Nick Carter I'm 'Completely Heartbroken' ... Breaks Silence On Sister Bobbie Jean's Death

Nick Carter is speaking out for the first time about the loss of his sister, Bobbie Jean ... something he thinks he'll never fully process.

The singer broke his silence Thursday on social media, saying, "It may take a lifetime to fully process the loss my family has endured over the years – most recently, with the sudden passing of our sister Bobbie Jean. I am completely heartbroken."

He goes on to thank everyone for their "love and kind words" ... adding, "We are reminded again that life is precious, fleeting and to cherish the time we have with the ones we love. I know she is finally at peace with God."

TMZ broke the story, Bobbie and Nick's mom, Jane, told us about the "sudden death" of her daughter last month -- asking for "a prayer for my precious eight-year-old granddaughter Bella, who previously lost her father and is now also left without her mother."

Remember, Bobbie Jean was found unresponsive in her Tampa, FL bathroom ... deputies learned she was on probation for cocaine possession, but her roommates said she had not used narcotics since being released from prison.

No drugs were found in her bedroom or bathroom, and there were no signs of foul play.

As you know, their brother Aaron was also found in his bathroom in 2022 after drowning in his bathtub. His autopsy revealed he became incapacitated due to the effects of pills and huffing before drowning.

Nick Carter Estoy completamente desconsolado... Habla sobre la muerte de su hermana Bobbie Jean

Nick Carter está hablando por primera vez sobre la muerte de su hermana, Bobbie Jean ... algo que cree que nunca procesará completamente.

El cantante rompió su silencio en las redes sociales el jueves, escribiendo: "Puede tomarme toda una vida procesar completamente la pérdida que mi familia ha soportado a lo largo de los años, más recientemente, con el repentino fallecimiento de nuestra hermana Bobbie Jean. Tengo el corazón completamente roto".

Continúa agradeciendo a todos por su "amor y amables palabras", añadiendo: "Se nos recuerda una vez más que la vida es preciosa, fugaz y para apreciar el tiempo que tenemos con los que amamos. Sé que finalmente está en paz con Dios".

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia, la mamá de Bobbie y Nick, Jane, nos contó sobre la "repentina muerte" de su hija el mes pasado, pidiendo "una oración por mi preciosa nieta de ocho años, Bella, que anteriormente perdió a su padre y ahora también se queda sin su madre".

Bobbie Jean fue encontrada sin respuesta en su baño en Tampa, Florida. Los oficiales se enteraron de que estaba en libertad condicional por posesión de cocaína, pero sus compañeros de piso dijeron que no había usado narcóticos desde que fue liberada de la cárcel.

No se encontraron drogas en su dormitorio ni en el baño, tampoco había signos de crimen violento.

Como ustedes saben, su hermano Aaron, también fue encontrado en su baño en 2022 después de ahogarse en su bañera. Su autopsia reveló que quedó incapacitado debido a los efectos de las píldoras y la inhalación antes de ahogarse.

T.I. y Tiny Mujer denuncia que pusieron algo en su bebida Lo que provocó una agresión sexual

T.I. y su esposa Tiny Harris están siendo acusados de drogar a una mujer que conocieron en un club nocturno y de luego llevarla a su hotel para hacer un trío, según la demanda que la mujer ha presentado contra la pareja.

La demandante, que se ha presentado como Jane Doe, dice que estaba alistada en la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos y estacionada en Los Ángeles alrededor del 2005, cuando ella y un amigo fueron a una fiesta en la casa de Coolio y se reunieron con un tipo que se hizo llamar "Caviar". Según alegan, este tipo trabajó para T.I. y Tiny.

En la demanda obtenida por TMZ, la demandante dice que T.I. y Tiny no se presentaron en la fiesta, pero "Caviar" le dijo que estarían en un club nocturno de Los Ángeles la noche siguiente y ahí es cuando todos se reunieron en la sección VIP.

La mujer dice que pidió 2 Amaretto sours por su cuenta, y que luego Tiny supuestamente le dio otra bebida que nunca probó, pero que ella y su amiga sí compartieron.

Cuando T.I. decidió marcharse del club, la mujer afirma que le pidió a Tiny irse con ellos. Su amiga se iría con "Caviar", quien le dijo que todos iban al mismo sitio.

Pero eso no es lo que pasó, al parecer ... En la demanda, la mujer dice que otras dos mujeres que no conocía se metieron en un SUV con Tiny, T.I. y ella, y los 5 terminaron en una habitación de hotel. Pero Tiny echó a las otras dos mujeres, porque una de ellas estaba coqueteando demasiado con T.I.

Una vez que se quedaron los tres solos, ella alega que Tiny la llevó al baño, donde le quitó la ropa y luego T.I. se unió a ellos desnudo y todos se metieron en la ducha.

Después, afirma que empezó a sentirse aturdida y muy mareada, y T.I. le dijo que se fuera a la cama. Mientras él veía algo de porno, ella afirma que él le pasó un aceite y le exigió que le diera un masaje. Finalmente, Tiny se unió a ellos y supuestamente inmovilizó a la mujer boca abajo y empezó a frotar y machacar su cuerpo desnudo sobre el demandante.

Mientras esto ocurría, la demandante alega que T.I. le penetró la vagina con el dedo del pie, y ella le dijo "no" mientras intentaba apartarle. Según la demanda, él se levantó y dijo que iba a buscar un preservativo. Ella se fue al baño a vomitar. Afirma que T.I. se rio burlonamente de ella y le dijo: "¿Estás bien? Parece que estás en último lugar".

Poco después, dice que se desmayó hasta la mañana siguiente, cuando un guardia de seguridad la despertó. Ella afirma que su "vagina estaba muy adolorida", sentía picazón y ardor, pero el guardia de seguridad le dijo que se tenía que ir y la acompañó a la salida mientras T.I. y Tiny todavía estaban dormidos en la cama.

La mujer ha demandado a los Harris por agresión sexual, asalto, negligencia y detención ilegal.

Por cierto, dice que presenta la demanda ahora debido a la Ley de Responsabilidad por Abuso Sexual y Encubrimiento de California, que abrió una ventana de un año para la reactivación de las reclamaciones cuando el estatuto de limitaciones de otro modo habría corrido.

Un abogado de T.I. y Tiny le dice TMZ: "No solo las reclamaciones son falsas, sino que se perdieron el plazo para presentar la demanda".

T.I. & Tiny Sued Woman Claims Spiked Drink Led to Hotel Sexual Assault


7:52 AM PT -- T.I. and Tiny Harris tell TMZ ... "On the heels of positivity, negativity always rears its ugly head. This plaintiff has been threatening to file this lawsuit for THREE years. For THREE years, we have emphatically and categorically denied these allegations. For THREE years we have maintained our innocence and refused to pay these extortionate demands for things we didn't do. For THREE years, we've maintained the same position while the claims in this story have changed time and time again. Our position is clear... We are innocent of these fake claims, we will not be shaken down, and we look forward to our day in court."

T.I. and his wife Tiny Harris are accused of drugging a woman they met in a nightclub, and then taking her to their hotel for a threesome ... according to the lawsuit the woman's now filed against the couple.

The plaintiff, who's filed as a Jane Doe, says she was enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and stationed in L.A. in or around 2005 when she and a friend went to a party at Coolio's home and met a guy who went by "Caviar" ... who, they allege, worked for T.I. and Tiny.

In the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, the plaintiff says T.I. and Tiny no-showed at the party, but "Caviar" told her they would be at an L.A. nightclub the next night, and that's when they all met ... in the VIP section.

The woman says she ordered 2 Amaretto sours on her own, before Tiny allegedly handed her another drink ... one from which she never saw Tiny sip, and which the woman also shared with her friend.

When T.I. decided to leave the club, the woman claims he asked her to ride with Tiny and him ... while her friend would ride with "Caviar," who said they were all going to the same place.

But, that's not how it played out, allegedly ... in the suit, the woman says 2 other women she didn't know got in an SUV with Tiny, T.I. and herself, and all 5 of them ended up in a hotel room -- but Tiny kicked out the other 2 women, because one was flirting too much with T.I.

Once it was just the 3 of them ... she alleges Tiny took her into the bathroom, where she took off both of their clothes and then a naked T.I. joined them and they all got in the shower.

Afterward, she claims she was starting to feel lightheaded and extremely dizzy, and T.I. told her to go to the bed. While he watched some porn, she alleges he handed her massage oil and demanded she give him a rub down. Eventually, Tiny joined them and allegedly pinned the woman on her stomach and began rubbing and grinding her naked body on the plaintiff.

While that was happening, she alleges T.I. penetrated her vagina with his toe, and she told him "no" as she tried to push him away. According to the suit, he got up and said he was going to get a condom -- but the plaintiff says she went to the bathroom to vomit. She claims T.I. mockingly laughed at her and said, "Are you alright? Looks like you in last place."

Shortly thereafter, she says she passed out until the next morning, when a security guard woke her up. She claims her "vagina was in serious pain" -- itching and burning -- but the security guard told she had to go, and escorted her out while T.I. and Tiny were still asleep in the bed.

She is suing the Harrises for sexual battery, assault, negligence and false imprisonment.

BTW, the plaintiff says she's filing the suit now due to California's Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act ... which opened a year-long window for the revival of claims where the statute of limitations would have otherwise run.

A lawyer for T.I. and Tiny tells TMZ ... "Not only are the claims bogus, but they missed the deadline to file the lawsuit."

Originally Published -- 6:30 AM PT

NFL's Muhammad Wilkerson Arrested In NJ ... Accused Of Driving Drunk With Loaded Gun In Car

Former NFL star Muhammad Wilkerson was arrested again last week ... after cops say he drove drunk with a loaded gun tucked beneath his car seat.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, Wilkerson was initially pulled over by police in Morris County, New Jersey back on Dec. 22 at 6:41 AM.

During the stop, cops suspected he was under the influence ... saying a strong odor of alcohol was emanating from the former New York Jets pass rusher's ride.

In the docs, cops say at one point during questioning, Wilkerson told them he was coming from a New York City club ... and a short time later, they say he failed field sobriety tests.

Wilkerson was placed under arrest -- and afterward, cops said during a search of his vehicle they not only found an open bottle of Don Julio tequila ... but also an FN 509 Tactical Handgun with 11 hollow point bullets inside of it.

Police said Wilkerson told them the firearm was purchased in Florida -- but he did not provide them proper documentation.

Court records show Wilkerson has since been tagged with a bevy of charges in the case -- including operating a vehicle while under the influence and unlawful possession of a handgun.

He's due in court for hearings on the matter next month.

This, of course, is not the first time Wilkerson has been accused of drinking and driving ... he was arrested for DWI in 2020 and 2019 as well.

Wilkerson -- who was picked by the Jets in the first round of the 2011 NFL Draft -- made one Pro Bowl appearance while logging 44.5 sacks in his eight seasons in the NFL.


Jussie Smollett's legal troubles are far from over ... but it looks as though he's working overtime to get his career back on track.

The troubled actor was seen reuniting with "Empire" showrunner Brett Mahoney ... with the duo sharing a hug Thursday outside Crossroads Kitchen in Los Angeles.

The sighting triggered speculation of a possible future collab ... though any TV comeback is realistically a long way off for Jussie as he deals with his personal and legal worries.

Sources told us just before Xmas ... Jussie was still in the midst of a rehab stint for substance abuse ... after checking himself into an outpatient facility in back in October.

He recently lost his appeal after being convicted for lying to cops about the fake Chicago hate crime attack back in 2019.

Jussie's lawyers say they'll continue their fight in the Illinois Supreme Court, although there's no guarantee the Court will hear the case.

If the Court turns thumbs down on hearing the case, Jussie could return to jail as soon as January to complete his 150 day sentence ... he's only served 6 days.

Nonetheless, it looks like Jussie's putting in the work on bettering himself ... and was even spotted reading Matthew Perry's book on his substance abuse battle earlier this month.

Ex-Cowboys LB Rashaan Evans Mug Shot Released ... After Weed Arrest

Former Dallas Cowboys linebacker Rashaan Evans was arrested on Tuesday ... and on Friday, cops released his mug shot -- and you can see, he was not thrilled to have been thrown behind bars.

The 28-year-old -- who was cut by America's Team on Wednesday following the arrest -- took the photo hours after cops placed him in handcuffs after officers say he reeked of weed in his 2021 Ram 1500 near the Cowboys' practice facility in Frisco, Texas.

According to police documents, cops say at around 10:46 PM they drove by Evans, who was in the driver's seat of his car ... and smelled a strong odor of marijuana.

They claim when they eventually questioned the football player, he told them there was "just a nugget" in the ride.

Cops say, however, that when they searched the Ram, they found burnt marijuana residue, marijuana cigarettes, rolling papers and a vacuum-sealable bag containing three separate baggies of marijuana.

They say the baggies weighed a total of 2.240 ounces.

Evans was ultimately booked on a misdemeanor charge of marijuana possession. And, hours later, the Cowboys moved on from him.

Evans had just joined Dallas' roster in October. He had played in nine games so far this season -- including the Cowboys' loss to Miami on Sunday -- tallying nine total tackles.

He has not yet publicly commented on the situation.

'Parasite' Star Lee Sun-kyun Wife Breaks Down at Funeral

The death of "Parasite" star Lee Sun-kyun is hitting his family and friends hard as they lay the South Korean actor to rest.

Lee's funeral was held Friday in Seoul, where a large congregation followed as his coffin was placed in the hearse. His wife broke down in tears during the ceremony and the procession.

As we reported, Lee was found dead in his car Wednesday ... after an apparent suicide -- and his attorney says he'd been under an intense police investigation for a drug blackmail plot. He claimed he'd been tricked into smoking marijuana, and then extorted by the man and woman who allegedly tricked him.

Detectives in the Seoul suburb of Incheon had questioned him last week after detaining the actor for 19 hours. His attorney says Lee begged police not to go public with the investigation.

Lee was best known in America for his role as the father in the Oscar-winning film "Parasite."

The 2 suspects in the plot were arrested the day before Lee was found dead.

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Lee Sun-kyun de "Parásito" Su esposa se derrumba en el funeral

La muerte de la estrella de "Parásito" Lee Sun-kyun está golpeando duramente a su familia y amigos mientras el actor surcoreano es velado.

El funeral de Lee se celebró el viernes en Seúl y reunió a una gran congregación que siguió su ataúd mientras avanzaba en el coche fúnebre. Su esposa rompió en llanto durante la ceremonia y la procesión.

Como informamos, Lee fue encontrado sin vida en su carro el miércoles, después de un aparente suicidio, y su abogado dice que había estado bajo una intensa investigación policial por una trama de chantaje de drogas. Afirmó que había sido engañado para fumar marihuana y luego extorsionado por el hombre y la mujer que supuestamente lo engañó.

Los detectives del suburbio de Incheon, en Seúl, lo habían interrogado la semana pasada tras haber detenido al actor por 19 horas. Su abogado dice que Lee le rogó a la policía que no hiciera pública la investigación.

Lee era conocido en Estados Unidos por su papel de padre en la película ganadora del Oscar "Parásito".

Los dos sospechosos de la trama fueron detenidos el día antes de que Lee fuera encontrado muerto.

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Mamá June No, no me estaba drogando en TikTok

Mama June está acallando los rumores de que estaba tomando drogas mientras hacía un video en vivo en TikTok, ya que según ella ha estado sobria durante años.

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June hizo una transmisión en vivo, en la que divagaba mientras hablaba de la gente que la critica. En el video, repetidamente se la ve por debajo de la línea de visión de la cámara.

La gente empezó a especular que esto era una señal de que estaba de vuelta en las drogas, pero Mama June le dice a TMZ: "He estado sobria desde el 27 de enero de 2020", y agregó: "No tomo drogas, no fumo cigarrillos y ni siquiera bebo".

June nos dice que estaba cocinando durante la transmisión en vivo y se agachaba para poder leer los comentarios que le llegaban. También señaló que está ciega del ojo derecho, lo que hace que sea un desafío para ella leer.

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WE tv

June nos dice que se hace pruebas de drogas semanalmente, algo necesario para la producción de su programa "Mama June: From Not to Hot". Dice que nunca ha fallado una prueba y agrega: "Eso no me mantiene limpia, yo me mantengo limpia".

Los fanáticos saben que June ha tenido un pasado oscuro con las drogas, incluyendo un arresto en 2019 por posesión de drogas por delito grave con su ex Geno Doak, una explosiva intervención familiar y, según ella, un gasto de $1 millón en cocaína.

Mama June No, I Wasn't Getting High On TikTok

Mama June is shutting down rumors she was doing drugs while live on TikTok ... because according to her, she's been sober for years.

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June was on a live stream, where she rambles while talking about people trashing her. She repeatedly ducks down below the camera's line of sight.

Folks speculated it was a sign she was back on drugs, but Mama June tells TMZ ... "I have been straight sober since Jan 27, 2020," adding, "I don't do drugs, I don't smoke cigarettes and I don't even drink."


June tells us she was cooking food during the live stream, and was bending down so she could read the comments coming her way ... noting she's blind in her right eye, making reading a challenge.

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June tells us she takes weekly drug tests ... something required for the production of her show, "Mama June: From Not to Hot." She says she never failed a test, adding, "That doesn’t keep me clean, I keep me clean."

Fans know June's had a dark past with drugs ... including an arrest in 2019 for felony drug possession with her ex, Geno Doak, an explosive intervention from her family, and, according to her, spending $1 million on cocaine.

Actor de Parásito Lee Sun-Kyun Le rogó a la policía que no revelara su investigación sobre drogas ... Días antes de su muerte

La estrella de "Parásito", Lee Sun-kyun, le había suplicado a la policía que no anunciara públicamente que estaba siendo investigado por consumir drogas ilegales, solo cuatro días antes de su aparente suicidio.

Funcionarios de la policía confirmaron el jueves que el abogado de Sun-kyun le pidió a los policías que cerraran la última ronda de preguntas de la prensa el sábado, pero se negaron.

Un día antes de que se encontrara el cuerpo de Sun-kyun, su abogado añadió que el actor esperaba que cualquier interrogatorio futuro se realizara en privado, ya que estaba agobiado de hablar de las acusaciones en público, pues la cobertura mediática había sido intensa.

Aunque el jefe de la policía metropolitana de Incheon, Kim Hui-jung, expresó su profundo pesar por el fallecimiento de Sun-kyun, se mantuvo firme respecto a la línea de interrogatorio, añadiendo que se había hecho con su consentimiento.

Como ya informamos, el actor surcoreano fue encontrado sin vida, a los 48 años, en su carro el miércoles en la capital, Seúl. Esto, después de que su representante denunciara su desaparición a la policía.

Estaba siendo investigado por una trama de chantaje con drogas. Estaba acusado de consumir marihuana y otras sustancias en casa de una azafata de un bar local, aunque él decía que ella lo había engañado para que consumiera las drogas e intentó chantajearlo.

Fue interrogado por última vez por la policía el 23 de diciembre y fue detenido durante 19 horas antes de ser puesto en libertad.

Dos sospechosos, un hombre y una mujer, fueron detenidos en relación con la investigación de narcóticos y un día antes de que Lee fuera encontrado muerto, pidió a través de su abogado que la policía le hiciera una prueba del detector de mentiras a él y a los otros dos.

No está claro si se les hizo la prueba del polígrafo o no.


'Parasite' star Lee Sun-kyun had begged police not to publicly announce he was under investigation for using illegal drugs ... 4 days before his apparent suicide.

Police officials confirmed Thursday that Sun-kyun's lawyer requested cops to close the latest questioning round to the press on Saturday ... but they declined.

A day before Sun-kyun's body was found, his lawyer added the actor was hopeful any future interrogation would be in private ... explaining he felt burdened discussing the allegations in a public setting as the media coverage had been intense.

While the Incheon Metropolitan Police Chief, Kim Hui-jung, expressed deep regret over Sun-kyun's passing ... he stuck by their tough line of questioning -- adding it had been done with his consent.

As we reported, the South Korean actor was found dead, aged 48, in his car Wednesday in the capital city of Seoul ... after his manager reported him missing to the police.

He was under investigation for a drug blackmail plot ... accused of using marijuana and other substances at the home of a hostess from the local bar -- though he claimed she deceived him into taking the drugs and tried to blackmail him.

He was last questioned by police on Dec 23 ... and was detained for 19 hours before being released.

Two suspects – a man and a woman – were arrested in connection with the narcotics investigation ... and a day before Lee was found dead, he requested through his attorney that police administer a lie detector test to him and the two others.

It's not clear if they were given the polygraph exam.

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Kodak Black le pide a Hamás que libere a los rehenes israelíes

Kodak Black está apoyando a Israel como solo él puede, con algunas joyas nuevas y un video incoherente.

TMZ obtuvo un video que hizo Kodak antes de su más reciente viaje tras las rejas. En el video le pide a Hamás que libere a los rehenes israelíes en Gaza y prometiéndole apoyo a sus "homies hebreos" mientras la guerra hace estragos en el Oriente Medio.

se me va a salir el corazón

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kodak grabó el video en su casa de Florida, sentándose delante de la cámara en algún momento entre su arresto por drogas en diciembre y su posterior regreso a la cárcel federal.

Kodak está mostrando nuevo bling en el video, un anillo personalizado con el símbolo del pueblo judío, la estrella de David.

Nos informan que la nueva joya del rapero cuenta con 7.8 quilates de diamantes VVS1 y 14 quilates de oro blanco, además es de diseñador y viene con una etiqueta de precio de $20.000.

Kodak es básicamente el anti-Kanye West en esta situación, dándole su apoyo a Israel y el pueblo judío en la guerra contra los terroristas de Hamás.

En el otro extremo del espectro, Kanye va en repugnantes diatribas antisemitas y disculparse con una declaración que parece estar escrito por la inteligencia artificial.

Kodak Black Check Out My Star of David Bling ... Release Israeli Hostages!!!

Kodak Black is supporting Israel as only he can ... with some new jewelry and a rambling video message.

TMZ obtained a video Kodak filmed before his most recent trip behind bars, and he's calling for Hamas to release Israeli hostages in Gaza and pledging his support for his "Hebrew homies" as war rages in the Middle East.

"My Heart Goes Out"

Our sources say Kodak shot the video at his home in Florida, sitting down in front of the camera sometime between his December drug bust and subsequent return to federal lockup.

Kodak's showing off some new bling in the video ... a custom ring with the symbol of the Jewish people ... the Star of David.

We're told KB's new bling features 7.8 carats of VVS1 clarity diamonds and 14-karat white gold ... it was purchased from NYC Luxury and it comes with a $20,000 price tag.

Kodak's basically the anti-Kanye West here ... supporting Israel and the Jewish people in the war against Hamas terrorists.

On the other end of the spectrum, Kanye's going on disgusting antisemitic rants ... and apologizing with a statement that seems to be written by artificial intelligence.

Nick y Aaron Carter Su hermana Bobbie Jean fue encontrada sin respuesta en el baño

La hermana de Nick y Aaron Carter, Bobbie Jean Carter, fue encontrada sin respuesta en un baño el día que murió, al igual que su difunto hermano Aaron.

La Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Hillsborough le dice TMZ que los primeros auxilios fueron enviados a la casa de Bobbie en Tampa, Florida, el sábado por la mañana. Allí la encontraron y la llevaron a un hospital cercano, donde fue declarada muerta.

El sheriff dice que los oficiales se enteraron de que Bobbie Jean estaba en libertad condicional por posesión de cocaína cuando murió, pero sus compañeros de cuarto dijeron que no había consumido ningún estupefaciente desde que salió de la cárcel.

Más aún, nos dicen que los oficiales no encontraron ningún narcótico o equipamiento de drogas en el dormitorio de Bobbie Jean o en el baño, y que no había signos de crimen violento.

El sheriff dice que la muerte de Bobbie Jean está bajo investigación y que su causa oficial de muerte será determinada en última instancia por la Oficina del Médico Forense, a la espera de los resultados de toxicología.

Es bastante inquietante saber que Bobbie fue encontrada sin respuesta en un baño, al igual que le pasó a su hermano Aaron.

Recuerden, Aaron murió el año pasado después de ahogarse en su bañera. El informe de la autopsia dijo que el artista quedó incapacitado debido a los efectos de las píldoras de prescripción e inhalar antes de deslizarse bajo el agua y ahogarse.

Bobbie Jean murió a los 41 años, mientras que Aaron tenía 34.