Zeke On 'Zeke And Luther' 'Memba Him?!

American actor Hutch Dano was 16 years old when he started playing Ezekiel Falcone AKA "Zeke" -- who was determined to become the world's greatest skateboarder with his bestie, Luther -- on Disney's sitcom "Zeke and Luther" back in 2009.

Playing Zeke's best friend was actor Adam Hicks -- the cup-stacking champ and big-time gamer, Luther, Daniel Curtis Lee played Zeke and Luther's cocky skating rival, Kojo, and Ryan Whitney portrayed Zeke's smart, younger sister who played the flute, Ginger.

Dano got real on the "TMZ Verified" podcast and broke down his time on "Zeke and Luther".

Guess what he looks like now!

ZEKE EN "ZEKE Y LUTHER" ¿Lo recuerdas?

El actor estadounidense Hutch Dano tenía 16 años cuando empezó a interpretar a Ezekiel Falcone, alias "Zeke", decidido a convertirse en el mejor skater del mundo junto a su mejor amigo, Luther, en la comedia de Disney "Zeke y Luther" en 2009.

El mejor amigo de Zeke era el actor Adam Hicks, que interpretaba a Luther, el campeón y gran jugador, Daniel Curtis Lee, que interpretaba a Kojo, el engreído rival de Zeke y Luther, y Ryan Whitney interpretaba a Ginger, la inteligente hermana pequeña de Zeke que tocaba la flauta.

Dano se sinceró en el podcast "TMZ Verified" y desmenuzó su etapa en "Zeke y Luther".

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.


El actor y músico estadounidense -Jason Dolley- era solo un adolescente en 2006 cuando saltó al estrellato infantil protagonizando exitosos programas de Disney, donde interpretó a Virgil Fox en "Minutemen", Pete Ivey en "Hatching Pete" y PJ Duncan en "Good Luck Charlie".

Tras su exitosa carrera de 8 años en Disney, se centró en su educación y se licenció Magna Cum Laude en Filosofía por la Universidad Luterana de California.

Dolley consiguió papeles en películas como Staged Killer, The Devil's Advocate y Waltz of the Angels, así como en series de televisión, The Ranch y American Housewife.

Y, hace poco, se reencontró con su compañero de reparto en "Good Luck Charlie", Bradley Steven Perry.

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.

Disney Star Jason Dolley 'Memba Him?!

American actor and musician Jason Dolley was just a teen in 2006 when he rose into child stardom -- starring on hit Disney shows ... like playing Virgil Fox on "Minutemen", Pete Ivey on "Hatching Pete" and PJ Duncan on "Good Luck Charlie".

After his successful 8 year run on Disney, he focused on his education and graduated Magna Cum Laude from California Lutheran University and got his bachelors in Philosophy.

Dolley landed roles ins films like "Staged Killer," "The Devil's Advocate" and "Waltz of the Angels," as well as TV shows, "The Ranch" and "American Housewife."

And, he recently reunited with his "Good Luck Charlie" cast mate, Bradley Steven Perry.

Guess what he looks like now!

Ex-Disney Star Hutch Dano I Feel for Drake Bell ... Disney Protected Me, No Issues

While Drake Bell was living through a nightmare at Nickelodeon -- another fellow child star from a competing network says the Mouse House protected him during his own run.


Hutch Dano -- an actor who appeared in "The Suite Life on Deck" and "Zeke and Luther" in his youth -- sat down for an interview with TMZ Verified this week ... and he told us he never experienced any abuse while working for Disney, unlike Drake at Nick.

Dano says his heart goes out to the victims of abuse -- including Drake -- but he himself was never one of them ... something he says he'd absolutely admit if there was any truth to it.

HD described what his experience was like on set as a kid -- telling us he only worked with some of the best professionals in the biz on every project, adding he felt Disney did a good job keeping its actors safe. It's not a dig ... Dano's just recounting his own experience.

HD says he considers himself lucky -- as others in his position were obviously subjugated to terrible things ... and big picture, he says he's happy this issue is being brought to the light.

As we reported Drake is set to recount what happened between him and his one-time dialogue coach Brian Peck ... who was convicted of molesting Drake in the early 2000s. The full interview sharing Drake's story will air in full later this weekend ... and it's apparently brutal.

As you may know, Peck pled no contest to performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a 16-year-old back in 2004 -- and Drake reveals the guy even had a lot of stars step up to bat for him and his character, both in person and in letters.

Our full convo with Hutch can be heard on TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms. The Nickelodeon doc 'Quiet On Set' premieres on ID from 9 PM to 11 PM ET/PT on March 17 and March 18.

Taylor Swift Promo en el cartel de Hollywood es cancelada... Falsa alarma!!!


12:22 PM PT -- Philip Sokoloski de FilmLA, la empresa que maneja los permisos para este rodaje, le dice a TMZ que acaba de ser informado por un colega que se ha cancelado oficialmente todo el rodaje que estaba previsto para el miércoles.

No se sabe exactamente por qué, pero nos dicen que la producción no seguirá adelante. Es probable que el equipamiento que estaba montado allí sea retirado pronto.

11:37 AM PT -- Disney+ dice que Taylor Swift no asistirá ni actuará el miércoles durante el rodaje.

Taylor Swift estaría preparando un espectáculo en el cartel de Hollywood en el marco de su gran debut en Disney + y los vecinos están enojados al respecto, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Los residentes que viven cerca del famoso punto de referencia cerca de Griffith Park en Los Ángeles están en pie de guerra por una producción que ha tenido lugar toda la semana y donde está programado que se filme algo grande el miércoles. Esto, de acuerdo con un permiso para grabar que han recibido los vecinos de la zona.

TMZ obtuvo una copia de uno de esos avisos que, por cierto, confirmamos que también está en manos de las autoridades, pues los policías fueron avisados de que la filmación se realizará mañana en el emblemático cartel y explica con bastante claridad lo que ocurre.

Echa un vistazo al aviso, este dice que van a rodar para "Disney + TS" y que tendrá lugar a lo largo de Mulholland Highway, justo debajo del propio cartel de Hollywood. La preparación para el rodaje se realizará durante todo el día martes y está programado que las cámaras empiecen a filmar durante todo el miércoles.

La producción trabajará para desarmar todo y limpiar el jueves, que es por eso que los vecinos de los alrededores están tan furiosos, nos dicen.

Nos comentan que los residentes de los alrededores sienten que esto es una monstruosidad enorme y no solo eso, que también está creando un montón de tráfico peatonal y alboroto que está alterando su paz y vida cotidiana. Nos dicen que ha habido una gran cantidad de comunicación interna entre las diferentes asociaciones de viviendas y otras organizaciones y digamos que la gente de allí no está feliz con la presencia de Taylor Swift.

Desafortunadamente para ellos, el espectáculo continuará y como se puede ver, habrá un poco de fotografía aérea también. Nos han dicho que se espera la presencia de drones... posiblemente muchos de ellos. Por cierto, antes de que los Swifties empiecen a subir a la colina no hay nada en el permiso que diga explícitamente que Taylor va a realizar todo esto.

Por supuesto, esta actuación tendría lugar un día antes de que la película del concierto de Taylor "Eras" Tour se estrene en Disney +, aunque será una "versión de Taylor", con 4 canciones adicionales.

Disney ha estado promocionando con bombos y platillos este lanzamiento y pueden imaginarse que están encantados de ser la compañía que eligió Taylor para lanzar su película porque fue un gran éxito en los cines.

Tiene sentido que estén preparando algo grande para promoverlo aún más.

Nada como ver a Taylor cantando en una de las atracciones más icónicas de Estados Unidos, y posiblemente de toda la historia. No podemos esperar a ver lo que va a hacer. Queda solo un día para que empiece el show.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Film L.A. y con el equipo de Taylor, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Taylor Swift H'Wood Sign Disney Shoot Nixed ... False Alarm, Everyone!!!


12:22 PM PT -- Philip Sokoloski of FilmLA -- the company handling the permitting for this shoot -- tells TMZ ... he was just informed by a colleague that they've gotten word the whole shoot that was scheduled for Wednesday is now officially off.

No word on exactly why, but we're told the production will not move forward. Any equipment that was out there between yesterday and today is likely to be packed up and removed soon.

11:37 AM PT -- Disney+ says Taylor Swift will not be in attendance or be performing on Wednesday during the shoot.

Taylor Swift and the Hollywood sign are going to be one and the same this week ahead of her big debut on Disney+ -- and neighbors there are pissed about it ... TMZ has learned.

Residents who live by the famed landmark near Griffith Park in Los Angeles are up in arms over a production that's been ramping up all week -- which is scheduled to shoot something big on Wednesday ... this according to the film permit notice neighbors have received.

TMZ has obtained a copy of one of those permit notices -- which, BTW, we've confirmed law enforcement is in possession of as well, with cops being put on notice that filming's going down the H'wood sign tomorrow -- and it spells out pretty clearly what's going down.

Check out the notice yourself ... it says they'll be filming for "Disney + TS" and it'll be taking place along Mulholland Highway -- right below the Hollywood sign itself. Prep for the shoot is taking place all day Tuesday, and cameras are scheduled to be rolling all day Wednesday.

Come Thursday ... that's when the production will work on breaking everything down and clearing out -- which is why we're told neighbors around there are furious over all this.

We're told residents in the vicinity feel like this is a massive eyesore, and not just that -- but it's creating a bunch of foot traffic and ruckus that's disturbing their peace and way of life. We're told there's been a lot of internal communication among different home associations and other orgs ... and let's just say, folks there aren't happy with the production.

Unfortunately for them, the show will go on ... and as you can see, there'll be some aerial photography happening as well. We're told drones are expected to be in the mix ... possibly a lot of them. BTW, before Swifties start hiking up the hill ... there's nothing in the permit to explicitly suggest Taylor is going to perform at this thing.

Of course, this performance would be happening one day before Taylor's "Eras" Tour concert movie drops on Disney+ -- although, it'll be a "Taylor's Version" drop, with 4 extra songs.

Disney's been plugging the hell out of this release -- and you gotta imagine they're stoked to be the company Taylor decided to release her film on ... 'cause it was a huge hit in theaters.

Makes sense they'd be doing something big and splashy to promote it even further.

We've reached out to Film L.A. and Taylor's camp ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:07 AM PT

Zendaya Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Zendaya's looks over the years have been EUPHORIC!

Here is a 13-year-old version of a young Zendaya showcasing her winning smile on the Santa Monica Pier back in 2010 (left). This was her breakout year playing Rocky Blue on Disney's "Shake It Up".

And, 14 years later the gorgeous gal hit New York City and brought her striking brows and beauty to the "Dune: Part Two" premiere at the Lincoln Center earlier this week (right).

Yes, she continues to raise brows around the world (and Tom Holland's of course) with her stunning looks, but the question here is ...

Zendaya ...

Zendaya ¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?

¡Los looks de Zendaya a lo largo de los años son fabulosos!

Aquí hay una versión de 13 años de una joven Zendaya mostrando su sonrisa ganadora en el muelle de Santa Mónica en 2010 (izquierda). Ese fue su año de despegue interpretando a Rocky Blue en la serie de Disney "Shake It Up".

Y, 14 años después, la guapísima chica llegó a Nueva York y llevó sus llamativas cejas y su belleza al estreno de "Dune: Parte 2" en el Lincoln Center a principios de esta semana (derecha).

Sí, ella sigue llamando la atención de todo el mundo (y de Tom Holland, por supuesto) con sus impresionantes looks, pero la pregunta aquí es...


MARY POPPINS Se modifica la clasificación por edades en el Reino Unido Por lenguaje discrimnatorio

"Mary Poppins" tendrá una nueva mirada en 2024 al otro lado del charco. Su clasificación por edades ha sido aumentada porque contiene lenguaje discriminatorio que no es apropiado para todos los públicos.

Si bien es probable que nunca hayas notado el término ofensivo en la película... la Junta Británica de Clasificación Cinematográfica -comúnmente conocida como la BBFC- está llamando la atención sobre el uso de la frase "hotentotes", ya que se dice que es inadecuado para los jóvenes.

Puede que aquí en Estados Unidos nos suene extraño, pero ese término tiene su historia en Gran Bretaña. Se trata de una frase antigua que se ha considerado muy ofensiva desde el punto de vista racial y que fue utilizada en su día por los colonizadores europeos en África, concretamente en relación con los khoikhoi, un grupo indígena del suroeste de África.

Se cree que el término "hotentotes" surgió como imitación su lengua y hoy es una palabra antigua con carga racial que ya no se utiliza y sin embargo, está en "Mary Poppins".

En cuanto a cuándo se utiliza la frase insensible en la querida película de Disney... ocurre durante uno de los momentos más icónicos de la película, el número "Step in Time", protagonizado por Dick Van Dyke, el deshollinador (Bert), cuando todos los chicos tienen hollín negro cubriendo sus caras.

Esto ocurre cuando Bert y su banda de deshollinadores irrumpen en un baile en la azotea. El excéntrico vecino de la familia Banks, el almirante Boom (Reginald Owen) -que cree que todavía está al mando de un barco de la marina- declara: "Estamos siendo atacados por hotentotes".

El Almirante Bloom de Owen también dice el término al principio de la película, cuando pregunta a los niños Banks... si van a "luchar contra los Hotentotes". Recuerde, esta película salió en la década de 1960, era una época diferente.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

El cambio en la clasificación por edades es de esperar que ayude a los padres preocupados de exponer a sus hijos a "lenguaje o comportamiento discriminatorio", que podría repetirse involuntariamente.

El tiempo pasa ¿No?

'Mary Poppins' Age Rating Changed in UK 'Discriminatory Language'

"Mary Poppins" is getting a fresh look in 2024 across the pond -- its age rating has been raised because it features discriminatory language ... which ain't appropriate for all audiences.

While you probably may have never noticed the offensive term in the live-action flick ... the British Board of Film Classification -- commonly referred to as the BBFC -- is calling out the film's use of the phrase "Hottentots," as it's said to be unsuitable for youngsters.

It may sound like gibberish to us here in the States -- but that term has history there in Britain. It's a dated phrase that's been deemed too racially offensive ... and was used way back in the day by European colonizers in Africa -- specifically as it pertains to the Khoikhoi, an indigenous group from Southwestern Africa.

It's believed the term "Hottentots" came about as an imitation of the group's language, which featured clicks ... and these days, it's an old-timey racially charged word that isn't really used anymore. And yet, it's in "Mary Poppins."

As for when the insensitive phrase is used in the beloved Disney movie ... it occurs during one of the film's more iconic moments -- the "Step in Time" number led by Dick Van Dyke's Bert, the chimney sweep ... when all the guys have black soot covering their faces.

Specifically, when Bert and his band of chimney sweeps break into a rooftop dance ... the Banks family's eccentric neighbor, Admiral Boom (Reginald Owen) -- who thinks he's still commanding a naval ship -- declares, "We're being attacked by Hottentots."

Owen's Admiral Bloom also says the term at the start of the film, when he asks the Banks children ... if they're "going to fight the Hottentots." Remember, this flick came out in the 1960s ... so even then, it was a different time.

TMZ Studios

The shift in age rating will hopefully help concerned parents from exposing their children to "discriminatory language or behavior," which could be unintentionally repeated.

It went from being rated U (their version of rated-G) to PG ... so, there ya go!

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ACTOR DE "STAR TREK" Y MARVEL FALLECE A LOS 49 AÑOS Sufría de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

Kenneth Mitchell -que protagonizó una serie de televisión de "Star Trek" y una película de Marvel- ha muerto, según un comunicado de su familia.

La familia anunció a través de su cuenta de Instagram que el actor falleció el sábado, recordándolo no solo como un actor condecorado, sino también como un dedicado hombre de familia.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Su familia dice que falleció después de una batalla contra la ELA que comenzó hace más de cinco años diciendo que creía que cada día era un regalo a pesar de las dificultades que enfrentó con su enfermedad.

Mitchell apareció en varias películas y programas de televisión a lo largo de los años, incluyendo "Nancy Drew", "The Astronauts Wives Club", "NCIS", "Castle", "Criminal Minds" y "Grey's Anatomy".

Su papel más destacado llegó en 2006, cuando obtuvo un papel protagónico en la serie "Jericho". Mitchell apareció en 27 de los 29 episodios de la serie durante sus dos temporadas.

Más recientemente, Mitchell dio el salto al reino de la ciencia ficción, apareciendo como Joe -el padre de Carol Danvers- en el éxito de Marvel de 2019 "Captain Marvel" y apareciendo en una serie de papeles para el original de Paramount + "Star Trek: Discovery".

A Mitchell le sobreviven su esposa Susan, sus hijos Lilah y Kallum, sus padres, hermanos y numerosas sobrinas y sobrinos. La familia le está pidiendo a la gente que done a la investigación de la ELA en su memoria.

Kenneth tenía 49 años.


'Star Trek' & Marvel Actor Kenneth Mitchell Dead at 49 ... Lengthy Battle w/ ALS

Kenneth Mitchell -- who starred in a 'Star Trek' television show and Marvel movie -- has died, according to a statement from his family.

The actor passed away Saturday his family announced via his Instagram account ... remembering him as not only a decorated actor but also a dedicated family man.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

His family says he passed away after a battle with ALS that began more than five years ago saying he believed each day was a gift despite the difficulties he faced with his illness.

Mitchell appeared in a number of movies and television shows over the years including "Nancy Drew," "The Astronauts Wives Club," "NCIS," "Castle," "Criminal Minds," and "Grey's Anatomy."

His breakout role came back in 2006 when he received a starring part in the show "Jericho." Mitchell appeared in 27 of the show's 29 episodes during its two-season run.

More recently, Mitchell made the jump into the science-fiction realm ... appearing as Carol Danvers' father Joe in the 2019 Marvel hit "Captain Marvel" and appearing in a number of roles for the Paramount+ original "Star Trek: Discovery."

Mitchell is survived by his wife Susan, kids Lilah and Kallum, his parents, siblings and numerous nieces and nephews. The family's asking people to donate to ALS research in his memory.

Kenneth was 49.


'MIGHTY DUCKS' Star Shaun Weiss Video Sparks Relapse Concern Among Fans ... But He Says He's Clean

Instagram / @shaunweiss

Shaun Weiss has some fans thinking he relapsed on drugs ... but he says folks are reading way too far into a video he posted online.

The "Mighty Ducks" star shared a video Wednesday on Instagram, talking about how blessed he is to be paid to travel around and interact with fans ... but his physical appearance seemed to throw people off.

Shaun, who recently celebrated 4 years of sobriety, is looking kinda thin and he has a red substance smudged between his eyes ... leading some to wonder if he busted his head open, even though his caption says it's "consecrated ash from Sadhguru."

Shaun tells TMZ ... he's still 100% clean and has not relapsed.

Josh Rivera

He says he's doing great and has never been better, adding ... "If I ever need help I promise I will reach out to people. No going backward."

As for what's on his forehead, Shaun tells us it's from his "spiritual practice." He says it's supposed to "activate my third eye."

Shaun says he's getting into the inner engineering teachings of Sadhguru, a famous Yogi ... telling us, "It has been a game changer in terms of my overall balance and levels of joy."

The video that first sparked relapse concern among fans was on Shaun's page for about 5 hours until we talked to him ... and he's since uploaded a new video where he wipes off the red substance from his face and says he's fine and there's nothing to worry about.

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... Shaun says he's okay and no need for concern.

Jonathan Majors Marvel ya se estaba alejando antes de la sentencia Dice un reporte

Jonathan Majors fue rápidamente abandonado por Marvel luego de que se conociera su condena por agresión, pero resulta que el estudio ya estaba pensando en seguir adelante sin el actor, al menos según un nuevo informe.

Como todos saben, el actor fue cortado minutos después de que el jurado de Nueva York lo declarara culpable de dos de los cuatro cargos presentados por su ex novia, Grace Jabbari, incluyendo los de acoso y agresión.

Por supuesto, solo terminó siendo condenado por lo que pasó fuera del carro, no por lo que ocurrió en el interior, ya que en esos casos los fiscales aseguraron que había realmente maltrato de su parte. Inmediatamente después, Marvel anunció que no iba a trabajar más con Majors en el futuro. No se demoraron ni un segundo.

Pero una nueva historia de THR sugiere que Marvel originalmente estaba planeando entablar una relación con Majors como su nuevo gran villano, pero esos planes cambiaron cuando se vio envuelto en este caso de violencia doméstica.

Dicen que la próxima película de "Avengers", que iba a llamarse "The Kang Dynasty", ya no va a incluir el nombre del personaje de Majors y están reescribiendo las próximas películas para eliminar a Kang por completo o para marginarlo y convertirlo en una nota al pie de página en la trama. Es una carga pesada, pero todo el mundo esperaba que así fuera.

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Majors dejando el tribunal

Lo más interesante de este reportaje es la noción de que Marvel/Disney ya había tomado una decisión en cuanto a lo que querían hacer con Kang y Majors.

Citando fuentes, THR dice que Marvel ya estaba haciendo movimientos para minimizar la participación de Kang en las próximas películas, y la aparente razón, el dinero. Parece que la aparición de Majors en "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" no fue un éxito financiero (definitivamente no lo fue) y debido a eso sintieron que la audiencia simplemente no estaba de humor para ver más de Kang.

La película hizo $476 millones a nivel mundial por sus visionados en los cines, pero comparado con otras películas de superhéroes, es bastante malo. Así que, a primera vista ... parece que el destino de Majors ya estaba sellado.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Por supuesto, Majors no ha sido sentenciado todavía y su equipo está tratando de que la condena sea anulada. Pero pareciera que Marvel ya le cerró la puerta a todo esto.

Jonathan Majors Marvel Was Already Pivoting Away ... Before Conviction: Report

Jonathan Majors was quickly dropped by Marvel in the wake of his assault conviction -- but as it turns, the studio was already inclined to move on ... at least according to a new report.

As everyone knows, the actor was cut loose just minutes after word came down from a NYC jury in December that he was guilty on two of four counts -- including harassment and assault -- as it pertained to charges that he'd harmed his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari.

Granted, he only ended up getting convicted on what happened outside of the car -- not inside, where prosecutors claimed he'd really roughed her up -- and yet ... Marvel immediately announced he wasn't working with them going forward. They didn't skip a beat.

Welp, per a new THR story ... Marvel is now in the cleanup process of their next chapter -- as they were originally planning on hitching their wagon to Majors' star as the new big villain ... but those plans changed once he got caught up in this DV case.

They say the next 'Avengers' movie -- which was going to be called 'The Kang Dynasty' -- is now not going to include Majors' character's name at all ... and they're rewriting the next slate of films to either cut out Kang altogether, or to seriously sideline him and make him a footnote in the larger plot. It's a heavy lift, but everyone expected that to be the case.

TMZ Studios

The more interesting tidbit here in this report is the notion that Marvel/Disney had apparently already made a decision in terms of where they wanted to go with Kang and Majors.

THR, citing sources, says Marvel was already making moves to minimize Kang's involvement in future movies -- and the apparent reason ... money. It sounds like Majors' appearance in 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' wasn't a financial success (it definitely wasn't) and because of that ... they felt audiences just weren't in the mood for more Kang.

The movie made $476 million globally through its theatrical run ... but by superhero movie standards, that's pretty trash. So, on its face ... it sounds like Majors' fate was sealed.

TMZ Studios

Of course, Majors hasn't been sentenced yet ... and his team is trying to have his conviction thrown out. Either way though ... it almost feels like Marvel's closed the door on all this.