Ariana Madix Sue You, Sandoval ... Let's Just Sell Our House, Already!!!

New legal fallout from 'Scandoval' -- Ariana Madix is suing Tom Sandoval over the Los Angeles house they co-own, and still live in together.

The "Vanderpump Rules" star filed suit against her ex-bf in L.A. Superior Court ... and the docs make it clear they are at loggerheads over how to split up the house.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Ariana says she wants a "partition by sale" ... which means she wants a judge to order them to sell the house, and divide the proceeds.

What she doesn't want is a "division in kind." That would allow each of them to retain their ownership interest in the property ... and one of them could, theoretically, sell to a third party.

Translation: She just wants to sell the place, and have them both move on with their lives.

Back in better times, Tom and Ariana bought the San Fernando Valley home in 2019 for about $2 million.

Despite their relationship blowing up very publicly last year when she found out Tom was having an affair with Rachel Leviss ... they've both continued to live in the home together.

That's about to end ... if Ariana gets her way.

Tori Spelling Having A 'Single Mom Christmas' ... Amid Dean McDermott Split

Tori Spelling says she's taken on a challenging task this holiday season, as the time for buying gifts is runnin' thin ... something she calls "single mom Christmas."

The actress posted on social media Friday, saying she's got 5 Xmas lists to knock out, with only 3 days left until the big day -- pointing out a nightmare for some gift-givers ... "Missed the Amazon Prime cutoff."

She says she now has no choice but to "brave the mall alone" ... adding, "Crushing this single mom Christmas."

As we reported, her ex-husband, Dean McDermott, posted about their breakup back in June ... saying they both decided to split and "start a new journey of our own." He took the post down but was still moving forward with the divorce.

Remember, there was speculation that Tori and her kids moved into an RV after they were spotted outside of a mobile home when she and Dean parted ways ... and they also briefly stayed in a motel after her place had a bunch of mold.


She's also ended up in the hospital, so it seemed to be a bit of a rough patch for her ... but Tori claimed in July that she's actually better on her own.

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We also talked to Tori's mom, Candy, after the split, and she said she'd be there for her daughter in these tough times ... but it appears Christmas shopping still falls on Tori.

Darius Jackson, ex de Keke Palmer Necesito protección contra ella... ... Es abusiva!!!

El ex novio de Keke Palmer presentó su propia orden de restricción contra la actriz y cantante, en medio de su desagradable ruptura, alegando que ella fue física y verbalmente abusiva con él durante su relación.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Darius Jackson se dirigió a la corte el martes para solicitar una orden de restricción temporal por violencia doméstica contra Keke.

En los documentos, Darius afirma que Keke se exaltaba y era agresiva con él mientras estaban juntos, por lo general después de beber alcohol y que abusó de él durante años.

Darius dice que Keke, que es la madre de su hijo, le dio un puñetazo en la cara en un cumpleaños en 2021 después de haber estado bebiendo. Él dice que su amiga, Lenoria Addison, intentó detenerla y unos mensajes de texto de Keke disculpándose lo prueban.

En los documentos, Darius afirma que Keke también le dio un puñetazo y lo golpeó durante su celebración de cumpleaños en enero de 2022 en Cancún, el que presuntamente le dejó moretones en su cuerpo.

Darius dice que en febrero de 2022 Keke lo atacó de nuevo, supuestamente asfixiándolo y golpeándolo dentro de su casa después de beber alcohol.

Más recientemente, en marzo de 2023, Darius dice que Keke se enfadó con él por una ducha que rebosaba. Lo culpó del problema y lo llamó "zorro, gamberro y perdedor".

Darius dice que Keke a menudo le enviaba un aluvión de correos electrónicos después de los supuestos incidentes de violencia doméstica, por lo general arremetiendo o disculpándose.

Como hemos informado, Darius y Keke están pasando por una conflictiva separación. Ella lo ha acusado de abuso -Darius lo ha negado- y consiguió una orden de restricción temporal contra él, además de la custodia temporal de su hijo.

Ahora, Darius está buscando su propia protección. Quiere que un juez maneje su petición al mismo tiempo que la audiencia sobre las acusaciones de ella y está pidiéndole al juez una orden que la obligue a permanecer a 100 metros de distancia de él.

Keke Palmer's Ex Darius Jackson I Need Protection From Her ... She's Abusive!!!

Keke Palmer's ex-boyfriend has now filed his own restraining order docs in their nasty split ... claiming she was physically and verbally abusive toward him during their relationship.

According to the new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Darius Jackson beelined it to court Tuesday to request a domestic violence temporary restraining order against Keke.

In the docs, Darius claims Keke frequently became agitated and aggressive during their relationship, usually after drinking alcohol, and abused him for years.

Darius claims Keke, who is the mother of his child, punched him in the face at a birthday party back in 2021 after she had been drinking. He says her friend, Lenoria Addison, tried to stop Keke from attacking him and says he has text messages from Keke apologizing for hitting him.

In the docs, Darius claims Keke also punched and hit him during his January 2022 birthday celebration in Cancún ... with the alleged attack leaving bruises on his body.

Darius says in February 2022 Keke attacked him again -- allegedly choking and hitting him inside her home after drinking booze.

Most recently, Darius claims Keke got mad at him in March 2023 about an overflowing shower, blamed him for the problem and called him a "bitch, a punk ass, and a loser."

Darius says Keke would often send him a barrage of emails after the alleged domestic violence incidents ... usually lashing out or apologizing.

As we've reported ... Darius and Keke are going through a contentious split, she's accused him of abuse -- he denied it -- and she got a temporary restraining order against him, plus temporary sole custody of their kid.

Now, Darius is seeking his own protection ... he wants a judge to handle his petition at the same time as the hearing about her allegations and is asking the judge for an order requiring her to stay 100 yards away from him.

Mariah Carey Rompe con Bryan Tanaka ... Dice un reporte

Mariah Carey está de vuelta en el mercado, ya que supuestamente ella y su novio Bryan Tanaka habrían puesto fin a su relación.

La cantante de "All I Want For Christmas Is You" llevaba saliendo con el bailarín de su equipo desde 2016, pero todo se ha venido abajo tras 7 años de relación.

Las cosas no están funcionando porque Bryan, de 40 años, quiere tener una familia y eso simplemente no es lo que quiere Mariah, a sus 54 años, según Page Six.

Mariah tiene hijos con Nick Cannon, pero Bryan nunca ha sido padre.

Mariah empezó a ser perseguida recientemente por los rumores de que ella y Bryan ya no estaban juntos, y la cantante más o menos lo confirmó como tal a principios de esta semana cuando se fue de compras en solitario a Aspen.

Bryan ha estado a su lado en otros viajes navideños a Colorado, así que cuando se supo que andaba desaparecido fue una gran señal de problemas en el paraíso.

Mariah también ha estado de gira y Bryan ha estado notablemente ausente. Ahora sabemos con certeza que han terminado.

Recuerden, Mariah y Bryan empezaron a verse allá por 2016 después de que ella cancelara su compromiso con James Packer.

Mariah conoce a Bryan desde 2006. Él ha sido su bailarín de respaldo durante mucho tiempo. Rompieron brevemente en 2017, antes de volver a estar juntos.

Pero parece que esta vez han terminado para siempre.

Un representante de Mariah declinó hacer comentarios.

Mariah Carey Splits with Bryan Tanaka ... Report

Mariah Carey is back on the market ... because she and boyfriend Bryan Tanaka have reportedly called it quits on their relationship.

The "All I Want For Christmas Is You" singer had been dating her backup dancer since 2016, but 7 years into their relationship it's all fallen apart.

Things aren't working out because 40-year-old Bryan wants to have a family ... and that's just not where 54-year-old Mariah is in her life ... according to Page Six.

Mariah has kids with Nick Cannon, but Bryan has never been a father.

Mariah's been followed by rumors recently that she and Bryan were no longer an item ... and she pretty much confirmed as such earlier this week when she went shopping alone in Aspen.

Bryan's been by her side in Aspen on previous Christmas trips to Colorado ... so when he was MIA it was a big sign of trouble in paradise.

Mariah's also been on tour and Bryan's been noticeably absent ... and now we know for sure they are done.

Remember ... Mariah and Bryan started seeing each other way back in 2016 after she called off her engagement to James Packer.

Mariah has known Bryan since 2006 ... he's been a longtime backup dancer for her. They briefly broke up in 2017, before getting back together.

But it sounds like they are done for good this time.


A rep for Mariah declined comment.

Kim Zolciak Kroy's Lying, I Did Not Cheat on Him!!!

Kim Zolciak is vehemently denying she cheated on Kroy Biermann, but in the process she may have helped them lift themselves a little out of their financial hole.

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TMZ broke the story, Kroy went nuts last month after one of their kids called 911 to report a domestic disturbance between their parents. Among other things, Kroy was screaming at cops, complaining they had no money, no house and Kim was cheating on him.

She spoke with Celebuzz, where she said, 'The comments made in the body cam footage from Kroy who is obviously enraged are untrue," adding, "I vehemently deny any allegations that I have been unfaithful to Kroy at any point in our 12-year marriage. Any claim to the contrary is downright false, baseless and slanderous."

She accused Kroy of character assassination and suggested she might even take legal action.

Now the money part ... she urged fans to go to her Insta bio to read her statement, and that page is filled with ads, which means money in her/their pocket.

The divorce appears to still be on, but who knows at this point?

Diddy Wishes Late Ex Kim Porter Happy B'day ... Amid Sexual Assault Allegations

Diddy is wishing his late partner Kim Porter a happy birthday amid his growing legal troubles involving multiple sexual assault allegations.

In an Instagram post Friday night, Diddy wrote, “We miss you so much Kim! Happy Birthday Beautiful! Love forever.” He accompanied the caption with an old photo of him giving Kim a big smooch on the cheek.

As you know, Kim died from pneumonia after she became bedridden due to a lung infection at her L.A. home in 2018. She was 47.

Diddy and Kim dated on and off for 13 years, sharing three children: son Christian and twin sisters D’Lila Star and Jessie James. Over the years, Diddy has spoken passionately about his love for Kim and, after her death, he revealed his regret for not tying the knot with her.

Meanwhile, Diddy is dealing with a ton of legal issues around claims that he sexually assaulted several women. His former girlfriend, Cassie, was first to file a bombshell lawsuit against the music legend in November, accusing him of years of rape and sexual abuse. The two quickly settled the matter.

But then Diddy was hit with other civil suits containing similar allegations. Those suits are still winding their way through the courts.

Diddy has denied any wrongdoing.

Diddy Le desea feliz cumpleaños a su difunta novia En medio de acusaciones de agresión sexual

Diddy le deseó un feliz cumpleaños a su difunta pareja Kim Porter en medio de sus crecientes problemas legales relacionados con múltiples acusaciones de agresión sexual.

En un post de Instagram del viernes en la noche, Diddy escribió: "¡Te echamos mucho de menos, Kim! ¡Feliz cumpleaños, preciosa! Amor para siempre". Acompañó el pie de foto con una vieja foto de él dándole un gran beso a Kim en la mejilla.

Como se sabe, Kim murió de neumonía después de quedar postrada en cama debido a una infección pulmonar en su casa de Los Ángeles en 2018. Tenía 47 años.

Diddy y Kim salieron de forma intermitente durante 13 años, compartiendo tres hijos: Christian y las hermanas gemelas D'Lila Star y Jessie James. A lo largo de los años, Diddy ha hablado apasionadamente sobre su amor por Kim y después de su muerte reveló que se arrepentía de no haberse casado con ella.

Mientras tanto, Diddy está lidiando con un montón de problemas legales por las denuncias de agresión sexual contra varias mujeres. Su ex novia Cassie fue la primera en presentar una demanda contra la leyenda de la música en noviembre, acusándolo de años de violación y abuso sexual. Ambos llegaron rápidamente a un acuerdo.

Sin embargo, desde entonces Diddy ha sido golpeado con otras demandas civiles que contienen acusaciones similares. Estas siguen su curso en los tribunales.

Diddy ha negado cualquier delito.

Jerry O'Connell dice que John Stamos debería haberle dicho a Rebecca sobre sus memorias

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son cosas que pasan

Jerry O'Connell está sugiriendo que John Stamos debería haber dado a su esposa, Rebecca Romijn -también conocida como la ex-esposa de John- un aviso de que la estaba mencionando en sus memorias, o al menos, eso es lo que habría hecho en esa situación.

Fuimos a ver a Jerry el jueves en Nueva York y le preguntamos qué pensaba de los libros que incluyen comentarios sobre otras personas, especialmente sobre sus ex. No mencionamos a Stamos, pero Jerry no es tonto, y sabía exactamente por qué estábamos haciendo la pregunta.

Jerry admite que las cosas que salieron en el libro de John, 'Si me lo hubieras dicho,' era un poco "aterrador", pero también reconoce que las memorias están de moda en este momento, diciendo que la gente tiene que ganarse la vida, antes de bromear afirmando que su biografía sería de lo más aburrida.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, John se abrió sobre su relación pasada con Rebecca y no se refirió muy bien a ella, llamándola "el diablo", y previamente al lanzamiento del libro, le dijo a Howard Stern que creía que su matrimonio nunca habría funcionado.

A pesar de todo, Jerry no parece estar muy enfadado por el libro.

O al menos no se le nota. Honestamente, el actor/presentador nos dijo que él y Rebecca están más preocupados por la crianza de sus hijos adolescentes.

Jerry O'Connell Stamos Should've Warned My Wife About Comments in Tell-All

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Jerry O'Connell is suggesting John Stamos should've given his wife, Rebecca Romijn -- aka John's ex-wife -- a heads-up he was mentioning her in his memoir ... or, at least, that's what he would've done in that sitch.

We got Jerry Thursday in NYC and asked what he thought about tell-all books, in general, that include remarks about other people ... especially exes. We didn't mention Stamos, but Jerry's no dummy, and knew exactly why we'd raised the issue with him.

Jerry admits the stuff that came up in John's book, 'If You Would Have Told Me,' was a bit "scary," but also acknowledges that memoirs are all the rage right now -- saying folks have to make a living, before jokingly claiming his potential tell-all would be pretty boring.

For those unaware, John opened up about his past relationship with Rebecca ... and didn't exactly paint her in a great light by calling her "the devil" -- and in the lead-up to the book drop, he told Howard Stern that he didn't think their marriage would've ever worked out.

Despite all that, Jerry doesn't seem to bent outta shape about Stamos' book.

Or, if he is, he's not letting it show ... and, honestly, the actor/host told us he and Rebecca are more concerned about some drama with their teenagers.

Iman Shumpert I Never Made Teyana Feel Endangered

The divorce drama between Iman Shumpert and Teyana Taylor is heating up ... he's now calling BS on her claim he made her feel endangered when she was with him.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ, Shumpert says Teyana never proved he made her feel endangered, despite making the claim in recently filed divorce papers. Iman wants the court to take action, and to remove Teyana's accusations from the documents.

To get specific, Teyana put something called "cruel treatment" as grounds for the couple's divorce, which is defined as "willful infliction of pain bodily or mental ... [that] reasonably justifies apprehension of danger to life, limb, or health."

Iman says that's nonsense, and the only grounds should be "irretrievable broken bond." He wants the "cruel treatment" grounds thrown out.

What's more, Iman says despite Teyana's claims, he's never been irresponsible when it comes to the care of their two daughters, seven-year-old “Junie” Tayla, and three-year-old Rue Rose.

The new filing from Iman is just another chapter in what's already become a nasty custody battle. As we reported, Teyana first filed the divorce docs using only the couple's initials in an attempt to keep everything private from the public.

However, Iman blew the lid off the secret when he filed a motion asking the court to attach their full names to the documents ... and allowing the public to know what was going on.

TMZ broke the story, the two have been living separately since the filing, and communication has been minimal ... only happening when it comes to the care of their daughters.

David Lynch Su esposa solicita el divorcio

David Lynch, el hombre detrás de "Twin Peaks", "Mulholland Drive" y "Blue Velvet", acaba de recibir una petición de divorcio.

La esposa de David, Emily, ha presentado una demanda para poner fin a sus 14 años de matrimonio y no parece ser muy amistosa.

La esposa de la leyenda del cine, de 77 años, está pidiendo la custodia exclusiva, legal y física de su hija de 11 años. Emily quiere que David tenga derechos de visita, pero solo eso.

También está pidiendo la manutención del cónyuge y el pago de honorarios del abogado.

No hay evidencia sobre un acuerdo prenupcial, pero David ha sido una fuerza creativa importante en Hollywood durante décadas. También ha dirigido "El hombre elefante", "Corazón salvaje", "Carretera perdida" e "Inland Empire".

Este es su cuarto matrimonio.

David Lynch 'Twin Peaks' Wife Files for Divorce

David Lynch, the man behind "Twin Peaks," "Mulholland Drive" and "Blue Velvet," is on the receiving end of a divorce petition.

David's wife, Emily, has filed to end their 14-year marriage, and it doesn't seem all that amicable.

The 77-year-old directing legend's wife is asking for sole legal and physical custody of their 11-year-old daughter. Emily wants David to have visitation rights, but that's it.

Emily is also asking for spousal support and attorney's fees.

There's no evidence of a prenup, but David has been a major force in Hollywood for decades. He's also directed "The Elephant Man," "Wild at Heart," "Lost Highway," and "Inland Empire."

This is David's fourth marriage.

Jeannie Mai Fires Back at Jeezy's Divorce Claims ... Insinuates He's a Cheater and Prenup Says It'll Cost Him!!!

Jeannie Mai has responded to Jeezy's divorce petition, and she is more than insinuating he cheated on her and claims that will have a HUGE effect on their prenup and division of assets.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Jeannie more than insinuates her estranged husband is guilty of infidelity. Her lawyer writes, "Wife reserves the right to amend this counterclaim to add other grounds for divorce, but which Wife does not wish to specify herein at this time in the hope this matter can be resolved without having to disclose such conduct publicly."

But, it gets even more pointed ... "Wife further shows that the Court should enforce Paragraph 8 of the Prenuptial Agreement regarding infidelity which provides, in pertinent part, that in the event that either party engages in sexual relations, an emotional relationship, or is emotionally or sexually suggestive in communication with a third party via all forms of electronic communications, including but not limited to texting, sexting, Facetiming, social media and/or Direct Messages, shall result in a significant financial penalty upon the adulterous party ..."


In other words, she's accusing Jeezy of being unfaithful and claiming he's gotta cough up a bunch of dough as a result. The docs do not say who exactly Jeezy was allegedly banging, talking to, or seeing.

Jeannie coming out with cheating allegations is super interesting ... as we first told you, Jeannie was being accused of cheating on Jeezy with "Access Hollywood" host Mario Lopez, but a source close to her told us it was BS.

Jeezy, who filed for divorce in August down in Georgia, also released a 29-track double album, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," in the wake of the split ... and it's highlighted by the song "Don't Cheat."

Cheating was also a theme Jeezy kept referencing during his recent interview with Nia Long.

Now, Jeannie is turning the tables ... and calling out Jeezy for allegedly being unfaithful.

Jeannie Mai Responde a la petición de divorcio de Jeezy... ¡¡Es un infiel y le va a costar!!

Jeannie Mai respondió a la petición de divorcio de Jeezy, y está más que insinuando que este la engañó, lo que según afirma, tendrá un efecto enorme en su acuerdo prenupcial y la división de los activos.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Jeannie más que sugiere que su marido es culpable de infidelidad. Su abogado escribe: "La esposa se reserva el derecho de modificar esta demanda reconvencional para añadir otros motivos de divorcio, los cuales la esposa no desea especificar en este momento con la esperanza de que este asunto pueda resolverse sin tener que revelarse públicamente tal conducta".

Pero se pone aún más puntiagudo: "La esposa muestra además que el Tribunal debe hacer cumplir el párrafo 8 del Acuerdo Prenupcial con respecto a la infidelidad que establece, en la parte pertinente, que en el caso de que cualquiera de las partes participe en relaciones sexuales, una relación emocional, o emocional o sexualmente sugerente en la comunicación con un tercero a través de todas las formas de comunicación electrónica, incluyendo, pero no limitado a los mensajes de texto, sexting, Facetiming, medios de comunicación social y/o mensajes directos, dará lugar a una sanción económica significativa sobre la parte adúltera".

En otras palabras, ella está acusando a Jeezy de serle infiel y está reclamando que tiene que soltar un montón de dinero como consecuencia de ello. Los documentos no dicen qué fue lo que Jeezy supuestamente hizo, vio o con quién habló.

Que Jeannie salga con acusaciones de engaño es súper interesante, como les contamos por primera vez, Jeannie estaba siendo acusada de engañar a Jeezy con el anfitrión de "Access Hollywood", Mario López, pero una fuente cercana a ella nos dijo que era mentira.

Jeezy, que pidió el divorcio en agosto en Georgia, también lanzó un álbum doble de 29 canciones, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," a raíz de la separación y se destaca por la canción "Don't Cheat".

El engaño también fue un tema al que Jeezy siguió haciendo referencia durante su reciente entrevista con Nia Long.

Ahora, Jeannie está dando vuelta a la tortilla y llamando a Jeezy infiel, supuestamente.

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