'Mighty Ducks' Star Shaun Weiss Leading 'Quack' Chant ... Flinging Jerseys Into Crowd

Alex Ayala / ztpr

"Mighty Ducks" star Shaun Weiss knows how to get a crowd excited ... leading an audience in an iconic 'Ducks' chant -- and tossing out signed gear.

The actor/comedian -- best known as Goldberg the Goalie from the 'Ducks' trilogy -- hit up the House of Blues in Anaheim for country singer Niko Moon's tour.

Weiss & Moon are both former addicts, and we're told Moon wanted to highlight Weiss' recovery -- pointing to him as a "hometown hero" of sorts -- since the Anaheim Ducks, who actually got their name from the film series, play real close to the House of Blues.

Riley Strain Death Reportedly Appears Accidental ... After Preliminary Autopsy

Riley Strain's tragic death appears accidental with no foul play suspected at this time after a preliminary autopsy ... according to a new report citing local police.

On Saturday, the Metro Nashville Police Department reportedly confirmed to WKRN News 2 that the preliminary autopsy on Riley has been completed, and the death continues to appear accidental.

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This seemingly supports the police's initial conclusions ... remember, after Riley's body was found Friday the police held a presser where they reiterated that no foul play was suspected.

Corey Feldman, Jennifer Gimenez Instrumental In Getting Daisy de la Hoya Into Treatment

Daisy de la Hoya received a helping hand from some fellow Hollywood stars who are also sober and familiar with what she experienced during a mental health breakdown.

Jennifer Gimenez, formerly of "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" fame and her husband, Tim Ryan from A&E's "Dope Man" tell TMZ ...  they teamed up with actor Corey Feldman and his manager, Dave Altman to help get Daisy into a mental health treatment center.

Jennifer and Tim tell us Daisy's seeing a therapist daily and is going through the 12-step program. This, of course, comes after Daisy was accused of stalking "90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks ... which she denies.


Jennifer and Tim say Daisy is journaling a lot, working on music, and has already acknowledged she had a problem -- which Jennifer and Tim say is a huge step in the right direction, and one that takes a whole lot to admit.

Corey's manager is currently caring for her dog.

Jennifer and Tim -- both recovering addicts who care for people in long-term recovery -- say Daisy was fragile when she entered treatment, but they're already seeing her turn the corner.

It's great to hear she's doing much better now ... all thanks to some great celeb friends!

If you need Jennifer or Tim's help visit dopetohope.com or call 844-611-HOPE (4673).

Corey Feldman, Jennifer Giménez Ayudan a Daisy de la Hoya a recibir tratamiento

Daisy de la Hoya recibió el apoyo de algunas estrellas de Hollywood que también están sobrias y familiarizadas con lo que experimentó durante una crisis emocional.

Jennifer Gimenez, ex participante de "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" y su marido, Tim Ryan, anfitrión de A&E le dicen a TMZ que se asociaron con el actor Corey Feldman y su manager Dave Altman para ayudar a conseguir un centro de salud mental donde Daisy pueda recibir tratamiento.

Jennifer y Tim nos dicen que Daisy está viendo a un terapeuta diariamente y pasando por el programa de 12 pasos. Esto, por supuesto, viene después de que Daisy fuera acusada de acosar a las estrellas de "90 Day Fiancé", Mariah Fineman y Tom Brooks, algo que ella niega.

Invitación a comer

Jennifer y Tim dicen que Daisy está escribiendo mucho, trabajando en la música y que ya es consciente de que tenía un problema, algo que Jennifer y Tim consideran un gran paso en la dirección correcta, pues significa mucho hacerlo.

El manager de Corey está actualmente cuidando de su perro. Nos dicen que la Fundación MusiCares está pagando por el tratamiento de Daisy.

Jennifer y Tim, que en el pasado tuvieron problemas de adicción y ahora ayudan a personas en recuperación, dicen que Daisy estaba muy frágil cuando comenzó el tratamiento, pero que ya la ven mucho mejor.

Es bueno saber que ahora está mucho mejor, ¡y todo gracias a algunos grandes amigos famosos!

Tiffany Haddish Sobria después del arresto... Por mandato judicial

No es tan difícil
The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

Tiffany Haddish está viviendo una vida recta, pues asegura que no ha bebido ni fumado por más de dos meses, aunque admite que no ha sido totalmente por elección.

La comediante se unió a "The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet" el viernes, donde reveló que está llevando una vida sobria por estos días y que no ha bebido ni fumado ni hecho cualquier otra cosa en unos 72 días.

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Tiffany con las esposas

Tiffany dice que no ha sido tan difícil porque nunca ha sido una gran consumidora de sustancias, así que está bien con dejar todo eso.

Pero, no se dejen engañar. Haddish no lo está haciendo totalmente por iniciativa propia, también afirma que un juez le ordenó que dejara cualquier sustancia.

Tiffany también añade que habría luchado contra su cargo más reciente de conducción en estado de ebriedad (DUI) si el estrés no estuviera haciendo estragos en su salud, pues solo estaba conduciendo cansada.

En aprietos

Por supuesto, Haddish llegó a un acuerdo de culpabilidad en su caso de DUI de Hollywood, tras declararse no contendiente en febrero por una condena de conducción temeraria, un cargo mucho menor.

Recuerden, Tiffany fue detenida en noviembre luego de que los policías la encontraran dormida en su carro, el que estaba aparcado torpemente en la calle. Ella fue liberada poco después y bromeó sobre el incidente durante una rutina de comedia.

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Broma sobre el arresto

Más allá de todas las bromas, parece que Haddish realmente ha hecho un gran cambio en su vida, incluso si no era 100% su idea cuando comenzó.

¡¡¡Felicidades por tu sobriedad, Tiffany!!!

Tiffany Haddish Off Substances After DUI Arrest ... Court-Mandated Sobriety

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

Tiffany Haddish is living a straight-and-narrow existence ... saying she's been off substances for well over two months -- though admitting it's not totally by choice.

The comedian joined "The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet" Friday where she revealed she's living the sober life these days ... claiming she hasn't drunk, smoked weed or done anything else in about 72 days.

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TH says it hasn't been super hard for her ... 'cause she says she's never been a big user of substances anyway -- so she's cool with giving all that up.

But, don't get fooled ... Haddish isn't totally making that decision on her own -- 'cause she claims she's actually been ordered by a judge to lay off any and all substances.

Tiffany also adds she would've fought her most recent DUI charge if the stress wasn't doing a number on her health -- saying she was just driving while tired.


Of course, Haddish copped a plea deal in her Hollywood DUI case ... pleading no contest in February to a conviction of reckless driving -- a much lesser charge.

Remember ... Tiffany was arrested in November when cops claimed they found her asleep in her car, parked awkwardly on the street. She was released pretty soon after, and joked about the incident during a comedy set pretty quickly after.

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Through all the jokes, it seems Haddish has really made a huge change to her life -- even if it wasn't 100% her idea to begin with.

Congrats on your sobriety, Tiffany!!!

Fat Joe Panel & Discussion w/ VP Harris ... Cannabis, Healthcare, Criminal Justice and More

Fat Joe's rubbing elbows with some of the top politicians in the country ... specifically Vice President Kamala Harris -- and he's sharing his solutions for some of the country's greatest issues, too.

The outspoken rapper met up with the VP on Friday afternoon and led a panel regarding criminal justice reform featuring Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and White House Director of the Office of Public Engagement Steve Benjamin.

The convo -- which featured a few other prominent criminal justice advocates and three recipients of marijuana-related pardons -- lasted about an hour and featured lots of personal anecdotes from those pardoned.

We're told Fat Joe expressed his gratitude for how his journey through hip hop had landed him in a close relationship with the vice president -- who he apparently met through his healthcare reform group Power To The Patients.

BTW ... we're told Joe actually sat down for a private conversation with Kamala where the two talked about healthcare price transparency and other issues close to Joe's heart.

Harris isn't the only exec who Joe's spoken to in recent days ... the Bronx-bred rapper also caught up with President Joe Biden himself -- following the Prez's SOTU address, which took some shots at Donald Trump.

Sources told us members of both parties wanted a piece of Fat Joe after he dapped up Biden ... with reps on both sides of the aisle rushing to the man for an autograph.

Fat Joe's been on the advocacy grind for a while now ... and we even talked to him about Power to the Patients on "TMZ Live" back in January.


It seems Joe's now sharing his opinion on all types of issues it seems ... and hey, maybe Kamala could use a running mate in 2028? 👀

Sammy Sosa Open To Cubs Reconciliation ... Freezes When Asked About PEDs

"Are you telling me that you recognize the fact that maybe you did do steroids?"

That's the question a FOX 32 reporter in Chicago asked Sammy Sosa on Friday -- and suffice it to say the slugger wasn't very happy -- laughing uncomfortably for several seconds before responding, "This is not a question that I expected from you."

55-year-old Sosa is back in Chi-town, where he played 13 seasons, for the first time in years, and there's hope this could finally be the moment the former NL MVP and the organization repair their fractured relationship.

The rift goes back years ... and although it can't be attributed to solely one thing, the beef reportedly centers around Sosa's failure to admit and apologize for alleged steroid use during his playing career.

Enter the local FOX reporter -- who began his line of questioning by asking Sammy if a reconciliation could be on the horizon.

"Well like I said, I'm a mature man. I think that's a possibility that we can do that. I'm open. I don't have a problem with that. I had a lot of misunderstandings in the past but now I'm a real man. I feel great. I recognize my mistake. So, why not?" Sosa responded.

Cue the 'roids question, and Sammy's uncomfortable response.

Awkward moment aside, it's encouraging for Cubs fans to hear their former superstar say he's open to making peace ... especially considering he's one of the org's greatest players ever.

Sosa and Mark McGwire almost single-handedly brought back baseball in 1998 ... following the 1994 labor strike (that ended in April '95). Fans were fed up with both players and owners, but Sammy and Mark's incredible displays of power brought fans back to the park and television set.

That season, Sosa hit an astounding 66 long balls, while McGwire launched a whopping 70!

Sadly, many fans' memories of the race, and the entire career of Sosa, a 7x All-Star who hit 609 homers, have been tainted by steroid accusations.

But, sounds like for the first time in a long time, a Wrigley return could be in the works!

OJ da Juiceman Still Makin' Trap Go Aye!!! Arrested On Drug Traffickin' Charges

OJ da Juiceman's 'brick' lyrics and infectious ad-libs may be his claim to fame -- but Georgia officials are looking at him in a different light after they say the rapper was ridin' dirty.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, OJ was flagged for allegedly speeding in Coweta County, GA on March 4 around 10 PM ... and gave responding officers a short chase before he eventually pulled over.

After being apprehended, Coweta County sheriffs say OJ had cocaine and a 9mm handgun in his 2024 Ford Expedition and popped him on charges for drug trafficking in cocaine and other drugs, fleeing cops, firearm possession, and failure to maintain his lane.

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We’re told the 42-year-old rapper has been sitting in the jail since the arrest.

OJ had a spark when he first started rap ... he was a 2010 XXL Freshman alongside, J. Cole, Freddie Gibbs and Nipsey Hussle and was aligned with Gucci Mane early on ... but has only been releasing music sporadically the past few years.

It probably won't surprise anyone if that output slows down even further now.

EL PADRASTRO DE MATTHEW PERRY habla sobre su muerte "Él creía que estaba venciendo su adicción"

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ganando la batalla
Making Space with Hoda Kotb

Keith Morrison dice que su hijastro Matthew Perry pensó que estaba superando su adicción antes de su repentina muerte, pero en realidad, no era así.

En su primera entrevista desde el fallecimiento de Matthew en octubre, el corresponsal de "Dateline", que está casado con la madre de Matt -Suzanne- reveló recientemente en el pódcast de Hoda Kotb que el querido actor sentía que estaba superando su adicción e incluso se le veía feliz.

Keith reconoció que Matt tuvo una lucha particularmente dura con el alcohol y las drogas, algo que todos sabíamos. Describió la batalla de Matthew contra la adicción como "virulenta", señalando que la enfermedad lo persiguió sin descanso durante años.

Con esto en mente, Keith dice que no estaba totalmente sorprendido por el final prematuro de Matt. Aún así, añadió: "Él no llegó a tener su tercer acto, y eso no es justo". Es una conversación muy triste.

Como informamos, la autopsia de Mathew señaló que había estado limpio durante 19 meses, pero su muerte fue un accidente causado por los efectos agudos de la ketamina.

Perry se había sometido a una terapia de infusión de ketamina para tratar su depresión y la ansiedad, y su último tratamiento fue una semana antes de su muerte, la cual TMZ cubrió en su momento.

Matthew fue encontrado sin respuesta en su jacuzzi... el ahogamiento y la enfermedad de la arteria coronaria se destacaron más tarde como factores adicionales en su causa oficial de muerte.

Keith admitió que todavía está luchando con el dolor por la muerte de Matthew, pero confesó que su esposa (la madre de Matt) está pasándolo aún peor, incluso tantos meses después.  Según Keith, Matthew y Suzanne estaban más unidos que nunca justo antes del fallecimiento del actor.

Por supuesto, Keith también fue uno de los primeros familiares en llegar al lugar de la muerte de Matt.

Matthew Perry's Stepfather Morrison Speaks on Death He Thought He Was Beating Addiction

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Making Space with Hoda Kotb

Keith Morrison says his stepson Matthew Perry thought he was overcoming his addiction before his sudden death ... but in reality, says he knew he really wasn't.

In his first interview since Matthew's passing in October, the "Dateline" correspondent -- who's married to Matt's mother, Suzanne -- recently revealed on Hoda Kotb's podcast that the beloved actor felt he was beating his addiction and in a good place ... happy, even.

Keith also acknowledged that Matt had a particularly tough struggle with alcohol and drugs -- something we all knew. He described Matthew's addiction battle as "virulent" ... noting the disease went after him relentlessly over the years.

With this in mind, Keith says he wasn't totally surprised by Matt's untimely ending. Still, he added ... "He didn't get to have his third act, and that's not fair." It's a somber conversation.

As we reported ... Mathew's autopsy noted he'd been clean for 19 months ... but his death was ruled an accident having been caused by the acute effects of ketamine.

MP had been using ketamine infusion therapy to treat his depression and anxiety -- and his last treatment came a week before his death, which TMZ broke at the time.

Matthew was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi ... drowning and coronary artery disease were later highlighted as additional factors on his official cause of death.

Keith admitted that he's still struggling with grief over Matthew's death ... but confessed his wife/Matt's mom is having a harder time with it all, even all these months later.  According to Keith, Matthew and Suzanne were closer than ever just before the actor's passing.

Of course, Keith was also one of the first family members on the scene of Matt's death.

Spring Break ¡¡¡Pelea entre chicas en la playa!!! Caos en Fort Lauderdale

Riña durante un spring break

Las vacaciones de primavera se parecen más a un combate de la UFC, ya que el caos total se apoderó de las playas al sur de Florida, y la buena gente de Fort Lauderdale probablemente está diciendo: "¡¡¡Muchas gracias, Miami!!!"

La escapada anual de los estudiantes universitarios comenzó el lunes con miles de jóvenes haciendo su arribo a Florida y las cosas se salieron casi inmediatamente de control, cuando unas estudiantes en bikini se enzarzaron en una pelea cuerpo a cuerpo como muestra este video, que rápidamente se convirtió en una riña que involucró a decenas.

No sabemos exactamente lo que provocó la pelea, pero creemos que el alcohol jugó un rol.

Este es exactamente el tipo de escena que temía Miami Beach cuando la ciudad impuso nuevas restricciones antes de las vacaciones de primavera, pero como se puede ver, la locura se ha trasladado un poco más arriba de la costa a Lauderdale.

La decisión de Miami se produjo luego de registrar 2 tiroteos durante las vacaciones del año pasado, que también provocaron 488 detenciones y más de 230 casos de delitos graves.

Como informamos, la ciudad publicó un video de campaña donde se instó a los spring breakers a llevar la fiesta para otra parte y se les informó que habría toques de queda, control de los bolsos, acceso restringido a la playa y puestos de control de DUI.

Muy desalentador para los universitarios, por lo que no es de extrañar que Fort Lauderdale esté absorbiendo las masivas fiestas ahora.

Un día después, la ciudad ya ha tenido que reforzar la presencia policial, poniendo más agentes en la arena para patrullar las fiestas en la playa y unidades K-9 para inspeccionar a los juerguistas que estaban tomando el sol.

Con policía o sin ella, una cosa está clara: cuando se reúnen multitudes, hay peleas.

Spring Break All-Girl Brawl Beach!!!

Spring Break Brawl


11:03 AM PT -- Fort Lauderdale PD is saying this brawl has nothing to do with their city or their beaches -- so it's unclear where exactly this happened ... but it's still pretty crazy all the same.


Spring Break's looking more like a UFC match as all-out mayhem erupts on South Florida beaches ... and the good people of Fort Lauderdale are probably saying, "Thanks a lot, Miami!!!"

The annual college student getaway kicked off Monday with thousands of students making their way to FL, and it almost immediately got outta hand. Multiple bikini-clad students went toe-to-toe in the sand -- as the video shows, it quickly turned into a melee involving dozens.

No word on what exactly sparked the brawl, but we're guessing alcohol played a part.

This is exactly the kinda scene Miami Beach feared when the city imposed new restrictions ahead of Spring Break -- but, as you can see, the madness has just moved up the coast a bit to Lauderdale.

Miami's decision came after 2 shootings during last year's break, which also resulted in 488 arrests ... and more than 230 of them were felony cases.

As we reported ... the city posted a campaign video where spring breakers were urged to take the party elsewhere and informed there would be threatened curfews, bag checks, restricted beach access and DUI checkpoints.

All vibe killers, so it's no wonder Fort Lauderdale is absorbing the massive party scene.

One day in, and that city has already had to ramp up the police presence ... putting more officers in the sand to patrol beach parties, and K-9 units were inspecting sunbathing revelers.

Cops or not, one thing's already clear -- when the crowds gather, there's gonna be fighting.

Originally Published -- 7:53 AM PT

BAM MARGERA Heated Spat with Fiancée Out of Concern He Had Relapsed

In A Bam Romance

Bam Margera got into a loud argument with his fiancée that was caught on camera, and while it looked and sounded like they were at each other's throats ... Bam says it actually stemmed out of love.

The former "Jackass" star was arguing with Dannii Marie last Thursday outside of a Nashville hotel -- not long after he'd injured himself in a skate stunt that left him with a torn MCL and ACL.

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Bam Bangs Knee

In the video, obtained by TMZ, you can see Bam and Dannii shouting at each other -- it's a heated conversation, for sure, but Bam tells us all is well in their relationship.

He says the argument started after he stepped outside for a smoke break ... we're told Dannii apparently thought he was trying to sneak away to use hard drugs, as he has in the past.

Fact is, a lot of online trolls have speculated Bam might relapse after his injury if he were prescribed pain meds. We're told Dannii found Bam outside in the alley, and confronted him about that very possibility thinking the worst, but he insists the only thing he lit up was a cig.

Long story short ... Bam says Dannii was simply expressing concern for him, and he absolutely appreciates his woman looking out for his best interests. He credits her with keeping him on the straight and narrow with his sobriety.


Bam says he took a urine test that day to reassure Dannii he was clean, and he tells us he remains substance-free even to this day -- marking 6 months of sobriety.

Bam's manager Mike Quinn tells TMZ... "Good news, Bam remains sober. The personal incident outside a hotel, involving Bam and his fiancée, Dannii, stemmed from Dannii's concern for Bam's wellbeing. This misunderstanding between the couple was resolved positively, as expected moments later. Bam continues to take his regular voluntary urine tests to confirm his sobriety."

Now, Bam's on the mend with Dannii by his side, and even if they argue about his addiction issues ... he says they're absolutely going strong as a couple.

Steve-O Defends Jimmy Kimmel's RDJ Addiction Joke ... No Apology Needed!!!


Steve-O is siding with Jimmy Kimmel after the late-night host poked fun at Robert Downey Jr.'s past substance abuse issues during his Oscars 2024 monologue.

Check out our chat with him above ... where he stood by his fellow comedian, arguing people take jokes way too seriously these days. He told TMZ ... "Let comedians tell jokes!"

Despite overcoming addiction issues himself -- the "Jackass" star felt it was totally within JK's rights to call out RDJ on his troubled past.


Not only did the 49-year-old call hosting a "thankless job" ... he also reminded us that people who are sober regularly discuss their sobriety journeys, like at AA and NA meetings -- so why does it matter if Jimmy chimes in?

So ... it wasn't surprising when Steve-O declared Jimmy does not owe Robert an apology. Though, he made it clear he won't be following in Jimmy's footsteps, explaining he likes to make himself the butt of a joke.

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Steve-O's stance comes a day after Jimmy sparked awkward laughter at the Academy Awards after calling "Oppenheimer" one of the highest points in Robert's career ... alluding to his previous court-ordered rehab stay in the early '00s.

Robert -- who has been sober since 2003 -- was a good sport about the dig ... making an "on the nose gesture" when the cameras panned to him. He also called out his struggles in his Oscars acceptance speech -- thanking his entertainment lawyer Tom Hansen for "trying to get [him] insured and bailing [him] out of the hoosegow" over the years.

It's clear that RDJ is unbothered ... so why should we be upset???

Porn Star Emily Willis In a Coma Amid Hospitalization Fam Preparing for the Worst

Emily Willis, the famous adult film actress, is still in critical condition following her hospitalization last month -- in fact, we've learned she hasn't regained consciousness.

Michael Willis -- Emily's father -- tells TMZ his daughter is currently in a coma and unresponsive at a hospital, but has stabilized a bit in comparison to the state she was in when first admitted in early February.

While she isn't as bad as she was when she went in, we're told the family is bracing for the worst -- as Emily is now on a ventilator to assist with her breathing.

Michael confirms to us that Emily was in rehab for eight days before she suffered a cardiac arrest while in treatment. While law enforcement sources previously told us that the 25-year-old was brought in for an apparent overdose ... Michael says doctors told the family that her early toxicology screen came back negative. Translation -- nothing was in her system.

FWIW ... Michael says they're all still waiting on a physical copy of the report to confirm this.

Michael -- who is actually her stepfather, but raised her as his own --- recalls Emily eating very little before entering rehab ... telling us that she weighed only 80 pounds when she checked herself in. However, it's unclear if that played a role in her health crisis.

Still, according to Michael, Emily was determined to get healthy and was very open about seeking help for her substance abuse problem.

Emily's loved ones are doing everything they can to help the stricken starlet -- her brother, also named Michael, has launched a GoFundMe to help cover her medical bills and other expenses. Her father tells us they needed to do this as they're unable to access Emily's funds ... which are currently locked and do not list her family as beneficiaries.

She's received an outpouring of love and support from friends and fans alike.