Orlando Brown es expulsado de un restaurante

haciendo una escena

La cena de Orlando Brown en Los Ángeles tuvo un final caótico, porque el restaurante lo echó luego de que molestara a un miembro del personal.

TMZ ha obtenido un video de la ex estrella de Disney -que interpretó a Eddie Thomas en "That's So Raven"- siendo expulsado del lugar el domingo por la noche, y todo el asunto es bastante dramático, incluso para los estándares de Orlando.

Como se puede ver, Orlando graba a un tipo que trabaja allí y le dice un montón de improperios, incluso le grita hasta que alguien de seguridad lo escoltó fuera de la propiedad.

La gente que estaba allí dice que todo el asunto comenzó con Orlando actuando en su mesa. Nos dicen que le estaba gritando a otros clientes y cuando el personal se acercó a calmarlo, se fue.

Al final, Orlando hizo una gran salida en voz alta, diciendo: "Todo el mundo disfrutó de su noche, lo siento por ustedes... ¡Que se jodan a todos!" Sí, es muy Tony Montana.

Francamente, es una escena triste en general, como hemos informado, la ex estrella de Disney ha luchado durante años contra la adicción a las drogas y las luchas de salud mental. Ha estado dentro y fuera de la cárcel, por no hablar de los centros de rehabilitación.

Por extraño que parezca, ha estado trabajando bastante últimamente, solo el año pasado, Orlando fue un miembro del elenco de la Zeus Network "Bad Boys: Texas", donde ha agitado la olla también.

tmz investiga
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Orlando se ha convertido en una especie de personalidad extrema los últimos años, pero es bastante obvio que este incidente fue real y para nada orquestado para las cámaras..

Orlando Brown Kicked Out of Restaurant ... Berates Staff on Video!!!


Orlando Brown's night out for dinner in L.A. came to a chaotic end ... because the hotspot restaurant tossed him out when he absolutely flipped out on a staffer.

TMZ has obtained video of the former Disney star -- who famously played Eddie Thomas on "That's So Raven" -- getting booted from TAO Sunday night, and the whole thing is pretty dramatic ... even by Orlando's standards.

As you can see ... Orlando's got his phone out recording a guy who works there, calling him a bunch of names and screaming obscenities before security escorted him off the property.

Folks who were there say the whole scene started with Orlando acting up at his table. We're told he was shouting at other patrons, and when staff came over to calm him down, he went off ... much of which is depicted in the footage we have here.

In the end, Orlando made a grand exit ... loudly telling the restaurant, "Everybody enjoy your night, I'm sorry for f****ing up your s*** ... F*** everybody!!!" Yeah, it's very Tony Montana.

Frankly, it's a sad scene all around ... as we've reported, the former Disney star has for years battled drug addiction and mental health struggles. He's been in and out of jail, not to mention rehab centers -- and at just about every juncture, he's come across as unhinged.

Strangely enough, he's actually been working again of late -- just last year, Orlando was a cast member for the Zeus Network's "Bad Boys: Texas" ... where he's stirred the pot too.

TMZ Studios

OB has sorta become an over-the-top personality in recent years -- but it's pretty obvious ... this is just how he is now, and he definitely ain't hamming anything up for the cameras.

Selena Gomez y Benny Blanco muy cariñosos en Disneylandia

El romance entre Selena Gomez y Benny Blanco va viento en popa. Al menos eso podemos deducir luego de verlos en Disney este fin de semana... aunque pudimos notar un pequeño problema de altura.

La pareja fue a Disney el sábado, donde fueron filmados por los espectadores que los vieron entrar en la atracción de "Toy Story" y se veían muy cómodos antes de subirse, agarrándose fuertemente el uno al otro.

el lugar más feliz de la tierra
TikTok / @vuhhhnessssuhhh

Estaban tratando de pasar desapercibidos con sombreros y sudaderas con capucha, pero era obvio que eran ellos, y fue especialmente notable cuando se metieron en su carro y se quitaron el casco, revelando sus rostros.

Benny fue muy caballeroso guiando a Selena hasta el carro y dejándola subir primero. Ciertamente muy romántico, aunque es inevitable notar que ella es claramente más alta que él.

No es para hacer tanto escándalo tampoco, hay muchas parejas famosas con diferencia de altura entre el chico y la chica, basta con mirar a Tom Holland y Zendaya, o el recientemente divorciado Joe Jonas con Sophie Turner.

Selena mide 5'5...y él se ve notablemente más bajo que ella en este clip. Podemos calcular que debe medir unos 5'3 o así, sin embargo, ella está locamente enamorada de él.

Vamos a decir esto, Benny se sale del molde de los chicos con los que Selena ha salido históricamente -en múltiples frentes, es cierto- pero parece que ha capturado su corazón y algo más.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Tomen nota chicos, la edad no es más que un número, y al parecer también la altura.

Selena Gomez & Benny Blanco Snuggly Disney Date ... She's Standing (Tall) on Business!!!

Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco's romance is going strong -- evidenced in their Disney date this weekend ... but what was also clear was the fact she's got a short king here.

The couple hit Disney's California Adventure in Anaheim, CA Saturday -- where they were filmed by onlookers who spotted them getting onto the 'Toy Story' ride, and looking pretty damn cozy before hopping on ... holding on to each other tightly in line.

Let's ride, shawty!
TikTok / @vuhhhnessssuhhh

They were trying to lay low in hats and hoodies, but it was obviously them -- especially noticeable when they got into their car and removed their headgear... revealing their faces.

BB was very gentlemanly-like guiding SG into the cart and letting her get on first. He certainly seems like a sweetheart -- but he's not towering over his girlfriend by any means ... if anything, it's exactly the opposite. As you can see, Selena's clearly taller than him.

It's no harm, no foul of course ... there are plenty of A-listers with this sort of height differential between the guy and gal -- just look at Tom Holland/Zendaya, or the recently divorced Joe Jonas/Sophie Turner -- but in this case ... it seems Benny's quite short.

Selena has her height listed as 5'5" ... and if he's noticeably shorter than her in this clip -- ya gotta figure homeboy's like 5'3" or so. And yet, she's head over heels for the fella!

We'll say this ... Benny bucks the mold of dudes Selena has historically dated -- on multiple fronts, admittedly -- but he seems to have captured her heart and then some.

TMZ Studios

Take notes, guys ... age ain't nothing but a number, and so is height apparently.

Ginnifer Goodwin New Snow White Might Not Need Prince Charming ... But This One Married Hers!


Ginnifer Goodwin is all about a good Prince Charming ... and she trusts Disney to make the right call when it comes to his role, or lack thereof, in the live-action "Snow White."

We got Ginnifer at Porta Via in Los Angeles on Thursday and our photog asked her how Prince Charming fits into the Snow White fairytale.

Ginnifer famously played Snow White in the ABC fantasy series "Once Upon a Time" ... and she says Prince Charming was pretty important to her.

TMZ Studios

Of course, Ginnifer's talking about her husband, Josh Dallas ... she says Josh was her Prince Charming in real life ... they got married and plan to live happily ever after.

The 'Snow White' live-action remake might do away with the love story altogether ... which is causing a bunch of uproar, on top of the controversy surrounding the original Seven Dwarfs.

Personal experience aside, Ginnifer's leaving it up to Disney to decide what's best for this movie ... she says the studio's track record speaks for itself.

It will be interesting to see what Disney ultimately decides ... but Ginnifer says she can't wait to see the final version, Prince Charming or not.

'WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE' No Reboot Invite for DAN BENSON!!! Says Porn Career to Blame


"Wizards of Waverly Place" alum Dan Benson knows he's being cut out of the Disney Channel show's upcoming reboot and says it's upsetting, but not shocking ... due to to his very adult career choices.

Dan tells TMZ ... he's disappointed over being unable to reprise the role of Zeke Beakerman, and also acknowledges he didn't really leave the show's bosses any real option to include him -- having gone from child star to OnlyFans porn star.

He totally sees things from their point of view ... telling us it'd be unreasonable to bring back his wholesome character, while he's also publicizing all his risqué personal life decisions.


Dan even imagines how discussions of his return went down in the reboot's first meeting ... wondering if some Disney exec Googled him to see what he's doing, only to learn he's been posting adults-only content since 2022.

BTW, Selena Gomez is an executive producer, which has Dan wondering just how much of his "body" of work his old costar's come across.

While he's sad his career choices affected his chance to be back on screen, he tells us he actually would've said no if the reboot bosses asked him back.

TMZ Studios

The reason being that life after the show got really hard for him, as he struggled to land another mainstream acting gig.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Now, Dan's over being dependent on someone else for opportunities ... something he doesn't have to worry about now cause he's his own boss and makes it happen for himself.

Yes, he's moved on -- but he's also still nostalgic for 'Waverly.'

Dan Benson no vuelve a "Los magos de Waverly Place" Por el porno

no espero ninguna llamada

El actor de "Los Hechiceros de Waverly Place" —Dan Benson— sabe que está siendo cortado de la próxima serie de Disney Channel y dice que es molesto, pero no le sorprende demasiado.

Dan le dice a TMZ que está decepcionado por no poder repetir el papel de Zeke Beakerman, y también reconoce que los jefes de la serie no le dieron ninguna opción real para incluirlo, después de haber pasado de estrella infantil a estrella porno de OnlyFans.

Él ve las cosas desde su punto de vista, diciéndonos que no sería razonable traer de vuelta a su personaje, mientras que él también está haciendo públicas todas sus arriesgadas decisiones en su vida personal.

hay que seguir adelante

Dan incluso se imagina cómo fueron las discusiones sobre su regreso en la primera reunión del reinicio, preguntándose si algún ejecutivo de Disney lo buscó en Google para ver lo que está haciendo, solo para enterarse de que ha estado publicando contenido para adultos desde 2022.

Por cierto, Selena Gomez es productora ejecutiva, lo que hace que Dan se pregunte qué parte de su trabajo ha visto su antigua compañera.

Mientras que él está triste porque su nueva carrera afectó su oportunidad de estar de vuelta en la pantalla, nos dice que en realidad habría dicho que no si los jefes de reinicio le preguntaran de nuevo.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

La razón es que la vida después de la serie fue muy dura para él, ya que luchó por conseguir otro trabajo como actor.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Ahora, Dan ha dejado de depender de otra persona para tener oportunidades, algo de lo que no tiene qué preocuparse ahora, porque es su propio jefe.

Sí, él ha seguido adelante, pero también nos da mucha nostalgia que no aparezca en "Waverly".

Una madre baja a sus hijos de la atracción "It's a Small World" De Disneyland París

TikTok / @georgiataylor2199

Una familia de Disneyland París no estaba de humor para quedarse sentada cuando una famosa atracción acuática se averió, porque Mamá Osa agarró a sus hijos y se marchó... desafiando las órdenes de no moverse.

Échale un vistazo a estas imágenes que muestran a una mujer sentada en el barco "It's a Small World" con sus pequeños, antes de remangarse los pantalones y quitarse los zapatos para entrar al agua y ayudar a sus cuatro hijos a salir del juego luego de que este se averiara y quedara detenido.

Ella es muy práctica, toma a los niños uno por uno y los lleva a tierra firme, donde estaban todos los famosos muñecos de "Small World" haciendo canciones y el bailes.

También hay al menos un miembro del elenco de Disneyland que grita en francés por el intercomunicador, diciéndole a la madre que se detenga, pero ella hace caso omiso de las advertencias y saca a su familia.

Otras personas parecen sorprendidas e incluso se divierten al presenciar el acto poco común. Lo admitimos, es una escena chocante... una familia saliendo del barco y entrando en el plató no es exactamente la forma de conseguir que una atracción averiada vuelva a funcionar. Pero, de nuevo, cuando alguien necesita salir, ¿quién se lo va a impedir?

Instagram / @magic.with.maegra

La buena noticia es que esta familia mantuvo la ropa puesta, a diferencia del hombre que se bajó de "Small World" en noviembre en el Disneyland de Estados Unidos. Recordemos que él también comenzó a vagar fuera de su barco, pero en ese caso, fue mucho más temerario.

De todos modos, mamá y sus hijos probablemente no se quedarán atascados en más paseos en Disneyland París hoy, pero, de nuevo, esta es una manera segura de ser expulsado del parque.

TMZ Studios

¡Au revoir!

DISNEYLAND PARIS Mom Takes Kids Off Water Ride ... Walk Through 'Small World'

TikTok / @georgiataylor2199

A family at Disneyland Paris was in no mood to sit tight when a famous water ride broke down -- 'cause Mama Bear took her kids and walked out ... defying orders to stay put.

Check out this footage -- it shows a woman sitting in her 'It's a Small World' boat with her little ones, before rolling up her pants and taking off her shoes to get into the water ... helping her 4 kids get off the ride, which was brought to a stop for some reason.

She's very matter-of-fact here ... taking the kids out one by one and carrying 'em to dry land ... where all the famous 'Small World' dolls and scenery do the whole song and dance.

There's also at least one Disneyland cast member who is yelling in French over the intercom, telling the mom to stop ... but she ignores the warnings and gets her family outta Dodge.

Other folks on the ride seem to be both shocked and maybe even a little amused by the rebel move here. We'll admit -- it is a shocking scene ... a family getting out of the boat and walking into the set isn't exactly a cheat code for getting a broken-down ride up and running again. But then again, when someone wants to get a move on ... we suppose they will.

Instagram / @magic.with.maegra

The good news ... this family kept their clothes on, unlike the man who got off 'Small World' back in November at the OG Disneyland. Remember, he too started roaming around outside of his boat -- but in that case, it was a lot more risqué than what we have here.

Anyway, mama and her kids likely won't be stuck on any more rides at Disneyland Paris today ... but then again, this is a surefire way to get booted from the park.

TMZ Studios

Au revoir!!!

'LIZZIE MCGUIRE' Reboot Writer Dishes on Adult Themes ... Here's What Got It Canceled

The "Lizzie McGuire" reboot definitely wasn't made for kids -- something we're learning about in much greater detail ... now that one of its writers is spilling the beans.

Jonathan Hurwitz -- who was working on the show for Disney at the time -- hit TikTok to explain what they were penning, and what pissed the Mouse House off in terms of plot points. Basically, he says they were writing about a 30-year-old woman doing grown-folk things ... which weren't always G-rated.

TikTok / @jonathanhurwitz

Check out his highlights of things they were having Lizzie do in their comeback season -- he says Hilary Duff would've been in the full swing of NYC living ... working as an interior designer while shacking up with her handsome chef BF -- who'd cheat on her with her BFF.

In their nixed script, they had it where Lizzie then moved in with her parents in Cali ... where she'd find herself back in contact with Gordo ... who's got some major bombshells for her -- he's engaged with a baby on the way!

According to Jon, Lizzie would've received a text from her old high school crush, Ethan ... later checking him off her "to-do" list after waking up in his bed -- something he says that particularly pissed off the family-friendly folks over at Disney. No sex, dammit!

Two episodes had already been filmed before Disney+ pulled the plug following creative differences between the streamer and Hilary ... which was pretty dramatic when it happened.

Hilary announced the decision on IG in Jan 2020 ... saying she wanted the reboot to be an authentic portrayal of who Lizzie would've been today -- anything else would've been a disservice to her. Sounds like Jon here is cosigning that ... noting, Disney wasn't down.

Of course, it's devastating that adult Lizzie never got the reboot she deserved ... but nothing's more upsetting, perhaps, than learning Gordo never got with her himself after all those years.

What could've been ...

Aubrey O'Day Dan Benson Slams Her for MLK Stunt ... Time and Place, Aubrey!!!

Disney Channel actor turned OnlyFans model Dan Benson is ripping Aubrey O'Day for exploiting MLK Day to plug her OF page -- a move he calls super disrespectful, especially for a white woman.

Controversy Generates Headlines

The “Wizards of Waverly Place” alum tells TMZ ... controversy is often the name of the game for content creators looking to attract new subscribers to their OF pages. He's not naive, but adds there's still a time and a place -- and MLK Day ain't it!

As we reported, Aubrey used the holiday by posting a series of thirst trap photos and videos Monday ... right alongside a famous, and poignant, quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Maybe Aubrey should've taken that quote to heart more. Dan says Aubrey should have taken MLK Day off from her OF work, and used the time to reflect.

Instead of using Dr. King to promote her OnlyFans, Dan suggests Aubrey should have donated some of her OF revenue to a good cause.

Of course, Dan's in the OF game too, and fully understands creators' drive to boost numbers -- but he says when the "thirst trapping" goes as hard as Aubrey's stunt, it deserves to be called out.

And, we all know the internet's undefeated at that.

Dan Benson critica a Aubrey O'Day por su promoción de onlyfans el Día del MLK

La actriz de Disney Channel convertida en modelo de OnlyFans, Dan Benson, está criticando a Aubrey O'Day por explotar el Día del MLK para promocionar su página de OnlyFans, un acto que califica de irrespetuoso, especialmente viniendo una mujer blanca.

la controversia da titulares

El "Wizards of Waverly Place" le dice a TMZ que la controversia es a menudo parte del negocio para los creadores de contenido que buscan atraer a nuevos suscriptores a sus páginas, no es ingenuo, pero añade que el Día de MLK no es ir muy lejos.

Como informamos, Aubrey aprovechó el día festivo publicando una serie de fotos y videos... justo al lado de una famosa y conmovedora cita del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Nuestras vidas comienzan a terminar el día en que nos callamos sobre las cosas que importan".

Tal vez Aubrey debería haber tomado esa cita más en serio... Dan dice que Aubrey debería haberse tomado el Día MLK libre de su trabajo en OnlyFans y utilizar el tiempo para reflexionar.

En lugar de utilizar al Dr. King para promover su OnlyFans, Dan dice Aubrey debería haber utilizado parte de su dinero ara una buena causa y él piensa que la reacción está justificada.

Dan dice que hace dinero mostrandole su culo a los hombres homosexuales, por lo que sabe cómo se juega el juego de la aplicación... Al menos el chico tiene buenos fundamentos.

Todos sabemos que internet es un lugar salvaje.

Jason Momoa y Lisa Bonet resuelven su divorcio un día después de presentarlo

Jason Momoa y Lisa Bonet parecen haber tenido su divorcio resuelto antes de ir a la corte, porque solo un día después, ¡todo el asunto está oficialmente resuelto!

Ya se ha dictado sentencia en el caso de divorcio de la ex pareja - que, de nuevo, acaba de comenzar oficialmente cuando Lisa presentó ayer una demanda de disolución del matrimonio. De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, todo está envuelto en un bonito y limpio lazo.

Según el acuerdo, todo, desde la custodia de sus 2 hijos, manutención de los hijos, manutención del cónyuge y casi todo lo demás fue negociado en privado.

El papeleo señala que JM y LB compartirán la custodia física y compartida de sus hijos, Lola y Nakoa, y compartirán los gastos de manutención de los niños sin ningún pago formal de manutención infantil.

Lisa y Jason también han renunciado a sus derechos a recibir manutención conyugal. Ambos están cargados - así que tal vez esto no es tan sorprendente tampoco.

Lo interesante acerca de esto es que Lisa y Jason no estarían técnicamente solteros —al menos ante los ojos de la ley— hasta julio de este año, cuando los documentos dicen que su estado de soltero será oficialmente restaurado.

El anuncio de su separación hace dos años fue impactante, pero enterarse de que habían estado separados desde 2020 fue aún más sorprendente. Suena como si hubieran estado tramando un plan de salida entre ellos desde hace un tiempo, porque este es uno de los divorcios más rápidos de la historia.

Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet Settle Divorce ... Just a Day After Filing!!!

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet appear to have had their divorce all figured out before they went to court -- 'cause just one day later ... the whole matter is officially settled!

A judgment has already been entered in the former couple's divorce case -- which, again, just officially started when Lisa filed for a dissolution of marriage yesterday. According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, everything's wrapped up in a nice and neat little bow.

Per the settlement, everything from custody of their 2 kids, child support, spousal support and just about everything else was hashed out privately.

The paperwork notes that JM and LB will share joint and physical custody of their children, Lola and Nakoa, and they'll share the living expenses of the kids without any formal child support payments.

Lisa and Jason have also waived their rights to receive spousal support. They're both loaded -- so maybe this isn't all that surprising either.


The one thing that's somewhat interesting about this is that Lisa and Jason won't technically be single -- at least in the eyes of the law -- until July of this year when the docs say their single status will officially be restored.

Their split announcement 2 years ago was shocking -- but learning they'd been separated since 2022 was even more surprising. Sounds like they've been hatching an exit plan among themselves for a little while now ... 'cause this is one of the fastest divorces ever.

Mickey Mouse es ahora un personaje de dominio público

Olvídate del lugar más feliz de la Tierra, ¡Mickey Mouse es ahora un personaje de terror!

Los derechos de autor de la primera versión del personaje de Disney —del clásico animado de 1928, "Steamboat Willie"— expiraron el lunes y los cineastas ya están aprovechando para convertirlo en el villano de la nueva película de terror, "Mickey's Mouse Trap".

La película independiente británica aún no tiene fecha de estreno, pero la trama cuenta con un grupo de adolescentes huyendo por sus vidas cuando un hombre armado con un cuchillo y disfrazado de Mickey desata el terror en un parque de atracciones.

Eso no es todo, un nuevo juego de terror inspirado en Micky, "Infestation 88", también ha hecho su aparición, mostrando una versión manchada de sangre del personaje.

A pesar de que la primera versión de Mickey es ahora de dominio público, ambos proyectos dejan claro que no están afiliados ni respaldados por Disney, sin duda con la esperanza de evitar a los abogados de la Casa del Ratón.

Disney le asegura a los fans que la versión moderna de Mickey no se verá afectada por la expiración de los derechos de autor, por lo que seguirá siendo el embajador mundial de Walt Disney Company.

Que alguien le diga a Minnie que venga a buscar a su hombre... ¡porque está afuera matando gente!

MICKEY MOUSE MURDEROUS MAKEOVER for Horror Film!!! Welcome to Public Domain

Forget the Happiest Place on Earth, Mickey Mouse is going off the rails -- the happy-go-lucky rodent is now running riot in a horror flick ... and get ready to see a lot more of this new Mick.

The copyright for the earliest version of the Disney character -- from the 1928 animated classic, "Steamboat Willie" -- expired Monday ... and filmmakers are already taking advantage by making him the villain in the new slasher film, "Mickey's Mouse Trap."

The British independent movie doesn't have a release date yet, but the plot has a group of teens fleeing for their lives as a knife-wielding man in a Mickey costume unleashes terror at an amusement park.

That's not all -- a new Micky-inspired horror game, "Infestation 88," has also dropped ... featuring a blood-stained version of the character.

Despite, the early version of MM now being public domain, both projects make it clear they're not affiliated or endorsed by Disney -- no doubt hoping to steer clear of Mouse House lawyers.

Disney is reassuring fans the wholesome modern version of Mickey remains unaffected by the copyright expiration ... so, he'll remain the Walt Disney Company's global ambassador.

For now, though, someone tell Minnie to come get her man -- cause he's out here killing people!

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