SHANNON BEADOR SALE A LA luz DESPUéS DE ARRESTO Se apoya en su ex para consolarse

Shannon Beador está en modo de descanso y recuperación después de chocar su coche y ser arrestada por estado de ebriedad. Las nuevas fotos muestran que tuvo que salir adelante con un poco de ayuda de nada menos que su ex novio, John Janssen.

Échale un vistazo a estas fotos de la estrella de "RHOC" dirigiéndose a lo que nos dicen es la casa de John en Newport Beach California, sólo unos días después de que Shannon fue detenida por conducir supuestamente bajo la influencia del alcohol y luego escapar.

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Shannon subió las escaleras el martes con John siguiendola de cerca. Usted puede ver que su brazo izquierdo está metido dentro de su chaqueta, y la foto de la escena dice que podría haber usado un cabestrillo lo que sugiere que se lastimó en el accidente

Lo que también es interesante es verla con John. Recordemos que habían pasado por una ruptura desagradable que devastó Shannon. Sin embargo, parece estar en su esquina de nuevo.

TMZ publicó la historia, Shannon fue llevada a la cárcel el sábado por la noche por lo que la policía dijo que era un paseo salvaje en su coche que terminó chocando la casa de alguien, dañando la jardinera de hormigón y estuvo demasiado cerca de cruzar a través de la puerta principal.

También obtuvimos un video de Shannon del supuesto incidente y las imágenes parecen mostrar su conducción errática justo antes del accidente. A traves de su abogado, Shannon dijo que esta muy arrepentida.

Afortunadamente, ella no golpeó a nadie con su coche, pero sí parece que Shannon podría haber sido abollado. Veremos si su proceso de curación realmente conduce a una reavivación con John.

Shannon Beador Surfaces After DUI Arrest ... Leans on Ex for Comfort?!?

Shannon Beador is rest and recovery mode after crashing her car and getting busted for DUI -- and new pics show her getting by with a little help from none other than her ex-boyfriend, John Janssen.

Check out these photos of the 'RHOC' star heading up to what we're told is John's pad in Newport Beach, CA -- just a few days after Shannon was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence ... not to mention what cops say was a straight up hit-and-run.

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Shannon headed up the stairs Tuesday, with John following closely behind. You can see her left arm is tucked inside her jacket, and the photog on the scene says she might've been wearing a sling ... suggesting she was injured in the crash.

What's also interesting is seeing her with John --. remember, they'd gone through a nasty split, which devastated SB. Now, however, he seems to be in her corner again.

TMZ broke the story ... Shannon was taken to jail Saturday night over what cops say was a wild ride in her car that ended with her slamming into someone's home, damaging a concrete planter and damn near going through the front door.

We also obtained video of Shannon's alleged DUI incident ... and the footage appears to show her driving in an erratic manner right before the crash. Through her attorney, Shannon's said she's extremely apologetic and remorseful.

Luckily, she didn't hit anyone with her car, but it does look like Shannon might've been dinged up. We'll see if her healing process really leads to a rekindling with John.

'Real Housewives' Boozy Arrests Over The Years ... Beador, Richards, Luann

Shannon Beador's DUI isn't the only allegedly booze-fueled arrest that's gone down in the world of 'Real Housewives' ... a handful of folks from the series have been accused of and busted for similar offenses in the past.

As you know, video appears to show Shannon slamming her car into the side of a house in Newport Beach over the weekend. Law enforcement sources tell us she was trying to pretend she was walking her dog when cops arrived ... but was arrested and booked for DUI and hit-and-run.

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But, Shannon's ordeal is just the tip of the 'Housewives' iceberg.

TMZ broke the story, Kim Zolciak's 20-year-old daughter, Ariana, was booked in Georgia last year for 3 separate charges ... misdemeanor DUI driving under the influence of alcohol, misdemeanor improper lane change, and underage alcohol possession.

Ariana's lawyer told us she was "involved in a minor fender bender," and said officers "incorrectly concluded she was impaired by alcohol. That was not the case. She wholly denies these allegations."

Dorit Kemsley's husband, PK, was busted for DUI in 2021 after CHP officers said they saw his Bentley weaving in traffic on L.A.'s 101 freeway. His attorney told us he had a glass of wine at dinner before driving, and regretted not finding another way home.

Law enforcement told us PK blew a .081 blood alcohol in the field, but blew a .076 when he arrived at the police station. The legal limit is .08 BAC, and we were told the level change led prosecutors to decide to not charge him.

'RHONY's Luann de Lesseps was arrested in 2017, being hit with a slew of charges after her alleged drunken rampage -- including battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest with violence, and 2 counts of corruption by threat.

She allegedly told cops, "I'm going to kill you all," and later struck a plea deal for that case ... but authorities say she later violated her probation by drinking mimosas.

Kim Richards also got busted back in 2015, allegedly reeking of booze and slurring her speech while being dragged out of the bathroom by cops at the Polo Lounge inside the Beverly Hills Hotel.

She was charged with trespass, resisting arrest, battery on a police officer, and drunk in public. She eventually completed her probation.

Quite a long and wild list of arrests ... but it's 5 o'clock somewhere.

Do you think Shannon Beador's DUI/hit-and-run will affect her chances of staying on the 'Real Housewives' franchise? Vote below.

'Real Housewives' Y sus arrestos por consumo de alcohol en el tiempo... Beador, Richards, Luann

La detención de Shannon Beador, por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol no es el único arresto etílico que ha pasado en el mundo de 'Real Housewives', pues un puñado de otros participantes de la serie han sido acusados y detenidos por delitos similares en el pasado.

Como ustedes ya saben, este video parece mostrar Shannon golpeando su coche dentro de una casa en Newport Beach durante el fin de semana. Fuentes policiales nos dicen que estaba tratando de fingir que paseaba a su perro cuando llegaron los policías, pero finalmente fue detenida y fichada por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, atropello y fuga.

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Acelerando los motores

Pero el calvario de Shannon es sólo la punta del iceberg las 'amas de casa'.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia: la hija de 20 años de Kim Zolciak, Ariana, fue acusada en Georgia el año pasado por tres diferentes cargos, delito menor por conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol, delito menor por cambio de carril inadecuado, y el delito de posesión de alcohol de menores de edad.

El abogado de Ariana nos dijo que ella estuvo "involucrada en un choque menor", y que los oficiales "incorrectamente concluyeron que estaba afectada por el alcohol". Ese no era el caso. Ella niega totalmente estas acusaciones".

El marido de Dorit Kemsley, Paul Kemsley, fue detenido por conducir ebrio en 2021 después de que los oficiales de California dijeran que vieron su Bentley zigzagueando en la autopista 101 de Los Ángeles. Su abogado nos dijo que tomó una copa de vino en la cena antes de conducir, y se arrepintió de no haber encontrado otro camino a casa.

Las fuerzas del orden nos dijeron que Paul dio 0,081 de alcohol en sangre en la carretera, pero 0,076 cuando llegó a la comisaría. El límite legal es .08 BAC, y según nos contaron, el cambio en el nivel llevó a los fiscales a no acusarlo.

'RHONY's Luann de Lesseps fue arrestada en 2017, y entrentada a una serie de cargos después de su presunto desenfreno etílicio, los que incluyeron una agresión a un agente de la ley, resistencia al arresto con violencia y dos cargos de corrupción por amenaza.

Supuestamente, le dijo a la policía, "voy a matarlos a todos", aunque más tarde llegó a un acuerdo de culpabilidad por ese incidente. Sin embargo, las autoridades dicen que más tarde violó su libertad condicional por beber unas mimosas.

Kim Richards también fue arrestada en 2015, supuestamente sudando alcohol y chapuceando sus palabras mientras era arrastrada fuera del baño por policías en el Polo Lounge dentro del Hotel Beverly Hills.

Fue acusada de allanamiento de morada, resistencia a la autoridad, agresión a un agente de policía y embriaguez en público. Finalmente completó su libertad condicional.

Toda una larga y salvaje lista de arrestos, ¿no? Pero... ya son las 5 en algún lugar.


La estrella de "RHOC" Shannon Beador iba a toda velocidad por una calle residencial momentos antes de estrellar su coche contra el lateral de una casa (según  muestran las imágenes del incidente).

Beador estaba manejando por de una calle de Newport Beach el sábado justo antes de la medianoche. Al parecer juzgó mal una vuelta y terrizó justo en una propiedad.

Casi de inmediato, Beador puso marcha atrás, bajando de la acera y de nuevo a la calle antes de alejarse.

También tenemos fotos de las secuelas, mostrando un puñado de ladrillos que faltan de la casa y una enorme marca en el medio de la carretera donde ocurrió la terrible experiencia.

También parece que Beador casi golpea la puerta principal de la casa, lo cual hubiera causado estragos en la residencia.

TMZ publicó la historia, las fuentes nos dijeron Beador finalmente estacionó en medio de la calle y salió con su perro. Nos dijeron que trató de actuar como si estuviera paseando a su cachorro cuando llegaron los policías, pero los oficiales no se lo creyeron.

Un representante de Newport Beach PD dice que fue detenida y fichada por atropello y fuga y alcohol DUI, ambos delitos menores, siendo citada y puesta en libertad sin fianza.

La serie de Bravo no está actualmente en producción, por lo que no estaba filmando antes de la detención, su abogado —Michael Fell— nos dijo: "Beador está extremadamente arrepentida. Estaremos pendientes de la información oficial sobre este caso a medida que esté disponible y Shannon está dispuesta a aceptar toda la responsabilidad por sus acciones."

No hay que olvidar que Beador reveló a principios de este año que se sintió sorprendida por la brutal separación de su novio, John Jassen, la cual se produjo apenas unas semanas después de la producción terminó en la temporada 17.

'RHOC' Shannon Beador Speeds, Crashes Into Home ... Hit-And-Run Video Shows

'RHOC' star Shannon Beador was zooming around a residential street moments before slamming her car into the side of a house ... according to this insane footage of her alleged DUI incident.

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Beador was hightailing it around a Newport Beach, CA street on Saturday just before midnight, when -- based on this video -- she seemed to misjudge a corner, careen out of control and crash into the home.

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Almost immediately, Beador threw her car in reverse, getting off the sidewalk and back onto the street before slowly pulling away.

We got these pics of the damage left behind from the accident ... a concrete planter is crumbled after taking the brunt of the impact and there's a huge skid mark on the road.

It also looks like Beador barely missed the front door of the house ... which likely would've caused even more damage, and potentially injured someone inside the home.

TMZ broke the story ... sources say Beador eventually parked in the middle of the street, getting out with her dog. We're told when cops arrived, she tried to act like she was just walking her pup, but the officers weren't buying it.

A rep for Newport Beach PD says Shannon was arrested and booked for hit-and-run and DUI alcohol -- both misdemeanors -- and was cited and released without bond.

The Bravo series isn't currently in production, so she wasn't filming before the arrest -- her lawyer Michael Fell says, "[Beador] is extremely apologetic and remorseful. We will be awaiting the official information on this case as it becomes available, and Shannon is prepared to accept full responsibility for her actions."

Don't forget, Beador revealed earlier this year that she felt blindsided by the brutal split from her BF, John Jassen ... which came just weeks after production wrapped on season 17.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Do you think Shannon Beador's DUI/hit-and-run will affect her chances of staying on the 'Real Housewives' franchise? Vote below.



El abogado de Shannon Beador, Michael Fell, le dije a TMZ: "Pasé bastante tiempo con Shannon ayer. Está muy arrepentida. Estaremos pendientes de la información oficial sobre este caso a medida que esté disponible, y Shannon está dispuesta a aceptar toda la responsabilidad por sus acciones."

El año difícil de Shannon Beador acaba de empeorar, la estrella de telerrealidad fue arrestada por conducir ebria este fin de semana en SoCal.

Fuentes policiales nos informan que la estrella de "The Real Housewives of Orange County" condujo su coche en una propiedad residencial en Newport Beach el sábado por la noche y destruyó parte de la casa.

Nos dijeon que Beador volvió a la carretera y siguió adelante antes de estacionar su vehículo en medio de la calle y salir con su perro.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella trató de actuar como si estuviera dando un paseo cuando la policía llegó después de recibir una llamada al 911. Nos dicen que no estaba engañando a nadie. Ella estaba cláramente ebria y fue detenida.

Los policías también incautaron el coche de Beador como parte de su investigación sobre los daños a la casa.

Un representante de Newport Beach PD dice Beador fue procesada por 2 delitos menores de  chocar y huir y alcoholemia. Fue citada y puesta en libertad sin fianza.

Ha sido un viaje lleno de baches para Beador últimamente, en enero discutió públicamente su dolorosa ruptura con su novio de 3 años y medio, John Janssen.

Beador dijo a People que fue sorprendida por la ruptura de Janssen con ella en noviembre de 2022, semanas después de haber terminado el rodaje de la temporada 17 de RHOC. Según los informes, ella dijo: "Él me dijo que había terminado con la relación. Y escuchar lo que me dijo entonces fue absolutamente devastador".

'RHOC' Star Shannon Beador Arrested For DUI, Hit-and-Run ... Struck House in Newport Beach


10:30 AM PT -- Shannon Beador's lawyer, Michael Fell tells TMZ ... "I spent quite a bit of time with Shannon yesterday. She is extremely apologetic and remorseful. We will be awaiting the official information on this case as it becomes available, and Shannon is prepared to accept full responsibility for her actions."

Shannon Beador's tough year just got a lot rougher ... the reality TV star got busted for driving drunk this weekend in SoCal.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... "The Real Housewives of Orange County" star drove her car onto a residential property in Newport Beach Saturday night, and actually clipped the house.

We're told Beador then turned back onto the road and kept going before parking her vehicle in the middle of the street and getting out with her dog.

Our sources say she tried to act like she was taking a walk when police arrived after receiving a 911 call. We're told she wasn't fooling anyone ... as she appeared wasted and was taken into custody.

Cops also seized Beador's car as part of their investigation into the damage to the home.

A rep for Newport Beach PD says Beador was booked for 2 misdemeanors ... hit-and-run and DUI alcohol. She was cited and released without bond. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she was not filming with Bravo before the arrest, as the show's not currently in production.

It's been a bumpy ride for Beador lately -- in January, she publicly discussed her painful split with her boyfriend of 3 and a half years, John Janssen.

Beador told People she was blindsided by Janssen breaking up with her in November 2022 -- weeks after they had wrapped filming for Season 17 of 'RHOC.' She reportedly said, "He told me he was done with the relationship. And to hear what he said to me then was absolutely devastating."

We reached out to Shannon's team for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 7:41 AM PT

MMA Legend Pat Miletich Arrested For Drunk Driving In Iowa ... Month Before Comeback

UFC Hall of Famer Pat Miletich -- the promotion's first-ever welterweight champion -- was arrested for allegedly driving drunk in Iowa Thursday morning ... after a witness said they saw the MMA legend driving his truck the wrong way down a one-way street.

Authorities in Bettendorf, Iowa received a call early Thursday morning for a man allegedly driving against the flow of traffic on a one-way street, before crossing an embankment and parking at a nearby gas station.

Once on the scene, police say they found 57-year-old Miletich asleep behind the wheel ... with the truck still in gear.

Cops woke him up, and Miletich admitted to drinking wine, according to an incident report. Police say Pat had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, was unsteady on his feet, and reeked of alcohol.

They attempted to put Pat through a field sobriety test, but he refused. He also refused the Breathalyzer.

Given his alleged condition, and evidence on the scene that supported the accusation Pat was driving erratically, Miletich was arrested for Operating While Intoxicated (OWI), 3rd Offense, a class D felony in the state.

Pat was booked into Scott County jail at 6:16 AM. He was listed at 5'10" and 200 pounds.

Miletich was in custody for just short of two hours before being released at 8 AM after posting $5k bond.

If you're not familiar with Pat ... he's one of the first MMA stars. He took his first pro MMA fight in 1995, and went on to become UFC welterweight champion, fighting 39 pro fights along the way.

It was Pat's third arrest for driving drunk ... he was popped in 2019 and 2021.

The arrest comes as Miletich is preparing to return to the MMA cage. He's fighting 38-year-old Mike Jackson (of CM Punk fame) at Caged Aggression on October 14.

No official word whether the arrest will affect the fight ... but signs point to the event going on as scheduled next month.

NBA's Devonte' Graham Gets Two-Game Suspension ... Over DWI Case

Devonte' Graham will be out for the first two games of the Spurs' season ... after the NBA suspended the 28-year-old guard days after he pleaded guilty to DWI, stemming from his arrest last year.

"San Antonio Spurs guard Devonte' Graham has been suspended for two games without pay for pleading guilty to a charge of impaired driving, in violation of the law of the State of North Carolina," the NBA announced on Wednesday.

The league continued ... "Graham’s suspension will commence with the next NBA regular season game that he is eligible and able to play."

We broke the story last week ... the 28-year-old was sentenced to unsupervised probation for 12 months after he had admitted to driving while impaired (a misdemeanor) back on July 7, 2022. The incident happened in Raleigh, N.C. when Graham -- a member of the Pelicans at the time -- had been pulled over for allegedly going 63 MPH in a 40 MPH zone at around 3 AM.

Cops said his blood alcohol content at the time was above the legal limit ... claiming he blew a .11.

Graham averaged 13 points and 4 assists last season. The 2023-24 NBA season is slated to begin in October.

NBA's Devonte' Graham Sentenced To Probation ... In DWI Case

San Antonio Spurs point guard Devonte' Graham was sentenced to probation in his DWI case on Thursday, TMZ Sports has learned.

According to court documents, the 28-year-old hooper -- who pled guilty last month to a misdemeanor charge of driving while impaired stemming from his July 2022 arrest -- received a 21-day jail sentence ... but it was suspended, and Graham was placed on unsupervised probation for 12 months instead.

Per the docs, Graham was also required to pay $393 in fines and fees as part of his sentencing as well.

Graham was initially hit with the DWI charge following his arrest on July 7, 2022. At the time, authorities said they placed the NBA player in custody after they alleged he had been doing 63 MPH in a 40 MPH zone while intoxicated at around 3 AM in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Graham had been a member of the New Orleans Pelicans at the time of the arrest ... though the former second-round pick was sent to the Spurs a few months later in a trade for Josh Richardson.

We reached out to Graham's attorney for comment, but so far, no word back yet.

'General Hospital' Star Haley Pullos Charged With Felony DUI

"General Hospital" star Haley Pullos has been charged by the L.A. County D.A. ... this after getting cuffed after a near-fatal DUI.

Haley's been charged with one felony count of DUI causing injury, one felony count of driving with a .08 BAC or higher, and one misdemeanor count of hit-and-run.

The actress pled not guilty and a preliminary hearing is set for next month.

TMZ broke the story, Haley was arrested in April after cops say she was driving the wrong way on a freeway and collided head-on with another car that was going about 60 mph.

Cops said Haley was also involved in a hit-and-run before the crash ... and officers say they found edibles and mini-bottles of tequila during a search of the vehicle. Police claim she showed clear signs of intoxication.

Haley's also being sued by the driver with whom she collided ... he was rushed to the hospital in critical condition.


"General Hospital" star Haley Pullos is being sued over the car crash from her recent DUI arrest ... the driver she smashed into says it's her fault he went to the hospital.

According to a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, a man named Courtney Wilder claims Haley plowed into his car last month while driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana.

Wilder says the car he was driving behind barely swerved to avoid Haley's car as she drove the wrong way on a freeway offramp ... but he claims he didn't have time to react when he saw headlights coming his way and crashed head-on into Haley. He says he ended up getting transported to a hospital in critical condition.

TMZ broke the story ... cops said Haley was driving on a freeway in Pasadena on April 29, when she swerved into oncoming traffic, colliding head-on with another car that cops say was going about 60 mph.

Police say they searched Haley's car and found weed edibles and mini-bottles of tequila ... and she was arrested for felony DUI when she was taken to a hospital. Cops said she reeked of booze, had watery eyes and slurred speech.

The lawsuit also references what we first reported ... cops said Haley hit a firefighter who was assessing her injuries and shouted, "This is a $400 f***ing shirt!" Wilder slams the comment, claiming Haley cared more about an "overpriced shirt" than the safety and well-being of the crash victims.

In the docs, Wilder claims Haley should have stopped driving when she got into a hit-and-run earlier that night ... and he says she never should have been behind the wheel after mixing alcohol with weed edibles.

Wilder says the crash caused lasting injuries to his body and severe damage to his car, which was totaled ... and he's going after Haley for damages.

We reached out to Haley's reps, who had no comment.

UFC Star Tony Ferguson Charged With DUI After Truck Wreck ... Pleads Not Guilty

Prosecutors have hit Tony Ferguson with a charge of DUI after he allegedly wrecked his truck in Hollywood last month, TMZ Sports has learned ... but we've also learned the UFC star is already fighting back in the case, pleading not guilty to the misdemeanor.

The 39-year-old entered the plea at his arraignment last week ... less than a month after authorities say he crashed his pickup truck into two parked cars outside of a Hollywood club just before 2 AM.


The scene was terrifying ... the truck ended up on its side following the collision -- though, somehow, no one was injured.

At the time, law enforcement sources told us Tony had refused to take a field sobriety test and was "very uncooperative" at the scene. They also said cops who eyeballed him claimed he reeked of booze and had bloodshot eyes.

Ferguson is due back in court for another hearing on the matter later this month.

Justin Combs' Mom Rips into Diddy Over Justin's DUI Arrest

Misa Hylton -- the mother of Diddy's eldest son Justin Combs -- is none too pleased following their son's DUI arrest ... and it appears she thinks his dad hasn't been the strictest parent.

TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... JC was busted for running a red light around 8 AM on Sunday morning, and eventually hauled off and booked on a misdemeanor DUI charge.

Shortly after the news broke, Misa launched into a tirade on Instagram aimed at Diddy, suggesting his "reality show" lifestyle led Justin down the wrong path.

Naturally, mothers tend to be overprotective of their sons and Misa told her followers to expect the absolute worst should anything ever happen to her Prince JC.

UCLA, the college where JC once played football, and one of Diddy's high-ranking employees also felt Misa's mama bear wrath via a few stray shots.

She also brought up (or scoffed at rather), Diddy's recently filed lawsuit against alcohol giant Diageo where he alleged racist and unfair treatment as a brand ambassador.

Misa thinks Diddy should invest in selling something healthier for the culture and his suing the bank that got him rich hints at a fall from grace!!!

We reached out to Diddy's team yet again to get some clarity on the matter. Nothing back yet.

Diddy's Oldest Son Justin Combs Arrested for DUI

Diddy's eldest son, Justin Combs, was arrested for DUI this weekend in L.A. ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us Justin was arrested Sunday morning near Beverly Hills after a cop saw a vehicle run a red light. This occurred around 8 AM -- and the incident was also shot by an eyewitness. In pics obtained by TMZ, you can see JC interacting with the officer.

We're told the officer initiated a traffic stop, where Justin was found to be the driver. After a preliminary investigation, our sources tell us the cop felt there was enough probable cause to cuff him and haul him to jail on suspicion of driving under the influence.

It's unclear what sort of sobriety tests Justin might've been put through, but we know he was booked on a misdemeanor DUI charge ... and that his bond was set at $5,000. No word on whether he's still in custody or not.

Justin is Diddy's first kid, whom he had with Misa Hylton. Like Puff's other children, he's taken after his father and gotten into showbiz -- serving as an actor, producer and entrepreneur, among other things.

We've reached out to his team for comment ... so far, no word back.