Evan Ellingson Death Investigated As Possible OD ... Drug Paraphernalia at Scene

Former child star Evan Ellingson's death is being investigated as a possible overdose ... we're told evidence was found at the scene which might point to drug use.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... drug paraphernalia was found at the San Bernardino County home, where Evan was found dead on Sunday. Right now, cops are continuing to investigate and we're told the case is being looked at as a possible OD.

Sources close to the case tell us the pending results of Ellingson's toxicology report will determine how the investigation will proceed -- if drugs are found to have been the cause, authorities could potentially investigate where they came from, and if there's any criminal culpability.

TMZ broke the story, Ellingson's body was found in his bedroom ... and officials told us there appeared to be no foul play involved.

His father, Michael, told us his son was found at a sober living home ... while Ellingson struggled with drugs in the past, Michael says he was doing better as of late.

Evan Ellingson Muerte está siendo investigada como posible sobredosis

La muerte de la ex estrella infantil Evan Ellingson está siendo investigada como posible sobredosis. Esto, luego de que las autoridades a cargo encontraran evidencia en la escena que podría apuntar al consumo de drogas.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que se hallaron diversos elementos relacionados con las drogas en su casa del Condado de San Bernardino, lugar en que Evan fue encontrado sin vida este domingo. En este momento, los policías siguen investigando y nos dicen que el caso está siendo considerado como una posible sobredosis.

Fuentes cercanas al caso nos dicen que los resultados pendientes del informe toxicológico de Ellingson determinarán cómo procederá la investigación. Si se determina que su causa de muerte fue producto de las drogas, las autoridades podrían potencialmente investigar de dónde provenían y si hay alguna culpabilidad criminal.

TMZ publicó la noticia, el cuerpo de Ellingson fue encontrado en su dormitorio. Los funcionarios nos dijeron que no parecía haber indicios de un crimen violento.

Su padre Michael nos dijo que su hijo fue encontrado en un hogar que llevaba una vida sobria. Aunque Ellingson había estado luchando contra las drogas en el pasado, Michael dice que estaba muchísimo mejor en el último tiempo.

Boxing Star Jared Anderson Arrested In Ohio Booked On Gun, OVI Charge

Heavyweight boxing star Jared "Big Baby" Anderson -- who Tyson Fury calls a future champ -- was arrested Monday in Ohio after cops say he was driving under the influence with a gun in his car.

Oregon (OH) Police Department tells TMZ Sports the arrest occurred a little after 1 AM after an officer allegedly saw Anderson driving his '23 Dodge Charger 55 in a 40 MPH zone, and initially pulled him over for speeding.

During the stop, the cop says he smelled "the faint odor of burnt marijuana," as well as alcohol on Anderson's breath. The officer also allegedly spotted an opened bottle of Don Julio tequila.

OPD says they observed Anderson's eyes, which were allegedly "bloodshot and glassy," so they administered a blood alcohol content test which came up .038, under the legal limit (.08).

As part of the stop, officers also conducted a search of his vehicle ... and located a firearm in the glovebox.

According to Lucas County jail records, the 23-year-old was booked on two charges ... improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle knowingly transporting under the influence, and operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI).

OVI can be used to charge a person operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

The news comes just days after Fury praised the 16-0 (15 KOs) fighter, calling Anderson the next star of the heavyweight division.

"Jared's the man. This is the future champ," Fury said ahead of his bout with Francis Ngannou.

"I said it three years ago. This is the heir to the throne.”

Anderson started boxing as a teenager and has won several championships ... from the Elite National Championships to the National Golden Gloves.

He last fought Andrii Rudenko in August ... a fight Jared won by TKO.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Held For Psych Evaluation ... Allegedly Downed Pills

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., former boxing champ and son of one of Mexico's greatest-ever athletes, was recently treated at a psych hospital after his wife told police he consumed dozens of pills, and she was scared for his safety.

Sources tell TMZ Sports 37-year-old Chavez Jr.'s wife, Frida Chavez, contacted police in the Hollywood area on October 24 ... after she became worried about her hubby's health.

Frida -- who was previously married to Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's late son, Edgar Guzman Lopez -- told cops she believed Julio ingested a large amount of potent and potentially dangerous medication ... and wanted medics to check him out.

Rescuers were dispatched and were able to contact Chavez Jr.

It's unclear exactly what happened, but Julio wasn't permitted to leave after officials determined Chavez Jr. needed to go to a psychiatric facility for treatment, known as a 5150 in California.

The law allows certain officials (police officers, doctors, etc.), should they believe someone to be "a danger to others, or to themselves, or gravely disabled" to be held for up to 72 hours "for assessment, evaluation, and crisis intervention."

Chavez Jr.'s family is clearly concerned for his health. In fact, his dad, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., recently expressed fear for his son's well-being during a podcast appearance.

"I feel sorry for him, because his children are little and he's not enjoying them. It hurts me that he's going to go crazy, that he's going to have an accident driving at 12-1 in the morning at full speed, that he's going to have a heart attack from all the pills he takes," Chavez Sr. said on the Bromeando con los Rivera show.

Speaking of Sr., while Chavez Jr. never reached the athletic heights of his legendary father, he was still an accomplished boxer, holding the WBC middleweight title in 2011 and 2012.

Julio, 53-6-1, last fought against David Zegarra in December 2021 -- a fight he won by unanimous decision.

California Lawmaker's Arrest Busted For DUI After Crash ... Video Shows Her Wasted

A California lawmaker is now in trouble with the law after she blamed her drunk driving arrest on a sneeze, causing her to crash -- while she was reportedly double the legal alcohol limit.

State Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo was cruising in her Audi in L.A. early Friday morning when she collided with another car, which lurched forward, striking a third vehicle.

A resident heard a loud bang and ran outside with his cell phone, filming what he described as an obviously intoxicated Carrillo, who was slurring her words and reeked of booze.

Check out the video ... responding LAPD officers approached Carrillo, who offered this explanation for the crash, "I'm sorry, I sneezed, and I lost track of the vehicle."

The cops administered a field sobriety test to Carrillo, who, at one point, lost her balance and nearly fell to the ground, but one of the officers caught her.

Carrillo was then arrested and booked for suspicion of driving under the influence during a traffic collision with a high blood-alcohol count, the L.A. Times reported.

LAPD Capt. Kelly Muniz told the media outlet Carrillo's alcohol level was “double the legal limit or more.”

After she was released from jail without bail, Carrillo issued a statement, accepting responsibility for her actions, while acknowledging as a public servant she must be held to a higher standard. She also apologized to her family, constituents and staff members and promised to "seek the necessary help and support.”

Elected in 2017, Carrillo represents California's 52nd Eastside Assembly District, which covers a portion of L.A. and South Glendale.

Texas Rangers' Nathaniel Lowe Sucks Down Fan's Beer, Loses Shirt ... Epic World Series Parade

Nathaniel Lowe was so giddy during the Rangers' World Series parade Friday, he straight-up downed a fan's beer in seconds -- and then ripped off his shirt in celebration of the achievement!!

The 2022 Silver Slugger award winner was being driven around in the back of a pickup truck to soak in love from Texas fans when the hilarious moment happened.

You can see in video from the scene in Arlington, a Rangers supporter tossed Lowe a Modelo -- before the first baseman cracked it open and drank it 'til the last drop.

But, he wasn't done there ... he then ripped off his jersey and his undershirt -- much to the crowd's delight.

Thousands of people showed up to celebrate Lowe and his Rangers after they won the title over the Diamondbacks on Wednesday ... and one supporter was so thrilled by his team's performance, he actually climbed to the top of a light pole to pump his fists.

Thankfully, he reportedly made it down unharmed.

Following the jaunt around the city ... the Rangers then took the stage to address their fans -- and Series MVP Corey Seager delivered an epic drop-the-mic moment.

Enjoy the day, Texas ... ya'll earned it!!

Kendall Jenner Su cumpleaños 28 tiene a mamá Kris emocionada ¡te adoro, pequeña!

Kendall Jenner está cumpliendo 28 años y su orgullosa madre Kris Jenner está TAN embargada por la emoción... Por favor avísennos pueden darse cuenta 😅.

Kris comenzó los homenajes de cumpleaños efusivos a la modelo en un post sentimental en Instagram, en el que enumera un sinfín de elogios a su hija "hermosa, amable, generosa, inteligente, talentosa, creativa, increíble, reflexiva".

Por supuesto, acompañó la publicación de una colección de adorables fotos de su infancia.

Kris dice que se siente bendecida por ser su madre, y estamos seguros de que algo tiene que ver la incursión de Kendall con 818 Tequila, siguiendo los pasos de sus hermanas en el mundo de los negocios.

No es que lo necesite... con un patrimonio neto de $45 M, ella es una de las celebridades regulares en la lista anual de Forbes de las modelos mejor pagadas después de trabajar con prácticamente todas las marcas de moda.

Mientras tanto, las hermanas de Kendall han estado lentas en sus homenajes de cumpleaños a Kendall, pero todas están ocupadas dirigiendo imperios, así que vamos a dejarlas fuera...

La mejor amiga de la supermodelo, Hailey Bieber, sí pasó toda la noche preparando la masa para hacer bollos helados de calabaza para ella, los que parecían estar medio comidos cuando se los presentaron. Qué "enfermo"... las palabras de Kendall, no las nuestras.

Por si hacía falta decirlo explícitamente, ¡feliz cumpleaños!

Kendall Jenner 28th Bday HAS MOM KRIS EMOTIONAL ... Love Ya, Baby Girl!!!

Kendall Jenner is 28 ... and proud mama Kris Jenner is SO overcome with emotion ... let us know if you can tell. 😅

The momager kicked off the gushing birthday tributes to the model in a sentimental IG post ... heaping endless praise on her "beautiful, kind, generous, giving, smart, talented, creative, amazing, thoughtful" daughter.

Of course, a collection of Kendall's adorable childhood snaps accompanied the extravagant compliments -- par for the course for the KarJenners, really.

Kris says she's blessed to be her mother -- and we're sure Kendall following in her sisters' mega-business brand footsteps with her 818 Tequila venture has something to do with it.

Not that she needed it ... with a $45M net worth, she's a regular topper on Forbes' annual list of highest-paid models after working with virtually every fashion brand out there.

Meanwhile, Kendall's sisters have been slow on the ground with their birthday tributes to KJ -- but they're all busy running empires, so we'll let them off the hook.

But the supermodel's BFF Hailey Bieber spent all night rolling out the dough to make pumpkin-flavored iced buns for her ... which already appeared to be half eaten when presented to her. What a "sicko" -- Kendall's words, not ours.

In case it needed to be said explicitly ... happy birthday!

MATTHEW PERRY Lanzan una fundación Para ayudar a personas con adicciones

Matthew Perry hizo un punto mientras estaba vivo sobre la importancia de ayudar a las personas que sufren de problemas de adicción con las drogas o el alcohol, y ahora va a llevar a cabo su misión desde la otra vida.

Los más cercanos al actor de "Friends" están lanzando una fundación en su nombre, que se llamará "The Matthew Perry Foundation". TMZ publicó la historia, Perry había estado planeando la creación de esta organización durante meses antes de que repentinamente falleciera, y ahora su sueño se está manifestando en la realidad.

El propósito de la fundación es ayudar a las personas a superar el abuso de sustancias, y llevará el espíritu y el humilde enfoque de Perry respecto a la adicción y su recuperación.

Cómo quisiera ser recordado
Q with Tom Power

Una vez dijo: "Cuando muera, no quiero que "Friends" sea lo primero que se mencione, quiero que ayudar a los demás sea lo primero que se mencione. Y voy a vivir el resto de mi vida demostrándolo. La adicción es demasiado poderosa para que alguien la venza solo. Pero juntos, día a día, podemos vencerla".

Su equipo dice: "Nos embarcamos en un viaje para honrar su legado mediante el establecimiento de la Fundación Matthew Perry, guiado por sus propias palabras y experiencias, e impulsado en su pasión de marcar una diferencia en tantas vidas como sea posible".

El sitio web, que es bastante escueto en este momento, describe de esta forma su misión y por ahora solo le da a la gente la opción de donar. Por cierto, este esfuerzo es legítimo, viene directamente de su equipo, por lo que no hay motivo para preocuparse por su autenticidad.

Como informamos por primera vez, Perry fue encontrado muerto en su jacuzzi el sábado pasado cuando su asistente regresó a su casa de Los Ángeles después de hacer mandados. El asistente llamó de inmediato al 911, a la madre de Perry y a uno de sus hermanos.

Los investigadores creen que Perry se ahogó, pero la causa oficial de muerte está pendiente. Los policías no recuperaron ninguna sustancia ilegal de la escena, pero se incautaron medicamentos recetados, incluyendo antidepresivos y ansiolíticos. Perry solo tenía 54 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Matthew Perry Foundation Launches Post-Death ... To Help Those w/ Addiction

Matthew Perry made it a point to help people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction while he was alive ... and now he's going to carry on that mission in the afterlife.

Those closest to the "Friends" actor are launching a foundation in his name, aptly titled "The Matthew Perry Foundation." TMZ broke the story ... Perry had actually planned to create this org months before he suddenly passed, and now -- it's being manifested into reality.

The whole purpose of the just-announced foundation is to help addicts overcome substance abuse -- and it'll carry on the spirit of Perry's humbling approach to addiction and recovery.

Q with Tom Power

He once said, "When I die, I don't want 'Friends' to be the first thing that's mentioned — I want helping others to be the first thing that's mentioned. And I'm going to live the rest of my life proving that. Addiction is far too powerful for anyone to defeat alone. But together, one day at a time, we can beat it down."

His team continues ... "We embark on a journey to honor his legacy by establishing the Matthew Perry Foundation, guided by his own words and experiences, and driven by his passion for making a difference in as many lives as possible."

The website cites that as the mission statement ... and for now, it only gives people the option to donate. BTW, this effort is legit, as it's coming directly from this team, so folks need not worry about its authenticity.


As we first reported ... Perry was found dead in his jacuzzi last Saturday when his assistant returned to his L.A. area home after running errands. The assistant promptly called 911, as well as Perry's mother and one of his siblings.

Investigators believe Perry drowned, but an official cause of death is pending. Cops did not recover any illegal substances from the scene, but they did seize prescription medications, including anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs. Perry was only 54 years old.


'RHOC' Shannon Beador 3 YRS PROBATION For DUI ... Prosecutors Wanted Jail


6:37 PM PT -- Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer is ripping the judge.

In a statement to TMZ, Spitzer says ... "Driving under the influence must have consequences. When a judge gives someone who not only drove with a blood alcohol level of .24 - three times the legal limit - but then ran away from the scene of an DUI collision a slap on the wrist, you are sending a message that DUIs are not serious crimes that demand accountability."

Spitzer adds ... "Judge London clearly felt otherwise and not only gave her a court offer, but dismissed the hit and run charge in the interest of justice. This is not justice. We as a society need to wake up and address the very real - and often deadly - consequences of driving under the influence."

Shannon Beador will avoid jail time in her DUI case ... because a judge just sentenced her to 3 years of probation.

The 'RHOC' star learned her fate Thursday, and was sentenced to 36 months informal probation, fines and fees, plus 40 hours community service and a 9-month alcohol program.

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Shannon did not show face in the Orange County courtroom, instead having her attorney appear on her behalf to enter her plea of no contest to one count DUI and one count driving with a blood alcohol content of .08% or more.

The judge dismissed one count of hit-and-run with property damage.

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In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer tried to convince the judge to give Shannon a harsher sentence -- he wanted her to also serve 30 days in jail, but the judge ruled otherwise.

TMZ broke the story ... Shannon was arrested in September after slamming her car into a Newport Beach home, with surveillance footage showing her car zipping through a residential area before her crash.

In the docs, the D.A. says she had a .24% BAC after the crash ... and she suffered a fractured left wrist, plus cuts and bruising to her left eye. Shannon's since paid for the property damage.

BTW ... Shannon's still set to appear at BravoCon this weekend in Vegas.

Originally Published -- 10:29 AM PT

'RHOC', SHANNON BEADOR 3 AÑOS DE LIBERTAD CONDICIONAL por conducir en estado de ebriedad

Shannon Beador evitará la cárcel en su caso de conducción bajo estado de ebriedad, porque un juez acaba de condenarla a tres años de libertad condicional.

La estrella de 'RHOC' (The Real Housewives of Orange County), conoció su destino el jueves y fue condenada a 36 meses de libertad condicional informal, multas y honorarios, además de 40 horas de servicio comunitario y un programa de alcohol de nueve meses.

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Shannon no dio la cara en la sala del tribunal del Condado de Orange, en lugar de eso, su abogado se presentó en su nombre para realizar la declaración de no oposición a un cargo de DUI y un cargo de conducir con un contenido de alcohol en la sangre de 0.08% o más.

El juez desestimó un cargo de atropello y fuga con daños a la propiedad.

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Dejando la escena

En los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, el Condado de Orange D.A. Todd Spitzer trató de convencer al juez de darle a Shannon una sentencia más dura. Querían que pasara 30 días en la cárcel, pero el juez dictaminó lo contrario.

TMZ publicó la historia, Shannon fue detenida en septiembre después de estrellar su coche contra una casa de Newport Beach, con imágenes de vigilancia que muestra su coche a toda velocidad a través de una zona residencial antes de su accidente.

En los documentos, el D.A. dice que tenía un 24% BAC después del accidente y sufrió una fractura en la muñeca izquierda, además de cortes y contusiones en el ojo izquierdo. Shannon ha pagado por los daños causados a la propiedad.

A propósito, Shannon todavía está lista para aparecer en BravoCon este fin de semana en Las Vegas.

Ryan Leaf Matthew Perry Helped My Sobriety ... He Was 'Instrumental'

The Straight Line / PointsBet

Ex-NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf believes he wouldn't be where he is today if it weren't for Matthew Perry ... crediting the late "Friends" star with playing a pivotal role in his sobriety.

Leaf -- who's approaching 12 years clean after battling drug and alcohol addiction in the past -- poured his heart out about his friend on his "Straight Line" podcast with PointsBet this week ... just days after 54-year-old Perry was found dead at his L.A.-area home.

The former No. 2-overall pick kicked off his tribute by stating Perry was "instrumental in my recovery" ... before going into detail about how the actor offered his support without hesitation over a decade ago.

"I got out of prison and when I got to Los Angeles, Matt put his arm around me immediately," Leaf said. "And he carried me for like, the first six months probably in Los Angeles, trying to learn how to be a sober person really in a public platform."

"I don't know if I’m here right now, being able to do stuff like this -- or anything -- if it weren’t for him, and him sharing his story and making me understand that you can be a guy in the public eye that everyone knows and still be sober, be humble and be about helping other people."

Leaf explained even as Perry dealt with his own drug, alcohol and mental health issues over the years, he didn't ever leave his side and continued to assist in the athlete's sobriety.

The 47-year-old said his takeaway from the tragedy is Perry was so much more than a TV star -- he was a guy who wanted to help others, and that's how he will remember him.

"There's a lot of people that I owe for the life I now have, get to live ... and he's certainly at the top of that," Leaf said.


"Matt, we'll miss you. I'll miss you. I hope you are finally at peace because I just don't know if you ever truly were."

MATTHEW PERRY Negative for Fentanyl & Meth ... Initial Tests Reveal

Matthew Perry's death was not the effect of a fentanyl or meth overdose, at least that's what initial tests indicate ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ investigators ran a less-in-depth test on Perry which revealed he did not have fentanyl or meth in his system. However, it's important to note, more in-depth tests are still being conducted as part of toxicology to analyze whether any other illegal drugs present in his blood -- and if the levels of any prescription meds were at harmful doses.

Those results will likely take anywhere from 4-6 months to be returned, and once all that data is gathered, the coroner will determine the cause and manner of death.

As we first reported, the prescription drugs found in Matthew's house were all prescribed to the actor for his various ailments, and stored in proper bottles.


If something illicit were to come back in his autopsy results, LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division would continue to investigate.

RHD's involvement initially had people scratching their heads, especially as there's currently NO evidence of foul play ... however, it's common for detectives from that division to take the lead on high-profile cases because of its experience and dedicated manpower.

As TMZ first reported, Matthew was found unresponsive in his hot tub Saturday at his home in the Pacific Palisades after playing pickleball for a couple hours earlier that day at Riviera Country Club.

While it appears he died from drowning, the Coroner will have the official word, once all the testing is complete.

The fact initial testing shows no overdose from meth or fentanyl -- a far too common killer in America's opioid epidemic -- falls in line with what people close to Matthew have told us ... that he was sober and "never happier."


La muerte de Matthew Perry no fue el efecto de una sobredosis de fentanilo o metanfetamina, al menos eso es lo que indican las pruebas iniciales. TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los investigadores realizaron una prueba a fondo en Perry que reveló que no tenía fentanilo o metanfetamina en su sistema. Sin embargo, más pruebas se están llevando a cabo para analizar si había alguna droga ilegal en el sistema del actor y si los niveles de sus recetas eran las dosis adecuadas.

Los resultados probablemente estén listos de 4 a 6 meses, y una vez que todas las pruebas estén listas, el médico forense determinará la causa y forma de muerte.

Como informamos por primera vez, los medicamentos recetados que se encontraron en la casa de Matthew fueron prescritos al actor para sus diversas dolencias y almacenados en botellas especiales.

Recordemos que si algo extraño aparece en los resultados de la autopsia, la División de Homicidios y Robo seguirá investigando.

La participación de esta división especial inicialmente generó extrañeza, sobre todo porque no había pruebas de asalto o violencia en el caso de Matthew, sin embargo, es común que tomen la iniciativa en casos de alto perfil debido a su experiencia y mano de obra dedicada.

Esta es la última noticia tras el trágico fallecimiento de la estrella de "Friends". Como TMZ informó por primera vez, fue encontrado inconsciente en su jacuzzi el sábado en su casa después de jugar pickleball durante unas horas antes en el Riviera Country Club.

Personas cercanas a Matthew nos han dicho que "nunca fue más feliz" de lo que había sido recientemente. Estaba lleno de energía y listo para volver al trabajo, después de haberse comprometido a actuar en una película y estar involucrado en el desarrollo de ideas serie de televisión.

French Montana Drug Search On My Plane in Colombia

Instagram / @frenchmontana

French Montana's flying private, but his travel plans are still coming with headaches ... because he says authorities in Colombia searched his jet for narcotics.

The rapper says he was trying to fly out of the South American country Tuesday, but he was grounded at the airport while officers combed through his plane in search of cocaine.

French posted video of his encounter with law enforcement, and you see a handful of police officers going through the plane along with a drug-sniffing dog.

He's keeping a cool head about it, for the most part, even petting the K-9 in front of officers. He's also proclaiming his innocence ... saying la policia got the wrong idea about him.

Yes, he named his label (and mixtape series) Cokeboys, but French declares there's no contraband on his ride.

Despite the hard time from Colombian police, French says he's still got love for the country ... though he adds, "you don't have to do me like this!!!"

We're guessing he was eventually cleared for takeoff -- or he wouldn't have posted the video -- but his last IG story says, "I need bail!! 👀."