Bert Kreischer No Blow for Me at Brady's Roast ... Everyone Thought I Did!!!

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fake party animal

Bert Kreischer's clearing up a wild story about Tom Brady's roast, saying he did NOT have cocaine on him -- like everyone in the arena suspected -- but admits playing it up for the crowd!

The comedian appeared on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Thursday night, and spoke about an unaired moment that got the Kia Forum audience jumping -- he showed them a bag full of a white substance and implied he was holding a bit of blow.

Kreischer explains he had a bag full of nicotine pouches, which he put in a clear plastic baggie -- making it look like coke -- and placed it in his pocket.

Whoopi Goldberg "Fui adicta a la cocaína desde muy joven"


Whoopi Goldberg dice que fue adicta a la cocaína al principio de su carrera y se puso tan mal, que al parecer comenzó a alucinar... finalmente esto la llevó a dejarlo.

La actriz y presentadora de televisión es muy sincera en su nuevo libro de memorias, "Bits and Pieces", acerca de cómo hizo su paso por las drogas desde una edad temprana, en los años 70, para luego sumergirse de nuevo en ella en los años 80 cuando estaba empezando a despegar en Hollywood.

Whoopi dice que la coca era su mayor vicio, y estaba literalmente por todas partes... abundaba en las fiestas y reuniones en Nueva York y Los Ángeles.

Whoopi Goldberg I Was Addicted to Cocaine Early On ... Had Light Bulb Moment


Whoopi Goldberg says she was addicted to cocaine early on in her career -- and it got so bad, apparently, that she started to hallucinate ... eventually forcing an a-ha moment.

The actress/TV host gets very candid in her new memoir, 'Bits and Pieces,' about how she was doing drugs from an early age -- only to get clean in the '70s ... and then dive back into it again in the '80s as she was starting to hit the Hollywood scene.

Whoopi says coke was her biggest vice ... as she explains it was quite literally everywhere, and being dispersed with such ease at parties and get-togethers between NY and L.A.

Conor McGregor Threatens 'Cheater' Ryan Garcia ... Calls For Lifetime Ban

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12:15 PM PT -- Ryan Garcia is firing back ... saying he'll break Conor McGregor's "weak ass ankle" if the two ever cross paths -- which is a reference to an injury Conor suffered against Dustin Poirier in 2021.

"You ran from being tested bc you were on Roids," Garcia posted on X ... while also mocking his recent movie with Jake Gyllenhaal. "Roadhouse or ROIDRAGE."


Victor Conte Ryan Garcia's Full Of 💩 ... I Had Nothing To Do W/ Positive PED Test!!!

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Ryan Garcia placed blame for his failed PED test squarely at the feet of Victor Conte ... but the former BALCO mastermind turned anti-doping advocate says that's pure BS, telling TMZ Sports he had absolutely nothing to do with the flunked test!

"His conspiracy theory is completely wrong and debunked. I have nothing to do with this. I'm completely independent of VADA," Conte told us on Thursday, addressing Garcia's allegation.

If you missed it, after news broke that King Ry flunked multiple tests for Ostarine, the 25-year-old fighter lodged this allegation.

Ryan Garcia Tested Positive For PED Before Devin Haney Fight ... Boxer Calls BS!

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5/2 -- 6:00 AM PT -- Devin Haney addressed the reports of Ryan Garcia's test results ... saying it's "unfortunate Ryan cheated and disrespected both the fans and the sport of boxing by fighting dirty and breaking positive not once, but twice."

Haney -- who said he is "an advocate for clean fighting" -- added Garcia owes fans an apology ... as his recent posts suggest he finds it all to be funny.

"We put our lives on the line to entertain people for a living," Haney said. "You don't play boxing."

TikToker Kyle Marisa Roth Parents Saw Troubling Video ... Before She Was Found Dead

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Kyle Marisa Roth had her parents very concerned on the day she was found dead -- and it was over something they'd seen online, which was relayed to cops ... TMZ has learned.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Annapolis PD responded to Kyle's apartment complex on April 14 after one of her parents had called 911 to request a welfare check for their daughter ... this was after not hearing from her for a few days.

Her father, Robert, told police he'd last spoken to Kyle on April 8 -- whereas her mother, Jacquie, said she hadn't talked to Kyle in months. Either way ... Kyle's mom said she was alarmed about a certain video Kyle posted on April 4 -- although the exact reasoning for that is unclear.

TikToker Kyle Marisa Roth Los padres vieron un video perturbador... Antes de que la encontraran muerta


Kyle Marisa Roth tenía a sus padres muy preocupados el día en que fue encontrada muerta, y fue por algo que había visto en línea... TMZ ha indagado.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, la policía de Annapolis respondió al complejo de apartamentos de Kyle el 14 de abril después de que uno de sus padres llamó al 911 para solicitar un control de bienestar para su hija. Esto fue después de no saber de ella durante unos días.

Su padre -Robert- le dijo a la policía que había hablado por última vez con Kyle el 8 de abril, mientras que su madre, Jacquie, dijo que no había hablado con Kyle en meses. De cualquier manera, la madre de Kyle dijo que estaba alarmada por cierto video que Kyle publicó el 4 de abril, aunque el razonamiento exacto para ello no está claro.


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Bam Margera's clearing the air about why his UK tour got the axe -- and while some have suspected it's all about him falling off the wagon ... he's saying he's clean and sober.

Here's the deal ... Bam's been across the pond lately for a string of Q&A gigs he'd booked through a promoter -- where he was scheduled to talk to audiences ... all of which recently came to a screeching halt after the peeps he was working with announced the rest of his appearances were cancelled.

There's been a lot of accusations and drama brewing in the background this past week -- with allegations that Bam was acting erratic and rolling with a new crew of misfits.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Brendan Paul's Arrest ... Kanye West, Caitlin Clark


Drug charges, an adult entertainment venture and a new shoe deal ... all in a day's work for TMZ! Check out the best clips from Wednesday.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live," Harvey and Charles discuss Diddy's associate Brendan Paul facing felony drug charges after his arrest last month.

Brendan Paul El ayudante de Diddy es acusado de un delito de drogas


El socio de Diddy, Brendan Paul, acaba de ser acusado de un delito grave por posesión de drogas y podría significar problemas para el magnate del rap.

Paul, que trabajaba como asistente principal de Diddy, fue arrestado en marzo en el Aeropuerto Ejecutivo de Miami-Opa Locka después de que los federales hicieran una redada en el avión y encontraran cocaína y caramelos de marihuana. Fue detenido y puesto bajo custodia, al mismo tiempo que los federales allanaban las mansiones de Diddy en Miami y Los Ángeles.

El joven de 25 años, que era muy amigo de Diddy y estaba al tanto de sus idas y venidas, se declaró inocente. Su abogado, Brian Bieber, le dice a TMZ: "Trataremos este caso en la sala del tribunal, no en el tribunal de la opinión pública".

Brendan Paul Diddy's Assistant Charged with Drug Felony

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Diddy's associate, Brendan Paul, has just been charged with one felony count of drug possession, and it could spell trouble for the rap mogul.

Paul, a former Syracuse men's basketball player who worked as Diddy's main assistant, was arrested in March at the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport after feds searched his bag and allegedly found cocaine and marijuana candy. He was arrested and taken into custody, at the same time the feds were raiding Diddy's Miami and L.A. mansions.

The 25-year-old, who was extremely close to Diddy and was privy to Diddy's comings and goings, pled not guilty. His lawyer, Brian Bieber, tells TMZ, "We will be dealing with this case in the courtroom, not the court of public opinion."

Colts Owner Jim Irsay Disputes Cops' 'Overdose' Report ... Says Leg Injury Caused Medical Emergency


Jim Irsay says his medical emergency back in December was NOT due to an overdose ... insisting this week a leg injury was actually the cause of the scare.

Cops, of course, have stated otherwise. Carmel Police Department officers said in an incident report they responded to the Indianapolis Colts owner's Carmel residence on Dec. 8 at around 4:30 AM after he had been struggling to breathe with a weak pulse. They said following an administration of a dose of Narcan -- a drug commonly used to revive people in opiate overdose situations -- "he responded slightly."

Irsay was ultimately strapped to a stretcher and taken to the hospital ... and cops ended up classifying the whole ordeal as a suspected "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

Rebel Wilson ASEGURA QUE UN MIEMBRO DE LA FAMILIA REAL La llevó a una orgía

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Rebel Wilson dice que una vez se encontró en medio de una orgía llena de drogas, cortesía de un miembro de la familia real británica... supuestamente.

La actriz detalla el encuentro en su nuevo libro de memorias, "Rebel Rising", explicando cómo recibió una invitación de última hora en 2014 a una fiesta en la casa de un multimillonario tecnológico sin nombre en las afueras de Los Ángeles.

El supuesto vinculado a la realeza -que ella describe como hombre y decimoquinto o vigésimo en la línea al trono británico- estaba tratando de contribuir a la fiesta del tipo rico con más mujeres, y esa es básicamente como consiguió la invitación. Rebel no dio el nombre del miembro de la realeza... parece alguien muy lejano.

Rebel Wilson Claims British Royal ... Took Her to an Orgy!!!

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Rebel Wilson says she once found herself at a drug-fueled orgy, courtesy of a member of the British Royal family ... allegedly.

The actress details the encounter in her new memoir, "Rebel Rising" ... explaining how she received a last-minute invitation in 2014 to a shindig at an unnamed tech billionaire's home on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

The supposed Royal -- who she describes as male and "fifteenth or twentieth in line to the British throne" -- was seeking to flesh out the rich guy's bash with more women ... which is why she got an invite. RW didn't name the Royal ... sounds like someone far-removed.

Delta Burke I Tried Crystal Meth to Lose Lbs. ... Didn't Eat for 5 Days!!!

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Delta Burke is revealing the shocking lengths to which she went just to drop a few pounds in her heyday -- using crystal meth as an appetite suppressant!

The actress -- best known for playing Suzanne Sugarbaker on "Designing Women" -- stopped by the 'Glamorous Trash' podcast and opened up about how the scrutiny over her weight led her to drug use.

Delta said she was first prescribed weight-loss pills while in acting school in London, but later learned the prescription was illegal in the States -- so, she had someone get her similar pills while she starred in "Filthy Rich" between 1982 and 1983.