La diputada Lauren Boebert no tiene la culpa de su papelón en el teatro, su marido separado es en realidad responsable de hacerla una soltera cachonda... así lo dice el propio hombre.

Jayson Boebert  —que está en medio de un divorcio en este momento con la congresista de Colorado— usó Facebook el lunes para defender a su próxima ex esposa diciendo que la gente no debe atacar en Lauren por su comportamiento y que en realidad deberían culparlo a él.

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Se dirige a los electores escribiendo: "Estoy escribiendo para hacer frente a las profundas preocupaciones que circulan. Viendo los ataques contra Lauren, siento que la gente debe saber la verdad de nuestro matrimonio roto y la carga que ha llevado durante demasiado tiempo."

Jayson continúa elogiando a Lauren como una madre excepcional, esposa y abuela añadiendo que ella era una maravillosa esposa y compañera en su matrimonio, es decir, antes de que él rompiera su confianza engañándola. Parece que está atribuyendo a que su decisión de presentar en mayo.

Él lo pone muy claramente, explicando: "Este ha sido un divorcio devastador en el que tengo toda la responsabilidad. Me molesta que todo el mundo cree que me dejó por la fama o un nuevo estilo de vida. Eso está muy lejos de la realidad. Por otra parte, la mayor parte de lo que se dice de nuestra familia es falso. Otra batalla a la que nos hemos enfrentado juntos durante demasiado tiempo. Gran parte de esto recae sobre mí porque el problema empieza por la raíz. Yo soy la raíz".

Jayson dice que ha hecho sufrir mucho a la diputada Boebert y cree que es debido a este dolor por lo que ella podría haber actuado de esta manera. A continuación, hace una propuesta personal a ella personalmente, diciendo que está detrás de ella y condena los ataques que viene su camino en las consecuencias.

Una última súplica al público de JB: "Les pido a todos que muestren gracia y misericordia hacia Lauren en esta temporada problemática. Ella merece una oportunidad para ganarse su perdón y recuperar la confianza. La he destrozado de muchas maneras pero saldrá fortalecida como siempre lo hace, y yo también".

En cuanto a la propia representante de Boebert, ella ha reaccionado al mensaje de Jayson diciendo que aprecia sus sentimientos, pero se detiene en decir que hay algún tipo de reconciliación en el horizonte.

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me siento bien

Ella ha manejado esto tan bien como puede, asumiendo la responsabilidad y volviendo a trabajar en DC. Como ella nos explicó ayer en la cámara ... no más fechas por el momento.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Rep. Lauren Boebert Estranged Hubby Takes Blame ... I Sparked Theater Hookup

Rep. Lauren Boebert isn't to blame for her raunchy theater hookup -- her estranged husband is actually responsible for making her a horny single ... so says the man himself.

Jayson Boebert -- who's in the middle of a divorce right now with the Colorado congresswoman -- took to Facebook Monday to defend his soon-to-be ex-wife ... saying that people shouldn't pile on Lauren for her behavior, and instead come after him.

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He addresses RLB's constituents, writing ... "I am writing to address the deep concerns circulating. Watching the attacks against Lauren, I feel the people should know the truth of our broken marriage and burden she has carried for too long."

Jayson goes on to praise Lauren as an exceptional mom, wife and grandmother -- adding that she was a wonderful spouse and partner in their marriage ... that is, before he shattered her trust by cheating. It seems he's attributing that to her decision to file in May.

He puts it quite plainly ... explaining, "This has been a devastating divorce that I hold all responsibility for. It upsets me that everyone believes she left me over fame or a new lifestyle. That is far from the truth. Then again, most of what’s said about our family is untrue. Another battle we have faced together for too long. Much of this is on me because the problem starts at the root. I am the root."

Jayson says he's put Rep. Boebert through the wringer, and believes it's because of this pain that she might've acted out this way. He then makes a personal overture to her personally, saying he stands behind her and condemns the attacks coming her way in the fallout.

One final plea to the public from JB ... "I am asking for you all to show grace and mercy towards Lauren in this troubling season. She deserves a chance to earn your forgiveness and regain trust. I have broke her down in so many ways, but she will come out stronger as she always does, and so will I."

As for Rep. Boebert herself -- she's reacted to Jayson's message, saying she appreciates his sentiments, but stops short of saying there's any sort of reconciliation on the horizon.

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She's been handling this as well as she can -- taking responsibility and getting back to work in D.C. As she explained to us on camera yesterday ... no more dates for the time being.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Joe Jonas Takes The Kiddos Out To Eat ... After Filing For Divorce

Joe Jonas made a point to mention he was the one taking care of his daughters in filing for divorce from Sophie Turner ... providing more evidence of that with a breakfast date.

The singer was in dad mode Wednesday at Sweet Butter Kitchen in L.A. with his little ones -- 3-year-old Willa and her 1-year-old sister -- along with another friend who was helping to take care of the girls.

Joe kept a happy face for the kiddos, making them smile and trading high-fives as everyone ate and chatted. In other words, the 34-year-old certainly didn't look like he was in the middle of a divorce.

As you know, Joe filed for divorce from Sophie Tuesday, asking for joint custody of their kids. The docs said Joe wants a judge to establish a parenting plan that sets up frequent contact between him and Sophie.

TMZ broke the story, the couple's relationship had been rough for at least 6 months due to their different lifestyles -- we learned through multiple sources in contact with Joe that he saw something on a Ring camera that made him realize he should pull the plug.

Joe and Sophie have since spoken out, saying in a joint statement that they "mutually decided to amicably end our marriage."

'Brady Bunch' Olivia Hack My BF's Estranged Wife Is 'Unhinged' ... I Need Restraining Order!

"Brady Bunch" movie star Olivia Hack claims her boyfriend's estranged wife is "unhinged" ... and now she's getting court-ordered protection.

Olivia beelined it to court recently and filed for a temporary restraining order against a woman named Sabine Spekreijse, whom she claims got physical with her during an August incident.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Olivia says she was over at her boyfriend Paul Hogan's place when Sabine showed up and started screaming obscenities at them. Olivia says the alleged behavior "could only be described as unhinged."

Olivia claims Sabine sat down next to her on the sofa, digging her fingernails into her thigh as hard as she could, leaving a cut and scratches. Olivia says she didn't fight back out of fear of provoking Sabine, who she says is way bigger than her at 6'1".

The actress, who played Cindy Brady in the "Brady Bunch" movies, says she called police, but Sabine left before cops arrived. She claims Sabine came back the next morning, banging on the door until they told her to leave.

Olivia also claims Sabine calls her boyfriend relentlessly when they are together, even though she says they've been separated for 3 years.

A judge granted Olivia a temporary restraining order, and Sabine's been ordered to stay at least 100 yards from Olivia, her home, her job and her car.

Kevin Costner Wife's Child Support Cut in Half ... Actor will Pay $63k a Month

Kevin Costner just found out how big of a check he has to cut to his estranged wife Christine Baumgartner each month for child support ... and he's going to be happy.

The judge in Kevin and Christine's divorce ruled Friday that Kevin's going to be forking over $63,209 -- that's exactly what he said was appropriate. $63k is less than half of what she was getting in temporary support -- $129k. And remember, she originally asked for $248k a month.

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It's an end to a bitter back and forth between Kevin and Christine over how much he should be ponying up.

During Friday's hearing, Kevin took the stand and answered some questions from his lawyer, Disso Queen Laura Wasser, saying ... "Somehow in this unusual world we didn't make it and I'm sorry."

Kevin said his biggest concern going into the relationship with Christine was having kids and getting divorced ... because he had 3 kids with his first wife and got divorced. Kevin and Christine ended up having 3 kids and getting divorced too.

Remember ... Christine originally asked for $248,000 a month in child support, but Kevin claimed she was padding the bill simply because he could afford it ... with Costner claiming the actual amount she needs for their kids is around $51k a month.

In the end, the judge went closer to Kevin's figure.

The actor's testimony also featured Kevin saying he wanted to pass his properties down to his kids and he said, "I don't hide money from my wife."

Miranda Kerr Oh Snap, Baby #4 Coming Soon!!!

Miranda Kerr's got another bun in the oven with her husband and Snapchat co-founder Evan Spiegel ... using her hubby's app to share the big news.

The model announced her fourth pregnancy Friday on Snapchat, sharing an adorable image of four pairs of shoes lined up in order from biggest to smallest ... with numbered blocks.

Miranda says she and Evan are adding a boy to the brood ... and this will be their third child together.

She teased the baby news on her Instagram and directed fans to her Snapchat account on the platform her extremely wealthy husband owns ... and she's already got a little baby bump showing.

Miranda and Evan have two other sons from earlier in their marriage ... and she also has a son with Orlando Bloom from a previous relationship.

Now, Miranda's preparing to bring another boy into the world ... no wonder she's saying she's a #boymom.


Kroy Biermann Sorry Kim, Divorce Still On ... Unfazed by Her Optimism

Kim Zolciak is, at least publicly, acting like there's hope she and Kroy Biermann can resolve things, and he'll pull his divorce docs again, but he's not seeing it that way at all ... TMZ has learned.

We heard from Kim -- who was still wearing her wedding ring -- Monday at LAX, and she gave off very optimistic vibes when asked if Kroy might have a change of heart about his second divorce filing.

Well, we asked Kroy's legal team if he had any plans on pulling the divorce ... and they didn't mince words. Kroy's attorney, Marlys A. Bergstrom, tells us, "No, at this time, he is still moving forward with the divorce action."

It's likely a devastating blow to Kim, and unless Kroy's holding back information from his lawyer ... the estranged couple is definitely not on the same page about their future.

TMZ broke the story, Kim and Kroy filed separate divorce petitions back in May, but eventually worked things out and decided against the split in July.

However, s*** hit the fan for the couple this month, prompting Kroy to file for divorce once again.

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Kim has yet to respond in court docs, but her tone at LAX was that of a woman who's confident everything will be A-OK. Might be time to rethink that.

Nia Long I Want Primary Custody Of Son With Ime Udoka ... He's Not Supporting Our Kid!!!

The split between Nia Long and Ime Udoka is getting nastier ... the actress is now asking for primary custody of the couple's child -- after she claims the NBA head coach has been failing to support the kid.

Long made the allegation in a court filing in Los Angeles last week ... while requesting a judge give her primary legal and physical custody of their 11-year-old son, Kez.

According to the docs, however, she did ask the judge to allow Udoka a reasonable opportunity to visit their kid to the extent "consistent with the child's best interest."

A ruling on the petition has not yet been handed down. Udoka has yet to respond.

As we reported, the couple broke up in late 2022 after 13 years together ... following allegations that Udoka had an affair with a team staffer while he was the Boston Celtics' coach.

Long had said at the time that the scandal was revealed that she was heartbroken ... adding that it was all "devastating" to her and her family.

Udoka, meanwhile, has since landed a new gig after the affair led to his ouster from Boston -- the 46-year-old just became the head coach of the Houston Rockets this offseason.

Matty Healy Taylor's Ex Shops for New Guitar As She's at Antonoff Wedding

Taylor Swift certainly had love on her mind at Jack Antonoff's wedding, but while that was going down, her ex-boyfriend Matty Healy was on the other coast ... laser-focused on music.

We've learned The 1975 frontman was browsing around a music shop, Norman's Rare Guitars, in Tarzana, CA on Saturday ... the same day Taylor was watching Jack and actress Margaret Qualley tie the knot.

The musician swung by the store with his tour manager, ultimately buying a guitar -- unclear how much dough he put down for it, but it looks like a pretty sweet Fender 6-string.

While Matty was shopping on the west coast, Taylor was at the big ceremony on the Jersey Shore ... where, as we reported, droves of Swifties flooded the main street on Long Beach Island to get a glimpse of the singer.

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You'll recall, Matty and Taylor were briefly an item, spotted hanging out quite a bit in May, and he even snuck into her NYC pad ... but sources told us Taylor was "single" again in June, although it's unclear why they called things off.

So, Matty missed out on being Tay's plus 1 at the wedding, but still ended the weekend with a new musical companion! Small consolation.

Sam Asghari SPOTTED WITHOUT WEDDING RING ... After Divorce With Britney

Sam Asghari is moving forward as a newly single man ... walking his dog without his wedding ring.

Britney Spears' estranged husband was spotted in public Monday for the first time since their divorce, and he was sporting a naked ring finger.

Sam was walking around Pasadena with the Doberman Porsha, he gifted Britney back in 2021 when they were engaged.

The actor was also showing off his muscles in a sleeveless black tank top ... the day after Britney had a divorce party with a bunch of shirtless men.

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Sam joked over the weekend about needing help picking a disguise to hide from the paparazzi ... but here, he's only wearing a hat and sunglasses and not shying away from the cameras.

Remember ... Sam filed for divorce from Britney last Wednesday, and as we first reported, he moved out of their mansion after he believed Britney was cheating on him with a staffer at their home.

We also saw Britney without her wedding ring on the same day Sam filed for divorce, taking it off before tooling around in her Mercedes.

Now, Sam's shed his ring too.

Tori Spelling Hospitalized Amid Split with Dean

The troubles keep piling up for Tori Spelling -- but this time, it's her health at risk -- as she's been hospitalized in the wake of her split with Dean McDermott.

Tori kept the details vague in a post Sunday where she said, "4th day here and I’m missing my kiddos so much." Tori included a photo of her hand with an IV in the photo.

She continued, “Grateful and so proud of my strong, brave, resilient and kind to the core children who remain positive no matter what comes my way." Tori didn't reveal why she was in the hospital, but her hospital band revealed she was first admitted on August 17.

Of course, things have been seemingly tough for Tori and family over the last few months, but there was serious concern only a couple weeks ago when Tori and kids were spotted outside an RV, with speculation they were living in the mobile home.

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While it seemed only temporary, many speculated why Tori's mother, Candy Spelling, who is super rich hadn't come to her daughter's aid. We spoke to Candy back in July who said she was willing to help ... but unclear if Tori ever reached out or if Candy came through.

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We should note ... Tori revealed earlier this year, when she and Dean were still together that they'd experienced issues with mold in their home. It's possible her health issues could still be stemming from the mold problem ... though she hasn't clarified anything.

Kansas Newspaper Marion County Record Raided ... Over Leaked DUI Intel

A Kansas newspaper was raided by cops after leaked DUI intel made its way to the publisher -- and many are calling it a chilling attempt at censorship over freedom of the press.

The Marion County Record was paid a visit Friday by the local authorities ... who were executing a warrant that had been signed by a judge, giving them the green light to confiscate a ton of items -- including computers, phones, hard drives and other data.

The reason law enforcement stormed the place -- not to mention the home of the publisher, Eric Meyer -- is due to a complaint a restaurateur in town filed ... namely, accusing the Record of identity theft/unlawful use of a computer in putting together a piece about her.

It's a complicated backstory -- but, essentially, this woman (Kari Newell) and the newspaper have apparently had some bad blood of late ... and, in the aftermath of that, the Record says it recently obtained a tip about her past, revealing she'd once gotten a DUI and had driven without a license thereafter. This info could've hindered her business prospects.

While investigating the tip and confirming its veracity, the Record's publisher, Meyer, concluded the info was likely coming from Newell's husband ... whom she was in the middle of divorcing. In other words, questionable motives ... so he decided to pass on it altogether.

However, he did more than just that ... he actually alerted cops to the fact that this information had been leaked to them -- although it's unclear why. In any case, it backfired.

It seems Newell became privy to the fact Meyer and co. had fallen into possession of this information, and believed they'd done so illegally ... something the Marion County Record denies. Nonetheless, she went to the cops and filed a complaint ... which escalated into a full search warrant that Marion County District Court Magistrate Judge Laura Viar signed.

The warrant lists a number of objects that law enforcement -- which consisted of just about 7 people total, the entire force in that little town -- were entitled to seize ... and they did. It goes without saying ... journalists far and wide are crying foul, and saying this is an outrage.

Gisele Bündchen Opens Up On Tom Brady Divorce ... 'Breakups Are Never Easy'

Gisele Bündchen says her divorce from Tom Brady has been no cakewalk ... admitting the recent split has been hard on her, but she's getting through the rough patch by shifting her focus elsewhere.

The supermodel went into detail about ending her 13-year marriage with the seven-time Super Bowl champion in an interview with Vogue Brazil this week ... where she opened up about finding the silver lining, despite how much of a toll it has taken on her.

"I've always believed that every situation, no matter how challenging, teaches us something and helps us grow," Gisele said.

"Breakups are never easy, especially when the media is speculating every step of the way."

Of course, there was a lot of speculation at the time about why Gisele and Tom were calling it quits -- many believed it was about Brady's return to football, but as we previously reported, that was simply not the case.

Gisele added she is keeping her kids, health, career, and aspirations the priority after the divorce ... as she now has a better understanding and acceptance of herself.

Tom -- who shared his own message of self-reflection to his Instagram on Monday -- has since moved on by spending time with Irina Shayk. Gisele did not get into her own dating life in the interview ... but our sources say Bündchen has no problem with Brady being out and about with a new woman.

Carlee Russell Charged for Fake Abduction Tale


11:31 AM PT -- Carlee Russell's attorney, Emory Anthony, tells TMZ ... "What we're dealing with is a young lady who made a huge mistake. She's been arrested and she's been charged and she's eager to finish up and be through with it. She's dealing with some issues."


He concluded, "We will look forward to going to court."

Carlee Russell is now facing criminal prosecution, and it's all because police say she completely fabricated that wild kidnapping story ... prompting a massive, and expensive, search.

Prosecutors in Hoover, Alabama just charged Carlee with 2 misdemeanors -- false reporting to law enforcement authorities and falsely reporting of an incident. Each charge carries up to one year in jail.

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Hoover Police Chief, Nick Derzis, said Carlee turned herself in and was released from jail Friday after posting $2,000 bond.

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As you know, Carlee called 911 earlier this month when she was driving down the interstate to report a toddler wandering alone on the roadside. She got out of her car and then disappeared for 2 days ... before showing up at her parents' house without so much as a scratch on her.

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Hoover Police Department

Since then, police have said their investigation shows there was no toddler on the highway, and Carlee was not abducted -- as she and her parents claimed -- and then Carlee finally admitted it was all a phony story.

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Prosecutors tell us they still don't know where Carlee was during the roughly 48-hour period she was off the grid -- ditto for police, who spent tons of money and resources searching for her.

After Carlee copped to the load of BS, her boyfriend slammed her for her lies, and said he's now her ex-BF -- a move that came after he initially defended her, as he also bought her kidnapping lie.

Originally Published -- 11:15 AM PT

Beyonce Mom Files For Divorce ... From Actor Richard Lawson

Beyoncé's mom, Tina Knowles, is pulling the plug on her second marriage ... filing for divorce from her actor husband, Richard Lawson, after 8 years of marriage.

Tina beelined it to court Wednesday and filed for divorce ... this according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.

She lists the date of separation as Tuesday, and Tina is rolling with the usual irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split.

Tina and Richard tied the knot way back in April 2015 ... and they did not have any children together.

Of course, Tina has two kids with her first husband, Mathew Knowles ... Beyonce and Solange.

In the docs, Tina is asking the court to terminate the court’s ability to award spousal support to her or Richard.

Tina's apparently changed her name to Celestine Lawson when she married Richard ... and now she wants to have her named restored to Celestine Knowles.

We reached out to reps for Beyoncé, Tina and Richard ... so far no word back.

Alix Earle Hard Launch With Braxton Berrios Amid Sophia Culpo Drama

Alix Earle and Braxton Berrios took their romance to the red carpet on Wednesday ... hitting up the ESPYs together amid the NFL player's nasty breakup with Sophia Culpo.

The TikTok star and Miami Dolphins receiver eliminated any doubt about whether they're actually a couple at the sports award show ... with their appearance being considered a "hard launch" for their relationship.

The two initially sparked dating rumors following BB's split from Olivia Culpo's younger sister earlier this year ... which resulted in numerous cheating allegations from Sophia.

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Braxton has adamantly denied being unfaithful at any point in the relationship ... and Earle insisted she is not "dating" the footballer, despite including a short snippet of them hugging in a TikTok posted to her page on June 25.

But let's be real -- they certainly looked like BF and GF as they dressed up in sharp outfits for the event ... posing for pics together before entering the Dolby Theater.

Sophia has seemingly decided to chill on posting any drama-related content surrounding Berrios and Earle's appearance ... but that could always change.

As for Earle, she shared a vid of her prep for the big night ... and revealed the couple had a 6 AM flight they'd most likely miss Thursday morning.

Hope you made it!!

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