Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet Settle Divorce ... Just a Day After Filing!!!

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet appear to have had their divorce all figured out before they went to court -- 'cause just one day later ... the whole matter is officially settled!

A judgment has already been entered in the former couple's divorce case -- which, again, just officially started when Lisa filed for a dissolution of marriage yesterday. According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, everything's wrapped up in a nice and neat little bow.

Per the settlement, everything from custody of their 2 kids, child support, spousal support and just about everything else was hashed out privately.

The paperwork notes that JM and LB will share joint and physical custody of their children, Lola and Nakoa, and they'll share the living expenses of the kids without any formal child support payments.

Lisa and Jason have also waived their rights to receive spousal support. They're both loaded -- so maybe this isn't all that surprising either.


The one thing that's somewhat interesting about this is that Lisa and Jason won't technically be single -- at least in the eyes of the law -- until July of this year when the docs say their single status will officially be restored.

Their split announcement 2 years ago was shocking -- but learning they'd been separated since 2022 was even more surprising. Sounds like they've been hatching an exit plan among themselves for a little while now ... 'cause this is one of the fastest divorces ever.

Carmen Electra Files to Legally Change Name

Carmen Electra wants to be known by a different name -- although, it's actually one you're probably very familiar with.

The actress/model just filed legal docs, obtained by TMZ, signaling to a court that she wants her birthname -- Tara Leigh Patrick -- to be formally changed to ... Carmen Electra. Indeed, it looks like she wants her stage name to be her real name, on government docs and all.

There's nothing else really noteworthy in the paperwork, other than the fact she filed this just before the New Year ... on Dec. 29, 2023. Sounds like she wanted to start 2024 fresh.

There's no indication her request for the name change has been granted -- but these things are usually pretty quick and easy. Soon enough, she's going to be known as Carmen.

Of course, this is how society already knows her -- especially as a star. CM has been going by Carmen since the early '90s, when she first splashed onto the scene via 'Baywatch,' etc. She's been married a few times too, BTW, but never assumed the surnames of her hubbies.


Unclear why Carmen's doing this now -- we've reached out ... so far no word back.

In any case ... meet Carmen Electra, everyone!


Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre claims she was sex trafficked to billionaire Les Wexner on multiple occasions ... according to newly unsealed court documents.

The explosive claim is from Giuffre's deposition from a 2015 lawsuit that involved allegations against Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell ... in the deposition transcript, obtained by TMZ, Giuffre claims she had sex with Wexner several times and estimates it possibly happened more than 5 times.

Wexner is the former CEO of Victoria's Secret and in 1987 he hired Epstein to work as his financial manager, with Wexner granting JE power of attorney over his massive fortune.

Also in the deposition, Giuffre says she wore different types of lingerie for Wexner, adding it was Maxwell who set it up and it wasn't Wexner's request.

Asked specifically if it was Victoria's Secret, Giuffre said she didn't recall the exact brand.

Giuffre also claims she met Bill Clinton twice and Al Gore once via Epstein ... but doesn't say she had sex with them.

Wexner has not been charged with any crimes relating to Epstein and Maxwell. After Epstein's 2019 arrest, Wexner claimed he severed ties with JE in 2007 and denied knowledge of Epstein's crimes.

The Epstein drops have continued this week ... and more and more names are being mentioned in the ongoing doc dumps.

La demandante de Jeffrey Epstein afirma que fue traficada sexualmente para Les Wexner

La demandante de Jeffrey Epstein, Virginia Giuffre, afirma que fue víctima de tráfico sexual con el multimillonario Les Wexner en múltiples ocasiones, según documentos judiciales recientemente desvelados.

La explosiva afirmación es de la deposición de Giuffre de una demanda de 2015 que involucró acusaciones contra el asociado de Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell. En la transcripción de la deposición obtenida por TMZ, Giuffre afirma que tuvo relaciones sexuales con Wexner varias veces, estima que posiblemente sucedió cinco veces.

Wexner es el ex CEO de Victoria's Secret y en 1987 contrató a Epstein para trabajar como su gerente financiero, con Wexner otorgandole a Epstein el poder notarial sobre su enorme fortuna.

En la declaración, Giuffre dice que usó diferentes tipos de lencería para Wexner, agregando que fue Maxwell quien lo organizó y no fue una petición de Wexner.

Preguntado específicamente si se trataba de Victoria's Secret, Giuffre dijo que no recordaba la marca exacta.

Giuffre también afirma que se reunió con Bill Clinton dos veces y Al Gore una vez a través de Epstein, pero no dice que tuvo relaciones sexuales con ellos.

Wexner no ha sido acusado de ningún delito relacionado con Epstein y Maxwell. Tras la detención de Epstein en 2019, Wexner afirmó que cortó lazos con JE en 2007 y negó tener conocimiento de los crímenes de Epstein.

El caso Epstein continúa, y más y más nombres salen a la luz.

Damon Dash Judge, Lower My Child Support Dues ... I Made <$6k in 2022!!!

Damon Dash says he can't afford what his baby mama is owed in monthly child support -- and he's asking a judge to significantly lower it ... claiming he's got an alarmingly low annual income.

The Roc-A-Fella Records co-founder just filed new legal docs in his custody case with Rachel Roy -- with whom he shares a daughter -- and he's yet again asking the court to lower his payments to her by quite a bit ... according to Dame, all he can afford is $428/month.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The reason he says he can cough up just that ... per the docs, Dame says he isn't making much cheddar lately -- this as a result of some struggling business ventures, many of which he says simply haven't panned out.

Then, he mentions a somewhat startling figure when discussing his total income for the whole year of 2022 -- according to DD, he says he only hauled in about $5,000. Specifically, he says he made $5,140 ... nothing more. Dame says his cash flow has reduced significantly since 2020, insisting he never really recovered from the pandemic when there was no work for him.

Mind you, Dame is currently paying around $3,000/month to Rachel to help out with their kid.

Now, Rachel has already filed a response to this ... and she's calling BS on Dame's claim of abject poverty. In her own paperwork, obtained by TMZ, she claims Dame continues to own a major stake in Roc-A-Fella that should be lining his pockets ... and she alleges he has other lines of revenue that he's simply not disclosing to the court.

A judge has yet to rule.

Periodista Jeremy Corbell La gente inteligente no se quedará callada sobre los ovnis 2024 será el año...

Revelaciones revolucionarias

El cineasta y periodista Jeremy Corbell dice que han quedado atrás los días en que se estigmatizaba a la gente que informaba sobre los fenómenos inexplicables en el cielo, y eso ha abierto la puerta a una investigación en profundidad sobre la verdad detrás de los ovnis.

Jeremy se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el martes para hablar de nuestro evento de 3 partes, "TMZ Presenta: UFO Revolution", que ya se puede ver en Tubi. De entrada, explicó por qué la palabra "revolución" es tan apropiada.

Él dice que los tiempos ciertamente han cambiado y que la gente está tomando la discusión sobre los OVNIS (o UAP) más en serio y que esas conversaciones están provocando un cambio y un movimiento para conocer la verdad.

¿Qué está realmente pasando?

Jeremy espera que más personas den a conocer sus hallazgos este año y nos dice por qué ahora es más importante que nunca.

La segunda parte sale el miércoles y cuenta con la entrevista de Jeremy con el denunciante David Grusch. En ella habla de las consecuencias de haber testificado ante el Congreso el año pasado y sobre lo que vio durante su tiempo como oficial de la Fuerza Aérea y exoficial de inteligencia.

El primer episodio "The Breakthrough" ya está disponible gratuitamente en Tubi.

Journalist Jeremy Corbell SMART PEOPLE WON'T BE SILENCED ON UFOs ... 2024 Will Be Whistleblowers' Year


Filmmaker and journalist Jeremy Corbell says gone are the days of a stigma on people reporting unexplained phenomenon in the sky -- and that's opened the door for an in-depth investigation into their search for truth about UFOs.

Jeremy joined us on "TMZ Live" Tuesday to talk about our 3-part event, "TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution," which is streaming now on Tubi. Right off the bat, he explained why the word "revolution" is so fitting.

He says times certainly have changed, and folks are taking the UFO (or UAP) discussion more seriously ... which is how conversations are sparking change and movement toward the truth.


Jeremy's hoping more people will come forward about their findings this year ... and he tells us exactly why it's important now more than ever.

Part 2 drops Wednesday, and features Jeremy's sit-down with whistleblower David Grusch, talking about the aftermath of testifying in front of Congress last year, and about what he saw during his time as an Air Force officer and former intelligence official.

The first episode, "The Breakthrough," is available now, for free on Tubi.

Tupac Shakur Murder Suspect Keefe D Gets Bail ... You're Free for $750k!!!

The man cops say is responsible for Tupac Shakur's death can walk out of jail today as he waits for his criminal trial to get going -- but only if he can come up with a helluva lot of cash.

Duane Davis -- AKA, Keefe D -- was in court out in Vegas Tuesday for a hearing on his potential release on bail pending his criminal trial ... where his legal team was arguing before a judge that their client wasn't a danger to society, nor was he a flight risk if they'd agree to cut him loose from lockup until the trial.

Mind you, Keefe's been in the Clark County jail since late September -- when he was first indicted for the murder of Tupac and taken into custody by cops ... the first big break in the cold case for a long, long time.

Remember ... Keefe's been out there publicly claiming to have been in the car that night way back in 1996, when Tupac was shot and killed while riding passenger with Suge Knight.

Keefe has suggested he wasn't the trigger man himself, but he's also the only one left alive to prosecute over the long-unsolved crime -- and Vegas officials finally brought him in.

Keefe's legal team pointed out that the proof was in the pudding in terms of Keefe not being a risk -- openly asking the court, if he was so dangerous, why did it take so long for cops to haul him in, even though his affiliation with the Tupac murder was well-known for a while.

They also doubled down on his not guilty plea -- saying he only said all that stuff about Pac's murder for entertainment/monetary gain ... but prosecutors pushed back, arguing this guy was a cold-blooded killer and absolutely should not be out on the streets.


In the end, the judge agreed to let him out pending trial ... but set his bail pretty high at $750,000. He also said even if Keefe could cough up the dough, he'll be confined to house arrest with electronic monitoring while he waits for his trial.

Until he's able to post bail, Keefe will remain behind bars.

Periodistas bromean sobre el asesinato de JFK a las puertas del tribunal

"usa un convertible"

Cubrir la llegada de Donald Trump a un tribunal federal no es el momento ni el lugar adecuado para hablar de asesinatos ni mucho menos para hacer bromas al respecto, pero eso es justamente lo que hicieron dos periodistas.

Los periodistas no identificados estaban fuera del Tribunal Federal E. Barrett Prettyman la mañana del martes en Washington DC, a la espera de que el ex presidente se detuviera. Fue entonces cuando comenzaron a evaluar su posición y si tendrían una buena vista de Trump.

Al parecer, se olvidaron de dónde estaban y lo que hacen para ganarse la vida, porque con los micrófonos abiertos empezaron a bromear acerca de Trump, posiblemente apareciendo en un convertible, tal como lo hizo el Presidente John F. Kennedy en su malograda caravana en Dallas el 22 de noviembre de 1963

Un tipo le dice al otro: "¿Sabes lo que debieron haberle dicho a JFK, ¡deberías ir en un descapotable! Jajaja".

El video muestra a agentes de policía a pocos metros de los misteriosos periodistas, pero no está claro si los policías oyeron los comentarios. Es muy posible que el Servicio Secreto se interese por el video.

Trump está en el Tribunal de Circuito de Apelaciones de EE.UU. argumentando que debería tener inmunidad judicial en el caso de subversión electoral del abogado especial Jack Smith.

Claramente los periodistas están bromeando... es el tipo de cosa que los reporteros hacen mientras pasan el tiempo en los grandes eventos, sin embargo, este tipo de humor nunca le cae bien a los que protegen a los presidentes.

Donald Trump Hearing Reporters Make JFK Assassination Joke Outside Federal Courthouse

"take a convertible"


9:23 AM PT -- Donald Trump just addressed after his court hearing this AM in DC -- and it sounds like he might've not been made aware of this troubling hot mic comments ... just take a listen.


DT said that while he was dismayed by the case and the charges in general -- continuing to insist he's getting railroaded over politics -- he did thank the media for covering this one "fairly." Of course, what the journos were joking about out there seem to indicate a slant.

That's putting it lightly ...

Covering Donald Trump's arrival at a federal court is hardly the time or place to be talking about assassinations, much less making jokes about them ... but that's what 2 journalists did, and they got busted on hot microphones.

The 2 unnamed journalists were outside the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse Tuesday morning in Washington, DC -- waiting for the former president to pull up -- when they started assessing their position and whether they'd have a good view of Trump.

Apparently, they forgot where they were and what they do for a living ... because with open mics all around they start joking about Trump possibly showing up in a convertible -- a la President John F. Kennedy in his ill-fated Dallas motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963.

One guy says to the other, "Maybe someone, just like they told JFK, 'Y'know what ya should do, you should take a convertible!" Hahaha.

The video shows police officers standing just a few feet away from the mystery journos, but it's unclear if the cops heard the remarks. It's certainly possible the Secret Service will take an interest in the video.

Trump showed up at the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals -- in a motorcade of SUVs, for what it's worth -- to argue he should have immunity from prosecution in special counsel Jack Smith's election subversion case.

While the journalists were clearly joking -- it's the kinda thing reporters do while passing time at major events -- this kinda humor never sits well with those protecting Presidents ... past, present or future.


Originally Published -- 8:24 AM PT

Jimmy Kimmel Blasts Aaron Rodgers On Late Night Show ... Demands Apology Over False Epstein List Claim

Jimmy Kimmel won't let go of his feud with Aaron Rodgers, blasting the NFL player during his late-night show for trying to tie him to notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein .... explaining the impact it had on him and his family.

In his opening monologue Monday night, the host of "Jimmel Kimmel Live" came out swinging against Aaron, who claimed on the "Pat McAfee Show" that "I was nervous" that the "Epstein list" was coming out and "I was hoping it wouldn't."

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Jimmy said Aaron was going to "pop a bottle of something" because the comedian's name would be on the list, but, as it turned out, it wasn't anywhere near it.

Last week, court documents related to Epstein's underage sex ring were unsealed, revealing some prominent names -- although not Jimmy's -- connected to the now deceased former business tycoon.

Jimmy made it abundantly clear he had never met Epstein – and Aaron had defamed him, daring the Super Bowl champ to share any evidence in court.

Jimmy noted that Aaron's many fans believed the lies, putting the funnyman and his family in the crosshairs of "delusional" people who became spiteful.

He also speculated on why Rodgers made the false claim, coming up with several scenarios, before hitting on the most likely one ... Aaron is still mad at Jimmy for roasting him over his appearance and "wacko" beliefs.

As you probably recall ... Jimmy poked fun at Aaron's hair knot on top of his head and his anti-vaccination "lies" re: coronavirus.

Jimmy's monologue went on and on before he asked for an apology, and he promised to accept ... although JK is not holding his breath.

We'll see if Aaron takes the bait. Don't wait by the phone, Jimmy.

MILLI VANILLI Fab Morvan's WIFE FILES FOR DIVORCE ... Not That We Knew He Was Married

Surprise, Milli Vanilli's Fab Morvan is married! Double surprise, he's headed for divorce -- according to online court records obtained by TMZ, Kim Marlowe's filed paperwork to end their marriage.

There's limited information at this point -- but what we know is Kim, who was an executive producer on his 2023 documentary film "Milli Vanilli" -- filed the divorce docs in L.A. County Superior Court.

Kim is also listed as Fab's manager on IMDB, a 1997 L.A. Times article refers to her as his best friend.

Here's another plot twist -- less than 3 months ago, Fab told People magazine said he's been living in Amsterdam with his partner Tessa van der Steen and their 4 kids -- ranging from ages 2 to 10.

That news wasn't all that shocking, at the time, because no one knew he'd been married.

So, it's possible Fab and Kim separated ages ago, and she's just now getting around to filing divorce paperwork.

Nonetheless, Fab may still be on decent terms with Kim ... they posed together last June in NYC during the Tribeca Film Festival -- where he also posed for pics with Tessa.

Busy guy!

TMZ's reached out to Fab's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.



Una mujer que estuvo en el lugar del incendio en la casa de Tyreek Hill la semana pasada parecía querer apagar las llamas por sí misma… pero fue advertida por las autoridades que sería una mala idea.

La conversación se puede escuchar en el recién publicado audio del 911, obtenido por TMZ Sports … Cuando una mujer no identificada le dijo al remitente que se había desatado un incendio en la mansión en Florida del astro de la NFL.

En la llamada, se escucha a la mujer explicando que había un incendio en la casa… antes de preguntar, “¿Debería echar agua allí?”


Sin embargo, el oficial comentó: “No. Necesito que saque a todos afuera. Necesito que lleguen a un lugar seguro.”

Quien llamó finalmente salió de la casa… antes de preguntar nuevamente si debería intentar apagar el fuego por sí misma.

“No intente apagar el fuego”, se escucha al remitente diciéndole, “y no saque nada que esté ardiendo, ¿de acuerdo?”.

Durante la llamada, la mujer hizo referencia al tamaño del infierno… diciendo en un momento, “se está volviendo más grande y más grande”.

Afortunadamente, señaló que “nadie está herido” y “todo está bien”.

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Los bomberos llegaron eventualmente al lugar y apagaron las llamas aproximadamente una hora después. Hill no estaba presente en el momento en que comenzó el incendio, aunque dejó temprano la práctica de los Miami Dolphins para hacerse cargo del problema.

En cuanto a la causa del incendio, las autoridades dijeron la semana pasada que un niño que jugaba con un encendedor lo causó accidentalmente.

A pesar de la distracción, Hill continuó jugando en el crucial juego de los Dolphins contra los Bills el domingo por la noche, y logró una anotación.

Farrah Abraham Sues Club Security Guard for Assault After Different Guard Sued Her Over 2022 Clash


7:47 PM PT -- Not shockingly, Farrah Abraham has a much different memory of what happened at the restaurant/club, and, in fact, she's filed her own lawsuit over the 2022 incident.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Farrah's suing because a security guard named George Velazquez allegedly "flung her down to the ground like a ragdoll." We can't confirm Velazquez is the guy seen pinning her down in the video from that night ... but, in the suit, she does say it was captured on camera.

She also claims he held her down with his knee and repeatedly said, "You are going to jail" -- a description that matches up with the video.

Farrah is suing Velazquez and the venue, Grandmaster Recorders, for assault, battery and emotional distress.

Farrah Abraham is being taken to court by a security guard who claims she slapped her back in 2022.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Farrah is being sued by a female security guard -- claiming she suffered lost wages and incurred a bunch of medical expenses for what she says went down 2 years ago.

She says she was working at Grandmaster Recorders when she was advised by other security officers of a fight on the roof, and was working on escorting Farrah off the property "due to her assaultive behavior with other customers."

The docs say it was during the escort that things turned physical -- with Farrah allegedly striking the security guard on the side of the face, which she says left her with an eye injury, other facial injuries, and psychological trauma.

As we reported, Farrah was accused of acting belligerently at the venue and was asked to leave, but refused. We were told paramedics on the scene called cops for backup, and a citizen's arrest for battery was ultimately made.

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Our sources say Farrah was quickly released after being taken into custody ... and the security guard is now seeking unspecified damages over it all.

We reached out to Farrah for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:21 PM PT

Young Thug On Trial Casually Wears Shirt That Says 'Sex Records' To Court!!!

Court TV

Young Thug made an unexpected fashion statement in court on Monday ... rocking a white dress shirt with some hot and heavy language emblazoned on the front. Take a guess ...

The rapper -- who's in the middle of a criminal trial right now -- randomly told his followers to call him by the s-word years ago and the shirt's full message read, "SEX Records: Truly Humble Under God." Indeed, he was wearing this right there in front of the judge and jury.

His lawyer Brian Steele argued back in November that his rap name was an acronym for "Truly Humble Under God" ... and the "Young" was an ode to Tupac Shakur.

A calm and collected YT's bold wardrobe choice didn't seem to alarm his legal counsel ... the retired police sergeant reporting on the trial had a difference in opinion, though.

It was an eventful day in court for YSL ... Young Thug’s friend Trontavious “Tick” Stephens also took the stand and said some things ... but in a plain shirt.

Trevor Bauer I'm Done With 'Rough Sex Acts' ... After Assault Allegations

Tomi Lahren Is Fearless

Trevor Bauer is making drastic changes to his intimacy preferences after years of fighting serious assault allegations made by a former fling ... revealing he's swearing off "rough sex acts" for good.

The former L.A. Dodgers pitcher spoke on his new sex life with OutKick's Tomi Lahren ... just months after settling a lawsuit with a woman who had accused him of sexually assaulting her on two occasions in 2021.

Other women came forward alleging sexual assault against the pitcher in 2022 and 2023.

Bauer never admitted wrongdoing and claimed it was just kinky sex ... something he has now apparently outlawed.

"I've stopped having, like, casual sexual relationships," the 32-year-old told Lahren. "Stopped agreeing to engage in rough sex acts."

"I'm looking for more people that add value to my life instead of something that I'm doing for a couple of hours on a night and then kind of forget about," he added.

For now, however, the former Cy Young Award winner says dating isn't remotely near his center of attention.

"I have other things that I'm focused on," he said. "I'd like to go back to work. I have a job, I run a business."

"Maybe I go back to dating at some point in the future but not something I'm focused on right now."

The one-time All-Star has not played in the MLB since the allegations surfaced in '21. He did, though, just pitch one season for the Yokohama DeNA BayStars, where he logged a 2.76 ERA with 130 strikeouts in 19 games.

He's currently a free agent.