Kim Kardashian Mi turno de ir a Disney con Saint... Luego de que Kanye fuera con North

La familia se divierte en Disney

Kim Kardashian no está dejando que Kanye West sea el único padre que lleva a sus hijos a Disney, pues se llevó a Saint West al parque de diversiones solo un par de semanas después de que North West fuera con su papá.

Kim y Saint fueron a la Casa del Ratón para pasarlo bien el miércoles y TMZ obtuvo un video de ellos subiendo a algunas atracciones en Disney California Adventure Park.

Como se puede ver, Kim y Saint tenían los pies colgando en Silly Symphony Swings, girando alrededor y alrededor mientras sus sillas subían más y más alto.

Saint consiguió que sus zapatos Yeezy no salieran volando y a Kim no se le cayó el móvil. Hey, los dos son profesionales de Disney a estas alturas, al igual que Kanye y North.

Como les hemos contado, North estuvo en Disney con Kanye y su nueva esposa Bianca Censori a principios de este mes, cuando los vimos montando la Mansión Embrujada como una familia feliz.

Kim y Saint están en el otro parque de Disney en Anaheim, y chicos, también tenemos video de ellos haciendo cola para el Incredicoaster, con un par de amigos de Saint de companía.

Pero la gente que estaba allí dice que Kim, Saint y sus amigos se dieron la vuelta y salieron de la cola para la montaña rusa después de unos 10 minutos. Aunque no está claro si el paseo se cerró, uno de los niños no era lo suficientemente alto para entrar o alguien cambió de opinión acerca de subir a la montaña rusa.

En cualquier caso, los hijos de Kim y Kanye siguen disfrutando de sus días en Disney, y será interesante ver qué padre va con Chicago y Psalm.

Kim Kardashian My Turn For Disney Day With Saint ... After Kanye Goes With North


Kim Kardashian is not letting Kanye West be the only parent taking their kids to Disneyland ... she's there with Saint West a couple weeks after North West went with her daddy.

Kim and Saint hit up the Mouse House for some Disney fun Wednesday, and TMZ obtained video of them going on some rides at Disney California Adventure Park.

As you can see, Kim and Saint were swept off their feet on Silly Symphony Swings ... twirling around and around as their chairs got higher and higher.

Saint managed to keep his Yeezy shoes from flying off and Kim didn't drop her phone. Hey, they're both Disney pros at this point ... just like Kanye and North.

As we reported ... North was at Disneyland with Kanye and his new wife Bianca Censori earlier this month, when we saw them riding Haunted Mansion as a big happy family.

Kim and Saint are at the other Disney park in Anaheim, and folks we also got video of them getting in line for the Incredicoaster ... with a couple of Saint's buddies in tow.

But, folks who were there say Kim, Saint and his friends turned around and got out of line for the roller coaster after about 10 minutes ... though it's unclear if the ride shut down, one of the kiddos wasn't tall enough or someone had a change of heart about going on the coaster.

In any event, Kim and Kanye's kids are still getting their Disney days in ... and it will be interesting to see which parent goes with Chicago and Psalm.

'Steamboat Willie' Mickey Entering Public Domain Soon ... 100% Probs Getting Ruined

Mickey Mouse is entering the public domain for the first time ever -- well, a version of him anyway -- and just like Winnie the Pooh's been desecrated ... so too is MM sure to follow.

Disney is losing its copyright over the original iteration of their prized cartoon character -- plus OG Minnie -- which was first depicted in 1928's "Steamboat Willie" ... directed by none other than Walt himself. Starting Jan. 1 ... they'll be up for grabs to just about anyone.

That was the first time Mickey had ever been onscreen, and that black-and-white form of Mickey served as the archetype template for all the other modern Mickeys we've seen since.

The Mouse House has had a tight grip on the rights to this old Mickey for years now -- and they even lobbied Congress to extend their exclusive hold for just a tad bit longer back in 2004 ... which lawmakers granted at the time. Their time is up now, though, at 95 years.

The original version of Winnie the Pooh (from the storybook) also got released to the public a couple years ago ... and we've seen what's happened to the beloved IP in the aftermath.

There was the famous slasher horror flick, 'Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey,' that got released -- which saw the old bear reimagined as a psycho mass-murdering killer -- and other twisted takes on the story as well ... and something tells us Mickey might be next.

Funny enough, the filmmakers who did 'Blood and Honey' said they actually wouldn't touch Mickey and make him go evil -- but ya gotta imagine someone else will, and probably ASAP.

The more familiar versions of Mickey we all know are safe for quite a bit longer -- but all these black-and-white ones are about to unleashed into the masses. Buckle up, y'all.

Mama June Taking Anna's Ashes On Holiday Trip To Disney World

After suffering the loss of Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, Mama June and the rest of her family are spending the holidays at the happiest place on earth ... and we're told Anna's remains are coming along, too.

Sources connected to the family tell TMZ ... before Anna passed, they had all spoken about spending Christmas at Disney World in Orlando, Florida -- and that plan is going forward, because the fam has rented a house in the area and will spend the week together.

We're told the family has a small urn holding some of Anna's ashes, and they're planning on bringing it with them to the rental house ... so they feel like she is there.

Our sources say Mama June, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" and her boyfriend Dralin Carswell, Lauryn "Pumpkin" Efird and her family, and Anna's daughter, Kaitlyn, will all be going to the Mouse House -- we're told Anna's ex-husband, Michael, got an invite for their kid, Kylee ... but no word back on if she'll be coming, too.

Obviously, Christmas is going to be a hard one for the girls after recently losing their mother ... and while there are no plans to bring Anna's ashes to the theme park, we're told Kaitlyn plans to wear her new necklace there, which contains some of her mom's remains.

As for the gifts, Anna said before she died that she wanted to give her kids iPads, and our sources say they were already gifted the tablets -- with the family wanting to fulfill one of Anna's final wishes.

As we reported, Anna died earlier this month from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma. The family showed up at her funeral in Georgia, and the plan was for Anna to be cremated after the memorial ... with her ashes being divided up and given to family members.

Mamá June Lleva las cenizas de Anna a un paseo de vacaciones a Disney

Después de sufrir la pérdida de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, Mamá June y el resto de su familia están pasando las vacaciones en el lugar más feliz del mundo y nos dicen que los restos de Anna están con ellos también.

Fuentes conectadas a la familia le dicen a TMZ que antes de que Anna falleciera habían hablado de pasar la Navidad en Disneyworld en Orlando, Florida, y ese plan sigue en pie porque la familia ha alquilado una casa en la zona para pasar la semana juntos.

Nos dicen que la familia tiene una pequeña urna con algunas de las cenizas de Anna y que están planeando llevarla con ellos al paseo para sentir como si ella estuviera allí.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Mamá June, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" y su novio Dralin Carswell, Lauryn "Pumpkin" Efird y su familia, y la hija de Anna, Kaitlyn, todos irán a la casa de Mickey Mouse. Nos dicen que el ex marido de Anna, Michael, recibió una invitación para su hija Kylee, pero no se sabe si vendrá también.

Obviamente, la Navidad va a ser difícil para las niñas después de la reciente pérdida de su madre y aunque no hay planes para llevar las cenizas de Anna al parque temático, se nos dice que Kaitlyn planea usar su nuevo collar, que contiene algunos de los restos de su madre.

En cuanto a los regalos, antes de morir Anna dijo que quería darle a sus hijos iPads y nuestras fuentes dicen que ya fueron dotados de las tabletas, pues la familia quería cumplir uno de sus últimos deseos.

Como informamos, Anna murió a principios de este mes a causa de un carcinoma suprarrenal en etapa 4. La familia se presentó en su funeral en Georgia y el plan era que Anna fuera incinerada después del memorial. Sus cenizas fueron divididas y entregadas a los miembros de la familia.

Jonathan Majors visto por primera vez desde que fue declarado culpable

Jonathan Majors luce bastante tranquilo después de que su carrera quedara patas arriba. Se lo vio tomando un café en solitario después de su veredicto de culpabilidad y la expulsión de Marvel.

El actor fue visto el martes en la ciudad de Nueva York por primera vez desde que fue declarado culpable en su juicio penal y posteriormente abandonado por Disney.

Jonathan luce imperturbable, al menos así parece en las fotos. Es notable el hecho de que no está Meagan Good a su lado. Recordemos que ella lo acompañó durante todo el juicio

el veredicto ya está

Como informamos, Jonathan fue declarado culpable de 2 de 4 cargos después de haber sido acusado de maltratar a su ex-novia, Grace Jabbari.

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persecución en la calle

El actor fue declarado culpable de los cargos de asalto imprudente y el acoso y fue absuelto de acoso agravado y asalto intencional.

En cuanto a su ex novia, Grace Jabbari —cuyas acusaciones fueron a juicio— finalmente rompió su silencio, publicando en redes sociales información acerca de una organización sin fines de lucro para las víctimas de violencia doméstica.

Grace dice que se apoyó en Santuario para las Familias mucho este año, el incidente con Majors ocurrió en marzo y le está pidiendo a la gente que donen algo para la causa.

Mientras que el abogado de Jonathan está señalando una apelación, Marvel y Disney rápidamente se distanciaron, echándolo de su papel clave como el gran villano de Marvel, Kang el Conquistador.

Una última nota interesante ... Majors está fuera con un solo café en la mano aquí, mientras que tenía 2 el fin de semana pasado cuando estaba fuera y alrededor en medio de su juicio.

Jonathan Majors Looking Calm & Collected First Sighting Since Guilty Verdict, Marvel Decision

Jonathan Majors is looking unbothered after his career was totally turned on its head ... grabbing coffee solo after his guilty verdict and Marvel ouster.

The actor was spotted Tuesday in New York City for the first time since being found guilty in his criminal trial and subsequently dropped by Disney.

Jonathan's seemingly unfazed, at least based on the photos, and it's notable he's by his lonesome ... with no Meagan Good in sight after being by his side throughout his NYC assault trial.


As we reported ... Jonathan was found guilty on 2 of 4 counts after being accused of roughing up his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari.

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In all, the actor was convicted of charges of reckless assault and harassment ... and was acquitted of aggravated harassment and intentional assault.

As for his former gf, Grace Jabbari, whose allegations went to trial, she finally broke her silence ... posting on social media about a non-profit for domestic violence victims.

Grace says she leaned on Sanctuary For Families a lot this year -- the incident with Majors went down in March -- and is asking folks to donate to the cause.

While Jonathan's attorney is signaling an appeal ... Marvel/Disney quickly distanced themselves, booting him from his key role as Marvel's big villain, Kang the Conqueror.

One last interesting note ... Majors is out with just one coffee in his hand here, whereas he had 2 last weekend when he was out and about in the middle of his trial.

Jonathan Majors Dropped by Marvel ... After Guilty Verdict

Jonathan Majors is out of a job at Disney, 'cause Marvel is dropping him from all projects in the MCU, and cutting ties in the wake of his guilty verdict ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the comic book movie studio -- one of the Mouse House's largest imprints -- will not be moving forward with the embattled actor, period. What that means ... he's losing out on his key role as Marvel's big villain, Kang the Conqueror.

That's a huge blow, seeing how he's already portrayed the character in one big Marvel movie -- 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' -- as well as 2 seasons of the Disney+ show 'Loki.' The 2nd 'Loki' season heavily featured Kang and his variants -- other versions of the big bad, also played by JM -- as did the aforementioned film.

By all accounts, Jonathan was going to play Kang for at least two more Marvel films ... and the studio was said to be treating him/Kang as the next Thanos, of sorts, in their franchise.

Now, though, that's all out the window ... and the two new 'Avengers' flicks that are currently in development and pre-production -- both of which he was attached to as Kang -- will go in a totally new direction without him. There'd been rumblings Marvel was already exploring their options even before the trial ... and it sounds like they're ready to pivot.

No word on whether Kang will be recast, or if they'll just tap a new bad guy -- but either way ... Majors was just fired by his biggest employer, and is losing out on millions of dollars.

Of course, the decision was swift ... coming down no more than a couple hours after he was found guilty on two of four counts in his criminal trial -- where he was facing assault and harassment charges after being accused of roughing up his ex-girlfriend in March.

He was convicted of reckless assault and harassment, and acquitted of intentional assault and aggravated harassment. In layman's terms -- the jury appears to have dinged him for what may have happened outside the car, and not necessarily what went on inside.

Majors' attorney seemed to signal he might file an appeal ... vowing to clear his name. Either way, it's evident Marvel/Disney won't wait to see how that shakes out -- they're out.

Jonathan Majors despedido de Marvel Studios tras ser declarado culpable

Jonathan Majors perdió su trabajo en Disney, porque Marvel lo está desvinculando de todos los proyectos del MCU, cortando los lazos a raíz de su veredicto de culpabilidad, TMZ ha confirmado.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que el estudio de películas de cómics —uno de los mayores sellos de la Casa del Ratón— no va a seguir adelante con el actor asediado y punto. Lo que significa que está perdiendo su papel clave como el gran villano de Marvel, Kang el Conquistador.

Eso es un gran golpe, viendo cómo ya ha retratado al personaje en una gran película de Marvel  —"Ant-Man y la Avispa: Quantumania"— así como en dos temporadas de la serie de Disney+ "Loki". La segunda temporada de "Loki" incluía a Kang y sus variantes —otras versiones del gran villano, también interpretadas por Majors—, al igual que la película antes mencionada.

Según todos los indicios, Jonathan iba a interpretar a Kang durante al menos dos películas más de Marvel y se decía que el estudio lo estaba tratando a él y a Kang como la próxima especie de Thanos en su franquicia.

Ahora, sin embargo, todo se fue por la ventana y las dos nuevas películas de "Vengadores" que están actualmente en desarrollo y pre-producción —ambos de los cuales se adjuntaba como Kang— irán en una dirección totalmente nueva sin él. Había rumores de que Marvel ya estaba explorando sus opciones incluso antes del juicio y parece que están listos para pivotar.

No se sabe si Kang será reelegido o si simplemente cambiarán de villano, pero en cualquier caso, Majors acaba de ser despedido por su mayor empleador y está perdiendo millones de dólares.

Por supuesto, la decisión fue rápida, solo un par de horas después de haber sido declarado culpable de dos de los cuatro cargos en su juicio penal, donde enfrentaba cargos de agresión y acoso después de haber sido acusado de maltratar a su ex-novia en marzo.

Fue condenado por agresión imprudente y acoso y absuelto de agresión intencionada y acoso con agravantes. En términos sencillos, el jurado parece que le dingged por lo que puede haber sucedido fuera del coche y no necesariamente lo que pasó dentro.

El abogado de Majors parecía indicar que podría presentar una apelación, prometiendo limpiar su nombre. De cualquier manera, es evidente que Marvel y Disney no van a esperar.

Jonathan Majors Found Guilty In NYC Criminal Trial


1:30 PM PT -- Jonathan Majors' attorney, Priya Chaudhry, tells us, "It is clear that the jury did not believe Grace Jabbari's story of what happened in the SUV because they found that Mr. Majors did not intentionally cause any injuries to her. We are grateful for that."

Chaudhry continues, "We are disappointed, however, that despite not believing Ms. Jabbari, the jury nevertheless found that Mr. Majors was somehow reckless while she was attacking him. Mr. Majors is grateful to God, his family, his friends, and his fans for their love and support during these harrowing eight months. Mr. Majors still has faith in the process and looks forward to fully clearing his name."

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12:42 PM PT -- Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg tells TMZ, “At the Manhattan D.A.’s Office, we are committed to centering survivors in all of our work. The evidence presented throughout this trial illustrated a cycle of psychological and emotional abuse, and escalating patterns of coercion far too common across the many intimate partner violence cases we see each and every day."

Bragg continues, "Today, a jury determined that pattern of abuse and coercion culminated with Mr. Majors assaulting and harassing his girlfriend. We thank the jury for its service and the survivor for bravely telling her story despite having to relive her trauma on the stand."

Jonathan Majors was just found guilty in his criminal trial -- after a jury decided the actor's fate following 3 days of deliberations.

The verdict came down Monday in NYC, and the actor was found guilty on one count of reckless assault in the third degree and guilty of harassment. Remember, he'd initially been slapped with 8 separate charges -- all pertaining to alleged assault and harassment -- but before things kicked off ... the D.A.'s office agreed to drop four of them in an effort to consolidate their complaint.

He was acquitted of two other charges ... one count of intentional assault and one count of aggravated harassment. Now, he faces a maximum sentence of up to a year behind bars.

The trial, which lasted about two weeks, had some standout moments right from the jump in opening statements -- when prosecutors alleged Majors had a history of violence in his relationships, and that the March incident in question was simply the latest example.

Prosecutors claim Majors and his accuser, Grace Jabbari, had gotten into an argument that night after she discovered some texts from another woman ... but asserted Majors was the one who escalated things by allegedly twisting her arm behind her back, and her finger as well. They also claimed he threw her back into the car they were in after she attempted to exit. In other words, they alleged he roughed her up ... and the 6-person jury agreed.

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One critical piece of evidence presented in court involved surveillance video of the night in question ... showing a scuffle between Majors and Jabbari, plus a foot chase shortly thereafter ... with Majors bolting away from Jabbari, who runs after him for a few blocks.

Jabbari herself also took the stand as the key witness, and she backed the prosecution's case ... namely, that Majors had gotten physical with her that night, and it followed a pattern of controlling/manipulative behavior that, at times, teetered on violence.

She described other alleged instances of Majors losing his temper ... and delivered emotional testimony. On cross, though, Majors' defense team attempted to pick apart her story ... including asking her whether she was actually injured that night, despite security footage that showed her partying after the fact and looking seemingly unharmed/unbothered.

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Major's 911 call the day he was arrested was also released ... he called after finding Jabbari passed out in his penthouse apartment and feared she may have attempted suicide.


Throughout the trial, Majors appeared alongside his current girlfriend, Meagan Good, who stood by him during the saga -- whose presence some thought would buy him goodwill.

The bigger question now, of course, is what happens to his career ... it was on the ropes even before the trial -- and now, it feels like he might start to be dropped en masse. It's a big blow ... Majors had already started playing Marvel's next big bad, and he was a rising star in Hollywood with Oscar aspirations too.

He'll be sentenced February 6.


Originally Published -- 12:04 PM PT

Jonathan Majors declarado culpable de agresión y acoso en un juicio penal


12:42 PM PT -- El Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan Alvin Bragg le dice a TMZ, "En la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, estamos comprometidos a centrarnos en los sobrevivientes en todo nuestro trabajo. La evidencia presentada a lo largo de este juicio ilustra un ciclo de abuso psicológico y emocional y la escalada de los patrones de coerción demasiado común a través de los muchos casos de violencia de pareja íntima que vemos todos los días".

Bragg continúa: "Hoy, un jurado ha determinado que ese patrón de abuso y coacción culminó con la agresión y el acoso del Sr. Majors a su novia. Damos las gracias al jurado por su servicio y a la superviviente por contar valientemente su historia a pesar de tener que revivir su trauma en el estrado".

Jonathan Majors acaba de ser declarado culpable en su juicio penal después de que un jurado decidiera el destino del actor tras tres días de deliberaciones.

El veredicto se conoció el lunes en Nueva York y el actor fue declarado culpable de un cargo de agresión en tercer grado y culpable de acoso. Recordemos que en un principio se le habían imputado 8 cargos distintos, todos relacionados con supuestas agresiones y acoso, pero antes de que se iniciara el juicio, la fiscalía aceptó retirar cuatro de ellos para unificar la denuncia. Fue absuelto de otros dos cargos de asalto y acoso agravado

Ahora se enfrenta a una pena máxima de hasta un año entre rejas.

El juicio, que duró cerca de dos semanas, tuvo algunos momentos destacados desde el salto en las declaraciones de apertura, cuando los fiscales alegaron Majors tenía un historial de violencia en sus relaciones y que el incidente de marzo en cuestión era simplemente el último ejemplo.

Los fiscales afirman que Majors y su demandante, Grace Jabbari, habían entrado en una discusión esa noche después de que ella descubrió algunos textos de otra mujer, pero afirmó que Majors fue quien escaló las cosas por presuntamente torcer su brazo detrás de la espalda y lastimar su dedo. También afirmaron que la arrojó de vuelta al carro en el que estaban después de que ella intentara salir. En otras palabras, alegaron que la maltrató y el jurado tuvo a seis personas de acuerdo con esto.

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Una pieza fundamental de la evidencia presentada en el tribunal fue un video de vigilancia de la noche en cuestión que muestra una pelea entre Majors y Jabbari, además de una persecución a pie poco después, con Majors corriendo lejos de Jabbari durante unas pocas cuadras.

Jabbari también subió al estrado como testigo clave y apoyó el caso frente a la fiscalía. Diciendo que Majors se había puesto violento con ella esa noche, y continuó con un comportamiento manipulador y controlador que a veces se transformaba en violencia.

Ella describió otros supuestos casos en los que Majors perdió los estribos y entregó un testimonio emocional. El equipo de defensa de Majors intentó desmontar su historia, incluso le preguntaron si ella estaba realmente herida esa noche. Esto a raíz de las imágenes de seguridad que la mostraba de fiesta después del hecho, donde se veía aparentemente ilesa y para nada perturbada.

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a la mañana siguiente

La llamada de Majors al 911 el día que fue arrestado también se dio a conocer, él llamó después de encontrar a Jabbari desmayada en su ático y temía que ella podría haber intentado suicidarse.

audio del 911

A lo largo del juicio, Majors apareció junto a su actual novia, Meagan Good, quien estuvo a su lado todo el tiempo. Algunos pensaban que su presencia le compraría buena voluntad, pero no fue suficiente

La pregunta más importante ahora, por supuesto, es lo que sucederá con su carrera, la cual estaba contra las cuerdas incluso antes del juicio. Este es un gran golpe considerando que Majors ya había comenzado a interpretar el próximo gran villano de Marvel y él era una estrella en ascenso en Hollywood con aspiraciones de Óscar.

Será sentenciado el 6 de febrero.

Publicado originalmente -- 12:04 PM PT

Kanye West Disney Day With Bianca & North

Kanye West is back home in California with his family ... taking his daughter North to Disneyland, a place that's practically her playground, but there were some big differences on this trip.

Ye spent part of his Thursday visiting the Mouse House with North and his new wife, Bianca Censori.

North's been to Disneyland a bunch with her famous parents, and other family members, over the years -- but this is the first time she's been with stepmom Bianca -- instead of Kim Kardashian -- as far as we've seen.

TMZ obtained photos of the trio making their way through the huge Disneyland holiday crowds with a personal Disney tour guide, of course, and some security in tow.

Folks in the park tell us Kanye, Bianca and North went the back way into the Haunted Mansion -- reserved for VIPs -- and North looked happy as she held Bianca's hand.

On their way into the Haunted Mansion, which currently has a "Nightmare Before Christmas" holiday overlay, we're told North and Bianca were talkative ... while Kanye remained silent.

Kanye and Bianca have been married about a year now, and all evidence points to his kids totally warming up to her.

After riding the Haunted Mansion, we're told the West trio hoofed it over to nearby Frontier Land for more fun.

As you can see, Kanye is covering up in a black hoodie, and we're told the group went largely unnoticed -- which, as you'd expect, never happens when Kim's there. Interestingly, Bianca was rocking one of her standard bodysuits, but a much more conservative, non-see-through, family-friendly one.

Kanye and Bianca have been all over the world this year -- Japan, all over Europe and then Dubai ... where, earlier this week, Kanye unveiled his new album, "Vultures."

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North has a verse on the record, so you could view the trip to Anaheim as a celebration of her rap debut. Miss Westie loves her some Disneyland!

Jonathan Majors Despotrica sobre Coretta Scott King y Obama en un audio Grita 'Soy un gran hombre'

Deberías seguir su ejemplo!!!

El infame sermón de Jonathan Majors sobre Coretta Scott King y Michelle Obama, que fue descrito en la corte, se puede escuchar por primera vez en audio y es ... interesante.

En este se escucha cómo Majors reprende a su exnovia y denunciante Grace Jabbari para que sea más como King y Obama en su propia relación. El audio fue liberado dentro de las pruebas que se dieron a conocer el miércoles, y como hemos dicho, es memorable.

Ya sabíamos el contexto general de lo que le había reclamado Majors a Jabbari durante este viejo incidente -que fue admitido como prueba por parte de los fiscales- pero escucharlo es algo completamente distinto porque se puede digerir en su totalidad, tono incluido.

Vamos a dejar que lo escuches tú mismo, pero por lo que podemos ver Majors parece estar enfadado con Jabbari por haber salido de fiesta con sus amigos, algo que piensa podría hacerlo quedar mal teniendo en cuenta su imagen pública y su estatus de famoso A-List.

Él le dice que tiene que tener en cuenta que son una "unidad", y que piense cómo Coretta y Michelle están al lado de sus hombres y se comportan respetuosamente.

Otra línea notable de Majors es cuando dice que es un "gran hombre", algo que repite.

Durante el sermón, se puede escuchar a Jabbari moqueando. También se disculpa a lo largo del discurso. Por supuesto, al parecer también estaba grabando en secreto a Majors.

La revelación de este argumento ciertamente no le hizo ningún favor a Majors la semana pasada, pero ahora que está disponible públicamente para todos es difícil saber si lo va a ayudar o a perjudicar, en general.

El juicio de Majors continúa esta semana, y ahora la defensa está presentando su caso.

Jonathan Majors Coretta Scott King, Obama Rant Audio ... Yells, 'I'M A GREAT MAN!!!'


Jonathan Majors' now-infamous Coretta Scott King/Michelle Obama rant -- which was described in court -- can be heard for the first time in audio, and it's ... interesting.

Audio of Majors berating his ex-girlfriend/accuser Grace Jabbari about how she needed to be more like King and Obama in their own relationship has been released in the massive evidence dump that came out Wednesday ... and like we said, this is one for the ages.

We already knew the general context of what Majors had yelled at Jabbari during this old incident -- which was allowed in as evidence from the prosecution -- but hearing it is something else altogether ... because it can be digested in full, tone included.

We'll let you take a listen, but from what we can make out ... Majors is angry at Jabbari for having gone out with her friends/partying -- something he seems to think can potentially make him look bad considering his high-profile image and his status as an A-list star.

He tells her that she needs to take into account that they're a "unit" ... and think about how Coretta and Michelle stood/stand by their men and how they carried themselves.

Another notable line that Majors drops here ... that he's a "great man," which he repeats.

Jabbari can be heard sniffling during the lecture, and she apologizes throughout as well. Of course, she was also apparently secretly recording Majors.


The revelation of this argument certainly didn't do Majors any favors last week, but now that it's out there in the public for all to hear ... hard to say if it helps or hurts him, big picture.

Majors' trial continues this week, and now ... the defense is presenting its case.

Jonathan Majors Llamada del 911 para su novia... "Intento de suicidio, creo"

Audio del 911

Jonathan Majors pensó que Grace Jabbari se había intentado quitar la vida después de su ruptura. El actor le dijo a los operadores del 911 que eso se insinuaba cuando la encontró inconsciente en el suelo de su apartamento.

TMZ obtuvo la llamada que Jonathan hizo el día que fue arrestado, en la que dice que está llamando por un "intento de suicidio".

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La Mañana siguiente

Jonathan le dice al operador que Grace le dijo que podría haberse hecho daño a sí misma después de que terminaron y pasó la noche en un hotel. Jonathan Majors afirma que Grace lo había dejado fuera de su penthouse en Manhattan.

En el audio, Jonathan dice que el portero del edificio tuvo que ayudarlo a entrar. Ahí encontró a Grace desmayada en su armario. Dice que estaba desnuda de la cintura para abajo, parecía estar inconsciente y tenía un corte detrás de la oreja.

Jonathan permanece en la llamada hasta que llegan los primeros auxilios y parece preocupado por Grace. El operador le pregunta si se había caído, pero él no está seguro.

Como informamos, dos oficiales de la policía de Nueva York llegaron a la escena y también testificaron que cuando Grace se despertó, le preguntó a uno de ellos cómo había llegado allí y le preguntó si Majors estaba en el lugar o fuera, aparentemente preocupada.

Los policías también testificaron que Grace les preguntó por qué le dolía la oreja. Recordemos que esta lesión es una de las razones por las que Jonathan está siendo procesado, pero reconocieron en el estrado que no le preguntaron si se había caído.

Recuerden, Grace le dijo a los policías que Jonathan la había atacado después de una disputa la noche anterior, razón por la que terminó siendo arrestado.

La llamada del 911 es parte de las pruebas del juicio de agresión de Majors, que continúa hoy. La fiscalía ya ha presentado su caso y ahora es turno de la defensa de Majors de empezar a llamar a sus testigos al estrado.

Jonathan Majors 911 Call For GF ... 'Attempted Suicide, I Think'


Jonathan Majors thought Grace Jabbari tried taking her own life after their messy breakup, telling 911 dispatchers she insinuated as much before finding her unconscious on the floor of his apartment.

TMZ obtained the 911 call Jonathan made the day he was arrested ... and he says he's calling for an "attempted suicide."

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Jonathan tells the dispatcher Grace said she might harm herself after they broke up, and he spent the night in a hotel. JM claims Grace had locked him out of his penthouse apartment in Manhattan.

In the audio, Jonathan says the building's doorman had to help him get inside, where he found Grace passed out in his closet. He says she's naked from the waist down, appears to be unconscious and has a cut behind her ear.

Jonathan stays on the line until first responders arrive ... and he seems concerned about Grace. The dispatcher asks him if she had fallen, but he's unsure.


As we reported ... two NYPD officers also responded, and they testified that when Grace woke up, she asked how she'd gotten there and asked if Majors was there or if he was outside, seemingly worried.

The cops also testified Grace asked them why her ear had hurt -- remember, the cut ear is one of the reasons Jonathan is being prosecuted -- but they conceded on the stand they did not ask her if she'd fallen.

Remember ... Grace told cops Jonathan had attacked her following a dispute the night before, and he ended up being arrested.

The 911 call is part of an evidence dump from Majors' assault trial ... which continues today. The prosecution has already rested its case, with Majors' defense starting to call their witnesses to the stand.

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