Estrella porno Emily Willis En coma en medio de su hospitalización Preparados para lo peor...

Emily Willis, la famosa actriz de cine para adultos, sigue en estado crítico tras su hospitalización el mes pasado. De hecho, hemos sabido que no ha recuperado la conciencia.

Michael Willis, el padre de Emily, le dice a TMZ que su hija se encuentra actualmente en coma y sin respuesta en un hospital, pero se ha estabilizado un poco en comparación con el estado en que se encontraba cuando fue admitida por primera vez a principios de febrero.

Aunque no está tan mal como cuando ingresó, nos dicen que la familia se está preparando para lo peor mientras Emily se encuentra conectada a un ventilador para ayudarla a respirar.

Michael nos confirma que Emily estuvo en rehabilitación durante ocho días antes de sufrir un paro cardíaco durante el tratamiento. Fuentes policiales nos dijeron previamente que la joven de 25 años fue llevada por una aparente sobredosis. Michael dice que los médicos le dijeron a la familia que su análisis toxicológico dio negativo. En otras palabras, no había nada en su sistema.

PARA SU INFORMACIÓN, Michael dice que todavía están esperando una copia física del informe para confirmar esto.

Michael, que es en realidad su padrastro, pero la crio como si fuera suya, recuerda que Emily estaba comiendo muy poco antes de entrar a rehabilitación. Nos dicen que pesaba solo 80 libras cuando fue ingresada. Sin embargo, no está claro si eso jugó un papel en su crisis de salud.

Sin embargo, de acuerdo con Michael, Emily estaba decidida a recuperar su salud y fue muy abierta sobre el deseo de buscar ayuda para tratar su problema con el abuso de sustancias.

Los seres queridos de Emily están haciendo todo lo posible para ayudar a la estrella. Su hermano, también llamado Michael, ha puesto en marcha un GoFundMe para ayudar a cubrir con sus gastos médicos y otros gastos. Su padre nos dice que necesitaban hacer esto, ya que son incapaces de acceder a los fondos de Emily, que actualmente están bloqueados y la familia no figura dentro de los beneficiarios.

Ella ha recibido una avalancha de cariño y apoyo de amigos y fans por igual.

Andy Cohen Enfurecido con McSweeney por acusarlo de consumir cocacína O te retractas o....

Andy Cohen está contraatacando a las afirmaciones que hizo Leah McSweeney, pero hay una acusación en particular que tiene al ejecutivo de TV y a sus abogados enfurecidos, tanto que están amenazando con una demanda.

El mandamás de Bravo, que fue demandado por McSweeney junto con la red la semana pasada, envió una carta a Leah a través de sus abogados, donde deja claro que creen que su acusación sobre el consumo de cocaína contra Andy es falsa y difamatoria.

Sus abogados van sin rodeos y dicen que prácticamente todo lo que dijo sobre Cohen en la demanda es infundado y falso, pero sobre la afirmación de cocaína dicen: "[E]xigimos que se retracte inmediatamente y retire todas las acusaciones relacionadas con el supuesto 'consumo de cocaína' del señor Cohen". Si no lo hace, dicen que la llevarán a juicio.

El equipo legal de Andy continúa: "Para ser claros: estas acusaciones son categóricamente falsas. El Sr. Cohen nunca consumió cocaína con ningún miembro del elenco de ningún programa de Real Housewives ni con ningún otro empleado de Bravo. La ausencia de cualquier base razonable para hacer tales alegaciones es confirmada por el propio alegato".

Señalan que no hay detalles incluidos respecto a este alegato, lo que sugeriría que no sabe nada concreto porque simplemente no es cierto. Sus abogados creen que esta imprudente demanda de Leah contra Andy solo busca obtener titulares y potencialmente dinero.

Los abogados de Andy terminan diciendo: "La verdad importa. Los litigios no pueden ser utilizados para crear noticias falsas. Y no puede ser utilizado como un vehículo para difundir mentiras falsas y maliciosas, en apoyo de un chantaje. Exigimos que emita una retractación pública inmediata y pida disculpas al Sr. Cohen. Cada día sin hacerlo no hace sino aumentar los daños sufridos por el Sr. Cohen".

En cuanto a cómo Leah está reaccionando a esta carta, una fuente cercana a ella le dice a TMZ que está atónita de que él quiera seguir llamando la atención sobre esto en la prensa, en lugar de simplemente dejar que se desarrolle en los tribunales.

Una fuente cercana a Cohen le dice a TMZ: "Por supuesto, Andy debe defenderse en público con la verdad. ¿Por qué se le debería permitir arrojar mentiras sobre su carácter?".

Andy Cohen Torches McSweeney's Coke Claim ... Take It Back Or Else!!!

Andy Cohen is firing back at Leah McSweeney's claims about him -- but one specific allegation has got him and his lawyers fired up ... and they're threatening a lawsuit.

The Bravo honcho -- who was, along with the network, sued by McSweeney in an explosive lawsuit last week -- fired off a letter to Leah through his attorneys ... and they make it crystal clear that they believe her allegation of cocaine use against Andy is false and defamatory.

His lawyers don't mince words, saying virtually everything she said about Cohen in the lawsuit is baseless and false, but on the cocaine claim specifically they write ... "[W]e demand that you immediately retract and withdraw all allegations relating to Mr. Cohen’s purported 'cocaine use.'" If she doesn't, they say they're taking her to court.

Andy's legal team continues ... "To be clear: these allegations are categorically false. Mr. Cohen never used cocaine with any cast member on any Real Housewives show or with any other Bravo employee. The absence of any reasonable basis to make such allegations is confirmed by your pleading itself."

They point out there are no details included in her allegation here, which they think points to her not knowing anything concrete ... because it's simply not true. Her attorneys say they believe Leah levied this salacious claim against Andy recklessly just to get headlines and potentially a quick payday.

Andy's lawyers end by saying ... "The truth matters. Litigation cannot be used to create fake news. And it cannot be used as a vehicle to spread false and malicious lies, in furtherance of a shakedown. We demand that you issue an immediate public retraction and apologize to Mr. Cohen. Every day you fail to do so only increases the damages suffered by Mr. Cohen."

McSweeney’s attorney, Sarah M. Matz tells TMZ ... "That Andy Cohen had his counsel and PR agents write a threatening letter to give to the press is hardly surprising.  Mr. Cohen is accustomed to using his power in the media to scare and intimidate people like Ms. McSweeney so that they will not speak out. Mr. Cohen’s attempt to discredit and intimidate Ms. McSweeney to deter her from engaging in legally protected activity in Court is exactly the type of retaliation that this lawsuit was brought to address and only is further evidence for Ms. McSweeney. We do not intend to litigate this matter in the press, and if Mr. Cohen wants to address Ms. McSweeney’s claims, we suggest he do so in Court, not in a letter for the press."

A source close to Leah tells TMZ that she's flabbergasted that he wants to keep bringing attention to this in the press, rather than just letting it play out in court.

A source close to Cohen tells TMZ … “Of course, Andy should defend himself in the public with the truth. Why should she be allowed to spew lies about his character?”

Masuimi Max Modelo de Playboy y Maxim murió de una sobredosis de fentanilo

La modelo de Playboy y Maxim Masuimi Max murió a causa de una sobredosis accidental de cocaína y fentanilo, según ha podido averiguar TMZ.

La muerte ha sido oficialmente declarada como un accidente más de un mes después de su impactante muerte. Tal como nos comentó la policía previamente, Masuimi, que también era actriz, fue descubierta sin vida en su casa de Las Vegas el 25 de enero.

En ese momento, las autoridades dijeron que no sospechaban de crimen violento, pero se puso en marcha una investigación.

La carrera de la modelo comenzó a principios de la década del 2000 y la llevó a aparecer en varias publicaciones importantes como Playboy, Maxim, Alt Magazine y Bizarre Magazine, entre otras. Aunque Masuimi nunca alcanzó el estatus de estrella de la actuación, en su página de IMDB figuran varios créditos en películas como "Cornman: American Vegetable Hero" y "Giantess Battle Attack".

Incluso actuó junto a Samuel L. Jackson e Ice Cube, después de haber jugado un papel no acreditado en la película de acción de 2005 "xXx: State of the Union". Por si no lo saben, se puede ver a Masuimi en la película como la novia del rapero Xzibit.

Su crédito más reciente fue en 2023 para una película de terror indie, titulada "Protege Moi", en la que interpretó al personaje de Mercel.

Antes de su fallecimiento, Masuimi se convirtió en una influencer. Había adquirido más de 300K seguidores en Instagram. También publicó videos de burlesque inspirados en el horror y tutoriales de maquillaje en YouTube, que permanecen en línea luego de su muerte.

Masuimi Max Playboy/Maxim Model Died of Fentanyl Overdose

Playboy and Maxim model Masuimi Max died from an accidental overdose of cocaine and fentanyl, TMZ has learned.

The death has officially been ruled an accident more than a month after her shocking death. As law enforcement sources previously told TMZ ... Masuimi -- who was also an actress -- was discovered dead in her Las Vegas-area home on January 25.

At the time, authorities said they did not suspect foul play ... but an investigation was set to be conducted.

Masuimi's modeling career began back in the early 2000s and led to appearances in several big publications, including Playboy, Maxim, Alt Magazine, Bizarre Magazine, and others. While Masuimi never rose to A-list status while pursuing an acting career ... she did have several credits on her IMDB page -- including "Cornman: American Vegetable Hero" and "Giantess Battle Attack."

She even acted opposite Samuel L. Jackson and Ice Cube, having played an uncredited role in the 2005 action flick "xXx: State of the Union." ICYMI ... you can see Masuimi in the movie as rapper Xzibit's character's girlfriend.

Her most recent credit was in 2023 for an indie horror movie, titled "Protege Moi" -- in which she played the character Mercel.

Prior to her passing, Masuimi became an influencer online -- having acquired more than 300K followers on Instagram. She also posted horror-inspired burlesque videos and makeup tutorials on YouTube ... which remain online in the wake of her death.

'Mob Wives' Renee Graziano Describes Near-Fatal Fentanyl OD Had to Learn to Walk Again

Dumb Blonde Podcast

Renee Graziano says she nearly lost her life when she overdosed last year on a bad batch of drugs -- which she calls her come-to-Jesus moment ... and which finally got her clean.

The "Mob Wives" star is the latest guest for Bunnie XO's "Dumb Blonde" podcast ... and in a sneak peek clip from their chat -- set to air in full on Wednesday -- you can hear Renee get into the details of an OD she suffered in 2023 ... which ultimately sent her to Odom Recovery Group.

The story is harrowing, to say the least -- RG describes what drug it was that ended up being laced with fentanyl, unbeknownst to her ... and she says it landed her in the hospital.

Take a listen for yourself ... Renee says she had no clue she was dabbling in bad drugs -- but before she knew it, she'd lost memory over the course of 3 days ... and was bedridden for a total of 9, a period in which she says her family never came to see or visit her.

preview of the pod
Dumb Blonde Podcast

Renee goes on to say she had to learn to walk again from this horrific episode -- and it ended up being what made her realize she had to kick her drug habit ... which she has.

As we reported ... Renee entered into treatment back in November -- a couple months after this overdose -- and it sounds like she's been on the straight and narrow ever since.

Good to hear she's doing well ... and it sounds like a lot more will be discussed on the pod.

Can't wait to hear it!

PORN STAR EMILY WILLIS Needs Help Paying Medical Bills ... Following Apparent OD

Emily Willis' family is crowdfunding to help pay the adult film star's mounting medical bills after she was hospitalized following an apparent overdose.

Emily's family has set up a GoFundMe to raise money to pay for her hospital stay and recovery ... with folks pitching in $13,305 towards a $60,000 goal.

TMZ broke the story ... Emily was transported to a medical facility in Thousand Oaks, CA last month following a call for service reporting a possible OD.

Emily, who is just 25 years old, was at a well-known celeb rehab location in Malibu when the incident occurred ... so it seems she was being treated for addiction when she was rushed to a hospital and placed in a critical care unit.

Her father says Emily is fighting "an incredibly tough and unforeseen battle" with a long road to recovery ahead, requiring lots of care.

Emily's dad says donations will go towards her medical bills, plus travel and accommodations for her family so they can be with her in the hospital.

The family says Emily needs their support, and they have to be away from work to be by her side for her recovery.

Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott Reconnect Amid Separation ... Intense Convo Breaks Out!!!

Tori Spelling and her estranged husband Dean McDermott aren't reunited as a couple, but they're at least on public speaking terms again ... based on some new pics.

The exes were together in a park in Agoura Hills, CA -- it's the first time they've been seen photographed together in nearly a year. Both of them were dressed very casually, and most of the convo seemed pretty chill.

However, there were also what seemed like some tense moments during their chat. Tori and Dean have 5 kids together, so co-parenting issues were likely among the things they discussed.

But, there's plenty more for them to catch up about, too. For instance, Dean moving on ... he's reportedly living with new GF Lily Calo ... while Tori and the kids have moved into a new home, which reportedly rents for $15k/month.

They announced their separation last summer on social media, ending 17 years of marriage.

Since then, Dean has spent time in a sober living facility ... after admitting last November he'd had a drunken altercation with Tori.

In any event ... their public convo seems like a baby step in the right direction.


Tori Spelling y su marido Dean McDermott no se han reunido como pareja, pero al parecer todavía tienen cosas que solucionar... todo esto basándonos en algunas fotos nuevas.

Los ex estuvieron juntos en un parque en Agoura Hills, California, y es la primera vez que han sido fotografiados juntos en casi un año. Ambos estaban vestidos muy informal y la mayor parte de la conversación parecía bastante relajada.

Sin embargo, también hubo momentos de tensión durante la charla. Tori y Dean tienen 5 hijos juntos, por lo que las cuestiones de co-paternidad fueron probablemente temas delicados a discutir.

Pero tienen muchas cosas más para ponerse al día. Por ejemplo, Dean sigue adelante, se informa que está viviendo con su nueva novia Lily Calo, mientras que Tori y los niños se han mudado a una nueva casa, que al parecer alquila por $15k al mes.

Anunciaron su separación el pasado verano en redes sociales, poniendo fin a 17 años de matrimonio.

Desde entonces, Dean ha pasado tiempo en un centro de vida sobria, después de admitir el pasado noviembre que había tenido un altercado borracho con Tori.

TMZ Studios

En cualquier caso, su conversación pública parece un paso de bebé en la dirección correcta.

Tish Cyrus Parenting Hindsight is 20/20 ... But Weed Woulda Made Me Super-Mom!!!

Tish Cyrus is looking back at her parenting and seeing ways she could've improved ... chief among them, rolling up a joint and mellowing out a bit!

The mother of Miley and Noah Cyrus opened up about her parenting skills on a recent episode of her "Sorry We're Stoned" podcast ... telling guest Wiz Khalifa she regrets not doing some toking back when her kids were growing up.

The way Tish puts it ... she didn't pick up the Mary Jane until she was in her mid-40s, years after her kids were in their teens -- so she feels she wasn't as much fun as she could've been with a little pot.

Tish's daughter Brandi -- seated right alongside her mom -- said she probably woulda chilled out about a few things too ... a jab Tish couldn't have agreed with more.

BTW ... Wiz also has a song about smoking weed with Miley Cyrus titled "23" which came out in 2013 -- a song that made a then-anti-marijuana Tish really upset!

It's a bit ironic Tish is looking back on her parenting ... since a lot of people online are currently gossiping about her relationship with her daughter Noah.

Remember ... reports surfaced earlier this week that Noah was actually dating Tish's new husband Dominic Purcell first -- before Mama Tish swooped in and stole him away.

The Cyrus family's dealing with a ton of issues ... with Miley not thanking Billy Ray Cyrus in her Grammys acceptance speech and Noah reportedly estranged from TIsh.the

Hard to say if Tish smoking weed way back when woulda helped fix some of cracks between the fam now -- TC might need to light up and ruminate on it.

'Anchorman' Star David Koechner Puff, Puff, Laugh!!! Vapes Weed During Standup


Comedian David Koechner's standup comedy act is smoking these days as some fans in Maryland discovered when he tried to catch a cannabis high on stage ... courtesy of an audience member, no less!

David hit the stage Friday night at Magooby's Joke House in Timonium, Maryland, where he performed for about an hour to a packed crowd, which included at least one fan who was puffing on a weed pen ... something Dave noticed from the stage.

Thirty minutes into his show, he must've caught a whiff of the sinsemilla, and decided to apply the golden rule -- sharing is caring!

Check out this video obtained by TMZ ... Dave looked out into the sea of people and asked, "Who is smoking? Is that weed?"

The man responded, "Yes" .... and motioning with his hand, David replied, "Give here."

The dude walked up to the stage and handed the vape to Dave, who started bantering with his fans as they egged him on to take a few tokes.

Dave finally caved and took two huge drags, blowing out the smoke. Of course, we can't tell from the video it really was marijuana ... but everyone in the crowd seemed convinced.

Assuming it was, it's NBD in Maryland ... where recreational cannabis was legalized last year.

We're not so sure puffing indoors at a comedy club is kosher -- but there were no narcs in the crowd, as David's show continued ... and, we're told everyone had a damn good time.

He's currently on a national comedy tour called "Blue Skies And Dirty Lies" -- and he's probably best known for his role as sportscaster Champ Kind in the 'Anchorman' movies.

You might recall in 2022 ... David was busted for driving while under the influence of alcohol in Ohio, receiving a ticket for the offense. He was also arrested and charged with DUI and hit and run in California's Ventura County on New Year's Eve 2021.

Thankfully, nothing that serious went down Friday night in Maryland after a couple vape drags ... probably just a good case of the munchies.

David Koechner ¡¡Fuma hierba y se ríe sobre el escenario!!


El comediante David Koechner está dando bocanadas de humo por estos días, como cuando los fans de Maryland descubrieron que intentó alcanzar un vaporizador de cannabis desde el escenario, cortesía nada menos que de un fanático de la audiencia.

David se subió al escenario del Magooby's Joke House en Timonium, Maryland, el viernes por la noche, donde actuó durante aproximadamente una hora frente a una multitud de personas. Uno de ellos estaba fumando un caño de marihuana, algo que Dave notó desde el escenario.

A los treinta minutos de empezar su show, debió haber olido un poco de la hierba y decidió aplicar la regla de oro: ¡compartir es cuidar!

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ: Dave miró hacia el mar de gente y preguntó: "¿Quién está fumando? ¿Eso es hierba?"

El hombre respondió: "Sí", y haciendo un gesto con la mano, David respondió: "Dale aquí".

El tipo se acercó al escenario y le entregó el vape a Dave, que empezó a bromear con sus fans mientras le animaban a darle unas caladas.

Dave finalmente cedió y dio dos enormes bocanadas. Por supuesto, no podemos decir en el video si realmente era marihuana, pero todos en la multitud parecían convencidos de ello.

Suponiendo que lo era, no es la gran cosa en Maryland, donde el cannabis recreativo fue legalizado el año pasado.

No estamos tan seguros de si era apropiado fumar en el club de comedia, pero no había narcos en la multitud y el show de David continuó. Nos dicen que todo el mundo lo pasó increíble.

Actualmente, está en una gira nacional de comedia llamada "Blue Skies And Dirty Lies" y es probablemente mejor conocido por su papel como comentarista deportivo en las películas "Anchorman"

Se pueden recordar que en 2022, David fue arrestado por conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol en Ohio, donde recibió una multa por el delito. También fue detenido y acusado de DUI y atropello y fuga en el condado de Ventura, en California, en la víspera de Año Nuevo 2021.

Afortunadamente, nada tan grave ocurrió el viernes por la noche en Maryland después de un par de caladas, probablemente solo un buen caso de antojo.

Lisa Vanderpump Defends Andy Cohen Amid Claims ... Trashes Rachel Leviss Suit



3/2 9:58 AM PT -- Rachel Leviss' rep is responding to Lisa's dig ... calling the comments, "A disappointing choice for an executive on the show since victim shaming is a defense mechanism often used by abusers and coming from a person in a position of power can cause even further harm to a person's mental health.”

Lisa Vanderpump is coming to the defense of her old friend Andy Cohen amid some new allegations -- and in the same breath ... she's taking a swipe at Rachel Leviss.

The former 'Housewives' star -- who obviously ended up getting up her spinoff show on Bravo -- was arriving at LAX at landing back in town Friday ... where our photog ran into her and asked her all about the latest drama going on in the reality world, and there's a lot.

For starters, our camera guy asked about Leah McSweeney's claims in a new lawsuit she filed this week against the Bravo honcho ... alleging he'd partaken in cocaine, not to mention claiming Bravo at large was a toxic hell hole that coaxed their stars into boozing/debauchery.

Well, Lisa has some thoughts on all that ... and she goes to bat for AC here, telling us she's never seen him do any hard drugs -- nor does she know him to be how Leah described.

On the notion that Bravo is pressuring 'Housewives' into drinking on set ... Lisa says what a lot of her contemporaries have already been making clear -- the stars are adults, and they don't have to do anything they don't want to. Bottom line ... she calls BS on Leah's suit.

Lastly, Lisa weighs in on the legal battle brewing in her own world ... namely, Rachel suing Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix over revenge porn, among other things.

She doesn't have very nice things to say about that either -- noting Rachel probably should've never compromised herself on camera the way she did if she didn't want it out.

We clarify, though, that Tom's alleged to have recorded her from his phone and circulated it with the cast ... but even then, she doesn't have much sympathy for her ex-employee.

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Bottom line ... Lisa's good with Andy, not so much with Leah and Rachel. That much is clear.

Originally Published -- 3/1 6:13 PM PT

Andy Cohen 'Housewives' Slam Leah McSweeney ... We Never Did Drugs w/ Him

Several 'Real Housewives' stars are coming to the defense of Andy Cohen in the wake of Leah McSweeney's shocking allegations ... slamming her and rallying around their boss.

Several housewives are speaking out in support of Andy in the wake of Leah's lawsuit earlier this week ... making it clear they've never done drugs with the 'Watch What Happens Live' host.

Kyle Richards -- who said she was one of the housewives closest to Andy -- told Page Six that she has "never seen Andy do drugs, offer drugs or do anything inappropriate ever."

Kyle went on to praise Andy as a professional -- highlighting how he even refuses to follow many Bravo stars on Instagram to keep "a distance from all of them."

"RHONJ" star Margaret Josephs was equally vocal in her support of Andy -- she said point-blank that the father of two "has never offered any 'Housewife’ cocaine.'"

Margaret -- who notably doesn't drink -- adds ... "I am appalled that someone would just go so low to assassinate and target someone’s character in that way.”

Likewise, Cynthia Bailey ...  who appeared on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" and "The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip" -- assured TMZ on Wednesday that she was "never forced" to drink and has definitely "never seen him do blow."

ICYMI ... the 'RHONY' alum hit Andy, as well as Bravo, with a discrimination lawsuit on Tuesday -- claiming the reality TV honcho created a toxic work environment, where AC allegedly used cocaine and encouraged other housewives and Bravolebrities to participate ... giving good TV edits to his favs.

A rep for Andy denied the allegations -- telling TMZ … "The claims against Andy are completely false."

'RHOC's Heather Dubrow and Meghan King have also offered up public support of Andy, applauding him for his professionalism and respect.

Leah isn't the only unhappy ex-housewife, however ... as 'RHOBH' vet Brandi Glanville also recently accused Andy of sexual harassment after he invited her to watch him hook up with another Bravo personality over FaceTime.

Andy hit back at that ... calling the exchange a joke that's been blown out of proportion.

TMZ Studios

He also apologized on social media, FWIW.

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Son Adam's Cause of Death Confirmed ... Fentanyl Overdose

Rick Harrison's son, Adam Harrison, died from an accidental overdose of fentanyl and methamphetamine ... TMZ has learned.

The Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner tells us that the cause of death has been ruled an accident for the "Pawn Stars" personality's son, who died in Las Vegas last month.

TMZ was the first to report Adam's passing ... after a rep for RH shared that Adam had died from a fatal OD. The Harrison family told TMZ shortly after his passing ... "Our family is extremely saddened by the death of Adam. We ask for privacy as we grieve his loss." At the time -- the Las Vegas Metro PD told us they were investigating the case.

As we reported ... Adam was struggling in the days leading up to his death -- with former roommates telling cops that AH was displaying erratic and strange behavior before allegedly barricading himself inside a guest house where he was staying. He reportedly had just been released from jail after serving 3 months behind bars -- although we don't know the cause for his incarceration.

Adam -- one of Rick's three boys -- kept mostly out of the limelight ... having stepped away from helping out at the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop. Adam is Rick's kid from his first marriage to ex-wife Kim, with whom he also shares son Corey.

The "Pawn Stars" leading man later welcomed son Jake with his second wife, Tracy. Corey and Jake are regulars on his reality show -- but Adam did not appear on camera.

TMZ Studios

On losing his son, Rick shared on Instagram, "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam."

Adam was 39.


Paul Pogba Banned Four Years For Doping ... Shocked, Heartbroken

Juventus star Paul Pogba was banned for four years for doping ... a crushing blow for the international soccer star who says he's innocent and will appeal the decision!

The 30-year-old midfielder -- who has been ineligible to play since a drug test showed elevated testosterone levels last September -- shared news of the ban Thursday with his over 61 million Instagram followers ... after he received word from Italy's anti-doping board.

"I have today been informed of the Tribunale Nazionale Antidoping’s decision and believe that the verdict is incorrect," Pogba wrote.

"I am sad, shocked and heartbroken that everything I have built in my professional playing career has been taken away from me."

The decision means Pogba won't be able to play until 2027 ... although he says he's going to appeal the decision.

"When I am free of legal restrictions the full story will become clear," Pogba said, "but I have never knowingly or deliberately taken any supplements that violate anti-doping regulations."

"As a professional athlete, I would never do anything to enhance my performance by using banned substances and have never disrespected or cheated fellow athletes and supporters of any of the teams I have played for, or against."

Pogba's professional soccer career began in 2011 ... and has seen PP suit up for Manchester United and Juventus.

Paul re-signed with Juventus on a four-year deal in July 2022 ... but injured his meniscus weeks later. The injury also forced him to miss the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Pogba has only appeared in eight games since his return to Juventus.