacy be respected."

Jim Irsay was found laying in his bed unresponsive, cold to the touch and gasping for air during a suspected overdose in December ... this according to police in Indiana.

Carmel Police Department documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, show cops were dispatched to Irsay's Carmel residence on Dec. 8 at around 4:30 AM ... after someone said they had found the Indianapolis Colts owner unconscious on a bathroom floor with a blue skin tone.

When police first arrived on the scene, they say Irsay had been moved to his bed ... where he was struggling to breathe and had a weak pulse and constricted pupils.

Police say in the docs an attempt to wake him with a sternum rub was unsuccessful. They added, though, that after administering one dosage of Narcan -- a drug commonly used to revive people in opiate overdose situations -- "he responded slightly."

Cops say they were prepared to attach an AED to Irsay -- but paramedics arrived and "took over lifesaving efforts." Irsay was eventually transported to a nearby hospital via an ambulance.

Officers noted in the documents that a caretaker provided them a list of the medications Irsay had been taking ... though they wrote in the report, "At this time, it is unknown what Mr. Irsay had ingested prior to our arrival." They classified the incident in the docs as both "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

Irsay had not been seen around his Colts' team in the weeks following the incident ... and on Jan. 9, the team announced he'd been dealing with a "severe respiratory illness." The Colts explained in a statement that he would miss a scheduled appearance in Los Angeles with his "Jim Irsay Band" while receiving treatment for the ailment.

"He is receiving excellent care and looks forward to returning to the stage as soon as possible," the Colts said. "We'll have no additional information at this time and we ask that you respect the privacy of Jim and his family as he recovers."

We do not know if Irsay's recent hospitalization is related to the December incident at his home.

Irsay -- who's been the owner of the Colts since 1997 -- said in an interview with Andrea Kremer back in November, he's battled addiction to alcohol and pain pills during his life, requiring at least 15 trips to rehab. He also told Kremer he previously suffered an overdose after he "was trying to detox myself."

"All of a sudden I started slurring my words and then code blue, I stopped breathing," he told Kremer of the OD. "And they revived me, and the doctor goes, 'Jim, you're one lucky man because I had signed, virtually, the death certificate.'"

We've reached out to Irsay, but no word back yet.

Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT

'Rust' Case Armorer Allegedly Offered Leniency If She Explained Real Bullet

The armorer that's being prosecuted in the "Rust" criminal case was reportedly offered an ultimatum of sorts -- tell us how a real bullet made its way on set, or face more charges.

Variety cites emails that it says it's viewed -- which were supposedly sent to Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's legal team back in September from special prosecutor Kari Morrissey ... who's heading up the case after the D.A. recused herself.

According to the outlet -- which cites the emails that were allegedly sent -- Morrissey wrote ... "I feel very strongly she has some notion of how the live rounds came on set."

She adds, "I certainly respect her right not to come forward with that information and to stay silent, however if she were to come forward and answer some of these questions that plague the victims in this case that would go a long way toward getting her a favorable resolution."

Variety says the emails go on to float what Gutierrez-Reed's lawyers perceived as a threat ... "If she chooses not to, while I respect her decision, I will proceed with the additional felony charges we spoke of." Mind you, HGR has already said she doesn't know how a live round got into the gun that was used that day by Alec Baldwin, let alone how it got onto set.

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In response to this offer, her team invoked their client's right against self-incrimination -- and lo and behold ... Gutierrez-Reed was, in fact, hit with more charges shortly thereafter.

She was accused of carrying a gun into a liquor store about 10 days after the shooting ... a 4th-degree felony. Gutierrez-Reed is already facing involuntary manslaughter charges.

Now, her team has filed new docs asking that new charge to be dismissed -- claiming it was filed in retaliation for her not cooperating ... or as he puts it, for not making something up. She's pled not guilty to the charges against her, and has a trial set to start in February.

James Dolan Sued You Trafficked Me to Weinstein!!! So Claims Masseuse

MSG and Knicks owner James Dolan allegedly trafficked a massage therapist to Harvey Weinstein in the 2010s -- and also taking advantage of her himself -- but he's pushing back on her claim as BS.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Dolan is named as a defendant in a suit alleging he partook in outright sex trafficking after taking a young masseuse under his wing between late 2013 and early 2014 ... while he was performing on the road.

The plaintiff, Kellye Croft, claims she was initially hired to be the traveling massage therapist for the Eagles in 2013 ... but after some trouble with the touring staff, she says she ended up meeting Dolan, whose own band was the opening act.

Croft says she opened up to JD about her woes, and afterward, he apparently got involved to alleviate her issues ... and, she alleges he started pushing a sexual relationship with her.

While she doesn't straight up accuse Dolan of sexual assault, Croft does say she felt pressured to engage in sex acts with him ... throughout the rest of the tour.

Fast-forward to January, when Croft claims Irving Azoff's company -- which she says was handling the Eagles tour at the time -- flew her out to California to do more massage work ... only this time, she claims it became clear it was at Dolan's request.

Basically, she alleges Dolan simply wanted her on the road with him for sex -- and during this stint in L.A., she claims she had an ugly run-in with Weinstein ... who she says was good friends with Dolan, and who she alleges sexually assaulted her at a hotel.

Croft claims she actually ran into Weinstein at the hotel where she was staying -- and once he learned she was Dolan's massage therapist, she alleges he tried to rope her into giving one to him right then and there -- which ended in a chase down the hallway.

Croft claims Weinstein pursued her to her room, and pinned her down and sexually assaulted her ... only to be saved by a phone call from Dolan.

Once Weinstein realized Dolan was on the other end, Croft claims he backed off and said to her ... "Well, you know Jim and I are best friends. He’s going to be very disappointed that you led me on, this won’t look good for you." She claims he then left, and it was over.

Afterward, Croft claims she relayed all this to Dolan himself -- and she says he simply brushed it off ... allegedly noting that he and everyone in Weinstein's circle knew he was a "troubled person" who had "serious issues," and that his pals had tried to get him help.

Croft also points out a song she claims Dolan sent to her other associates years after the fact -- with lyrics that she claims nod to the Weinstein scandal that broke in 2017. It's a real song from his band, called "I Should've Known."

Croft says the lyrics -- which touch on a friend who falls from grace -- are actually a reference to Weinstein, but she claims Dolan knew about him for years.

Croft is alleging she was sexually trafficked, claiming Dolan flew her out to L.A. to continue the sexual relationship, and allowed her to be put in the situation with Weinstein ... an allegation which seems to have opened the door for a federal complaint to be filed.  Of course, she wants major damages.

Dolan is calling this entire suit pure fiction, with an attorney for the mogul telling TMZ ... "There is absolutely no merit to any of the allegations against Mr. Dolan. Kellye Croft and James Dolan had a friendship. The references to Harvey Weinstein are simply meant to inflame and appear to be plagiarized from prior cases against Mr. Weinstein."

His lawyer adds, "These claims reflect an act of retaliation by an attorney who has brought multiple cases against Mr. Dolan and has not won, and cannot win, a judgment against him. Mr. Dolan always believed Ms. Croft to be a good person and is surprised she would agree to these claims. Bottom line, this is not a he said/she said matter and there is compelling evidence to back up our position. We look forward to proving that in court."

Weinstein's own attorney, Jennifer Bonjean tells TMZ … "Mr. Weinstein vehemently denies these meritless allegations and looks forward to litigating these claims in court of law where the truth will be revealed."

A rep for Azoff tells us ... "Irving Azoff is not a party to this lawsuit. Neither he nor his companies had any involvement in any alleged misconduct by others."

James Dolan acusado de traficar para Harvey Weinstein en una nueva demanda

El propietario de los Knicks —James Dolan supuestamente traficó a una masajista para Harvey Weinstein en la década de 2010, y además, se aprovechó de ella él mismo. Ahora él niega las afirmaciones.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Dolan es nombrado como acusado en una demanda alegando que participó en el tráfico sexual después de tomar a una joven masajista bajo su ala entre finales de 2013 y principios de 2014 mientras estaba de gira.

La demandante, Kellye Croft, afirma que fue contratada inicialmente para ser la masajista itinerante de los Eagles en 2013, pero después de algunos problemas con el personal de gira, dice que terminó conociendo a Dolan, cuya banda era el acto de apertura.

Croft dice que James le comentó sus dolencias y después, al parecer, quiso que le realizara terapia, sin embargo, ella sostiene que intentó tener relaciones.

Aunque no acusa directamente a Dolan de agresión sexual, Croft dice que se sintió presionada para participar en actos sexuales con él durante el resto de la gira.

En enero, Croft afirma que la compañía de Irving Azoff, que según ella se encargaba de la gira de los Eagles en ese momento, la llevó a California para que hiciera más masajes, pero esta vez, según ella, estaba claro que era a petición de Dolan.

Básicamente, alega que Dolan la quería en la carretera con él para tener sexo, y durante este período en Los Ángeles, ella afirma que tuvo un feo encuentro con Weinstein —quien era buen amigo de Dolan— y alega que la agredió sexualmente en un hotel.

Croft afirma que se encontró con Weinstein en el hotel donde se alojaba y una vez que se enteró de que era la terapeuta de Dolan, ella sostiene que él trató de negociar un masaje ahí mismo, lo cual terminó en una persecución por el pasillo.

Croft afirma que Weinstein la persiguió hasta su habitación, la inmovilizó y trató de violarla, solo para ser salvado por una llamada telefónica de Dolan.

Una vez que Weinstein se dio cuenta de que Dolan estaba al otro lado del teléfono, Croft afirma que retrocedió y le dijo: "Bueno, ya sabes, Jim y yo somos mejores amigos. Va a estar muy decepcionado de que me hayas engañado, esto no se verá bien para ti". Ella afirma que luego se fue y todo se acabó.

Después, Croft afirma que ella le dijo todo esto al propio Dolan, y él le bajó el perfil al asunto, señalando que todo el mundo en el círculo de Weinstein sabía que era una "persona con problemas" y que tenía "problemas graves", incluso que sus amigos habían tratado de conseguirle ayuda.

Lo último que Croft señala en su demanda es una canción que, según ella, Dolan le envió a sus otros socios años después de los hechos, con una letra que, según ella, hace un guiño al escándalo con Weinstein que estalló en 2017. Es una canción real de su banda, llamada "I Should've Known".

Croft dice que la letra —que se trata de un amigo que cae en desgracia— es en realidad una referencia a Weinstein, pero ella afirma que Dolan sabía de él durante años.

Croft está alegando que fue víctima de trata sexual, alegando que Dolan la hizo volar a Los Ángeles para continuar la relación sexual, y la expuso a una situación con Weinstein. Esta alegación que parece haber abierto la puerta a una denuncia federal. Por supuesto, ella va por daños y perjuicios.

Dolan está llamando a toda esta demanda pura ficción, con un abogado del magnate diciendole a TMZ: "No hay absolutamente ningún mérito a cualquiera de las acusaciones contra el Sr. Dolan. Kellye Croft y James Dolan tenían una amistad. Las referencias a Harvey Weinstein están simplemente destinadas a inflamar y parecen plagiadas de casos anteriores contra el Sr. Weinstein".

Su abogado añade: "Estas afirmaciones reflejan un acto de represalia por parte de una abogada que ha presentado múltiples casos contra el Sr. Dolan y no ha ganado, ni puede ganar una sentencia contra él. El Sr. Dolan siempre creyó que la Sra. Croft era una buena persona y le sorprende que haya accedido a estas demandas. En resumidas cuentas, esto no se trata de "la palabra de uno contra la del otro", hay pruebas convincentes para respaldar nuestra posición. Esperamos poder demostrarlo en los tribunales".

La propia abogada de Weinstein, Jennifer Bonjean le dice a TMZ: "El Sr. Weinstein niega vehementemente estas acusaciones sin mérito y espera litigar estas reclamaciones en los tribunales de justicia donde la verdad será revelada".

Un representante de Azoff nos dice: "Irving Azoff no es parte en esta demanda. Ni él ni sus empresas tuvieron nada que ver con la supuesta mala conducta de otros".

Gilgo Beach Case Suspect Rex Heuermann ... Hit with 4th Murder Charge

Rex Heuermann -- the alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer -- has just been hit with a new murder charge ... an expected development, officially rounding out the 4 known victims.

Prosecutors lodged a new murder complaint against Heuermann Tuesday -- accusing him of killing Maureen Brainard-Barnes ... a woman who's long been tied to the Gilgo Beach case, but is now being connected to RH via law enforcement.

Maureen disappeared in 2007, and her remains were found in 2010. She was technically the first of the Gilgo Four that was discovered within days of each other -- with the other three women being Megan Waterman, Amber Costello and Melissa Barthelemy.

Heuermann had already been charged in connection to their murders ... and now, he's being rung up for Brainard-Barnes too -- mind you, there are outstanding women's disappearances that are currently being investigated that may well end up being linked to this.

The added murder charge for Brainard-Barnes was something that seemed to be coming -- investigators were waiting for DNA test results from hair recovered from her remains.

Now, it appears as though they feel they have enough evidence to point the finger. Heuermann has pled not guilty to the charges against him ... he'll have to answer for this one at some point down the line.

His defense lawyers thus far cast doubt on the DNA testing being conducted -- arguing the tech is faulty ... and that it doesn't provide a smoking gun, but simply eliminates other possibilities. Basically, they're saying cops have falsely landed on him as being their guy.

Diddy & Diageo No More Bad-mouthing ... Settled Our Drama!!!

Diddy and alcohol giant Diageo were ensnarled in a nasty legal battle last year -- but that's old news now ... 'cause TMZ can confirm both parties have buried the hatchet.

Both Diddy and Diageo tell TMZ simultaneously ... "Sean Combs and Diageo have now agreed to resolve all disputes between them. Mr. Combs has withdrawn all of his allegations about Diageo and will voluntarily dismiss his lawsuits against Diageo with prejudice."

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The statement continues ... Diageo and Mr. Combs have no ongoing business relationship, either with respect to Cîroc vodka or DeLeón tequila, which Diageo now solely owns."

The Bad Boy music mogul sued the company last year -- accusing them of racism for allegedly neglecting his tequila line, DeLeón Tequila. Diddy claimed Diageo put this booze on the backburner, and alleged there were racist intentions behind it.

Diageo, of course, denied that ... and said they'd tried dealing with this behind closed doors -- but once Diddy opened the legal floodgates, they were ready to defend themselves.

This case has been playing out quietly behind the scenes, but now ... it's suddenly over. Diddy's withdrawing his lawsuit against Diageo -- and while there's no mention of it explicitly ... this certainly smells like a settlement of some sort.

Diddy was seeking billions in damages ... unclear what sort of terms they might've landed on.

Diddy y Diageo No más malas palabras... ¡Arreglado nuestro drama!

Diddy y el gigante del alcohol Diageo se vieron envueltos en una desagradable batalla legal el año pasado, pero eso ya es parte del pasado porque TMZ puede confirmar que ambas partes han decidido enterrar la pelea.

Tanto Diddy como Diageo le dicen a TMZ simultáneamente: "Sean Combs y Diageo han acordado resolver todas las disputas entre ellos. El Sr. Combs ha retirado todas sus acusaciones sobre Diageo y desestimará voluntariamente sus demandas con prejuicio".

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El comunicado continúa: "Diageo y el Sr. Combs no tienen ninguna relación comercial en curso, ni con respecto al vodka Cîroc ni al tequila DeLeón, que ahora Diageo posee exclusivamente".

El magnate de la música Bad Boy demandó a la empresa el año pasado, tras acusarla de racismo por descuidar supuestamente su línea de tequila, DeLeón. Diddy afirmó que Diageo dejó la bebida de lado y alegó que había intenciones racistas detrás de ello.

Diageo, por supuesto, lo negó y dijo que habían tratado de hacer frente a esto a puertas cerradas, pero una vez que Diddy abrió las compuertas legales, estaban dispuestos a defenderse de vuelta.

Este caso se había estado desarrollando en silencio entre bastidores y ahora repentinamente se acabó. Diddy ha retirado su demanda contra Diageo y aunque no se menciona explícitamente, esto sin duda huele a un acuerdo de algún tipo.

Diddy estaba buscando miles de millones en daños y perjuicios. No está claro a qué tipo de términos podrían haber llegado.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Wave of Hate from Nick Supporters ... She Feels It's Unfair!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is getting bombarded with criticism from Nick Godejohn supporters -- it's been going on since she got out of prison, but Gypsy feels the haters aren't giving her a fair shake.

Sources close to Gypsy Rose tell TMZ ... she's been inundated with folks expressing negative feelings toward her, because she's now free -- whereas Nick's serving a life sentence for murdering her mother Dee Dee.

We're told that fact of Gypsy's situation is one over which she feels a lot of guilt to this day.

Still, our sources say Gypsy feels it's not right she's being branded a murderer by some of these overzealous Nick fans ... and the reason for that is because she didn't actually carry out the act of taking her mother's life. Remember, Nick was the one who stabbed Dee Dee, and Gypsy was convicted of second-degree murder -- basically, for masterminding the slaying.

With that in mind, Gypsy also thinks it's strange Nick is getting sympathy from folks who want to see him freed. We're told she believes he enjoyed stabbing her mother 17 times, so the fact he's got a group of backers is sorta ass-backwards.

Remember ... Nick got life in prison without possibility of parole after his conviction for first-degree murder. Gypsy got a 10-year sentence, but was released on parole last month, after more than 8 years of incarceration.

Our sources tell us Gypsy feels like she tried to help Nick in his 2018 trial by testifying she came up with the plan to kill Dee Dee, because it was the only way she could escape her mother's abuse. She feels her testimony was the right thing to do to clear her conscience, and we're told doing so helped her forgive herself.

Now, we're told Gypsy has NO feelings towards Nick ... she doesn't want to communicate with him and she's trying to leave their past behind and move forward with her new life.

Our sources say Gypsy doesn't hate Nick, but she doesn't love him or feel sad for him either -- she just doesn't feel anything for him ... good or bad.

Some of the same folks attacking Gypsy online say Nick should be freed too ... but we're told she feels his punishment fits the crime. Our sources say Nick told Gypsy in text messages, before Dee Dee's murder, he was going to enjoy killing her mom ... and Gypsy feels her ex is a danger to society who needs extreme mental health care while behind bars.

Bottom line ... she's done her time, and Gypsy doesn't understand the continued criticism.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard recibe el odio de los seguidores de Nick Godejohn y lo considera injusto

Gypsy Rose Blanchard ha sido bombardeada por el odio de los partidarios de Nick Godejohn desde su salida de la cárcel y ella siente que está recibiendo un trato injusto.

Fuentes cercanas a Gypsy Rose le dicen a TMZ que ha estado experimentando sentimientos negativos hacia ella desde que fue puesta en libertad. Todo porque ella es la que ha asegurado su libertad, mientras que Nick está cumpliendo una cadena perpetua por asesinar a su madre Dee Dee.

Nos informan que la situación de Gypsy es un hecho por el que se siente muy culpable hasta el día de hoy.

Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que Gypsy siente que no es correcto que esté siendo tildada de asesina por algunos de los fans de Nick, y la razón de ello es que en realidad ella no le quitó la vida de su madre... recordemos que Nick fue quien apuñaló a Dee Dee y Gypsy fue condenada por asesinato en segundo grado, básicamente por ser la autora intelectual del crimen.

Nos dicen que Gypsy también piensa que es extraño, Nick está recibiendo la simpatía de la gente que quiere verlo en libertad. Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella cree que disfrutó de matar y apuñalar 17 veces a su madre, por lo que el hecho de que él tenga un grupo de seguidores es inaudito.

Recordemos que Nick fue declarado culpable de asesinato en primer grado y condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional, mientras que Gypsy fue condenada a 10 años pero salió en libertad condicional tras cumplir 8 años de prisión.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Gypsy siente que trató de ayudar a Nick en su juicio penal de 2018 al testificar que ideó el plan para matar a Dee Dee porque era la única manera de escapar del abuso de su madre y nos dicen que Gypsy siente que su testimonio fue lo correcto en ese momento para limpiar su conciencia, lo que la ayudó a perdonarse a sí misma y seguir adelante.

Ahora, nos dicen Gypsy NO tiene sentimientos hacia Nick... ella no quiere comunicarse con él y ella está tratando de dejar su pasado atrás y seguir adelante con su nueva vida.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Gypsy no odia a Nick, pero no lo ama o se siente triste por él tampoco... ella simplemente no siente nada hacia él, bueno o malo, y punto.

Algunas de las mismas personas que atacan a Gypsy en línea dicen que Nick debería ser liberado también, pero nos dicen que ella siente que su castigo se ajusta al crimen. Nuestras fuentes dicen que Nick le dijo a Gypsy en mensajes de texto antes del asesinato de Dee Dee que iba a disfrutar de matar a su madre y Gypsy siente que su ex es un peligro para la sociedad y necesita atención de salud mental extrema, mientras que está detrás de las rejas.

En pocas palabras... ella ha pagado su condena y Gypsy no entiende las críticas continuas.

Blueface Not Scheduled to Get Outta Jail ... Until Later This Summer!!!

Blueface is behind bars over a probation violation that he got hauled into court over last week -- and now, we’ve learned he ain't due to get out for a while ... months, in fact.

The rapper was making headlines on Friday after officials say he violated one or more of the terms of his probation in his club beatdown assault case here in L.A. from a few years ago.

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On Friday, there was a hearing scheduled in the case citing some type of probation violation ... although it's unclear what exactly he's alleged to have done. BTW, this was just the latest in several probation violation hearings during the case.

Anyway, there was video of him making the rounds online as well ... showing him presumably heading to court. In the clip, Blue said he was just there to handle some business -- although, he did hint at the possibility he might be jailed right on the spot.

As it turns out ... he was. TMZ can confirm Blueface is in custody at the county jail right now -- and according to online records ... he ain't scheduled to be released until the summer.

More specifically, Blueface is not scheduled to be cut loose until July 2, 2024 ... although, with overcrowding in the jail -- it's certainly possible he'll be released sooner than this. No word on which wing of the jail he's being housed in just yet ... it looks like they're still sorting that.

Still ... Blue will likely be out of the public eye for the foreseeable future -- something his mother was decrying on Friday, and also blaming on his baby mamas ... Chrisean and Jaidyn.

She claimed these ladies had brought him nothing but trouble -- a sentiment echoed by Blue's manager, Wack 100, as well. As you well know, he's been very active over the past 12 months on a number of fronts ... and it looks like somewhere along the way, law enforcement saw something they felt violated his probation terms -- and then rang him up for it.

We're still working to figure out what exactly Blue is accused of doing -- and getting clarity on a realistic timeline for his release. Until then, he's locked up.

One last thing ... Blueface is on probation in his Vegas strip club case too, so this situation could possibly trigger a violation of his probation there as well. Not good from his POV.

R. Kelly se opone a una sentencia de 10.5 millones de dólares y dice desconocer la demanda

R. Kelly se defiende de una enorme sentencia en su contra en una demanda que involucra a mujeres que afirmaron haber sido víctimas de él... dice que no sabía de la demanda y no debe ser considerado responsable.

Así es la cosa, seis mujeres recibieron 10.5 millones de dólares en agosto después de demandarlo a él y a su ex gerente, Donnell Russell, alegando que eran responsables de un esfuerzo por cerrar una proyección de diciembre de 2018 en Nueva York de la docuserie "Surviving R. Kelly" con una amenaza de tiroteo masivo.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kelly afirma que se habría defendido de la demanda si hubiera sabido sobre el asunto.

El cantante en desgracia afirma que su cabeza ya está dando vueltas sobre sus diversos casos penales y procesamientos y que ha sido demandado tantas veces últimamente que apenas puede mantenerse al día con todo desde su celda de la prisión en Carolina del Norte.

Kelly también afirma que también ha barajado los equipos legales desde que fue encerrado y dice que esta demanda debe haber deslizado a través de las grietas, o no han sido entregados a él detrás de las rejas en absoluto.

Aun si hubiese recibido la demanda, Kelly dice que no sería capaz de entenderla o distinguirla de cualquier otro documento legal, diciendo que confía en sus abogados para que le expliquen las cosas porque "no puedo leer o entender palabras más allá de la de un niño de primaria".

Lo que es más, Kelly afirma que Donnell nunca fue su manager como la demanda afirmó y dice que no tenía ni idea de que Russell estaba tratando de detener la proyección de "Surviving".

Kelly dice que no le pidió a Donnell que lo hiciera y dice que si Russell hizo una amenaza de tiroteo para detener la proyección, "lo hizo por sus propias razones."

Todavía está la pregunta de si las mujeres verán un centavo de la sentencia de $10.5 millones, pero está claro Kelly no cree que él sea responsable.

R. Kelly Pushes Back Against $10.5M Lawsuit ... I'm Not Responsible!!!

R. Kelly is firing back against a huge judgment leveled against him in a lawsuit involving women who claimed they were victimized by him ... he says he didn't know about the suit and shouldn't be held accountable.

Here's the deal ... six women were awarded $10.5 million in August after suing him and his former manager, Donnell Russell, claiming they were responsible for an effort to shut down a December 2018 NYC screening of the 'Surviving R. Kelly' docuseries with a mass shooting threat.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kelly claims he would have defended himself against the lawsuit if he knew about the darn thing.

The disgraced singer claims his head is already spinning over his various criminal cases and prosecutions ... and he's been sued so many times lately he can hardly keep up with it all from his prison cell in North Carolina.

Kelly also claims he's also shuffled legal teams since being locked up ... and he says this lawsuit must have slipped through the cracks, or not have been delivered to him behind bars at all.

Even if the lawsuit had been received, Kelly says he wouldn't be able to understand it or distinguish it from any other legal documents ... saying he relies on his lawyers to explain things to him because "I cannot read or understand words beyond that of a grade schooler."

What's more, Kelly claims Donnell was never his manager as the lawsuit claimed ... and he says he had no idea Russell was trying to stop the 'Surviving' screening.

Kelly says he didn't ask Donnell to do so and says if Russell did make a mass shooting threat to stop the screening, "he did that for his own reasons."

There's still a question if the women will see a dime of the $10.5 million judgment ... but it’s clear Kelly doesn’t think he’s responsible for this one.