Gisele Bündchen No engañé a Tom... ¡¡¡Las mujeres asumen la culpa!!!

Gisele Bündchen está abordando de frente los rumores sobre un posible engaño, asegurando que nunca dio un paso fuera de su matrimonio con Tom Brady, y alegando que las habladurías comenzaron "porque ella es mujer".

La modelo, que estuvo casada con Tom desde 2009 hasta 2022, realizó una entrevista con The New York Times, donde finalmente se refirió a los comentarios de que engañó a Brady con su instructor de jiu-jitsu Joaquim Valente.

En la entrevista, Bündchen calificó directamente de mentiras las afirmaciones, al mismo tiempo que dijo que no estaba buscando que su vida fuera una gran historia sensacionalista.

Pero Gisele ofreció su teoría de por qué los rumores parecen cobrar fuerza y ella lo atribuye a una actitud sexista hacia las mujeres cuando se trata de rupturas, alegando que estas siempre tienen la culpa cuando terminan relaciones poco sanas.

La madre de dos dice que lo mismo pasa con cualquier mujer que termina con su pareja, solo que esto es amplificado con ella debido a que es un personaje público.

También confirmó que está saliendo con alguien, aunque no dijo el nombre de Joaquim, añadiendo que esta relación es muy diferente a cualquiera de sus parejas anteriores, mucho más abierta y honesta, según Gisele Bündchen.

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Siguiendo su propio camino
ABC News

Fuimos los primeros en contarles que fuentes cercanas a Tom nos habían dicho que él no se creía la línea de tiempo de la relación de Gisele, diciendo que piensa que estos empezaron a salir en 2021.

Mientras tanto, Bündchen se emocionó mucho al hablar de Tom durante una entrevista con Robin Roberts de ABC hace pocas semanas, diciendo que no quería divorciarse del ex jugador de la NFL, pero que al final necesitaba hacer un cambio.

Gisele parece más desafiante que emocional en esta nueva entrevista y, parece que está lista para dejar atrás toda esta supuesta narrativa de engaño.

Gisele Bündchen I Didn't Cheat on Tom ... Women Take The Blame!!!

Gisele Bündchen's addressing rumors head-on ... claiming she never stepped out on her marriage to Tom Brady -- and, claiming the rumors started 'cause she's a woman.

The model -- who was married to Tom from 2009 to 2022 -- sat down for an interview with The New York Times where she finally addressed claims she cheated on Brady with jiu-jitsu instructor Joaquim Valente.

In the interview, Bündchen straight up calls the claims she cheated lies, and while also saying she's not looking to make her life one big tabloid story.

But, Gisele did offer her theory on why the rumors seem to gather steam ... chalking it up to a sexist attitude toward women in breakups -- claiming ladies always take the blame when they leave unhealthy relationships.

The mother-of-two says the same goes for any woman who breaks up with their man ... it's just amplified with her because of her public platform.

She also confirmed she's dating someone -- though she didn't say Joaquim's name -- adding this relationship is so much different than any of her past couplings ... way more open and honest, according to GB.

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Walking Her Own Path
ABC News

We broke the story ... sources close to Tom told us he isn't buying the relationship timeline Gisele's selling -- saying he thinks they started dating way back in 2021.

Meanwhile, Bündchen got really emotional when talking about Tom during an interview with ABC's Robin Roberts earlier this month -- saying she didn't want to divorce Tom, but ultimately needed to make the change.

Gisele seems more defiant than emotional in this new interview ... and, it seems like she's ready to put this whole cheating narrative behind her.

Kim Kardashian Relajada con Kanye... En un partido de Saint

Kim Kardashian mantuvo la paz con su ex Kanye West el viernes, a pesar de su evidente tensión sobre cómo criar a sus hijos.

KK y Ye aparecieron en el partido de baloncesto de su hijo Saint en Los Ángeles la noche de ayer, y actuaron como si todo estuviera de maravilla entre ellos.

Echa un vistazo a estas imágenes obtenidas por TMZ, Kim y Kanye estaban sonriendo mientras posaban para las fotos tomadas por sus fans. Kanye fue un paso más allá e incluso puso su brazo alrededor de Kim en un momento dado.

Un movimiento bastante atrevido teniendo en cuenta que su matrimonio de 7 años terminó con un amargo divorcio en 2022. Sus cuatro hijos pequeños han provocado gran parte de las tensiones entre la ex pareja.

TMZ dio la noticia, Kim y Kanye no se han podido poner de acuerdo sobre cómo criar a sus hijos Saint, North, Chicago y Psalm. El principal problema tiene que ver con el colegio la que irán los pequeños.

Kanye quiere que dejen la escuela Sierra Canyon, mientras que Kim quiere que sigan matriculados allí. Además de eso, está la tensión por los desplantes antisemitas que ha tenido Kanye alabando a Hitler y a los nazis.

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Unidas por Kanye
Instagram / @djpharris

Pero ahora parece que Kim está siendo amable con Kanye y su actual esposa, Bianca Censori. Como recordarán, Kim apareció recientemente junto a Bianca en la fiesta de escucha del nuevo disco de Ye, "Vultures 1".

Kim y Bianca parecían bastante relajadas juntas. Es bueno ver que todos se están llevando bien.

Kim Kardashian Playing It Cool With Kanye ... At Saint's B'Ball Game

Kim Kardashian was keeping the peace with her ex Kanye West on Friday ... despite their obvious tension over how to raise their kids.

KK and Ye showed up at their son Saint's basketball game in LA last evening, and they acted like everything was hunky dory between them.

Check out these images obtained by TMZ ... Kim and Kanye were smiling as they posed for photos snapped by their fans. Kanye went one step further, putting his arm around Kim at one point.

Pretty bold move considering their 7-year marriage ended in a bitter divorce in 2022. Their four young children created much of the tension between the former couple.

TMZ broke the story ... . Kim and Kanye are not seeing eye to eye on how to raise Saint, North, Chicago and Psalm. The main issue has to do with where the youngsters are going to school.

Kanye wants them out of Sierra Canyon School, whereas Kim wants them to stay enrolled. There's also the added stress of Kanye's antisemitic rants praising Hitler and the Nazis.

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Instagram / @djpharris

But now it seems Kim is playing nicely with Kanye and his current wife, Bianca Censori. You may recall, Kim recently showed up alongside Bianca at Ye's listening party for his new rap record, "Vultures 1."

Kim and Bianca seemed pretty chill together. Nice to see everyone getting along.

'BIG BROTHER' CHRISTMAS ABBOTT Revenge Porn Case Against Baby Daddy Dropped

The father of Christmas Abbott's kid is off the hook in his revenge porn case ... as prosecutors in North Carolina have dropped all the charges against him.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, prosecutors dismissed the case against Benjamin Bunn -- who shares a 5-year-old son with the 'Big Brother' alum -- due to insufficient evidence.

We broke the story ... Bunn was arrested back in October, and hit with 3 counts of disclosure of private images after Christmas told cops Bunn was behind a fake online profile pretending to be her, and posting her adult content she published behind a paywall.

Police investigated and got a warrant to arrest Bunn, but now prosecutors say there just isn't enough evidence to bring this case before a jury.

Meanwhile, Christmas has also made domestic violence claims against her estranged husband Memphis Garrett, and even got a temporary restraining order against him before he filed for divorce.

Memphis denies the DV allegation and sources close to him told us he feels Christmas made it all up to get him in trouble with the law.


El padre del niño de Christmas Abbott puede estar tranquilo, ya que los fiscales de Carolina del Norte han retirado todos los cargos en su contra.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales desestimaron el caso contra Benjamin Bunn -que comparte un hijo de 5 años de edad con la estrella de "Gran Hermano" alumbre- debido a la insuficiencia de pruebas.

Publicamos la noticia... Bunn fue detenido en octubre y acusado de tres cargos de divulgación de imágenes privadas luego de que Christmas le dijera a la policía que Bunn estaba detrás de un perfil falso en línea, haciéndose pasar por ella, y publicó contenido para adultos en un muro de pago.

La policía investigó y obtuvo una orden de arresto contra Bunn, pero ahora los fiscales dicen que simplemente no hay pruebas suficientes para llevar este caso ante un jurado.

Mientras tanto, Christmas también ha hecho denuncias de violencia doméstica contra su marido Memphis Garrett, e incluso obtuvo una orden de restricción temporal contra él antes de que pidiera el divorcio.

Memphis niega la acusación de violencia doméstica y fuentes cercanas a él nos dijeron que siente que Christmas lo inventó todo para meterlo en problemas con la ley.

Kathy Hilton Reflexiona sobre la ruptura de Kyle y Mauricio... ¡Se venía gestando!

Ella ha pensado en esto

Kathy Hilton cree que la ruptura de su hermana Kyle Richards con Mauricio Umansky se veía venir desde hace mucho tiempo y expresó su opinión sobre el asunto nada menos que en televisión nacional.

La madre de Paris Hilton hizo su esperado regreso a "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" para la segunda parte de la reunión el miércoles y no se contuvo de opinar sobre el matrimonio de su hermana.

La veterana socialité especuló en voz alta que Kyle probablemente no se precipitó en su decisión de separarse del magnate inmobiliario. Como Kathy dijo: "[Kyle] no es una persona compulsiva".

Con eso en mente, Kathy piensa que es poco probable que Kyle pusiera fin a su matrimonio de 27 años por unos meses difíciles. La matriarca Hilton sospecha que su hermana ha estado considerando la separación durante al menos unos años.

En cuanto a cómo están Kyle y Mauricio luego de su pública ruptura, Kathy dejó claro que están todos muy bien, haciendo sus propias cosas, y destacó la participación de Mauricio en "Dancing With the Stars" como prueba. Esa era su opinión cuando esto se filmó.

Kyle, que ha negado los rumores de que está saliendo con su amiga Morgan Wade, ha cambiado un poco su tono en los últimos meses. De hecho, le dio a Mauricio su bendición para que saliera con otras personas durante un evento de Amazon Live la semana pasada.

La separación de Kyle y Mauricio se jugará en la segunda temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills", el otro reality show de la familia. ¡Vamos a estar en sintonía!

Kathy Hilton Weighs in on Kyle, Mauricio Split ... 'Twas Years in the Making!!!


Kathy Hilton believes her sister Kyle Richards' split from Mauricio Umansky was a long time coming ... and she expressed her fiery opinion on national television, no less.

Paris Hilton's mom made her highly anticipated return to "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" for part 2 of the reunion on Wednesday -- and she didn't hold back when it came to weighing in on her sister's marriage.

The veteran socialite speculated aloud that Kyle likely didn't rush into her decision to separate from the real estate mogul. As Kathy put it ... "[Kyle]’s not a compulsive person.”

With that in mind, Kathy thinks it's unlikely that Kyle would end her 27-year marriage over a few rocky months. The Hilton matriarch suspects her sibling has been considering the split for at least a few years.

As for how Kyle and Mauricio are doing in the aftermath of their public breakup ... Kathy made it clear that they're all hunky dory, doing their own things -- shouting out Mauricio's stint on "Dancing With the Stars" as proof. That was her view when this was filmed anyway.

Kyle -- who has denied rumors she's dating gal pal Morgan Wade -- has somewhat changed her tune in recent months ... as she revealed in an Amazon Live stream last week that she and Mauricio are allowed to date other people.

Kyle and Mauricio's split is set to play out on season 2 of "Buying Beverly Hills" ... the family's other reality show. We'll be tuning in!

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TIKTOK'S REESA TEESA Ex Says CAA Will Be Disappointed ... She Has No Talent!!!

The big shot Hollywood agents over at CAA are about to have buyer's remorse over their newest client in TikTok star Reesa Teesa ... at least according to the ex-husband.

Jerome McCoy -- dubbed "Legion" on Reesa's wildly popular 'Who TF Did I Marry?' video series -- tells TMZ ... Reesa does NOT have a career in Hollywood in front of her despite recently being signed to one of the biggest agencies out there.

The reason, according to him ... it's because he thinks she has no talent. Oof, brutal.

Reesa's ex also says she lacks the will to work hard for anything and has no discipline ... two key reasons he says led to their split in the first place.

CAA reportedly signed Reesa as a client this week, after her 'Who TF Did I Marry?' TikTok videos blew up ... the series reached 400 million impressions in just 3 weeks, which apparently caught the eye of the big-time Hollywood agency.

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But, Jerome says the only thing Reesa's accomplished here is telling a compelling story ... and he thinks it's "horse crap that she might have a career" -- especially over something he considers a flat-out fabrication. Remember, her whole series details their relationship, which she characterized as full of lies.

Jerome -- who previously told us he's considering legal action against Reesa, as he claims she's smearing him in her videos -- doubles down here with us again ... saying it's disgusting she got quick fame from nothing but spinning a good yarn.

Reesa's ex also doesn't like the fact she added her CashApp to her TikTok account and is seemingly soliciting payments from fans ... he says the fame and fortune coming her way is BS, and that doesn't sit well with him.

Jerome's painted as the bad guy in the viral sensation that's raising Reesa's profile ... but he says the only thing he's guilty of is breaking up with a chick who had no ambition.

Clearly, CAA thinks otherwise ... but it will be interesting to see who gets the last laugh.

Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott Reconnect Amid Separation ... Intense Convo Breaks Out!!!

Tori Spelling and her estranged husband Dean McDermott aren't reunited as a couple, but they're at least on public speaking terms again ... based on some new pics.

The exes were together in a park in Agoura Hills, CA -- it's the first time they've been seen photographed together in nearly a year. Both of them were dressed very casually, and most of the convo seemed pretty chill.

However, there were also what seemed like some tense moments during their chat. Tori and Dean have 5 kids together, so co-parenting issues were likely among the things they discussed.

But, there's plenty more for them to catch up about, too. For instance, Dean moving on ... he's reportedly living with new GF Lily Calo ... while Tori and the kids have moved into a new home, which reportedly rents for $15k/month.

They announced their separation last summer on social media, ending 17 years of marriage.

Since then, Dean has spent time in a sober living facility ... after admitting last November he'd had a drunken altercation with Tori.

In any event ... their public convo seems like a baby step in the right direction.


Tori Spelling y su marido Dean McDermott no se han reunido como pareja, pero al parecer todavía tienen cosas que solucionar... todo esto basándonos en algunas fotos nuevas.

Los ex estuvieron juntos en un parque en Agoura Hills, California, y es la primera vez que han sido fotografiados juntos en casi un año. Ambos estaban vestidos muy informal y la mayor parte de la conversación parecía bastante relajada.

Sin embargo, también hubo momentos de tensión durante la charla. Tori y Dean tienen 5 hijos juntos, por lo que las cuestiones de co-paternidad fueron probablemente temas delicados a discutir.

Pero tienen muchas cosas más para ponerse al día. Por ejemplo, Dean sigue adelante, se informa que está viviendo con su nueva novia Lily Calo, mientras que Tori y los niños se han mudado a una nueva casa, que al parecer alquila por $15k al mes.

Anunciaron su separación el pasado verano en redes sociales, poniendo fin a 17 años de matrimonio.

Desde entonces, Dean ha pasado tiempo en un centro de vida sobria, después de admitir el pasado noviembre que había tenido un altercado borracho con Tori.

TMZ Studios

En cualquier caso, su conversación pública parece un paso de bebé en la dirección correcta.

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Selling Bev Hills Home Again ... Major Price Drop Alert!!!

Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner are once again trying to unload their Beverly Hills palace -- and this time, they've slashed the price big time ... which might tickle somebody's fancy.

The ex-couple's first property together -- which they purchased in 2018 for a steal at $13.4 million -- is back on the market anew ... only now, they're listing it for just under $18 million. The exact price is $17,995,000 ... for anyone who's a stickler the specifics.

Mind you ... this is quite the drop from what they were hoping for when they first tried selling this pad in 2022. At the time, their asking price was $21.9 million ... but they had no takers, so they dropped it down to $19.99 mil back in March of last year.

TS and KJ still weren't able to get rid of the pad -- and the listing ended up getting removed entirely around September ... but now, it's cropped up again, with a 10% markdown.

Whether it's $21M or $17M ... whoever ends up taking this off their hands is in for a whole lot of house -- it's got 7 bedrooms, 11 baths with over 9,000 square feet of living space.

In terms of perks, it's got a ton ... a private movie theater, a billiard room, a gym, a massage room, and, yes, a pool as well. Remember, this is Kylie and Travis' first home together -- but obviously, they're not together anymore ... so they don't really need this house in the mix.

Kylie's got several other properties in her portfolio ... Travis is doing just fine as well. 'Million Dollar Listing' stars Josh and Matt Altman of Douglas Elliman and Adam Rosenfeld of The Agency hold the listing.

TMZ Studios

We reached out for comment ... so far, no word back.


Travis Scott y Kylie Jenner están una vez más tratando de deshacerse de su palacio de Beverly Hills, y esta vez han rebajado el precio a lo grande, lo que podría acelerar las cosas.

La primera propiedad de la ex pareja juntos -que compraron en 2018 por una ganga de $13.4 millones- está de vuelta en el mercado... solo que ahora lo están listando por poco menos de $18 millones. El precio exacto es de $17.995.000.

Eso sí, esto es bastante la caída de lo que esperaban cuando por primera vez trató de vender la propiedad en 2022. En ese momento, su precio de venta era de $21.9 millones, pero no tenían interesados, por lo que bajó a $19.99 millones en marzo del año pasado.

Travis y Kylie todavía no eran capaces de deshacerse del lugar y el listado terminó siendo eliminado por completo alrededor de septiembre, pero ahora, ha surgido de nuevo, con una rebaja del 10%.

Ya sean $21M o $17M, quien termine comprando la propiedad estará más que satisfecho, el lugar cuenta con 7 dormitorios, 11 baños y más de 9.000 pies cuadrados de espacio habitable.

Además, cuenta con un cine privado, una sala de billar, un gimnasio, una sala de masajes y sí, una piscina. Recuerde, esta es la primera casa de Kylie y Travis juntos, pero obviamente ya no lo están, esa es justamente la razón por la que ya no necesitan semejante mansión.

Kylie tiene varias otras propiedades, y a Travis también le va bien. Las estrellas de "Million Dollar Listing" Josh y Matt Altman de Douglas Elliman y Adam Rosenfeld de The Agency mantienen el listado.

tmz investiga
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Nos pusimos en contacto para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Reesa Teesa de TikTok Ex estudia acciones legales... Por "Who TF Did I Marry"

El ex de Reesa Teesa está contando su versión de la saga viral que se ha tomado completamente TikTok, y aunque ha sido pintado de una manera, él dice que tiene una historia diferente y que podría terminar en los tribunales.

Jerome McCoy, que se hace llamar "Legion" en la ahora infame serie de videos de Reesa "Who TF Did I Marry", que tiene al menos 50 partes en este momento, le dice a TMZ que todo lo que Teresa Johnson (verdadero nombre de Reesa) declaró sobre él es falso.

Reesa hizo muchas acusaciones contra Legion, incluyendo mentiras acerca de su carrera, su familia y su riqueza, etc., y ahora él está contraatacando con sus propias acusaciones.

Legion afirma que él y Reesa estaban teniendo problemas de confianza en un momento dado y que ella trató de reconciliarse supuestamente con él, amenazando con "exponerlo" si no cumplía. Sugiere que no cedió y es por eso que todo esto está saliendo a la luz.

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No hace falta decir que el ex de Reesa está sintiendo el contragolpe de los videos de TikToks y afirma que está perjudicando su trabajo en el área de las relaciones públicas, que dice que hace para un hospital. En medio de toda esta vorágine, Legion nos dice que se reunió con unos abogados el lunes en el trabajo para discutir la adopción de medidas legales contra Reesa, a primera vista, parece que su empresa cree que podría haber sido dañado por su narración. Legion dice que apoya cualquier movimiento que puedan hacer.

No está claro si está considerando un abogado privado en este momento, pero sin duda está reflexionando sobre sus opciones. En resumen, Legion dice que no es la persona que ha sido retratada por Reesa y siente que ha sido agraviado por la historia que ha dicho.

No se puede negar que los videos de Reesa han sido un gran éxito en Internet. Un video acumula más de 11 millones de visitas en TikTok. La cuenta de Reesa también cuenta con casi 32 millones de "me gusta".

La actriz Danielle Pinnock, de la serie de televisión "Ghosts", ya se ofreció para interpretar a Reesa si la saga viral llega a tener una adaptación para la pantalla chica y algo nos dice que podría convertirse en una película o serie más adelante. De hecho, es así de salvaje.

TMZ investiga
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Conociendo a Hollywood, probablemente alguien ya está trabajando en el guion.

TikTok's Reesa Teesa Ex Weighing Legal Action ... Over 'Who TF Did I Marry'

Reesa Teesa's ex is telling his side of a viral TikTok saga that's taken the internet by storm -- and while he's been painted one way, he's got a different story ... which might end in court.

Jerome McCoy -- who goes by "Legion" on Reesa's now-infamous 'Who TF Did I Marry?' video series, which is at least 50 parts deep at this point -- tells TMZ ... everything Reesa, whose real name is Teresa Johnson, declared about him in her lengthy video series is false.

While Reesa made many allegations against Legion -- including claims that he fibbed about his career, family and wealth, etc. -- he's hitting back with accusations of his own.

Legion claims he and Reesa were having trust issues at one point -- and goes on to claim she attempted to reconcile with him while allegedly threatening to "expose" him if he did not comply ... and he suggests him not budging is why this is all coming out.

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It goes without saying ... Reesa's ex is feeling the backlash of the TikToks going viral and claims it's hurting his job in PR -- which he says he does for a hospital. Amid all this attention, Legion tells us he met with attorneys Monday at work to discuss taking legal action against Reesa -- on its face, it seems his company believes they mighta been damaged by her storytelling. Legion says he's supportive of any moves they might make.

Unclear if he's considering private counsel for himself at this point ... but he's certainly mulling his options right now. Bottom line ... Legion tells us the way he's been portrayed by Reesa is NOT who he is at all -- and he feels he's been wronged by the tale she's told.

There's no denying that Reesa's videos have been a huge hit online ... with one video garnering over 11 million views on TikTok. Reesa's account also boasts nearly 32M likes.

Actress Danielle Pinnock -- from the TV show 'Ghosts' -- has already pitched herself to play Reesa if the viral saga ever gets a small screen adaptation ... and something tells us this thing might just get made into a movie or show down the line. Indeed, it's that wild.

TMZ Studios

Knowing Hollywood ... someone is probably already working on the screenplay.

Ray J's Wife Princess Love Files for Divorce (Again) ... 4th Time's the Charm???

Ray J and Princess Love are on the outs again -- and she's ready to throw in the towel in court ... filing to end their marriage, marking the 4th time they've been down this road.

The 'L&HH' star filed for divorce Monday in L.A. County -- and while the details of what she wants out of it are unclear at this point ... the fact she's calling it quits isn't. The only thing we know for certain is she notes there are minor children involved, and money's gotta be hashed out.

Worth noting ... she's the petitioner this time, and Ray's the respondent -- on their third divorce attempt, RJ was the one who filed ... and that was back in 2021. He also initiated their second divorce filing in late 2020 ... and she kicked it off initially in Spring '20.

So, they've kinda been going back and forth over who files ... this time, it's her doing it.

PL posted a lengthy statement on IG addressing the news, writing ... "It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of our decision to divorce. After much reflection, discussion, and counseling, we have come to the difficult realization that our paths have diverged, and it is in the best interest of both of us to part ways."

She goes on to say they're doing this with both of their well-being in mind, and that they're committed to being great co-parents to their two kids, a young daughter and son they share.

Princess Love asks for privacy over their divorce, finishing by saying ... "Though this chapter of our lives may be closing, we look forward to embracing the opportunities for growth, healing, and new beginnings that lie ahead. We are confident that with time, understanding, and the support of our loved ones, we will navigate this transition with grace and resilience."

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They've had a number of issues over the years, but until now ... they've been able to make peace and yanked all the divorce filings leading up to this. Now, it seems truly over.

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