Amy Robach Thought T.J. Had Killed Himself ... After 'GMA' Firing

Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy Robach thought her boyfriend, T.J. Holmes, had taken his own life as their tumultuous final months at ABC came to a close -- a harrowing story she just shared on their podcast.

The former 'GMA' anchors-turned-lovers got into this ugly chapter on their just-launched media venture -- and it's mostly Amy recounting how scared she was in 2022 when she briefly thought T.J. had killed himself ... this as they were on their way out at the network.

Amy says T.J. started sending her alarming texts in the past tense, where he said she *was* the love of his life, etc. -- and it spurred her to rush over, with her father in tow, to check on him.

Amy says they accessed T.J.'s apartment with the help of his doorman ... and they found him sprawled out on his bed, where Amy believed he might already be dead. She gets pretty emotional telling this part, as it's clear it was a scary moment for both of them.

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Eventually, it became clear he was still alive, but was in an unconscious state ... and they were able to wake him up.

T.J. says he doesn't remember much of that, but does explain he'd gotten off work that day and started pounding vodka and weed edibles -- which landed him in that condition.

Elsewhere on their first pod episode, Amy described the tough time they endured after being ousted from their TV jobs, calling it the "year from hell." She even said she "wanted to die" during parts of the scandal -- but clearly, they're back and ready to work on their new project.


They've told their 'GMA' story ... so we'll see what else they discuss on the podcast. Definitely an engaging, and sorta creepy, start though.

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El Iron Man de Robert Downey Jr. no volverá a las películas de Marvel

El tiempo de Robert Downey Jr. en el MCU ha llegado a su fin, porque el jefe del estudio acaba de confirmar que su personaje está muerto y no va a volver.

El actor apareció en un nuevo artículo de Vanity Fair y entrevistaron al jefe de Marvel Kevin Feige para hablar de la etapa de Robert como Iron Man, incluso lo que condujo a ella y cómo terminó, es decir, con su personaje siendo asesinado en "Endgame".

Fue un gran momento para la franquicia Marvel y se ha especulado mucho sobre si Feige y compañía intentarían revivir al personaje de Downey en futuras entregas, a través de universos alternativos, etc. Bueno, eso no va a pasar, porque KF dice que Tony Stark se ha ido para siempre.

Sobre la marcha del actor, Feige explica: "Vamos a conservar ese momento y no volveremos a tocarlo. Todos hemos trabajado muy duro durante muchos años para llegar a eso y nunca querríamos deshacerlo mágicamente de ninguna manera".

El director de "Endgame", Joe Russo, confirmó que Downey no volvería a ponerse el traje y añadió: "Ya nos habíamos despedido con lágrimas en los ojos el último día de rodaje. Todo el mundo había pasado página emocionalmente. Le prometimos que sería la última vez que le obligaríamos a hacerlo... nunca".

La forma en que los cineastas lo describen, es casi como si Downey estuviera por encima de Marvel, lo que tiene sentido, el tipo ha estado en la franquicia desde 2008, cuando arrancó las cosas en "Iron Man".

Hablando de eso... Feige dice que los jefes de estudio en el momento eran reacios a contratar Robert en primer lugar debido a su pasado tumultuoso, pero una vez que vieron sus pruebas de pantalla y cintas de audición, sabían que tenían a su hombre... resultó que apostaron por el hombre adecuado para el trabajo.

El hecho de que Downey se haya quedado fuera de las futuras entregas del MCU probablemente sea un fastidio para los fans más acérrimos, ya que se podría decir que Marvel ha caído por un precipicio desde que Downey se fue. Acostúmbrense. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Robert Downey Jr. His Iron Man Ain't Coming Back ... Stark's Dead, Feige Says

Robert Downey Jr.'s time in the MCU has come and gone -- 'cause the head honcho of the studio just confirmed his character is dead-dead and ain't coming back ... period.

The actor was profiled in a new Vanity Fair piece, and they interviewed Marvel chief Kevin Feige to talk RDJ's time as Iron Man ... including what led up to it, and how it ended -- namely, with his character being killed off in 'Endgame.'

It was a huge moment for the Marvel franchise ... and there's been a lot of speculation Feige and co. would attempt to revive Downey's character in future installments, via alternate universes, etc. Welp, that ain't happening -- 'cause KF says Tony Stark's forever gone.

Of RDJ's departure, Feige explains ... "We are going to keep that moment and not touch that moment again. We all worked very hard for many years to get to that, and we would never want to magically undo it in any way."

'Endgame' director Joe Russo confirmed Downey wouldn't don the suit again ... adding, "We’d already said tearful goodbyes on the last day of shooting. Everybody had moved on emotionally. We promised him it would be the last time we made him do it -- ever."

The way the filmmakers describe it, it's almost like Downey is over Marvel -- which makes sense ... dude's been in the franchise since 2008, when he kicked things off in "Iron Man."

Speaking of that ... Feige says the studio heads at the time were reluctant to cast RDJ at first because of his tumultuous past -- but once they saw his screen tests and audition tapes, they knew they had their man. As it turned out, they bet on the right guy for the job.

Downey being counted out of future MCU installments is probably a bummer for hardcore fans -- you could argue Marvel's fallen off a cliff since Downey left. Get used to it, y'all. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Michael B. Jordan Crashes Ferrari into Parked Kia in Hollywood

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Michael B. Jordan had a bad encounter Saturday night ... with a Kia, which is now worse for wear after MBJ veered into it.

The actor crashed his blue Ferrari into a similarly-colored parked Kia at around 11:30 PM in Hollywood.

The LAPD responded and found no signs of Michael being impaired by drugs or alcohol. Cops did not perform a field sobriety test.

Our law enforcement sources say police on the scene asked Jordan, "What happened?" but the 'Creed' star didn't offer an explanation.

There were no injuries or damage to property, other than the Kia and the Ferrari. LAPD told Michael to fill out a police report online.


Michael has been out and about with this Ferrari before -- he was photographed walking away from it in 2021 ... when he was still dating Lori Harvey, so there's no doubt it's his.

We've reached out to Mike's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Calvin Johnson Ricky Williams Likely 'A 1st-Ballot' Hall Of Famer ... If NFL Had Eased Weed Rules


Ricky Williams would almost certainly have a bust in Canton today if the NFL had eased its weed policies during the running back's heyday -- at least, that's according to Calvin Johnson.

The Lions legend told TMZ Sports he not only thinks Ricky was just that good ... but he truly believes the benefits that marijuana provided the tailback could've helped Williams extend his career too.

"Ricky would probably be a first-ballot Hall of Famer if he didn't have the issues with that," Johnson told us.

And, get this, the 38-year-old said his own career "possibly" would've lasted longer if the league had adjusted its ganja laws during his playing days as well.

The NFL, however, has finally laxed its tight policies recently ... and Johnson is hoping the changes will help open the door for some of the league's athletes -- and ones in college too -- to use his new line of CBD products.

If you're unfamiliar, in retirement, Johnson has teamed up with his former Detroit teammate, Rob Sims, to create a cannabis company called Primitiv ... and just recently, the duo added a line of products called Primitiv Performance to help sports competitors with recovery.

Johnson says they're working on obtaining their NSF certification for sport ... and he wants athletes to dive into it all if and when that comes through.

"We truly believe in it," he said of the new products. "I use it!"

Johnson even joked with us that Primitiv Performance is something that could help injured quarterback Aaron Rodgers return to the field quicker this season.


We also spoke with Johnson about his ex-team's current success ... and he said he was stoked for Detroit, while praising head coach Dan Campbell for his authenticity.

Fat Joe Rap Lyrics Are For Entertainment, Not Charges ... Free Young Thug!!!


Fat Joe believes rappers have a right to use their imagination and lyrics any way they see fit ... and those words shouldn't be used in criminal cases.

The Bronx-bred rap legend spoke to TMZ Hip Hop Friday in NYC as he supported the United Justice Coalition at the Jacob Javitz Center ... he really wants justice for Young Thug after feeling prosecutors in his ongoing RICO trial are trying to jam him up by highlighting generic lyrics.

Joe explains he never goes into writing a song to lie ... he says hip hop is the ultimate storytelling vehicle and compares it to fictional books and movies.

If he had a bad day, Joe says he may record an aggressive track like "Take A Look At My Life," a good mood could birth a Grammy Award nominee in "All The Way Up" ... emotions have always been his guide to lyrical content.

Joe was recently on CNN where he made the 95% estimate during a convo about Young Thug's ongoing RICO trial where his lyrics are being used as evidence by the prosecution in attempts to prove murders and corruption.

He tells us freedom of speech shouldn't come with prison sentences -- or censorship of art.

Joe says he would hate to see Martin Scorsese abandon mafia movies and notes he recently watched three Netflix movies involving killers ... and nobody is going to trial for depicting the fake murders.

Joe doesn't want to see it happen to Thugga, either.


Bam Margera está celebrando un hito en su sobriedad, y le está dando las gracias a su novia, el gimnasio y el skate por ayudarlo a mantenerse sano... además recibe el apoyo de Mark Wahlberg.

La ex estrella de "Jackass" le dice a TMZ que lleva 120 días sobrio y contando.

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Bam nos dice que está en San Antonio, Texas, donde está trabajando en una película y algunas nuevas obras de arte para una empresa de ropa. Él todavía está trabajando a diario con su novia Dannii y ha vuelto con todo al patinaje, tres cosas que atribuye a su sobriedad.

Esta semana estuvo haciendo ejercicio dentro de un gimnasio propiedad de Jarred Taylor, que es uno de los fundadores de la compañía de café Rifle Negro, y una vez trabajó con Mark en la película de guerra 2013 "Lone Survivor".

Como se puede ver, Bam está haciendo ejercicio en un gimnasio cubierto de imágenes de las películas de Mark, lo que lleva al actor a darle a Bam un saludo realmente genial.

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TMZ obtuvo el video de un mensaje que Bam le envió a Mark, diciéndole que lleva 120 días sobrio y también obtuvimos la respuesta en video de Mark.

Mark felicita a Bam por su hito y espera juntarse con él pronto en Las Vegas.

Bam nos dice que se reunió con Mark un par de veces el día de la entrega de premios.

Bam dice que recientemente obtuvo la autorización para poder ver a su hijo, Phoenix, por lo que está planeando conducir a California para ver a su hijo. Probablemente haga una parada en Las Vegas para relajarse con Mark.

Buenas noticias.

Bam Margera I'm Over 100 Days Sober ... Wahlberg's Saluting Me!!!

Bam Margera is crossing a milestone in his sobriety, and thanking his girlfriend, the gym and skateboarding for helping him stay on the straight and narrow ... all while getting support from Mark Wahlberg.

The former 'Jackass' star tells TMZ … he's over 100 days sober and plenty busy with work and his fitness.

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Right now he's in San Antonio working on a movie and developing new artwork for a clothing company. He is still working out daily with his GF Dannii and skating again ... aka the 3 key factors to his sobriety, according to Bam himself.

This week he was working out at a gym owned by Jarred Taylor, one of the founders of the Black Rifle Coffee Company ... who also once worked closely with Wahlberg on the 2013 war movie "Lone Survivor."

As you can see, Bam's working out in a gym covered in images from Mark's movies ... leading to the actor giving Bam a really cool shout-out.

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TMZ obtained video of a message Bam sent to Mark, letting him know he was approaching 120 days sober ... and we also got Mark's video response.

Mark's congratulating Bam for his milestone and hoping to connect with him soon in Las Vegas. BTW, Mark's also talked about getting sober this year for health reasons, so they have that in common.

Bam tells us he met Mark a few times back in the day at awards shows and parties, and he's planning to take Wahlberg up on the offer.

BM says he recently got cleared to see his son, Phoenix, so he's planning to drive to California to see his kid, with a stop in Vegas on the way to chill with Mark.

Good stuff.

NHL's Corey Perry I Didn't Sleep With Bedard's Mom Getting Treatment For Mental, Alcohol Issues

Ex-Chicago Blackhawks player Corey Perry is breaking his silence ... apologizing for his actions and adamantly denying the reason he got kicked off the team had anything to do with Connor Bedard's mother.

The 38-year-old Canadian had his contract terminated earlier this week ... after the team said he violated the Blackhawks' internal policies over "conduct that is unacceptable."

The move came days after folks on social media spread a rumor that Perry hooked up with Bedard's mom, Melanie ... and the chatter got so loud, Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson had to address the "wildly inaccurate" and "disgusting" claims.

Now, Perry is also speaking out on the situation ... and he, too, is confronting the false narrative head-on.

"As a result of my actions, there has been speculation and rumors," Perry said in a statement. "I am sickened by the impact this has had on others, and I want to make it clear that in no way did this situation involve any of my teammates or their families."

"Most importantly, I want to directly apologize to those who have been negatively affected and I am sorry for the additional impact to others it has created. My behavior was inappropriate and wrong."

While details surrounding the specific incident have not been disclosed, Perry was reportedly involved in an "alcohol-infused incident" with team staffers and corporate sponsors prior to getting cut.

Perry said he is now seeking mental health and alcohol treatment ... in hopes he doesn't repeat his actions moving forward.

"I hope to regain the trust and respect of everyone who has believed in me throughout my career," he added.

"Once again, I am deeply sorry."

Tiffany Haddish Fiscales de Georgia quieren restringir su consumo de drogas y alcohol tras segundo DUI

Hay que prohibirle a Tiffany Haddish el consumo de drogas y alcohol después de su último arresto por conducir en estado de ebriedad (DUI) en California. Al menos eso es lo que quieren los fiscales de Georgia, donde ella también tiene un caso de DUI.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales estatales de Georgia quieren que un tribunal modifique las condiciones de fianza de su caso de DUI con el fin de restringir su consumo de alcohol y drogas.

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Tiffany esposada

Están pidiendo este cambio luego de la última detención de Tiffany por conducir en estado de ebriedad, que ocurrió la semana pasada en Beverly Hills.

Como les dijimos por primera vez, Tiffany fue detenida la madrugada del viernes pasado después de un concierto la noche de Acción de Gracias en el Laugh Factory. Agentes de la policía de Beverly Hills esposaron y arrestaron a Tiffany. Habían recibido una llamada alrededor de las 5:45 AM de que una persona estaba detenida en medio de Beverly Drive, supuestamente desplomada detrás del volante de un carro, con el motor en marcha.

Recuerden, Tiffany había sido arrestada previamente por este mismo cargo en Georgia en enero de 2022. En ese momento, también la encontraron supuestamente dormida al volante después de haber fumado marihuana.

Tiffany pagó la fianza en ese caso, y ahora con el segundo presunto DUI, los fiscales de Georgia están pidiéndole al tribunal que cambie sus condiciones de fianza para añadir una restricción sobre los narcóticos y el alcohol y exigir pruebas semanales para ambos.

El juez aún no se ha pronunciado.

Tiffany Haddish GA Prosecutors Want to Restrict Drug, Alcohol Use After 2nd DUI

Tiffany Haddish needs to be barred from consuming drugs and alcohol after her latest DUI arrest in California ... at least that's what prosecutors want in Georgia, where she also has a DUI case.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, state prosecutors in Georgia want a court there to modify the bond conditions from her open DUI case to restrict her from using booze and drugs.

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They're asking for this change due to Tiffany's latest DUI arrest on the other side of the country ... which happened last week in Beverly Hills.

As we first told you ... Tiffany was arrested early last Friday morning -- after a Thanksgiving night gig at the Laugh Factory -- with Bev Hills PD officers putting Tiffany in handcuffs and arresting her. They'd gotten a call around 5:45 AM about someone stopped in the middle of Beverly Drive, allegedly slumped behind the wheel of a car with the engine running.

Remember ... Tiffany was previously busted for DUI in Georgia back in January 2022, when she was also allegedly asleep behind the wheel after smoking marijuana.

She posted bond in that case, and now with the second alleged DUI, Georgia prosecutors are asking the court to change her bond conditions to add a restriction on narcotics and alcohol, and to require weekly testing for both. The judge hasn't ruled yet.


Former child star Evan Ellingson's official cause of death has been revealed ... and fentanyl is to blame.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department finished its investigation, telling TMZ the late actor died from an accidental fentanyl overdose.

We broke the story ... Evan was found dead Nov. 5 at a sober-living home in San Bernardino County, officials said there was no foul play involved and law enforcement found drug paraphernalia at the scene.

Cops looked at the case as a possible OD ... and Ellingson's autopsy and toxicology report revealed fentanyl as the culprit.

While Ellingson struggled with drugs in the past, his father Michael told us he was doing better as of late.

Evan is best remembered starring opposite Cameron Diaz in the 2009 movie, "My Sister's Keeper," where he plays her teenage son. Ellingson was also famous for his recurring role as Kyle Harmon on "CSI: Miami" ... appearing in 18 episodes over 3 years.

Despite getting his Hollywood career started at 13, Evan died at 35 and did not have any acting credits since 2010.

Evan Ellingson Muere de una sobredosis de fentanilo ... La muerte fue accidental

La causa oficial de muerte de la ex estrella infantil Evan Ellingson ha sido revelada y el culpable es el fentanilo.

El Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de San Bernardino terminó su investigación y le dijo a TMZ que el fallecido actor murió de una sobredosis accidental de fentanilo.

Fuimos los primeros en contar la historia, Evan fue encontrado sin vida el 5 de noviembre en una casa para personas que lidian con la adicción al alcohol en el condado de San Bernardino. Las autoridades dijeron que no había delitos violentos involucrados y la policía encontró parafernalia de drogas en la escena.

Los policías miraron el caso como una posible sobredosis y la autopsia de Ellingson y el informe toxicológico reveló que el fentanilo fue el responsable.

Aunque Ellingson había estado luchando con las drogas en el pasado, su padre Michael nos dijo que estaba mucho mejor en el último tiempo.

Evan es mejor recordado por la película junto a Cameron Diaz, "My Sister's Keeper", de 2009, en donde interpreta a su hijo adolescente. Ellingson también fue famoso por su papel como Kyle Harmon en "CSI: Miami". Apareció en 18 episodios en 3 años.

A pesar de haber logrado una temprana carrera en Hollywood, a los 13 años, Evan murió a los 35 y no tenía ningún crédito de actuación desde 2010.

Tiffany Haddish Addresses New DUI in Stand-Up Set With 'Answered Prayers' Joke

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Tiffany Haddish got up in front of a crowd to crack jokes less than a day after getting arrested for DUI -- and when she was asked about it point blank, she leaned on comedy.

As we reported ... TH was scheduled to perform at the Laugh Factory in Long Beach Friday -- this after a set she'd done the previous night in L.A., before getting busted by Beverly Hills cops the following morning -- and TMZ obtained audio from part of that Long Beach show.

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earlier in the set ...

Take a listen to how Tiffany responded when an audience member asked about what happened "last night" ... obviously referring to her getting led away in handcuffs Friday AM.

Tiffany doesn't really cop to anything -- including the alleged DUI -- but she does say her prayers for a man in uniform were certainly answered ... something the crowd ate up. In other words, she rolled with it and made the whole thing into a well-delivered punchline.

Like we told you ... Tiffany left her Long Beach gig in the backseat of an SUV Friday evening, and it looks like she had some friendly company with her. What's interesting is that earlier in the day, she was in jail after getting taken in and booked earlier that same morning.

Tiffany is alleged to have been found asleep at the wheel in Bev Hills -- and cops say they found probable cause to take her in on suspicion of DUI ... and her arrest is on video.

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Outside of this set, Tiffany hasn't talked about the DUI arrest publicly.

By the way, if it seems like she came up with that "man in uniform" line pretty quickly, that's because she deployed the same line shortly after her 2022 Georgia DUI ... when she was a guest on the 'Tonight Show.'

Tiffany Haddish Aborda su detención en rutina de stand-up Se ríe con un chiste!!!

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Sobre lo que pasó anoche...

Tiffany Haddish se paró frente a una multitud apenas unas horas después de ser arrestada por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol (DUI), y cuando se le preguntó directamente por eso se apoyó en la comedia.

Como informamos, estaba programado que Tiffany Haddish actuara en Laugh Factory en Long Beach el viernes, esto es al día siguiente del show que había hecho la noche anterior en Los Ángeles y, apenas unas horas antes de ser arrestada por la policía de Beverly Hills. Y TMZ obtuvo el audio de parte de su rutina.

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El show debe continuar

Escucha cómo Tiffany responde cuando el público le pregunta por lo que sucedió "anoche", obviamente refiriéndose al incidente que la llevó a ser esposada el viernes por la mañana.

Tiffany realmente no dice nada, incluyendo el supuesto cargo por DUI, pero sí dice que sus oraciones por un hombre de uniforme fueron ciertamente respondidas, algo que a la multitud le gustó. En otras palabras, hizo de todo el asunto un chiste bien entregado.

Como les contamos, Tiffany se fue de su concierto en Long Beach en el asiento trasero de un SUV y parece que estaba en compañía de un amigo. Lo que es interesante es que apenas unas horas antes en el día, estuvo tras las rejas después de haber sido detenida.

Supuestamente, Tiffany se encontraba dormida sobre el volante cuando la encontraron en Beverly Hills, y los policías dicen que estimaron como causa probable la conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol. Pueden ver su detención en este video.

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Tiffany es esposada

Fuera del set, Tiffany no ha hablado públicamente del arresto. Nos pusimos en contacto con su equipo para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Tiffany Haddish Hits Laugh Factory Again After DUI ... Gets Ride Home This Time!!!

Tiffany Haddish had a busy Friday -- she was in a jail cell in the AM, and was back to joking in front of a crowd about 12 hours later ... but there was a big difference for night #2.

Check out these pics of TH leaving the Laugh Factory in Long Beach, CA late Friday night ... where she was scheduled to perform just a day after hitting the Los Angeles location and getting busted for DUI the following morning.

Doesn't look like she let a little thing like an arrest deter her from hitting the stage ... 'cause this is her leaving the venue after her set, and she was riding in the backseat with a pal.

We have no idea who this fella is ... but he and Tiff seemed to having a ball back there.

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In any case, it's good to see she learned her lesson from earlier in the day -- when cops threw her in handcuffs and into the back of a police cruiser in Beverly Hills ... booking her on suspicion of DUI, this after they apparently found her asleep at the wheel while parked.

It marks Tiffany's second DUI in about a year -- remember, she'd been arrested for another DUI out in Georgia back in 2022 and is supposed to be going to trial soon to fight it.

Now, as for how this 2nd night at the Laugh Factory went in terms of laughs/crowd reception ... no word on that yet. We haven't been able to find any reviews of how good her set was, but considering LB is L.A.-adjacent -- ya gotta imagine she touched on the new DUI.

Like we said, the fact she was brave enough to get back up there after a legal setback like that is telling -- Tiff seems to see her gigs through and through, regardless of circumstance.

TH hasn't addressed the arrest publicly, but she might've vented to the audience last night. Time will tell if this latest DUI bust sticks or not ... CA's pretty strict on that kind of stuff.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.