Robert Downey Jr. His Iron Man Ain't Coming Back ... Stark's Dead, Feige Says

Robert Downey Jr.'s time in the MCU has come and gone -- 'cause the head honcho of the studio just confirmed his character is dead-dead and ain't coming back ... period.

The actor was profiled in a new Vanity Fair piece, and they interviewed Marvel chief Kevin Feige to talk RDJ's time as Iron Man ... including what led up to it, and how it ended -- namely, with his character being killed off in 'Endgame.'

It was a huge moment for the Marvel franchise ... and there's been a lot of speculation Feige and co. would attempt to revive Downey's character in future installments, via alternate universes, etc. Welp, that ain't happening -- 'cause KF says Tony Stark's forever gone.

Of RDJ's departure, Feige explains ... "We are going to keep that moment and not touch that moment again. We all worked very hard for many years to get to that, and we would never want to magically undo it in any way."

'Endgame' director Joe Russo confirmed Downey wouldn't don the suit again ... adding, "We’d already said tearful goodbyes on the last day of shooting. Everybody had moved on emotionally. We promised him it would be the last time we made him do it -- ever."

The way the filmmakers describe it, it's almost like Downey is over Marvel -- which makes sense ... dude's been in the franchise since 2008, when he kicked things off in "Iron Man."

Speaking of that ... Feige says the studio heads at the time were reluctant to cast RDJ at first because of his tumultuous past -- but once they saw his screen tests and audition tapes, they knew they had their man. As it turned out, they bet on the right guy for the job.

Downey being counted out of future MCU installments is probably a bummer for hardcore fans -- you could argue Marvel's fallen off a cliff since Downey left. Get used to it, y'all. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Elon Musk Rips Iger, X Advertisers ... 'Go F*** Yourself!!!'


Elon Musk has a message for Disney CEO Bob Iger and all the other advertisers fleeing his social media platform -- don't let the door hit ya on the way out, and go screw yourselves while you're at it.

The owner of X was talking shop on CNBC -- on the heels of his recent Israel visit, and in the wake of antisemitism allegations -- and he fired away about the exodus of corporations cutting ties with him.

Check it out ... he says he actually hopes they stop advertising permanently, and then dropped a very clear "Go f*** yourself" proclamation to everybody who's jumping ship.

You can tell the host was shocked by Elon's choice words -- especially while live on the air -- so, naturally, EM said it again, and then asked if he'd made himself clear. He certainly had!

Elon explained that he feels like he's being blackmailed by these companies with the hope of paying for ads, and emphasized he wouldn't sacrifice his free speech policies for monetary gain ... even if, apparently, it means hurting his bottom line.

Funny enough, Elon singled out Iger in his remarks here, playfully calling out "Bob" as someone who was probably watching in the audience. Indeed, Disney was one of the major companies to pause its advertising with X ... as did many others.


Iger actually addressed that today as well -- before Elon's snipe -- and said, "We know that Elon is larger than life in many respects, and that his name is very much connected to the companies he founded or owns. By him taking the position he took in a public manner, we felt that the association was not necessarily a positive one for us."

Seems like the relationship's getting worse, not better.

Jonathan Majors Assault Trial Begins ... Judge to Weigh Unsealing Docs


9:30 AM PT -- Unsurprisingly, Jonathan Majors arrived to court with Meagan Good by his side ... we've seen the two together a lot as of late, including Tuesday when they grabbed food together in NYC.

Jonathan Majors is finally going to trial for allegedly roughing up his ex ... and we might even hear about past allegations involving other women, if the judge allows it.

The actor's set to appear in court Wednesday in NYC, where the trial is scheduled to finally begin ... this after several delays. Remember, Majors was arrested and ultimately charged back in the Spring with misdemeanor assault and harassment.

His former girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, claimed they got into an argument in March, and he got physical with her in a car, which she says left her with injuries.

Of course, Majors has denied that from the beginning ... insisting it was him who got hurt in the spat -- which, several months later, resulted in Jabbari getting arrested by the NYPD ... although the D.A.'s office refused to prosecute her, maintaining she's the alleged victim here.

jabari small 4/23/23

There's been a lot of info, photos and videos that have leaked out over the past several months leading up to the trial ... much of which, Majors' camp claims, depicts Jabbari, after the alleged attack, having a night out on the town and seemingly looking uninjured.

Another twist in this case is the fact a police report taken in London -- 6 months prior to whatever happened between Majors and Jabbari -- was entered into the court docket by prosecutors ... although it's remained under seal up until now.

Media outlets have filed motions in the case to have it unearthed, publicly, and a judge is expected to weigh that motion Wednesday before court proceedings kick off in Majors' trial.

It's unclear who the other party is in that London report ... but there have been rumors of other alleged possible incidents Majors might have been involved in before his March arrest.

Another element of this saga is what Majors has been up to in his personal life as this whole thing has been playing out -- namely, him starting a relationship with actress Meagan Good, which seems to have come out of nowhere ... but continues to go strong.

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Good -- who hasn't addressed how she got involved with Majors, or any other details about why she's backing him -- has appeared alongside JM in a couple different high-profile court appearances ... and the two of them have been spotted in public all over the world too.

In fact, they were seen looking incredibly loving and cozy on Tuesday, cuddled up on the streets of NYC and putting on a united front.


Professionally, Major's career has been thrown into limbo -- he's lost film and TV opportunities since being accused by Jabbari, but he's been able to keep his Marvel job (for now) as Disney seems to be taking a wait-and-see approach to their leading man.

Other completed films of his have been put on pause ... so there's a lot hanging in the balance here for him. Now, we'll get to see what prosecutors believe they have against him in terms of evidence -- and more importantly, a jury's gonna be able to hear it as well.

Originally Published -- 7:12 AM PT

Jonathan Majors Comienza el juicio por agresión... El juez sopesará desenterrar documentos

Jonathan Majors finalmente está yendo a juicio por supuestamente maltratar a su ex y es posible que incluso escuchemos algunas de las acusaciones anteriores, que involucran a otras mujeres, si el juez lo permite.

Está programado que el actor comparezca ante el tribunal de Nueva York el miércoles, donde se dará inicio al juicio después de varios retrasos. Recuerden Majors fue arrestado y finalmente acusado en la primavera por delitos menores de asalto y acoso.

Su exnovia, Grace Jabbari, afirmó que tuvieron una discusión en marzo y que él se puso agresivo con ella en un carro. Ella dice que la dejó con lesiones en ese incidente.

Por supuesto, Majors lo ha negado desde un comienzo y ha insistido en que fue él quien resultó herido de la pelea. Varios meses después, esto dio lugar a que Jabbari fuera arrestada por la policía de Nueva York, aunque la oficina del fiscal se negó a procesarla, afirmando que ella era la presunta víctima aquí.

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De fiesta toda la noche

Ha habido un montón de información, fotos y videos que se han filtrado en los meses previos al juicio, gran parte de los cuales, dice el equipo de Majors, muestran a Jabbari, después del presunto ataque, pasándolo bien en la ciudad y aparentemente sin lesiones.

Otro giro en este caso es el hecho de que un informe policial de Londres, de al menos seis meses anterior a lo que pasó entre Majors y Jabbari, fue introducido en el expediente judicial por los fiscales, aunque ha permanecido bajo sello hasta ahora.

Los medios de comunicación han presentado mociones en el caso para que sea desenterrado públicamente y se espera que un juez sopese esa moción el miércoles antes de los procedimientos judiciales que se inician en el juicio de Majors.

No está claro quién es la otra parte en el reporte de Londres, pero ha habido rumores de otros posibles incidentes antes de su detención en marzo.

Otro elemento de esta saga es lo que ha estado haciendo Majors en su vida personal mientras todo esto ocurre. Comenzó, por ejemplo, una relación con la actriz Meagan Good, que parece haber salido de la nada, pero sigue muy en serio.

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Juntos en la corte

Good, quien no ha abordado la forma en que se involucró con Majors o cualquier otro detalle acerca de por qué lo apoya, ha aparecido junto a Majors en diferentes momentos de alto perfil en la corte, y los dos han sido vistos en público en todo el mundo también.

De hecho, el martes se los vio increíblemente cariñosos, acurrucados por las calles de Nueva York y mostrándose muy unidos.

Profesionalmente, la carrera de Major ha sido arrojada al limbo. El actor ha perdido oportunidades en cine y televisión desde que fue acusado por Jabbari, pero ha sido capaz de mantener su trabajo en Marvel (por ahora), ya que Disney parece estar tomando la estrategia de esperar a ver qué pasa con su protagonista.

Otras películas suyas se han puesto en pausa, así que hay muchas cosas que penden de un hilo para él. Ahora, vamos a ver lo que los fiscales creen que tienen en su contra en términos de evidencia, y lo más importante, un jurado va a poder escuchar también.

ELON MUSK Rips Iger, X y patrocinadores... ¡váyanse a la mierda!


Elon Musk tiene un mensaje para el CEO de Disney, Bob Iger, y todos los demás anunciantes que huyen de su plataforma de medios sociales: "No dejes que la puerta te golpee en la salida y vete a la mierda".

El propietario de X habló en la CNBC tras su reciente visita a Israel y a raíz de las acusaciones de antisemitismo disparó sobre el éxodo de las empresas que cortan lazos con él.

Échale un vistazo... dice que espera que dejen de hacer publicidad de forma permanente y luego dejó caer una muy clara "Vete a la mierda" proclamación a todo el mundo que está saltando del barco.

Se puede decir que el presentador se sorprendió por las palabras de Elon - especialmente en directo - por lo que, naturalmente, EM lo dijo de nuevo, y luego le preguntó si había sido claro. Desde luego que sí.

Elon explicó que se siente como si estuviera siendo chantajeado por estas empresas con la esperanza de pagar por los anuncios, e hizo hincapié en que no iba a sacrificar sus políticas de libertad de expresión para la ganancia monetaria ... incluso si, al parecer, significa perjudicar a su línea de fondo.

Curiosamente, Elon señaló a Iger en sus comentarios aquí, llamando juguetonamente a "Bob" como alguien que probablemente estaba viendo en la audiencia. De hecho, Disney fue una de las principales empresas que puso en pausa su publicidad con X... al igual que muchas otras.

Iger también se ha referido a ello hoy, antes del ataque de Elon, y ha dicho: "Sabemos que Elon es más grande que la vida en muchos aspectos, y que su nombre está muy relacionado con las empresas que ha fundado o de las que es propietario. Al adoptar la postura que adoptó de forma pública, sentimos que la asociación no era necesariamente positiva para nosotros."

Parece que la relación va a peor, no a mejor.

Disneyland It's a Small (And Naked) World ... Guest Immediately Booted

Instagram / @magic.with.maegra


11/27 5:49 PM PT -- We've obtained video showing the 26-year-old streaker being swiftly carried away from the "It's A Small World" ride by police ... all while hog-tied and completely nude. They attempted to cover the man with a blanket as they carried him through the park ... to no avail.


11/27 10:34 AM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us the 26-year-old man was arrested for indecent exposure and being under the influence. He was then taken to a hospital to get checked out ... but was eventually booked for the two misdemeanors.

4:53 PM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... this wayward guest was immediately removed from Disneyland following the incident. In other words, he's long gone.

A streaker stripped down at Disneyland and started crawling all over the place during the 'It's a Small World' ride ... this while folks were stuck in their boats and staring in shock.

Check out these wild videos that are making the rounds online right now ... apparently, this happened within the past couple hours or so -- although it's a little unclear what exactly precipitated this. In any case, it left guests with their mouths open ... rightly so.

Instagram / @iheartdisneyland

From what we can gather from reports/accounts, the attraction was shut down for a bit Sunday -- and, apparently, during that pause ... this fella hopped out of his boat, undressed and started monkeying around near the actual robots and all the elaborate set pieces.

In one video, you can hear somebody yelling at him to stop and get down ... warning him of the danger he was dabbling in. Of course, he didn't listen ... and kept on scurrying about.

At some point, somebody snapped him outside of the ride ... and it looks like he went for the full birthday suit look out in the sunshine.

The jury's out on whether this man has been apprehended yet ... but ya gotta imagine it's only a matter of time. We've reached out to Disneyland for comment, so far no word back.

Shield your eyes, children ... there's naked weirdos roaming, and they're baring it all!

Originally Published -- 4:23 PM PT

Guess Who This Beanie Baby Turned Into!

Before this blonde kiddo bundled up in her beanie and purple jacket turned into a singer and actress, she was just braving the winter weather in Bainbridge Island, Washington with her older sister and shining bright as a child star!

Her claim to fame was on Disney's "Liv and Maddie" where she starred for four seasons, and, now a brunette, she showcases all her glitz and beauty to her 48 million Instagram followers. In 2016, she played Amber Von Tussle on "Hairspray Live".

You may have seen her in the 'Marvel Rising' franchise.

Can you guess who she is?

Disney Latest Animation Flick 'Wish' Flops Box Office Woes Continue

Another miss from Disney at the box office -- the studio's latest original animated movie bombed with moviegoers over the holiday break ... marking just the latest flop for 'em.

Of course, we're talking about "Wish" ... with Ariana DeBose as the main character and Chris Pine as the big bad and a bunch of other cute side characters. Unfortunately, none of them were enough ... 'cause "Wish" only made $31.7 million through the 5-day "weekend."

Ticket sales were getting counted as early as Wednesday, but come Sunday ... "Wish" had underperformed by a lot. Projections had it pegged at $45-$50 mil over the same 5 days.

It didn't do great internationally either, pulling in just $17.3M overseas ... bringing its total worldwide haul to about $49 million. In layman's terms, the film flopped -- and it ended up coming in third place behind 'Napoleon' (#2) and the 'Hunger Games' prequel (#1, again).

This is not good news for the Mouse House ... which usually dominates the Thanksgiving window. Up until last year -- when their other original animated feature "Strange World" performed abysmally -- Disney had put out hits around this time of the year ... including "Encanto," "Coco" and others, all of which made a crap ton of money right out the gate.

What's strange is that "Wish" actually got good reviews and great audience reception ... so it's unclear what exactly the problem was. It's possible the SAG strike hindered promotion of this movie ... but it also ended well before its release date, so it's a bit of a mystery.

Mind you, this is just the latest fizzle for Disney this year -- others include the last 'Indiana Jones' movie, "The Haunted Mansion," "The Marvels" and others. Rough year, indeed.

Rachel Zegler No J-Law, No Problem ... Fans Still Starving for 'Hunger Games'

Rachel Zegler has been a lightning rod of late -- but the fact her latest movie just came in at #1 says a lot ... including the fact people apparently want more 'Hunger Games.'

The actress plays the lead in the new prequel, "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes," which took the top spot at the box office this weekend with a $44 mil haul domestically ... and about $99 million worldwide. That's pretty good, considering the budget was a clean $100M.

Granted, it didn't perform as well as all of Jennifer Lawrence's previous installments -- but considering she ain't in this one, not to mention the stiff competition, this result isn't bad.

We'll see if Lionsgate wants to do more of these flicks -- while the new 'Hunger Games' film will probably land in the black, long haul, it remains to be seen if there's enough interest in the franchise at this point to warrant another entry or two.

In any case, the studio's putting a smile in the aftermath ... with Lionsgate Vice Chairman Adam Fogelson saying, "We were a little lighter domestically and a little over [projections] internationally, so we’re thrilled with the result. It’ll be a great business result for the studio."

Of course, this has also gotta be a good sign for Zegler herself ... who can apparently put asses in seats as the star of a major blockbuster. You know Disney's happy to hear that.

As we're sure you know by now, RZ has caught some flak of late over the forthcoming 'Snow White' reboot ... namely, for talking a lot of trash about the original story, etc.

Fortunately for her, she won't have to deal with that for another couple years ... it got kicked down the road for a 2025 opening -- and as they say, time (and success) heals all wounds.

As for the 'Hunger Games,' it beat out "Trolls Band Together," "Thanksgiving" and the new 'Marvels' movie ... which took a historic nosedive in return for its second week in theaters.


Rachel Zegler ha recibido algo de hate últimamente, pero el hecho de que su última película acaba de llegar al número uno dice mucho, incluyendo el hecho de que la gente aparentemente quiere más de "Los Juegos del Hambre".

La actriz interpreta a la protagonista de la nueva precuela, "La balada de los pájaros cantores y las serpientes", que se ha colocado en el primer puesto de la taquilla este fin de semana con una recaudación de 44 millones de dólares a nivel nacional y unos 99 millones de dólares en todo el mundo. Eso está muy bien, teniendo en cuenta que el presupuesto era de 100 millones de dólares.

Es cierto que no funcionó tan bien como todas las entregas anteriores de Jennifer Lawrence, pero teniendo en cuenta que ella no está en esta, por no hablar de la dura competencia, este resultado no está mal.

Veremos si Lionsgate quiere hacer más películas de este tipo: aunque es probable que la nueva entrega de Los juegos del hambre acabe en números negros a largo plazo, está por ver si la franquicia despierta suficiente interés como para justificar una o dos entregas más.

En cualquier caso, el estudio le está dando un visto bueno a las secuelas, con el vicepresidente de Lionsgate, Adam Fogelson, diciendo: "Estábamos algo lentos a nivel nacional y un poco mejor (respecto a las proyecciones) a nivel internacional, por lo que estamos encantados con el resultado. Será un gran paso comercial para el estudio".

Por supuesto, esto también tiene que ser una buena señal para la propia Zegler, que aparentemente puede llevar gente al cine como estrella de un gran éxito de taquilla. Sabes que Disney está feliz de oír eso.

Como seguro que ya sabrás, la actriz ha sido objeto de críticas últimamente por el próximo reboot de Blancanieves, en concreto, por no serle fiel a la historia original, etc.

Afortunadamente para ella, no tendrá que lidiar con eso por un par de años, ya que el proyecto fue pospuesto hasta el 2025, y como dicen, el tiempo (y el éxito) cura todas las heridas.

En cuanto a los "Juegos del Hambre", superó a "Trolls Band Together", "Acción de Gracias" y la nueva película de "Marvels", que tuvo una histórica caída en picado a cambio de su segunda semana en los cines.

Disneyland Man Jumps to Death ... Third Park Suicide in Less Than 1 Year

Disneyland is dealing with another tragedy ... a park guest jumped from a parking structure in what appears to be part of a recent and alarming trend.

Police in Anaheim say a 24-year-old man jumped to his death from the Pixar Pals parking structure Wednesday night at Disneyland resort.

It's the third time in less than a year someone has killed themselves by jumping from one of the parking structures within the amusement park.

Cops say they responded to a call around 9:30 PM of someone jumping from the Pixar Pals parking garage. They say the victim, later identified as Jonah Alexander Edwards, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Anaheim Police say they are investigating the death as a suicide.

Overall, there have been 6 suicides at the park's parking garage complex since 2010, and since December 2022 there have been 3 such incidents -- so, it's a disturbing increase.

The Disneyland parking garages, Pixar Pals and Mickey & Friends, are six-level structures ... and it's where thousands of guests enter and exit the theme park.

The CDC says about 2% of the 47,000 average annual suicides in the United States involve people jumping or falling to their deaths.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Underneath this freshly cut jack-o-lantern is an actress and singer who takes spooky to a whole 'nother level! She's so hooked on Halloween ... she's explored witchcraft, spirits and even ghost hunting. 'Put your sneakers on' and see if you've got what it takes to smash this scrambled star!

All month long, this pumpkin head has been sharing festive content, leaving her 50+ million Instagram followers with anticipation for this year's costumes ... 'Cat Woman,' "Ghostbusters" and "Alice in Wonderland" are just a few (of the many) iconic looks this Disney star has slayed over the years.

Can you guess this Halloween aficionado?

JONATHAN MAJORS La película "Magazine Dreams" es suspendida indefinidamente

Jonathan Majors se suponía que tenía una película por salir este año, pero eso no pasará por el momento, pues Disney ha decidido ponerla en pausa, en medio de su juicio pendiente por asalto.

"Magazine Dreams" ha sido cancelado indefinidamente por estudio, que tenía previsto estrenar la película bajo su filial Searchlight Pictures a principios de diciembre. A partir de ahora, sin embargo, la fecha de lanzamiento de la película se ha movido a "no fijado".

El momento no es ninguna sorpresa, teniendo en cuenta que el juicio penal de Jonathan Majors ha sido programado para el 29 de noviembre, solo una semana más o menos antes del estreno inicial de "Magazine Dreams". Teniendo en cuenta que Disney no sabe qué camino tomarán las cosas en los tribunales, están cubriendo sus apuestas por él.

Por extraño que parezca, se procedió con la temporada 2 de "Loki", que cuenta con Majors en gran medida, y que en realidad ha recibido críticas muy favorables en los últimos tiempos, especialmente por su actuación como Kang.

Por un lado, Disney parece haberlo apoyado sacando adelante "Loki" sin problemas, pero, por otro lado, están frenando el rodaje de una película centrada exclusivamente en él como protagonista.

Por supuesto, está la huelga de actores en curso, que también podría estar influyendo en ello.

Para enredar las aguas aún más, están todos los giros que ha tomado el caso judicial de Majors, incluyendo el hecho de que la policía de Nueva York detuvo a su denunciante y ex novia, Grace Jabbari, bajo sospecha de asalto, a pesar de que la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan dice que no la están procesando.

En otras palabras, su detención no servirá de nada y resultó ser un movimiento muy extraño de parte de los policías, dando a entender que simplemente no están en sintonía con el D.A. allí.

El D.A. mientras tanto, ha añadido munición adicional a sus pruebas, con un informe de la policía del Reino Unido que sugiere que una mujer separada acusó a Jonathan Majors de violencia también. Los detalles de ese supuesto incidente, sin embargo, no están claros.

Luego, están todas esas fotos/videos de vigilancia de Jabbari la noche del suceso, donde se ve bien después de haber sido supuestamente maltratada. Como hemos dicho, todo ha sido muy raro.

En cualquier caso, todo saldrá a la luz muy pronto, después de un montón de retrasos, la pelea finalmente va ante un jurado y suponemos que sabremos cuál es el destino de Majors con Disney para entonces.

Jonathan Majors 'Magazine Dreams' Film Yanked Indefinitely Amid Assault Trial

Jonathan Majors was supposed to have an Oscar-buzzy film come out this year -- but that ain't happening now, 'cause Disney's hitting pause ... this amid his pending assault trial.

The actor's bodybuilding drama, "Magazine Dreams," has been yanked indefinitely by the Mouse House ... which was due to release this flick under its Searchlight Pictures subsidiary in early December. As of now, though, the film's release date has been moved to "unset."

The timing is no surprise, considering JM's criminal trial has been scheduled to start on Nov. 29 ... just a week or so before "Magazine Dreams" was originally set for its debut. Considering Disney doesn't know which way things will go in court -- they're hedging their bets on him.

Strangely enough ... they proceeded with season 2 of "Loki," which heavily features Majors -- and which has actually gotten rave reviews of late, especially for his performance as Kang.

The guy finds himself in limbo at the moment -- on the one hand, Disney seems to have stood by him by not replacing him in the MCU and by trotting out "Loki" without issue ... but on the other hand, they're slowing their roll on a film that solely focuses on him as the star.

Of course, there's the actors' strike that's ongoing -- so that, too, could be playing into this.

Muddying up the waters even further, of course, have been all the twists and turns in Majors' case itself ... including the fact that the NYPD arrested his accuser/ex-GF, Grace Jabbari, on suspicion of assault -- even though the Manhattan D.A.'s office says they're not prosecuting.

In other words, her arrest will amount to nothing -- and it proved to be a very strange move by the cops ... showing that they're simply not on the same page with the D.A. there.

The D.A. meanwhile has added apparent extra ammo to their evidence war chest -- throwing in a UK police report of alleged DV in England ... suggesting a separate woman has accused JM of violence as well. The details of that alleged incident, however, aren't clear.

Then, there are all those surveillance pics/videos of Jabbari the night of ... looking quite alright after allegedly getting brutalized. Like we said, the whole thing has been weird as hell.

In any case, all will come to light soon enough -- after a lot of delays, this thing's finally going before a jury ... and we suppose we'll learn what Majors' fate is with Disney by then.

Rachel Zegler 'Snow White' Flick Delayed CGI 'Dwarfs' Getting Swapped In

Disney's going back to the drawing board for their 'Snow White' reboot -- 'cause they just delayed its release by a year ... and are now promising actual dwarves, albeit fake ones.

The Mouse House made the announcement Friday ... instead of coming out in March, the 'SW' live-action film is slated for Spring 2025. Some cite the ongoing actors' strike as the impetus for this, but others see a far more obvious reason ... a helluva lot of backlash.

That seems to be confirmed with the first official publicity pic Disney released amid the delay news. You see Rachel Zegler (as Snow White) surrounded by the Seven Dwarfs ... only here, they're all completely animated with CGI -- and they're short, just like in the OG.

Why that's taking people by surprise ... earlier this year, set photos from this film leaked prematurely -- which showed 'em doing pickup shots out in the UK, and which appeared to unveil what the "dwarfs" were going to look like in this reimagined 21st-century version.

Instead of using little-person actors to play the dwarves ... Disney opted to cast 6 random people (or typical height) and only 1 little person -- a decision that pissed off many online.

Of course, the whole reason they even went that route was because of Peter Dinklage's very public griping about the whole 'Snow White' story ... which he found demeaning to little people and completely "backwards." As a result, Disney promised to go in another direction.

WTF with Marc Maron

Now, however, the studio seems to be backtracking yet again -- 'cause here, they're teasing actual dwarves ... which appears to indicate they are, in fact, going to play up the classic.

Of course, if they do animate these dwarves (as is suggested in the promo pic) ... that'll undoubtedly get even more flak -- 'cause it'll make it so no little person actors can snag the coveted gigs. Plus, doing all CGI will cost a crap ton of more money ... so we'll see what Disney actually ends up doing. It's possible these drawn dwarves are just fill-ins for now.

The other element of controversy that Disney has to grapple with is its lead star ... Zegler herself has caught a lot of heat for hating on 'Snow White' and calling it outdated.

Her interviews over the story and character have been compared to Halle Bailey's attitude about "The Little Mermaid" -- and some see a stark difference in how they view the source material. Perhaps Zegler will change her tune a couple years from now -- time will tell.

RACHEL ZEGLER Se retrasa la película de Blancanieves Los enanitos serán reemplazados...

Disney está volviendo a la mesa de dibujo para su reboot de "Blancanieves", ya que el estudio informó que decidieron retrasar su lanzamiento en un año, al mismo tiempo que prometió que los enanos ahora serán reales... aunque falsos.

El estudio de Mickey Mouse hizo el anuncio el viernes. En lugar de estrenarse en marzo, la película de acción real de Blancanieves está programada para la primavera de 2025. Algunos citan la huelga de actores en curso como el motivo, pero otros ven una razón mucho más obvia, y es que ha recibido un montón de reacciones en contra.

Esto parece confirmarse con la primera imagen publicitaria que Disney compartió junto a la noticia del retraso. En ella se ve a Rachel Zegler (como Blancanieves) rodeada de los Siete Enanitos, solo que aquí están completamente animados con tecnología computacional (CGI) y son bajitos, como en la película original.

A principios de este año, se filtraron prematuramente unas fotos del set de rodaje en Reino Unido, que parecían develar el aspecto que tendrían los "enanitos" en esta versión re imaginada del siglo XXI.

En lugar de utilizar actores pequeños para interpretar a los enanitos, Disney optó por elegir a 6 personas con una altura promedio y solo 1 pequeña, una decisión que cabreó a muchos usuarios en las redes.

Por supuesto, la razón por la que tomaron ese camino fue la queja pública de Peter Dinklage sobre la historia de Blancanieves, que consideró degradante para las personas pequeñas y completamente "retrógrada". Como resultado, Disney prometió ir en otra dirección.

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Ahora, sin embargo, el estudio parece estar dando marcha atrás una vez más porque en esta nueva foto parece que están probando con enanos reales, lo que parece indicar que van a optar por el estilo clásico.

Por supuesto, si animan a estos enanos (como se sugiere en la imagen promocional), eso sin duda recibirá aún más críticas, porque implicaría que ningún actor pequeño pueda hacerse con los codiciados papeles. Además, hacer todo con CGI costará muchísimo más dinero, así que ya veremos qué acaba haciendo Disney. Es posible que estos enanos dibujados sean solo de relleno por ahora.

El otro elemento de controversia con el que Disney ha tenido que lidiar es su estrella principal. La misma Zegler ha sido muy criticada por odiar a Blancanieves y calificarla de anticuada.

Sus entrevistas sobre la historia y el personaje se han comparado con la actitud de Halle Bailey sobre "La Sirenita", y algunos ven una gran diferencia en cómo ven el material original. Quizá Zegler cambie de opinión dentro de un par de años, el tiempo lo dirá.

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