'Ray Donovan' Actor Pooch Hall Dangerously Recorded His Kids WHILE He Was Driving

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"Ray Donovan" actor Marion "Pooch" Hall put his kids in danger with some questionable behavior behind the wheel ... months before his shocking DUI arrest.

We did some digging and found a video Hall recorded and posted May 11 on Instagram. It shows him joking around with his boys in the backseat and recording them ... but he's doing it WHILE he's driving. The footage is even more unsettling on the heels of Hall's DUI.

TMZ broke the story ... Hall was busted Wednesday night in Burbank, CA when he had his 2-year-old son on his lap, and at the wheel, when he hit 2 parked cars. Cops say Hall's BAC was .25 ... more than 3 times the limit. Witnesses were horrified to see Pooch's child crying in the front seat while the child's car seat was laying uninstalled in the back seat.

In the IG video, you can see one of his kids standing in the back seat clearly not wearing a seat belt. His toddler son is at least in a car seat this time. Hall's older daughter is in the passenger seat. It only looks like she's in the driver's seat because the phone's selfie mode flips the image.

As we first reported ... DCFS opened an investigation after the DUI arrest.

'Ray Donovan' Star Pooch Hall DUI Arrest Triggers DCFS Investigation

"Ray Donovan" actor Marion "Pooch" Hall's wild DUI arrest this week -- during which he was allegedly so wasted he let his 2-year-old steer his car -- immediately caught the attention of children's services ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services has opened an investigation into Hall's case. We broke the story ... Hall was arrested Wednesday night after cops say he was driving with a .25 blood alcohol level with his son on his lap and his son's hands on the wheel, and it ended when his car crashed into a parked vehicle.

Hall was arrested for DUI and felony child endangerment and the toddler was released to his mother.

As for what the investigation could entail ... we're told DCFS workers will want to interview the Hall family and run Hall's record to see if this alleged behavior is common, or just a one-time thing.

If it is an isolated incident, our sources say DCFS might be inclined to let the court handle any sort of punishment. It's further complicated by the fact there's no reason -- at least so far -- to remove the child from his mother's custody, and it appears Hall and the mother live together.

Hall plays Daryll Donovan -- Liev Schreiber's character's half-brother on the show. Season 6 is set to air later this month.

'Ray Donovan' Actor Pooch Hall Arrested for DUI ... And Letting His 2-Year-Old Drive

"Ray Donovan" actor Marion "Pooch" Hall was arrested Wednesday night for DUI and felony child endangerment, after allegedly letting his 2-year-old son drive because he was too wasted to steer.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Hall, who plays Daryll, was driving in Burbank at around 7:30 PM when witnesses called 911 after seeing the toddler in his lap holding the steering wheel.

We're told the witnesses were horrified to watch the car veer off and smash into a parked car. Thankfully, there were no injuries. One eyewitness tells us he saw the child crying in the front seat. The eyewitness says he looked in the window and the car seat was just laying among the junk in the back seat. It was not installed.

We're told when police came they smelled a strong odor of alcohol and Hall could barely walk. His blood alcohol level ... .25 -- more than 3 times the legal limit.

Hall was cuffed and taken to jail, where he remains on $100,000 bail.

As for his son ... he was released into his wife's custody.

Dorial Green-Beckham Gets Off Easy In Drunk Driving Case ... Judge Says 'We're All Pulling For You'

Ex-NFL wideout Dorial Green-Beckham avoided serious jail time for his December drunk driving arrest ... in part 'cause the judge says he can still influence the community in his hometown.

As TMZ Sports reported ... DGB was busted for DWI back on Dec. 30 in Missouri when a cop suspected the ex-Eagles WR was intoxicated while picking up a friend at 3 AM.

Cops were right. He later pled guilty to misdemeanor DWI and was facing six months behind bars and a $1,000 fine.

But, when the 25-year-old appeared in court for sentencing Monday ... the Greene County judge let him off easy, in part because DGB -- as one of the greatest H.S. football players in the town's history -- can still have an impact on kids in the community.

"We're all pulling for you," the judge said, via the Springfield News-Leader.

"Don't forget that. This whole community is pulling for you."

The judge sentenced Dorial to 2 years of unsupervised probation, 60 hours of community service and a substance awareness traffic program.

DGB was the top-rated recruit in the 2012 class ... but flamed out at both Missouri and in the NFL thanks, in large part, to off-the-field issues.

Dorial's attorney told the Springfield News-Leader he could be trying to make a comeback to football ... perhaps in the Canadian Football League.

Remember, HE'S ONLY 25!!!

Good luck ...

Jayson Werth DUI Arrest Video 'I'm Not Sure I Trust Cops'


MLB star Jayson Werth got into it with a police officer during his DUI arrest back in April -- ultimately telling the cop he's not sure the officer had his best interests at heart.

Werth was pulled over in Scottsdale, AZ on April 17 for expired registration and, during the stop, the officer suspected he was drunk.

Werth tried to celebrity his way out of the arrest -- handing the cop an MLB "courtesy card" which shows he's a pro baseball player -- and told the cop, "We do a lot of work with you guys."

Didn't work.

When the cops tried to conduct a field sobriety test, Werth objected -- refusing to comply and telling the cop, "I'm just not sure I trust you."

The cop tried to explain that he was NOT misleading Werth and was only trying to do the right thing.

Werth replied, "A lot of people have gotten into a lot of trouble assuming that police officers have their best interests [at heart]."

That's when the cop broke out the handcuffs and arrested the baseball player.

As we previously reported, Werth was taken to a nearby station where he ultimately surrendered to a blood draw -- which showed he had a .12 BAC.

He later pled guilty to 1 count of DUI and was sentenced to a diversion program.

Jayson Werth Made Cops Get Warrant to Draw Blood ... In DUI Arrest

Jayson Werth would not go quietly into that good night during his April DUI arrest -- refusing to submit to field sobriety tests and forcing cops to get a warrant to draw his blood.

TMZ Sports obtained the incident report from the April 17 arrest -- in which the Scottsdale PD says Werth was pulled over around 10:45 PM after officers noticed expired plates on the truck he was driving.

Right when they pulled him over, cops say Werth threw a lit cigarette out the window -- and when officers approached the ride, he reeked of smoke and booze and slurred when he talked.

Cops say Werth tried to the play the MLB card -- literally -- handing them an ID card which showed he was a pro ball player. Werth then said, "We do a lot of work with you guys."

Werth initially denied drinking alcohol -- but later admitted to having a glass of wine. When cops asked him to perform various field sobriety tests, including a breathalyzer, he refused.

Werth was arrested and taken to a nearby station where he told cops he would not consent to tests of his blood and breath. So, officials requested a warrant to forcibly draw blood -- and it was granted.

Once notified, Werth told cops, "I have no recourse?" An officer essentially told him no and Werth ultimately complied with the blood draw.

When the test came back, the blood showed a .12 B.A.C. -- well over the .08 legal limit.

Werth's case went in front of a judge last week where he cut a plea deal in which he pled guilty to 1 count of DUI. In exchange, 2 other charges were dropped and he was sentenced to a diversion program, ordered to pay fines and fees totaling $1,600 and his license will be suspended.

Fun Fact: Werth made more than $136 MILLION during his MLB career. Maybe spring for a driver next time??

Tiger Woods Probation for DUI Ends Early ... Free to Drink Again

Tiger Woods can throw back a celebratory cocktail or 2 because he's off probation for his DUI ... TMZ has learned.

Eldrick's probation was terminated by a judge a month earlier than expected because he "successfully completed all regular and special conditions" ... according to a new legal doc obtained by TMZ.

As we reported ... Woods copped a plea in his DUI case at his Florida hearing on October 27, 2017, and as part of his deal to avoid jail time he agreed to enter a DUI diversion program. He was also put on probation for 12 months, ordered to perform 50 hours of community service, and prohibited from drinking alcohol or taking drugs during the probation period ... but now it's over.

The golf legend was arrested for DUI on May 29, 2017 in Jupiter, FL after cops found him asleep at the wheel of his 2015 Mercedes. Once he awoke, Tiger was a discombobulated mess, which he claimed was the result of taking a cocktail of Rx drugs.

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Dash cam footage of his arrest showed Tiger was clearly in no shape to be behind the wheel, and he later went to rehab to get help for his prescription drug issues.

NASCAR CEO Brian France Pleads Not Guilty In Oxy & DWI Case

NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France ain't exactly rolling over in his DWI and Oxycodone possession case ... 'cause he pled not guilty to multiple charges in an NY court.

France -- who's currently on a leave of absence from NASCAR -- was arrested August 5 in Sag Harbor, NY.

Cops say they pulled BF over and suspected he was intoxicated ... so they gave him a field sobriety test -- which they say he bombed.

During the stop, police say they also found Oxycodone pain pills.

To make matters worse, we're told France name-dropped President Trump during the arrest ... in an effort to skate on the charges.

France's attorney appeared on his behalf in Sag Harbor Village Court on Friday ... and pled not guilty to misdemeanor criminal possession of a controlled substance, aggravated DWI, and DWI.

He's facing up to a year in jail for each charge.

France is due back in court October 5.

Bird Scooters This is How He Rolls ... Past Checkpoint, into a DUI Arrest!!

Those super popular/publicly menacing Bird scooters are NOT the most convenient way to get around ... IF you're allegedly wasted and attempting to blow past a DUI checkpoint.

This particular Bird got trapped by LAPD West Traffic over the weekend, and TMZ got this pic of the 25-year-old rider going through his field sobriety test. Law enforcement sources tell us the guy was riding by on the sidewalk. Mistake #1 -- they're supposed to ride on the street.

Mistake #2 -- we're told cops smelled booze on the guy's breath when they stopped him. Next thing he knows, instead of scooting off into the night ... he's trying to put one foot in front of the other.

We're told he refused to take a breathalyzer test and bombed his field sobriety test. He was arrested for misdemeanor DUI.

The takeaway for all you Bird fans out there -- a motorized scooter IS a vehicle, just like a car or a bicycle, and it IS against the law to operate 'em under the influence. Bird even spells that out in its user agreement.

This concludes your Sunday Funday bummer.

'L&HH' Star Tommie Lee 48 Hours Jail Time In DUI Plea Deal

Tommie Lee has an orange jumpsuit in her future ... but she'll only have to spend 2 days in jail, instead of the 2 years she was facing, as a result of a plea deal stemming from her 2016 arrest for DUI.

The "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" star pled guilty to one count of DUI and one count of driving without headlights and, as part of her sentence, next week she's spending 48 hours in Fulton County Jail.

Tommie also has to complete 40 hours of community service and get an alcohol and drug evaluation treatment. She'll be on probation for 12 months.

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We broke the story ... Tommie was busted for drunk driving in January 2016 and cops said she peed herself in the cruiser on the way to the station.

Dorial Green-Beckham Pleads Guilty to Drunk Driving

Ex-NFL wide receiver Dorial Green-Beckham has pled guilty to misdemeanor DWI stemming from a December arrest in Missouri ... TMZ Sports has learned.

The story behind the arrest is crazy ...

The 25-year-old had gotten a call around 3 AM on Dec. 30 from a friend -- who was being arrested for DWI -- and needed Dorial to come pick him up.

When the WR arrived to the scene in his white Cadillac Escalade, cops say they noticed Dorial seemed drunk too and administered field sobriety tests ... which he failed. So, Dorial was arrested too.

Green-Beckham was later charged with misdemeanor Driving While Intoxicated -- and, according to court records, he appeared in court on Monday and pled guilty.

Sentencing is set for October -- he's facing up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Dorial Green-Beckham was one of the top high school WRs ever -- but never reached his potential in college or the NFL due to off-the-field issues.

He was drafted by the Titans in the 2nd round of the 2015 Draft but didn't last there long. The Eagles picked him up in 2016 and he played 1 season -- racking up 36 catches for 392 yards and 2 TDs.

The Eagles released him before the 2017 season.

Mary Kay Letourneau's Husband Plea Deal Limits Weed, Booze Intake

Mary Kay Letourneau's husband is being forced to cut back on the partying ... 'cause the plea deal in his DUI case calls for him to tone down his alcohol and cannabis consumption.

Vili Fualaau pled guilty to reckless driving and, as part of his sentence, he's getting an ignition interlock device installed in his car. If he has any booze, the car won't start.

He's also prohibited from having any liquor or recreational drugs for at least 8 hours prior to getting behind the wheel ... plus he's got to complete a substance abuse course.

Vili will also spend 5 days in a community work crew program. As long as he completes these terms and keeps his nose clean for the next 2 years, Vili won't serve any jail time.

TMZ broke the story ... Vili was busted for DUI this February in Washington and prosecutors say he had THC in his blood and a BAC of .08.

We've got some ideas for ways Vili can release stress without his vices ... after all, he's been banging Mary since he was 13.

Soccer's Hugo Lloris Pleads Guilty to Drunk Driving ... After Pukey Arrest

You could say Hugo Lloris was caught green handed ... because prosecutors say the soccer superstar puked on himself the night he was arrested for drunk driving.

The captain of the World Cup champion France soccer team pled guilty in a British court Wednesday morning stemming from an August 24 arrest.

During the hearing, prosecutors detailed the events of the evening -- and it's clear, dude was HAMMERED.

Officials say the goalkeeper was pulled over in his Porsche at 2:20 AM after cops noticed he was "not moving smoothly, and was travelling at a slower speed than expected."

He almost hit several parked cars and then ran a red light.

When cops pulled him over, "Officers observed his speech was slurred, he was helped from the vehicle by an officer, he was unstable on his feet, and there was evidence of vomit at the scene."


A breathalyzer showed his blood alcohol was more than TWICE the legal limit.

Ultimately, the 31-year-old Tottenham star was hit with a $65,000 fine and his license will be suspended for 20 months.

His attorney issued a statement saying Lloris didn't intend to get drunk that night -- but fans at a restaurant kept buying him drinks.

The attorney also said, "On July 15 he was arguably the proudest man on the planet. Just 40 days later, he was arrested. He experienced the indignity of being handcuffed and put in a police station overnight. The spectacular fall from grace is not lost on Mr. Lloris."

'Wizards of Waverly Place' Star Daniel Samonas Busted for DUI ... At Burning Man

Another day, another "Wizards of Waverly Place" arrest -- this time it's Selena Gomez's former onscreen love interest ... who got busted for DUI at Burning Man in real life.

Actor Daniel Samonas -- who played Dean Moriarty on the Disney Channel show -- was arrested and booked for driving under the influence in Pershing County, NV ... one of the counties that intersect in the vast Black Rock Desert where BM goes down.

We're still trying to figure out exactly when this happened, but presumably it occurred sometime between August 25 and September 3 -- the dates of Burning Man 2018. One thing's for sure ... Daniel was definitely there enjoying the dust and weird outfits. He posted pics from the festival.

We broke the story ... another 'WoWP' star, David Henrie, was also arrested this week after being caught with a loaded gun at LAX. He later apologized for the incident, saying ... "More than anything I am humiliated and embarrassed that this even happened."

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Where's that Waverly Place magic when you need it, right? Someone get Alex on the horn, STAT.

Mac Miller DUI Case to be Dropped ... Prosecutors Making it Official

9/11 3:20 PM PT -- TMZ has learned the case is now officially closed.

Mac Miller's death is forcing the L.A. City Attorney to complete a legal formality ... letting him off the hook in his DUI case.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the City Attorney's Office will officially drop the charges against Mac. He was supposed to be arraigned Tuesday in an L.A. courtroom, but we're told it's been taken off the docket and official paperwork will soon be filed.

TMZ broke the story ... Mac was arrested in May after smashing his G-Wagon into a utility pole in the San Fernando Valley. He walked away from the accident, but cops arrested him later after tracking him down at his home.

Video of the aftermath showed just how bad the crash was, but Mac wasn't seriously hurt.

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As we reported, Mac ended up blowing twice the legal limit.

TMZ broke the story ... Mac died of an apparent overdose last week at his home. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Mac Miller was 26.

Vince Vaughn Charged in DUI Case

Vince Vaughn has just been charged with DUI for his arrest nearly 3 months ago.

TMZ broke the story ... the actor was busted in Manhattan Beach, CA back in June after he was stopped at a checkpoint. Police say he was uncooperative when officers told him and his passenger to step out of the car.

The L.A.County D.A. has now charged Vaughn with DUI and disobeying an officer.

As we first reported ... Vaughn was at a hotel bar holding a drink in his hand just 2 and a half hours before he was arrested.

It's very unlikely Vince will get any jail time -- first-time DUI offenders in California typically get probation.

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