Food Network's Darnell Ferguson 'SuperChef' Allegedly Attacked Estranged Wife ... New Court Docs Claim


11:00 AM PT -- TMZ has obtained legal docs spelling out what allegedly happened and when as it pertains to the 'SuperChef's arrest ... and what we've discovered are very disturbing accusations.

Per the arrest warrant, Darnell Ferguson's estranged wife called 911 to report he'd broken into her Louisville home on Jan. 2, and proceeded to allegedly attack her. The alleged victim claims once Ferguson was inside, he started punching walls and eventually lunged at her and grabbed her by the neck ... allegedly choking her out and threatening to kill her.

She told police she eventually lost consciousness, and when she came to ... she claims Ferguson then ripped off her shorts and demanded to see her privates. His estranged wife alleges he then said she was his and nobody else's ... making her fear he'd sexually assault her.

In the end, it doesn't sound like that occurred ... because the woman told cops he left, but not before allegedly snatching her credit/debit cards and ID. Law enforcement says they observed visible injuries on her, which they say was enough to warrant the charges.

Ferguson has already been arraigned, and he's pleaded not guilty -- with his bond set at $10,000.

Darnell "SuperChef" Ferguson cooked up his own arrest in Kentucky ... getting hit with a slew of serious offenses.

Ferguson was booked into the Louisville Metro jail on Tuesday afternoon on two felonies – burglary and strangulation, a rep for the correctional facility told TMZ.

He also faces five misdemeanors – assault, menacing, criminal mischief, terroristic threatening and theft receipt of stolen credit and debit card.

We don't know yet the circumstances surrounding his legal troubles, but we've reached out to the Louisville Metro PD for answers.

According to his profile on the Food Network website, Ferguson is a "celebrity chef, restauranteur and entrepreneur" who currently hosts "Superchef Grudge Match" and shares recipes and videos on their social media.

He has appeared on three seasons of Guy Fieri's "Tournament of Champions," which pits the world's culinary masters against one another in cooking competitions.


Ferguson has also popped up on two other cooking shows on the OWN network -- "The Big Holiday Food Fight" and "Food Fantasies."

Originally Published -- 5:43 AM PT

Israel Adesanya Hit With 6-Month Driving Ban, Fine ... In New Zealand DUI Case

Israel Adesanya was just punished for his DUI in New Zealand ... but he left the courtroom apparently in a good mood -- 'cause things could've been a whole lot worse for the UFC star.

The 34-year-old fighter appeared in Auckland District Court on Wednesday morning regarding allegations that he had driven drunk in the city back on Aug. 19.

Police said that after stopping Adesanya, he told them he had two cocktails before getting behind the wheel. Cops added he had a blood alcohol reading of 87 milligrams per 100 millilitres -- well over the legal limit of 50 milligrams per 100 millilitres.

He was facing a punishment of up to three months behind bars for it. But, he and his attorney asked for a lighter sentence.

Adesanya's lawyer claimed a conviction in the case would affect his sponsorship deals -- potentially costing him six figures. He also argued that a conviction could prevent Adesanya from traveling to Canada for UFC 297 later this month.

Fortunately for Adesanya, the judge did appear to go easy on him -- as according to, he opted not to convict the former champ. But, he did hit The Stylebender with a six-month driving ban and a $1,500 fine.

Adesanya had previously apologized for his role in the case ... saying in a statement, "I am disappointed with my decision to drive. It was wrong. I know that people might follow me and I want them to know I do not think this behaviour is acceptable."

Adesanya is now expected to be free and clear to be Octagon-side when Sean Strickland and Dricus Du Plessis fight on Jan. 20 in Toronto.

Acusan al ex marido de Lauren Boebert de pelearse con su hijo y provocar el caos en un bar


11:33 AM PT -- La policía de Silt dice que no encontraron pruebas creíbles de violencia doméstica contra la diputada Boebert en su investigación sobre el altercado del sábado en Miner's Claim, Colorado.

El departamento dio a conocer los resultados de sus hallazgos el miércoles y básicamente están señalando a Jayson, diciendo que Lauren fue cooperativa y servicial esa noche, mientras que él estaba "altamente intoxicado, gritandole a los oficiales y no cooperó con la investigación".

Dicen que están cerrando el asunto por falta de pruebas de violencia doméstica contra Lauren y van a dejar que la oficina del Fiscal se haga cargo de todo lo demás que se le acusa a Jayson.

TMZ ha obtenido las órdenes de detención emitidas contra el ex marido de Lauren Boebert, las cuales describen dos incidentes diferentes que pintan a Jayson como alguien fuera de control.

En los documentos del altercado del sábado por la noche entre la congresista y su ex —obtenido por TMZ— los oficiales dicen que recibieron una llamada denunciando violencia doméstica, solo para recibir otra llamada de Boebert... en el despacho destacaron algunas partes como: "Acabo de tocar tu nariz" y Jayson gritando: "Ella me dio un puñetazo en la cara".

Finalmente, cuando los oficiales llegaron, dicen que se encontraron con Lauren y Jayson en el exterior del restaurante Miner's Claim, donde determinaron que Lauren y Jayson habían llegado allí para arreglar las cosas y discutir el futuro de su relación. Boebert es citado en los documentos diciendo que estaban tratando de llegar a buenos términos, pero las cosas se pusieron feas.

Por la razón que sea, los policías dicen que las cosas parecen haberse puesto físicas. Jayson estaba reclamando que Lauren le dio un puñetazo en la cara, Lauren dijo que simplemente lo tocó con el dedo. Los policías dicen que Jayson comenzó a actuar bulliciosamente y se negó a permanecer quieto y seguir las órdenes, supuestamente exigiendo más bebida y negándose a abandonar el lugar cuando el manager se lo exigió.

Después de un montón de idas y venidas, los documentos dicen Jayson finalmente tuvo que ser "escoltado físicamente fuera del lugar" e incluso trató de detener a los oficiales "agarrando el marco de la puerta." Esa noche no fue detenido por lo sucedido, ni tampoco Lauren. Una orden de detención por separado fue emitida por otro presunto incidente.

lo que realmente está pasando

La Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Garfield dice que recibieron una llamada del hijo de Luren y Jason de 18 años de edad —Tyler— para informar de algún tipo de altercado físico relacionado con su padre.

En pocas palabras, Tyler alegó que Jayson estaba en su casa familiar y se enojó porque Tyler tenía a su bebé durmiendo en un cesto de la ropa con la ropa en ella, esto supuestamente estalló en una pelea entre padre e hijo, con Tyler diciendo que Jayson metió su pulgar en la boca.

Tyler también afirma que Jayson agarró un rifle y Tyler finalmente llamó a su madre —Lauren— quien le dijo que llamara al 911. Cuando Tyler les dijo lo que pasó, los oficiales fueron capaces de obtener una orden de arresto contra Jayson por uso prohibido de un arma, acoso y asalto en tercer grado.

Hemos llegado a la oficina de Boebert para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 10:36 AM PT

Rep. Lauren Boebert Ex Accused of Fighting Son, Causing Chaos ... New Mug Shot Released


11:33 AM PT -- Silt PD is now saying they found no credible evidence of DV against Rep. Lauren Boebert in their investigation of Saturday's altercation at Miner's Claim in Colorado.

The department released the results of their findings Wednesday, and are basically pointing the finger at Jayson here -- saying Lauren was cooperative and helpful that night, whereas they claim Jayson was "highly intoxicated, yelling at officers, and was uncooperative with the investigation."

They say due to the lack of evidence of domestic violence against Lauren, they're closing the matter ... and letting the D.A.'s office deal with Jayson on everything else he's accused of.

TMZ has obtained the arrest warrants issued for Lauren Boebert's ex-husband -- describing two different alleged incidents over the course of a few days that paint Jayson as pretty out of control ... at least according to law enforcement.

First, in the docs pertaining to Saturday evening's altercation between the Congresswoman and her ex -- obtained by TMZ -- cops say they got a call for potential DV, only to then get another call from Boebert herself ... which dispatch says featured LB saying "I just touched your nose" and Jayson yelling, "She punched me in the face."

Eventually when officers arrived, they say they ran into Lauren and Jayson on the outside the Miner's Claim restaurant in Silt, Co -- where they determined Lauren and Jayson had come there to hash things out and discuss the future of their relationship. Boebert is quoted in the docs as saying they were trying to get on good terms, but things got ugly.

For whatever reason, cops say things appear to have gotten physical -- Jayson was claiming Lauren punched him in the face, Lauren said it was nothing but a touch with her finger. As they were trying to go back and forth and collect info from them and witnesses, cops say Jayson started acting boisterously and refused to stay put and follow commands -- allegedly demanding more booze and refusing to leave the joint when he was asked by management.

After a lot of back and forth, the docs say Jayson had to eventually be "physically escorted off the premise" and even tried to stop officers "by grabbing the door frame." He was not arrested that evening over whatever happened, and neither was Lauren. Fast-forward to Tuesday, and a separate arrest warrant was issued over another alleged incident.


The Garfield County Sheriff's Office says they got a call from Lauren and Jayson's 18-year-old son, Tyler, to report some kind of physical altercation Tyler claims occurred with his dad.

Long story short, Tyler alleged that Jayson was at their family home and got pissed because Tyler had his baby sleeping in a laundry basket with clothes in it, which allegedly erupted into a brawl between father and son, with Tyler saying Jayson stuck his thumb in his mouth.

Tyler also claims Jayson grabbed a rifle at one point, and Tyler eventually called his mom, Lauren, who told him to call 911 ... and when Tyler told them what happened, officers were able to get an arrest warrant for Jayson for prohibited use of a weapon, harassment, and assault in the third degree.

We've reached out to Boebert's office for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:36 AM PT

Hunter Biden Labeled 'Epitome Of White Privilege' ... In Congressional Hearing

the whitest of the white!!!

Hunter Biden's causing chaos in Congress ... with Republicans and Democrats at each other's throats over a "white privilege" jab aimed at President Biden's son.

Hunter made a surprise appearance Wednesday on Capitol Hill, strolling into a hearing where lawmakers were starting the process of holding him in criminal contempt of Congress ... and his presence caused quite the stir.

South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace quickly took aim at Hunter, saying ... "You are the epitome of white privilege, coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a Congressional subpoena to be deposed, what are you afraid of?

Nancy didn't stop there, adding ... "You have no balls to come up here."

Hunter sat quietly as chaos ensued with lawmakers yelling over one another before order was somewhat restored.


Soon after, Hunter left the room and the attention followed ... but the "white privilege" remark left a mark ... at least with Rep. Jasmine Crockett, who said it was a "spit in the face" as a Black woman. Jasmine ripped into Nancy and the GOP, saying if anyone is the epitome of white privilege it's them.

BTW, there was even more chaos once Hunter abruptly left the room ... he was being followed by a massive crush of reporters -- a couple of whom asked him about his prior drug use, particularly as it pertains to crack. Check it out ... it's absolutely wild.

Fox News

And yes, everyone seems triggered here.

Kanye West Es demandado por agresión y lesiones... Por un hombre que quería un autógrafo

Kanye West está siendo demandado por asalto y agresión, después de supuestamente golpear a una persona que quería un autógrafo en 2022.

Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Ye está siendo llevado a los tribunales por un comerciante de autógrafos que dice que todo sucedió en el centro de L.A. hace casi 2 años. Como recordarán, un video posterior al presunto ataque mostraba al hombre en el suelo.

La persona afirma que Ye se enfureció con él y le gritó: "Voy a dar un maldito ejemplo contigo", mientras se refería a su divorcio con Kim Kardashian, antes de golpearlo.

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Ye pierde los estribos

Dice que le pidió una disculpa a Ye, a lo que el rapero respondió: "¿Disculpa por qué?". Luego, supuestamente lo golpeó de nuevo varias veces y "lo hirió gravemente".

Afirma que una de las personas que estaba con Kanye le dijo que parara, pero Ye comenzó a gritarles y les exigió que "fueran a la p*** casa y agarraran a sus p*** hijos".

El hombre está demandando por daños y perjuicios, alegando que es víctima de asalto y agresión y ha sufrido angustia emocional.

Su esposa también está demandando por una pérdida de consorcio (una ley de California sobre la pérdida del cuidado o afecto debido a lesiones causadas por un otro), diciendo esencialmente que perdió la compañía de su marido como resultado del incidente con Ye.

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Como informamos, un video separado de esa noche muestra a Kanye enfurecido mientras se va de un estudio de grabación en Hollywood y grita sobre 2 mujeres que pueden haber estado con él durante el incidente en el centro.

Nuestras fuentes nos dijeron que el hombre terminó siendo revisado en un centro de urgencias después de la supuesta paliza y que la policía de Los Ángeles estaba investigando.

Kanye West Sued For Assault & Battery ... By Man Seeking Autograph

Kanye West is gettin' sued for assault and battery ... this after allegedly striking an autograph seeker back in 2022.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Ye is being taken to court by an autograph dealer who says it all went down in DTLA almost 2 years ago -- as you'll recall, video from just after the alleged attack showed the man on the ground.

He claims Ye went ballistic on him, allegedly shouting ... "I'm going to make a f***ing example of you," while referencing his divorce from Kim Kardashian -- before hitting him.

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He says he asked Ye for an apology, only for the rapper to reply, "Apology for what?" ... before allegedly striking him again multiple times and "severely injuring him."

He claims one of the people with Kanye told him to stop the attack, but Ye started shouting at them, and demanded they "go to the f***ing house and get my f***ing kids."

The man is suing for damages, claiming he's a victim of assault and battery and has suffered emotional distress.

His wife is also suing for a loss of consortium -- essentially saying she lost the companionship of her husband as a result of the incident with Ye.

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As we reported, a separate vid from that night showed Kanye enraged leaving a recording studio in Hollywood, shouting about 2 women who may have been with him during the downtown incident.


Our sources told us the man ended up getting checked out at an urgent care after the alleged beatdown and that LAPD was investigating.

Presentador de Food Network, Arrestado por estrangulamiento, robo... Y otros delitos menores

Darnell "SuperChef" Ferguson está preparando su propia detención en Kentucky, tras ser golpeado por una serie de delitos graves.

Ferguson fue reservado en la cárcel de Louisville Metro en la tarde del martes por dos delitos graves, robo y estrangulamiento, le dijo un representante de la institución a TMZ.

También se enfrenta a cinco delitos menores, de asalto, amenazas, daños criminales, amenazas terroristas y la recepción de robo de crédito robado y tarjeta de débito.

No sabemos todavía las circunstancias que rodean sus problemas legales, pero nos hemos puesto en contacto con la policía metropolitana de Louisville para obtener respuestas.

Según su perfil en el sitio web de Food Network, Ferguson es un "célebre chef, dueño de restaurantes y empresario" que actualmente presenta "Superchef Grudge Match" y comparte recetas y videos en sus redes sociales.

Ha aparecido en tres temporadas del "Tournament of Champions" de Guy Fieri, que enfrenta a los maestros culinarios del mundo en competencias de cocina.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

Ferguson también ha aparecido en otros dos programas de cocina de la cadena OWN: "The Big Holiday Food Fight" y "Food Fantasies".

David Grusch habla de las consecuencias de sus reveladoras afirmaciones

corbell_kal JANUARY 2024
diciendo la verdad

David Grusch está hablando acerca de las secuelas y la campaña de desprestigio que se ha erguido para desacreditar sus alegaciones en la histórica audiencia de julio de 2023 en nuestro especial de tres partes "TMZ Presenta: Revolución OVNI".

Grusch le dice al cineasta y periodista Jeremy Corbell que no se arrepiente de su testimonio en Washington DC, luego de afirmar que los EE.UU. poseía "restos biológicos no humanos" recuperados de naves estrelladas.

Le dice a Corbell que sus esfuerzos para obtener la verdad han sido lentos y constantes,  aunque ahora es parte de algunas acciones del Congreso detrás de las escenas.

Corbell dice que Grusch diciéndole al mundo que los ovnis son reales es un signo de los tiempos, porque el público en general está harto de que le mientan sobre su presencia en el planeta Tierra.

TMZ Studios

Puedes escuchar el relato completo de Grusch después del Congreso en la segunda parte de "TMZ Presenta: UFO Revolution", ya disponible en Tubi.

La tercera parte de este bombazo se publicará el jueves.

UFO WHISTLEBLOWER DAVID GRUSCH Congress 'Slow & Steady' After My Testimony ... More to Come in 'TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution'

corbell_kal JANUARY 2024

UFO whistleblower David Grusch is speaking out about the smear campaign used to discredit the allegations he made before Congress in his landmark July 2023 hearing ... part of our 3-part event, "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution."

Grusch tells filmmaker and journalist Jeremy Corbell that despite pushback, he has no regrets over his testimony in D.C. ... where he claimed the U.S. military is holding 'non-human biologics' recovered from crashed crafts.

He says his efforts to get the truth out there have been slow and steady, telling Corbell Congress has been responding, behind the scenes, to some of the issues raised during his testimony.

Corbell says Grusch coming forward to tell the world UFOs are real is a sign of the times ... because the general public is sick of being lied to about their presence in U.S. airspace, and around the planet.

TMZ Studios

You can hear Grusch's full post-Congress account in Part 2 of "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution" available now on Tubi -- and part 3 of our eye-opening investigation event drops Thursday.

MLB's Julio Urias L.A. D.A. Rejects Felony Charge ... Over Alleged DV Incident

Julio Urias will NOT face a felony charge for the alleged physical altercation involving his wife at a soccer game in September, TMZ Sports has learned ... with the L.A. District Attorney rejecting the case, concluding the incident didn't warrant such a serious charge.

Although it's good news for the 27-year-old pitcher, it doesn't mean he's fully in the clear ... the D.A. will now send the case to the City Attorney, who could opt to file a misdemeanor charge.

Our sources tell us after law enforcement's investigation, they believe Julio was in a verbal altercation with his wife that turned physical ... but because of Urias' lack of criminal record and other factors, the D.A.'s office doesn't believe it rises to the level of a felony. Thus the rejection.

Remember, Urias allegedly roughed up his wife Daisy after an LAFC vs. Inter Miami soccer game on September 3, when the couple went to BMO Stadium to watch Lionel Messi.

Julio was arrested at the scene for felony domestic violence. He was taken to jail before posting $50k bond.

The L.A. Dodgers, Urias' team since breaking into the Majors in 2016, almost immediately distanced themselves from the soon-to-be free agent, cleaning out his locker and wiping his images from Dodger Stadium.

Major League Baseball also placed him on administrative leave a few days after the alleged incident.

Urias is currently a free agent ... and his status with MLB is still in flux, though the D.A.'s decision could represent a step towards signing with a new team.

Of course, it's not the first time Julio has faced allegations of domestic violence.

The World Series champ agreed to participate in a diversion program in 2019 after he was accused of pushing a woman at a popular L.A. mall. Urias was not convicted, nor tried, in that case.

Story developing ...



1:41 PM PT -- Martell Holt's publicist, Jonell Whitt tells TMZ ... "We would like to issue an official statement regarding the recent allegations against Martell Holt concerning harassment text messages to his accuser dating back to August 2022. It is with great concern that we address these accusations. Martell Holt adamantly denies any intentional harm or harassment towards the Accuser.  We believe that these allegations are the result of a misunderstanding, and we are confident that the legal process will ultimately vindicate Mr. Holt. Martell remains committed to being a devoted father and maintaining a positive and healthy co-parenting relationship with Ms. Rodgers and Ms. Curry for the well-being of their children. Despite the challenges presented, Martell will continue to focus on his role as a responsible parent and contribute positively to his community. We urge the public and media to approach this matter with fairness and sensitivity, considering the impact such allegations can have on individuals and their families. We are confident that, as the legal proceedings unfold, the truth will emerge, and Martell Holt will be exonerated. We appreciate your understanding and respect for Martell's privacy during this challenging time."

Reality TV star Martell Holt is in police custody in Alabama, where he's been arrested on a misdemeanor domestic violence charge.

Martell, famous for starring in OWN's "Love & Marriage: Huntsville," was busted Tuesday afternoon in Madison County for third-degree domestic violence for allegedly sending harassing communications ... according to online records.

The Huntsville Police Department, the arresting agency, tells TMZ ... this is a misdemeanor arrest from a warrant.

In addition to starring in 57 episodes on "Love & Marriage: Huntsville," Martell is also known for dating 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' star Shereé Whitfield.

072522-sheree-whitfield-martell-holt-kal July 2022

Martell and Sheree had a thing back in 2022 after meeting through mutual friends but they're no longer together, breaking up last summer.

Martell's born and raised in Huntsville ... staying home to go to college at Alabama A&M University, graduating in 2008 before becoming an entrepreneur.

No further details are available at this time ... but it's worth noting Martell is divorced with five children.

We reached out to Martell's camp ... so far no word back.

La hija de Coretta Scott King parece disparar contra Jonathan Majors

La hija de Coretta Scott King parece estar atacando a Jonathan Majors después de que el actor mencionara a la viuda del Dr. Martin Luther King en su primera entrevista desde que fue declarado culpable de agresión y acoso.

La Dra. Bernice King, hija menor de Coretta y MLK, parece haber arremetido contra Jonathan en una publicación en las redes sociales el martes, diciendo: "Mi madre no era un accesorio".

siguiendo el ejemplo

Recordemos que el juicio por agresión de Jonathan incluyó un audio de él diciéndole a su ex novia Grace Jabbari —la que fue condenado por agredir y acosar— que fuera más como Coretta y Michelle Obama mientras declaraba: "Soy un gran hombre".

Majors volvió a invocar el nombre de Coretta en una entrevista con ABC —que se emitió el lunes— para elogiar el apoyo inquebrantable de su novia Meagan Good durante el juicio.

Jonathan le dijo de Megan: "Ella es un ángel, me ha sostenido como una Coretta. Estoy tan bendecido de tenerla".

Ha habido una tonelada de reacciones en línea acerca de Jonathan usando el nombre de Coretta de nuevo, y mientras Bernice no lo está llamando por su nombre, parece bastante claro que es a él a quien se están refiriendo aquí.

Bernice dice que su madre "era una defensora de la paz antes de conocer a mi padre y fue fundamental para que él hablara en contra de la guerra de Vietnam" y añade: "Por favor, entiendan, mi mamá era una fuerza de la naturaleza".

El momento de la supuesta pelea también es digno de mención... el próximo lunes la nación celebrará el Día de Martin Luther King.

Jason Momoa y Lisa Bonet resuelven su divorcio un día después de presentarlo

Jason Momoa y Lisa Bonet parecen haber tenido su divorcio resuelto antes de ir a la corte, porque solo un día después, ¡todo el asunto está oficialmente resuelto!

Ya se ha dictado sentencia en el caso de divorcio de la ex pareja - que, de nuevo, acaba de comenzar oficialmente cuando Lisa presentó ayer una demanda de disolución del matrimonio. De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, todo está envuelto en un bonito y limpio lazo.

Según el acuerdo, todo, desde la custodia de sus 2 hijos, manutención de los hijos, manutención del cónyuge y casi todo lo demás fue negociado en privado.

El papeleo señala que JM y LB compartirán la custodia física y compartida de sus hijos, Lola y Nakoa, y compartirán los gastos de manutención de los niños sin ningún pago formal de manutención infantil.

Lisa y Jason también han renunciado a sus derechos a recibir manutención conyugal. Ambos están cargados - así que tal vez esto no es tan sorprendente tampoco.

Lo interesante acerca de esto es que Lisa y Jason no estarían técnicamente solteros —al menos ante los ojos de la ley— hasta julio de este año, cuando los documentos dicen que su estado de soltero será oficialmente restaurado.

El anuncio de su separación hace dos años fue impactante, pero enterarse de que habían estado separados desde 2020 fue aún más sorprendente. Suena como si hubieran estado tramando un plan de salida entre ellos desde hace un tiempo, porque este es uno de los divorcios más rápidos de la historia.

Coretta Scott King's Daughter Taking Shot At Jonathan Majors?!? 'My Mother Wasn't A Prop'

Coretta Scott King's daughter appears to be taking a swipe at Jonathan Majors after the actor name-dropped Dr. Martin Luther King's widow in his first interview since being found guilty of assault and harassment.

Dr. Bernice King, Coretta and MLK's youngest daughter, seemingly slammed Jonathan in a social media post Tuesday, saying ... "My mother wasn't a prop."


Remember ... Jonathan's assault trial included audio of him telling his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari -- the one he was convicted of assaulting and harassing -- to be more like Coretta and Michelle Obama while declaring, "I'm a great man."

Majors again invoked Coretta's name in an interview with ABC -- which aired Monday -- in praise of girlfriend Meagan Good's unwavering support during the trial.

Jonathan said of Meagan ... "She's an angel ... she's held me down like a Coretta. I'm so blessed to have her."

There's been a ton of backlash online about Jonathan using Coretta's name again ... and while Bernice is not calling him out by name, it seems pretty clear he's who she's targeting here.

Bernice says her mother "was a peace advocate before she met my father and was instrumental in him speaking out against the Vietnam War" ... and adds, "Please understand…my mama was a force."


The timing of the supposed beef is noteworthy too ... next Monday the nation will observe Martin Luther King Day.

Carmen Electra solicita un cambio legal de nombre

Carmen Electra quiere ser conocida por un nombre diferente, aunque en realidad es uno con el que probablemente está muy familiarizado.

La actriz y modelo acaba de presentar documentos legales (obtenidos por TMZ) señalandole a un tribunal que ella quiere que su nombre de nacimiento -Tara Leigh Patrick- vuelva a ser cambiado formalmente a Carmen Electra. De hecho, parece que ella quiere que su nombre artístico sea su nombre real, en los documentos del gobierno y todo.

No hay nada más realmente digno de mención en el papeleo, aparte del hecho de que presentó esto justo antes del Año Nuevo, el 29 de diciembre de 2023. Suena como que quería empezar 2024 como nueva.

No hay indicios de que se le haya concedido el cambio de nombre, pero estas cosas suelen ser rápidas y sencillas. Pronto será conocida como Carmen.

Por supuesto, así es como ya la conoce todo el mundo, sobre todo como estrella. La sexy celebridad lleva llamándose Carmen desde principios de los 90, cuando irrumpió en escena a través de "Baywatch". También se ha casado varias veces, pero nunca ha adoptado los apellidos de sus maridos.

¿qué está pasando?

Sus padres son Patricia y Harry Patrick y hay que preguntarse, ¿cómo se sentirán acerca de esto? No está claro por qué Carmen está haciendo los cambios ahora, nos hemos puesto en contacto pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

En cualquier caso... Carmen Electra es el nombre que va a quedar en la historia.